04x13 - Magnificent Obsession

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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04x13 - Magnificent Obsession

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Look what you've done.

Baby seals are too
young to read anyway.

Be serious!

Think of their sad brown eyes

Looking up at you saying,

"Save me, save me.

I don't want to be a coat."

How about a pair of earmuffs?

That is so cruel.

Where is your compassion?

I left all my compassion

And my spit on 200 envelopes.

Hey, how's it going?

Hi, chad.

Hi, chad.

You look lovely today.

Thank you. So do you.

Hi, chad.

Speaking of
lovely ladies, hello.

Oh. Hello.

We'll finish in time

For your rally this afternoon.

You guys are terrific.

How did you finish so fast?

Rome wasn't built in a day

Because blair wasn't in charge.

She gets carried away,

But that's what
makes her so lovable.

Oh, chad.

Natalie, pick up the pace.

Blair, don't abuse
my volunteers.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It's just that...

Well, I've finally found
my social conscience.

Is that what they call it now?

Chad has really opened my eyes.

The rich don't have to be idle.

I guess that's why

My family's
involved in politics.

Are you related to
elizabeth broxton

Who's the federal judge?

She's my aunt.

My mother wants her job.

I remember when

Your cousin was
running for governor.

His campaign was going very well

Until they caught
him with that...

Politics is definitely
in chad's future.

He's already on
the student council.

Don't change the subject.

Everybody knows
about that scandal.

It was in the new york times.

That's one way to get
your name in the papers.

Not if your last
name is broxton.

Not if your name's broxton...

Your last name's broxton...

You are so adorable.

I am?

Did I say you look lovely today?


Thank you.

Your hair, your face...

Is that a new blouse?

Like it?

I love it.

Didn't they have blue?

Don't you like yellow?

I love yellow.

But not on me.

I like how you look in blue.

You're right.

Yellow's not my color.

It makes me look sallow

And sick and jaundiced.

He didn't say that.

When everything else is perfect,

A little thing like this
stands out like a wart.

Thank you.

Ok, kids, the posters
and pamphlets

Are ready to go.

I was wondering...

There's a fund raiser
at the country club.

The highcrest?

It's for "save our streams,"

And seals swim in
streams, don't they?


There'll be a lot
of people there.

They all carry checkbooks.

Would you like to go?

Yeah. Sounds good.

When is it?

Not this thursday, a
week from thursday.

I won't wear this blouse.

It's hard to plan
that far in advance.

Just say "maybe."

You can always
change "maybe" to a "no,"

And I'll understand.

You're terrific.

I'll talk to you later.

Oh, ladies, I thank you,

And the seals say, "arf arf."

So long.


He can change "maybe" to a "no,"

And you'll understand?

The "maybe" should get him

A magic marker up the nose.

I'm lucky he didn't say no.

I was afraid to ask him.

I hope he can go.

Lucky? Afraid? Hope?

Blair warner talks that way

About algebra tests, not guys.

What's happened to you?

I don't know.

Maybe for the
first time in my life,

I'm really in love.

Blair, do something.

She is. She's driving us crazy.

Do something besides
waiting for chad to call.

Like what?

Like go out!

I do go out.

With chad. That's the only time.

Even ground hogs
come out yearly.

I admit it.

He's an important
part of my life.

He's not part of your life.

He's the whole enchilada!

I'll get it.

I'm really worried about her.

She's not acting like blair.

Is that bad?

Because of what chad said,

Blair took everything
yellow from her closet

And sent it to goodwill.

She's even stopped
eating bananas.

This thing won't
last much longer.

Blair warner doesn't get
sweaty palms over any guy.

Good thing I was here.

That was chad.

He's changed "maybe" to "yes."

He's coming to the
country club tomorrow.

Thank goodness.

I can breathe again.

She's still sitting there.

She's been like
that for an hour.

Has chad stood her up?


No. He's just late.

No. He's not.

She's early.

She's what?

See why I'm so worried?

Blair was born prematurely

And hasn't been early since.

Can I get you a cold drink?

No, thank you.

A hot drink?

Would you like to
stand up, walk around,

Get the circulation
back in your legs?

I'm fine, really.

A beautiful woman
who's prompt...

What more could a man want?


Oh, hi, ladies.

Hi, chad.

You look radiant tonight.

I love your hair

Cascading over your shoulders.

Have you ever thought

About getting it all cut off?


Should i?

Short hair is in.

I'm sure it'll look
great on you.

If I'm wrong, it will grow back.

You kids better get going.

You're back so early.

How was it? Save any streams?

I've never had an
experience like that in my life.

I know.

Fund raisers can be so moving.

Every time I go to a
"save the whales" rally,

I want to keep
one in my bathtub.

Did chad have a good time?

I guess so.

I introduced him to the
jamisons and taylors.

We had hors d'oeuvres
and punch together.

I introduced him
to millie hotchkiss.

They had hors d'oeuvres
and punch together...

And left together.


He left you there alone?

I took a cab home.

I don't believe it.

That's downright rude.

I say good riddance
to bad rubbish.

Right. There are
better fish in the sea.

I don't want a better
fish. I want chad!

After what happened tonight?

Tonight doesn't matter

As long as he calls me tomorrow.

I'll just die if he
doesn't call me again.

Where were you?

In class with me.

Her body was there.

I know. He didn't call.

He takes you to a party

And leaves with somebody else!

There's a good
explanation for what he did.

Sure there is.

He hasn't thought of it yet.

If I weren't your
basically honest person,

I wouldn't tell you
what I have to tell you.

But I am, so I will.

Chad did call.

He didn't!

He did!

Did you have to tell her?

Should I lie?

Yes! Yes!

Chad's going skiing in vermont.

If you want to go,

Call him before
7:00 in the morning.

All right!

Hold it, warner.

Jo, I'm getting another chance.


She can afford the
cab fare from vermont.


What if he hurts her again?

It doesn't matter.

I love him.


What I see doesn't
look like love.

I've never seen you nervous

About what to say
or what to wear.

You'd look lousy
with a crew cut.

You're so anxious.

You're walking on
egg shells all the time.

That's not love.

Love's supposed to
make you feel good.

Blair, you wouldn't treat anyone

The way chad has treated you.

Please, don't go
on that trip with him.

I'll tell him no.

Wrong. You don't
call him at all.

You don't even talk to him.


You have to go cold turkey.

I'll never make it.

Sure you can.

You'll take it
one hour at a time

Till he leaves at 7:00
tomorrow morning.

It's 3:00 now!

All you have to do

Is get through
the next 16 hours!

I'll never make it.

Yes, you will.

We'll do anything we have to do

To keep your mind off of him.


Nobody will ever believe this.

Snap that picture,

And you'll never
take another one.

Making jo over was
a wonderful idea!

Thank you, natalie.


Thank you, natalie!

Your face is like wet clay.

I can sink my fingers into it

And sculpt it into
anything I want.

Take it easy.

We're not making meat loaf.

You know, jo, you look cute.

Inscribe that on my tombstone.

"She looked cute."

No, you look darling.

You'd look great
with short hair.

It's really in now.

I didn't say that.

What time is it?


Only 1 1/2 hours till dinner.

We'll serve, eat, clean up...

Next thing you know,

It's tomorrow afternoon.

What are you doing down here?

Getting a snack.


Hold it, warner.

I'm not calling chad.

I would like to
sit at a table, ok?


You can go to bed.

I'll just sit with you.

You are so suspicious.


I would like to
sit on the couch.

It's comfy.


Go to bed!

I'm not tired!

You are so suspicious.

Sometimes I think I'm crazy.

I remember every
moment of every date.

I think about him

When I'm setting my
hair, doing homework,

Taking out the garbage...

Especially when I'm
taking out the garbage.

That figures.

I keep thinking,
"what if I had done this

Or had just said that?"

I never knew

There was so much
wrong with me until chad.

Maybe there
wasn't... Until chad.

I went to my father.

I begged and I
pleaded... And I cried.

I showed him that
furry little face.

And I said,

"Please, daddy, please!
I want the gray one!

I want the gray one!"

He looked at me and said,

"You'll take the pony
I picked out for you

And like it."

Believe me, I've had
my share of traumas.

Are you listening to me?

Yeah. Yeah. Uh...

Your poodle bootsy
died when you were 6.

I still get butterflies.

Chad was different
from other guys I dated.

Sure. He was the only one

Who didn't think
you were perfect.

You don't have to remind me.

What I mean is,

If he did think
you were perfect,

Would you have gotten so...


I don't know.

But if I'm not perfect,

And that's a big if...

It wasn't his place to say so.


It's my place.

Wake up! We can go to sleep now!


It's 7:22!

It's 7:22!

He's gone to vermont!

You're in the clear!

We made it!

Yeah. Hello.

It's him, isn't it?

Of course it's him.

Who else would call at 7:23?

What does he want?

Wait. Shh. Wait.

I'll find out.

What do you want?

There's room in the car

If you want to go skiing.

You want to go?


But I don't want to want to go.

I don't want to go.

I'll tell him.

No, no! I'll tell him.

Give me the phone!
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