03x08 - Requiem for a Hairbag

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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03x08 - Requiem for a Hairbag

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine.

Beadie, would you please
check the request for me?

Item nine.

A reminder that we
are presently embarking

Into the dark and
perennially turbulent waters

Of the holiday shopping season.

With its attendant
oppressive effect,

Psychologically speaking,
on our median population.

So, in addition to the
anticipated increase

In your, uh, routine
robberies, batteries, assaults,

And generally
suicidal behaviors,

Let's be aware that
shoppers also provide

A particularly

Vulnerable target

For scenarios with a
more seasonal flavor.

For instance, the ersatz

Salvation army bucket.

Or the snatching santa.

Item ten. Also, coincidentally,

Pertaining to matters
of a holiday nature,

The winner of our
thanksgiving turkey raffle,

Courtesy of
wisniewski's poultry,

Is andy renko.

You can pick up your
bird this afternoon.

I'd like to pick up your bird.

I heard that, missy.

Item 11. The undercover
operation in waverly alley

fraudulent auto-related

Personal injury claims

Appears to be ripening

To a fruitful conclusion.

Officer belker... Excuse
me, detective belker,

Aided by detectives
larue and washington

Will stage a bipartisan raid

In the middle part
of the afternoon

To serve arrest
and search warrants.

Uniform officers assisting

Will be our transfers
from midtown.

Kolzicki and nichols.

Item 12.

The last item, people.

Requiem services for
detective stanley mizell

Will be conducted this morning

At veterans memorial park.

Your attendance is requested,
but for the following,

Who will remain on call.

Bates. Belker. Coffey. Hingle.

Ellis. Larue. Tubbs. Washington.

Nichols and kolzicki.

It's a real shame
we're gonna miss it.

As regards dress
for said occasion,

Though formal wear

Is not compulsory,

Consider, if you will,
the appropriate dignity

And respect to be afforded

The surviving
members of the family.

Which is a lot more
than stan ever did.

An addendum to that.

Uh, officer schnitz informs me

That contributions to date

To the stan mizell memorial fund

Total a paltry $78.13.

Setting aside, for
the moment, any and all

Subjective sentiments
one may have held

With regards to the decedent.

The particular
issue in question here

Is the continued care for

And future education of

A slain fellow officer's


And I find the current
level of donations

Disappointing in the extremest.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And let's be careful out there.

- Oh lord, bobby hill, if you can't...
- Oh, would you watch it?

Motate your body
any faster than that...

- Goodness.
- How are we supposed
to deal with any situation

That might require our presence
above the mezzanine level?

Oh, renko, I've been shot,

Stabbed, beat up,
kicked, left for dead.

And I swear, nothing...

Nothing is as bad as this is.

Look, just use this phone
here and call the doctor.

Yeah, I gotta... I
gotta call my doctor.

Yo, leo. Where's
that mizell thing at?

Right around the corner, neal.


Ah. Yeah.

I'd like to make an
appointment with dr. Curry.

Hey, bobby, you all right, man?

All right? This poor man

Has an eruption on his posterior

- The size of a texas-league...
- Would you...

- Ruby-red grapefruit...
- Would you shut up?

- Would you shut up?
- Thing I have ever seen...

Shut up.

H... Oh.

No, not thursday.
Today. Right now.

Well, when will
the doctor be in?

Ma'am, is there any way
that you could reach him?

Now, you listen
here, my good woman.

This particular situation
falls under the category

Of a medical emergency.

That's right. I understand that.

- J.d., I appreciate this.
- You tell that doctor to ask...

- My pleasure.
- What time?

- 2:15.
- The next time he wants

To talk to a police officer!

- 2:15 With j.d.'S doctor.
- Good.

Think you can
hold off till then?

Well, what choice do I have?

Come on, let's hit the streets.

Dispatch, we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store.

Corner people's drive.

124Th street.

I'm expecting a report on mizell

From jerry fuchs this morning.

We'll go over it as
thoroughly as possible

And decide which
points need investigation.

Is there a problem
with something?

We heard the d.a. Gave
up... To the federal, captain.

You heard correctly.

Yeah, well it's kind of
tough getting revved up

After something like that.

That does not
change the fact, j.d.,

That we have an
investigation to conduct.

I won't have anything
missed just because

We weren't willing
to go the full yard.

What about safe deposit box?

We're picking up the
warrant in an hour.

Meeting at the bank.

You let me know
as soon as it's done.

Excuse me, francis.
The stan mizell file,

Courtesy of captain fuchs.

Just in time, phil.

I, uh, took the liberty of
perusing it on my way here

From the front desk twice.

To say it lacks detail is
something of an understatement.

- Call jerry fuchs.
- Right away, francis.

Yeah, file that one under
fuchs covering his rear.

Wheels within wheels, j.d.

That's out of my league, baby.


Hey, that's pretty good.

Not great yet, but pretty good.

Hello, fay.

Well, hello, fay.

Oh, fay, I'm just
on my way out...

Crime, frank. I mean,
it's everywhere.

- Like a cancer.
- Fay, uh...

They mug. They
m*rder. They r*pe.

- Fay, please...
- They even burglarize

The homes of police captains.

- Police captains?
- We've been robbed, frank.

I was taking frank
jr. To school...

- Is he all right?
- Yeah, he's fine.

But they've obviously
been casing me.

They knew my whole schedule.

Oh my god.

- What happened?
- Well, I dropped frank jr. Off,

And then I went to
my aerobics class.

And when I got home, boom.

I mean, the silverware,
the television, the stereo.

They took the photo albums.

I mean, all the way back
to our wedding album.

I mean, what would they
want with something like that?

I tell you, when I
walked in that door,

And saw what they'd done,

I... I felt so violated.

Fay, I know exactly
what you mean.

When they dismembered my
buick, I felt physically defiled.

Phil, uh, would you get
me detective walsh at...

- Mm-hmm.
- Midtown, please.

I'm sorry. I hate to
bother you with this...

No, it's no bother, but
you're insured, aren't you?

Uh, detective walsh, captain
furillo calling, please.

It's not that, it's...

You see,

They not only took things.

They also left something.

A small token of their esteem

In the living room

On the rug.

Oh, fay.

I mean, what kind of
a demented creature

Would do something like that?

Francis, he's on.


Uh, yeah, captain furillo.

Yeah. For detective wal...

Yeah. I don't know, fay.

I'm just glad you and frank
weren't there to find out.

Listen, uh...

You go back there, and
somebody'll be there right away.

Uh, fay, you might try

Some pine oil and
a spot of vinegar...

On the spot. I used to
have a cocker spaniel.

Yeah, I'm holding.


One more thing.

Um. Remember our home movies?

You know, the films
of you in high school

And, uh, the ones of us?

The front lines of the
urban battleground

Have grown
increasingly ambiguous

With the passage of time.

We find ourselves in
the position of fighting

Not only crime, but poverty,

Hunger, injustice,

And a host of other social ills.

And it was to this
pitched battle

That officer stan
mizell dedicated his life.

A warrior to the
end. A victim of the w*r

To which each and
every one of you

Has pledged yourself.

A staunch link

In the last line of defense

Between a free society

And a lawless frontier.

Uh, would any of you
gentlemen care to do the honors?

You can proceed, mr. Larue.

With pleasure.

Oh, give 'em hell, mizell.

Okay. For starters.
One incredibly hefty

Roll of mint condition ben
franklin special editions.

Must be at least 20,000 there.

Hmm. Try 40.

Whatever you wanna
say about old stan,

He had initiative.

One saturday night
special. Generic.

Hey-hey. One pair fur-lined
double-locking handcuffs.

Definitely not
department ordinance.

Uh-oh. One, two bags

Unidentified powdery
white substance.

My guess... Confectionary
sugar it ain't.

He epitomized
that which all of us

Strive to achieve.

Dedication to service.

Strength of character.

Loyalty to his friends
and colleagues.

But first and foremost,

Stan mizell was a family man.

A loving father to his children.

A devoted husband
to his wife, abigail.

One pair ladies' underpants.

Ventilated for
comfortable summer wearing.

Was he the life of
the party or what?

Our last item. Hey.

What collection
would be truly complete

Without a deluxe assortment

Of incredibly
personal photographs.

Unbelievable, man.

Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I think I know this girl.

Which one? This one?

Yeah. I don't know.

It's kind of hard to
tell with the mask.

Words seem inadequate

At such a time as this.

Opportunities for heroism

Are rare enough in
such a world as this.

Let us simply remember

The actions of a hero.

And be grateful.

r*fle team. Attention.

r*fle team, ready
position... Hut.

Ready. Aim.


Ready. Aim.


Ready. Aim.



- Captain.
- Detective walsh.

Just wanna let you know,
I spoke to your wife...

Or your ex-wife.

We're onto this burglary hard.

I appreciate it.

And as far as that, uh,

Little calling card
they left is concerned,

I wouldn't worry about it.


Primitive form of disdain.


I'm sorry about missing
your phone call this morning.

But I was, uh, hung up.

If it was about
the mizell file...

It was. I'd like to talk
to you in my office,

- If you can get away.
- Uh, sure.

- Furillo!
- Councilman.

I just got a fascinating message

About a safe deposit
box. One that belonged

To a recently-deceased
police hero.

You're not gonna
believe what was in it.

- For instance?
- I don't want to spoil it
for you.

The point is, you backed
the wrong horse, bucko.

I've got enough to pin
cover-up on daniels,

With or without your help.

I am going to bury you
and your chief deeper

Than we just planted that
piece of dirt back there.

So ask yourself, frank.

Was he worth it?

Uh, mrs. Mizell.

- Yes?
- Excuse me, I'm sorry.

I'm, uh, captain
furillo. Hill street.

I wanted to offer
my condolences.

He gave the job
everything, you know?

He tried so hard.

He was an impressive man.

You hear what the
captain said about daddy?

I hardly saw him
the last few weeks.

He said it was something big.

I mean, you really
needed him, didn't you?

He was important to you.

He certainly was.

We have to go home now.

Thank you, captain.

You want garbage?

I'll give you garbage!

Here's your stinking garbage!

You getting them new
trash cans, all right?

Okay, okay.

I'll buy 'em a
couple of new cans.

Did you hear that?

He's gonna get you new cans!

So stop the airmail!

Yeah, right.

Come on.

There you go.

Have a nice day.

He's getting you new cans!


Joe, did you leave
the back door open?

Oh man. There
goes another radio.


You're kidding me.

- How's the tush?
- Uh, I got

A 2:15 appointment
with the knife.


Hey, howard.


Some funeral, huh?


You, uh, you going somewhere?

What're you implying, henry?

Implying? Nothing.

It is 11:25 in the morning.

Have you ever known me to
goldbrick on company time?

- I think not.
- I'm sorry I asked. Believe me.

A man just pays a little extra
attention to his grooming

After burying the dead.

It is the natural response
against the inevitable

Encroachment of
decay and entropy.



Lessons of w*r cut deep, henry.

Rites of passage.

In death...

Find life.


Ooh, the p.u.

No, no line on an i.d. Yet.

We're sending a
footprint over to county.

Oh, what a cute little
baby. What a cute little baby.

- Thanks.
- Give me that little footsie.

Youth authority's
sending somebody over.

And now let's have this one...

That's it. Good little fella.

Now stand him up here.

Here you go. Get your
little footsie here.

That's it. Good boy.
Now this little footsie.

Ooh! Such a good, good baby.

We've got such good prints here.

Well, look at that. It's
public enemy numero uno.

At last the law has
caught up with you

Look at this
little thinker here.

Hiya, buggie.

What a cutie, huh?

Hold still. Yeah.

Okay, come on, baby.
Let's have a smile.

No lead on the parents, lucy?

No. Not yet, captain.

I just can't understand
why anybody

Would wanna
dump a kid like this.

Especially a quality
baby like that.

Why don't you just go
canvas the neighborhood?

Somebody may have
seen something.

Here you go, luce.

- Oh, thanks.
- Yeah.

Boy, he sure is cute.

What're you doing here, hairbag?

Oh, mick, thank
goodness. A friendly face.

- What is it, alf?
- Soliciting, mick.

Mick, this handsome
middle-aged man

Asked me for a match.

I said, "how about you and me?"

What can I say? I'm a
hopeless romantic.

You get a complaint
from the john?

His lawyer's handling it.

- Let me talk to him.
- Take him.

Come here.

Stand straight,
would you, please?

And don't give me
that goofy look.

I'm very disappointed in you.

Mick, I don't know what to do.

I'd like to change.

But i... I can't.

Come on, now.

Don't... Don't do that.


It's very simple.

First thing is, you
gotta find yourself a job.

It's not so hard, either.
All you gotta do is look.

Well, I had a job offer
just the other day

Waiting tables.

I told 'em I'd have
to think about it.

That's terrific. Where?

The dark room.

The dark room?

That's a flesh pit.

The waiters dress
up like executioners.

I know. It's so butch.

Who was with you?

Bank official. A
couple of attorneys.

- I.a.
- What a mess.



- Yeah.
- How you doing?

This is a joke, jerry.

No dates, no names.

It's the file.

An undercover cop is required

To write a complete report

Of his movements,
observations, and contacts

Every day he's on the job.

That's all there is, frank.

Jerry, how could you let him?

Don't use that tone
of voice with me.

This isn't school,
and I'm not a damn kid.

I had to give
mizell a free rein.

In two weeks, he was
gonna close the biggest...

Get off it, jerry.

He wasn't about
to close anything.

He was an outlaw,
and he was running you.

God, look at this stuff.

dr*gs, hypodermic.

Firearms. Pornography.

$20,000 In cash.

That's the kind of
police work he was doing.

And it was only a matter of time

Before he made you pay for it.

What are you gonna
do with it? The file?

Take it to daniels right now.

- Why?
- Because it's my job.

Frank, I'm caught between two

Fat cat city legislators

Who wanna be mayor.

That's what I'm guilty of.

20 Years, frank.

20 Years we've known each other,

And you're gonna
hurt me for that?

I wouldn't've done it to you.

I wouldn't have
let myself get into

Your situation, jerry.

There you go.

Police officers, ma'am.

This is a search
and seizure order.

We're gonna have to
ask your patients here

To vacate the premises.

J.d., You wanna get
the files in there?

- Right, a to z.
- Mick, what're you doing here?

- What're you doing here?
- Mick, you're barking up

The wrong tree.
Mick, this guy is clean.

His credentials are impeccable.

He has got a degree

From the university of
new delhi chiropractic...

You wanna put a
cork in it, renko?

- Tell 'em, j.d.
- I hope you don't have

- Any stock in this place, andy.
- Nichols, you wanna

Get some pictures
over here, please?

Hey, by the way,
where is your partner?

This is a cruel and cold
thing you're doing, j.d.

Renko, either give us a
hand or stay out of the way.

What is the meaning of this?

Okay? What is the
meaning of this?

You're under
arrest, dark-breath.

- I got a warrant...
- You can't do this!

- What're you doing?
- Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa.

- Don't do that!
- Those files.

This is doctor's
office. If I were you,

- I'd call a lawyer.
- I am a doctor

In the middle of very
delicate surgery.

- He's a doctor...
- You wanna zip up your lip...

- I cannot be being disturbed.
- Hey! I'm talking to you!

Tomfoolery! This is very bad.

Hey, hey, let's
check out the back.

No-no. No, please
don't go back there.

You can't go back there!

You're under arrest, doctor!

Don't go back there!

- Bobby!
- Hey, hey, bobby my man.

How you doing there?
Is everything all right?

Bobby, bobby, bobby, I'm sorry.

I did everything
humanly possible...

This is what I'm
trying to tell you!

- Do something, renko!
- Be quiet. Come here, mick.

Now, lookit. I can
guarantee you, my partner's

Not gonna last another
ten minutes on the street,

Without getting
the relief that this

Alleged perpetrator
was about to perform.

It's really that bad?

You've not met officer
nichols, have you?

Oh, you did this... I'm
gonna get you, j.d.

I'll k*ll you for this!

All right, doc.
Get it done fast.

Thank you. Very nice.

Is it asking too much

Or could I possibly
have a little privacy?

Uh, we should not leave
a suspect unguarded.

- That's by the book.
- Renko, don't just stand there.

Do something!

Look, we'd better get
some documentation on this.

Okay? Hey, bobby, you might be
staring at a major malpractice...

Hey wait, what're you doing?

Don't worry, I only
shot your good side.




Are you cindy?

Yeah, what do you want?

Is this your baby?

I don't know
nothing about a baby.

Well, the lady downstairs
says she's seen you with 'em.

- She's crazy.
- What is it?

- What's wrong here?
- It's nothing, mama.

What's the little
whore done now?

I didn't do nothing.

We were looking for the
mother of this abandoned child.

I'm gonna k*ll her.
I'm gonna k*ll her!

You dumped the
baby, you little tramp!

Aah! Aah!

In the street 15 years ago!

You want your mother!

You got your mother!


- Linda?
- Hmm?

May I speak freely?

I wish you would.


Since meeting you, I've realized

That there is a part of my life

That has been a-w-o-l

For longer than I care to admit.

It's time I checked
out of the b.o.q.

And went t.d.y.

I long for kitchen detail

And the sound of
little feet marching.

Are you re-enlisting?

I wanna make an honest
woman out of you.

I want you to be my wife.



My darling howard.

I love you so.

Then it's yes.



Oh, howard.

My parents

Are very old-world.

And i... I...

I just could never marry anyone

They disapprove of.

Well, how could
they disapprove of me?

We're of different faiths.


Course, there is a way.

You could convert.


Convert to what?

To judaism, of course.

You mean...

You mean, like that
colored singer?

- Howard!
- Well, don't get me wrong.

I think he's a
marvelous entertainer.

- The mizell case.
- Thank you.

I think you'll find

Jerry's day notes incomplete.

I see.

In fact, uh, you're gonna find

The entire mizell
file incomplete.

So, uh, I hope you'll consider

Captain fuch's conduct

In the largest possible context.

He's given 19 years of
distinguished service.

Point taken, frank.

Now, let me ask you
for some judgments.

If you were fletcher daniels,

And you were considering

This whole situation

From that vantage point,

Tell me what
course you'd pursue.

If I were fletcher daniels...

I'd bail out of the deal
with drug enforcement.

I'd bring mizell's
k*ller back to the hill,

Charge him with m*rder,
and give him due process.

It'd mean exposing
some dirty linen.

A department that's
substantially clean

Can stand that. It ought
to be able to stand it.

Wachtel and gerber.

Wachtel and gerber.

Wachtel and gerber.

All wachtel and gerber.

They've been sh**ting
you an awful lot of

Business here, doc.

Some real
interesting cases, too.

You got six
different people here

With the same broken foot.

Okay, okay.

Two year ago, I
come to the country.

I'm already a doctor, okay?

And, uh, I'm looking
for a lawyer to help me

With my naturalization

And you found two of 'em, right?

Wachtel and gerber.

Hey, curry-breath.

Your immigration status
is hanging by a thread here.

Talk american.

Okay. I tell you anything.

Just tell me about
wachtel and gerber.

Okay. They're sending me

These peoples.

I know this is very bad.

Because they are not sick.

I can tell. I am a doctor.

But they're telling me,

"No green cards, ponzik,

If you are not
seeing these peoples."

They were blackmailing you, huh?

All the time, they
were blackmailing me.

That's very strange, because
according to your files,

You were pulling in 10%

Of a $15,000-a-week turnover.

Oh god, I love this country.

I want to be an american doctor.

Yeah, well, you know,
after giving my situation

Considerable thought,
I have decided that

Your original offer of $6,000

Would just about
cover my expenses.

How soon can I
pick up the check?

No, no, mr. Wachtel will
not be handling the case,

As it turns out.

I, uh, kind of figured
that if you and I

Got together directly and saved
everybody a lot of paperwork

And kept my premiums from
going into orbit in the bargain,

I'd take the six if
you get my drift.

Yeah, $2,000 even's reasonable.

How soon can I get the check?

Henry. Old sport.

I wanted to apologize

If I seemed a bit harsh
with you earlier.

Oh, listen, it was nothing.

I was wondering
if I could ask you

A direct and personal question.

Sure. Fire away.

What is it like being a hebrew?


I don't know, howard.

What's it like being
a human being?

Well, it's not a
cakewalk, henry.



Don't you want
to feed your baby?


You sure are some
tough piece of work.

Did you ever have a kid?

What difference does it make?

You never had some
baby keep crying on you

When you did everything
you were supposed to?

So you left him
out in the street?

I put him in a cop car.

I knew he'd get took care of.

- Oh, you knew that, huh?
- Yeah.

Your baby cries so out he goes?

You don't pick him
up? You don't hug him?

I was gonna hit him!

It was gonna be just like

My mama did to me.

Don't you understand that?

You'd better burp him.

It's okay.

Well, well, well.

Just the man I've
been looking for, j.d.

I've been huddling with
the claims adjustor...

Hey, sorry guy, look,
I'm really busy, huh?

- Catch you later.
- What're you talking about?

You are under
arrest, cheese-breath.

- What?
- You have the right
to an attorney.

- If you cannot afford an attorney...
- What the hell is this?

- One will be
appointed for you.
- Keep your paws off me,

- You filthy little ape!
- Anything you say can and will

Be used against
you in a court of law.

Larue? Hey, larue.
What's the charge?

Felony fraud. Grand theft.

Conspiracy to defraud.

You're a dead man, larue.

Well, I hope you got
other career plans,

Because I'm hitting you
with a civil suit so hard,

It'll cross your eyes.

This is false arrest!
Malicious prosecution!

Unnecessary force!
Abuse of office!

You don't can it,
you're gonna be

Talking out the side
of your neck, dog-brain.

Nice cufflinks, alan.

Morals charge, or
just felony bad taste?

Come on.

Where'd you get
the shiner, joycey?

Doing push-ups on the curb?

Comment on any
unsubstantiated rumors

Concerning the activities
of officer stan mizell,

Except to say

It is the intention
of this department,

As it has been
from the beginning,

To pursue every aspect
of this investigation

With full vigor.

We play no favorites
when the public trust

Hangs in the balance.

Chief daniels, it's
been suggested

That because you're
running for mayor

Against councilman detweiler...

Um, we're not here

To discuss councilman detweiler

Or his affinity for
the finer points

Of political gamesmanship.

It's my feeling that
my job as mayor is...

I mean, of course,

Chief of police,

Is to execute

The duties of my office,

Not to be running for offices

I don't currently hold.

I have discussed this matter

With the district
attorney's office.

And I can assure you.

The suspect in
the mizell homicide

Is in our custody
and will remain so.

Pending a fair trial...

Quite a performance.

Adjectives like
"slick" and "nimble"

Spring to mind.

Excuse me... Councilman
detweiler on line three.

Tell him I'm out.

Excuse the vernacular.
He's in a bit of a lather.

Tell him I'm out for a month.

He said something
about seeing your head

On a pike out
front of city hall.

Just hang up on him, phil.

Yes, captain. Oh!

Ms. Davenport.

We have your mugging
suspect out of holding.

Thank you, sergeant.
I'll be there.

What's the councilman
so upset about?

He thinks I stabbed
him in the back.

Did you?

This is mrs. Morgenstern.
Youth authority.


- Aw.
- Be careful.

I know.

I wanna thank you for
the fine job you've done.

This must be cindy.


Cindy, would you go
with this officer, please?

- Bye, cindy.
- Bye, cindy.

Well. Bye.

That's a good argument
for birth control,

Isn't it?

It sorta makes you wish you
had one of your own, though,

Doesn't it?

Yeah, sometimes.

You have any, uh, candidates
in mind for the father?

Will you give me a break? I
don't even have a boyfriend.

Looking for volunteers?

You know, sometimes I think

That you don't know
anything at all about babies

Or women or anything.

Excuse me, sir. My
name is andrew renko,

And, uh, I believe you
have a turkey here for me.

Oh yeah. I'll be right with ya.

I tell you, it is kismet, bobby.

I've got a couple
bottles of "pouilly foocy"

- In my fridge - "fuisse."

And if you and a
lady of your choice

Would like to join me and
my theresa this evening,

We will partake of the finest

Of this city's prize gobblers.


Here he is, pal. 34 Pounds.

Ain't he a beaut?

He's alive.

Ah, of course he is.

You don't freeze
a bird like this.

I just thought you'd like
to take a look at him first.

I didn't know anything
about this, fella.

They just called
my name in a raffle.

This thing's leaking
all over the seat.

- Your boil?
- No, fool, your bird.

My bird? Hey, will you just

Do something
about it, bobby hill?

Just clean it up with a
towel or something like that.

You know, you would
think that the guy

Would have some sense

And know how to
wrap the damn thing.

All I want to do is get
that poor carcass home,

Cook it up, and get
it off my conscience.

The look in that
poor creature's eyes

Will haunt me
until my dying day.

Any unit in the vicinity?

Ambulance traffic.
Vehicle vs. Pedestrian.

96Th and decker.

That's us. 2202 Responding.

All right, I'll take this one.

Excuse us, please.

Councilman detweiler.

She ran r... R...

Right out.

She ran...


Mr. Detweiler, if you'll
have a seat right here,

We're gonna have to book you.

You have the right
to one telephone call.

No more than three
minutes in length.

I'd like to see your
driver's license right here...

Francis. Television
people are arriving.

Keep 'em out there, phil.
I'll issue a statement.

He was so drunk he could
hardly stand, captain.

Frank? I... I want

My personal physician

To look after this woman.

We'll take care of her.

I'll take full
responsibility myself.

We can just call the hospital.


I'll make it right.

Is this your current address?

Frank? I just heard.

- A moment?
- Sure.

Damn it, frank, you
had detweiler pegged

From the get-go.

I should've listened.
And seen to it

The poor drunken wretch
got eased out to pasture.

It would've been
for his own good.

Oh, and about our
meeting earlier.

I appreciate the input.

We did right, bringing
the mizell thing

Out in the open.

We'll get it behind us,
and we can spend our time

Getting this department
back on its feet.

What's gonna happen
to jerry fuchs?

Well. He probably
shouldn't be thinking

In terms of upward mobility.

But he's very secure
in his present position.

Speaking of which,

The commander's test.

It's gonna be given
in a couple of weeks.

You were planning on
taking it, weren't you?

I hadn't given it much thought.

I would.

It's good to see you on
the move again, frank.


Well, the drinking.
Your personal problems.

I admire you putting
all that behind you.

Shows conviction.

Shows potential.

I'm gonna have to
keep my eye on you.

Excuse me.

Uh, hospital just
phoned, francis.

Detweiler's victim?

She didn't make it.

Tough luck, arnie.

You know, I've been thinking.

I could take my 20
years in a few months.

Wouldn't be so bad.

Play a little golf. Go fishing.

Jerry, if daniels gets his wish,

He's not gonna be chief
of police too much longer.

I wouldn't give up on
the department just yet.

I guess stranger
things have happened.

With some frequency.

Francis, uh...

Detective walsh
messengered this over.

Thanks, phil.

Ma? Ma?

Well, calm down.
She's not gonna sue.

She's a nurse.

How many stitches?

Well, she had to
provoke 'em then,

Because pop would never...

What'd I tell you about that?

I told you that,
when the time comes,

I would take care of that.

We agreed that this
would be my decision.

No, you will not go without me.

You are stabbing me
in the heart with this.

All right, I'll take care of it.

Just tell me where it is

And... And what is it?

West knoll.

Nursing home.

What time is the appointment?

Don't cry, ma, please?

It'll be okay.

I'll call you later. Goodbye.


How you feeling?

Oh, I'm feeling just
great, thank you.

Yeah, well, um...

I thought you might like
to have these pictures back.

And, uh, well,

I don't blame you if you say no,

But I was hoping you'd let me

Buy you a drink so
I could apologize.


Uh, you know, I
realize that you think

Your backside is god's
gift to mankind, officer hill,

But it was only a joke.

Listen, lady, I was in
a lot of pain today.

And you embarrassed
the hell out of me,

So excuse me if I don't think

It was so damn funny.

You know, I was always
told that the guys up here

Loved a good gag.

But I guess you must
be one of the ones

That can dish it
out but can't take it.

- Maybe I am.
- And maybe I misjudged you.

Maybe you did.

Are you always this
unforgiving, officer hill?

Hold it.

Just hold it a second.

Look, maybe...

Maybe I was a
little out of line.

Maybe we could talk about it

Over that drink.

Good night, mick.

How's it going?

Not great.

Your dad?

We tried some home
nurses with my father,

And it just didn't...

He keeps slugging 'em.

I'm going out to look
at some nursing homes.

- Some of those are...
- Some of them are very nice.

I know.

You were cute.

Cheer up, furillo.

None of us is
getting any younger.

Or better.

Guy makes me wanna wash.

Who? Daniels?

You hate to be on
the same side with him,

Even for different reasons.

He gives you that knowing grin.

So he's a politician.
You knew that already.

Yeah, trouble is, so am i.

What's the problem?

Seems to me you handled yourself

Pretty well these last few days.

You got the case reopened.
You protected jerry fuchs...

None of which would've
done me a damn bit of good

If arnie detweiler
hadn't gotten drunk

And run over an old lady.

Luck is the residue
of hard work.

You're all heart, counselor.

I lost my heart, pizza man.

I gave it to that
skinny italian kid

With the funny haircut.
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