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06x03 - Black and White and Read All Over

Posted: 09/07/22 09:56
by bunniefuu
Here you go, murphy.

You ought to be careful

About bringing
your mail in here.

Dan rostenkowski's
been hanging around

that sheet of stamps.

Ah, phil.

I'll have a fruit salad to go.

You know, for a big guy,
you eat like a bird.

Hello, murphy.

Mitchell, things
must really be tight

If the network's making
its vice presidents

Pick up their lunch.

It isn't just for me.

We're spending so much on our
overpaid star reporters

That one fruit salad has to feed
the entire executive wing.

That is unfair.

After all, all we do

Is find the stories,
research them

And present them in a way

That brings in
millions of viewers.

You executives,

Come up with those great slogans
for the new fall season.

What is it this year--

"Watch us--
we're cheaper than cable"?

You're forgetting we're also
expected to play tennis

And decide who gets
the big offices.

Apparently, yours
isn't big enough.

You see, that is the difference
between us.

Your office is your world,
whereas the world is my office.

I never stop working.

A symposium
at georgetown next week.

A fund-raising dinner dance
at the smithsonian on sunday.

True, it's not a work function,

But I'll be
making contacts there.

What are you doing on sunday?

Well, I may not...

What are you doing?
You want go?

You're asking me out?

You're here. You're a man.
I'm organizing my life.

Yes or no?

That's the smoothest
pick-up line I've heard

Since bob packwood
stopped in here

On secretaries' day.

Such a gracious invitation.

How could I possibly refuse?

Thanks, mitchell.
You're a prince.

Well, I'm doing it
for the network.

I have to make sure

That our highly paid talent
gets back to work

Instead of hanging in a bar
a￷l day

Looking for a date.

I swear to you

I had no idea
it would be that bad.

Are you kidding?
You knew.

You flat-out suckered me
into going. Admit it.

No, I thought it would be fun.

I mean, a formal dance

With lots of politicians
and a museum

To raise money
for a new fossil wing?

Ha ha ha! Sucker!

Go ahead and laugh

'Cause while you were
in the ladies' room

I signed you up
for the fund-raising committee

On a migratory bird exhibit.

That is low.

You know, mitchell,
I have to say

I had you pegged
as a stuffed-shirt

Boring, uptight kind of guy

And you are...

But when you tried to teach
janet reno the "achey-breaky"

That showed real promise.

That was nothing compared
to how you got our car first

By telling the valet
I was patrick ewing

And had to get out

In time
for the tip-off.

Hey, you work
with what you got.

Mitchell, I want
to ask you something.

Did you get the feeling

We were attracting attention

Well, maybe people
just aren't used

To seeing you with someone...

That must be it.

Well, thanks a lot
for coming with me

And being my...

(Clears throat)

Person who came with me.

Well, I'm always
here for you.

You just let me know
if you need a date

For the next supreme court
bowling party.

Good night, murphy.

Good night, mitchell.

(Clears throat)

Mitchell, this is
a nice surprise.

What brings our favorite v.p.

Down to the nerve center

Business or just come
to chat?

I really don't chat.

I don't have the time.

Course not.
Neither do we.

Not that we wouldn't make time
if you wanted to.

Chat, that is.

But you're too busy.

As are we.yes.

Small schedule change.

You'll be airing
later next week.

We're getting you
out of the way

Of some jane seymour

On another network.

I think in this one

She plays a beautiful heroine
with long hair.

Sounds like a good
programming move.

I'd chat about it more,
but no time.

No time, no.

Mitchell, hi.

Can I talk to you
for a moment?


I know you're trying
to organize your life

And it might be helpful

If in order to organize
your life next saturday

You knew where, when,
and with whom

You were spending
the evening.

That would be very helpful.

I have two tickets
to the kennedy center

And it would ease my mind

To know I'll have
a familiar face next to me.

I hate sitting
next to strangers.

I know what you mean.

And then there's
that whole armrest thing.

Other people always think
it's for them.

What do you suppose
they're talking about?

They can't be chatting.

He doesn't have time.

What are you writing?

Work stuff. You?

Thoughts and ideas.

They said
something about seven.

Seven what?

I can't hear

With the two of you talking.



for the interruption.



Hi. What you guys writing?

Work stuff.
Thoughts and ideas.

Well, in case your hearing
isn't what it used to be

Mitchell and I went out
last night.

(Pencil breaking)

We had a very nice time.

We're going out again.

Broccoli has only one l,

Well, hey.

How about that?

So you and mitchell
have something going.

Well, that's great.

Isn't that great?

Oh, murphy...

Just great.

I am all for this, murph.

I think we can move on.

No, jim,
I don't want to move on.

It's pretty obvious
how uncomfortable we all are

But maybe I'm the only one
brave enough to say it.

I think it's wrong
for her to be dating baldwin.

He's your boss, for god's sakes.

Well, technically, miles,
baldwin isn't my boss.

He's yours.

So you shouldn't date him

But I can.

Bad things happen
when people date at the office.

Or have you forgotten
vicki in accounting

Breaking up with earl
in the mail room?

Oh, right, like mitchell
would even know

How to drive a forklift.

Is that what's bothering
all of you?

The fact that mitchell
is a network v.p.?

I'm not bothered.

I think this is great.

I mean, it's just great.

I keep saying "great"

Because I don't want it to seem
I have a problem with this.

Because baldwin is black
and murphy is white

And whenever you picture them
together, you think

"My, there's a very black man
dating a very blond woman."

My problem is that baldwin
is so straight.

You were put on this earth
to give people like that grief

Not to date them.

But you're thinking
it's the race thing.

No matter how much
I say it's not

It will seem like it is.

That's what
you're all thinking.

I'm chalking it up to the fact

You're jealous of anybody
who has a second date.

Well, there's always that.


I just want you
to be happy.

I don't.

Not if she's
dating the boss.

Well, I think
what murphy's doing

Is wonderful.

After all, she hasn't had
much luck dating white men.

Expanding her horizons
is probably a really good idea.

Gee, thanks, corky.

And who knows, if things
don't work out with mitchell

I can always look into
hispanics and asians too.

Why, in china alone,
they have billions.

Oh, for the love
of mike!

I don't care if the man is purple.

Just because people
work together

Doesn't mean they have to share

Every single detail
of their personal lives.

It starts like that
and the next thing

You're standing
at the water cooler

Images dancing in your head

Of that raven-haired
receptionist on the third floor

Wearing lace garters
and frilly underthings.

Jim has a point.

I'm sure we have much more
pressing problems to discuss.

Frank, i...

It's no use.

Now, you're all
in your underwear.

I'm going to my office
and watch c-span.

It was appalling.

The second mitchell and I
walked into the restaurant

Everyone at the senator's table
started whispering.

Then they began
doing that thing

Where you pretend you're
looking at something else

So guess what we did.

We had drinks sent over.

Guess what kind.

I don't know.

Kahlua and cream.
Get it?

That's nice.

I don't think you get it.

Kahlua and cream.

They were so embarrassed

They left
without even ordering dessert.

You and mitchell
have gone out

What, four times
and every time your picture

Ends up on the society page
or people magazine.

That's my point.

I've dated men
who were more famous

And our pictures never appeared
in the paper.

Suddenly, I date one black man
and boom!-- I'm news.

I'd never get this kind
of attention.

I could date the entire cast
of the wiz

And no one
would look twice.

This is not the kind
of attention one seeks out.

So tonight

We're going
to the south african embassy...

I said
I wanted you to be happy.

I didn't say I want
to hear about it.


Did I tell you
what mitchell and i...

Yes, murphy.
Kahlua and cream.

I got it.

Sorry. I just can't believe

The reaction mitchell and I
have been getting.

I know.

Some people haven't come
as far as others.

Which reminds me

I want to invite

You and mitchell
for dinner.

Oh, thanks.

Not this weekend,
of course

Because my parents
are in town.

They're still
getting used

To me working
with a jewish person.

But soon.

Jim, did I tell you...

Yes, kahlua and cream.

This was delivered
for you, ma'am.

And if I may

I know
what you're going through.

I dated a black man once.

Society can be very cruel,


Just the woman
I was looking for.

So, how's everything going?


Ooh, muffins.

They're from ted danson.


You know, murphy

Sometimes, I tend
to get immersed

In all the business aspects

And I forget about the people.

So, occasionally,
I like to take time out.

Check in.

Catch up.

So, what's up? You happy?

Yes, miles.

Good, good.

Because if you ever had
any problems

No matter how tiny

I would hope
you would bring them to me

The executive producer

of going over my head

And screaming out
in the heat of passion

"Miles gave my health care story
to frank."

I'm not the type
to talk about someone

Behind their back.

it has been four months

Since I asked you
for that laser printer.

It got held up at the factory.

Then, you have nothing
to worry about.


bobby, bobby!

The factory!

Did I tell you
what mitchell and i...

Mitchell and i!

Mitchell and i!

Let's just forget
this annoying news show

And talk about
what's really important.

What color paisley

Does mitchell prefer
on his bikini briefs?

Or perhaps he favors

Cartoon characters
along the crotch.

Maybe donald duck
or steamboat willie

Is more to his liking.

And then
cary grant says...

Oh, never mind.

I'm sure you've seen
the movie. Excuse me.

I didn't know chinese food came
without the little white boxes.

I enjoy cooking.

Sometimes I spend
all weekend cooking.

I can see why.

All that chopping and chopping.

Making sure every piece
is exactly the same size.

Would it really taste
any different

If one piece of red pepper
was a teeny bit bigger?

Well, I may be somewhat
of a perfectionist

Which isn't easy when you're
stirring with a pizza cutter.


I could have sworn
I had some utensils in there.

Did you look
in the toy chest?

This is nice--
spending the evening in.

If I had known
you could cook

We would have done this sooner.

So I guess whoever didn't cook
has to clean up.

Where did that rule come from?

My family.

How did you do it?

Whoever didn't call in the order
had to throw away

The paper plates.

In my family, the smoke alarm
was used as an oven timer.

Okay, I'll clean.

I'll help.

So, what do you want
to do tonight?

I brought a surprise.

I love surprises.

A video.

He makes the dinner

And rents the movie.

What did you rent?

Persona,ingmar bergman.

How about that.

You don't like it?

I slept through it twice

But, really, it's fine.

Roll 'em.

I'm not going to watch a movie
you don't want to watch.

How could you sleep
through persona?

It was boring
and I hate subtitles.

The actors say
some really long sentence like

"Huska varna nearna svinsky
fernga ishka sloffen."

The subtitle says
one little word like "no."

Who's to say some swedish
translating person

Isn't having a great big
nordic yuk at our expense?

Since you cleaned up

Why don't we just
watch something

That you want to watch.

Well, maybe I do have something.


I'm flexible.

I'm going to take
a chance here

But I think we've been going out
long enough

That I can reveal something
personal about myself.

There's something
I like to watch

That a lot of people
think is... Well, unusual

But many adults really get
pleasure from.

This could take
our relationship

To a whole new level.

Road runner cartoons.

It's the one

Where the coyote chases
the road runner off a cliff.

The coyote falls
but the road runner doesn't.

The coyote holds up a sign

That says "that defies
the law of gravity."

The road runner
holds up a sign

That says "I never studied law."

Nope, I don't think so.

Well, mr. Flexible
sure has changed his tune.

Just because I don't want
to watch some cartoon.

It is not just
a cartoon.

It's an allegory

For persistence
and the triumph of the spirit

And it's funny.

Although it's not
the laugh riot bergman is.

Look, murphy, this is our
first evening in together.

I think we can enjoy it
without staring at a television.

Why don't we
just sit and talk?

Why not?

Conversation's good.

So, what should
we talk about?

Judging from our
past experience

Not foreign trade.

Not health care.

Not space program.

Not the gold standard.

Not andrew lloyd webber.

I came around
to your point of view

On how to hold chopsticks.

Well, you'd almost have to.

That was a great dinner.

I like cooking
and foreign films.

You hate reading subtitles
and doing dishes.

We covered that.

So we did.

So the road runner
just hangs there in mid-air?

No, don't.

Mitchell, am I alone in this

Or do you sense that there's
something missing here?


People looking at us.

Come on, we hate that.

I'm aware of the sound
of my brain

Trying to come up
with something to say

That won't get us
into an argument.

Out in public
we never had that problem.

You said yourself
it bothered you

When people gave us
those weird looks.

And the whispering
was very annoying.

And the photographers.

They drove us nuts.

I hated
all those things.

I don't know
why I said anything.

A few awkward moments
and I panicked.


So, you want to go out

For ice cream?

Great idea.

Oh, god.

Yeah, I know.

Okay, so, we're
the kind of people

Who like to stir things up.

We get a kick out of the way
people react to us.

Is that so terrible?

No, what we're doing

Is making people face
their own preconceptions.

We're performing
a public service.

We are telling the world,
"this happens, get used to it."

There's nothing
wrong with that... Unless...

Unless this is more
about stirring things up

And less about dating.

It is possible that we were
so wrapped up in the stares

That we overlooked
a few things...

Like the fact

That you are a tad bit
on the compulsive side.

Well, maybe you have a point.

Those raised eyebrows
were such a rush

I might have convinced myself

That your perpetual need
to be right was cute.

This from the man
who ran

Into a music store
for sheet music

To prove that the whole world
smiles with you

When you're smiling,
non while you're smiling?

You insisted it was a misprint.

Don't talk to me
about being right.

Oh, man,
who are we kidding?

Yeah. All things being equal

This probably would have ended
on the third date.


You're forgetting

The "let's go backstage,
baryshnikov knows me" incident.

Just for the record

It wasn't only
a matter of convenience

When I asked you out
in the first place.

For that same record,
if you hadn't

I would have gotten around
to asking you out.

We're still friends.

You don't have to leave.

I do if I want to watch
persona tonight.


You know, it's too bad
we're not going to be together

For the image in media awards
next month.

Lots of heads to turn there.

Well, we could still go.

Great, spike lee's
going to be there.

Good night.

Good night, mitchell.

And so goes another...

As so many men have gone
before him

And they all leave with
that same look on their face.

Eldin, what are
you doing here?

Avery's asleep.

I had an inspiration for that
blank spot above the fridge.

Hillary clinton
in a waiting room

With a thermometer
in her mouth.

Eldin, let me ask you

Do you think
I purposely pick men

Who are wrong for me?

Damn the muse
that brought me here tonight.

No, really,
I want to know.

I don't know

That you do it on purpose

But I do know
that they're all wrong.

Although I must admit
I would be hard-pressed

To figure out
who would be right.

Very hard-pressed.

Extremely hard-pressed.

I'm beginning to regret
I brought this up.

No, let's think about this
for a moment.

The right man for the woman
that is you.

Well, he would have
the brains of aristotle

The warmth
and sensitivity

Of that rogers fellow

The ears

Of a deaf man

The patience of...

Maybe you should just get a cat.

Mr. Rogers?

Where did you get mr. Rogers?

Now I'm going
to have nightmares.

Although it would cause
quite a controversy.

Mrs. Rogers would be very upset.

We'd be the talk
of the neighborhood.