02x12 - Of Mouse and Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x12 - Of Mouse and Man

Post by bunniefuu »

I heard three sh*ts.

Frank, it's terrible.

Let me have a look.

The i.d. Is still tentative.

I can't be the one to make
it positive, but I think so.

How well did you
know her, frank?

Just casually. Did she
resist her assailant?

No witnesses. Seems to me
like she and her companion...

Were nailed coming
through the door.

- k*ll and rob.
- Her companion?

George hobart. We got him out of
here a minute ago in critical condition.

A young male was seen
running to a car. Flashy jacket.

Maybe g*ng colors. Nobody
got a license or a make.

I want howard hunter in my
office first thing in the morning.

All right.

Does she have family
here, frank? No.

I don't know. She was
from out of state.

- So who do we call for an i.d.?
- I know a close friend.

Joyce... Yeah.

Li-li-listen. I have
some bad news.

Item eight.

We had a bad one
last night, people.

Pamela gilliam was shot to
death in an attempted robbery...

Outside a neighborhood
restaurant on jefferson.

Her companion was
critically wounded.

Some of you may have
known miss gilliam...

In her capacity as
a public defender,

Others in her private
work with young offenders.

For those of you who
didn't, suffice it to say,

We've all suffered
a grievous loss.

As part of a
subsequent operation,

The captain would like the following
teams to remain after roll call:

Bates, coffey, schoelkopf,
walsh, prentiss, militello.

Item nine.

It appears that congratulations
are in order for one of us.

Uh, late yesterday afternoon,

The black police officers coalition
met to elect its annual congress.

Officer hill, conspicuous
by his non-presence,

Was nominated vice
president in absentia...

By lieutenant ozzie
cleveland of midtown...

And duly elected by
a convincing margin.

I, for one, am
certain officer hill...

Will contribute magnificently
to the new administration...

And stand as a sterling example of
hill street fortitude and diplomacy,

Race-wise, police-wise
and otherwise.

- All right. That's it.
- All right. That's it. Let's roll.

And hey! Hey!

Let's be real, real
careful out there.

Must be some kind
of a damn mistake.

I don't want to run for any vice
president. I wasn't even there.

What the hell is... What's
the number at midtown?

It's written on the wall there.

You know, I was elected sergeant
at arms in high school once.

I punched out two
other guys to get that.

Okay, renko.
Lieutenant cleveland.

Hey, I want to report 57 people being
held hostage in an apartment building.

Fifty-seven? Where?
Yes, sir. 2642 Richmond.

A guy by the name of sosa and
his two goon sons are responsible.

Are they armed? Yeah,
you could say that.

He's got the title
to the building.

I don't understand,
sir. Well, it's simple.

You buy yourself a rent-controlled
building where people have fixed incomes.

Then you gotta get 'em
out to jack up the price.

So you let the furnace break down, the
toilets back up and let the rats run free.

And you do cute little
things, like put glue

In the mail box so
nobody can get in there.

And then if you complain, he tells the
tenants, if you don't like it, take a walk.

You live at this address, mr...
Bustamonte, joe. Yeah. We're new tenants.

You reported any of this to
the department of buildings?

What, are you kidding? So they can
condemn the building? Then what?

Mr. Bustamonte, as soon
as I can free somebody,

I'll have the
matter investigated.

Leave the information with
the khaki officer. Thank you.

Mr. Bustamonte, I'm
not entirely clear...

As to the criminal
nature of whatever it is.

Harassment, 140.25.

Criminal mischief, 140.40.

Penal code. Class
"c" misdemeanors.

I'm a law student.
Don't look so impressed.

We'll do our best,
mr. Bustamonte.

I tell ya, the guy's crazy.

The lizards are attacking me!

The lizards are attacking me!

No! Get away from me!

- Get security down here!
- Stay back now!

Put it down! Put it down!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

They'll never get me!
They'll never get me!

No! No! No!

No! No! No!

They'll never get me! No!

They'll never get me! No!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

It's unfortunate, but a
lot of cheap-shot politics...

Are gonna come out of this one.

She was black, and
she was prominent.

She comes from a
highly respected family.

Certain people in
certain positions...

Are already demanding a
quick and easy solution.

I don't need to tell you who's
expected to get it for them.

Damn calcium-carbonate

According to ballistics, miss
gilliam was shot with a .45 a*t*matic.

That's an expensive
piece for a kid,

So the k*ller's likely
to try to hold on to it.

Somebody saw g*ng colors at the
scene. Inasmuch as it's royal blood turf,

We figure their hodge street playground
hangout is as good a place as any to start.

The d.a. Says we can sweep it,

Ask questions, conduct
a stop-and-frisk.

If the g*n's in the
park, we're gonna find it.

Captain, how hard
can we pat 'em down?

If it's hard enough
to dent a skull, pull it.

Our right to frisk,
in this instance,

Extends only so far
as protective necessity,

So let's try to
keep it clean, okay?

If we do find any evidence, we don't
want it kicked back on a technicality.

Lieutenant hunter will
fill you in on the specifics.

Thank you, captain.

It's a joint operation, people.

Emergency action team and
regular forces working in unison...

To achieve a maximum
tactical effect.

Our objective is the
hodge street playground.

Now, this is a
formidable playground,

But by no means
an impregnable one.

I plan to deploy you
much in the same way...

Hannibal deployed his nubians
when taking the seawall at syracuse.

We have 20 uniforms
and detectives now.

We'll have five more
by this afternoon.

This one...

You want miracle results,
get me a miracle budget.

Professional beliefs in an
interview recorded last month.

Tell me, how do you reconcile your
job with your own personal gut feeling...

That crime should be punished?

Sometimes it isn't easy.

Doubts concerning one's client
are inevitable for any public defender.

I'm sure any d.a. Has parallel doubts
about witnesses, police officers.

Fortunately, we've
got a judicial system...

Which leaves the ultimate
judgment up to a jury of one's peers.

My role as a public defender is
simply to facilitate that process...

By giving my client the best
possible defense the law allows.

I do have occasional
doubts about my job.

But all in all, I believe in this
clumsy, overloaded system. Henry.

Thank you.

We're working on it, joyce.

I hardly recognized her
down at the coroner's, frank.

Her hair was all tangled.

Isn't that crazy? That's
what got to me most.

She was always so
meticulous about it.

You ever wished you had been
there when it happened, with a g*n?

We live in the freest, most
secure society in the world,

And you can get blown away...

Just because...

You just happened to leave a
restaurant at the wrong time.

What's happening
in this country?

Listen to me, the
crusading public defender.

What if the animal who
did this is somebody...

I helped put back on the streets
because of some legal technicality?

How's hobart?

Out of surgery.
That's all I know.

I'm scared, frank.
I'm really scared.

We'll get 'em, joyce.

I promise you.

I'd like to stay here for
a little while, if I could.

Sure. Stay as long as you want.

What are you doing to me,
ozzie? I didn't ask for this post.

Hell, I didn't even know I was
nominated till two hours ago.

All I did was throw your
hat in the ring, bobby.

It's not my fault
you came up a winner.

I've got other interests
in my life right now, ozzie.

I don't want to be
active in politics.

Ozzie, it's not like I don't
support the goals of the coalition.

It's just...

Ozzie, I would make a
lousy vice president anyway.

Well, it appears that 284 of your
fellow black officers feel differently.

Seeing as how I got
in on your coattails,

I'd say that's more of a testament
to your popularity than mine.

You're wrong, bobby. Sure, I
endorsed you. Quite strongly, in fact.

But in the end result, it
was you they voted for.

Ozzie, you're just gonna have
to find yourself another man.

I know, bobby. I
felt the same way...

When I was first nominated to
the presidency six years ago.

Why make waves?
Maybe a few enemies.

There's always some other
guy who'll take up the slack.

But let me tell you something.

If every one of us had
copped the same attitude,

There wouldn't be a
coalition in the first place.

In which case, I seriously doubt you'd be
standing there in that uniform right now.

Wait a minute, ozzie. I may
owe you guys a few back dues,

But these blues are bought and
paid for with more than just my money.

Do you have any idea how
many blacks were on the job...

Before the coalition
was founded 18 years ago?

No, i... Twenty-four
in the entire city!

Within four years of
our quota hiring proposal,

That figure jumped to 180.

Ozzie, don't... And that
is just the beginning.

Do you realize that of the
present black enrollment of 384,

There are only three ranking
officers in the whole department?

Three! Hill street has none.

But we are bringing
that up to quota too.

We could use you, bobby.

But if you don't want the
responsibility, I understand.

I just thought you should
know who your friends are.

Right this way, mr. Simms.

Mr. Goldberg has been one of
our leading manufacturers...

Of ladies' apparel for
the past 10 years now.

Our crepe de chine blouson has been
featured in cosmo magazine last month.

I bet the coolies got
a big bang out of that.

So what, sidney? Fourteen
percent of nothing is still nothing.

Huh? Hey, you can burn 'em
in the street for all I care.

I wouldn't wrap a sick
dog in those schmattas.

It's rosniak. He's trying to unload
5,000 yards of flip rayon on me.

You ever try to work
with filipino rayon?

I can't say that I have.

This is eddie simms, mr. Goldberg,
the fella I was telling you about.

Hey. Hey, terrific.

Nice to meet you, eddie.

You, uh, bring the
party supplies, or what?

No. Actually, mr. Goldberg,
I was here to discuss...

A profit sharing plan for
your employees out front.

Good. That's very, very
good. I like this guy already.

Hey, and you can stop that "mr. Goldberg"
crap, eddie. My name is stan, huh?

Stan, feast your eyes on this.

Stuff this pure, a lot
of dudes would have

Jumped on with
everything but hiking boots.

Hasn't been touched by
human hands since bogota.

You mind if I run
this up the flagpole?

Be my guest.

If you don't mind my
asking, stan... Hmm?

What is a big-time garment
manufacturer like yourself doing...

Buying eight ounces
of colombia flake?

I got a 19-year-old wife.

She goes through this
stuff like breath mints.

And her friends...

Our place is like a regular
convention on weekends.

First rate,
mr. Goldberg. First rate.

- Uh, how much you say this was?
- Eight ounces, 2,250 per.

Eighteen grand even.

On second thought, why
don't you just empty the safe?

What the hell is this?
It's called a rip-off, stan.

Let's go. In the
briefcase. Move!

Big-time dope
expert, huh, crimmins?

I thought you told
me this guy was okay.

I didn't know, mr. Goldberg.
I thought he was cool.

Yeah. You're fired, you
hear me? You're through.

When I get done with you, you won't
be able to get a job as a seamstress!

Nice doing business
with you, lovers.

The feeling's mutual, cupcake.

Hey, are you cool, babe? No
sweat, cal. Belker's down there.

Come, my tan-faced children.
Follow well in order.

Get your weapons ready.

Have you your pistols?

Have you your
sharp-edged axes, pioneers?

0 Pioneers.

Judging from the literacy
rate at this corner of the globe,

I doubt they'd recognize walt
whitman if he fell in their rib sauce.

This is bogus, man. Every
time something happens,

You come down here
and you jump on us.

Whoa! Do you believe this?

Why don't you stuff it?
I'm studying to be a dentist.

This is madness. They
got murders uptown, man,

But I don't see you
frisking the stock exchange.

Well, how many brokers do
you know hold up their pants...

With a harley
davidson primary chain?

It's a look. Hey,
you're breaking my arm.

Hey, be nice. This is
no picnic for us either.

Is this a look too? Come
on. Come on. Come on.

- What is this?
- Webster.

Don't push me. If that's your mama,
tell her she hurt my back bad last night.

Bring in the backup
transport. It's starting

To look like the
n.b.a. Play-offs here.

Only queens tuck trousers
in their boots, chief.

Any .45 automatics
in there, coffey?

No, sir. Just the usual...
Saturday night specials,

Flare g*ns, stuff like that.

Mmm. You keepin' count?

Just up into the bed. Watch
your head. Sit down and be quiet.

It's the walther p.p.k.
Of the methadone set.

Judas h.

These people have about as much
appreciation for small arms weaponry...

As a marseilles pimp.

Stay right where you
are there, young man.

Would you please retrieve
that person, coffey? Yes, sir.

Turn it off. Turn it off.

Get out of the car.

What have we here?

My goodness, a
caribbean toothpick. Ooh!

I imagine we'd be
making a big mistake if

We didn't arrest this
felon, eh, ballantine?

Yeah, I'll pop the trunk.
No, stay right there.

This one we'll tow directly
to impound and search it there.

Say what? Say what?

That's impound procedure, ty.

You wouldn't want us to
leave all your worldly goods...

In a garage overnight
without a proper inventory.

Come on.

Say what. Say what.

What is this world coming to?

The departmental lot was bumper to
bumper, frank, per usual, I might add.

We were therefore compelled to
use the licensed impound facility...

Of one barnard t. Kazmarek.

Fine, howard, just so
long as it's by the book.

Schmeltzer is just emerging from the rear
of the vehicle, even as we speak, frank,

With what appears to be...
Schmeltzer, come here...

A set of bongos,
a baseball bat...

Ah! Two sharpened
afro-american combs.

Spare me the
play-by-play, howard.

Just phone me here at the station if
you find anything the least bit relevant.

Looks like a department
store in here, sir.

Kudos, ballantine. But it's not the
least bit relevant to the matter at hand.

Are there any
small arms in there?

Doesn't appear to be.

Just radios and tape
decks and the like.

Well, let's check the
spare tire well, shall we?

Good call, sir.
Three .45s, a*t*matic.

Get 'em down to ballistics
posthaste, ballantine.

If we get lucky, I'll let you
ride point on the next maneuver.

Thomas. Renko.

Two sandwiches, two
coffees. What do you got there?

Cherries jubilee. Yo, hill.

Think you could sit
with the brothers?

We got a few matters
to get straight.

Uh, yeah. Yeah. I can do that.

Say, renko, I'm gonna go and
sit with the brothers for...

No problem. Yeah.


Well, it's not that I'm denying the
afro-americans their inalienable right...

To gather and converse
about their problems,

To sort of bring themselves
out of the poisonous oppression...

They have endured
through these many years,

But I have been eating lunch with
that guy for three and a half years.

You're just gonna
have to cool it, renko,

Because you are married
to a politician now.

In 1965 we had seven-tenths of one
percent brothers at detective two or above.

1973, 5.2.

This year we're down to 4.8.

Vernon, I'm not arguing
your numbers, man.

I'm just saying that before
we start issuing ultimatums,

We better make sure
we can back 'em up.

You know why you
got elected, bro?

Because ozzie cleveland knew
that you don't offend people.

Well, I want to offend people. I don't
care about eating lunch with them.

- Just give me
what's mine, jack.
- Okay, bobby. Let's go.

Oh, yeah. Wait, renko.

This is vernon lee, one
of the founders of b.o.c.

- This is my partner,
andy renko.
- What's happenin', bro?

- You coming?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I just want to talk to the guys
awhile. You wanna pick me back up?

Old european
tradition... Shaking hands.

Never knew there was much
improvement needed on it.


There's a fascinating article in
here entitled "castration by design,"

About our panama canal fiasco.

You realize we may as well have
given cleveland to the russians.

What would be so bad about that?

Have you got something
alive... I got a pet mouse.

I remember in danang we
had a pet komodo lizard.

We kept it near the
interrogation room.

Ate an entire chicken once.

I notice you're fond of fauna.

I love animals, lieutenant.

They're loyal, they're reliable.

I think they're much more giving
of affection than humankind.

He's cute, isn't he?

Oh, you like smoked
fish head, you little guy.

Gotta eat your protein.
Grow very, very big.

Very, very good for you.

His name is mickey.

Fascinating creatures...
Rodents. Yeah.

Indeed, there's some
top-drawer research now...

That indicates that
mice in confined spaces...

Exhibit the same kind of
sociopathic disorders...

That you find in your
third-world brown types.

Not this little
fella, lieutenant.

Have you ever noticed how some
dogs immediately take to fire engines?

Well, this little guy's got a
real talent for police work.

I met him on a stakeout. Just
the two of us up in an attic...

Alone for nine hours.

The whole time this little
guy never made a peep.

Fascinating. Simply
fascinating. Mm-hmm.

A symbiotic relationship.

I'm training him
to sniff out dr*gs.

You know, marijuana, cocaine.

I think I gave him a little
too much last night.

He really got wiped out. Didn't
want to come to work this morning.

His name is mickey? Yeah.

Mouse? Not mickey
mouse, mickey belker.

I tell you, lieutenant, I
just love this little guy.

Hey, mick, great collar today.

So, listen, they call my
caddy the yom kippur clipper.

It not only stops on a dime,
it gets out, goes, picks it up.

Hi, henry. Fay.

Hey, see those guys?

We're talking bargain basement
of the legal profession.

They're still making 60 grand
and hitting aruba twice a winter.

I'm as smart as they
are. I work twice as hard,

And I take my life in my hands
every day I come to work.

You should've listened to your
mother and gone to law school, henry.

I thought you guys were gonna
help. We've been a little busy.

You're a little bit late. Mrs. Keitel
sends her regards from the hospital.

Seems she fell down
and broke her hip.

The bannister
collapsed. Oh, brother.

By the way, for your
information, I talked to sosa.

You know what he said to me? "It's not
only 73-year-olds who can break a hip."

It could happen to me
too, if I'm not too careful.

I completely forgot.

Me too. I'll go over there.

There's a major, uh...

Snowfall in the garment
district every day, gentlemen.

Mm-hmm. And your client
wants to help with the cleanup.

Very civic-minded
of him, counselor.

Well, let's just say that,
uh, mr. Simms is privy...

To a great amount
of information,

Which, with the
appropriate promises,


We'll have to talk to
our captain, mr. Wachtel.

This little jewish guy
gets hit by a car, right?

Ambulances coming,
people crowding all around.

It doesn't look good for him.

Now, this irish cop comes over,
puts a blanket on top of him,

Balls up a jacket, puts it
under his head and says to him,

"Are you comfortable?" Right?

Little jewish guy opens up
his eyes, looks at him and says,

"I make a nice
living, thank you."

Hey, answer me this.

You guys do anything at all
for your 80 bucks an hour?


It's a disgrace and an
embarrassment, frank.

I mean, here I am, the
newest member of wad,

And my own ex-husband's precinct
hasn't got a single ranking black officer.

"Wad"? Women
against discrimination.

It's midge dolson's group.
Midge dolson, the lesbian?

Oh, frank, that hasn't
got anything to do with it.

I just mean she's
a radical activist.

She is an angry, concerned
citizen of the community.

When I read about her and her wad,
I went right over there to join up.

Oh, fay, just
because you've had...

Some disappointments
with the men in your life...

Well, I'm not planning to become a
lesbian, if that's what you're thinking.

And I'm certainly not gonna
burn my bra. That's a relief.

Frank, I came here to
warn you. That's all.

We are a wraparound
support group.

Midge wants us to come out strongly
for the black officers coalition.

Well, in view of this precinct's
abysmal lack of black equality,

You're gonna get a
lot of steam from us.

Appointments come up through the
department. I don't hire or fire anyone.

Excuse me, captain. Our suspect's
lawyer is interested in a deal.

Why don't you ask him
what he thinks about it?

Fay, please. What
are they offering?

They didn't get specific. Tell
him we'll have to talk to the d.a.

You want to try to pin him
down before I make a call?

You wanna talk to him
now? He's right out here.

Oh, it's all right.
I've got to go.

Hi. Hi.

So, frank, don't
say I didn't warn you.

Oh, by the way, I'd love
for you to meet midge.

She's wonderful.

Wouldn't mind a one-night
stand with that, huh?

Nice pillows.

Ballistics for
you, frank, on 19.

Furillo. Captain furillo?

Yes. We got the .45.

Yeah... Thanks.

We have the g*n
that k*lled pam gilliam.

Based on the evidence,
counselor, we're prepared...

To press first-degree m*rder
charges against your client.

My client here, mr. Bragg,

Maintains he knows nothing
about the sh**ting of miss gilliam.

Mr. Bragg can
maintain all he wants.

The fact remains the m*rder w*apon
was found in the trunk of his car.

So, unless he has something
to add, we're prepared...

To turn him over
for arraignment.

You do everything
I tell you to do.

All right.

Uh, my client,

Mr. Bragg here,

Informs me he may
have some things to say.

But we've gotta stop talking
about m*rder one, captain.

I can't promise you anything.

But if he wants to tell
us who his accomplice

Was, maybe we can
work something out.

Assistant d.a. Zeiger's in the
next room on another matter.

Why don't you two talk it
over while I get with him?

Who is it?

Sergeant goldblume
from hill street.

Listen, I did my bit.

You're the people that are
supposed to do something.

I got a wife. I
got to study. Hey!

Look, I just want to run down a few of
the allegations before I talk to mr. Sosa.

Or at least get the names
of the harassed tenants.

I wish you wouldn't
have knocked on my door.

Mr. Bustamonte, this was
your complaint. Well, I'm sorry.

I've already wasted
half my day on this.

I'm in the middle
of exams. Thanks.

What's your problem?

I'm looking for a mr. Sosa.

We're all sosa.
What do you want?

I'm sergeant henry
goldblume, hill street station.

We've received some
complaints about the building,

And I was hoping maybe we
could talk for a few minutes.

Talk? About what?

Talk to my lawyers. Who's
complaining anyways?

Mr. Sosa, I've been in here
less than five minutes.

I've already seen at least
eight code violations.

Now, a woman was
seriously injured here today.

You got a warrant? No warrant.

Get out of here. Beat it. I don't need
a warrant to be in a public hallway.

What, are you making
the rules up as you go?

This is my building, my
hallway, my tenants.

Beat it. Take a good
look at that, gentlemen.

It may still be possible to settle
this without a criminal prosecution.

You're bluffing.

You ain't got nothing.

Excuse me.

Next time, wise guy,
call my lawyers!

Can I give you some
help with those?

Ma'am, I'm a police officer.

I'd like to talk to you about
conditions in this building.

Don't you worry about
anything, sweet stuff.

Pete here will give you a hand.

Mr. Simms is not totally out of
touch with reality, gentlemen.

And he feels, as I do,

That his interests will best be served
by some sort of creative settlement.

You want me in county a couple
of months for show, I can dig that.

But you gotta
guarantee me no hard time.

I've turned over on so many guys,
you send me upstate, I'm dog meat.

What kind of arrangement are
we talking about, mr. Wachtel?

Hey, come on. Look, we got a first-rate
bust on a third-rate sleaze, captain.

Possession, possession
with intent, rob one.

Let's not throw
this away. Gentlemen,

Can we negotiate this
somewhere in private?

That's a shame about pam
gilliam... Hell of a bright girl.

What a bod. Legs all
the way up to her zotz.

- Ray, my o...
- Five minutes, frank.

Clark and sanchez
brought in a r*pe suspect.

- We had no place else
to put him.
- How about the old toilet, huh?

k*ll two birds with
one stone, so to speak.

Yeah, hell of a woman... Joycie.

You should've seen her
first year at law school.

I mean, what a number.
Don't squeeze it so hard.

It won't fit if I
don't. Just be gentle.

It's stiff as a board. The
new department, huh, frank?

What's going on in there, mick?

Having a little
funeral, captain.

I k*lled his mouse by accident.

Could you make it snappy?
We need a little privacy.

Sure, captain.

Good-bye, little fella.

Excuse me, captain.

The nuts are taking
over the asylum.

Now, you check my
arithmetic, wendell,

But it's a classic case
of little fish, big fish.

Now, I got a middle
level coke dealer...

I could probably
spring on entrapment,

But he doesn't want
to take the chance.

Now, that gives your
side and our side...

A mutuality of interest
in the bigger fish.

- What's your guy
willing to take?
- "B" misdemeanor.

Maybe an "a". Couple
a years probation.

And before you guys
give me any phony groans,

My client is ready to hand over possibly
the largest p.c.p. Lab in the state.

Interested? Frank?

- If it pans out.
- Let's keep talking, allan.

Damn bladder
infection's k*lling me.

Leastwise, I hope it's bladder,
because if it's prostate again, i...

Anyway, I'll pass the word on to my client
that there's a deal in the works, huh?

Wendell, frank, a
pleasure as always.

Oh, wendell, wh...

While I have you here, I could use
your input on another negotiation.

What is this, let's make a deal?

We may have a line on the
kid who shot pam gilliam.

I was there.

I was there.

But I didn't know about no
g*n he had or nothing like that.

Who's "he"? What's the name?

Uh, uno momento there, captain.
Before we say another word,

I've gotta know my client's not
gonna be charged with first degree.

I just spoke to assistant d.a.
Bernstein, whose case this is.

In return for the
name of the sh**t,

And assuming the surviving
witness's testimony corroborates,

The district attorney will be disposed
towards a plea of second degree,

Or maybe even voluntary
manslaughter for mr. Bragg.

That offer is alive
for exactly one hour.

It's all right. Listen, just
tell 'em what they wanna hear.

Trust me. Do as I tell you.

All right.

Wilbur. Wilbur harmon.

310 Jefferson
street. Apartment 3-b.

Get a warrant, ray, and
let's bring him in. All right.

Just once I'd like to see one of
these things come down clean.

If he kicks this one up... I
don't think he'll let it happen.

Gentlemen, so you'll know,

We traded your coke
dealer for a p.c.p. Lab.

You want it? Yes, sir.
Sounds good to me, captain.

11:00 Tomorrow morning, jerry
fuchs's office over at division.

It's a joint operation. He'll
set it up. We'll be there.

All right.

Ready? Kick it!

All right! Hold it right there!

No statement. No statement.

Do you know who is the suspect?

Don't let this one
get away, frank.

I want his head on a stake in
the middle of dekker avenue.


Hey, larue. Hey, bobby.

Cowboy. What are
you, a sadomasochist,

Going to the sports
arena in your uniform?

Aw, man, I can't go. I got a
recruitment meeting tonight.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
I got tickets here... Scalped.

Thirty dollars a docket.
Look here. Tickets.

Hey, I'm really sorry, cowboy.

Look, if you can't sell mine
outside, I'll give you the bread for it.

No. I think I'd rather just go and
sit there all alone, watch the game.

I said I was sorry.

I guess I just don't understand this
sudden political activism. That's all.

I didn't go looking for it. You
know that. But it's on my hands now.

I'm sorry if you feel left out.

But the b.o.c. Is important, not only for
me, but for every black in the department.

Please stop. Those people have sold
you a can of pork and beans, buddy.

Nobody sold me anything.

All right. If this is about...

My precocity for telling
ethnic-type jokes all the time, then i...

It's not about your
lousy jokes, renko.

I'm used to your lousy jokes.

Actually, come
to think of it, yeah,

I'm sick and tired
of your lousy jokes.

Heard you and neal washington
tell a lot worse jokes than I tell you.

But that's between ourselves.

So what are you saying here?

You saying you're closer
to him than you are to me?

Is that what you're
saying? Is that it?

I don't know what I'm saying,
but I gotta get through it, renko.

And a little understanding
on your part...

Would certainly go a hell
of a long way right now.

Understand what?
Get through what?

You don't know what the
hell you're talking about.

I'm doing what I
have to do, renko.

If you can't support that,

And if you can't live
with it, then I don't know...


Just go.

Lover's quarrel?

No. More like
irreconcilable differences.

It happens, my man.
I'll tell ya, andy.

Life's kind of like a yo-yo.

The big guy upstairs is
the duncan royal man.

You're up, you're down.

Myself... Right now
things couldn't be better.

I'm on a hell of
a case. P.c.p. Lab.

Biggest one in the state.

What are you drinking?

To tell you the truth, j.d., I don't
much feel like socializing right now.

It is not healthy
to drink alone.

Take it from an expert.
Come on. What are you having?

Shot and a beer. Yo,
ace, shot and a beer.


J.d., Are you, uh... Are
you off the wagon now?

Eh, you know what
the problem was?

Lousy self-image. I
couldn't face myself.

Booze wasn't the
problem. I was the problem.

I don't have to duck out
anymore. Things are different now.

Hey, I like myself, huh? I'm
not gonna hurt myself. No way.

I can handle it now.

Cheers, huh?


You know, I've sprung kids like
wilbur harmon dozens of times.

On technicalities, on
making cops look like liars.

This one was on the streets
because rob praegerson...

Got an armed robbery second
kicked down to a misdemeanor as*ault.

When he found out it was
harmon who k*lled pam,

He went out, got drunk, then
came back to the office and resigned.

Can't say I blame him either.

I'm thinking of quitting myself.

That won't make
the problem go away.

At least I won't have
to be a part of it.

I just don't know if I can walk
into an interrogation room again...

And look into one of those
kids' faces without wondering...

Who he's going
to k*ll next time.

We teach them law is a
game. It's easy to play.

Then we go home,

Watch the news, lock our
doors and windows and lie awake...

Frightened to death, wondering what's
happening to the quality of our lives.

It just isn't fair.

She was so young,

So special.

Oh, god, I'm gonna
miss her so terribly.
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