04x03 - The Long Law of the Arm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x03 - The Long Law of the Arm

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, I just won 100 grand!

Ready to roll 'em, okay,
there you go, roll 'em.


A man is moving
into the dante projects tomorrow

Who's running for mayor.


You told me you was gonna
put me in charge.

You lied, man.

And all the time,
you're bringing him back, right?

I don't care if I am
six points ahead in the polls.

If we don't want
the line on this,

Fisk'll close the gap
like that.

We're scheduled
an hour earlier

For our lamaze class.

I wouldn't miss it.

Home stretch, kiddo.

You know, maybe you should
invest some of that money

With dale carnegie.

And now, tonight,
on "hill street blues"...

- He lose a lot?
- About ten grand.

But I think you've got a cop
who's got a big problem.

and you put
jesus martinez in jail

Or this guy is gonna die.

You have given me
as much support

During these last three weeks
as any man's ever given me

In my whole life.

I'll always love you for it.


people, please!

A smidgen of forbearance.

Item 13.

As we brace ourselves
for a day

Of record-breaking
heat and humidity,

The bad news, in addition
to the contrary nature

Of our less-than-central
air condition system

Is the usual rise
in robberies,

Aggravated assaults,
and domestic disputes.

The good news,

It's only 88 shopping days
'til christmas.

[Officers protesting}

Great news.

Item 14,
mayoral candidate benjamin fisk,

With the aid
of this precinct's finest,

Has passed
one uneventful night

As an official resident
of the dante projects.

Now, when we're done here,

Detectives larue
and washington

Will be relieving
the night-shift officers

And assuring mr. Fisk
of another day

Free from harm
in his chosen habitat,

Which is especially important
in view of item 15.

It's another grim bulletin
from our w*r correspondents.

A nine-year-old boy
was k*lled last night

In a drive-by sh**ting.

Apparently a case
of mistaken identity.

The b*llet was allegedly

For a member of diablos.

Educated speculation
would narrow responsibility

To the blood,

Their purpose being
retaliation for the death

Of one or their own,
a mr. Leon selwood,

Who was found yesterday morning
hanging from a basketball hoop

On a diablos' playground.


The saga continues.

Now, we will maintain
our pattern of high visibility

For what dissuasion
it may provide.

I wish I could tell you
the end was in sight.

Anybody got a pocket knife?


Item last, a note from
our off-the-record department.

Officer bobby hill
invites you to attend

An event
of great social import

Commencing circa 8:30

This evening
at the club como.

The occasion is a rent party
for officer michael perez

Who has experienced
a common difficulty this month--

Falling somewhat short
of the landlord's due.

Now make a stop tonight,
will you, folks?

If we haven't the compassion
to help one of our own,

Who can we help?

All right, that's it,
let's roll.

And let's be particularly
careful out there.

[Fan whirring]

- Ba-bing, ba-bing.
- Funny stuff, jd.

Don rickles
can't sleep at night.

You know, you're a jerk,
bobby hill.


I ask you
for a personal favor,

And you make me some kind
of precinct charity case.

I was trying to help you.

Yeah, by showing everybody
what a swell guy you are, huh?

Well, you're terrific,

I mean,
you're a real prince.

Take it easy, okay?

Food for thought
there, bud.

Yeah, woke up this morning,
said to myself,

"Gee, I hope it's 103
in the shade,

"And I get to spend
the whole day in a tenement

Staring at rat droppings."

Hmm, looks like somebody else
is having a bad day.

[Ambulance sirens]

We gotta
get this guy to mercy!

Find the arm
and bring it in.

- Arm, what arm?
- The left one, hurry!

[Ambulance siren]

Hey, man,
he didn't say arm.

- I think he did.
- Yeah, but he didn't mean arm.

- I think he did.
- Look, this isn't for us, neal.

Okay, the paramedics
are on the way.

They like stuff like this.

Hey, come on, jd,
come on, man.

- They said find it fast.
- All right.

Okay, okay,
we looked, we didn't find it.

How far could a arm
go, huh?


Oh boy.

- I'll go get some ice.
- Oh, no you don't.


I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

- Take a number, one to ten.
- No way, uh-uh.

You're the one
that wanted to find it.



Oh man.


It's just awful.

Come on.


Take a look.


Takes a licking
and keeps on ticking.

[Radio scanner]
we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See's surplus store,

Corner of peebles drive,
north 24th street.



You wanna tell me about it
or not?

About what?

Your breakfast, joe.

Did you take
the girls out or what?

Yeah, I took 'em out.

- So?
- So?

I want to know what went on.

I mean, tell me exactly
what you did.

We had dinner.

That's not
what I'm talking about.

Now, don't embarrass me,
all right?

Just stop it.

Hey, you weren't
too embarrassed to do it.

- And now you're judging me.
- I'm not.

- You do that all the time!
- I'm not, I'm not!

I swear, this just may be
the only chance I ever get

To hear
something like this.

You know, you're backing me
right into a corner

- Because no matter what I say--
- joe,

- You're going to get mad.
- No, that's not true.

I mean, you're not giving me
any credit at all.

I'm just curious,
that's all.

- You really wanna know?
- Yeah, I am curious.

It was unbelievable.

It was the most incredible
evening of my entire life.

Go ahead.

You know what the best part
about it is?

Those girls are
as different as night and day.

Betty is, uh, is shy.

Not that she won't do anything
that you ask her to do.

And babette, oh, boy,
she's like, all over the place.

She's like, really--

Oh, you really
did it, you know--

What did-- what did you
do that for?

All right.

[Police radio]
all units in the area,

1400-Block randall avenue.

- Hey, let's go.
- Man with g*n, sh*ts fired.

Man down.

[Police siren wails]

Drop the g*n.

Drop the g*n.

All right, turn around,
put your hands on the car.

- You do not understand--
- turn around!

He tried to rob me!

That man has a knife,
he tried to rob me!

We'll talk about it later.
Right now, you're under arrest.

I don't know,
the guy's crazy.

Take it easy.

I'm putting five bucks
through the window

And the guy
turns around and sh**t me.

captain furillo?

John fox, vice, midtown.

- How are you?
- Fine, how are you?

Mind if I talk to you
for a minute?

Uh, sure, come on in.

Sit down.

Look, captain,
I've been working

On a high-rent crap game
for a couple of weeks,

And last night
we were going to bust it.

Then I recognized
one of your guys.

- Who?
- Bobby hill.

He joined the game
about midnight,

And he didn't leave
until after it broke up.

I deferred the bust.

You sure it was hill?


I'm surprised
he didn't recognize me.

But then the way he looked
last night,

I'm not sure he would
recognize his own mother.

Now captain, I know
he just won a lot of money,

And you might argue
that he's having a good time,

But I'm not so sure.

He lose a lot?

About ten grand.

Now captain, I hate to be
the one to tell you this,

But I think you've got a cop
who's got a big problem.

Sorry you missed
your bust, I apologize.

We'll get 'em.

Thanks for coming.

The i.a.d. Is busy enough.

- Captain.
- Mick?

I just came from downtown,
that i.a.d. Hearing.

- And?
- And nothing.

They asked me a bunch
of stupid questions

And said I could go.

What happens now?

They'll issue their report
and call me.


24 Hours.

Captain, what I
don't understand is this,

If this guy is only
doing this

Because he's got it out
for the precinct or something,

When are you going to
get behind me?

Mick, we've been over this.

It's in everyone's
best interest,

Particularly yours,
if I keep a low profile.

This isn't a unique

You'll see it
for what it is.

Meanwhile, I'm the one that's
gotta take the rap.

Mick, you're the one

Who had the guy
up against the wall.

That's a crock, captain,
he had it coming.

You don't stick your hand
into a dog fight, we know that.

- What do you want me to do?
- Stick to your desk.

Okay, but I'll tell you
one thing,

I am not going to be
hung out to dry for this.

I'll quit before
I let that happen.


Bobby hill around?

No, he left with renko
an hour ago.

- Okay--
- francis, do you know

If fay is partial
to the peruvian lily?

I'm not sure.

You know how bleak
those hospital rooms can be.

Look at this one.

The planter is actually
a music box

Shaped like a cradle.

It plays brahms' lullaby.

I'm sure she'll love it.

Would you
excuse me, please.

I got your report
on last night's sh**ting, frank.

Just doing my job.

Oh, boy.

[Phone rings]


Hi, ma.

I'm fine, how are you?

No, I'm not.

Ma, I'm not in a bad mood.

I'm not hiding anything
from you.

Because there's
nothing wrong!


Maybe I got
a little toothache.

Because I didn't want
to worry you.

I'm going this afternoon.

I already made
the appointment!

Can we please change
the subject?

Thank you.

So what's new with you?

Why, what's wrong?

All right, all right,
wait a minute.

Who's getting the divorce?

Joe and sandra.



That's too bad.

I am upset, ma, but you know,
those things happen.

Wait a minute,
you told me yourself

That she was cheating on him
with her foot doctor,

So maybe--
listen to me.

Maybe he's better off
without her.

Maybe he'll
find someone else.

I don't know, ma.

Maybe somebody at work.

All right, then,
maybe somebody on the bus

On his way to work,
I don't know,

But I really don't think

You should let it upset you
this much.

Because it's not healthy.

There is something
you can do about it--

Yes, there is, ma.

Change the channel.

That's right.


He gives me the money,
I am making change,

Then he takes out the knife
very fast,

And he places it to me here.

Mr. Chabundi, ma--

- Is it--
- would you like these?

Thank you.

Is it possible,
mr. Chabundi,

You could have been
mistaken about the knife?

Maybe he had something
that looked like a knife.

No, it was a knife,
I saw it.

It was very long
with a blue handle.

Do you have any idea
what happened to it?

I do not know.

He was walking 'round.

Maybe he hide it.

He was walking around
after you shot him?

Yes, after.

You're not going
to undress more, are you?

I'm not sure.

No, I was joking.

Miss davenport,
I am a student.

I would never hurt anyone
with no reason.

But in six months
I have worked as a cab driver,

This makes five times
I am robbed.

Just the same,
you shouldn't have had the g*n.

Cab drivers aren't allowed
to carry firearms in this city.

I am only trying
to defend myself.

How can I go to jail
for that?

No one said
anything about jail.

You have no prior arrests

And your college standing
is excellent.

But what about immigration?

Miss davenport,
I work so hard to come here.

If I go back like this,

I will be a disgrace.

Listen, let's just
take it one step at a time.

I'm sure we can find a way
to work it out.

I mean that.

Thank you.

Miss davenport,
thank you very much.

I'm telling you, man,

I feel like I could bathe
for a week.

Doctors think
they might have a good chance

At sewing the dude's arm
back on again, man.


Louie, sorry.

Stopped for an accident.

You sure your grandma
wasn't sick?

Oh yeah,
all over my shirt.

morning fellas.

Here's the schedule.

I'll be out of here
in another half hour.

Anyone want work
as a speechwriter--

He's scheduled to be back
around 2:00

For a tenant's
committee meeting.

whoa, hey, hey!

No sale, baby.

Man, I thought this dude
wanted to talk to his people.

Okay, but not today.

Well, I got some things
I want to say.

All right,
let him in, please.

All right, spread 'em,

- Aw, come on, man.
- Cut it out, will you!

I won't have you treating
these people like thugs.

- Let him in!
- This is great!

This is real great.

- What's your name, son?
- Hector... Hector ruiz.

Hey, mr. Fisk,
you don't have--

Ben fisk,
pleased to meet you.

Yeah, pleased to meet you,

Go on, man.

Now who got the power, pigs?

Who got the power?

Move, man.

Move or I'm gonna k*ll him!

- All right, all right, hector.
- Come on, move!

- All right, hector, easy.
- We're moving, baby.

We're moving.

Now you're gonna
listen, mister,

And you're gonna listen
real good, you got that?

[Door shuts]

Get howard in here, please,

And we need a phone hookup
to that apartment.

That's number-one

Right away.

You wanna go along
on this one?

Why wouldn't i?

You could stay here
and point your finger at me.

I understand young ruiz

Has taken
our crusader hostage, frank.

How long to get your men
in place?

Full deployment
in 30 minutes.

Go, go ahead.

You want me
out there, frank?


Keep me posted.

I will,
that's how I work.

[Police sirens]

[Helicopter whirring]

it's gonna be
barnum and bailey out here.

I'm gonna need at least six more
units on crowd control.

Pick up the phone, hector.

We want to be able
to talk to you.

We want to hear
what you have to say.

Glare is gonna have us at bay
'til mid afternoon, henry.

Say again?

The sun, it's right
in the apartment windows there.

We won't have a shot
for at least two hours.

Break my heart.

That wasn't advocacy,

I was merely acquainting you

With a range
of possible response.

Right, thanks.

I'm sure
once you ask nicely,

The little urchin
will tell us "april fools."

Cartwheel right into
the paddy wagon.

- Chief.
- Where is he?

Right up there,
the second room, four over.


I'm trying to establish
phone communication.

Is fisk all right?

I'm trying to find out.

Find out how fisk is.

Excuse me.

[Man over walkie]
bingo, henry.



Slow, we got a lot of time.

Just let me make sure
everybody's all right.

You okay?

And mr. Fisk?


Great, then we're going
to work this one out, hector.

Everyone's gonna come out
of this all right.

What's he telling him,
he did a great thing?

We're going to
put him up for a medal?

He's trying to calm
the guy down.

I think you contributed
enough today, detective.

- You've been negligent enough--
- easy, dennis, easy.

Lieutenant, this is andrew lane,
ben fisk's campaign manager.

I want him kept informed
of all developments.

Anything we can do.

- Give us room to work.
- Absolutely, absolutely.

The lieutenant is one of
our very best men

In hostage negotiation.

Hey, I didn't go anyplace,

Just got everybody
and his mother out of here.

You got the whole city
paying attention.

yappin' in my ear.

Hey, wait, wait.

Before we get to an agenda,
let's, uh, you hungry?

You want something to eat?

Okay, wait.

Hector, wait, if you want,
we'll do it now.

Fine, whatever.

What's going on?

No more crap from you,
henry, you got that?

No more lies, man.

You put jesus away.

You get me
a million bucks,

And you put this stuff
on cameras now.

And you put
jesus martinez in jail

Or this guy is gonna die.

the candidate is being
held hostage by hector ruiz,

Leader of a g*ng faction
in the hill district.

As ransom
for the candidate's release,

Ruiz is demanding
immediate reincarceration

Of jesus martinez,
another g*ng leader--


... Recently paroled
on an embezzlement conviction.

Yeah, hello, hello, yeah.

Yeah, we're gonna
pick up jesus.

Can I promise him that?

Ray's working up a list of all
of his hangouts right now.

You send jesus back?

You know I can't do that
without cause, henry.

Do we know who
his parole officer is?

He doesn't have one.


You're gonna have some blood
down here, frank.

Well, if that's the case, henry,
I don't want it to be fisk's.

Is there any way
jesus would agree

To some sort of cosmetic--

Look, we're just
going to bring him in

And see what we can get.

What does
the rest look like?

A zoo.

It's okay,
I'll be in touch.

Phil, tell ray
to use anyone available.

- All of jesus' hangouts.
- Should we get a warrant?

He's material
to a police investigation.

Captain, did you
want to see me?

Close it.

John fox
came to see me today.

He's midtown vice.

He was all set to take
a crap game last night

When he recognized you
at the table.

He deferred the bust.

What's the damage?

Is he going to the i.a.d.?

Not at present, but there'll be
no more warnings.

Captain, if--

Look, I know you're
under a lot of pressure.

Something like this lottery
can be a mixed blessing.

It's none of my business

What you do
with your money, bobby,

But I'm not going to let you
compromise the badge,

Am I understood?

- Yes, sir.
- Get back to work.

Check with lieutenant calletano
on bringing in martinez.

Andrew, el cajon social club,
511 east utica.

- Right.
- Back rooms too.

Yes, sir.

Bobby, you got a minute,
I need--

What is it, belker?

What do you need,
you need a little help?

Here, take it,
it's all yours.

Just get out of my face.

Oh, you want more,
how about this?

I don't want
your lousy money, nosebleed!

I was gonna work up
a field report for you

On that mud palace bust,

But don't you bother getting it
because I just changed my mind.

What's the story
on you, man?

Just leave it!

Leave it.

So where'd you go
last night?

Went out.

Yeah, I know you went out.

You breezed by me
like the topeka express

On your way out
of the squad room.

I tried to call you
until 1:00 a.m. In the morning.

I finally gave up and went
to sleep.

Thought you might want
to party down with your pal

After winning
all that money.

What is that?

Currency, 2,500 bucks,
it's yours.

Uh-uh, no sir, it's not.


I don't want
no conscience money.


I've been going through
a lot of changes lately.

I'm a little turned around.

Don't make me
do a song for you.

I want you to have it.

You really mean that?


we're buddies, right?


Well, in that case, I accept
with a great deal of pleasure.

- Thank you, robert.
- You're welcome.

Thank you,
thank you, thank you.


That certainly puts a new light
on the day now, don't it?

Yes, it does.


Hey, man,
this is a private club.

I didn't hear nobody
invite you in.

What's behind
this door here?

Your mama's bedroom.

Boy, you gonna come over here
and help me open up this door?

You got a warrant for this?


I got a warrant right here.

Are you gonna come help me
open up this door

Or am I going to
serve it to you personally?

I'm busy.

Renko, look out!


Look out for the knife!

Hold it right there.

Drop the knife!
I said drop it!

If you don't drop that knife
by the time I count to three,

I'm gonna
blow your head off.

One... Two...


Get off me!

Get off me and get up against
that bar right now, man.

Get up against that bar.

Get up against
that bar, boy.

You're the man, bobby hill.

You're the man
I want on my side,

Always, bobby hill.

Just go get cleaned up.

All right, straight in.

22 Bucks for a new shirt
every week of my life.

Oh, mama.

Oh, mama.

[Horn honks]

Where's my money?

All right, fellas,
like the lady says,

We can play it smooth
or we can play it rough.

I want some results,
and I want it now.

Now, where's my money?

[Speaking spanish]

Get up against that bar.

- Porque?
- Porque I said so.

Get up against that bar
right now.

Get against
that bar right now!

[Speaking spanish]


Your dinero, huh?

[Speaking spanish]

Where's mine, huh?
Where's mine, huh?

[Speaking spanish]

I want to say something,
I want my money!

No se, no hablo ingles!

I want my money,
mi dinero, comprende?

[Speaking spanish]

In a pig's eye, man.

[Police radio chatter]

Preliminary hearing
noon tomorrow

On the charges
of illegal possession

Of a w*apon
and attempted m*rder.

No, I am not guilty,
it is the other one.

Miss davenport.

Your honor, I'm sorry.

My client's
been extremely overwrought

Ever since the incident.

No, I am not a guilty man.

Mr. Chabundi,
this court will begin

To address
that question tomorrow.

In the mean time,
you are free to go

On your own recognizance

And immigration
will be notified.


Oh, miss davenport, please,
you can't let them send me back.

No one's
sending you back, son.

It's standard procedure
when felony charges are brought.

I will prove to you
there was a knife.

I will go find it.

- [Gavel pounding]
- next case.

Please, you come with me,
can you?

We will find it together.

Kiki, I'm sorry,
I can't this afternoon.

I have to find it.

I have three more clients.

Officers, I know
your time is short, but if you--

We've looked once,
miss davenport, I'm sorry.

Couldn't they
look some more?

Kiki, later in the week,
I can get

One of our officers

After the hearing?

After immigration is told?

I'm afraid
that's the earliest.

Here's my home phone.

You're not alone
in this, honestly.

Try to stay calm.

- Even if there's no knife--
- you don't believe me.

Yes I do,
I'm simply saying

Even if it's not found,
we'll win this.

I'll try very hard.

See you tomorrow.

[Horn honks]

Excuse me,
you got the time?


What do you figure it is,
about noon?

I said I don't know.

How come you're eating
your lunch out here?

What, are you
writing a book?

[Alarm bell rings]


Get up!


You are under arrest,

We looked
all over for him, hector.

- We're still looking.
- He's out there, man.

I know he is.

He didn't go back
to puerto rico.

Check his mother's house,


Or el cajon.

We are within millimeters
of being clear.

Shut up.

Hector, get away
from the damn window.

Use the damn phone.

You are a phenomenon
to me, henry.

You are an enigma.

You want millimeters,

You think
you're william tell?

Is he clear?

Did I hear that you've got
a clear shot at that kid?

No, that's not
what you heard.

What I was saying is there
are instances as he turns--

And you've also said that your
sight's obscured by the sun.

What's going on here,

Look, we've got a lot
of cards left to play

Before we get to g*ns.

And the last thing
that I want to do is interfere.


Hey, hector.

Listen, I'll get back to you
in a sec, okay?

Look, would you please
get the hell away from me?

Every time I start to get
some continuity,

Someone's watering my ear.

Look here, I expect to be
consulted before any decisions--

You'll be consulted,
you'll be consulted.

For crying out loud,
you're all going to confirm

Your worst scenarios.


Yeah, okay.

[Helicopter whirring]

Where is your captain?

Well, you know policy,

Too many in command.

I know what
the damn policy is, ray.

I also know as long
as the chief is here,

It's hardly going to make things
top-heavy for the captain

To make an appearance.

He sounds
like he's losing it.

You're saying
that the man

Who's running
these negotiations is unstable.

No, we're not,
we certainly certainly are not.

But I do think
that we ought to have--

Henry is in constant

- With captain furillo.
- That's exactly the point.

And I think--
let's make sure

That we're getting
frank's input.


Hang on, hector.


Now, just calm down.

Put me on your phone
with your captain.

He's not on-- oh, frank.

Listen to me, frank.

I'm in a situation here

Where every action I take
looks like bad faith.

I'm trying to stay out
of substantive decision,

That's why I didn't insist
you come down to begin with,

But now I am insisting.

It looks like
you can't scare up martinez.

We're still looking.

The million dollars and meeting
the queen of sheba aside, frank,

Putting martinez
back in jail

Seems to be
what this kid was after.

And that isn't gonna happen,

Which means we're about to close
with some unpleasant decisions.

You cannot give
the k*ll order.

I want you to make the call
on how we proceed, frank.

It's not right
for me to do it.

I agree.

Will you get down here?

Tell henry I'm on the way.

What are you looking at?

Don't look at me, scrote!

Mick, what's going on?

I'm sorry, captain.

I just sort of
stumbled into it.

You were supposed to be out
getting sandwiches.

You're on desk duty.

Well, I'm still a cop,
aren't i?

Not once you've turned in
your shield.

Okay, I was making
a citizen's arrest.

Whose side are
you on, anyway?

We'll discuss
this later, mick.

I don't want you moving from
that desk till I get back, okay?

Leo, do you want to do
detective belker's
paperwork here?

Okay, captain.

[Car horn honks]

keep it clear.

- Frank?
- Any change?

Oh, he keeps dragging fists
through the window.

He's got 57 different ways
of demanding we pop martinez.

- Sun's cleared the building.
- Yup.

We got a consensus?

Run it down for me.

I'd call it stable.

His demands have remained
essentially the same.

No incremented v*olence
since his first presentation.

Why don't you stow
the gobbledygook?

Get away.

I think
you should too, chief.

I agree, I agree absolutely.

But frank, let's close
with the realities.

Hector waiting
to hear from you?

I told him you were coming.

I had to talk to you.

Told him you'd have news
about jesus.

That's a dead issue.

Jesus probably listened
on the radio,

Knew we were coming.

Which leaves us where?

I don't know
where it leaves us.

I know where
it leaves hector.

I don't see an alternative.

Cocked the g*n last time.

I thought he was
going to waste him.

I am simply
offering information here.

The sun has cleared
the windows.

You've got him
inside the apartment?


Let's take him.

I need him stable.

I need him still.



We got word on jesus,
I think we can bring him in.

But now, hector, I want you
to stop a minute.

Just want you to stop

And think about what you want
out of all this.

He's still, frank,
he's sighted.

- Go, take him.
- Fire.


- Are we clear?
- All clear.

We're clear.

Am I all right?
Am I all right?

You're okay.

Everything's okay.

Oh, oh, my god!

Brains are all over me.

what happened here?

What the hell
happened here?

- What happened?
- Just take it easy.

Take it easy.
Are you all right?

My god.

He exploded
right into my face.

- He screamed.
- Easy, come on.

Stupid bastard.

Visit other people's lives.

- We'll get you cleaned up.
- Huh, what?


People, we all know
how to do this, I assure you.

When a statement is forthcoming,
none of you will be deprived.

let the officer through.

- Did the kid have family?
- I believe ruiz was an orphan.

Hey, officer,
I understand you gents

Are having a little soiree
this evening.


Well, my girls are supposed
to meet with joe after,

Which means they have
a little time on their hands.

So I'm thinking why not
liven up the festivities

With a little exhibition?

The girls could fool around
a little, put on coconut oil.

You want to run a garden hose
on 'em, that's okay too.

And don't even worry
about the money.

If you want to pass the hat
around afterwards, whatever.

But mostly, we consider it
a thank you present

To your fine department.

What do you say?

Why don't you k*ll yourself?

Frank, frank.

From jesus.

He said he was out of town
all day on business.

He just heard
that we were looking for him.

Way to pull the plug
on that kid, frank.

Took you six hours
to muscle up to the bar.

What do you want?

Belker, larue,
washington, renko in there.


'Cause that's
the captain's office, frank.

Most precincts,
it's the place of command.

I got a whole
shopping bag here, people.

I got a guy
supposed to be at his desk

Playing cowboys and indians
in the street.

'Course then, you got
your uniform here,

Pulling your run-of-the-mill
roust on two citizens

At the el cajone,
trashing their establishment.

And then we get a call
from two people

Who caught their act.

What act?

What the hell do you suppose?

"Takes a lickin'
and keeps on tickin'."

Pull a man's arm out of a gutter
and crack jokes about it.

Captain, while he was busy
collecting reports,

I wonder if he also
took the time

To call the hospital
to see how the guy's doing.

'Cause I called,
and thanks to jd and me,

The guy's got a 60% shot
at using the arm again.

Or maybe nobody cares
about that, huh?

I just want
to let you know, fellas.

Until this election,
every day if I've got to,

I'm going to come up here
and change your diapers.

Twice a day if I have to.


What's so funny?

Well, it's just
this arm business.

Puts me in mind
of an old joke.

Guy's in a car wreck
and hand gets cut off.

He picks it up,
he runs over to a doctor,

He says, "doc, quick,
can you sew back this on?"

Doctor says, "sure,
but it'll cost you $20,000."

He says, "gee, forget it."

He runs over
to another doctor.

He says, "doctor,
can you sew this back on?"

He says, "yeah, sure."

He says, "how much
is that going to be?"

He says, "$250."
He says, "$250? Gee, do it!"

Well, the doctor sews it on.

A few weeks later,
the guy's hand is fine.

I mean, he can move the fingers,
the feeling's come back.

It's just fine.

Well, he's having
the stitches taken out,

And he spots
the first doctor.

He runs right over to him.

He says,
"hey, doc, remember me?"

He says, "look at this.
Everything's just great."

He says, "I went
to another doctor

"And he did it for $250.

"When I came to you,
you wanted $20,000.

I have just one thing
to say to you."




Suspension continued.



The guy says, "hey,
that's great, it's a deal."

So he sews it on,
everything's working fine.

One day he runs into
the first doctor, he says,

"Hey, sucker, I just got
one thing to say to you."


Tell you one thing,
if a person's

Not meant to be lucky,
he's not going to be lucky,

That's all there is to it.

You see, no matter
how this looks,

The way things
are gonna turn it,

It ain't never gonna turn out
the way you want it to

'Cause it
don't happen that way.

- [Whistling]
- everybody listen up.

Hill, my man,
I'm gonna tell you,

You were something else
out there today.

- Hey, you deserve a medal.
- Hey, thanks, jd.

I want to shake your hand.

Hey, you got it, blood.


Hey, here is the man!

Hey, where
the ba-bings, baby?

I'm meeting them later.

Come on, I heard
they left for ba-boise.

More like ba-bangkok.

You guys are a ra-riot.

Your attention please.

A surprise just for you
wonderful people.

Right here on this stage,

Two pulsating,
pulverizing princesses

Of pugilistic pulchritude

Are going to provide for you
what has previously

Been purveyed only
for the privileged patrons

Of certain posh,
private clubs.

I give you
the ba-bing sisters.

If this is what's happening,
I'm out of here.

It's not happening,
don't worry.

... Two perfectly matched

Of fleshy, female fortitude.


Uh, show's over, folks.

Joe, what's going on,
we're doing a job--

Forget about it.
No way.

Girls, look,
why don't you go get dressed?

Old joe will take you out
for a good time tonight.

Joe, we're talking
a lot of money here.

Yeah, right, right.

Hey, bobby, where you been?

Investment seminar.

No kidding.

That's smart.

You learn anything good?


Listen, bobby, I apologize
for what I said this morning--

- Yeah, sure.
- Really appreciate your help.


- Michael?
- Yeah?

What's the story on bobby?

- Did he say--
- I don't know.

I was talking to him,
he walked over there.

You know, I was going
to give you $20,

- But I'm all tapped out--
- no problem, renko.

I know that you're having
problems, but--

Thanks for the talk.

Uh, excuse me, excuse me,
I'm sorry, excuse me.

Bobby, I got
to talk to you.

- What's up?
- I got to talk to you.

Just come over here.

Now, I don't know
where to start with this,

But it's no
reflection on you.

- It's nothing personal--
- what, renko?

- What?
- I lost the money.

I had it in my pocket
and then we had that fight

And it fell on the ground.

I went back to try to find it,
it's nowhere.

I just thought maybe,
I owed it to you to--

Renko, look, look, look.

Easy come, easy go,
easy come.

I can't take this.

Sure you can.

Sure I can.


Joe, you're making a mistake.

Hey, shut up.

Never interfere with
how people making their living.

how would you girls like
to make a living with me?

How about it?

We're leaving.

Yeah, they're leaving
with me, bobby.

Well, let's see.

A thousand says

The girls
are changing their plans.

What the hell
are you doing, bobby?

- What am I doing, bobby?
- Yeah.

hey, hey, bobby.

A grand a sister.

How about that?

Hell with it,
you do what you want.

You know, maybe you should
invest some of that money

With dale carnegie.

You know...

I wouldn't mind
blowing 40 bucks on a dinner

If you'd at least
glanced at it.

Oh, I know, I'm sorry.

It was just
one of those days.

Can mahoney make that stick?

The insubordination?
Probably not.

Now ask me how much I care.

How about if I give you
a nice, lukewarm bubble bath

With a back-rub chaser?


Might just do the trick.

You run the water,

And I'll be right in.

I'll be the guy in the tub.

[Answering machine rewinds]

miss davenport...

I have looked and looked.

I cannot find the knife.

You must help.

I know they will
send me back, please.

I have no one else
to help me.

I don't know what to do.

I just don't know
what to do.

I don't.


Wouldn't you know,

I'm probably
going to have this baby

During the hottest week
of the year.

Well, here we are.

Two full-fledged
lamaze scholars.

Nothing left
but the, uh, grand finale.

I feel ready.
Do you feel ready?


I think we're going to be fine,
don't you?


You know, henry,

Not a lot of guys
would volunteer

To be a surrogate partner.

I want you to know
I'm very grateful.

Forget it, no problem.

Henry, you seem
kind of distant tonight.

Is anything wrong?


I'm sorry, fay,
it's not you.

It's just...

Stuff, you know?


Look, I don't mean
to be evasive, it's just...

It's been a hell
of a rotten day,

On top of which I've been having
some personal problems at work.

Anybody I know?



Look, fay, I don't want
to put you in the middle.

Henry, believe me, i, uh,

I know him better than most.

He's, uh...

He's been acting
like he's in a bunker.

Did a lot of damage.


He does that sometimes.

He takes too much on himself

And then he forgets to trust
the people closest to him.


Well, anyway...

I know I haven't been
much support for you tonight,
I'm sorry.

Henry, you have given me
as much support

During these last three weeks

As any man's ever given me
in my whole life.

I'll always love you for it.


Hell of a time
for our first kiss.

Fay, I'm sorry.


No, it's...

It's okay.

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