03x03 - The Great Rimpau Medical Arts Co-op Experiment

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Bob Newhart Show". Aired: September 16, 1972 –; April 1, 1978.*
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Comedian Bob Newhart portrays a psychologist whose interactions with his wife, friends, patients, and colleagues lead to humorous situations and dialogue.
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03x03 - The Great Rimpau Medical Arts Co-op Experiment

Post by bunniefuu »

Bob sure looks different
when you blow him up.

How did you get him
to look soyoung?

By taking the picture five years ago.

It was his favorite photo.
I had it enlarged.

I never realized
Bob had such terrific pores.

Yeah, that's one of
the main reasons I married him.

Well, I still think
he's gonna be surprised.

Howard, he's not gonna be surprised
if you don't hide the picture.

Yeah. Yeah.

Howard, why don't you
hide it in the closet in the den?

That was going to be my next move.

Oh, I love surprises!

- Hi, honey.
- Hi, dear.

- Hi, Bob.
- Hi, Howard.

Ho! Whoa! Let me
hang your coat in the closet.

Howard, I don't hang my coat in the closet.
I hang it on the coat rack.

Oh, that's a smart move.
That saves a lot of steps.

Uh, when do you use the closet?

Uh, mostly Saturdays,
when I go to visit my old army uniform.

Well, if you need to
visit the closet before then...

visit mine.

I guess I shouldn't ask
what's being hidden in the closet.

- Yeah, that's right.
- Yeah.

What are you staring at?

Your beauty mark.
Bob, where's your beauty mark?

It wasn't a beauty mark.
It was a wart.

Phil Newman took it off, and he said
you'd never notice it when he did.

Well, I noticed it.

Bob, that was a beautiful wart.

L-ltwas ugly.

Phil said, as a reputable plastic surgeon
he couldn't tolerate it.

Ten minutes later it was gone,
and so was $ .

He charged you, Bob?
You never charged him.

- I never treated him.
- Sure, you did.

Don't you remember that anniversary party
when Phil came to you and said...

“Bob, I've got a problem.
Jeanette doesn't understand me.“

I don't think Phil's voice
is quite that low.

Well, I thinkyou saved Phil's marriage.

Maybe that's why
he charged me the $ .

Well, it isn't fair.

It doesn't have to be fair.
It's a doctor's bill.

Well, anyway, let's, uh-

let's just forget about it, okay?


- All right, I'll get my turtleneck sweater.
- You can't do that.

It's in the closet,
and you're not allowed in the closet.

Isn't that a great name for a restaurant-
the Marquis de Suede?

Yeah, it was really quiet...

eating off those leather dishes.


- No, I just ateJerry.
- You really gotta floss once a day, Bob.

- All I had for lunch was soup.
- Plenty of bacteria in soup, Bob.

Especially at that restaurant.

I'm serious.

It's just hard to take you seriousJerry,
with that string hanging out of your mouth.

You look like you swallowed a kite.

Okay, Bob.
Don't floss.

You'rejust lucky you got a good friend
who looks after your teeth.

- And for free, I might add.
- And I appreciate it,jerry.

That's all right, Bob.
What are friends for?

Well, I wish Phil Newman
would be a little more friendly.

He took offa wart
and charged me $ .

Phil's a pirate. You're lucky
he didn't charge you more.

You know, I thought maybe,
as a matter of professional courtesy...

he might not charge me.

I mean, after all,
I did save his marriage.

I see what you're getting at.

You're saying that all the doctors around
here should treat each other for nothing.

- That's not what I'm getting at.
- Sure you are, Bob. And that's a good idea.

In fact, it's a terrific idea.
We could form a co-op.

- Jerry, that's not-
- We could all get sick whenever we felt like it.

We'd have our own medical grange!
That's brilliant. I'm gonna get started on it.

Jerry, that's not
what I'm getting at at all!

Jerry, I've afraid this experiment
is gonna backfire!

Bob, that's not the kind of thing
you yell in a doctor's office.

Oh! Don't go in there.

- Why not? My name is on the door.
- I know.

- But Emily's in there. She's got a surprise for you.
- She's not a blonde again.

No- Oh, all right.
All right, I'll take you in.

Now, give me your hand.
Close your eyes.

I just love office highjinks.

Gee, Carol, you kissjust like Emily.


Okay, opefl UP-

Well, there you are.

There I am, all right.

I told you he'd love it.

- Doyou?
- I-l like the ribbon.

Well, I like the picture.

You look so cute with your little hook
stuck in your little hat.

Just darling.

Well, I'll just go back out to my
reception area and do a little recepting.

- [ Door Closes]
- You hate it, don't you?

No, l-l'mjust used to
all those diplomas up there.

Oh, but, honey, this is so much better
than those stuffy old diplomas.

It creates a whole new image for you.

It says,
“Here I am- I'm friendly.“

Well, to me it says...

“Here I am- I'm fishing.”

Oh, Bob, you said yourseifthat a psychologist's
office should reflect his personality.

I don't remember saying that.

- Yeah, in that article you wrote.
- Oh.

Maybe I was wrong.

Bob, you weren't wrong.

And this reflects your personality
better than those stuffy old diplomas.

All right.
I'll, uh- I'll give it a chance.

Oh, good.
I gotta get back to school.

Uh, Emily,just, uh-
just out of curiosity...

where are the, uh,
stuffy old diplomas?

- Oh, I stuffed them in the bottom drawer.
- Oh, good.

I just- I just wanted to know.

The bottom drawer?

Yeah, face up, so if you
should want to look at them...

all you have to do is just-

Yeah. That's right.

- Good.
- Well, bye.


You're really serious, huh?
You don't like Bob wartless?

That's right, Phil.
And especially not for $ .

Okay, I'll tell you what.
I'll build him a new wart for I .

- No, I can do that.

We're all set.

- Yeah. We think it's terrific.
- Wh-Wh-What's terrific?

Your idea. Your creation.
Your concept.

Your master plan.
lt'sjust wonderful.

Why don't you kiss him, Bernie?

Somebody should.
It's a great idea.

Everybody cures everybody for free.

I'm not sure it's my idea,
and I don't even know if it'll work.

Sure, it's your idea,
and you can't turn your back on it now.

Maybe I should just settle with Phil
and forget the whole thing.

Why don't you just settle with me,
and let's go through with it?

You can't forget the whole thing.
We've made up our minds. Right?

- Right.
- Absolutely right.

- Well, I'm not sure yet.
- Well,why not, Stan?

We need a gynecologist.

- Especially for our wives.
- Well-

Hey, wait a minute.
Who said anything about wives?

I think it's okay
to include our families.

Yeah, but we gotta
draw the line somewhere, Bernie.

Let's draw it at urology.

Don't knock urology, Phil. It's a pretty
important business from where I sit.

All right.
Okay, okay, he's in.

Uh, what about this person?

- Uh, she's, uh, out.
- Out of what?

It's our co-op. We're gonna provide
free medical services for each other.

- Yeah. That's what you're out of.
- Oh.

Terrific, Phil. I hope I don't make
any mistakes on your bills.

Uh- Uh, she's in.

Thank you, Dr. Newman.
You're such a wonderful human being.

You don't have to thank him. You're an
equal here. You'rejust as important as we are.

That's absolutely right. Now, will you
run down and get me a cheeseburger, hon?

Oh, God.

I'm telling you, this co-op is
the greatest thing that ever happened.

- I'm still not sure.
- Neither am I.

Itcan't miss!

We got Klein for backs,
Totten for feet, Tetzi for throats...

- and Whelan here for-
- Watch it!

Look, the point is, we can handle it all,
from cradle to grave.

- All we'd need is a mortician.
- We don't need one.

If we all do our jobs right,
we'll never die.

Hey, wait a minute.

I wanna make sure this thing is fair
before we get it locked in.

Now, sayjerry gives my teeth
a lousy $ O cleaning...

and then he comes to me
to fix his nose.

That's a $ job,
ifit can be done at all.

To balance it out, Phil,
I'll remove all your teeth.

Look, take it easy. lfthis thing is gonna
work, we're gonna have to get along.

Bob's right. We're gonna be
spending a lot more time together.

We'll make it, maybe,
like a fraternity.

Move it outside the office and be able
to spend more time together socially.

That's great, Bernie. Maybe you
could order us some team jackets.

Hey, that's not a bad idea, Phil!
What color?

- Jerry?
- Can't talk to you now, Bernie.

We'll talk later at the pep rally.

- What about you, Stan?
- It doesn't matter.

What color do you
think we should get?

Why don't we wait to see if this thing
works out before we order thejackets.

Oh, it's gonna work, Bob.

It's gonna work because we're
all mature, well-adjusted people.

Well, we'll get it going real soon.

Let's get going on it now, Bob.

I'm a basket case.

And though I cannot attend...

uh, your seminar entitled...

“Why Rats Turn Left“...

I'm sure it will be a big, uh-

uh, success.

- Carol, would you mind?
- Not at all.

I still think that picture's darling.


- Uh, sincerely yours-

Uh, oh. Am I, uh-
Am I interrupting something?

- [ Door Closes ]
- No, I'm in the middle of a letter.

Oh, okay.
I'll wait then.

- Where was I, Carol?
- Sincerely yours.

- You call that the middle?
- He might have a P.S.

Do you?

Uh, P.S.-

I love you.

We'll finish the P.S. after lunch.

[Clears Throat]

Listen, uh, Bob, now, you know that
I'm not the kind of guy whojust, uh...

comes rushing into another guy's office,
uh, without a good reason.

What's the good reason, Phil?

Oh, yeah. This, uh-

This co-op thing's been going on
for about a week, right?

Now, I don't wanna bum-rap anybody,
but someone is taking advantage.

- Who?
- Well, I, uh, don't want to name names.

- Then don't.
- Tupperman.

You know, he already came into
my office for some plastic surgery.

Came in there and asked me
if I could make him taller.

Now, isn't that ridiculous?

Well, I guess it is kinda silly.

It is silly, isn't it?

[Laughing]What? Yeah.
Of course it's silly.

It's an interesting notion though.

Maybe I could add on
to his neck or something. Maybe-

No, the point is, Bob, the man is
wasting my time. You know what I mean?

Yeah, I can
relate to that.

Well, uh, what are you
gonna do about it?

- Me?
- Well, it's your co-op.

- [Knock]
- Excuse me, Bob, but there's a woman to see you.


Pardon me for barging in.

I'm Mrs. Loomis.

Uh, Loomis?

Peter Loomis's grandmother.

Yeah, she's Tippy Tupperman's

Oh. Well, hello again,
Dr. Newman.

Hi. Hi.

Oh, we're all so proud
of Bernie.

He's the only urologist we have
in the family, you know.

Some families don't even have one.

What can I do for you, Mr. Loomis?

Well, Bernie said for me
to drop past for a checkup.

Do you want me
to take my clothes off?

No. No, uh-

I-I don't do checkups.
I'm a psychologist.

Oh. You want me
to take my hat off?

No. I'm sorry, but you'll have to make
an appointment with my secretary.

Oh. I understand.

Oh! You know, I got
a calendarjust like that!

We must have
the same insurance company.

- My appointment's for : , Dr. Newman?
- That's right, yes.

Oh, Dr. Newman's
such a wonderful man.

He's gonna make me look like this.

- That's very attractive.
- I think it is.

All right. See?
That is exactly what I mean.

Tupperman is-
He's out of control.

- He is taking advantage of everybody on the floor.
- [Knock]

Excuse me, Bob. I hate to interrupt,
but I do have some messages.

- Oh, great.
- “Dr. Newman, your chest X-ray's ready.“

“Dr. Newman, you have two cavities.“

“Dr. Newman, your eye exam
is at : this afternoon."

“Dr. HartleyJeanette Newman
would like an appointment.“

M Radio: Man Singing Opera]

[ Bob]
Uh, how's that?

Well, the light's on,
but the radio's off.

Two outlets in the room- one behind
the dresser, the other under the bed.


Honey, you wouldn't want
the outlets out in the open, would you?

It sure would make things
a lot easier.

Don't know why America
has to be ashamed of its outlets.

Do you have any idea how many
dust bunnies there are under here?

Dust bunnies?

My mother used to call 'em that,
and I never knew why.

Oh, they do kinda look
like bunnies at that.

♪♪ [ Opera]


You know what else is under there?
A toboggan.

Yeah, well, it was either there
or in the garage.

Yeah, a garage
is no place for a toboggan.

Well, if we had
a real Chicago blizzard...

you couldn't get to the garage
to get the toboggan...

unless you had the toboggan
to get to the garage with.

That's right, Gracie.

Emily, do you think it's possible...

for a...

human being to be stretched?

Well, in the old days
they did it with the rack.

- I mean, without being k*lled.
- No, I don't think so.

You know, that, uh-
that co-op thing isn't really working out.

- Mmm?
- No.

No, they come into my office
whenever they feel like it.

I had to tell 'em if they wanna come in,
they're gonna have to come in at one time.

That sounds like a good idea.

[Phone Rings]


Yes, this is he.

Uh, Dr. Holtz?
I don't know a Dr. Holtz.

You're a veterinarian.

I don't think we have room
in the co-op for a vet.

Well, yes, I'm a psychologist...

but I usually deal with
human beings, you know.

Well, I'll take a shot at it.
Go ahead.


Well, the next time she does it, I'd smack her
in the nose with a rolled-up newspaper.

I don't know why you didn't
think of that either. Bye.

Friend ofjerrys.

It really is
getting out of hand.

Yeah. Well, tomorrow
is soon enough to think about it.

- Good night, dear.
- Good night, love.

- {Switch Clicks]
- g; [ Radio: Woman Singing Opera]

Emily, would you mind not singing?
I'm trying to go to sleep.


Bob, your doctor group
is almost ready to come in.

When they're ready, let me know.

Uh, Carol, would you mind
closing the door?

This is a great idea, Bob,
treating everybody at one time.

I'd do it too, but not many people
are interested in group gynecology.

I've been in groups like this before-
it's a waste of time.

The only thing that works is scream therapy-
anything goes wrong, scream your guts out.

You must be fun
to watch the news with.

Still mad at me, huh,jerry?
Look, I'm sorry I laughed during your physical.

All right, uh, why don't we start...

byjust, uh, introducing ourselves.

Isn't that a waste of time?
We do all know each other.

Have a little respect, Sharon.
Bob's the shrink here.

That's right. If Bob wants to waste time with
introductions, well, who are we to say no?

Tell us who you are, Stan.

- I'm Stan Whelan.
- There you go, Bob. He's Stan Whelan.

Stan, you wanna talk about
anything in particular?

Well,just that, as a gynecologist,
I resent cheap gynecologyjokes.

Hey, if you can't stand the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

See? it's just that sort of
double entendre innuendo-


- Uh, I'll be next.
- Go ahead, Bernie.


my name is
Bernard A. Tupperman...

and, uh, I'd like to talk about something
that's been bothering me for a long time.

Uh, I didn't talk much
when I was a kid.

Not that I didn't want to.
it's just that I didn't have any friends.


Phil,we don't actually
laugh in group.

Yeah, but it is funny.
He said he didn't have any friends.

Well, it may strike you as funny...

but group is one place where you
should be able to freely express yourself...

without fear of being laughed at.

Yeah, but it is funny.

But we don't laugh.

But it is funny.

Why is Phil picking on people?

Wait a minute, Sharon.
You haven't been introduced yet.

I'll finish the introductions.

She's Sharon, Vmjerry, that's Stan,
that's Phil, Bob's Bob, and you're Bernie.

Now let's get goin'!

All right, well, a good way to get going
is by trying to get in touch with yourself.


L-I think Sh-Sharon is
getting in touch with herself.

She's getting in touch with New York.

Are we all supposed to scream now?

You do, and I'll breakyour nose.

You do, and you'll fix it.

I think the reason that Sharon screamed is,
she's frustrated because of all this arguing.

Uh, Sharon, you wanna talk?

- [ RaspyVoice] I can't talk.
- Good. Let Phil talk.

Okay. You see, there was
this friend of mine-

- Baloney. You don't have any friends.
- I have a lot of friends!

And none of'em are trolls!

You guys are acting
like a bunch of kids.

- Okay, then you talk.
- I don't have to if I don't wanna.

W-We aren't getting
anything accomplished here.

Nobody's willing to open up.

- Well, I'd like to open up, but-
- But what?

Well, I don't know. I'm not sure I can
discuss my problem in front of everyone.

Go ahead, Stan.

- Let it all hang out.
- Okay.

Even though it's been years
since I started practicing gynecology-


Phil, can't you control yourself at all?

Yeah, I will. I will.
[Clears Throat]

All right, that's it. I've had it.
We're not getting anywhere.

I mean, all we've done so far is scream
and giggle and call each other trolls.

Youjust can't function as a group.

- Does this mean the co-op is over?
- As far as I'm concerned.

- Whew!
- I gotta get some water.

If that's the way you feel.
I never thought it would work anyway.

I'm willing to keep this going
on an individual basis!

Bob, Bob, I really am sorry.
I tried.

- Sure.
- But it was funny.

- What happened?
- It's over, Carol.

The great Rimpau Medical Arts
co-op experiment has ended.

Not quite, Bob.

Shall we start with my childhood?

- Hi, honey.
- Hi, dear.

What's that doing here?

Oh, I brought it home because
I, uh-l love it so much.

I realized,you know, I was rushing down
to the office to see it...

and I was rushing away
from you, you know.

Then I had a great idea.

I thought maybe I'd, uh, bring it here,
and then when I rushed home to see it...

I'd be rushing home to see you.

Why don't you put it with the toboggan.

Yeah, maybe the dust bunnies'll like it.

[ Mews]
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