04x09 - Honk If You're a Goose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x09 - Honk If You're a Goose

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on
"hill street blues..."

[Crowd cheering]

Captain, there's cops
on the take.

One step at a time.

Everybody, hands on the table!

You! What are you doing?

The guilty verdicts are
against reason,

and I hereby vacate them.

[Gavel bangs]

The eyewitnesses were weak,
but their testimony was sound.

You're talking about a judge

With an impeccable
service record.

That was my car back there!

Well, you shouldn't have been
parked in a handicap zone!

You got what you deserved,

Oh, yeah? Well, you take a look
at this, buddy!

You are under arrest!

Are we gonna do this

Or are you gonna come inside?

Yo, whoa!

Because I'm in a wheelchair,
you think you can handle me?

Well, if I can't, I'll find
six cops who can.

Mr. Seltzer's in the market
for a trade.

- My security fund.
- Which contains?

A lot of voices.
A lot of conversations.

[Seltzer, on tape]
badge number 1146,

Patrolman h. Hunter.

Payoff for douglass
and cawley.

You're on tape three times.

It's all pretty much
the same conversation.

[All chanting]
bobby, bobby, bobby...

and now, tonight,
on "hill street blues..."

Yesterday you said you wanted
to try being a gimp.

What, did you change
your mind already?

You can't come with me,

Did we ruin a perfectly
good relationship or what?

You know better
than that.

I called you twice.

I waited all day for you
to return my calls.

He look familiar to you?
County courthouse.

Man, that's judge cole.

This is too sweet.

This could go anyplace.

This could reach
into my own office.

It scares me now knowing
who to trust.

We could start
with each other, irwin.

Instead, all night
I get these phone calls.

They tell me
I'm a dead man.

Ben, I have to know
what you've got.

It's what you've got!
You got a rotten department.

[Indistinct chatter]

Item six.

Lookout continues for h*nky,
the guard goose,

Now in hour 38
of disappearance.

Testimony from
from afflicted grocers

At the decca markets,

And an early morning fracas
that sent one german shepherd

To the neighborhood vet
indicates that said gander

Continues in its wanton
and conscienceless orgy

Of fowl play.

[All groaning]

That goose is out there,

Let's get him!

[Overlapping chatter]

All right, item seven.

Detective belker
commences undercover today

As one of our city's
disabled citizens.

that's a fact.


the wheelchair will be

Approximate to banks
in the area,

Bounded by elmwood, north
delaware, and sumner streets.

Nature of the undercover
commands area patrols

To particular alertness
for backup.

All right, item eight.

Robert hill enters
the squared circle this evening

For what he claims will be
his fistic swan song.

[Supportive murmurs]

8:30 Sharp
at east street gym.

Now, bobby tangles with vice's
dwight "butt-ugly" stafford...

[Laughter, cheering]

For our department's
middleweight crown.

Tickets at morrisey's
or via officer schnitz.

Now, let's remember,
proceeds resuscitate

The p.a.l. Boxing program.

They're gonna have to
resuscitate dwight stafford

When bobby gets finished
tattooin' his noggin'!

[All cheering]

We will rot or both seafarer
and safe return to port,

And secondarily that hill
cleans stafford's clock.

[All cheering]

Item last...

A continuing reminder
that betting with bookies

Over the next fortnight
is not only fiscally imprudent,

It can buy you a bust.

Now all bettings
and otherwise advice

Should be mano a mano.

All right, that's it.
Let's roll.

And, hey, hey!

Let's be careful out there.

[All cheering]

[All chanting]
bobby! Bobby! Bobby...

Bobby's bad!
Bobby's bad when he gets mad.

He's superbad!
Superbad, superbad!

Hey, luce, no jokes, please,
I'm in a lot of pain.

No jokes, I just wanted
to tell you

How good you looked
last night.

- Well, thanks.
- Got me solvent, too.

My pleasure.

So now, uh,
what should we do?

Should we lean or
should we back off?

Yeah, come on, bobby,
vice is already calling

About action for tonight.

Oh, I don't know,
I don't know.

Right now, I'd make me
even money to live.

Hey, supercop!
Hey, nice fight.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey!


Are we ready?

Ready for what?

Yesterday you said you wanted
to try being a gimp.

What, did you change
your mind already?

- No, no.
- Okay, then, let's go.

Where's your chair,

You can't come with me,

Hey, we got it rotten enough
out there

Without some amateur
giving us a bad name.

They won't allow it.
You could get hurt.

Oh, now, that'd be terrible,
wouldn't it?

I might have to spend the rest
of my life in a wheelchair.

I'm sorry.

I require a word with you.

Sure, lieutenant.
You okay?

No, I am not.

I was about to assist
two uniforms

On an off-duty arrest
last night

When I discovered that
my service revolver

Was loaded with blank

I don't know what you mean.

My inference is that
you had access to my g*n

While I was in the shower

And you replaced
my live amm*nit*on with blanks.

Let me get this straight.

You're mad because I kept you
from k*lling yourself.

The only think that you
kept me from doing, detective,

Was bringing down a felon.

Oh, yeah?

What do you wanna tell me
about that?

What, the phone rang,
you got mixed up

And answered the iron?

Lieutenant, I think you oughta
go talk to the captain.

You have no right to touch
anther officer's equipment.

You and I have nothing further
to discuss!

Good day.

[Siren blaring,
police radio chatter]

[Maudlin piano]



Captain, irv luboff.

Thought we did business

I've got a worried client here.
Mr. Seltzer--

I wouldn't try the bait
and switch if I were you, ben.

We've copied your tapes,
and we have your

Signed authorization
to use them.

Look at me, captain, nobody's
trying to pull anything.

We gotta talk.

You gotta get me
a better deal.

In exchange for what?

I'll give you something
in exchange.

Please, captain.

Neal, j.d.

they should have known
I was stand-up.

They should have known
ben seltzer was a right guy.

Instead, all night
I get these phone calls.

They tell me
I'm a dead man.

Who does?

Promise me--

Get me relocation,
then I'll tell you.

Ben, we have to know
what you've got.

It's what you've got!
You got a rotten department.

You got a whole division
on the take,

And then they're gonna
k*ll people?

You back that up
and you'll have your deal.

Oh, I'll back it up.
You just keep me alive!

And not with no vice cops.

Ben, I think a stipulation
to terms

Might be appropriate here.

I have to see something
on the table.

Ben, I wouldn't
give back one

Unless we have some guarantee--

You want a start?

- Little switzerland.
- Ben, shut up!

The lockers at
the 119th street depot.

There's more payoffs there
than a bank!

Shut up!

I want this agreement

By your chief
and the d.a.'S office.

- Work it out.
- You'll recommend?

If you'll deliver.

You want him protected?

Ben's indicated
that he has some--

Don't try and sell
a business like mine

With a police escort.

All right,
end of business, latest,

I want him out
of the cold.

Let's go.



Think he's dealing us
in straight, captain?

Put a tag on seltzer.

I don't want him out
of our sight.

Stake out the lockers
at the 119th street depot.

Continuous surveillance
by camera until I take it off.

Got it.

Uh, captain?

Have you seen
lt. Hunter today?

No. Why?

Okay, now,
he swears I'm wrong,

But I don't buy it.

I think he put a g*n
to his head last night.

I think he tried
to k*ll himself.

If that's true. J.d.,

I need to hear
everything you know.

The guy was in
such bad shape,

I didn't want to take
a chance,

So I put some blanks
into his g*n.

Now, he comes in today
with some cockamamy story

And a bandage about that big
on the side of his head.

Why didn't you tell me this

You don't say something
like that on just a hunch.

But, captain, the guy's
out on a ledge.

You gotta talk
to him now.

Ray, where's howard?

sn*per call, oak street.

Excuse me.
Henry, take a ride with me.

Blue fox one,
have you got access

On the second set of stairs?

[Man on radio]
blue fox one to fox leader,

Negative on the second stairs.

Blue fox one,
continue to reconnoiter.

- Roger, blue fox leader.
- Howard...

Could I speak to you
for a minute?

-Now, frank?
- Henry will fill in.

All right, five the lieutenant
a read on the positions.

All right.
Okay, lieutenant,

We got a lone gunman,
last window

On the left corner
of the building.

Howard, I just had a talk
with j.d., And I'm concerned.

It may not be appropriate
for you to be out here.

Now, just a minute, frank.

J.d. Thinks you tried
to k*ll yourself.

- That's nonsense.
- What's that?

That's a household mishap.

Or a powder burn.

Frank, I am fully able
to meet

My professional

[Man on radio]
fox one to fox leader,

We've got a dumbwaiter shaft.
We're clear to exit--

I'm here.
Fox leader, fox leader...

Can you take him
without injury?

High probability
if we can distract him, sir.

All right, blue fox, I want you
to prepare for teargas.

Stand by.

Ballantine, prepare to deploy
teargas on my command.

Blue fox one to fox leader,

I want you to move in on him
on two counts

After the teargas goes in.

- Do you copy?
- Affirmative.

- Are you prepared?
- Affirmative.

Stand by.
You ready, ballantine?

Yes, sir.


[expl*si*n inside]

Backup positions,
let's move!

[Man on radio]
got him, sir.

Any further questions?

See me at the station.

[Siren wailing]

Oh, I'm sorry, lady.


[Bells tolling]


What do you think
you're doing, huh?

Hey, are you following me?

I saw what's been
going on!

Every curb you come to,
you get out

And lift the chair over!

That's good.
That's authentic!

Stop following me.

Who says I'm following

I got just as much right
to be on the street as you do.

Not when you're interfering
with police business you don't,

So you turn it around
and beat it!

What are you gonna do,
bust me again?

You got it.

Hey. Hey!

You know what
your mistake is, man?

You think it's just
a guy in a wheelchair.

Well, it ain't.

I mean,
it's an attitude, man!

It's a way of life!

Look at you.
You're standing up.

It's just like I said, man,
no soul.


Hey, excuse me,
would you tell jimmy

That bobby hill's here
to pick up his tickets?

Hey, bobby hill.
I saw you won your fight.

Come on, I got your number.

How you doin', bobby?

Hey, did you get
your mouthpiece?

Yeah, well, I wanted
to talk to you about that.

And, no, steve,
I ain't got the mouthpiece yet.

- Andy.
- See, andy,

I got this problem
in that

I had to spend
some of the $20,

Which I appreciated
you gave to me.

Forget about it.

'Cause I got my first fight

And I can pay you back
after that.

So...i was wondering,

If I could borrow
a few more.

No. No way.


Thanks anyway.

Uh, here you go, bobby.

Your people want ringside,
you gotta come early.

Okay, thanks.

Wrong bobby, numbskull.


I'll see you guys.

Does he really gotta fight?

Sure, he does.

Bill him irish, put him in
with a black guy,

He'll do some business.

He got a future?

You want to know
what his future is?

He gets flattened twice,
pockets a little change,

Commissioner takes away
his license.

Then he moves
to another state,

Puts "irish" in front
of another name,

And he gets knocked out
some more.

The future for him is
drooling into a cup

And strokin' out at 50.

Teach your kids hockey.

They'll live longer.

Let's go, steve.

Hey, there's a
suspicious-looking character

If I ever saw one--
get a picture.

Nah, I'm down to my last
two sh*ts, baby.

Hey, come on, who's to say
she's not the chief trigger

For some crazed female
assassination group?

Yeah, she could m*rder me.


Man, I just can't
believe it.

- What?

Trying to do himself in.

Man, that's the last cat
I would have thought.

Neal, a guy that's
wrapped that tight,

He pops a mainspring,

The only thing he's thinking
is to eat his piece.

Look at hogan in south ferry.

Kimble in castle heights.


Baker did it with an
italian number, .7 millimeter.


Yeah, he took poison.

Hey, what about peppitone?

He smoked it.

Same as appleson...

Then addetto.

Man, it must feel good,
something like that.

I mean,
stopping a su1c1de.

You ought to know, pal.

You did it enough times
for me.

- Hey.
- Hmm?

See that guy over there?

[Camera shutter clicks]

Look familiar to you?

Yeah, I don't know.

County courthouse.
Man, that's judge cole.

Oh, no.
This is too sweet.

Uh, let's take it
real easy, bro.

Yeah, but let's take it.

[Police radio droning]

What's he doing back there?

Joe, get him up,
would you?

Come on, kid.

You can do 60 miles an hour
on a city street,

You can sit up straight.

It's this vinyl, man.

Have you ever looked
at this vinyl back here?

It's got-- it's got, like,
these holes,

Like, like, craters
on the moon, you know?

Like craters on the moon
with little holes,

And inside,
there's, like, these shadows.

Behind these shadows,
there's, like,

These little things
with torches--

Like little people with torches
trying to signal us.

You see what dr*gs do
to your brain?

You're talking like
a crazy man.

Joe, there's a goose over there
attacking a vegetable stand.

All right, you stay put!

You see that ashtray?

Keep your eyes
on that ashtray.

Don't get out of the car,
you understand?

[Man shouting]
get outta here, ya dumb bird!

Beat it!
Officers, officers!

- Come here, will ya, please?
- Gotta be h*nky, huh?

Please, officers,
the bird here-- look at this.

- I can see it, sir.
- All right, all right.

- It's all over my vegetables.
- I see that.

-sh**t it, get rid of it!
- We'll take care of it.

- All right.
- Cuff him, luce.

That's cute.

How do you want
to do this?

[Goose honks]

I'll-- I'll just
go for him--

[Goose honks]
oh, sh--

I'll go low, and you just
go high, that's all.


Take it easy.
Hi...hi...hi, h*nky.

I'll count to three,
and then we'll do it.

Yeah, that's good.

All right...

One, two, three.

[Goose honking]

Now, walk!

Get with me and walk!
Look out!


h*nky, the guard goose,

Oh, he told me
his name was chuck.

Must have been
a hell of a fight.

That part didn't work out.

We had to feed him
animal tranquilizer

On a lettuce leaf--

Where'd you get
animal tranquilizer?

Right here.

This kid was going 60
down utica

In a spaceship,
if you know what I mean.

I think h*nky ate
half the evidence.


Uh, "b" cell is empty.

Give him a pan of water.

I'm gonna clean the kid up.

They had to show the back
of the unit.

Oh, captain, uh,
we have something to show you.

Here, get a load
of these.

Judge cole?

Yeah, opened up the locker
like it was

The front door to his house.

Mm-hmm, bag was
kinda hefty too.

- You trail him?
- Back to the courthouse.

Took the bag inside
with him.

Now, we nailed heisler
on a manslaughter rap.

If cole vacates the verdict,
what do you want to bet

There's money in that bag
and it's coming from heisler?

Nothing to say he wasn't
picking up his gym shorts.

We have to get him
on tape.

I want to get a look
at that bag, too.

All right, how 'bout we plant
somebody on his calendar

And see if he bites
on a bribe?


All right, grab the d.a.'S
office this afternoon.

Let's see I we can
avoid entrapment.

- Okay.
- Excuse us, gentlemen.

All right, what's this bookie
seltzer got

That's worth our giving him
relocation, frank?

He claims he can substantiate
widespread corruption.

Can he?

Tapes he gave us yesterday
were as advertised.

I understood they were
also antique.

He gave us a drop location
for payoffs,

Which turned up
judge milton cole.

"Heads'll roll" cole?

We're sending larue in
this afternoon,

See if he'll take a bribe.

Larue will be wired?

Good for you.

Seltzer also claims
that midtown vice

Is completely compromised.

Let's follow it out, frank,
wherever it goes.

I intend to,
having said which,

I have a favor to ask.

Sounds to me like
you've got one coming.

It's about howard hunter.

He's on some of seltzer's tapes
from 15 years ago.

Was he on the take?

He was a bag man.
He never took a cent.

What do you need, frank?

If he can be spared
an i.a.d. Hearing.

- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.

Full bore on the rest
frank it, frank.

Full bore.

Occur to you
whose precinct that was?


Commander cleveland,
of midtown.

Wouldn't that be
something, frank,

If ozzy got tarred
with this brush?

I think the whole department
would be tarred.

I don't think there'd be
any winners, chief.

You're right.

Keep me posted, frank.

Hey, hey!

[Horns honking]

I got it, man!
[Horns honking]

You are cooked,
dog breath!

Gimme that money!
Get up!

He came out
from between the cars.

I didn't have a chance
to stop.

anybody get the license
of that truck?

- Don't move.
- I'm sorry, fella.

You came out of nowhere.

It's okay.

How, mick, how's the chair?
Is the chair all right?

Would you forget about
the stupid chair?

You hurt anywhere?

How would I know that?

- Move your arm.
- Ehh!

Move your fingers.

It's okay, I'm all right.

He just clipped me is all.

Give me back the chair,
okay, mick?

Come on.

He came out like a crazy man!
I coulda k*lled him!

Hey, don't have a cow,
all right, buddy?

No lawsuit!

Hey, we got him,
didn't we, mick?

[Mick growls]

You are under arrest,


Short date
for the preliminary.

Illegal possession
and discharge.

Preliminary hearing
1:00 p.m. Tomorrow.

[Gavel bangs]

- Ten-minute recess.
- All rise.

His honor got a minute?
Court business.


[Knock on door]

Uh, judge cole


Detective john larue,
hill street.

What can I do for you,

Just give me a couple minutes
of your time?

Shut it.

[Door shuts]

Uh, I'm one of
the arresting officers

On a case you got
coming up-- that boy rothmore?

You're arraigning
this afternoon.


I'd like to give you
a little background.

As long as it's only
a little.

This kid's got problems,

Most of 'em
behind the wheel.

You got kids,
your honor, teenagers?


Well, then, I don't have
to tell you

Anything about kids.

This kid's got great parents,

And they're just sick
about this.

Now, they realize walter's
gonna get a fine,

But they're real worried,
'cause it's his fifth offense.

Fifth offense should
buy him 60 days.

There it is.
That's the tragedy.

See, his folks are hoping
he'll get past this

And go on to college.

But with that
on his record...

Your point, detective?

You see, walter's parents
are involved

In all sorts
of charity work.

Now, what they said
to me was

They'd like to make
an appropriate contribution.


In return for?

A little understanding
of this kid's situation,

A little looking out
for his future.


Now, I think the p.b.a.
Should get half the money,

And, well, some judicial charity
the other half.

I'm nt opposed to showing
a little mercy...

If the occasion
merits it.

Oh, I think it does,
your honor.

I think this is
a salvageable kid.

Now, they were wondering
that if they do make

A charitable contribution...

Could you choose it
for 'em?

What's that?

$1,000 Cash...

For the judicial charity.

Suspended sentence?

They'll really appreciate

Oh, there's a couple officers
waiting outside to see you.

- Should I show 'em in?
- Who?

They'll introduce themselves.

What's going on?

You're under arrest,
your honor.

Just trying to call you.


I'm sorry, I should have
called you before.

Can we talk?



So... Did we ruin a perfectly
good relationship or what?

You know better
than that.

I called you twice.

I waited all day for you
to return my calls.

It was inconsiderate.

I didn't hear you go
this morning.

I didn't want
to wake you.

Tell me the truth.

Were you disappointed
with me?



Well, then,
why did you leave?

- I guess I was scared.
- Of what?

I don't know.

Didn't please you, maybe.


Are you kidding?

Henry, you're
a wonderful lover.

thank you.

Do you want to go
to the shore for the weekend?

This weekend?

Yeah, we could leave
frank jr. With frank,

Take the baby with us.

You know,
nothing fancy.


Oh...just get away.

- Let's do it.
- Are you sure?

Yes, fay, I'm sure.


Come on, move!

I knew what I was doing!

You were trying
to get yourself k*lled, huh?

I was leading him
a little too far, that's all.

You're gonna lead him
right into jail, nosebleed.

I am through with this
from you.

Now, you go in there
and wait for me.

Taylor, herbert.

Suspicion grand theft person
and resisting arrest.

Hey, what about me?

I thought I was
under arrest, too.

I said get in there!

What, are you deaf
to plain english?

What's the matter?
You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm okay!

I told you
a million times.

I just need some water.
I'm thirsty.

Over there, and then I want
to see you at my desk.

Yeah, yeah, okay!



I was waiting for you
to come see me.

Here I am.

I want you to know
I spoke to chief daniels

About the tapes.

Well, I don't think there's
any need

To protect me, frank.

I'm fully prepared
to confront

Whatever charges
the department wishes

To bring against me.

There aren't gonna be any,

But frankly, I don't think
departmental consequences

Should be your biggest
concern right now.

Well, it seems to me
that we've proven

My ability to do the job.

And...all due respect,

I'm not sure that anything
further is your business.

I'm also your friend.

Friends respect
each others' privacy.

Privacy, yes.

Not hurtful isolation, howard.

As your captain,
I have to be concerned

About the 20 people
working under you, too.

You haven't seen one
moment of behavior from me

That would give you
any reason for concern.

Nor will you.

I'm sorry, but handling
one situation in the field

Doesn't convince me,

Frank, I've given you
no cause.

Judas, don't take
my job away.

That's not my present

But I'm asking you, please,
to seek professional help.

I'm urging you to--

I don't believe that
that's necessary.

I don't think you even realize
what you've done.

I botched a su1c1de attempt.

I had a box of live shells
in my closet,

And ample opportunity
to make a second attempt work.

Frank, I chose life.

Come on, howard, if j.d.
Hadn't done what he'd done,

You'd be dead right now.

There's no neat capsule
you can fit that into.

I'm asking you
to seek help.


I'm asking as a friend.

Well, as a friend...
I'll consider it.

Let's have some room!

- Call the paramedics.
- What happened?

He was drinking water.
I was behind him.

He kept drinking water, and then
he just fell out of the chair.

Get his feet elevated.

All right, we're gonna need
a blanket here.


Everybody stand back.

He's not breathing.

Medics are on the way.

What's wrong?
What'd you stop for?

- Help him.
- I was just talking to him.

Come on, damn it,

Move away, mick, please!

Jeez, I was just talking
to him.

I was told they were
bringing in judge cole.

Just coming in now.

Irwin, irwin, there's been
a terrible mistake.

Get him into interrogation.

Get captain furillo.

Judge cole,
you've been advised?

Irwin, listen to what
I'm trying to tell you.

I'd suggest you have
an attorney present.

There is absolutely no need
for an attorney.

What you'll hear
on that tape is

My trying to elicit evidence
after felonious solicitation.

What about these,

What were you trying to elicit
in the bus depot?

I was in a bus terminal.

What's that supposed
to prove?

We have pictures of you
picking up the bag of money.

We have the bag,
$10,000 in cash inside,

We have the wire,
and we have you.

But I'm not gonna prosecute
you, judge.

I'm turning you.
You're gonna give us faces,

Names, and places.

And then you're gonna resign
in disgrace,

Which is what you are.

Captain, I just got a call.

We lost the tail
on seltzer.

- Damn.
- He shook it.

Try to pick it up.

A cat like that's got
a lot of mouse holes.

I'm getting
real bad feelings, frank.


All of it.

You've got people openly
making and receiving bribes.

That establishes habit
and duration.

It establishes a belief
of impunity.

Let's see where it goes,

I'm trying to make a point,

I know, and I'm saying
to take it easy.

My point is this--

If this is in the fabric
of things,

If you've got
a pervasive corruption--

Driving up, I'm thinking
this could go anyplace.

This could reach
into my own office.

I'm a company man, frank.

It scares me not knowing
who to trust.

We could start
with each other, irwin.

I'd appreciate that.

I'd appreciate having
someone to talk to.

Same for me.

Thanks, frank.

Sorry about getting
so nervous.

Hey, kane.

- John...
- Yeah?

I want to apologize
for my outburst this morning.

Hey, no problem.

Especially under
the circumstances.

It was unconscionable.

I believe these are yours.


You feeling okay?


You know, in japan,
your sort of intercession

Would entail your watching over
the rest of my--

My earthly career.

Oh, yeah.

I want you to feel
no such obligation.

Thank you, john.

Uh, hey, it's okay.

It's okay.

I'm tom shorter.
I own the goose.

Oh, sure, mr. Shorter.

He's right back there.

The cell door's unlocked.

You can just
take him home.


[Goose honking]

I gave you artichoke hearts.

I bought you live

And this is what
you do to me.

You obey other people.

You go out on your own--

I oughta wring
your neck.

[Goose honking]

Leo...leo, what's going on
with that goose?

What have you done?

You have k*lled
a defenseless animal.

I didn't. I swear.

I never touched him.

I walked in
to put the leash on,

And he just fell over.

I could have you arrested
for cruelty to animals.

Wait a minute,
I could just say

I was gonna eat him.

Then I'll have you arrested
for slaughtering livestock

In a public area.

You keep doing it to me!

Get out of here.

Get out of here before
I'm no longer responsible

For my actions.

Poor guy.
After all he went through.

Must weigh 30, 35 pounds.

Probably all dark meat.


Upstairs refrigerator.

I think there's a container
in supply

That's big enough.

- We gonna do it.
- I'm gonna kick some butt.

We gonna show some stuff.

If I don't get him
in 30 seconds--

- Cut it out.
- Then he's gonna do it to me.

with thoughts like that,

Norman vincent peale
would have died broke.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- You gonna hurt somebody?

- I'm gonna hurt somebody.
- Gonna hurt somebody bad?

- You gonna cause some misery?
- Yeah, misery.

Get up and show me
how you do it.

Get up and show me how.
Yeah, that's right.

[Psyched up banter]

[Metal banging]

Hey, hey, hey,
what you doing?

I forgot my combination.

It's 17 something.

We could arrest you, bobby.

I got 13 bucks in there!

Forget that!
Forget that crap!

You were breaking
in there, weren't you?

- Weren't you?!
- Yeah.

I just needed
a few bucks.

Go on.

Now, I'm gonna let you
walk away from this one, bobby,

But that's the last ribbon
you're gonna get.

All right.

I'm sorry.

Take off.

I'll see ya, steve.

Good luck.

Yes? Hey!

- Hi.
- Hey, how you doing?

How's he look?
How's he feeling?

He's gonna k*ll him.

He's gonna go pearl harbor
with this guy.

Is he doing the americans
or the japanese?

in the blue corner,

Representing hill street,
weighing 163 pounds,

Bobby "blueberry" hill!

[Cheers and applause]

[Crowd chanting]
bobby, bobby, bobby...

Representing division vice,
at 165 pounds,

Dwight stafford!

[Mixed cheers and boos]

Damn, that man is ugly.

That man is butt-ugly.

The metro middleweight

Three rounds of boxing.

[Bell rings]

Okay, bobby, go!

[Crowd shouting]

Take it easy, bobby.
Get him...yeah!

- Come on, bobby!
- Get him, bobby.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Scattered booing]

One, two, three...

Get up, bobby!
Get up!

Six, seven, eight,

Nine, ten!

[Bell rings]

He's done coldcocked you.

Hey, bobby,
do you know where you are?

St. Louis.


You want me
to go call him?

Mama? Bobby?

He's supposed to come around.

I was supposed to meet him
at the station.

I didn't think
he was gonna be late.

Say good night, gracie.

Bobby, you hurt?

Only his pride, joseph.

And my head
and my body.

if you're up for it,

Why don't we go have a beer
after this?

Yeah, yeah,
I'd like that, joe.

All right, so I'll meet you
at mulligan's?

I'll have 'em set up
an iv drip.


We had a tough night.

Thanks, larry,
I appreciate the courtesy.

They found ben seltzer
behind a supermarket

In the heights.

Shot five times.

It doesn't have to be
armageddon, frank.

They can all still be
unrelated incidents.

I wouldn't bet on it.

I can't.
My bookie just croaked.

Tell me about your day.

I had a c-plus.


Saw something in leeman's
I may or may not

Buy you for christmas.

- Tell.
- No chance.

And don't even guess.

I keep thinking about rats
in the house.

For every one you see...

Enough, frank.

I'm sorry.

[Mutters indistinctly]

Well, he's walking
pretty good.

Lucky punch, that's all.

I didn't see you in there
taking any sh*ts, big guy.

That's right.

You know, the way
you went down, bobby hill,

It is a wonder
you don't have a concussion.

Hey, I'm just lucky
I don't have to do it again.

- This kid is retired.
- sh**t.

Oh, come on, andy,
he made the finals--

He's a silver-medalist.

That's right,
and tomorrow I can wake up,

My headache will be gone,
and I'll still be pretty.

And stafford will still be...


[Overlapping chatter]

hey, renko.

Let's just keep on walking.

I shot for his leg.

Not on my account.

I didn't want to k*ll him.

He was walking,
and I aimed or his leg.

Aw, man.

Hey, steve, bobby...

Pretty damn stupid,

No brains.

Too many sh*ts
to the head.

I figure
a two-year bit, right?

Three, maybe five.

food's pretty good.

I wouldn't know.

Hey, bobby,
you win your fight?


Don't worry.
Don't get discouraged.

I want you to
be careful up there.

I don't time before.

It ain't so bad.

It's okay.

Just take it easy.

So long.

Goin' home, huh, steve?

Thanks for the help.

Gee, I thought sure you'd want
to go see bobby fight.

Mick, it wasn't your fault.

Think about him
bleeding inside

And not even knowing it--

I k*lled him.

How can you say that?

Because I promised him.

I said I'd let him
teach me about wheelchairs,

And then I told him
to get lost.

And I think people were
always promising him things,

And building his hopes up,

And then telling him
to get lost.

You know, everything
you've told me about gaffney

Reminds me of somebody else.

Independent, defensive...
A loner.


So maybe that's
what's bothering you.

You knew what he was
going through,

But you didn't know how
to tell him that.

You understood
each other,

But you just didn't know how
to be friends.

You couldn't make
the connection.

I respected him.
He knew that.

You know, when we first
started going together,

I thought...

Any day now, mick's gonna
open up to me.

He's gonna tell me
all his secrets.

But you never did.

And after a while,
I knew you never would.

But that's okay.
Some people gotta be like that.

But it's not always easy
loving them.

I shouldn't have yelled
a him.

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