04x15 - Teacher's Pet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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04x15 - Teacher's Pet

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Better pick up the decorations.

This is a lot of
trouble for nothing.

My cousin hates birthdays.

Blair's sensitive about
the passing years,

But no one can resist
a surprise party.

Once it gets going,
blair won't care.

What won't I care about?

If uh... If... If
it's... Wednesday.

Why would I care?

See? I told you
she wouldn't care.

I thought you were
going for a walk.

I'm too depressed to walk.

I'll just sit here
and... Aaaaaah...

You certainly know
how to light up a room.

Another year, another wrinkle.

Another step on
the geritol trail.

What did I tell you?

Most girls your age
want to get older.

I am not most girls.

Time has a special
vengeance for warner women.

It att*cks our genes,

It plays havoc with
our biological clock.

We go from gorgeous
to merely attractive.

Hi, everybody.

We found the most
incredible book sale.

So I see.

The great gatsby, lord jim,

The grapes of wrath.

The grapes of wrath?

It's my favorite book.

Mine, too... When I read it.

You'll be discussing it
in class later this year.

Can't wait.

Jo, I envy you reading
it for the first time.

Why should I read about
farmers who can't get jobs?

I see unemployment at home.

This book is
beautiful, it's touching,

It's... Ok, gail. I'll read it.

Gail? You're calling
our english teacher gail?

The world's moving
too fast for me.

Miss gallagher and jo
have a special relationship.

They share a common
background, a common bond.

She means poverty.

I didn't say... You're right.

We come from rough

You wouldn't last
five minutes in mine.

In my grammar school,

Everyone wore
leather and tattoos.

Kids did that in mine, too.

I mean the nuns.

You missed lunch.
Aren't you hungry?

We went to that
japanese restaurant

And gorged ourselves on sushi.


Jo ate raw fish?

I've been trying to sell
the girls on sushi for ages.

No one's been adventurous.

I guess you'd call us
chickens of the sea.

Hey, I'm a punny gal.

Edna, now I could use something.

Let's get some coffee.

Sister mary agnes, skull
and crossbones here.

I can't get over you
and miss gallagher.

You eat sushi together,

You talk about guys.

So? We're friends.

No, no, jo.

We are friends.

Miss gallagher is a teacher.

It goes against nature, jo.

I feel I've known
gail all my life.

I can really talk to her.

Teaching... Career
and commitment?

What is this?

Just something
I'm checking into.

You a teacher?

I can picture it now.

Class, come to
order or I'll k*ll you.

Gail's college is
only 60 miles away.

We're driving there to see it.

You better do it quickly.


Before miss gallagher
leaves eastland.

What do you mean, leaves?

Don't tell me you didn't know.

There's nothing to know.

As usual, you have
your wires crossed.

I overheard mr. Parker
talking in the hall.

Miss gallagher is leaving.

Aren't you?

Please straighten her out.

About what?

The school you're leaving
us for must pay well.

How'd you hear about it?


I meant to tell you.

Why didn't you?

I didn't get a chance.

Well, that's understandable,

With the book sale
and all that sushi.

So, when are you leaving?

Next week.

Next week?

Then you'll never be my teacher.

I was even looking
forward to beowulf.

I think that's great.

Just picking up suddenly...

Sounds like
something jo would do.

Yeah, it sounds great.

Let's have a toast.

Blair is saying

Brave new world isn't
a novel of the future,

But a novel of the present.

Did I say that?


Your theory indicates

We're headed for the same
sterile society huxley writes about

Unless we deal with our problems

And deal with each other.


With age comes wisdom.

What were the ways this utopian
society dealt with its problems?

They had this weird
tranquilizer called soma.

It loads people
into a hypnotic state,

Kind of like pac-man.

And they outlawed marriage.

Those barbarians.

Not only marriage.

The state frowned upon
friendships of every kind.

They knew what they were doing.


The state wanted people happy.

So they took away the things

That make people unhappy...

Like friendships.

Would you care to
elaborate on that?



Why set people up for a fall?

Why open up

If you'll be
disappointed in the end?

Ok, everybody, till tomorrow.

Oh, and stay away
from that soma.

Jo, could you wait up?

You have a right to be angry.

I should've told
you I was leaving.

Forget it.

I admit I was surprised.

You said you liked it here.

I do like it here,
but things happen.

Sure they do.

And friends talk about it.


Some things are
harder to say to a friend.

It's no big deal.

So I'm a jerk... It's
not the first time.

I've got biology class.

It's your life!

Have a good one.

There's no "e" in blair.

She'll be too excited to notice.

Why am I forced to
work with amateurs?

Natalie, you'd better
get to your post.

Will you cue miss
excitement here?


We're counting on your
enormous vocal skills.

You mean my big mouth.


When blair comes in
and the lights go on,

You're going to
yell... Surprise.

We'll put you in the back row.

Red alert!

This is not a drill!

Get in your places!


Shh! Shh!

Hey, natalie, move your caboose!

That's my caboose!

Shh! Shh!

Here they come.

Shh! Shh! Sit down!

Mrs. Garrett didn't
leave the lights on.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Happy birthday, cuz.

Happy birthday, blair.

And many, many more.

Thanks, guys.

I really appreciate it.

Uh... Blair.

Now, I know how you
feel about birthdays, but...

Lots of people
took lots of trouble.

I can't help it.

Forget it's your birthday.

It's a party.

Blair warner enjoys parties.

I know, but... Look at
the balloons, blair.


And presents.


And friends and cake and fun.


That's right. Now,
get out there.

Yea for the birthday girl.

Yea! Yea! Yea!

Boy, this is fun.

Look at all this.

I'm so excited.

There's no "e" in blair.

I can't believe what
a good time I'm having.

I'm loving every minute of it.

How old are you, anyway?

In the parking lot
after the party.

Hey, bartender, how
about some punch?

Turning out to be a good party.

I was hoping gail could drop by.

She's reading essays.

Gee, that's too bad.

I don't think you're being fair.

You talk to gail about fair.

She wanted me to
check out her school

And made plans for
the rest of the year.

Now there is no
rest of the year.

It's ok. I'm glad it happened.

It reminded me of
something I forgot.

People always have an angle.

An angle?


Like more money
from another school.

Home is where the dollars are.

Jo, you're so wrong.

I was wrong about not
telling her exactly what I think.

I can fix that.

That's a mistake.

She's gonna hear it.


We'll talk later.

Gail is leaving
because she's ill.


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear blair ♪

Jo... She's dying.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪♪

Let's wait for jo.

We've waited for jo.

If she's not studying,

She's working at
the motorcycle shop.

Bid, tootie.

When she's here,
you can't talk to her.

She's always
involved in a project.

Bid, tootie!

It started when she found out

Miss gallagher's leaving school.

Oh, she's over that.

I wouldn't get over
losing a friend quickly.

If natalie suddenly left school,

I'd spend my school
days wallowing in misery.

That's beautiful, tootie.

Now, bid before
I break your arm.

Come in.

Has anyone seen jo?

The denim jacket blur?

Where shall I put her
message so she'll get it?

Have you tried skywriting?

Hey, guys.

You're my bridge partner.

I was helping in
the biology lab.

You hate that.

I hate bridge worse.

Gail called this morning.

Thanks, mrs. G.

I was an hour cleaning cages.

Those guinea pigs are pigs!

She wanted to remind you

Tonight's the beethoven concert.

I'll get back to her.

I've got to go.

Jo... See you later.

How's it going?

It's going on 3 a.m.
Where have you been?

I wasn't tired after the movies.

I drove around for a while.

Jo, you broke curfew!

Calm down. Everything's fine.

Something's bothering you.

I can see it.

Know what's bothering me?

She's 5' 2", sweet, but a pest.

Don't patronize me!

Patronize, huh?

I'm serious, jo.

I got to get some sleep.

What a novel
idea... Sleep at 3 a.m.

It just might catch on.

Tootie, would you
excuse us, please?


Mrs. Garrett, I'm
worried about jo, too.

What's going on?

You can both stop worrying.

I just forgot about the time.

You also forgot to call gail.

She waited at the
theater over an hour.

I'm sorry about that, too.

Gail was very concerned.

Isn't there any other
topic of conversation

Around here besides gail?

I'm sorry I was late.

It won't happen again.

Why haven't you been in
english class all week?

You're still upset
about miss gallagher

Going to another
school, aren't you?

Going to another school...

Yeah, I'm real upset about that.

You can see her sometimes.

You can write to her.

Tootie, get to bed.

No, mrs. Garrett.

She wants to know
what's going on.

I'll tell her.

Gail's not going to
another school, tootie.

She's going to a hospital

And she's not coming
out. You understand?

I don't...

Mrs. Garrett, what...

You wanted to
know what's going on.

Now you know.

I'm going to bed.

We're not finished here.

Jo, I know how difficult it is

To lose somebody you care about.

But like it or not,

You have to try to face it.

I am facing it.


By cutting gail's
classes, standing her up?

You can run as far as you want,

But gail is still going to die.

Kind of neighborhoods
we grew up in,

You took your chances just
stepping outside the door.

But she got out.

She made it, and now this.

She must be so scared.

I'll tell you what's scary.

What's scary is living

And not having it mean anything.

Is that what you think
has happened to gail?

She's spent her whole life

Working and studying,

Trying to make
something of herself.

What's the point

If it can be taken
away from you at 26?

What's the difference?

You are.

You and everyone

Who's ever been in her class.

Someone can live to be 80

And have nothing to show for it.

Gail has you.

She should have more time!

I know.

I had to choose between
my coin collection

Or al pacino's
autographed picture.

Al pacino, right?

What's he ever done for me?

Hello, stranger.

Hi. I've been looking for you.

Edna's taking me to the station.

We've time for another cup.

I'll get it.

I'll do it.

I was afraid you'd leave
before I could talk to you.

I want to apologize.

For last night? Forget it.

For being a jerk.

Oh. Well, that's a
different story.

I did a lot of
thinking, and uh...

You were right.

There's some things

That are harder
to say to a friend.

I wanted to remind you that

That rembrandt exhibit's
coming to vassar next month.

I'll catch it.


I'll even stop for
sushi afterwards.

I'm going to miss you, jo.

Sure you are.

How easy can it be

To find someone
who'll eat raw fish?

You know, uh...

This has been a
good year for me.

I've learned so much.

Thank you.

Gail... Jo.

You know that I have
to leave, don't you?


And that I'm ok.

We were afraid we missed you.

Miss gallagher, please
sign my yearbook.

Write something simple like,

"To the most beautiful,
brilliant, vivacious girl..."

Easy, natalie.


Just don't insult me.

We couldn't let you
go without a sendoff.

Hit it!


That's it?


Natalie, where
were the streamers?

That was your department.

Mine was the confetti.

I spent all morning
cutting bits of paper.

But you had the streamers...

I'm miss barnett.

I'll be your teacher the
rest of this semester.

I'll be following miss
gallagher's lesson plan.

The next few weeks
should be exciting.

We'll start by discussing

One great classic of
american literature,

The grapes of wrath,
by john steinbeck.

Has anyone here read it?

Very good, uh... Jo polnaczek?

The novel centers
around the joads,

A migrant family forced
off their oklahoma land

To seek a better
life in california.

Throughout the novel,

We see the joads move from
concern only for themselves

To a larger concern
for all humanity.
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