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05x07 - A Year to Remember

Posted: 09/07/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
Happy election day, everyone!

Don't forget to vote!

Good morning,
you two.

Aren't you excited?

I could hardly sleep
at all last night.

I kept waking up every half hour,
looking at the clock to see if
it was here yet.

I'm the same way
on election eve, corky.

In fact, last night,
I snuck down in the middle of the night
to see if bush or clinton

Had eaten the plate of cookies
I left for them.

I left a letter.

"Dear presidential candidates:

"I have been a good boy.

"I would like a balanced budget,
better health care

And g.i. Joe with kung fu grip."


You got a coffee ring
my voting booklet...

Right on the proposed
sewer bond issue.

You don't actually read all that stuff?

Of course, I read
all that stuff, frank.

It's important. Don't you?

I look at it,
but I don't have a lot of time.

Unless it involves
the really important stuff--

You know, president,
more cable channels--

I can't be bothered.

And you call yourself
a responsible citizen.

You're what's wrong
with this country.

I'm tired of hearing that.

Besides, most people

Don't understand what
this stuff is about, anyway.

Look, I'll show you.

Murph, uh...

Tell me what you know
about initiative seven.

Initiative seven? Oh, yes.

It starred yul brynner...

No, wait, that was
magnificent seven.

I'm sorry.
What's the question?

(Elevator bell rings)

Morning, all.

Jim, do you read

All those little initiatives

And bond issues on the ballot?

None of your business.

How I vote is my own concern.

No one knows how I vote.

Really, jim?

Not even doris?

Absolutely not.

And I have no how she votes.

After years of marriage

There are only two thing
about my wife

I feel I'll never know.

The first is how she votes.

The second is why she calls

The shower massage "steve."

Good morning, people!

And how is the best
election coverage team
in the business?

Ready to enlighten?
Ready to educate?

Ready to kick
jennings' and brokaw's butts?

Ooh! Nice clipboard, miles.

Sign me up
for intramural volleyball.

Well, aren't you just
so very amusing?

You think andrea mitchell
is making volleyball jokes right now?

I can assure you,
she is not!

She's lean, she's mean

And she eats news teams
like us for breakfast.

You give her half a chance

And she will rip off jim's head,
empty it out,
and use it as a purse.

Get in the game!

Gee, miles, how much coffee
have you had this morning?

Never mind!

Murphy. You're spending the day
covering senator bricker.

Will you be back in time

A your interview
with james baker?

No problem.

Bricker is a politician up
for re-election.

What could
his day entail?

Breakfast, lie, lie, lunch, lie, lie,
early supper, lie, lie...

I'm home by : .

I know one little citizen
who got up

On the cynical side
of the bed this morning.

When you've been through
as many presidential elections
as we have

It's hard to muster
the old enthusiasm.

Well, I'm sorry, jim.

But I don't think
we should forget

How important this day
really is.

Which reminds me

I'm using my lunch hour
to go vote.

Is that pretty much

When everyone else
was planning it?

(Everyone mumbling)

How could you all be
so wishy-washy about this?

Voting is
a very special privilege.

I'll never forget

My very first presidential

It was november , .
Reagan and mondale.

I'm so sorry I'm late,
bo, honey.

Are you mad?

Please don't tell me
that you're mad.

Are you, bo bear?

Corky, I got to be back
at the dealership by : .

We've got to clear out
all the models
to make room for the s.

November is cadillac month.

I know, and I apologize, bo bear.

I got held up
at the ad agency.

They wanted my opinion

On which life-size
cut-out of me

They should
use for the display

In the first bank
of new orleans

And I couldn't decide

Between the one of me

Proudly displaying
the new personalized checks

Like this...

Or the one where
I look surprised

At the leatherette
checkbook cover

That comes free
with every new account.

Which would
you pick, bo bear?

I'm sure you look
pretty as a picture

In both of them.

Let's get this over with
and get something to eat.

I got to get back to work.

November is cadillac month!

I'm just so excited
about voting!

Look, I even filled out
my sample ballot in advance.

Did you read this whole ballot
and try to figure it
all by yourself?

That is so cute.

Honey, this is written
in confusing, legal gibberish

By lawyers from new york.

It's way too complicated
for you.

No, it's not, honey.

I understood.

See, here, right off the bat

You checked the wrong box
for the president.

That's who I thought
I'd vote for.

You can't be serious.

The man's running with a woman
for vice-president.

Sweetheart, we can't have a female

A heartbeat away
from the presidency.

It's too unpredictable.

You know how
every days.

Bo, please!

Lower your voice.

I'm the first bank
of new orleans lady.

Besides, what does
being a woman

Have to do with anything?

I've thought a lot
about this.

I think I've made
the right choice.

Corky, honey, you can't even
between cardboard cutout
pictures of yourself.

You want to make
your life a lot easier?

You put this back
in your purse.

Now here, take my sample ballot.

It's already marked.

You just go on in there and vote,
and - - , we'll be sitting down to lunch.

Now here you go, sweetheart.

Take it. Go on.

I'm so lucky to have you
look out for me.

Look, why don't you
just go sit over there.

I won't be one minute.


I'm corky lynn sherwood.

And I'll be voting
for the very first time.

Well, good for you.

You sign right here.

Then you can go
into that middle booth.

All right.

You forgot your sample ballot.

Oh. Thank you,
but I won't be needing it.

Election day, .

John fitzgerald kennedy
versus richard milhouse nixon.

A day that could quite possibly

Alter the very fabric
of our country.

That's how I'd like
to start, al.

Does that seem all right to you?

You're right.

Coming out of the booth
is too theatrical.

Maybe I should just
stand here, right?

No, that's too boring.

Maybe I should sit.

Oh, that's brilliant.

I could take my comb

And do my impression
of edd "kookie" byrnes.

My first election story
and I'm looking for an angle.

Jimmy, big news. I just got off
the phone with the station.

We're going national.

Al, crank her up.

Sorry, dave, who's going national?

We are. The station just heard

That nbc has got
chancellor and vanocur
doing regional coverage.

So they want the same thing
and they want it now.

dave, are you saying..?

Yep. You, chicago,
and this v.f.w. Hall

Are our midwest

Jimmy dial,
tonight you're going to be

Introduced to the world
by walter cronkite.


Al, we've only got
time for one shot.

So give me your best.

Uh, dave, are...
Are you sure

You have the right
person for this?

I'm not an anchor.

I'm a local field reporter.

Last night, I covered
a beef tongue carnival.

I interviewed
the kielbasa queen.

I'm not ready for cronkite.

Jimmy, I don't have time for this.
Opportunity's knocking.

Answer it!

You got a shot

At moving up
the broadcast ladder

Until, who knows?

Maybe you'll hit
the bull's-eye--

National anchor--

Or you can kiss it off

And spend the rest
of your career

At channel ,
as poop deck pete

In the cartoons ahoy.

What's it going to be?

Okay. I'll do it.

Let's go, al.

Uh, election day...


Presidential election day...

Election day...


Election day, .

A new decade,
a new president,
a new opportunity.

Standing here
in this v.f.w. Hall

This reporter
can't help but notice

A feeling among these voters--

A feeling that is somehow bigger
than this presidential election

And that feeling is hope.
Hope for the future.

Hope for the opportunity
that lies ahead.

Before you order, frank,

We got some specials
in honor of the occasion.

We got bush burger and fries.

Clinton clam chowder
and h. Ross perogies.

Now that last item

Is a little tricky.

Even though it's on the menu
if you order it

I can't guarantee
it will show up on your plate.

I'll have a turkey club.

Very bipartisan
of you, frank.

Jim, miles, over here.

I just came to pick up my lunch.

I got held up
at the polls.
I can't stay.

Sometimes, one forgets

That it's quite
a thrilling feeling

To cast your vote and
realize you've done your part, and

Then you get free pie.


I'd better vote soon.
They're going to run out of pie.

Don't forget to vote.

Hey, miles,
look at this girl.

Wow, that's great,
isn't it?

Every vote counts.

She really cares
about this election.

Here you go.

And you.

Don't forget to vote.

Every vote counts.

Tell you, miles.

I can't remember the last time

I cared that much
about something.

Don't forget to vote.

Every vote counts.

You can't wear that
mcgovern button in here.

It's against the law.

Excuse me.

What? I'm sorry.

Are you talking to me?

No campaign paraphernalia

Is allowed within the perimeter
of the polling place.

It might

Influence other voters.

I've been wearing
it around for months

And it hasn't
influenced anyone.

Have you seen
the latest polls?

It's going to be
a nixon/agnew landslide.

My first chance to vote,
and there's no point

In even going in there
and pulling the lever.

As long as you feel that way

This country will always be run
by corrupt, middle-aged

Establishment demagogues.

Political science major, right?


I'm a reporter.

I notice things about people.

A reporter?

Hey, far out.

What channel?

Do I look like someone who would ever
sell out and go on television?

I'm a serious journalist.

I'm amy.

Amy madrid marshinsky.


That's a...
That's a wild name.

What's the significance
of madrid?

I added it.

It's a city that means
a great deal to me.

It's where I lost my virginity.


I'm frank ford pinto fontana.

You're funny.

Only when I'm depressed.

You should see me
when I visit my parents.

I'm a riot.

Here. Here's your button.

He promised to stop the w*r.

How could people
not vote for him?

All those months

Of working for
I believe in

And look at how it comes out.

I tell you,
it just doesn't seem right.

I feel like...

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm not usually
this emotional.

No, no.

Don't apologize.

It's rare to see a man
in touch with his feelings.

I find it very beautiful.

I gave and I gave.

I feel like...

I just got nothing back.

I feel like I've been...

Let down
by the whole world.

I know.

Would you,
uh... Like to go

For a walk out in
washington square park?

I got a bottle of boone's farm

Strawberry hill wine
in my knapsack.

I would love to,
frank ford pinto.

Let me just sign off-duty.


I'll, uh,
I'll wait outside.

Wait. Wait,
aren't you going to vote?


Oh! Yeah.


Would you wait right here?

You'll still be here

When I get out, won't you?

Excuse me.
I'm going to need more time.

Do you know if it's all right
if I cancel what I did so far

And come back in a little while?

This is the first big decision
I've made without my parents.

I did pick out these glasses
but I'm not counting that.

You're probably thinking
freshman at harvard--

I should be able to
to make up my own mind, right?

Be out in a minute.

Is there an actual
time limit on this?

(Everyone protesting)

See, the thing is,
I was raised by democrats

So I am trained
to vote for carter

But the thing is

I just have this really
good feeling about reagan.

He says this country's
in a malaise.

I agree.
I feel it too.

At first, I thought I had mono
but now I know it's a malaise.

I think reagan is just what
this country needs.

He really knows what
he's talking about.

Trickle-down economics,
star wars--

These are good programs.

And, you know
he chops his own wood.

Got to love that.


That's it.

I've made up my mind.

Ladies and gentlemen
the polls are now closed.

But... I...

Where have you been?
You're two hours
behind schedule.

Don't start with me, miles.
I spent election day
with a politician.

I've inhaled
so much hot air

I could float
over the redskins
game on sunday

With "goodyear"
on my butt.

Forget it. Forget it.
Baker's already in the studio

And they're
waiting for in makeup.

We're going to have
to stall him, miles.

I have to get home and vote
before the polls close.

Are you crazy?
I can't stall him.

He's going straight
from here to abc.

How do I fill up the time
this late?

I'll be lucky to get
chelsea clinton's orthodontist.

Murph, he's right.

You don't have time
to do both.

So you don't vote this time,
you can only do so much.

I guess you're right.
I was going
to vote this morning.

Then the baby was cranky and
the rest of the day got so crazy.

You know how it is.

You didn't get a chance
to vote either, right?

Well, actually, we did.


Well, it's just one vote

In a lifetime of voting.

All the way back to --

The first time I went
to vote for president.

I wasn't old even
to vote in '

And we're the same age.

I said I went to vote.

I didn't say I
was old enough.

I'm here to vote.

Oh, hello, dear.

Welcome to the
lexington avenue
retirement home.

All I need is your name.


My name is...

"Sophie abrams."

Sophie abrams
of east th street?

Yep. Right here
on the upper east side.

What booth should I use?

Sophie, I must say,
you look better than you did

At your th birthday party
last week.

Uh, did I say sophie?

I meant...
Zoya. Zoya.

I'm zoya schoenholtz

Of east th street
apartment -e.

That's who I am.

Zoya's older than sophie.

Now, what's going on here?

Okay. I'm not zoya or sophie.

My name isn't even
in this registration book.

My government doesn't think
I'm old enough to vote.

If I'm old enough to pay taxes

I'm old enough to vote
on who's deciding my future.

Hold your voice down, dear.

People are looking.

Fine. I want them to look.

That's the point.

Look! Look, everyone.

Look at injustice.

I, murphy brown,
am being denied

The right to vote

By this fascist agent

Of an imperial
united states government.

I'm just a volunteer, dear.

Just one of the millions
of volunteers

Across this country

Denying my brothers and sisters

The right to decide
their own future.

We cannot vote
but we can fight and die

In an unjust and corrupt w*r.

(Everyone grumbling)

Oh, fine, turn a deaf ear
and a blind eye.

And if that applies
to anyone here

I didn't mean it literally.

But this injustice
cannot be ignored.

I, murphy brown,
united states citizen

Demand the right to vote
in this election.

I am not leaving until I do.


Call the police.

Let them bring
their hoses and their mace.

Arrest me.

Come on, send me to jail.

Don't talk
like that, sweetheart.

You're too pretty
to go to jail.

I am not pretty.

I'm a radical.

I just don't understand
these young girls today.

How do they ever expect
to get a nice boy to marry them?

Why are you all just
staring at me?

I have handcuffed myself
to government property.
That's against the law.

Now, will you go
and get the pigs?

Darling, if you keep
yelling like that

You'll get unflattering lines
around your mouth.

Wake up! It's .

I am talking to you
about changing the country

And you're talking to me
about wrinkles.

Darling, when you're my age,
those little wrinkles

Will be a lot more important to you
than voting in any election.

I'll never get like you.

I'll never be
a sophie or a zoya.

I'll never be a no-show

In some registration book

Now, for the last time,
will you call the cops?

Dear, we don't want
to bother them.

We're not that busy.

We don't need the booth.

Fine. I just happen to know
of an overflow voting crowd

At p.s. .

But I'm warning you --
the world has not heard the last

Of murphy brown. Ha!

(Playing "mary had a little lamb")

Oh, thank you,
thank you very much.

You are much too kind.

For my next selection
mozart's symphony in g minor.

("Mary had a little lamb")



What are you doing home?

Is the election over?

Who won?

He old guy
or the chubby guy?

Don't tell me it was
the little guy with the ears.

It's not over yet.

Frank's doing my interview
with james baker

So I'd have time to vote.

I wanted to take the baby with me.

It's his first presidential election.

And I wouldn't want him to miss it.


Well, hello there,
little woodward bernstein brown.

I see you've been practicing
that drool thing again.

Very good.

Geez, did he have
this much hair

When I left this morning?

You're putting his legs
in the armholes.

Oh, thanks.

Uh, eldin, I need a favor.


I'm cutting this really close

And it would be a big, big help

If you could come with us
while I vote

And then drop me
off at work.


You know, I don't usually
drive and drop.

However if it is that important to you
that you would actually allow me

To navigate your precious
metal and chrome god

How could I say no?


Okay. Here we go.

I know this
is a little unexpected

But just roll with it.

Ready to go make history?

Okay, let's go.

Okay, now, pay attention.

This is democracy in action.

First, you take the little marker.

Okay, you do it with me.

Move it to the name.

That's right. Good, good.

Now, wait, wait, no!

Oh, god, not him!

Oh, geez!