02x21 - On the Road Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x21 - On the Road Again

Post by bunniefuu »


♪♪ "Rescue Me" playing ♪♪

Would you get this to legal as soon as
possible? I'm way behind my deadline.

Stop that, Frank. It's really annoying.

Toasted English muffin,
light cream cheese, no butter.

That's me.

Egg sandwich, hold the onions.
Right here.

One large buttermilk donut, vanilla icing,
chocolate sprinkles.

Yes! The breakfast of champions.

Morning everybody.
Morning, Murphy.

Morning, Frank.

What is that annoying whistle?

You're onto something.
Spill it.

Geez, It's about time.
I was starting to annoy myself.

Okay, are you ready for this?

My very reliable,
very high up network spies

tell me that two new stations
have just joined the network.

and the bigwigs want F.Y.I.

to make a little publicity trip

in order to help promote
the local news shows.

The first stop is the
station in Dalton, Kansas.

Oh boy.
Yes, but the second
one is in, get this,


That's right!

Three sun-drenched days,
two exotic nights in Honolulu

Visiting our new
sister station, K-POI.

It's not Honolulu, Frank.
It's Maui.


Didn't I say Maui?
That's what I meant.

And it's four days
and three nights.


They're putting us up in
suites at the Sheridan!

Bungalows at the Hyatt.

This is so great.

Lying by the pool for three days
in perfect weather.

Hey there, people!

Phil, top o' the mornin'.

Do I have some great news today.

We know. We're going to Hawaii.

<i>Mele kalikimaka</i>
is the thing to say.

on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day.

Okay, okay.

Secret's out.

And obviously,
you've made you're decision.

Which two of you
are going to Hawaii?

Two?! No one said
anything about two.


How come you didn't
mention that, Mr. Nancy Drew?

Hey, don't turn on me.
Phil didn't know either.

Oh yes, I did.
I just wasn't stupid enough to say it.

Here's your bagel, Miles.


now we all know.

Only two can go.

And after you've
decided which two it is...

Call me. See ya.

Oh no, you don't.

You're not getting
out of this so easily.

If the network's only going
to spring for two of us,

you're going to
have to choose.

Okay. Fine.

I can do this.

Okay, who should it be?

Jim, who I trust and respect
with leading our team?

Frank, whose piece on city corruption
got us a write up in the post?

Corky, our little crowd pleaser?

Or is it Murphy?


Murphy, who could hurt me.

Just choose, you little wiener.

Okay, since Frank
has that piece

on IRS incompetence
due Monday,

and Corky went to the last
affiliates' promotion,

Jim and Murphy will go.

Hot diggety-dog!

To our new friends in the
heart of America's bread basket

may I be the first to say,
"Welcome to the network."

Well, thank you.

So, Gil, what would
you say it is out there?


This is nothing. Last night,
a cow froze on the interstate.

Once you see something like that,
you never forget it.

Right. So, Gil, I guess our
people told you

we're on a pretty tight schedule.

We have this other important
business engagement.

Then let's get cracking.

Murphy. Jim.

I would like to introduce you to
some very special people.

KFLC's own...
action new team.

Pete Richmond.
Diane Daley, Anchor.

Chuck Boris, Sports.
And, of course, Steve Raines, our...

Where's Steve?

Steve's our weather guy.

He was still at the station,
when I left.

We don't have to wait him, do we?
Not that we wouldn't want to

it's just there's this other place
we have to go to.

I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Murphy, Jim,

Just let say how long
I've admired your work.

Why, thank you, Pete,
but the fact is

the real work is here
at the heartland of America.

Listen, I hear there's been a shake up
at action news in D.C.

They're taking away
Johnson's anchor spot.

I am really right for that spot.
Don't you think so, Jim?

Well, I don't know. I...

Will you give them my tape,
maybe put in a good word for me?

I'll call you Wednesday.

That's not too soon, is it?

Actually, I'll be out of town Wednesday.

Thursday? Friday?

Friday's fine.

Thanks a lot, Jim.

So, Diane, is it?

You're the Senior Anchor.

You must be really
enjoying that position.

You know, not all of us have to make
the big leap to network to be happy.

Oh, sure, I could have done it.

But the fact is, I'm
serving the vital needs

of the backbone of this country.

I, myself, started out at a
small independent station...

So I hear D.C. is yanking Johnson.

Who's going to get the anchor desk?
Let me guess. A guy, right?

Some blow dried yo-yo
with the brains of a Ken doll.

Actually, I heard that...

Oh, right. You're a big network star.
What do you care?

Like you have to do another
harvest report.

One more hand in the combine story,
and I'm going to sh**t myself.

Get out of my way!

Oh, Steve. It's good.

You made it.

Murphy Brown. Jim Dial.

Steve Raines, our crack meteorologist.

These guys have got to catch a plane,
so if we could get some pictures....

Plane? Did you say plane?

What? Why is that funny?

There's a huge storm front
headed this way.

Five more minutes and
this city's shut down.

It's been a real pleasure.

(overlapping voices)

Nice to have met you.
Welcome to the sunflower state.

We could have taken off
in this weather, Jim.

The pilot's a wimp, that's all.

Did you see him at the
concierge's desk asking for shoe trees?

Chuck Yeager wouldn't ask for shoe trees.

we are not going to Hawaii.

It's too late. It's over,

and no amount of complaining
is going to change that.

So let's just try to accept reality,

and do what we can to make
the best of things.

What the hell is this?!
One double bed?!

I asked for two!

What do you have to do to get
good service in America anymore?


Jim, take it easy.

With the interstate closed,

we should be glad
we have a room at all.


I don't know about you,
but I just want this day to end.

Let's settle in.

(softly): Fooey! Fooey! Fooey!

Jacques Cousteau. Very nice way to unwind.

Let's see what else is on.

Oh! Mrs. Miniver, I love that film.

When Greer Garson finds that
wounded soldier I just...

"Syrian border..."
CNN, good we can catch up on today's ...

Hey, wasn't that just... Um...

Come on now, I'm getting...
See here...


Give me that.

No, I had it first.

You are obviously not used to
watching television with other people.

The person who holds the clicker has
a certain responsibility to others.

You are abusing your privilege.

Okay, I'll put that Cousteau thing on.

It's the blow fish expedition.

I hate this one.

Geez, Jim, here. Knock yourself out.

I'm going to go to bed.

I'll take the cot.

Absolutely not!
I won't here of it.

I don't want any special treatment
because I'm a woman.

Well, all right, have it your way.

God, I wish we had our luggage.

No, it wouldn't make any sense to
have one thing go right.

Boy, it's been a long day.

Yes, I'm one tired soldier.

I don't think I can keep my
eyes open another minute.

Soon as my head hits this pillow,
I'll be out like a light.

Jim, you want to go to the bar?
You're on.

people stranded in the hotel together,
and no one's in the bar.

I hate the s.

I'll buy you something fizzy.

Scotch and soda, my good man.
And for the lady...

Soda and no scotch.

Airlines still down?

Naturally. It looks like I'll be here
for the night after all.

So much for tomorrow's board meeting.

May I have a little
more white wine, please?

Hey, look, Jim, a piano.
Play something.

Now, Murphy, I don't think so.

Aw, come on.

Why do people who play the piano
always have to be talked into it?

If you didn't want people to ask,
you should've learned the bassoon.

Oh, all right.

Missed the Saturday dance

Heard they crowded the floor

Couldn't bear it without you

Don't get around
much anymore

Thought I'd visit the club

Got as far as the door

Knew they'd
ask me about you

Don't get around
much anymore

Oh, darling, I guess

My mind's more at ease

But nevertheless

Why stir up memories

Been invited on dates

Might have gone
but what for?

Awfully different
without you

Don't get around
much anymore

Boy, this really brings back memories.

I've sure closed a lot
of bars in my time.

I must know the words
"last call" in languages.

Have you heard it in Kansas?

You know, there's something
about being on the road

Maybe it's because you're in some
hotel you know you'll never go back to,

in a town you'll never remember

I'm thinking about , years ago

there was this hotel in Iraq

and a cameraman named Rutger

I don't want to hear
about any Rutger, Murphy

Come on, Jim.
It's a good story.

Really, a good one.

Yes, fine. I get the picture.

You've logged in more
road time than I have.

You must have some pretty
interesting stories yourself.

Who me?

No, not really.

Come on. I don't believe that.
You're holding out on me.

Sorry to disappoint you, Murphy,

but bar game, wild stunts,
transcontinental liaisons,

things like that just don't
happen to Jim Dial.

Are you telling me you've
never even flirted with anyone?

Murphy, you know me.

I'm just not the type of man
who could go up to a woman
in a bar and chat her up.

Besides, I'm happily married.
What would Doris think?

She probably wouldn't think anything
because I'm sure she does it, too.

Flirting is harmless.

It's just a way to show yourself
you're still attractive to the opposite sex,

without actually doing anything.

Now, you see that woman at the bar?

Yes, what about her?
She's flirting with you.

I noticed it right away.
Eye contact, body language.

Maybe you ought to go
over there and talk to her.

Murphy, for heaven's sake.

What would it hurt?

For a few minutes, in a lonely hotel
away from home.

And the woman would feel
she still has some sex appeal

And so would you.

All that would happen would be that
I'd say something ludicrous about weather

And she'd make some excuse about it being
late and that would be that.

Are you trying to tell me that

for a few minutes, Jim Dial
couldn't captivate that woman?

Want me to prove it to you?

Fine. I'll prove it to you.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I was just noticing that you're sitting
here all alone, drinking.

Oh, not to imply excessive drinking.

By any stretch of the imagination.

Rather, what I meant to
emphasize was that you are alone

Not that it's unseemly for a woman
to be sitting in a bar alone.

Uh, what I meant to say...

was, um, have a nice evening.

I loved your playing.

Excuse me.
The piano, I loved the way you did that song.

It isn't often that one hears
Ellington's original arrangement.

It was quite impressive.

You recognized that?
Of course.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Nancy McMannis.

Jim Dial.
Yes, I know.

I watch your show.

How pleasant to stumble on
another Ellington aficionado.

You know, I've been a
student of the duke's for years

And I don't mean Wayne.

What a lovely sense of humor you have.

Are you stuck here in the hotel?

Yes, yes. Blasted storm.
Me, too.

They gave me a lovely room.

Actually, it's much too big for me.

May I join you?

I'd like that.

Okay, almost there.

(game over)



Hello, Murphy.

You know, many people credit
Ellington with that motif

but it was actually Billy Strayhorn
who originated it.

You're still talking about Ellington.
Yep, the man was a genius.

Satin Doll, Take the A-Train.
Come on, Jim. Hit it.

A one, a two, a three, a four.

It don't mean a thing,
if it ain't got that swing.

Do-wop, do-wop, do-wo...

Did I tell you, Jim, what a masterful
keystroke you have?

It's in the rhythm.

(playing piano and singing along)



(music stops)

What is it, Murphy?

Jim, can I have another quarter?


Oh, good lord.

Well, isn't this wonderful?

Trying to sneak in on me,
like Dagwood Bumstead.

What's the meaning of this?
And what are you doing in my bad?

It's my bed now. You don't deserve it.

Do you have any idea what time it is?

For crying out load, Murphy.
This is ridiculous.

I was just downstairs in the bar
talking with Nancy.

Oh, really?
In the bar, till am?

Yes, till am.

Nice try. The bar closes at : .

They were cleaning up for
a rotary meeting tomorrow.
They let us stay.

Oh, how convenient.

Or was it that you and Nancy stopped talking
and went upstairs to her room?

And don't try to deny it.
I've been around.
I know how things happen on the road.

Oh yes. You and Wilhelm.

And don't try to change the subject.

Now, if you have any respect for our
relationship at all, you'll tell me
exactly what happened.

Oh, confound it, Murphy.

You want to know what happened tonight?
Do you? Fine.

It was getting late.

It was obvious to both Nancy and myself
that something was going to happen.

Had to happen.

I heard myself suggesting
that we go up to her room.

I ordered some champagne.

Put on the radio

Moonlight Sonata came on.

We kissed and

sank to the floor.

Jim? The floor?

If you didn't want to hear about it
then why did you ask?

How could you do this?

You cheated on Doris.

This is all my fault.

I should never have asked you
to talk to that woman.

You're a married man.

You're Jim.



Oh, Murphy.
This time, I really outdid myself.

You believe me, don't you?

Of course, I believe you.
What are you saying?

The story, I made the whole thing up.

You should've seen
the look on your face.

Moonlight Sonata?

The floor?

That was my favorite part.

I was going to say couch,
but I changed it to floor at the last minute.

Actually, I was going to say shower floor,
but I knew you wouldn't go for it.

I'm not buying this, Jim.

This is amazing.

You really believe I had a liaison?

Of course, I'm tremendously flattered.

You know, you were right.

Flirting does do something
very nice for the ego.

But, please, Murphy,
give me a little credit.

Oh, boy, am I embarrassed?

I guess I owe you an apology.

I should know that after years together,

you're the last person who
would consider having an affair.

Well, maybe we don't know Jim Dial
as well as we think.

Nancy and I sat in that bar
for a very long time.

She asked me to go up
to her room with her.

I was very attracted to her.

You want to know something?

I considered it.

I mean, I really considered it.

But I didn't go.

I love my wife.

You know, it may sound strange,

but I'm glad this whole thing happened.

I always wondered what I'd
do in this type of situation

and now I know.

Of course, I'm sure
it can't compare with

your adventure with Helmut.


Are you sure you don't
want to hear that story, Jim?
It's really a good one.

I've had enough excitement
for one night, Murphy.

Maybe, we'd better catch some shut eye.



everything turned out okay after all.

Yes. I had a fascinating experience

and nothing happened that
anyone has to feel ashamed of.

Nothing happened that
we couldn't tell anyone.

You ate a $ . bag of nuts,
almost had an affair with a stranger,

and got into bed with me.


If anyone should ever
question you about this,

Don't mention the nuts.
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