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04x14 - Anchor Rancor

Posted: 09/06/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
Started at : . Stopped at : .

Man, am I glad
that's over.

I hate funerals.

They say black makes you
look thinner.

Yeah, right.

Drill three holes in my forehead

Rent a pair of shoes,
and roll me toward some pins.

Murphy, please.

This is a tragedy.

Mitchell thompson
was one of the greats.

I thought it was
a beautiful service.

Oh, please.

All those news phonies
looking sad

Trying to get close

To the entertainment tonight

I saw andy rooney
pull out a nose hair

To work up
some tears.

Well, my tears were real.

I can't imagine watching
the sunday evening news

And not seeing
mitch's sweet face

Behind the anchor desk.

It's so heartbreaking.

Now that he's dead

Who gets his job?

The man just
died, corky.

Have a little respect
for the dead.

It is a great job.

You keep your regular spot
and get to be solo anchor.

More air time, more prestige.

A crowning glory
to anybody's career.

We shouldn't be talking
about this.

Have you heard about
a replacement?

No, I haven't

But if gene kinsella
is considering any of you

He'll confer with me.

Afternoon, people.

Mr. Kinsella.

As the head of network news,
I remind you all

That while this was
a sad morning

We should remember
mitch thompson the way he was--

Strong, dignified,
full of life--

Not the way we saw him today--
stretched out in a box

Wearing eye makeup
and cardboard shoes.

But the news waits for no man.

We must go forward.

Jim, may I have a moment
with you, please?


For two seconds

I let myself think
he might pick me.

Who was I kidding?

I have freckles.

People don't want that
in an anchor.

I should be at the malt shop
with jughead and veronica.

You're the best
investigative reporter there is.

What do you want
with a boring desk job anyway?

Yeah, maybe you're right.


Yes, gene?

Would you excuse us
for a minute?

I want to have a word
with murphy.

Uh... Of course.

Gene, I was just wondering.

Should i... Wait?

Why would you do that?

Because I'm living
in a dream world.

Brownie, as sad as it is
about mitch

Someone has to plan
the sunday newscast.

As I've told jim

We have a short list
of candidates--

Jim and you.


Gene, I don't know
what to say.

Funerals make me thirsty.

It's going to be
a very difficult decision.

We thought we'd have
jim do the first sunday

And then
you do the next--

To see how it feels
on each of you.

If my network needs me
in this time of sorrow and loss

How could I possibly say no?

Jim's words exactly.

I knew I could
count on you both.

Well, carry...

Carry on, everybody.

Mitch would want that.

I have concern

Over selecting either
jim or murphy.

You worry too much.

Bad for the blood pressure.

Yes, sir.

Who the hell does he think he is

Sitting up in his ivory tower,
playing anchorperson chess

Like zeus in all those
bad hercules movies.

And one more thing--

When I die, he better come up
with something bigger

Than that f.t.d.
Pick-me-up bouquet.

This is an interesting
turn of events

Isn't it, slugger?

For a moment
it felt a little awkward

But I don't think
there's any reason

For it to be a problem.

Of course not.

Do you believe kinsella
wanted us to audition?

We've got years
of experience between us.

If the big brass doesn't know
what we can do by now,

They ought to be
in another business.

I've got a good mind
to flat-out refuse to do it.

I think you should.

It's insulting to you.

Well, it's an insult
to you too.

Does he think he can do this
just because you're a woman?

It's not quite as insulting
to me.

After all,
you are the senior anchor.

Maybe you can catch him.

Or just go along
with his plan

And not to stoop
to his level.

Good idea.

I'll go along with
his little plan too.


Well, good luck, jim.

Good luck to
you too, murphy...

Not that you
need any luck.

I didn't
mean that.

I know.

I don't even want the job
that much anyway...

Not that you shouldn't
want this job.

I know, but I won't get it.

I won't get it.

I hope you get it.

You've got it.

No, you've got it.

oh, I haven't got it.

You've got it.

No, no, no,
I mean it.

No,i mean it.

No, really,
I've been thinking about this.

For sunday nights
they'll want someone

Straightforward, conservative,

Hearing that description

One could almost
get the impression I'm dull.

No, of course not.

I'm too colorful,
too entertaining.

They don't want that.

You'd certainly be
the first anchor

Who ever saran-wrapped
the toilet seat

On air force one.

Oh, jim, you're upset.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean anything.

Really, I didn't.

Neither did i.

No hard feelings.

Why don't you sit down.
I'll order a couple burgers.

Thanks, jim.

Phil, my good man,
two burgers, medium.

Coming right up.

Phil, let me ask you something.

How would you describe
my on-camera style?

Oh, that's easy, jim.

You're strong,
dependable, a real pro

Not like these
young hotshots

Who just get by
on personality.

Are you saying
I have no personality?

Well, not at all.

You're reliable,
sure and steady.

There's no surprises.

I'm predictable?

I didn't say that.

I just meant that you're
from the old school

Like chet huntley,
douglas edwards, frank reynolds.

They're all dead, phil.

I tell you what, jim.

Here's a napkin.
Write down
what you want to hear

And I'll act
like a $ hooker

And try to say it
like I mean it.

Now if you'll
excuse me

I got burgers to make.

All right, perhaps I'm not
as colorful as some people

But I've been who I am

For the better part of years,
and I'm not about to change now.

What are you talking about?
Why would you want
to change, jim?

No reason at all.

Gene was telling
me last night

How much the network
likes my style.

Last night?
At dinner...

Or maybe it was on
the ninth fairway.

I can't remember.

You played golf
with gene?

He beat me too.

He beat you?!
Gene couldn't sink a putt

If the hole was the size
of a manhole cover.

He got lucky.

I shot a on the last hole.

Golf? Dinner?

Why don't you just invite him
for a sleepover?

That's next weekend.

Doris invited gene and his wife
out to my country house.

Oh, no,
not the two of you

Acting competitive
and petty over a job.

Jim, you're my voice
of wisdom and maturity.

And murphy...
I should have seen it coming.

You know, suddenly this table's
feeling a little crowded.

I think I'll go someplace else
to have lunch

Where I don't have
to watch my back.

Excuse me.

Jim, as executive producer,
I think it's time
we had a talk

And I'll speak
to murphy...

I'll bet she's going to find gene
and take him to lunch.

I'm all over her

Like a cheap suit.

Here's the latest on you lead story.
Dan pratt is in bulgaria
standing by on a radio hookup.


Murphy, what are you
doing here?

Jim, I just came by
to apologize.

I wanted to make things right
between us

Before your broadcast.

Now, murphy, I'm the one
who should be apologizing.

I've never been challenged
for a job by a good friend

And I haven't been
handling it very well.

I hate competing
against you, jim.

Let me suggest we stop
making it worse than it is.

I'll do my broadcast,
you do yours

And we'll let the anchor
fall where it may.


(Electronic beep)

Oh, look at that--
one minute to air,
just like I set it.

Thanks again
for the watch, jim.

You didn't have to do that.

Don't mention that, harold.
It wasn't that expensive,

(Watches beeping)

thanks a lot.

Don't mention it.

You all know
murphy brown.

She'll be
sitting in next week.

I'll bring something
for each of you then.

Yeah, right.

No, no, no. Really.
I just needed to find out...
Your favorite cuts of meat.

Steaks, chops--
whatever you want.

Just write them down,
and give them to harold here.

I'll be by to collect them later.

Seconds, jim.

Feel free
to stay and watch.

You can give me pointers.

Have a good show.

I know you'll do great.

(Theme music playing)

Good evening.

This is jim dial
with the news.

Our top story is in bulgaria

Where an electrical fire
has caused the evacuation

Of a nuclear power plant.

Correspondent dan pratt

Is in a helicopter
circling the disaster site
right now.

Dan, can you hear me?

Yes, I can, jim.

Dan, we're being told

The fire is confined to an area
well away from the reactor.

What do you see?

He's good, isn't he?

I never watch.

Pestilence, disease, m*rder...

All the same to me--
bucks a shift.

Of course, a nuclear
accident is a hot story.
It's hard to miss with that.

What else is up for tonight?

Riots in haiti.

Student uprisings
in south korea.

Another airline went bankrupt?

Geez, how lucky can you get?

oh, hi, murphy.

Did you watch jim
do the news last night?


He did such
a wonderful job?


And he was such
a calming presence

When that news bulletin
about the hijacking came in.

As I'm sure murphy will be,
when she gets her turn.

In the meantime,
we're all very proud of jim,
as we will be of you.

And after a fair trial
whether jim
gets it or you

We'll all congratulate him
or you

With no hard feelings
from you or him

Because in the larger picture
we're on the same team,
right, murphy?

And it's another happy day
in silverberg city.



Good morning.

Ow, ow.

What's the matter
with you, frank?

What do you mean?

Oh, my clothes.

You're used to seeing me
in casual styles of an
investigative reporter.

But there are many facets
to my personality.

All you need
is a handlebar moustache

And three other guys

And you can sing
"sweet adeline."

Some people are so petty.

Miles, I finished the copy
for my story.

It's a new system.

I'm still working out
the kinks.

They're all crazy.

You're my only sane one, corky.

Oh, god.


Make it fast, miles.

I've got to find out

Lois kinsella's favorite show
so I can send a couple of tickets.

Murphy, have I ever shared
my well balanced gears theory?

Yeah, yeah,
you're a clockmaker.

Miles, I made
an amazing discovery last night.

Jim is a very competitive person.

I find it shocking.

Do you think

The kinsellas would enjoy
an outdoor gas grill?

"No, murphy,
I should apologize."

It wouldn't surprise me

If jim got doris
to hijack that .

Let me tell you, clock boy

If he wants a fight,
he picked the right person.


I won't be betraying

When I tell you

The boys upstairs
were pretty impressed.

Jim, just let me add my voice

To the many who congratulate you
on a job well done.

Thank you, murphy.

Gene, don't you think
jim showed
remarkable poise

During that
hijacking bulletin

Especially when the broadcast
went into overtime.

Of course, now
unfortunately jim
will be hated forever

By millions of m*rder,
she wrote

People with all that
disposable income

So attractive to advertisers...

Gene, I have suggestions

I'd like to share
with you.

Do i...
Have some suggestions.

Like what?
I can't say now.

After work
would be good.

Many of my ideas

Are inspired
by edward r. Murrow.

A brilliant man.

Of course, television
has changed a lot

Since his day.

Such dedication
from you both.

I knew it was going to be

A tough choice.


Silverberg, are you sure

You don't have
some kidney problem?

Wouldn't surprise me.


We've just received word

That an earthquake
struck nebraska

Only moments ago.

We go to kelly wilkins
who is on the scene in lincoln.

We've not yet received

Any accurate readings
on the magnitude of this quake

But you were there.

How bad was it?

Not bad at all, murphy.

a few windows rattled.

We do have unconfirmed reports

That jackie's eat and run
on route

Lost a tray of coffee cups.

I see--

Disruption of food services
and basic human needs.

Not really.

No one here felt it.

A few dogs probably got scared.

Thank you, kelly.

Well, there you have it--

Man's best friend terrorized
by freak earthquake.

In other news, no change
in unemployment figures

For last month.

No change in housing starts.

The inflation rate is steady.

The dollar is stable.

We go now to wyoming

Where tim edwards has a report
on a terrible accident.

Are you there, tim?

harvey the grizzly bear--

A mascot at yellowstone park
for years--

Fell into a deep pit
this morning

And could not climb out.

Any broken bones, tim?

Is he dead?

He was completely unscathed.

A helicopter came
and lifted the bear to safety.

Tim, let me ask you.

Isn't it unusual
for a bear to lose its footing?

Is it possible that harvey

Did not actually fall
into the pit?

That he was pushed?

Did harvey have any enemies?


Another bear
jealous of his celebrity.


well, no matter.

The important thing is,
the bear is alive.

I repeat, the bear is alive

And a concerned nation breathes
a heartfelt sigh of relief.


Barbara bush tried out
a new hairstyle.

Dan quayle attended
his first bar mitzvah.

Well, I can see
I'm not needed here.

(Elevator bell dings)


Where are you two

Oh, look, miles.

It's murphy.

So it is.

It is murphy.
Hi, murphy.

You saw the broadcast,
didn't you?

You were running from me.

Was I that bad?


Come on,
what are you talking?

Last night you...

Didn't mispronounce
a single word.

Very good hair.

Anything to add,

No, not really.

No. Then it appears
this conversation has ended.

Let the workday resume.



All right, jim.

I know what's coming.

Go ahead, take aim, and sh**t.

Murphy, I'd like to think
the last two weeks

Hasn't completely undermined
the foundation

Upon which our friendship
was built.

When a co-worker is down,
you don't kick them.

You give them a hug...

A big bear hug.

Ooh, I'm sorry.
I slipped.

Or was I pushed?

I'm digging myself into a pit.

Have me
lifted out

By helicopter.

Hi, everybody.

Nice suit, frank.

Thanks, jim.

I guess we anchor-types

Do recognize quality
when we see it.

I don't think so.

I rarely shop
at "gangsters r us."

All right, that is it!

You people should be ashamed
of yourselves.

Letting this anchor job
run away with your lives.

Have you forgotten
why we're here?

We're journalists--

Committed to one thing,
and one thing only:

Informing the public.

What would edward r. Murrow say?

I'll tell you what he'd say.

He'd say that when a journalist

Gets caught up

In his or her own
personal agenda

That no less

Than freedom of the press
is at stake.

I often think of myself
as a clockmaker...

Oh, stop!
I'm sick
of that!

Okay, okay.

Too far

But I do think it's time
to make peace

And get back to work.

Jim, murphy.

He's right.

Jim, can you ever
forgive me?

I'm so sorry,




Ah, jim, murphy.

Just the two I wanted to see.

What are you doing,

as a numbers runner?

That's right, gene.

That's exactly
what I'm doing

And with any luck at all
I'll be shot tonight.

Well, as you can imagine

It was a very difficult
decision to make.

You both did such a fine job
anchoring the sunday news.

Yeah, yeah, gene.

Just say it.

Jim, I'm sorry.

We've decided
to go with murphy.


You have?

But I was terrible.

You'll do better, brownie.

You've got something
going for you

That jim doesn't--

You're a woman.

We've studied
the demographics.

Our sunday night viewership
is largely female.

Gene, I can't
take this job.

What are you

I've spent my career

Battling for acceptance
because I'm a woman.

To get a job
for that very reason...

There's a word for that, gene.

It's called sexism.

It would be hypocritical of me
to accept this job.

You should give it to jim.

I'll take it.

I was just
being noble!

You have to be noble
and turn it down.

That's the way it works.

I don't want to turn it down!

I want the job!

What is this we're seeing here--

Dissension in the ranks?

I'm beginning
to think

We should go outside off.y.i.
To fill this spot.


You should have
let me know

There was a potential
problem here.

You've got to learn

To handle
your people better.


You weren't terrible
last night.

You got pushy
and overaggressive.

While pushy and aggressive
are bad in an anchor

They make you a great reporter.

I don't want you

You were bad at something.

Jim, I've been thinking
about why I acted the way I did.

It's possible that I was scared.

My life's been going through
so many changes.

In the next few months

I'm going to have
another human being

Totally dependent on me.

What happens if f.y.i.
falls through for me one day?

It's also possible
that I hate to lose.

I mean really,
really hate to lose.

Apparently, so do i.


I suppose we'd better
get back to work

Put this sordid affair
behind us.

I'll meet you for lunch
at phil's later.

My treat.
