03x13 - Gung Ho

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x13 - Gung Ho

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 16... stakeouts.

Could we please curtail
the aerobatic displays?

And I trust who was
ever paid to distribute

these flyers from
Gung-Ho Chinese Takeout...

will show an equal zeal in collecting
and clearing them from the room.

Heard you, man.
Item 16... stakeouts.

Continuing... Detectives Cooley and
Koester, Lucky Strike Bowling Lanes.

Resumed... Oshei and
Baird, Ramirez Check Cash.

Beginning today... Fulton
Game Arcade, Belker.

Tataglia and
Dorsey stand backup.

Item last... You've no doubt
heard of the unfortunate events...

culminating in the arrest the night
before last of officer John Balch.

With regard to Officer
Balch's alleged as*ault...

on repossession agent
Joseph Imperiale...

whilst said agent sought to
depart Officer Balch's driveway...

with Officer Balch's
Chrysler LeBaron,

payments on said vehicle
being several months in arrears,

I've been asked to read this
open letter from Walter Hogarth,

President of the
Patrolmen's Credit Union.

"No one is more acutely aware of
the many claims January makes...

"on the patrolman's depleted
purse than is your credit union.

"Your credit union is subject
to the same strains and drains.

"Your credit union is no more than
the aggregate of its members' finances.

"And your credit union cannot
allow its authorized agents...

"to be assaulted with
crowbars and tire chains...

"in the performance of their
assigned responsibilities,

however unpleasant
these may be."

People, there's a
kernel of truth in that.

Let's keep in mind that
we only buy more trouble,

and in January that's
all we can afford,

when we wreak vengeance
on the bearer of bad tidings.

Having said which, I allow
myself the, uh, speculation...

that if there's justice
in the universe,

the deity has reserved a special
circle in hell for the repo man.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be careful out there.

I'll catch you in a minute.

Oh, it's the kind of pain, Frank, that
makes a man want to break formation...

and lay waste to whole
villages of undesirables.

Why don't you have it taken
care of, Howard? Wouldn't I like to!

My man can't see me
until 3:15. Hey, Lieutenant.

I'll tell you what. Try these
guys right here, okay?

Four dentists, no waiting.

Really? Here.

And, uh, they're not too stingy
with the laughing gas either.

Ma, I sent the check.

Yes, I did.

Well, I-I, uh, I mailed it on Tuesday,
so they should probably have it by now.

Look, I gotta be on stakeout
in 20 minutes. I can't talk...

Ma, please, you gotta calm down!

Yes, I will call them.

As soon as I hang up with you.

Listen to me now. I
don't care what they said!

They will not put his bed out
on the street! I promise you that.

Look, I gotta go right now. I love
you and don't worry. Good-bye.

Something wrong, Detective? No.

I got 102 bucks in
my checking account,

and I owe my old
man's nursing home 300.

They keep hawking my
mother for the money.

They keep telling her they're gonna throw
him out on the street if we don't pay up.

I... I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

Can I float you a loan?

Oh, no. No, I insist.

You just pay it
back when you can.

Oh. What's the matter?

Oh, a little oral
discomfort here, Mick.

You need a good dentist?
No, it's all right. I got one.

There you are.

Thank you very much.

Well, it's January. Say no more.

Did you or did you not say, "Meet
you at The Brakers for breakfast", huh?

I told you, man. My
car wouldn't start.

Car wouldn't start. Then
call on the telephone.

I tried to call, too,
and your line was busy.

Till 5:30 in the
morning, Joe? Yeah.

Forget about it. Hey,
hey, Luce. Come on.

Wait a second. I am not one of
your bimbos. Get that straight.

And, besides, it's the
morning of my birthday. I know.

Hey, did I hear someone
say birthday? No, you did not.

Big girl, isn't this the
time they celebrate

your natal event
about this time of year?

No, little guy, it is not. If you
blow the whistle, Renko, I mean it...

Excuse me, Lucy? Yes?

Would you come with me? I
have a little surprise for you.

A surprise? Yeah,
just have a seat.


Yeah! Be nice!

Oh, yeah!


What kind of a person
would do something like that?

Uh-oh, there goes the g*n.

Uh-oh. Check it out!

This your idea?
Yeah, you like it?

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
People's Drive, 124th Street.

These kids give you any
idea when they might show?

No, no. They just said I'd be
sorry. What time were they here?

About noon. I guess you
gotta admire their initiative, huh?

What for? Running a
shakedown? No, no.

Most of these kids
just panhandle.

But, see, I'm already payin' protection.
I've got a maintenance contract.

Yeah, three gross
of towels a week.

I don't even have a sink.

After we straighten out
this, maybe you ought

to contact our
Organized Crime Division.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Be sure
you leave me the number, huh?

Hey, Belker! Come
on in here with us.

Uh, no, thank you.
You guys go ahead.

Aw, come on. Come
on, Mick. Hurry.

Come on. We're
havin' fun. We can fit.

- All right.
- We're on the light. Come on.

All right. Group
shot. Group shot.

Okay, Robin, you
sit on my lap. All right.

When the light flashes,
everybody say, "cheese.

"Say, "Parcheesi."

- There's the light.
- One, two, three.


You know how Houdini died? Getting
hit in the stomach when he wasn't ready.

Yeah. Well, maybe you should
start working on your disappearing act.

You know, I can't believe it. You can't
take a joke. You have no sense of humor.

You have the
sensitivity of a rock.

Hey, I sprung for 50 bucks,
right? When I'm totally broke.

I thought you'd like it. Joe, you
embarrassed me. Don't you see that?

And besides, now
people might think that

we're doin' it. Oh, that
makes a lot of sense.

I get you a stripper for your birthday,
and people think we're gonna be makin' it.

You know what your problem is?

You're sublimating your
sexual needs into anger,

and, uh, projecting
it all onto me.

Great, Joe. Real deep.

211 on an armored car.

Midtown. Perpetrators reported
traveling northbound in two vehicles,

one a late model Oldsmobile.

Consider armed and dangerous.

Yeah, this is Unit 2203.
How much did they get?

Do you believe, 1.6 million?

1.6 million.

What would you do with
all that dinero, Robert?

Mmm, I don't know.

Exercise your imagination.


I guess I'd pay off all my
debts, all my family debts.

Maybe I'd buy a-a house.

Yeah. You know, I'd buy me a house
maybe somewhere out in the country,

overlooking a lake. I see.

What's the matter? Nothing.

Renko. Nothing is
the matter, Officer Hill.

All right, Officer
Renko. All right, fine!

It's just if somebody
gave me that kind of

largesse, you can bet I'd
give some to my partner.

I would give you some,
Renko. After I'd begged.

After I'd humiliated and
degraded myself. Renko.

Unit 2236 in pursuit of
late model Oldsmobile.

Fine. It's all right. Skip it! Roger Donald
14073 eastbound 137th and Van Buren.

That's four blocks from here.

Unit 2202 joining pursuit of the
Oldsmobile northbound Jefferson at 134th.

Consider armed and
dangerous. Proceed with caution.

Repeat... Officers pursuing Oldsmobile
now moving north on Gateway Avenue.

Two to three occupants.
Considered armed...

- Police! Freeze!
- Renko, he's got a g*n!


Don't k*ll me! Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me, please! Get down!

I'm Christina Beck! Get down!
Put your arms out in front of you.

Shut up! Shut up right now!

Christina Beck? I think the
other one is Lynn Croyden.

The guy with 'em didn't
make it. Who shot him?

Mike Ruggieri from the
Heights. The guy came

out blasting a shotgun.
Nobody had a choice.

They do the armored
car? Dollars to doughnuts.

Accomplice, uh, got
the money though.

Couldn't find a dime in the
car. They've been advised.

Interrogate them in
separate rooms. See if they

want to talk before
their lawyers get here.

Oh, Francis, the two
security guards died.

There was some initial confusion,
but, apparently, they were both D.O.A.

We'll interrogate on the
basis of double felony m*rder.

Have Ray come to my office, would you,
Phil? We're about to be hip-deep in media.


Is that how you want to
be booked? Just Uhuru?

Do you have lawyers
you want contacted?

I want a public
defender. KL 5-3935.

Is that your lawyer's
phone number?

What's your lawyer's name?

You don't talk to me, you hear?

You want a traitor, you talk
to the scared little white girl!

- Hey, homecoming queen, what you gonna do?
- Get her out of here!

You got a lot of nerve.
Spittin' in somebody's face.

Get your hands off me,
you pig! Let go of me!

Lock her up. Let
go of me, you pig!

In May, 1981, I helped three
other people rob a g*n shop...

in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

In November, 1981,

I planned and helped
rob a convenience store...

in York, Pennsylvania.

In February, 1982,

I was present when
a bank was robbed...

In Newark, New Jersey.

Nobody was hurt.

This is very interesting.

Right now I've got a
fresh double homicide.

Where can we find... I
won't implicate anyone else.

I will not give information on
anyone else's whereabouts.

Tell us some of the
places you've lived then.

Where were you living...
I went underground

in 1970 after the
Broome Street expl*si*n.

Not 1970. Now. Yesterday.

Over the past two weeks. I
lived at 1428 Dekker till Tuesday.

And then I lived
at the Hotel Crane.

Christina Beck? You
requested a public defender?

My name's Joyce Davenport.

I suggest you stop talking with
the sergeant and that we confer.

Miss Davenport, Ronald
Schuster is here. He'd

like a conference with
you and your client.


Christina, I want you to know that you've
done nothing to compromise yourself...

or anybody else.

You have done
nothing but respond...

to a charged and a dangerous
and a stressful situation.

Uhuru's authorized me to
say that she feels no betrayal.

Christina, we also
want you to know,

that political solidarity aside,

we think it's just plain good
sense to coordinate strategy,

so we can maximize
our leverage and benefit

from whatever cooperation
anybody might give.

Hey, Christina, are
you hearing me?

It's over.

Nothing is over.

I think for the moment if we can agree
that all dealings with the authorities...

should be through counsel...


All right, Christina?

I have to tell you. You cut quite
a figure in my emotional life...

when I was training for the law.

I guess even before that.
You're gracious to say so.

How are we gonna do
with her? Christina Beck?

Seemed to me you got through.
She was willing to cooperate.

With whom?

I think she'll let
us bargain for her.

She'll let me bargain.

We'll coordinate in
about half an hour?

Uh, listen, I'm afraid
lunch is a goner. I'm sorry.


Suppose any of those
addresses she gave us are live?

I'd try the Hotel Crane especially.
That was their most recent.

Send Bates and Coffey. They
have any names? Mm-mmm.

Better add an
open warrant. Right.

Yes. Worked there
for more than 10 years.

Moved through a
network of affiliated

organizations which include
the P.R.O., the P.R.D.,

the Fourteenth of
October Group, a black

separatist organization
which calls itself Uhuru...

Agent Davis? Are
you Captain Furillo?

Uh, could I talk to you for a
minute? Oh, certainly, you may.

Can you run it down for me? Six
of them in two cars got $1.6 million...

from a Johnstone Armored Car about 8:30
this morning at Fourth Street downtown.

They shot and
k*lled both guards.

We have two robbers. The
third's dead. This William Jones?

Correct. Now you know
as much about it as we do.

What about the guards?
Is that execution style?

That's the way that Frazier
and Jones always do it.

In the back of the
neck at close range.

Excuse me, Captain. I thought
we might cancel the lunch breaks.

- Good idea, Phil.
- I also thought we might try
this Chinese takeout.


Well, uh, what can I
order for you, gentlemen?

Oh, uh, F.B.I. Agent
Davis, Sergeant Esterhaus.

How do you do, sir? Fine.

Let me tell you. The litmus test of
Chinese cooking is dumplings in hot oil.

- Great.
- I was posted to a trade
legation in Shanghai.

I got hooked. Excuse
the interruption.

You can bank on it, Captain.
They took that armored car off.

I think you could also safely assume that
at least some of these names were involved.

For you to run down.

I don't know how current this information
is. It's certainly worth checking out.

Oh, uh, that name, right there?
That's the purchasing agent.

Lenore Kramer.

She gets the cars. She
gets the safe houses.

- How do you know?
- Was that a, uh, car rental
on a phony card?

Yes. That's the way she does it.

That's the way
anyone would do it.

Listen, I'd pick
her up if I were you.

Do we have any
federal paper on her?

Mmm, nothing current.

Phil. Phil?

Yes, Francis?

Let's see if we have any warrants, city
warrants, outstanding on Lenore Kramer.

If not, let's pick her up on
charges. What charges?


What's going on, gentlemen? We're
getting some Chinese eatin', Captain.

Man, these menus
are like a novel.

Let's just order two
dozen from column "A",

two dozen from column "B", and
then let's get back to work, okay?

Yes, sir. I hope you ordered
double for Lenore Kramer.

Wait till you hear
the mouth on her.

Identify yourselves. Miss
Kramer, I'm Officer Hill.

This is Officer Renko
from the Hill Street Station.

We have a warrant for your
arrest. Show me your identification.

Read me the warrant.

Conspiracy? Let's go, ma'am.

Oh, you have nothin'! You don't even
have the barest fragment of a connection.

Oh. Pathetic fascist
after-death spasms.

You go ahead. Coerce
your usual suspects.

Oppress your usual
suspects. Ma'am, you want

to be quiet and just get
out this door, please?

Oh, yes, cave dweller.
Yes, leopard suit.

Redneck lackey.
Fat piece of garbage.

Errand boys of
genocide. All right, ma'am.

All right, ma'am. All right,
ma'am. "Otay," Buckwheat!

You just keep your
mouth shut. Let's go.

I'm top g*n in these parts.

You'll have to be
fast to outdraw me.

Remember to cock
the g*n when you draw.



You missed me, sidewinder!

Let's go again!

Pretty dangerous company,
Mick. He's not so fast.

Well, so far this morning,
I've destroyed 20 alien planets,

57 battle stars and a couple
hundred thousand n*zi submarines.

I'm ready to beat my
quarters into plowshares.

I'm going across the street.
Anybody want anything?

No. All right, you
bighorned dude.

I told you I was
the fastest draw.

Get set.


You got me!

You ought to retire on me.

I... You went for your g*n
before I was ready. That's all.

Try again.

That'll be 22.47, sir. Okay.

That'll be a buck, 10 apiece.
A buck, 10 apiece for what?

- The cookies, man.
- Oh, the cookies.

Oh, well, they're
on the house, pal.

Hey, man, this is my place,
and they ain't on the house.

A buck, 10 apiece, money man.

Here. Have a cookie.

You want a cookie?
Hey! Hey, cool it, buddy!

What's wrong with you?
Don't get stupid, stupid!

Police officer.

Hey! Come here!
He shot a police!




Help! Somebody call the
police! Man's been shot!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Go get the car. Move!

Move back, will you, please?

Move back!

- Who'd you rent the car for?
- John Wilkes Booth.

Oh, or which car? The
Pontiac? Lee Oswald.

You think it's funny, Lenore?
You think m*rder's funny?

I think you're funny. I think... I
think you're disgusting and pathetic.

You drag me in here on
some kind of senile information.

There were cars and apartments
rented, Lenore. You do have a history.

Oh, no, she's a real
estate agent now.

God, I wish I had been
the purchasing agent.

'Cause I'd bet it'd take your
usual six years to run it down.

Yes, Mick. Yes, I understand.

Keep us in touch,
will you? Thanks.

Gung-Ho! Please, put it
over there on that table.

There's no change. He's
still on the operating table.

It's going to be awhile yet.

Gung-Ho. Oh, of course, sure.

Here, uh, keep the
change. Gung-Ho!

Thank you. Our men are
armed and on ready alert.

We can hit the bricks
in less than 30 seconds.

We can be anywhere in this
precinct within 10 minutes.

How's that coming? Ah, dental
treatment will just have to wait.

Mark my words, Frank. This
one's gonna end up on the street.

Captain, we drew blanks on Agent
Davis's list of possible safe houses.

The one on Haley burned
down four years ago.

And Borellis and Smiljanich found
a day-care center at Lombard Street.

Agent Davis's information
seems a little dated.

Francis, we've got signatures
of the, uh, rental car agreements.

Department graphologist
says there's no way

Lenore Kramer could've
forged those names.

Damn! Thanks, Phil.

Cleveland, March
21st, 1968, arson.

Army recruiting center.
You were the buyer.

Maybe. Maybe. You've
got that blood on your hands.

San Francisco,
February the 2nd, 1969.

b*mb went off in a van parked
outside a draft registration office.

as*ault on a government
official in New York.

destruction in Tulsa.

Right. Right. Go ahead. Run it.

Let's talk about your
old munitions buddy.

Norman Downs, you remember him?

The guy you're supposed to be in
love with? The guy blew himself up?

Tell me something, Lenore. Was he
better in bed than he was making bombs?

All right.

There were apartments
rented, and there were cars.

Agent Davis, may I
see you for a minute?

Okay, Lenore.

Where's her counsel? She refused
one. It might interfere with her martyrdom.

I'm letting her go as soon as
the paperwork's done. Why?

The signature on the
car rental form isn't

hers. We checked it
against a Washington file.

In fact, we don't show
anything connecting her

with the movement
for the last three years.

Look, Furillo, I know this girl. Just let
me work on her a couple of more hours.

The paperwork can
take a couple more hours!

Frank, Frank, look at this.

The license number we got on
the car at the Dorsey sh**ting...

matches the license of the second
vehicle used in the armored car robbery.

Same people? You sure?

Yes. They checked the $50 bill
the sh**t gave the store owner.

It's from the million, six.

Dorsey walked right into it.

You've probably heard a policeman
was shot. Dorsey. How is he?

Not good. They've tied the
sh**t's car license to your people.

Captain, unless you figure they
can break the laws of time and space,

our clients could hardly
be capable of, uh...

If you'll be quiet, I'll tell you
what I think they're capable of.

You're right. Their only connection
with this sh**ting is moral and practical.

As a legal matter,
they're innocent.

If they give information
that leads to accomplices,

they'll be doing
themselves a lot of good.

I'd like to hear some
specific numbers.

I want some specific
information, and I want it fast.

That's all.

What's your take
on him? Captain?

Has he got juice
with the D.A.'s office?

If he says to
deal, they'll deal.

Clearly, Christina and Uhuru
have to make their own decision.

But it's our responsibility to indicate to
them just how, uh, strong a card this is.

If either chooses to
provide names, address,

we use it to buy as much
as we can for both of them.

Deal? Deal.

See you in a little while.


Despicable affair, Henry.

What? Oh.

It started off with a small, unattended
occlusal of the lower number one bicuspid,

and now it has eaten clean
through to the pulp. Oh.

There's a pointed
analogue here, Henry...

How years of liberal permissiveness have
allowed a few destructive malcontents...

to burrow into the enamel
of American society.

Oh! Judas!

We are the dentists of society, Henry,
fighting a losing battle with urban decay.

- Hi.
- Howard.

Did you say go slow
releasing Lenore Kramer? No.

Let her go. I'm
putting it through.

I don't think she's gonna
sign the false arrest waiver.

That's the least of
my problems right now.

How's Dorsey? He was gut shot.

They need blood? Mick
says they're okay for now.

I watched this woman
spit poison, Frank,

and Davis spit it
right back at her.

There was a time when Lenore Kramer
and I probably read the same books,

marched in the same marches.

Now she's just a
robber. I'm just a cop.

Is that what happens
to every idea, Frank?

That what happens to everything?

I'll speed up Leo
with the paperwork.

It's okay. I think
they're enjoying it.


What's the problem, Fay?

My life! It's in a
shambles, Frank.

I'm a mess. I'm useless!

Well, the judge and
I... Oh, never mind.

I've been compulsively eating
since 8:00 a.m. yesterday.

Fay... And now Frank Jr.!

What about Frank Jr.?

Well, he wants to trade me
in on a new mother. Why?

Because I'm not tall. I'm
not perfect. I'm not beautiful.

And I don't treat him like a little
prince the way certain people do.

Certain people?

Ms. Davenport, as for
instance. Oh, come off it, Fay.

I don't think Joyce has even seen
him since the ski trip at Christmas.

Well, she certainly made a
hell of an impression on him.

He thinks she's the
best thing since Pac-Man.

And who's food is this?
Why aren't they eating it?

Fay, I think maybe you're exaggerating
a mild schoolboy crush here.

Am I?

Every time I say anything to him, he
throws Joyce Davenport in my face!

That's all I hear! I mean, 20 times
a day, he compares me to her.

I mean, she's the good fairy, and
I'm the Wicked Witch of the West...

who tells him that he has to clean
up his room or-or turn off the TV.

I know I'm being
stupid, Frank, but...

Well, I lost one popularity
contest to that woman a-and I...

I just don't think I
can handle another.

Ah, l-let's just go in the
office, all right? Come on.

Oh, Saigon Sally's, 1968.


Mmm, looks malleable
enough for the old jawbone.

Mmm. Not bad.

Fay, being a single parent,
it's not a popularity contest.

You're telling me.

It's nothing to be
concerned about.

It happens to all boys
his age, and it never lasts.

With me, it was Lana Turner.

Yeah, but was Lana
Turner dating your father?

You're his mother.
He knows that.

That's an attachment
nobody can break or wants to.

Will you tell that to your son?

I'll have dinner
with him tonight.

You know, this is good.

You like it? Mm-hmm.

Wait, there's another
box here. Okay.

Come on, pal. Just
sign, or we'll take you in.

You know, first you get
Andy a hooker for his birthday.

Now you gotta give me a
performing slab of beef for mine.

You just don't realize that most people are
not stuck in this glandular development.

Have a nice day. I never knew
you were such a prude, Luce.

A prude? Oh, great.

I just don't like it, you
know, when somebody

makes a spectacle of
me for a cheap laugh.

Hey, it wasn't cheap!

Here. You drive.


- Hey, Luce.
- What's the matter?

Uh... Man, I split my pants.

You're kidding. Let
me see. Come on!

Let me see. Take 'em off.

What do you mean, "Take
'em off?" I'm not takin' 'em off.

Just take 'em off.
There's a tailor three

blocks down. I'll take
'em in for a quickie.

Or would you rather walk
into the precinct like this, huh?

Come on. I'll drive.

Man, I was hoping to get
another winter out of these pants.

This leaves me
with one pair left.

Yeah. Well, if you weren't so busy spending
your money on the nightclub circuit,

maybe you would have
enough to buy another uniform.

All right, Luce, I've had it!

You don't own me, so don't
tell me how to run my life!

So just can it! And
hurry up with the pants.

- Hey, Joe!
- Luce, what're you doin'?


What's the matter? Did you
lose your sense of humor, huh?

I got a look at the
wound, Captain.

I haven't seen too
many that were worse.

I don't think he's
gonna make it.

Uh, I gotta go. I'll call you
when there's more news.

Yeah, right.

I was the wrong type,
but I gave anyway.

Oh. Oh, maybe
you oughta sit down.

Mrs. Baker, please
come to admitting.

He's been in there
five hours, Mick.

I mean... I mean,
that's good, isn't it?

I-If he's held on
this long... Hey.

We weren't gonna talk
about it anymore, remember?

That was the deal.

But he's got a chance, right?

We don't talk about it. Mrs.
Barker, please come to admitting.

Mrs. Barker, please
come to admitting.

You got any hobbies?

Your boyfriend... Tell
me about your boyfriend.

Come on. You gotta
have a boyfriend.

He didn't like the
idea of me being a cop.

Do you have a
girlfriend? Me? No.

I think I'm too
hard to live with.

No, you're not.

I mean, I think
you're just right.

It could be their
fault, you know.

Oh, look at that. These
guys are just great.

They hit the vein
clean every time.

You know what you ought
to do when you get home?

Eat some peanut butter
and drink plenty of juice.

I guess I should get used
to giving this stuff, huh?

I'm sorry.

Dr. Samuels, call your service.

Mother's living out in Arizona. We've been
trying to reach her since the sh**ting.

The brother's in town,
but he's on vacation.

- We know where?
- His plant thought Taft Lake.

But I've tried all the lodges,
and I haven't been able to...

Keep trying. They're
gonna hear it on the radio.

Miss Davenport. You
wanted to see me?

Schuster was just in.

We think Christina knows more, but
Ms. Croyden is prepared to come forward.

- How much time?
- Fifteen minutes, 20 max.

I'll talk to my client. Frank...

About Dorsey, I'm sorry.


My client wouldn't
agree to share.

We've made a separate
proposal to the captain.

So I've been informed.

You want me in there? No,
thank you. Not necessary.

Uh, could you excuse us, please?

What do you want to
hang around here for?

Why don't you just take off? No.

Are you sure? You
don't need to be here.

Please, Mick, you
gotta stick by me. I, um...

I don't want to be
alone yet. Okay.

Uh, we could get
a cup of coffee,

and I, um, I could take you through
the paperwork if you feel up to it.

Yeah, I think so. Okay.

So let's go over this.

The three still out are Frazier,
Thornton Williams and Timothy Smith.

Frazier's friend's
address is 393 Dennoyer.

If the address leads to arrests, it
could be worth eight years off a sentence.

Subtract another five for the names,
another five for in-court testimony,

and then let's assume, uh, we do
some business on your background...

The repentant lost sheep
of the upper middle class,

combined with the fact you're
a mother, a child six years old,

that's probably
worth another five.

Off a sentence of 35 years, and
assuming you never pulled a trigger,

we're down to 10 or 12.

You might still
have a life left.

You better hurry up.
Uhuru's going to beat you to it.

Go ahead.


Go ahead!

Hey, why not?


Attention all occupants
of 393 Dennoyer Street.

This is the police. You are ordered
to come out with your hands up.

You will be taken into
custody. You will not be hurt.

There are people in there
that want to die. Let me try.

This is Captain Furillo
of Hill Street Station.

I repeat. You are completely
surrounded. Come out with your hands up.

Nobody's picking up.

Ballentine! The fire
department in place?

Yes, sir! And all the
tenants of the adjoining

apartment building
have been evacuated, sir.

All right. All personnel, prepare
for deployment of tear gas.

Attention! Harold Frazier,

Thornton Williams,
Timothy Smith...

and all other occupants
of 393 Dennoyer Street,

come out now with your hands up.

This is your final warning.

Line's working,
but still nothing.

Brewster, Konicki, proceed
with C.N. deployment.

Everybody has the green light.

Commence firing! All
personnel, commence firing.

Cease firing. Cease firing.

Michaels says they
could all be suicides.

Or rather, this one, Frazier,

opened fire on the other
two, then shot himself.

He fits the description
of Dorsey's k*ller. Yeah.

Hey, Captain, you
want to see somethin'?

They must've burned up over
a million dollars here, Captain.

Just... threw kerosene
on it, you know?

Frank... Frank,
Dorsey's brother called.

He heard it on the news. Oh, no.

He's going to call their
mother. Well, we tried.

Captain? Yeah, Neal.

Just doin' a little survey
here. How do you feel?

As a matter of fact, not too
well. How 'bout you, Lieutenant?

Fine. What'd you
both have for lunch?

Ham sandwich and
a Coke. Mu shu pork.

Oh, Captain. Excuse me.

Gung-Ho? Ray, do me a
favor, would you, please?

Call Fay and explain to her why
she's sick or is about to be sick?

Tell her I'm in no condition
to have dinner with Frank Jr.

Nice pants, Joe.

Real ivy.

Hey, it's a look.

Leo, you know what
I love about this guy?

He's kept his sense
of humor, huh?

Good old Joe, never
loses his sense of humor.

Hey, are we still having
dinner tonight, or what?

I promise I'll go home,
and I'll change. Okay?

If that makes you happy. Okay.

Yes, we're having dinner. It's
my birthday. What do you think?

What's this? A line?
I'm afraid so, Captain.

The Mayflower's on high seas here,
and the crew's come down with scurvy.


Frank, the mere taste
of chloroacetophenone...

plays pin the donkey
with the old duodenum.

I whiffed no tear gas,
Howard, and I'm sick as a cow.

You know what
this is, don't you?

It's Lenore. She's
trying to poison us.

She's gotten into the
air-conditioning ducts.

It's just a theory, right?


What is it? Flat ginger ale.

Settles the stomach.

I think that's an
old wives' tale.

You're talking about my mother.

If I die, promise me you'll sue.

Count on it.



I think I should go home.
I'm humiliating myself.

That's absurd.

I love the sounds
of peristalsis.

I scared myself today, Frank.


I hated that girl so.

Christina Beck?

She's partly responsible for
a lot of people dying today.

You know,

there was a time when I was
just as fascinated with abstractions,

just as sure I had a
hotline to the truth.

I wanted to hurt her
for all that smugness.

I wanted to make her know the pain
she had caused with her dilettante ideas.

And at the same time, I felt...


I felt old.

And the whole time I was
with her, I just wanted to cry.

What'd we walk?

I bet you we must've
walked 10 miles.

Twelve maybe.

Do your feet hurt? Nah.

Orthopedic shoes.

This one's mine.

So, um, are you sure
you're not hungry?

We could still get
something to eat.

Jews and Italians, you kinda
eat your way through grief.

I sorta got no stomach
for it, you know?


Well, um...

What are you gonna do? You
gonna come into work tomorrow?

Yeah. I think. 'Cause if you don't
want to, you don't have to, you know.

I'll worry about
it in the morning.

Okay, then.

So, you okay?

I mean...

Gee, my eyes are a mess.

No, they're not. They're fine.

You feel like
walking a little more?

Yeah, sure.

One more time around the block.

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