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02x17 - High Hopes

Posted: 09/04/22 09:59
by bunniefuu
- What?

Why are you so upset?

- I do not wanna talk about it.
- Okay.

I was chasing this young punk
across the roof of the Sears Tower.

He'd been snatching purses and I
happened to glance over at the edge...

- And I fro...
- Froze?

Mm, mm.

I started shaking, sweating.

I got dizzy.

I have not felt that sick since
the day I met Steve Urkel.

Well, did you catch the guy?

No, he got away
when I started to cry.

Heights have always
made me a little nervous...

but nothing like this has
ever happened before.

Carl, how'd you
finally get down?

I crawled down the stairs
on my hands and knees.

You crawled down a
hundred flights of stairs?

Well, actually I slipped and
fell and rolled down the last 60.

Boy, that must have been such
a strange feeling, you know...

breaking into a sweat, and
getting dizzy and losing your breath.

What's so strange? The same thing
happens to me when I see Denzel Washington.



Yes, this is Harriette Winslow.

Uh, just a moment,
please. Turn on the radio.

- What?
- Turn on the radio, WDOL.

- Harriette, I'm putting...
- Turn it on.

Sorry to keep you waiting,
what can I do for you?

Harriette Winslow, this is Johnny...

"Too Talented For
Radio" Hawkins.

If you can name this blast
from the past, and the artist...

you will win a bright,
shiny, new red VW Cabriolet.


You haven't won it yet, honey.

Okay, Harriette Winslow,
name this rocking oldie.

[ON RADIO] When I saw
you walking down the street

I said, "That's the kind of gal

I'd like to meet"
She's so pretty

HAWKINS: Okay, Harriette,
you've got 10 seconds.

I know it, I know it, I know it.

Ooh, what is it,
what is it, what is it?

- "Hey Baby."
- What do you want?

No, "Hey Baby" is the name of
the song, it's by Bruce Channel.

"Hey Baby" by Bruce Channel.

We have a winner.


You are now the owner of a
brand-new beautiful red Cabriolet.


Hello? Hello? Maybe we lost her.

Right here, Johnny baby.

Good, we'll call back and arrange
for a time for you to pick up your car.

And hey, if you're a
looker, we'll go for a ride.

Thank you.

- I won a car.
- You won a car.

I won a car, won
a car, won a car.

Hey, hey, hey.

Excuse me.

- Yeah?
- Who won a car?

I did.


Wrong. I won a car.


Rachel, they called me, not you.

Harriette, I knew the answer,
you knew diddly-squat.

It's my car, but
I'll let you use it.

Harriette, it's my car, and if
you pay me, I'll let you use it.

Rachel, I'm trying
to be nice here.

- So am I.
- Listen to me, Rachel...


Girls, you know, I think...

BOTH: Butt out, Granny.

RACHEL: Now, what was I saying?


How am I doing, son?

Great, Dad...

but, uh, how many times are you
gonna chase a crook up a step ladder?


Dr. Van Lowe says that I
should take it a step at a time...

gradually building
to greater heights.

Makes sense.

I wanna thank you for helping
me out, I really appreciate it.

- Dad, I'm always there for you. Ha-ha-ha.
- Oh, thanks, son.


- Oh! That's Jolene.
- Eddie, Eddie.

Oh, oh, oh, ooh!

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Hi, Carl.



Oh, Steve? Ooh, Steve.

Oh, Steve, are you okay?

I think so.

I just wish I hadn't put that
Ding Dong in my pocket.




Steve, what do you want?

I don't remember.

But I'll tell you
what I don't want.

No more games
of Squish the Urkel.

Steve, it's not a game.

I'm just working on a
little problem that I have.

- Ah. Care to fill me in?
- Not really.

Well, come on, Carl,
it's me, Steve, share.

Well... Well, I...

I maybe sort of have a
little problem with heights.

Oh, acrophobia, huh?

Well, I was formerly
cursed with gymnophobia.

Fear of nudity.

Steve, I know we're
sharing and all of that...

but, uh, I really don't
wanna hear about it.

Fair enough but I know
what you're going through.

I mean, I showered in
a wet suit until I was 10.

I know I'm gonna be sorry
for asking this but, um...

Well, how did you
overcome your fear of nudity?


one hot summer night, I
said enough is enough.

I snuck into the amusement park
and marched into the hall of mirrors.

I ripped off my clothes...

and forced myself to look at my
reflection from 150 different angles.

Oh, it was a nightmare.

But it did the trick.

I was right. I'm sorry I asked.

Well, maybe you could
overcome your fear too.

Why don't you buck up
and go bungee jumping?


No way, I get the willies
just thinking about heights.

No, my doctor recommends
that I take it slow.

Well, okay, if you wanna
listen to some medical guy.



- Lieutenant Murtagh.
- Winslow.


Well, sir, this is a
pleasant surprise, come in.

This isn't a social call.

Oh, I see.

Uh, Steve? Steve,
this is police business.

Ooh, great, I love that stuff.

You look familiar.

We met once. You showed
me a picture of your dog.

- Right.
- So how is old Bloodfang?

He's dead.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, like that's
gonna bring him back.

They actually give
this guy b*ll*ts?

Ha, ha. Uh...

So, sir, what brings you
to this neck of the woods?

Winslow, I've always
thought of you as a cop's cop.

A top cop, no holds
barred, nonstop cop.

Well, thank you, sir.

You can imagine my shock when
I found out you're a pantywaist.

Excuse me, sir?

The hot topic in the officer's steam
room is that you're afraid of heights.

What? Who said that?

One Sergeant Charles Carnelli.

- I, of course, immediately defended you.
- Thank you, sir.

I told Carnelli that no one
in my command is a wimp.

Then I snapped him
smartly with my towel.


I suggest you make an appointment
to see the police psychologist.

- Well, sir, I don't think...
- Winslow.

I'm gonna be captain soon...

and I'd like to see you make
lieutenant to take my place.

Now that's not going to happen if you're
up on some roof, sweating and puking.

Well, sir, let me put
your mind at ease.

I'm not really
afraid of heights.

It's just a vicious rumor.

- Rumor?
- Yes, sir.

Like the one that was going
around about you and the stripper.



That's very reassuring.


Oh. Oh! I am in trouble now.

I am in deep bandini.

Oh, oh, what am I gonna do?

Wait a minute.

I just booked a stateroom
on the SS Inspiration.


Why, I have a surefire way
to cure your fear of heights.

Well, I don't
wanna hear about it.

I'll just take Lieutenant Murtagh's
advice and go see the police psychologist.

Well, fine.

You can spend the next five years on
a couch whining about your mommy...

or you can eradicate your
fear of heights in just one day.


One day sounds
good. What's your plan?

I'll pick you up tomorrow
morning at 8:00.

All you have to do is trust
me and do exactly what I say.



- Carl, are you okay?
- Oh, fine.

You expect me to go
up in a hot air balloon?


- Bye.
- Wait, Carl.


- You have to go up in that thing.
- No, I don't.

Yes, you do, it's the perfect way
to get over your fear of heights.

And remember, if you
don't conquer this phobia...

you can kiss your badge goodbye.

Don't these things
go really, really high?

Sure, but we'll try to
keep it around 5,000 feet.

- Five thousand...
- Can't go much higher...

without oxygen, otherwise
your head will explode.

- Bye.
- Wait, Carl.


Okay, gentlemen,
we're ready to go.

You hear that,
Carl? It's liftoff time.

What do you say? Come on.

Hi, I'm Jimmy "Wild
Blue Yonder" Phillips.

- Hi, I'm Carl "Yellowbelly"
Winslow. JIMMY: Oh.

- Is this your first time up?
- Yeah.

Yeah, mine too.


No, no, I'm just kidding. You
have a fear of heights, don't you?

Well, yes, I do.

You're not my first
customer with that problem.

Let me assure you. Hot
air ballooning is a safe...

and risk-free activity.

Well, ha, ha,
that's good to know.

Yeah, why don't you guys just climb in,
make yourselves comfortable? Ha-ha-ha.

I am not getting in there
with that thing on his head.

Party pooper.

Come on, big guy.


Come on.


Good. Uh, I'm just gonna get
my maps and I'll be right back.

Oops, wrong way.

Well, gee, I wonder
what this does.

Steve, Steve, Steve.

- Oh, it makes it go up.
- Right, now make it go down.



Well, maybe if I pull
it again, it'll go down.


Steve, Steve.


Nope, this seems
to be a one-way deal.

- I gotta get out of here, gotta get out.
- Wait, Carl.

You'll snap a kneecap, besides
I think I've got it figured out.

It must be one pull for
up, and two pulls for down.


- Steve! Steve! Steve!
- It's stuck, it's stuck.




Good news, Carl.

The rope is unstuck.

Get us down, get us down.

I'm still working on that.

You should open your
eyes and look around.

Why, this view will
take your breath away.


- It's mine, mine, mine.

The DJ asked for Harriette Winslow,
and that's why the car belongs to me.

Harriette, for the last time, the car
belongs to me and you know why?

Because I look better in red.

Well, red does
bring out your eyes.

All right, that did it,
short stuff, I have just...

Let me tell you something...


Hold it, g*ng. Hold it.

You two should be ashamed.

Acting like chuckleheads.

Lay it on them, Grandma.

Sorry, I got emotional.

Now you both
know perfectly well...

there are things more
important than a silly car.

Like family.

You two are sisters...

and if something nice happens
to one, the other should be happy.

She's right.

You can have the car.

No, Harriette, it's yours.

After all, the radio station
did call you, not me.

Yeah, but you gave the right answer,
so stop arguing and take the stupid car.

Wait a minute.

I don't wanna
take the stupid car.

After all, I can be just as
unselfish as you, you know.

- In a pig's eye.
- Who are you calling a pig?

- You...
- You know...


Now, stop this.

You two are fighting
like dogs over a bone.

Just sell the car and
split the money fifty-fifty.

Now, that's a good idea.

- The best, let's go celebrate.
- Hey, let's go shopping.

Gifts for everybody.
I'll get my purse. Ha, ha.

Girl, I like your style.


I'm glad that's over.

And when Dad gets
home, he'll be happy too.

Yeah, he's out with Steve.

I know he's happy right now.


Okay, we're doing much better.

Your last scream
was much shorter.

Now, look down again,
only a little longer this time.

Very good, Carl.

- You're making real progress.
- Ha, ha.

Yeah. Ha, ha.



Get us down, Steve, get us down.

Relax, Carl.

When the air inside the balloon cools
sufficiently, we'll begin to descend.

Now, we don't know
where or when...

but those are the imponderables
that make life interesting.

- So we have nothing to worry about?
- Correct-aroonee.


What's that noise?

Oh, neat.

A 727 is coming right at us.

Oh, no, oh, no.


How close is it gonna come?

It's hard to say.

Ooh, look, they're
serving Chicken Kiev.


Carl, Carl, Carl.

- Steve, hold on, Steve.
- Carl.

Steve, oh, Steve, hang
on, hang on, Steve.

- I'm slipping.
- Oh, wait.


Steve, Steve.

Oh. Unh, unh.



Oh, Steve, oh.

Oh, are you okay?

I think so.


I just stared the Grim
Reaper right in the face.

And let me tell you,
he's one ugly dude.

- Oh.
- Whew.


Do you realize you
just saved my life?

Yeah, I guess I did. Ha, ha.

But you forgot about
your fear of heights.

You did what had to be done
without even thinking about it.



I did, didn't I?

Hey, I'm cured.

Almost. Unh.

I think your job worries
are over, big guy.

Whether you're on the
ground, or up in the air...

you'll always be the
world's greatest cop.

Gee, thanks, Steve. Ha, ha.


STEVE: You know, Carl...

this could be the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.

CARL: Don't push it, Steve.

You should have seen the
big guy, he was amazing.

Not only did he conquer his fear of
heights, but he also saved my life.

Aw. Ha, ha.

Well, Steve was the one
that was really amazing.

He piloted that baby like
he was born in a balloon.

Oh, once I understood the
physics of it, Carl, it was nothing.

Living with my father, you learn
a lot about expanding gasses.

Thank you for
sharing that with us.

Oh, my pleasure.


Well, I better go.


My parents get cranky if I
don't have dinner ready on time.

CARL: Oh...