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05x22 - Murphy and the Amazing Leaping Man

Posted: 09/07/22 09:48
by bunniefuu
Good morning,
ms. Brown.

I'm your new secretary,
dorothy hessmeyer

But you can
call me dottie

And I should call you..?

When something important

Dottie, I need you
to call research

And get me
any proposed legislation

On insurance reform
in the last six months.

Let me just get my pad

And write this down.


I don't understand.

Usually, he only barks this way
around skunks.


Brian, quiet.


No, don't worry, dottie.

He didn't even break the skin.

So, anyway, murph.

Guess what just arrived?

Yes, fresh
from the orient

A chinese spice so hot

That when we add it to the salsa
at the dinner

At the press club
tomorrow night

Andy rooney's tongue

Will swell up
to three times its normal size

And that is a lot of tongue.

This is going
to be fun.

Right, right, the dinner.

I can't believe it.

You forgot.

Frank, I did not forget.

I'm insulted that you
would even think that.

It's just that...
I'm a mother now

And I don't feel right
about doing mean things

To people anymore.

I know I can do
better than that.

How could you forget,

We go to this dinner
every year.

It's a tradition.

Eldin's driving
to philadelphia

To see the impressionist

I'm spending the day
with avery.

Can't you find a sitter?

You don't just
find a sitter.

There was that -year-old

But ever since
the zoe baird thing

She demands I pay her
social security

And withholding taxes.

I'm going alone?

That's going to be fun.

The only single
in a room full of couples.

What are you getting
so upset for?

It's not just this time.

It was the car show
last month

The b*ll*ts game

Two weeks ago.

Frank, my kid had a rash.

What was I supposed to do?

You're just going
to have to understand.

I'm a parent now.

Stuff comes up.

Well, I know that

But I was here first.

we had a deal.

We were going to be there
for each other

And grow old together.

Frank, we are old together.

I'm behind in my work.

I'm overloaded at home.

I don't need you
dumping on me

Because you have problems
going places alone.

Hey, I have no problem
going places alone.

In fact, I have gone
more places alone

Than you have ever gone
with someone

In your entire life...

And I can go
to this dinner alone.

Fine, then go,
and leave me alone.

I will!

(Doorbell rings)

Who is it?


Frank who?

I'm looking for dino

And the gold diggers.



What are you doing here?

Oh, no. Something awful
has happened, hasn't it?

Oh, god, no! Jim died!

I can't believe it.

I always thought miles
would be the first to go.

Relax. Nothing's wrong.

I was driving home
from this press club dinner

And I thought,
"you know what?

"I'm going to stop
by corky's.

"I've never
done that before.

It will be fun."

I grabbed a pie, some brews.

We can hang.

It's : at night, frank.

You came by to hang?!

Who goes to bed at this hour
on saturday night?

I do. I have to get up early
and hang at church.

Good night, frank.

Corky, please,
I need someone totalk to

And my therapist
has slapped a gag order on me

From : p.m.
To : a.m.

Corky, listen...

The real reason I'm here

Is because miles has audrey,
jim has doris

Murphy has the baby

And now that
you and will have split

You're the only one
of my friends who's alone...

Like me.

Okay... But put one
of those cathy coasters

Under your beer.

I'll get you a plate.

So, I'm at this dinner, right?

Everywhere I look,
I'm telling you

There's husbands and wives,
boyfriends and girlfriends...

It's couples,
couples everywhere.

The television is on.

What are you watching?

Espn. Brazilian volleyball.

Frank, do you want
to talk

Or do you want
to watch sports?

I can do both.

Well, all right,
just leave the picture.

Just mute it! Aw, oh!

Now, go ahead.

You were saying
there were couples everywhere.

Yeah, and I'm
the only one there by myself

And I tell you, it really,
it felt kind of weird.

Do you want a slice?

I'm not eating.

I'm just picking.

And then, as I am leaving

Morley safer introduces me
to his wife as "a bachelor."

A bachelor!

I am not a bachelor.

A bachelor

Is someone
with a cocktail shaker

And a zebra skin rug.

Maybe I'm not married yet

But I never thought of myself
as a bachelor.

Frank, you're years old.

You live alone in an apartment
with no furniture, no plants

And the closest you've
ever come to a commitment

Is the time you bought
that cardboard cutout of a dog

And you left that
out on the terrace

Until it rained
and the face peeled off.

You know, when I go
to murphy's to talk

We just play nintendo.

Oh, god!

How did I get here?

I tell you,
I always saw myself

Married to a nice girl

With lots of kids
running around.

Okay, maybe I am years old,
but I just don't feel ready yet.

No one's ever ready.

Sometimes you just have
to take the leap, and trust.

Doesn't mean it's always
going to work out.

Like with will and me.

But at least
I took the leap

And I'm a better person
for it.

So, you can either
follow my example

Or you can just say, "hey, world

"I'm frank fontana,
and I'm happy with my life

"And if I die old and alone

"Surrounded by nothing
but faceless cardboard pets

That's okay by me."

Oh, god!

Hey, guys.

Am I nuts

Or is there just a hint
of spring in the air today?

Get the net.

Murph, before you say anything

I just want to apologize
for what happened on friday.

It was all my fault...

My issues,
but I had

A great talk with corky.

She helped me see things
more clearly.

I did?

After I left your house
the other night

I was thinking to myself

I could do
the typical frank thing

And go into a big depression

Or I could follow your advice
and take that leap--

Maybe find the life that I want.

So here goes.

Guys, I would like

To invite you all

To my apartment
this sunday for brunch.

and afterwards

We'll take a magical
carpet ride to a land

Where pixies and fairies
will dip us in chocolate

And put tiny hats
on our heads.

Guys, what is so weird
about this?

I've been

To all your houses for brunch.

Yes, but, frank,
the difference is

Those are
our houses.

We have
brunch-type things there.

Things like food,
places to eat the food

Things to eat
the food with.

We appreciate
what you're trying to do

But take us out to brunch.

Somewhere we don't have
to squat on the floor

And eat out of cans.

I don't usually do
any entertaining

But you've got
to stop putting me

Into the same old patterns.

I want you all at my house
this sunday for brunch.

Spend a little time
with the new frank fontana.

Oh, god,
what have I done?

I saw the parking space,
so I took it.

How was I to know
you were going to park there?

Your first clue: my flashing
turn signal and backup lights.

Clue number two:
my leaning out

The car window, yelling,
"that's my space!"

I am shocked
at this lack of courtesy.

I have a baby now.

I have to lug around
an enormous amount of stuff.

You didn't bring the baby.

You're developing
a real mean streak.

I'd work on it.

Are you two cowards
waiting out here

Because you're afraid

To go in?

Okay, we stay one hour,
then we stagger our excuses.

Jim, christening.

Miles, tax problems.

Corky, aerobics.

Me, baby. Got it?


(Doorbell ringing)

Hey! Come on in.

We're glad
you made it.

Frankie's in the kitchen

With the stove going full blast.

Don't just
stand there.

Let me take
your coats.

Corky, what
a gorgeous outfit.

That color
is great on you.

Jim, miles. Where's
doris and audrey?

Tax problems.

Oh, that's too bad.

Well, more food for us,
am I right?

Murph, don't tell me

You left your little angel
at home.

Frankie showed me his picture.

Oh, my god,
he is so big.

God bless him.


Here, let me put these
in the bedroom.

Frankie! Stick your face
in here.

Say hello to everyone.

Hi, guys. I'll be right out.

I'm just adding the garlic.

Crucial moment.

Just like my father.

Italian men
and their sauce.

Am I right?

Who the hell was that?

Never mind her.

Who was the man
in the kitchen?

Whoever she is,
she knows who we are.

Frank must have
introduced us before.

Where did we meet her?

Everyone hurry, think.

Oh, god.

Look on the terrace.

Frank has a plant.

Forget the plant.

Look at this.


Where did it all
come from?

It's like we stumbled
into a parallel universe

Where frank is happy
and well-adjusted.

What can I get you all
to drink?

You mean

We're still sober?

Here you go,
a little bruschetta

But I don't want you
to eat too much.

I have got a big meal
coming out any minute.

Little antipasto,
linguini, some meatballs.

I'm jim dial.

I don't believe
we've met.


Where did you get
the furniture...

And everything?


It is amazing what you can get
by picking up the phone

And dialing - -couch

- -Lamp,
- -plate.

Frank, this is delicious.

Don't tell me. Tell julianna.

She made everything.

The only thing
I am cooking

Is my famous
marinara sauce.

So, you all
met julianna?

Well, of course we have,
many times.

Where exactly was it
we first met, julianna?

At the door
just now.

It's all right.

Frankie's told me
about you.

I feel like
I know you all.

Corky, julianna and I
met this week

But it feels like...

We've known
each other...

That's amazing.

I was just going
to say that.

It's funny-- I was going
to say something too.

What the hell is going on?

What's going on...

All right. All right.

For the first time
in my life

I'm facing facts.

I realize that if I want
to get serious and settle down

I've got to face things

So I went to this
video dating service

And I'm looking
at some tapes

And there she was,
julianna fratizonni.

I come across very well on vhs.

I always have.
I don't know why.

And she's saying

How she is tired
of playing the field

And she wants a life

Based on the traditions
she grew up with

And I'm thinking,
"that's me. I'm her."

We fit.

She's just like the girls
from the old neighborhood.

Except I haven't
done time.

We have been together
every day this week

And if things
keep going this well

The next time
you come to brunch

You might just be visiting
mr. And mrs. Frank fontana.


Miles, you okay?

You need
to be heimliched?

I'm okay.

Didn't choke cause
of what you said.

I just forgot
to chew and breathe.

Geez, I missed
one b*ll*ts game

And a press club dinner.

Don't you think
you're overreacting?

Murph, this has nothing
to do with you.

It's about me
and julianna.

I know it's sudden

But it feels
really right to us.

It does.


This is all so...


No, jim. That's not

What I was going to say.

Sick? Delusional?

A little strange seem

But we are really
committed to this.

So much so

That we have decided
not to have sex

Until after we're married.


This one definitely
has heimlich potential.

Maybe I ought
to get some drinks.

Let you get used
to the idea.

I'll give you a hand.

When I said
to make a change

In your life

The most
I thought you'd do

Is buy some new pants.

There you go, frank.

A simple misunderstanding.

She meant pants.

You heard marriage.

Get yourself
some nice khakis.

That will put the sing
back in your step.

Murph, you're telling me
to slow down.

I am years old.

I don't have time
to slow down.

I am leaping into my life.

Who are you?

One of the flying
fontana brothers?

You don't leap into life, frank.
You wade in carefully
so you don't hit your head.

Murph, I know
what I'm doing.

I just... It feels so...

God, how can I
describe it?

Madas a hatter?

Nutty as a fruitcake?

Hey, everyone

Look the pretty glasses
frank got

From - -goblet.

Frankie, I think
you better come here

And look at the sauce.

In a minute.

you don't like her?

I just met her.

In ten minutes, maybe I'll
want to marry her too.

It looks like the sauce
may burn.

I'll be right out
to check it.

What's so important
it can't wait two minutes?

Can't you see I'm having
an important discussion?

The sauce will wait.

This is not
how you settle down

And make a life
with someone.

And sine when did you
become an expert?

It's not just me.

Tell him, jim.
This is so...

Psychotic? Gaga?

Francis, we have company
waiting to eat that sauce.

I'm sure murph
won't mind waiting.

I am having an important
discussion with my best friend.

If you care s? Much
about the sauce

You check on it.

Don't use that tone with me.

I'm not your maid

Who said anything about a maid?

I'm asking for one minute.

I don't care

About the sauce.

You don't care
about the sauce.

I don't care
about the sauce.

(Pots and pans clanging)

She's the best thing
that's ever happened to me

And all I'm getting
is criticism, second-guessing

With "mentally unbalanced."

Well, you burnt the sauce!

The sauce is not burnt!,

T sauce is perfectly fine!

It is perfectly crap!

Now what do I do?

I don't care!

I am sick of the sauce!

You're sick of it?!

I'm sick of it!

We are all sick of it!

Maybe we should just
get rid of it!

(.glass breaks),

(Car alarm blares)

Murphy, so glad you took
that parking place

Right in front.

Where is
that tow truck?

I feel like the last guest
at the corleone family wedding.

She's still
in the bathroom.

What could she be doing
all this time?

Looking for the g*n
taped to the toilet t*nk?

I've got to hand it
to you.

This was absolutely
my worst brunch experience ever

And that includes the time

L.b.j. Sneezed that piece
of sausage link out his nose.

You're right, murph.

It was horrible.

How could i
get myself involved

In such a sick

I got to break it off,

That or bolt down your cookware.

Murph, you got to stay here
while I talk to her.

I'm afraid to be alone.

Frank, it's too weird.

Please. I begging you.

All right, I'll stay.


Oops, got to go.

If you're not there

When the automobile club comes,
bang, they're gone.

Your coat.

Mail it t? Me.

And if you crazy kids

Are thinking of throwing
anything else out the window

Warn me first.

Everyone's gone, huh?

All this food's going
to go to waste.

What a sin.

No one ate anything

It's kind of hard
without any sauce.

There might have been
if you hadn't let it burn.

Don't start about the sauce...

Oh, man.

Here we go again.

All of a sudden

Every time we talk about food,
we turn into my parents

One minute you were frank,
and the next minute

You were every one of my uncles
telling my aunts

To go into the kitchen
and be quiet.

I went nuts.

Now I know
why I avoid italian men.

That and those undershirts
without the arms.

So, I guess maybe
we ought to clear the table.

Right. Right. Good idea

Let's get this stuff
out of here.


Uh, uh, uh...

Just forget it now.

We don't have to clear now.

I just can't believe
I did this.

Why am I so afraid
to be alone

I could@convince myself

I could make a life
with someone a week?

It's just so pathetic.

It's not pathetic.

Oh, please.

It's pathetic.
I'm pathetic.

I'm in my late s.,

I'm alone.

Everyone I know is married.,

I'm in my .

That's pathetic.

I'm much more pathetic
than you are.

I just bought $ ,
worth of furniture

Sight unseen, over the phone.

Julianna, listen to me.

Come here,

Put the breadstick down.

Look... You are sweet.

You're funny


You've got lots of friends

People who love you.

Why do you have to have
what everyone else has?

You've got to spend
more time

Looking at
what you've got

Rather than what
you don'thave.,

When I look at you

I see someone
who is great...


So do i.




Maybe we need
a little more time alone

Getting to like
ourselves better.

Then maybe we could
try this again.

Maybe you're right.

Otherwise, by spring

One of us will be chopped up
and hidden in a freezer.

Yeah, like I want
to go through that again.

Come on.

I'll walk you
to the door.

You don't want me
to help you with the dishes?

They're really
not that dirty.

Remember? There
wasn't any sauce.

I'll see you, frank.

Hey, world!

It's me! Frank fontana!




aw, geez. I said warn me.