04x03 - I'm as Much of a Man as I Ever Was

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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04x03 - I'm as Much of a Man as I Ever Was

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we know Murphy's
never going to admit
the real reason she's late.

So what excuse
do you think she'll use?

She spilled coffee
on her blouse.

Lost her keys.

Got stuck in traffic.

Jim, Murphy's much more
inventive than that.

What is going on
with the traffic in this city?


Public transportation
is the only way to go.

People should be forced
to take buses.

Then I could drive
to work a little faster.

Murphy, we all know
why you're late.

Carmello called from
the parking garage.

He said you've been
sitting in your car

Throwing up into a paper bag
for minutes.

Oh, please.

Are you going to listen
to the spiteful lies of a man

Who calls -hot-pants
on my car phone?

Morning sickness is nothing
to be embarrassed about

As long as it doesn't happen
on the air

With millions
of people watching.

Miles, we might want to put
a bucket next to her chair.

You should probably start wearing
your hair off your face

Just in case.

Please stop talking
about throwing up.


This is not work talk.
Not that long ago

The word "pregnant"
wasn't even used.

Women were
"in a family way."

Now you go to someone's
house for a pleasant dinner,

And they insist on showing you
a video of their child's birth.

What do you say
to your hostess after
witnessing something like that?

"My, Caroline, you certainly
have a lot of stage presence."

This is all very interesting

But I have a piece
on the health care crisis

That needs a lot of work,
so if you'll excuse me...

No, excuse me.

But this is the first chance
we've had to chat

Since you announced
your pregnancy.

Since then I've had time
to formulate many questions.

How does one proceed with
a pregnant, unwed anchor?

How do I present it
to the network brass?

Why should a promising career
like mine have to be tested

And possibly crippled

Miles, there's
a bigger issue at risk here

And you all know
what I mean.

Who gets Murphy's
parking space

When she's on
maternity leave?

You want to know how much
time off I'm going to need?

Three days.

I'll try to have the kid
on a weekend

But in case I don't

Maybe I can have it during
the week we're preempted.

We're talking
about having a child

Not taking in a roll
of film to fotomat.

She knows that.

The poor woman's
putting up a brave front

Because she's terrified.

I know I'd be terrified
if I were pregnant...

, alone

an uncertain future...

Alone... ...

I can't believe this.

You're spending more time
talking about this baby

Than I'm going
to spend having it.

Trust me--

Absolutely nothing is going
to change around here.

(Bell rings)


Mr. Kinsella.

Brownie. Silverberg.

Here. now.

He didn't use
any verbs.

I don't like that.

Gene, I'm glad you're here...

Tell me
you're not pregnant

And I'll go down
to the garage

And fire that vicious,
rumormonger Carmello.

Gene, I'm pregnant.

Oh, God.

I know you're upset,
but you'll be pleased

That Murphy is considering
naming the child after you.

Gene-- perfect
for a boy

Or a girl...

Not that you have
a girl's name...

Will you stop babbling,

Let me think.

All right,
what's done is done.

Clearly, what we have
to concentrate on now

Is damage control.

So, our first priority

Is getting you married
as quickly as possible.

Murphy, do you have any idea
who the father is?

You know me, Gene.

I never look at the guy's face.

Of course, I know
who the father is!

I also know
I'm not marrying him.

I'm sorry if that messes up
your damage control.

It's important to remember
that we're on the same team...

You don't want

To marry the father, fine.

Silverberg, marry the woman.


I'm not marrying anyone.

I've given this
a lot of thought.

I've decided to have this baby
on my own.

Frankly, after years

I would have expected
more from you

Than your typical
corporate reaction.

Brownie, I am corporate.

I'm responsible for a
multi-million dollar operation

That does not thrive
on taking risks.

I don't see how
I have any choice

But to take you off the air.

That's ridiculous.

Of course, you have a choice.

I guess you've opted
for the narrow-minded

Prehistoric, gutless choice..!

I'm sure Mr. Kinsella
respects you

For your honest response

Except for the "narrow-minded
prehistoric, gutless" part.

Let's assume,
for the sake of the argument

Our audience is composed
of bright, tolerant viewers

Who will have no trouble
adjusting to your condition.

Hell, let's assume
I've got a full head of hair.

They'll never go for it.

Even if they did,
how can you do a job

As demanding as yours
while you're pregnant?

I promise not to assign her
any stories

Which involve wearing a wet suit
or going down a well.

Gene, I promise
the minute this baby thing

Becomes a problem for me
or anyone else

I'll be the first to admit it
and walk away

Because no one

Would hate to see me
fail at my job

More than I would.

Duly noted, Brownie.

But now it's decision time.

Do I take you off the air
or not?

Clearly, I have to do

What any top network
executive would do--

Get another opinion.

what do you think?

Oh, God.

I knew this day would come--
the "what do I think" day.


I'll tell you what I think.

I don't think
any of us can predict

How our audience will react

Because nothing like this
has ever happened before.

But what I can say is

The day we let a journalist
of Murphy's caliber lose her job

Out of fear for our own

Is the day when I lose
my stomach for this business.

Very impressive,

Standing up
for what you believe in.

Putting yourself on the line
for the people you work with.

I used to be like that.

All right,
let's do the manly thing

Make the tough choice.

Brownie stays.

I just want to make
one thing perfectly clear.

You're taking the fall
for this, right?

Because I'm this far
from retirement.

If this show goes
down the tubes

I want to be able
to blame someone.

Gene, if this show really does
go down the tubes,

There will be bigger heads
to roll than Miles'.

I know that, Brownie.

I'm just trying
to make the boy sweat.

It's good for him.

Thank you, sir.

Enjoyed every minute of it.

What a day.

I've been on the phone
for five hours

Trying to reach one member
of the cabinet

Who could get me...

Jim, did you just pull out
my chair?

Well, yes,
I suppose I did.

Let's get the rules straight
from the start.

I am not helpless,
incapacitated, frail

Or glowing.

I require no special treatment.

In short, I am the same person
I was a month ago.

Actually, I think your breasts
are a little bigger.

Oh, for heaven's sake, Frank!

If you guys
want to do something

Help me get a quote
from the president

For my national health care

I've called every contact
I could think of

But I can't get near him.

You're not trying to get
the president again?

He banned you
from press conferences.

During a Redskins game,
he left because you were there.

He hates you
more than broccoli.

We may have had a few difficulties

But he respects my tenacity.

The only people getting quotes
from the president

Are the ones who
go jogging with him.

Brit Hume told me that
if you can stick with him
through the third mile,
he gets a buzz on

And you can't
shut him up.

He'll even talk about Neil.

Jogging, I hate it.

It's ruining my business.

Instead of sitting in here
all night eating and drinking

The White House press corps

Is out chugging slim-fast
or working out in a gym.

What we need is a president
like Grover Cleveland--

Nice and fat and slow.

Here, I brought you
a glass of milk.

Yuch! I hate milk.

You should have thought
aut that before you let

Mr. happy make a visit.

I really want this quote.

Well, I'm going to have to run
with the president

Then that's what I'll do.

You can't do that, you're...

I'm what, Jim?

You're... your breasts
really are larger.

Okay, I'll say it.

You can't run with the president
because you're pregnant

, and haven't exercised
in ten years.

Am I supposed
to take medical advice

From a man who flunked C.P.R.

Because he spent too much time dancing
with the demonstration doll?

I was just about
to offer to run with Bush

And get your quote.

Now I don't know.

What are you saying?

That I'm helpless?

That I can't do my job?

We're reporters.

We help each other out.

I'll get a little exercise;
you'll get your quote.

It's not that big a deal.

It is to me.

Save your strength

For applauding the brilliance
of my finished piece

Complete with a quote
from the president.

Like I said, this pregnancy
is not going to change me
in any way.

Let me get this straight,

If I've jogged before,
I can jog now.

I have jogged before...

Sometime in the late ' s

But I'm sure the muscle memory
is still there.

Very nice,
laughing at a pregnant woman.

Just what I'd expect
from a doctor

Who has his office
in a mini-mall.


That's just swell.

Two O.B.s,
a general practitioner

And an ear, nose
and throat man

All spouting
the same party line.

Is a veterinarian considered
a real doctor?

Oh, good, yet another group
of professionals

You've managed to alienate.

Let's see, that leaves
parks department workers

And charcoal sketch artists.

There's got to be some way
around this.

If I may have your attention

I will quote
from The Big Book of Babies

"For those who do not
exercise regularly

"And are anxious

"About exploding thighs
and gelatinous buttocks...

"There's good news.

"Swimming, walking or biking
are acceptable

When done in moderation."

I'm trying to get a quote,
not win a triathlon

And don't you dare take
that last piece of pizza.

Okay, we've had nausea.

Now we're into food cravings
as outlined on page .

What else
can we look forward to?

Okay, "headaches, mood swings

Irritability, irrationality."

According to this

You've been pregnant
for the last three years.

How can this be happening?

No one's ever told me
what I could or couldn't do.

Now my life's being run

By something
the size of a coffee bean.

Well, this bean's going
to start learning right now

What mom is all about.

I'm a reporter.

That doesn't stop
because I'm pregnant.

Excuse me.

You should know that
according to "Here Comes Baby"

The person you're arguing with
doesn't have ears yet.

This isn't fair.

You're playing dirty
and I don't like it.

Okay, okay,
I'll give you this one.

I won't jog with the president

But in return,
I want a painless labor

And no stretch marks

And you're going to come out

And sleep through the night

And you're never visiting
the Kennedy compound.

Hello, Frank, it's me.

Listen, you know that offer
you made?

Murph, I want you to know
I find this whole thing insulting.

I'm happy to help you
get your quote

But I'm in good shape,
and I don't need you
to be my personal trainer.

Well, I'm sorry, Frank.
But I've got
a big stake in this too.

Let's go get started.

Hi, Murphy.
Hi, frank.

Get off the machine, Corky.

We need it.

I'm sorry, but you're
just going to have
to wait your turn.

I'm trying to work.

Regarding the letter
from Mr. Robert H. Malcolm:

"In response
to your questions

"I enjoy cooking, dancing
and water sports.

"I can't tell you
my most embarrassing moment

"But I will speak slower

The next time I have to say
'Forrest Tucker.'"

Come on, Corky.

My career is riding
on Frank's ability

To keep up
with a -year-old man.

Look at those calves.

He can barely keep his socks up.

That's it,
I'm out of here.

No, you'll help me
like you promised.

If Corky's going to be selfish,
we'll use this stair thing.

Get on it
and start sweating.

Next, to a Mr. Douglas Gilette:
"Dear Doug, I'm so glad

"To hear you've paid
the debt to society.

Sorry, but show policy..."

Frank, what are you doing?

I've seen mimes climb stairs
better than that.

I think
I know what's wrong.

Somebody obviously set
the tension too tough on this.

So fix it.

Do I look like
Mr. Goodwrench?

I never used one
of these things before.

It's not a rocket ship.

Guys named Refrigerator

Use these things.

Corky, could you
please show Frank

How to adjust
this machine?

Oh! You two
are so pathetic.

It's very simple.

All you have to do...

Get on it!

Hey! That's cheating.

I wasn't finished yet!

Yes, you were.
hit the showers.

Okay, let's go.
Let's go.

We're fighting
the clock here.

Okay, fine,
but I just want you to know

I'm reporting you both
to the fitness instructor.


All right, let's see
what this baby can do.

Hey, this is not a toy.

Start out slow

And then build up to it
a little bit.

Frank, I don't have time
for that.

Come on.

Let's just do it

Faster, faster!

You must be a lot
of fun in bed.

That's why we're here,

I've come up with
a few questions for Bush.

We should have
a few ways to go

Depending on how he answers
the first one.

Check. What have you got?

I would lead with
"How do you respond to criticism

"That the most powerful nation
in the world

"Has over
million citizens

Without access to
adequate health care?"

million, no health care.

Got it.

If he says,
"We're working on it."

Ask why his administration
has not put forward

One single comprehensive
health care proposal.

If he gives some song and dance
about budget problems

Ask him why the military
is spending millions of dollars

On the maverick m*ssile

When it proved
less than effective

During the gulf w*r.

Working on it...

No adequate health plan...

(Panting heavily)

Song and dance... uh...

Uh... What was
that last part?

Maverick m*ssile!

God, Frank, you face
looks like a tomato.

Maybe we should
have started you

On a less challenging

But I don't see a Craftmatic
adjustable bed around here.

Oh, man!

What's the matter?

Why are you running
like that?

Aw, it's nothing.

It will go away in a minute.

Is it going away?

It doesn't look like
it's going away.

I'm going to turn
this thing off.

No, no, no, no,
no, Murph, no. Oh.

It's... it's nothing really.

Numbness is a bad sign,
and it isn't numb.

It's kind of
an intense, stabbing pain.


Frank, I want you
to listen to me carefully.

Having you get this quote

Means more than just doing
a good story.

It means I found a way
to do my job

Being pregnant
didn't hold me back.

There's more than just
my credibility on the line.

It's my own self-confidence

But I don't want you to do it
if it hurts you.

Murph, I don't think
I can do it.

Don't be
such a baby!

It's only your ankle.
It's not a brain tumor.

Get up and walk it off!

It's already starting to swell.

By tomorrow, it will be
the size of my neck!

I knew something like this
would happen.

Come on, I'll drive you
to the doctor.

Murph, I'm really sorry.

I know how much you wanted
that quote.

What makes you think
I'm not getting it, Frank?

There's a way.

I just haven't
figured it out yet.

(No audio)

(No audio)

Okay, I've let you see me home
on the first date

But that's as far as I go.

Okay, I'll introduce you
to the family

But then you really have
to leave.

Everybody, I'd like you to meet
two of the wackiest guys

In the secret service--
Huey and Dewey.

Louie is downstairs making sure
the car doesn't get towed.

Which one of you
is Miles Silverberg?

It depends.

What did she do?

It's nothing, Miles.

Hardly worth mentioning.

That's a matter
of opinion.

Miss brown ran over
the president of the
United States with a bicycle.

You know

If you keep saying
things like that

People are going to start
believing you.

I barely clipped
the man's heel.

He had tread marks
on his shorts, ma'am.

God, oh, God!

Is the president
all right?

Yes. he just asked
that we return Ms. Brown to you

And give you a message.

"Dear Mr. Silverberg,
Keep this woman away from me

"Or I'll draft you.

"I can do that.

I'm the president."

Have a nice day.

I'm not going to take the blame
for this all by myself

And who's going to pay
for those broken spokes?

Fine! I'll just deduct it
from my income tax.

You are insane.

Do you know that?

I should have told them
to lock you up!

If you'd hit him any harder

Dan quayle would be moving
his fooseball table

Into the oval office right now.

You're taking this
too seriously.

If you can't have fun
doing your job

There's no point
in having it.

I'm going to Phil's
to celebrate my success.

If you care to join me,
you may come along.

What do you mean,

Did you get it?
Did you get the quote?

Well, yes and no.

I did get a quote

But it's nothing the network
will let me use

But that
doesn't matter, Miles.

I proved I can do the job.

I was standing
among my fellow journalists.

Actually, I was standing
over them.

Boy, is that Chris Wallace
a whiner.

Come on, Ol' Lightning.

I'm going to put you
in the corral.

Look at her.
She's enjoying

You haven't learned
one thing from this, have you?

Yes, I have, Miles.

I have learned that
for the next nine months

I'm just going to have to be
a little more creative.

Oh, God, a more creative
Murphy Brown.

And now there will be
two of her.

Somebody get me my Maalox.
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