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06x02 - Angst for the Memories

Posted: 09/07/22 09:55
by bunniefuu
♪♪ I see reflections
of you and me ♪♪

♪♪ Reflections of ♪♪

♪♪ The way life used to be ♪♪

♪♪ Reflections of ♪♪

♪♪ The love you took from me ♪♪

♪♪ Oh, I'm all alone now... ♪♪

Okay, people,
let's get this meeting started.

I have news,
big news, huge news.

Come on, murphy,
let's go, go, go!

Save your breath, miles.

She's late.

What's the big news?

It will keep.

Don't start this!

Okay, but don't tell her
I told you first.

Wait till she hears
the interview I lined up.

She won't know how to thank me--

A tiffany tie clip,
a mont blanc pen set

Or maybe just cash.

Cash is good.


I spent the last two hours
getting my porsche fixed

At guten tag auto shoppe--

Which, apparently,
is some form of german

For "put the money in the bag

Lie down,
and don't make a sound."

Why, you may ask,
did I spend an amount

Equivalent to avery's
first-year college tuition

Watching a guy named dieter
put a window in my car?

Because some lowlife smashed
the old one and stole my stereo

Right in front of my house.

If that wasn't bad enough

They took my favorite
al green cd

And two of avery's
barney the dinosaur tapes.

Okay, so maybe
it wasn't all bad.

But the point is,
where were the police?

Miles, were you
saying something?

I got you an interview
with nick brody.


What did you say?

That's right.

I got you an interview
with nick brody.

Nick brody the author

' S radical,
total recluse?


Yup. Pretty exciting,
isn't it?

not the word for it.

Do you think he'll bring
his good friends

J.d. Salinger,
jimmy hoffa, and bigfoot?

Nick brody.

Don't play with me.

He hasn't written a word
or given an interview

In years.

He's giving one now.

He finished a book,
and he's ready to talk.

I have the confirmation letter
from his publisher.

Let me see that.

He's just insisting
on a couple of things--

A minimum of publicity,
no pre-interview

And a bottle of -year-old
scotch on the set.

Who's nick brody?!

Just the voice
of my generation

The man who wrote
technicolor highway

A book that changed my life.

Oh. I remember that book.

I think it was banned
from my junior high library

Along with
catcher in the rye

The scarlet letter,
huckleberry finn...

And to think david duke was
a product of that school system.

He wasn't kidding,

This is incredible.

Let me see.

Technicolor highway.

You know, that book
started me on a journey

That in many ways
I'm still on.

Miles, I don't know
what to say.

Just doing my job.

You know me-- a simple
"thank you" is all i...

Oh, no. This is too big.

"Thank you" is not enough.

Here, I want you
to have this.

Murphy, I cannot
accept this...

Coupon for ten percent off
a lube and oil change

At guten tag auto shoppe.

Don't let dieter do it.

I think he drinks.

Hey, hey, hey,
wait a second.

This doesn't say anything

About murphy
doing the interview.

It says that he has agreed
to do an interview with f.y.i.

Just because murphy
wants something

Means she has to get it?

Where have you been
the last years?

The interview should go
to the person

Who is most familiar
with the subject.

He's got a point there.

That person would be me.

I've got a first edition
of his book.

I heard him read it.
I got his autograph.

I met him.
I shook his hand.

I slept with him.

You win.

I hope I didn't hear
what I just think I heard

Because if I did, I'll have
to reassign this interview.

It's not like brody
would even remember.

I was an undergrad at penn
in charge of arranging speakers

And he read from his book.

It was just one night.

Things like that
happened in the ' s.

It was a different te.

Oh, sure, the ' s--

As if that
makes everything okay.

I was around during the ' s

And you didn't find me
dropping my drawers

Every time somebody
said "groovy."

This is going to turn
into one of those

"Where were you the weekend
of woodstock" discussions.

I'll tell you where I was.

I was playing golf,
thank you very much.

And every time someone
yelled "give me an 'f'"

All it spelled was "fore."

Miles, I am asking you
as a professional and a friend

Don't take this away from me.

Well, I guess it does
sound pretty harmless.

I mean, it was a long time ago.

Not really, miles

Especially if you think about it
in geological time--

It's like yesterday.

Right, but not everybody

Measures time
between sexual encounters

By continental drift.

All right.

You can do the interview.


It's like ll over again.

I think I'll put on a little
sly and the family stone

Just to get in the mood.

♪♪ Boom locka locka locka,
boom locka locka locka... ♪♪

If I'd have known
it would mean an interview

I would have slept with him too!

I was pretty cute back then.

Might-- well, surprise you.

Since you'll find out
about them anyway

I'd rather you
hear it from me.

Yes, your mother did wear
stuff like this.

Oh, wow. Look at this--
my bandanna.

I wore this

At the demonstrations in chicago
in ' .

That spot right there
is where

Abbie hoffman himself
used it

To wipe teargas
from his eyes.

I was going to will it
to the smithsonian

Along with my frisbee

That glanced off
janis joplin's forehead

But now, all this
will be yours someday.

Ah! Here it is.

Technicolor highway
by nick brody.

You know, avery,
a lot of what I am today

Came out of this book.

It's about d

What you believe in

Even if it means
being different.

Excuse me
for interrupting, but...

Look at this.

A "pegasus the pig
for president" button.

We were trying to get a pig
on the ballot.

What a statement.

You know, I feel
that it's my duty

To point out for the benefit

Of avery's
young, impressionable mind

That the ' s were not all
they were cracked up to be.

To wit, it was definitely
not a great decade for art.

You've got to be kidding.

A lot of great art
came out of the ' s.

It was a time
of free expression.

There were no rules,
no restrictions.

That's my point exactly--

With bell-bottoms, a blowtorch,
and access to a landfill

Could call themselves an artist.

Let's not take my word for it.

Let's ask
an impartial observer.


You tell me--

Art or lunch?

I'm voting lunch

Because I believe when they said
that art should nourish you

That they didn't mean next
to a grilled cheese sandwich.

You never fail
to surprise me.

' S art represented change,
the questioning of authority.

I thought you'd love that.

At first I did,
but at a certain point

One says, "whoa, okay,
hey, we've gone too far."

For me, that was
when my friend dave

Glued a wad of dental floss
to a canvas

Called it "food for thought,"
sold it for $ .

You know, eldin,
I think it's time

For a dose of nick brody.

I'd hate to think

Of your becoming
a conformist.

I'm arguing taste
with someone who once wore this.

to the happening, people.

Miles, far out, doing a show
devoted to the ' s.

I dig it.

And I dig you, man.

That's just wonderful, john.

If brody doesn't show,
you can dig me a grave.

He was supposed
to be here hours ago.

This ad campaign
is about to blow up in my face.

You don't get it, do you?

This is just brody.

Punctuality is so establishment.

I've got a good feeling
about this.

just bitchin', murphy.

Right on.

Let's sh**t this puppy.
I'm double-parked.

Nick brody!

You know

You don't know
what this means to me.

This is just...
So totally... Oh, wow.

I didn't think you
were going to show up.

You don't go
on the air till : .


Where's my scotch?

This is an honor.

I'm murphy brown.

Sure, I know you.

I'm... I'm very flattered.

When you say you know me,
would that be from f.y.i.?

All right! Going live!

Here we go, in five...

Four... Three... Two...

Good evening,
and welcome to f.y.i.

For your information tonight
a special report--

"The s, decade of turbulence,
decade of change."

In a very special segment

Murphy brown has
a rare conversation

With author nick brody,
returning to the public eye

After a quarter century
of self-imposed exile. Murphy?

Thank you, jim.

My guest is as synonymous
with the ' s

As flower-power and peace signs.

His novel,technicolor highway

Became a manifesto
for individuality

And a catalyst
for social change.

His new book,warning signs,
will be published this fall.

Mr. Brody, welcome.

Oh, please.

is a madison avenue term

For coffee makers and peanuts.

Just call me nick.

Nick, I think the question
on everyone's mind

Has to be--

Where has nick brody been
all these years?

The hell if I know.

The last thing I remember,
I was on my way to a party

At timothy leary's house.

Seriously, though,
you have to admit

It has been
a pretty long silence.

It's simple. I didn't have
anything to say until now.

And why now?

Look around.

We are approaching
a social and cultural low point

And nobody's
paying any attention.

Which leads to the title
of your new book,warning signs.

Exactly. This country
was showing some real promise

And then suddenly we made
a dangerous turn off course

And I'll tell you the exact date

November the fourth,

The date reagan
was elected president.

It's been all downhill since.

The reason is obvious
to anyone with half a brain.

And that is?

Reagan didn't live up
to the promise of his campaign.

The man totally sold out the
entire conservative movement.

Ronald reagan?

Eight years of lying down
and rolling over to congress

On supply-side economics,
the sandinistas, star wars.

Why the hell
didn't we just nuke iran?

Then we wind up

With that liberal wimp
in republican clothing

George bush.

Excuse me, it just seems
like a strange perspective

Coming from the man
who wrote technicolor highway.

Am I ever going
to live that down?

The ramblings

Of a snot-nosed kid
who had no idea

What life was really like
in the real world.

Trust me.

Flashing the peace sign
won't do much against a guy

With a g*n
at the a.t.m.

You're not suggesting
that your book--

A book admired by millions--

Is completely worthless.

No, I wouldn't say that.

It did make me
a truckload of money

And as far as the ladies
are concerned

Well, let's just say it put

A lot of waves
in my waterbed.

You know,
it's funny.

I can't look at a woman
in her s these days

Without wondering
if i, you know...

Um, what about the values
of the ' s?

Working for peace,
questioning of authority--

Ideas which you
and your book inspired?

They're all crap.

They have gutted
this country

And given us a generation
of bleeding-heart liberals

And look who winds up
in the white house-- some clown

Who can't even decide
if he inhaled.

Shouldn't we judge
his performance in office..?

I am. You should see
what his budget has done

To my defense industry stocks.

As if we've got
a defense anymore.

I mean, this business
with fairies in the military...

Sure, I sleep safer at night

Knowing some sentry
is wandering around out there

With an m-
in spiked heels.

And what about
this health care mess?

I mean, who elected
this guy's wife anything?

And I co stop thinking
"this is not happening"

But I knew it was

And then I realized,
this is it--

This is the worst interview
of my entire life

And I have had a guy
die on me, frank.

Come on, murph.

I don't think it was
as bad as you think.

Maybe we just misunderstood him

When he said those baby seals
got exactly what they deserved.

You handled the whole thing
like a pro.

Thanks, jim.

With the possible exception

Of that moment when he called
pat buchanan

The most enlightened
public figure since moses.

Murphy, don't be too upset.

At least, he remembered

The night you two
spent together.

Oh, god!
You asked him about that?

I had to.

I wanted him to know
the person he humiliated

Was someone he'd once,
you know...

Aw, geez...

What did he say?

I believe his exact words
were, "that was her?

"I always thought
the blonde

"From penn
was diane sawyer."

Quite a show

Rush limbaugh
laughed so hard

He almost fell off
his barstool.

Oh, please, phil.

Great show tonight, people.

Phil, drinks are on me.

Dynamite interview,

Okay, I know it didn't turn out
exactly like you thought

I'm thinking we should do
more of these retrospectives.

Maybe next time

I can bake
rice krispie treats

With the weather

I'm lost again.

forget it, murph.

They are too young
to understand.

To them, the ' s
is a collection of tunes

You can get from k-tel for $ . .

I just don't get it.

Okay, I understand that
living alone in the mountains

Someone could go a little wacko

But this is nick brody.

What happened to him?

Same thing that happens
to everybody--der.

People get more conservative
when they get older.

Back in college

My friends and I used to do
some wild and crazy things.

Act, I used to be known

As miles "the mooner"

Just the other day, I caught
myself yelling at some kids

To turn their music down.

Let me just
get this straight, miles.

Are you actually

Comparing the dynamic

And social unrest
of the ' s

To your scrawny little butt

They just don't get,
do they, frank?

They don't understand

That when you're a child
of the ' s like us

You don't trade in
your values

Just because you've gotten
a few more wrinkles.

Sometimes I think
people on welfare

Should try harder
to get a job.

Oh god, frank.

I can't believe
you said that.

If not everybody,
just... A lot of them.

Well, I am sorry,
but if I was getting

A check every week

I don't know if
I'd try to find work.

I can't believe this.
First brody, and now you.

Well, excuse me, but
weren't you the one yelling

For more police
on your street?

More "pigs"?

That's not
a very s attitude,
now is it?

Whoa, time-out!

I have a kid to think about now, you know.
I'm not just worried about my car.

And what kind of car is that?
A porsche?

Whatever happened
to the vw micro bus

You know, the one
with the "eat the rich" bumper stick?

Just because
I can afford a nice car

Doesn't mean I've gotten
more conservative.

Let's talk about money.

Can you honestly say

The new tax increase
on upper income groups
hasn't as least made you
think "ouch."

I know I have.

I have.
Me, too.

Well, I haven't.

Have you looked at the deficit?

Even though
I'm taking a hit

I think it's important that those
of us who can afford it pay more.
It's only right.

Okay, fine. You win.

You're the only one
who hasn't changed.

Murphy brown--

Still the same ' s liberal
she always was.

I put avery on a list
for private school.

Oh god, it's true, isn't it?

I have changed.

How did this happen?

One minute you're ,

Standing arm-n-arm in the field
with the farm workers

And the next thing you know

You're at -eleven
trying to buy jumbo pampers

And wondering why everybody
can't just speak english.

What about the death penalty?

Tell me you haven't read
the paper lately

And thought maybe
it's not such a bad idea.

Just the other day I thought
about buying a handgun


I didn't...

But I thought about it.

Then decided
I'd just keep the shotgun.

Will you listen to us.

the death penalty, g*ns...

So much for the liberal press.

We're as bad as brody.

Judas priest! I've never heard

So much hand-wringing
in all my life.

I didn't agree with brody in the ' s

And I don't agree with him

All this changing,
back and forth, left and right.

It's just like driving.

Start out in the right lane,
but after a while it seems to slow.

So you zoom over to the left lane.

That seems too fast,
so you zoom back--

All the while
careening back a forth

Cutting off those of us

Contently driving along
the center lane

Forcing us to slam on the brakes

And nearly hurling us
our loved ones

Through the windshield.

Well, I

Stop off at the next stuckey's,
have a cup of sanka

And settle down.

I don't know, jim,
maybe that's the problem.

Maybe we've all settled down
a bit too much.

Does anybody here

Think nixon might
have gotten a raw deal?

Oh, no. Come on.

At least, we've
still got that.


okay, avery, we don't need this

Don't need these guys.

You'll want that.

We don't need this

A pig for president.

Oh, yeah,
we knew what we were doing.

And we certainly
don't need this.

We were going to change
the world, avery.

We were really going
to make a difference.

Guess we got lost
somewhere along the way.

I wish I could tell you

That you and your generation
will have better luck.

Take it from me,
you can't change the world.

Can't believe
I just said that.

"You can't change the world."

I heard that from every parent,
every teacher,

Every authority figure.

I hated hearing that.

Now, here I am
saying to you

And you're not even two yet.

Technicolor highway
by nick brody.

"I was born in the cool shadow
a roadside diner

"By the side of a weathered
old highway

"That stretched out forever

To the bottom of the sky
and beyond..."