02x10 - Breaking Point

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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02x10 - Breaking Point

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ [Humming]

♪ You take the good
You take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life
The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growing
Now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life
The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be living up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're finding out ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're
learning the facts of life ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪
♪ Learning the facts of life ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪♪

[Mouthing Words]

That kidney won't fit.

Why not?

It's a liver.

Well, how can
I tell it's a liver?

It doesn't have onions on it.

♪ Da da da da da da ♪

And now, here she is,

the new student council
president, Blair Warner.

[Cheering] [Cheering]

Thanks, Tootie, but they
haven't counted the votes yet.

Yeah. Last time I looked,
there was another candidate.

- Where is Cynthia?
- Blair probably sent her
on a cruise...

To the Bermuda Triangle.

Don't worry. Blair'll win easy.

She's the most
popular girl in school.

If only I could believe that.

Believe it. Okay.

I don't know. Cynthia's
a pretty hot rookie.

First semester here and she's
giving you a run for your money.

Here's Mrs. Garrett and Cynthia.

Move your body, Natalie.
Oh, so... Oh, you mean...

Okay, it's the moment of
truth. All the votes are in.

I guess you're a
little nervous, huh?

- Not me.
- Oh? How about you, Cynthia?

Well, I have to admit it. The
butterflies are doin' their thing.

Quel dommage.

What a shame.

Blair, I didn't know
you spoke French.

[Speaking French]

There goes next month's
French competition.

Mrs. Garrett, are you gonna
count the votes down here?

Oh, come on, please!
Please! Oh, no. No.

I'm gonna do that upstairs,
without an audience.

And all you need to know is
who's won, not by how much.

True. A landslide would
be pretty embarrassing.

Especially if it's for Cynthia.

I wanna get an interview. Oh.

Well, it's a hotly contested
race between two...

From the candidates,
Mrs. Garrett.

Oh, sorry. Well, let's
see what we got here,

and get you two guys
out of your misery.

And now for the interview.

Cynthia, I bet having a
father who's a diplomat...

makes school politics
seem pretty unimportant.

Not at all. I'm thrilled just
to have been nominated.

After all, I've only been
at Eastland a few months.

As a diplomat's daughter,

I guess you've been groomed
for leadership since you were born.

Actually, I only got the call a
few years ago. It was at dinner.

Daddy was trying to make
peace between two friends,

and one of them
leaned across the table,

and said, "You know,

little Cynthia has the
makings of a leader."

How sweet.

And Anwar said,
"You're right, Menachem."


And Anwar.

Anyway, in this election,

everyone's a winner.

The president will be the
girl with the most votes,

and the runner-up will
be the vice president.

Well, I think I'll go
back to my room...

and wait for the results.

Blair, I just want to say,

"May the best girl win."

I'm sure the best girl will.

Well, see ya later,
everybody. Bye, Cynthia.

Bye-bye. Bye, Cynthia.

Blair, I know the suspense
must be k*lling you.

Not really. Well,
it's k*lling me.

I'm going upstairs to do
what I do best... snoop.

Blair, did it ever occur to
you that you might lose?

Are you kidding? Yes.

Every time I look over my
shoulder, Cynthia's gaining on me.

It's like two
Rolls-Royces drag racing.

If I do lose, how
will I save face?

Oh, you wanna save face?
Do what they did in Shogun.

You really do hit all the vital
organs that way, don't you?

Look. Winning this
election is important to me.

I wanna become president so I can
do something for my fellow students.

Like what? Well, you've
heard my platform.

I'm gonna
revolutionize Eastland.

By changing the school song?

It's a terrible song.

She's right. No one
can hit the last note.

♪ Beloved E-E-E-East... land ♪

Oh, I think I hurt myself.

See what I mean?

Being born with
certain advantages...

gives me an
obligation to serve...

Not unlike the Kennedys,
the Rockefellers...

The Godfather.

I don't need your remarks. Look,
I know how you feel about me,

but I can win this election
without your support.

Oh, but you had it. Cynthia's
okay, but I voted for you.

Why, thank you, Jo.

Oh, sure. With that phony little
smile, you're a natural politician.

Here come the results.
Be careful, Mrs. Garrett.

In the old days, when a
messenger brought bad news,

they k*lled 'im.

Well, let's hope
times have changed.

Now, I know...

you're going to be mature
about this, aren't you, Blair?

How mature am I
gonna have to be?

Mature enough to
accept the responsibility...

of student council...
vice president.



I can't believe it. I
just can't believe it.

Neither can I. I never dreamed
you'd end up vice president.

Oh, that has an ugly ring to it.

I prefer to think of
myself as co-president.

Think of yourself any way you
want. You're still number two.

Where did I go wrong?

Face it, Blair. Cynthia
has more charisma.

And what do you
know about charisma?

Your idea of charming
is Sheriff Lobo.

[Cynthia] Good morning.

Hi, Cynthia!
Congratulations! Hi.

Thanks. Thank you. You'll make a
great president. I'm really proud of you.

- Sorry I'm late.
- [Mouthing Words]

I've been on the
phone with my father.

Did you tell him about the
election? I bet he was excited.

He was very pleased.
Am I too late for breakfast?


I'm sure we can find
something for our new president.

How about some warm
milk and cold oatmeal?

Blair, would you be
a good sport, huh?

I'm always a good sport.

No, you're always a good winner.

A good sport is what you
have to be when you lose.

All right. I'll try.



Oh, no, no. No good.

You don't sound sincere.

I said it. Do I have
to mean it too?

Madam President.

I got you some cinnamon
toast and hot chocolate.

Oh, thanks, Tootie.
That was sweet of you.

Listen. I'd like
you to have this.

What for? It symbolizes
friendship and hospitality,

and you've always made a special
effort to make me feel at home here.

Hey, it's only cinnamon toast.

Thank you anyway.
It's beautiful.

Could this be a
payoff for a vote?

Come on, Blair. You
know I voted for you.

Tootie, you don't have to tell
her that. Your vote is sacred.

So is my neck.

Cynthia, I was just reading
about you in the paper.

Oh, no. My defeat made
The New York Times.

Well, actually, it's
about Cynthia's father.

It says he's going on a
diplomatic mission to Germany.

Oh, I hope that doesn't mean
you're gonna be leaving us.

Germany! Hey, where in
Germany? That's so far away.

- Berlin, but...
- Berlin? You're going to Berlin?

Oh, Berlin's beautiful
this time of year.

Oh, we'll have to get
together before you leave.

We have so much to talk about.

Like what? Oh, you know...

Restaurants, where to shop,

my duties as student council
president after she's gone.

Blair, I'm not going.

You're not?

My dad feels it's important
for me to stay in one place...

To have friends,
to go to dances,

to be a teenager.
I think he's right.

So do I.

Would you excuse me?

I'm going to my room. Uh, I'm
expecting a call from my mother.

Sure, Cynthia. Congratulations.

[Chattering] We'll
see you later.

- [Cynthia] Bye-bye.
- [Tootie] Bye.

She's not going.

Oh, come on, Blair. Buck up.

Being vice president
isn't the end of the world.

I'm going back to bed.

It's only : in the morning.

It's been a long day.

Did Blair come down yet?

Not yet. She's pretty depressed.

Aw, she's just being
dramatic. She'll snap out of it.

I don't know. Last time we
looked she was just sitting there,

staring out the window.

- What's wrong with that?
- She had one leg
hanging over the sill.

I think she's just
looking for attention.

Well, if that's what
she wants, then I'll

give her some if it'll
make her feel better.

Oh, Blair, you're up.

Am I?

Oh, I suppose I am.
Aw, come on, Blair.

So you're not number
one in everything.

You gotta be able
to bounce back.

She's right. Bounce,
Blair. Bounce!


Tootie, will you do me a favor?

Will you call Chuck and tell him I
have to break our date tomorrow night?

You're staying home
on a Saturday night?

This should be on
That's Incredible.

Oh, is tomorrow night Saturday?

In that case, call Tom. I'm supposed
to go out with him tomorrow night.

And then call Chuck
and cancel Sunday.

Anybody I should cancel
for Monday and Tuesday?

No. It's a slow week.

Well, if you'll excuse me, I have
to go finish interviewing Cynthia.

Oh, I'm sorry, Blair.

I didn't mean to mention her in
front of you. That's all right, Natalie.

Cynthia's your front-page story.

I'm yesterday's news.

You might as well just
use me to wrap fish.

Or line the bottom
of a bird cage.

I think I'll go
with you, Natalie.

Blair's depression
might be catching.

I like Blair better when
she was being a bad sport.


Blair, it's not healthy to keep
your emotions all bottled up.

Let 'em out.

What you need is a
good old-fashioned cry.

I don't think I can.

Oh, sure you can.

Just concentrate on how
humiliating it is to be such a loser.

And then let 'er rip.

All right. I'll try.

[No Audio]

Aw, come on, Blair. You
can do better than that.

Go. Go, girl. Go.

[No Audio]

It's no use.

You just need a little
help. Here. Peel an onion.

You see, Mrs. Garrett,

becoming president of student
council and winning that election...

was important to me.

I know, but you can't let
yourself get so depressed.

[Sniffles] It's only
a school election.

[Sniffles] It's not
just the election.

[Sniffles] It's everything.

I thought I had so much
going for me. [Sniffling]

I thought I was somebody.

Now I feel like I'm nothing.

Blair. [Sniffling] [Sniffling]

- Mrs. Garrett! It's Cynthia!
- What's the matter
with Cynthia?

We went up to her room,
and she's unconscious.

- Unconscious?
- I found this empty bottle
of pills on the floor.

She must have taken them all.

Oh, my God. She
won't move, Mrs. Garrett.

Natalie went to get the nurse.

Calm down. Uh, Jo, take
Tootie and get the headmaster.

- Blair. Blair.
- Yes, ma'am?

I'm going to Cynthia. Call
the ambulance. Yes, ma'am.

Now! Yes, ma'am.

Hey, Jo. You're in luck.

I found some more nuts.

How much fudge can Cynthia
eat? She's still unconscious.

But when she comes
out of it, she'll be starved.

Mrs. Garrett, what if she
doesn't come out of it?

She will. We'll just think
positive and keep busy.

[Bag Thuds] Natalie,
don't eat. Snip!

Cynthia seemed so cool.

Who dreamed she'd
try something like this?

Let's face it. The girl beat me.

She has everything to live for.

Aw, she'll be okay. She didn't
really want to k*ll herself anyway.

What makes you say that?

She set it up so you
guys would find her.

If she was really serious,
she would have done it...

like my friend Gloria back home.

She jumped off the school roof
between history class and Home Ec.

Your friend k*lled herself?

Jo, to lose a
friend like that...

What a horrible
experience for you.

Yeah. [Clears Throat]
No. Uh, I don't know.

Just forget I brought it up.

Boy, Jo, knowing two kids
that tried to k*ll themselves...

The odds on that
are almost impossible.

Not really, Natalie. Suicides among
young people happen every day.

- They do?
- Well, finding Cynthia
this morning...

was the worst thing that
ever happened to me.

I'm through with
investigative reporting.

I'm gonna become a sportswriter.

What's the worst thing that can
happen in a football locker room?

[Phone Ringing]

Maybe it's the hospital.
Maybe Cynthia woke up.

I hope so. Me too.

Now we can get rid
of some of this fudge.

Hello? Speaking.



I can't believe it.

Yes. Thank you.


Cynthia's dead.

Don't say that. It's not true.

Oh, yes, Tootie, it is.

It's true.

Natalie, you don't have to
be here. None of you girls do.

I can pack Cynthia's
things myself.

It's okay, Mrs. Garrett.
We want to help.

You know, I never told her this,

but Cynthia had wonderful taste.

- You should have told her.
- Jo, please.

I feel awful enough as it is.

I was cruel to her.

I was sarcastic to her.

All because of
a stupid election.

It's just so weird.

A few days ago we
were joking and laughing.

Now she's gone.

When someone transfers to
another school, she's gone.

Cynthia's not gone. She's dead.

Do you have to make
it sound so brutal?

Dying is brutal.

But she was so
pretty and so popular.

I thought she had everything.

Maybe not.

Maybe being in a diplomat's
family isn't so glamorous...

Being dragged around
from country to country,

sleeping in strange beds,
drinking strange water.

But she wasn't gonna be
moving around anymore.

Her parents were going
to Germany without her.

Jo, those papers are
private. Just pack 'em.

Oh, I'm not
snooping, Mrs. Garrett.

I'm just looking. What for?

Just... I don't know.

Something that makes
sense out of all this.

It'll never make sense to me.

If her folks were
going to Germany,

how come the mailing
labels say "Nevada"?

Maybe we opened an
embassy in Las Vegas.

Well, only her father's
going to Germany.

These things are
being sent to her mother.

She's living in Nevada
for a while. Nevada?

Mrs. Garrett, nobody lives in
Nevada except Wayne Newton.

Or women getting a divorce.

Her parents were
getting a divorce.

That's why she was staying here.


I don't know what I'd do
if my folks got divorced.

Well, you wouldn't
k*ll yourself.

I've lived through
it three times.

If everybody k*lled
himself 'cause of a divorce,

half the country'd be wiped out.

- Tootie.
- Mrs. Garrett, would you
get her out of here?

- She's just a kid. She shouldn't be here.
- Why? I found her, didn't I?

Jo, I know you mean well, but Tootie
has a right to help us if she wants to.

I don't want to help you.

I just want you to send this
back with the rest of her things.

But Cynthia gave you that
because she cared about you.

She did not. How could
she do that to herself?

And not even say good-bye?

Maybe that's what this was.

I don't care. It's stupid.

It's not fair.

She had no right.

I know how you feel, kid.

I was mad as hell, too, when
my friend Gloria k*lled herself.

I mean, one minute we were
splittin' a tuna-fish sandwich,

and the next thing I knew she
was all over Columbus Avenue.

No reason, no
good-bye, no nothin'.

Well, there's gotta be a reason.
We just haven't found it yet.

And probably never will.

Some kids reach a point where
they can't see any other way out.

At , what could
be so terrible...

that it would want to
make you stop living?

Exactly, Natalie.

'Cause life is always changing.

That's the one thing
you can count on.

So when you feel like
you're at the end of your rope,

tie a knot and hang on.

Why didn't she come to me?

I would have
talked her out of it.

They don't talk about it.

They just wake up
one morning and say,

"Okay, that's it.
I'm checking out."

That's not true, Jo.

There are signals, but sometimes
we don't recognize them.

But how can we tell what's
going on inside anybody else?

We're not mind readers.

Jo, the best way you can let people
know what's going on inside of you...

is to tell 'em.

Now, you girls are under
a lot of pressure to achieve,

to succeed, to
fit in, to grow up.

And I wanna tell ya...

It's okay to feel confused...

and frightened and insecure.

We all do.

And when you feel
that way... Oh, God.

Please, talk about it.

But what about people
who have nobody to talk to?

Yeah, well you girls are lucky.
You don't have that problem.

You can talk to your parents, or if
they're not available I'm always here.

Nothing personal, Mrs. Garrett,

but sometimes the only
people you can talk to...

are kids your own age.

That makes sense.
Talk to your friends.

Sometimes there are things
you can't even tell your friends.

We should have
something here at Eastland.

You know, for kids
who want to talk...

but are afraid and don't
have anyone to talk to.

You mean like a hotline?

Can we do something
like that? Why not?

I'll talk to the student
council about it.

Mrs. Garrett, would you
have time to help us set it up?

I'll make time. It's
a wonderful idea.

It's a lot better than
writin' a new school song.

Oh, I intend to do that too.

Well, I guess we're
just about finished.

- Girls?
- Wait a second.

I forgot something.

♪ You'll avoid a lot of damage ♪

♪ And enjoy the
fun of managing ♪

♪ The facts of life
They shed a lotta light ♪

♪ If you hear 'em
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear 'em
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get 'em right
Call her late at night ♪

♪ You got the future in
the palm of your hand ♪

♪ All you gotta do to get
you through is understand ♪

♪ You think you'd
rather do without ♪

♪ You'll never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪
♪ Learning the facts of life ♪♪
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