04x07 - Goodbye, Mr. Scripps

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x07 - Goodbye, Mr. Scripps

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on
hill street blues:

who's there?

You shot my boy.

I'm sorry.

I understood we
were here to discuss

Charging perez.

I think this is
properly a meeting

To discuss all the
pertinent facts.

One of which is,
we seem to be dealing

With a felony

"Please note that
the pursuance

"Of the charges

mrs. Doris robson

"Occurred without my
prior knowledge

Or consent."

Did you, or did you
not before the debate

Ask me not to

The robson sh**ting?

This city's position

On aid to single
mothers stinks.

- [Baby crying]
- babe, not now, please.

I'm gonna hire cops?

Four of us.

Mick, get down!


[g*ns firing]

What a business.

You're here to cast
your line

In the sea of
monolithic indifference?

Let me introduce

randolph scripps.

and now, tonight

hill street blues:

We mourn and grieve

For this
good woman's loss.

She had a fierce
love for this boy,

And his future.

I'm coming back,

I want you to
know, I'm not gonna

Let you down.

You never did, mike.

We have an opportunity
to now to revitalize

This city,

To take it in
new directions.

Took a secret poll
last night.

We're in.

Murray, I hope
somewhere you're watching

What I do for you.

item 12: election day,
ladies and gentlemen.

In your last

Your p.b.a. Secured an
hour and a half

Off-duty with
pay for those wishing

To exercise the

Let's all get the
exercise, huh?

Let's also remain
vigilant against abuses

Of the day's privilege.

Illicitly open taverns,

Electioneering within
proscribed proximity of

Polling places,

And those shocking,
thankfully rare attempts

To manipulate the tally
by enlisting bums

To vote repeatedly
under the names of the

Recently deceased.

That's it, the dead
for daniels.

[Officers laughing]

item 13:

This memo from

[Officers chuckling]

Internal affairs has

Its investigation
in the sh**ting death

Of jimmy robson.

Judgement regarding
internal disciplinary

Sanction is still

However, in the conduct
of officer michael perez,

The panel of inquiry
finds no evidence

Of intentional or
reckless malfeasance,

And does not recommend
criminal prosecution

In this matter.

[Officers applauding]

I'm glad to report
mike is improving

At county general,

Although he's not yet
receiving visitors.

Now, the robson boy's
funeral is this morning.

Officer schnitz reports
we closed contributions

On his memorial fund
at just over

A thousand dollars.

[Officers applauding]

Finally, an index

Of troubled
financial times.

Mahaley's mortuary
has offered up

To the department
for blind bid

11 Prime burial sites
at cavalry cemetary,

On which installment
payments have lapsed.

Now, those inclined to
plot their futures

- [Officers laughing]
- submit sealed bids

To leo, who also has
diagrams of said boneyard

Available for your

It's a grave

- Situation, indeed.
- [Officers groaning]

All right, that's
it. Let's roll!

- [Officers chatting]
- and hey!

Let's be careful
out there, huh?

What's all this stuff
about funeral plots?

I mean, uh, what's
the big deal?

You kiddin'?

People are dyin'
to get in.

It's just a
way of planning for

Your future, that's

I just don't see
any reason to plan

That far ahead.

Also it's a real
estate investment.

It works.

Leo, can I see the
cemetary diagram?

Sure, luce.

You know, I'm not
so sure

I even want to
be buried like that.


Egyptians used
to get stuffed.

No, roy rogers'
horse is stuffed.

Then it still works.


Here's a sealed bid
on plot seven.

Uh, let me tell
you, which one is that?

Oh, uh-- it's this
one, right here,

Underneath the

- Chestnut tree.
- That's the one

I'm looking at.

Well, bates,
I suggest you make

A competitive bid.

ms. Davenport.

Morning, leo.

Who are you voting

(Joyce chuckling)
that's a secret.





For the marriage.

I haven't seen you,

looking marvelous.

Thank you.

How've you been?


That's good.

You know, joycey,

It occurs to me that
there's always been

A kind of emotional
barrier between us.

An ambivalence.

I just thought we
didn't like

other very much.

Well, you know why
I think that was?

I admired you.

And our culture's

dynamic prevented me

From expressing
my admiration.

I'm glad, alan.

Your fashion sense
is uncanny.

Thank you.

Does the clutch purse
work with this,

Or do you think
I'd do better with

A shoulder bag?

[Siren blaring]
we have a 911.

Armed robbery in

See surplus store,

Corner peoples drive,
and 124th street.

[Sirens wailing]



The note should

"The roses
were lovely - alan."


No, just alan.

Thank you, thank
you so much.

Oh, frank.

There you are.


If I could have just
one moment

Of your time.

Come right in.

As executor of murray
caplan's estate,

I represent
the interests of

Murray's wonderland.


I was approached
yesterday by a partner

Seeking to purchase
both property

And inventory at
the ridiculous price

Of twenty cents on
the dollar.

Alan, i, I better
go through the files.


Of course, I explained
that because of

Murray's death,
the estate is frozen

In probate.

[Frank laughing]


They countered by
suggesting that

We sidestep probate,

Predate the purchase

And that with
my power of attorney,

I sign as murray's

[Frank snorting]

Are you all right?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I just have
a little sinus cong--

Change of weather.

Naturally, frank,
I demurred.

It's not only
illegal and unethical,

As a business move
it's a bust.

At which point
these fellas started

Pointing their noses
to the air,

Saying things like, "do
I smell smoke?"

"What are these
walls made of, cardboard?"

See where they're
going with this?

Where are you going
with it, alan?

I want
protection, frank.

What about that wrongful
death suit

You were making
so much noise about?

Does that shove me
out from under

The robes
of the law?


It certainly merits
our attention.

Good for you, frank.

I can't tell you
how relieved I am

To hear you say so.

How did you leave it
with these people?

I'm meeting them at
murray's this morning.

Presumably to execute
the contracts,

Or, failing that, sing
songs around the campfire.

I want to put a
wire on you,

We want to
get 'em on tape.

Whatever it takes,

Uh, don't you think
it might be a good idea,

Alan, if you wore
a suit and tie?

And unravel eight

intensive therapy?

No, I don't think

You could
get hurt, alan.

And putting on a suit
could induce

A psychic tremor
that rockets me into

A prenatal coma.

disrespect, frank.

You obviously have
a lot to learn

About gender

lucky for me,

I was gonna wear my airy
chiffon number.

Nah, they'd have
seen right through it.

What about here,

please, lieutenant,

You'll ruin my

- [Officers laughing]
- how about in one
of 'em?

In one of what?

Inside, here.

My bosom?

- [Officer laughing]
- oh, that's good.

Murray, I hope somewhere
you're watching

What I do for you.

Come on.

Come on.

officer, over here.

What's the problem,

You see
him down there?

That's the man I called
you about.

Now, we told him,

No campaigning inside
proscribed limits.

And he's very polite,

But he just keeps
on with it.

You see, my position
is simple.

I don't
have the answers.

But I think that if we
can start asking

The right questions,

Then the answers are
going to spring forth,

Full-blown, like

the head of zeus.

Thank you very much
for listening,

If just for
a moment.

Ah! Good day,

You're here
to cast your line

In the sea of monolithic

Let me introduce

randolph scripps.

I'm a man of few

And no
end in sight.

Pleased to make your

Nice to meet you too,
mr. Randolph scripps.

Would you, uh,

Stand right there for
a minute, please?

Scripps, you see
this line right here?

Uh, yes, that is
a white line.

That's right.

Now, mr. Scripps,
the election rules state

That you're not allowed
to campaign

Any closer to
the polling place

Than this line
right here.

Ah! It's not
so much a line

As it is a

No, sir,
it's a line.

You're not supposed
to cross it

While campaigning.

A boundary, then.

That's right.

A mythic demarcation!

On this side,
faith, hope--

[Car honking]

[Officers shouting]

On this side, there
is despair, loathing,

And the sepulchral
gloom of the pit!

Excuse me.

Hello, my name is

Call me a fool, but I
think there's a better way.

You think that the
world is out of balance?

Do you think that
your life

Is out of tune?

Well, whose hands
are on the keys?

Hey, scripps!

Why is the music
so dissonant?

- Just look around!
- Scripps.

Mr. Scripps, I'm sorry
to say this, sir,

But I'm gonna
have to take you in.

What a world.

The sky
is so blue.

The earth is
so green.

Time is so full
of possibilities.

doris robson came

To our community

Some 18 months ago
with high hopes.

She didn't bring
much, but

She had
her little jimmy.

He was the foundation
of her dreams.

She had
a fierce love

For this boy and
his future.

Miss robson
tells me that

Her son loved
to read

And act out
stories for her.

And he'd greet her
that way

she'd come home.

But sometimes she'd
be so low,

It would be
hard finding work,

And work wasn't

But he
made her laugh.

He lightened her

She loved him so.

This one life,

This small, fragile

He hung onto life
even as it was

Taken from him.

He clung to it.

We mourn and grieve
for this

Good woman's loss.

And we ask, "what can
we learn from this life?"

This life teaches us

The wisdom of

Because this
is the lord's way.

He teaches us, and
we bless him.

Recieve unto
the hands of the lord

This good boy in a
place of peace,

As restful as
the hopes his mother

Held for him.

Oh, jimmy.

may god rest

His soul in peace.



Oh, jimmy, oh.

[Mourners sobbing]

...city's government
has to take a stand

Above partisanship,

And address itself
to the greater issue

Of justice.

I'm sure that
commander cleveland would

Join me in assuring that
substantial reparation

Will be made to
mrs. Robson-- and soon.

In a situation as
clear-cut as this,

There's absolutely
no excuse

For hesitation.

This woman's tragic loss
demands our attention...

Hello, captain.

I was coming
to see you today.

Everyone feels for
her loss.

I feel
for her loss.

But what about my
loss, captain?

Have you seen mike?

Today, they said
maybe today.

How are your kids?

They sent mike jr.
Home from school.


He got into three

Boys who were calling
his father a dirty cop,

A ki-- a kid k*ller.
[Maria crying]

Think it'll help any
if I talk to him?

I don't know.

He's very angry
right now.

Mike is a
very good father.

He's a very good
man, he--

I just wish they

I have to go to
the hospital now,

They said 11:00.

Uh, maria?

I'm sorry,
could I come by later

And talk to your

you'd like, captain.

Thank you.

Frank, you catch the
news last night?

- That clip of your ex
- mmhm.

- Waving her baby in my face?
- I missed it.

- I missed it.
- Yeah, great.

But, if ozzie wins, he
should appoint her

Commissioner of
unprovoked hysteria.

Frank, it's in the

Took a secret
poll last night.


We're three points
over the margin of error.

We're in!


Thank you.

I've been doing a
lot of thinking, frank.

Down the road, I'll be
nominating someone

To take my place
in the chief's office.

You're your own man,

But time and
again you've been

Johnny on the spot
for me.

A cool head
in a crisis-- the way

You handled this
robson thing.

I obviously can't make
any firm commitments yet.

But this could pay
big dividends

For you, frank.

So you are laying it
off on me.

Dennis, some people
are simply more effective

Following orders than
giving them.

The letter you
read at the debate

Hung me out to dry.

You'll remain deputy
chief as long

- As you continue--
- you listen to me!

Promises were made
to me!

I've waited too long,
I've worked too hard.

I've buried too
many bodies to lie down

And let somebody else
walk over me!

Dennis, this is not

- The time--
- I'm gonna bring you down!

You mark me!

I'm gonna bring
you all down.

Man's an empty glass,

Lot of
them in public life.

He's just not front
rank material.

Oh, mrs. Furillo.

So that's what I've
been thinking, frank.

I hope it doesn't
displease you.

Both of you.

Something to think

First there's
still this small matter

Of an election
to win.

I trust I can
count on your vote.

Eh, chief?

[Engine starting]

That's my guy.

Let's go.

He called you

This a joke?

Maybe. Probably.

You're not laughing.

I've heard it


Mr. Scripps, I'm
lieutenant henry goldblume.

how do you do, sir?

I understand our
officers explained

The electioneering
restrictions to you.

quite thoroughly.

Then you do understand
you're not to

Campaign any closer
than the lines allowed?

Yes, sir.

I won't be doing
it again.

glad to hear that.

It's just that--

Well, I've so much
ground to make up

And there's
so little time.

I just announced
my candidacy

This morning.

Politics is a fine


It's phony, but it's

Well, I think we
can let mr. Scripps go.

Let's not have any
more trouble

Out there
today, shall we?

Certainly not.

This is the kind of
thing I want to address,

Only after taking

Pleasure, lieutenant.

Good luck to you.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you
very much, indeed.

You're a lucky man,
mr. Scripps.

'Cause you get to
go home and watch it

All out on tv, now,
don't you?

You ain't gonna

- Be here anymore.
- henry?


hi, fay!

Are you busy

Uh, why?

Well, I just got
a call inviting me to


Really? What for?

I dunno, he
probably saw me

On the news last

Anyhow, the aide said
he wants to meet with me.

He say why?


I, I don't know,

I just, I just
have this funny feeling,

Like, like something's
gonna happen,

Something good.

I can't explain

That's wonderful,
isn't it?

I guess so.

Anyhow, my mother's
gonna babysit,

Can you come?

'Course I can.

what if he wins?

I mean, wouldn't that
be wonderful?

I wouldn't
hold my breath.

But it's possible,
isn't it?

I mean, he
really could win?

Sure it is.

[Door closing]

[Button buzzing]

Hello, liz.


How are you?

Why didn't you tell
me you were a cop?

Well, you never
asked me.

There was a lot
of insincerity in what

You did, you know?

I apologize.

It's part of
the job.

I guess.

You know, liz, I so
enjoyed our talk

The other day, I
was wondering if perhaps

We couldn't meet in some
more congenial environment.

Absolutely not.

No chance.

Forget about it.

Well, friendship isn't

Under these
circumstances, liz.

I was seeing a lady of
your occupational

till quite recently.

Until our cultural
differences became

Too pronounced.

Ed, read my lips:
no way.

[Ed sighing]

All right.


Still got some
time left.

Oh. Heh.


I am searching for
a subject that, uh,

Commends itself to




Do you want--

Or would-- would you
rather I just go away?

Your token.



Yeah, I'd like to.

You'd like me to
go away?

No, no! To talk.

I mean, you seemed like
a pretty nice guy

The other day.

That's why I was so
p.o'd when you

Turned out to be a cop.
- Drat, can't find it!

- What?
- Another token!

Oh, we can't get it
up from outside!

Do you hear me
clearly in there?


I, I read you
very well out here.

Would you call
that symbolic, liz?


Well, aching for exchange,
confronting the walls

Of the isolated past,
the barriers of our natures.

Is ed your real name?


You're kidding!

- Oh, god, that's my
- no.

Father's name, too.

[Liz laughing]

I like you.

I like you too,

Try to get it up.


Well, I can't get it
up from this side.

Try it from your side.

Liz, I can't
raise it.

Well, go get tokens.

- All right!
- Hurry!

Wait, wait!

I'll be right back!

I'm going for

I gotta talk to you.

Hey, can't talk
now, babe.

Here, take my card,
give me a call at this

Precinct later on, okay?

this looks like it's
gonna work, alan.

How does it feel?

Testing, one two three,

Got it!


Come on, give me
some tokens.

Hurry, hurry.

Somethin' wrong?

I don't know yet.

Guy's hot to trot,

can I do for you?

Hey, good lookin'.

Bud truax, naughty

You must be--

In charge.

Who's the eiffel eyeful?

I'm mr. Kaplan's


God rest poor murray,
I just heard.

I been coming
in here seven years.

Murray kaplan was
a saint.

Had a heart
like a side of beef.

You been with murray

Not that long, no.

Murray, they broke
the mold after

[Truax over bug]
that guy.

Man understood--

Liz, I'm back!

We can take
our time,

I got
lots of tokens!

What was it you wanted,

Well, as a matter
of fact,

I just got
our new fall line.

Take a look, touch,

This is the hot little
item we call

The iron maiden.

Black patent corinthian

Stainless steel stays.

Knock eight inches off
the most indulgent waistline.

Uh, you want to move
over here, bud?


Right on time.

Mr. Roeblick's gonna
notarize our agreement.

He lost about four days
right after pearl harbor,

Been trying to get 'em
back ever since.

Funniest thing.

He thinks
it's last friday.

Um, if you could go over
the particulars

One more time.

- Nice dress.
- Nice face.

Well, I just want to
make sure

We're in complete

Before we finalize
the agreement.

What's the problem?

Do you smell smoke
in here?

You know, it is
a bit smoky, isn't it?


Um, please, let's
not, uh,

Hasten this
unnecessarily, my friends.

[Alan over bug]
i, I just, um--
I simply want

To address both
your problems,

And the problems
of mr. Kaplan's family.

That's... Touching.

Do you smell smoke?


- Oh.
- I think he gets the idea.

- Oh.
- No, I mean really.

It's a wire!

Police, freeze!

You're an animal!
[Truax giggling]

Get 'em, mick!

Police, freeze!

[All shouting]

No g*ns!

No problem, no problem!

Got 'em covered, guys.

[Someone knocking]


Captain furillo's here
to see you.

Hi mike,
how you doin'?

Hear you've been having
a tough time in school.


Want to talk about


Listen, maybe if you--

Why don't you just
get out?

Why don't we
both just get out?

You feel like taking
a walk?

Your brother and
sister play here?


You come here

Do you know what
you're angry at, mike?

And do you know

You're angry at
your dad, aren't you?

They're saying all this
stuff about him.

Think it's true?

I don't know.

He's a good cop.

He always has been.

He still is.

He k*lled him,
didn't he?


But it was an

He was doing his job
and something happened

He couldn't control.

That could happen
to any cop, any time.

But that's what the
job's like.

And that's why cops are
different, you know?

That kid's mother
must hate my dad.

Yeah, she-- at first
she did,

she forgave him.

If she can forgive him,
you can, too.

You have to.

And what am I supposed
to do

When they
make fun of me?

They want to
fight with me.

Well, the best way
to show 'em

How tough you are
is not to fight back.

Mike, people are gonna
say things because

They don't
know any better.

'Cause they don't

But you have to take
care of the family, now.

Your mom needs you.

Your dad does, too.

What's gonna happen
to him?

Is he
gonna be okay?

Yeah, he is.

It may take some time,

I'm scared.

I'm gonna see your
dad today.

Anything you
want me to tell him?

Tell him to come

Tell him
that I love him.

frank, we got the
two arsonists.

Clean bust?

We lost the wire,

But we may have
enough without it.

The lawyer's here.

He's with wachtel
in interrogation.

Let's call
a.d.a. Bernstein.

He's already with

frank! You better

- Take a look at this.
- What?

--Nine years, the last
three as deputy chief.

A man
I once respected.

But reflecting upon
his shameless manipulation

Of the events of the past
couple of weeks,

I can no longer in good
conscience remain silent.

On october 24th,
following the sh**ting

Of jimmy robson,

I had a meeting with
chief fletcher daniels

In his office,

In which he suggested
that we prosecute

Mrs. Robson on child

In order to,
and I quote,

"Take the heat off
the department

And my candidacy."

Frank, they're getting a
little impatient out there.

...where after a meeting
with captain frank furillo

And assistant
d.a. Irwin bernstein,

Mrs. Robson was arrested
by officers

From hill street

On the order
of captain furillo.

Chief daniels yesterday
disavowed knowledge

Of the bringing
of these charges.

That is a blatant

People will question
rightfully why I've waited

To come forward.

I can only say that my
own culpability

Has become
more than I can bear.

I fully endorse the

commander cleveland.

- Frank.
- The commander's integrity

Is beyond reproach.

I am proud of the
years that I've served

This city and this

And I am looking forward
to many more--


This is the check
from the robson fund.

I'd like to have it

To mrs. Robson in her

And I'd like it to
be a couple of uniforms.

We'll do it after
we vote.

It's appreciated.

Oh, unacceptable,
unacceptable, unacceptable!

Frank, this is arnold aames,

Gardner waste
management systems.

- Pleasure.
- I want 1%

For our good faith
and 1% for the royalty!

What do we have?

Working on a triangulated
agreement, frank,

That's a little

Not because of me.

How's the burn?

First degree,
thank god.

If my brassiere
had caught fire,

I'd be fighting
for my life.

- You're here--
- I'm here representing

The three men you have
in custody, captain.

The arsonists.

Alleged arsonists.

Little, andrews,
and roeblick.

All employees of
gardner waste.

It goes as follows,

Gardner waste has agreed
to come up considerably

From their original
offer for wonderland.

90 Cents on the

Mr. Kaplan's family
would also retain a royalty

For the continued use
of murray's

Good name in

- With the wonderland.
- 1% Of all gross incomes.

I want 2% with full
oversight access

To all accounting

Or it's
not gonna fly!

Please, alan.

Just let me finish.

Representing the interests
of the kaplan family,

Alan would
agree not to pursue

A wrongful death suit
against the city.

We've agreed on
a cash settlement,

Thereby avoiding a
lengthy trial.

Cut to the chase,

I've spoken
to the d.a.

And the
corporation council.

They've cleared it
from our end.

We will decline to
prosecute the three men

Arrested at murray's
this morning.

Threats were
made that fully

Justified those arrests.

Upon reflection, frank,
I think their remarks

Concerning smoke
and fire were

Sufficiently ambiguous.

Since when do we
trade arrests

To protect
special interests?

Your men were gonna
be named

In that
civil suit, frank.

It's your interest, too.

So if you will agree
to release these three men,

I think everyone's
interests in this matter

Can be very neatly

I want my 2%!

Alan, does your
fire insurance

Specifically cover

1% We
could live with.


God forbid mrs. Kaplan
should have to worry.

Excuse me, frank.

You had about
20 calls

mahoney's statement.

Later, ray.

And chief daniels is
in your office.

Can we
go ahead, frank?

Can't see why not.

Seeing as how
everybody's interests

Are being so neatly
served here.


You're a very
special person.


Do me a favor,

Reach over and
pull this knife

Out of my back,
will you?

I always knew
dennis was a little

Tightly wrapped.

He was effective in
the right spot.

Live by the hatchet...

Polls are only
open four more hours.

He's probably
too late.

- He even s--
- I'm issuing a statement

At five.

We'll position him
as a disturbed,


There's his therapy
history to deal with, too.

What therapy

Hospitalized for
depression, twice.

Been under a
psychiatrist's care

Six years now.

Very hush-hush.

That has to be out
of the personnel record.

You can't reveal

Somebody's already
revealed it, frank.

I'll simply comment
on what's public knowledge.

Want to be there for
the statement?

I don't think so.

Now, on
your end, frank.

Questions are gonna
start coming

Fast and furious.

Want to lay low
for a while?

I'll be all right.

We'll see it through,

They can't very
well go back and

Change their votes,
can they?

Not to my

'Course not, they'll
see him for

The lunatic he is.

Well, gotta go vote
myself, now.

Then the missus and I
are gonna bowl a few lines

And head over to
the hotel.

Hope to
see you there.

Thank you, frank.

Thanks for everything.

Quincy's gone,
murray's gone,

Got nothing, now,

You still got your

How long you think
that's gonna last?

You think they gonna
pay, these new dudes?

They don't pay,
man, I gotta walk.

Maybe that's good
for you.

Why don't you get yourself
on the program, huh?

Get yourself straight.

You know,
you probably could

- Turn things around for you.
- I've done the program.

Don't preach me

Then what do you
want me to do, huh, vicki?

You can hire me.

As what?

Be your snitch.

[Neal chuckling]

Sorry, vicki, I'm
kinda over my budget

- On snitches.
- Look, I got you quincy.

And I got your pictures
in the paper.

You guys come in,
police operation,

Big deal!

And you just sh**t
up people's lives,

sh**t up the way
they live,

And you think you
can just leave?!

Hey, what can I
say, huh?

You owe me!

Hey, you look
here, now!

I don't owe
you nothing!

You are a stone junkie,
and I just saved

Your butt
from going to jail!

You ain't saved me
from nothing!

You sh**t up
people's lives!

[Neal sighing]

Still got the
card I gave you?

You call me next
week, okay?

Now if you got
something for me,

We'll talk.

Now go ahead.

What's eatin' you?


Then why
are you actin'

Like a cigar store

I just can't get
it out of my mind.



All that talk about
cemetary plots.

I know it's dumb,
but it's making

- Me nuts.
- Okay, it happens

To everybody.

It's like, you know
you're gonna die, right?

And when you've been dead
for a million years,

That is just a
fraction of how long

You're gonna be

Which is forever.

It's gettin' morbid
in here.

At least
if I got stuffed--

Hey, nobody gets

I've been reading this
book about egyptians--

The egyptians did not
get stuffed,

They got wrapped.

They got stuffed and
then they got wrapped.

any unit in vicinity
decker and 76th,

411 In progress,
see the man.

[Siren wailing]
that is right around
this corner.

[Siren wailing]

what's going on, here?

Who called this
thing in?

here. Here, officer.

Please, I'm not
trying to do anything.

I came out.

This guy tried to get
some money from me.

- N-n-n-n-
- scripps.

When I refused,
he grabbed ahold of me

And tried to take
my wallet.

Officers, thank goodness
you're here.

- Unhand me, sir!
- Let the guy go.

One dollar!

Just one dollar from
every citizen

Would be enough
to put me over the top.

Now, that's not asking
too much, is it?

We're gonna have to
take you in.

But I'm not guilty of
anything, except for

Perhaps a slight

Considering how belatedly

- I started my campaign,
- all right,

- That's perfectly
- Come on, let's go.

It's this ungodly

The polls
close in three hours.

Voter awareness of
my programs

Is certainly
not catching fire.

It's uphill all
the way.

I don't like this
hallway one single bit.

It'll only take a
second, andy.


Ms. Robson, please?

She's busy.

Just wanted to give
her something.

She doesn't want
anything from you.

It's a contribution to
the fund for jimmy.

Easing your conscience?

Hey, pal,there's

- Over a thousand dollars
- andy,

- In that envelope.
- Ain't helping.

- We all collected it--
- that what a dead child's

Worth these days?

[Ms. Dobson]
what's the
trouble, john?

No trouble.

Ms. Robson.


Our condolences,

This is for jimmy's
fund, from hill street.

Please accept it with
our sympathies.

John, you can
go inside now.


Officer hill and renko,
isn't it?

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

Thank the other
officers for me.

Thank you for your


Please, we must
find some way

To expedite.

I've got to get
back out there.

Mr. Scripps,

Two arrests in such a
short span of time

Make that

Well, if there's any
hope of, of holding that

Back from the public
until they've had an

Opportunity to make
their decision

Free from the cult
of personality, based

Solely on the merits of
what each one of us

Stands for, then--

Mr. Scripps is running
for mayor.

Ms. Davenport...

I fervently believe

That there is still
among us, and in us,

A quorum of

That the hearts of
the people of this country

Are vibrant with
good will.

Quiescent, perhaps,

But just waiting to
answer a call.

And I intend to
sound that call.

Mr. Scripps, once the
election's decided,

Can we assume your
urgency about all this

Is going to relax?

Hah! Well, unless,
of course, uh,

We carry the day.

And if you don't
carry the day?

Well, naturally that's
a prospect

That no politician
is fond to consider--

But if you don't.

Could we assume that
there'd be an end

To the kind of
incident we've had today?


Only a fool flies
in the face

Of the
democratic process.

How eager is complainant
to pursue?

I've explained the
court appearances to him.

He's less than

Polls close in
about an hour.

There should be
some paperwork

To clear up.

Take about an hour.

Can I go now?

It'll take a little
while yet.

You're gonna give me
a solemn promise

That you'll
stay out of trouble

For the rest of
the day.

My hand on it, sir.

We'll see what
we can do.


Um-- heh--

If we should fall
short today,

You'd honor me if
you would consider

Coming aboard and

Managing my next

I know that I barely
know you, but,

I sense that we
share a vision of the

Essential wonder
of this world.

Thank you from the
bottom of my heart.

Then what happened?

Well, I went back to
the booth

And she was gone.

She must have been
frightened or confused

Or, oh, judas,
who knows, henry.

But what troubles

What troubles me is
realizing that I

Am attracted to these
fragile, victimzed,

Neurotic women.

I mean, she is hardly
the first, henry.

Fragile ego structure.

I guess.

What I can't
reconcile is

That consciously,

if you will,

Is the furthest
imaginable person

Than I envisioned
spending my life with.

What's she
look like?

Got an idea?


She's blonde, mid-thirties,

Confident, professional.

Got, uh, solid
career prospects.

She's tall and slim.

She moves with the
supple muscular grace

Of an athelete.

Or a dancer!

Which in fact, she
may once have been.



Uh, willowy and

Frank in the expression
of her needs and desires.

Uh, but completely
capable of the most

Genteel femininity.

Stylishly understated

Well-- well-read
in history and poetry.

Firm grasp of her
own opinions.

But, uh, a light,
musical laugh.

A firm handshake.

Maybe she wears

Maybe she's out
there, howard.

But where, henry?


You know, I always
get a kick

In the old adrenals

Every time I give
that lever a yank.

You know, when I'm
in that booth by myself,

I can't help but
feel the weight

Of the mantle of

It's like the hand
of an old

And trusted friend.

Freedom demands

Don't you think?

Yes, it's an

I'd say it's a
sacred responsibilty.

I must say, it is
heartening to know

That there are enough
of us left running

Counter to this
infernal apathy to still

Make a democracy
of it.

Oh, sh**t.

I wasn't in there
ten minutes,

Not ten minutes!


Madam, allow me.

Allow you?

Allow me to dispense
with this inconvenience.

I'm a police

Lieutenant howard hunter,
at your service.

Oh, would
you, lieutenant?

It would be my very
distinct pleasure.

Lieutenant, you're
a dear.

I've had four
this month already.

You've salvaged my

Well, whatever
I can do to help.

Where are you

Please, let me call.

Perhaps buy you
a drink.

Give me a chance
to more properly

my gratitude.

Uh, hill street.

[Engine starting]

Hill street station.

Well, wonderful.

I'll be in touch.

Oh, I'll look
forward to it.

Thanks again.


Bye now.

[Thunder rumbling]

Who was that?

Sometimes, henry,
life is kind.

[Thunder rumbling]

taken my wallet.

With 14% of the city's
precincts reporting,

We're projecting
at 56 to 42% margin.

A stunning, decisive

In the mayoral race

For last-minute
replacement candidate

Ozzie cleveland.

Supporters are
gathering now

At his election

At the
oakwood hotel

For what will
undoubtedly be

One of the most joyous
victory celebrations

In recent memory.

Cleveland began his
campaign just 10 days ago,

After the tragic
death of

- Who'd you vote for?
- Councilman benjamin fisk.

Who did you
vote for?

I asked first.

Listen, I gotta go
see mike perez.

You want
some company?


[People applauding]
[press asking questions]

I understand we have
a concession.

[People cheering]

What kind of programs
do you plan on initiating?

My first action is to
go downstairs

To the ballroom
and thank all those

Wonderful people who
worked so hard.

What appointments
are you planning to make?

Who fills the office
you vacated?

Before you ask any
more questions,

I'd just like to
say that I believe

That this is
the dawn

Of a new era
for this city.

[People cheering]
that's right!

we have an
opportunity now

To revitalize this

To take it in
new directions.

To make it a great
city again.

[People applauding]

I just want to thank
god and the people

Of this city for
making this possible.

I feel blessed.

[People applauding]

And now if you'll
excuse me,

I'm gonna go downstairs
and tell

All those wonderful,
exhausted people

To take a deep
breath and enjoy tonight,

Because tomorrow

The hard work is
just beginning!

[People cheering]

[Press shouting]

[Mick] hey, let's go!

Take him!

[Overlapping chatter]

Oh, no, no, no!

[Scripps sobbing]
all right, take it easy.

It was all a mistake.

I'll go get help.

No, no, no,
I want you

- To understand.
- This?

This is what
you want?

- It was a present.
- Listen to me.

Please, I wanted--
- listen to me!

You should never
have come here.

- I love everybody!
- Quiet!

Don't talk.

Unit's downstairs.

You take him.


County general,

I'll meet you.

This way,
mr. Scripps.

Cuff him.

[Shocked murmuring]

"On your graduation

mother and father."

[Thunder rumbling]


Captain furillo.

It's good to see
you, sir.

I want to thank you
for seeing my son today.

Maria told me.

Oh, I was glad to
do it.

Well, um, I'm
very grateful.

Well, I understand
that we have

A new mayor
this evening.


Ozzie cleveland.

That's good.

It'll be good for
cops, for all of us.


Yeah, I think it
will be.

I'm coming back,

I want you to
know, I'm not gonna

Let you down.

You never did, mike.

Well, they, um,

They want me to stay
here a few more days.

But I told 'em, I want
to get back to work.

I'm ready.

we want you back,

Soon as you feel
up to it.

I feel good.

You tell everybody
I feel alright.

They'll be
glad to hear that.

Yeah, yeah, I feel
all right.

Except, well, i--

I don't know, it's
just the strangest thing.

What's that?

That's where he
grabbed me.

I can still feel
his hands here, I can

Feel him holding
my leg.

He did that
after I shot him.

I just can't seem
to shake him.

It itches.

It, uh, kinda burns,

I just don't
understand it, do you?

I can feel his fingers,
and, um.

It's just the
strangest thing.


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