02x08 - The World According to Freedom

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x08 - The World According to Freedom

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 24.

Aw, come on.

Item 24.

As many of you have
no doubt observed,

Our new holding facilities
on the garden level...

Are now ready to
accommodate guests.

Be reminded, these luxuriously
equipped new holding cells...

Are emphatically not an
invitation to, uh, hanky-panky...

With any lady visitors looking
for a premature plea bargain.

Let's you and I try.

Moving right along here,

Item 25 is a communiqué
from detective belker,

Who continues to stake out the,
uh, gas station on 122nd and central...

In hopes of apprehending
the malicious malcontent...

Sticking up said class
of establishments.

Uh, detective belker
requests that, uh,

"All you...

Units driving..."


Excuse me.

"All you eunuchs driving
too close to my stakeout...

"During business hours...

"Had better stop
compromising me...

Or I'll take it out on
the internal organs..."

- What's a eunuch?
- "Of each
and every one of you."

"Stay clear. This means you."

Item 26.

Relax, fellas. We're going
for the record today.

Item 26 concerns the daring
deeds of our caped crusader...

The one in ballet tights
and green swim trunks.

Said individual made two
appearances yesterday. Ooh.

One at delaware park in
pursuit of a purse snatcher,

The other, rendering
gasoline-type assistance...

To a motorist stranded
on the freeway.

We oughta hire him.

You are encouraged
to take time away from...

The rat-infested,
poverty-stricken urban reality...

And tiptoe through
the enchanted forest...

And throw a net over this guy...

Before he hurts himself.

Item 27.

As regards noise pollution.

- You can say that again.
- Guys, what can I tell ya?

They're supposed to be out
of here by tomorrow sometime.

Frankly, I'm not entirely
lucid as to what they're doing,

But boiler repair is a
seasonal fact of life.

I would like to conclude...

With a special warning...

To those among us of
the gemini persuasion.

Your fashion horoscope
from this morning's paper.

"Tweeds and shetlands
may bring new romance,

But cowboy boots
are a kick in the pants."

"For career goals true,

Don't wear blue."
Thanks for the tip.

Let's get out of here.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And hey. Hey!

Let's be careful out there.

You think he was sayin'
something about my cowboy boots?

He is saying that your cowboy boots
are totally without any class whatsoever.

Well, aside from their
obvious virtues, stature-wise,

They also happen
to make me feel good.

Personally I don't
know how in the world...

You can fit a whole foot plus five
toes into that pointy little space.

Well, you'll notice that
that pointy little space,

When applied with a
certain deftness of aim,

Provides a measure of incentive
to your more reluctant-type felons.

Hey, look!

Would you look at
this? Oh, no. Look at this.

I bought this for
christmas for you last year.

I went down to main street and
had your name put on it. "Bobby hill."

And now look what ha...

Bo... Bobby, listen.

Since you're having a hard
time... What are you laughing at?

Getting started, why don't
you let me take the driving?

Are you crazy? You're the
worst driver in the whole state.

I am not the worst
driver in the whole state!

All day shift units.
All day shift units.

We have a double
homicide at 2379 jefferson.

Hernandez, mcadoo, coffey,
bates, hill, renko. Let's go.

Gotta like a job that peaks
your adrenaline before breakfast.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

How bad is it? It
speaks for itself.

Recheck that office to
see what else we can find.

Yes, sir.

We're almost done,
frank. Two dead?

Another one critical. Two more
jacked out of shape real good.

It got claustrophobic
in here last night, frank.

Closing time, uh,
they just walked in.

In the bar, the bartender,
waitress, an unidentified couple...

And a wino who found a
dollar bill out on the street.

There were three of
them, wearing ski masks.

They locked the doors and made
everyone lay face flat on the floor.

There's a piece of scalp behind
the bar. Wallets, watches, rings.

Can somebody bag it?
Emptied the register.

Tore the place apart.
Anything that could be broken.

They, uh, drank beer,
urinated on the floor,

And they, uh,
started on the people.

They p*stol-whipped the bartender
and, uh, broke both his hands.

Must have given them
some trouble or something.

Then they put the g*ns
to the women's heads,

And they repeatedly...
r*ped and sodomized them.

And they took one in the john.

It isn't pretty in there.

Captain. Hill.

Henry, there's a trail
of stuff for six blocks.

Beer lamps, ashtrays thrown
through store windows.

What they couldn't carry
they dropped. Any help there?

- It goes nowhere.
- Right. I'll tell the
inspecting officer. Thanks.

The worst was the
psychological t*rture.

The victims were told over and
over they were gonna be k*lled,

Were made to
beg for their lives.

Went on for about three hours.

When it wasn't fun anymore, they
just stood 'em up and shot at 'em.

Uh, we dug lead out of
three walls over there.

This one here...

Critically wounded
the bartender.

And, uh,

This one here
k*lled the jane doe.

It was fun. They enjoyed it.

It was target practice.

Get her to county medical,
and if it's at all possible,

Then up to the precinct.


It's all right. It's all right.

Why? Kicks.

They picked the bar at random.
It was a good a place as any.

But it was a g*ng. The
survivors said that?

There's a lot of confusion, frank,
but the assailants were wearing colors.

We just don't know whose.

There are other
indications. P.c.p. Cigarettes.

They called each
other by street names.

The whole thing has that
twisted kind of organization to it.

Phil, ray, in my office.

We wrap this in 24
hours, or we lose it, phil.

How bad was it? Worse than
you can imagine. m*ssacre.

If they're at all able,
I want the survivors

In here this afternoon,
looking at pictures.

Ray, we're gonna call a g*ng
leader summit. Mau-mau, diablo, blood.

I mean everybody. I want 'em in
roll call by 3:00 this afternoon.

Diplomacy-wise, francis, a summit
on short notice may cause problems.

You know something, phil? I
don't give a damn about diplomacy.

I want 'em in here where I can see
their sweat. If they resist, make arrests.

Don't worry about probable
cause. We'll figure that out later.

If you have to, take belker off
the gas station, then turn him loose.

Nobody does this in my
precinct. Ricardo ruiz, por favor.

What happened, henry? Who
was on the streets last night?

Teniente calletano, hill
street. I just don't know, frank.

What do you mean you just don't know?
It's your job to know. You were there.

It was wholesale slaughter. Complete and
total barbarism worse than open warfare.

If you don't start knowing soon,
henry, it's gonna happen again.

Look, frank. The g*ng
intervention guys...

Are in a seminar with
chief daniels right now.

They'll get here just as soon
as they can. Oh, that's just great.

Seminars now. I can
think of at least 10

Questions that oughta
be answered this instant.

Who, if anybody, is
connected with that bar?

Who's been hanging
around this block?

Where is he? Is there
a dispute with this bar?

Is protection involved?
Is protection being paid?

Names of gangs suffering dissidents.
The names of those dissidents.

Names of members booted out of gangs
in the last six months and the reasons why.

Names of new gangs being formed
or in the process of being formed.

Names of g*ng members
connected with...

Any other business
establishment in the neighborhood.

Give us a couple of
hours. Come on! Names of...

g*ng members paroled from
hillcrest in the last couple of months.

Names of g*ng members
connected with any

Permanent, or even
casual, patrons of this bar.

It's an emergency. Tell him to
call lieutenant ray calletano...

Right. Hill street,
555-7670, immediately.

Captain, we're set to go.

Refresh my memory, j.d.

The arson job on that building
on hudson that boiled that wino.

We've got murray
the torch downstairs.

Got him two blocks from the scene
with his hands smelling like high-test.

And you've conveniently lost
his file for the day. You got it.

I'm gonna get a line on
whoever paid him to set the place.

Who else is down there?
Uh, child molesting suspect.

All right. We don't want
to blow this on a miranda.

It's leads we're after,
not grand confessions.

I'm the soul of discretion. I'll
ask the guy if he's got a match.

Uh... You don't have a pass.

Um, well, I have... Neither
have you. Do you mind? May i?

You can't take his camera. You
wanna take the film out of there?

Admission to the squad room
is by identification card only.

If you please, everybody out in the
waiting room. Everybody. Everybody out now!

If you give us a chance...
Can I get my camera?

Squad room's yours, phil.
Do your job. Yes, captain.

Can I have my camera?
There's your camera.

Now, get a pass at the front
desk. Go on, young man. Go on.

♪♪ All right. There you go.

Mr. Al-habib.

Pleasant motoring.

What the hell are you doing? The horn's
stuck. We'll be finished in a minute.

Get out of here! What?

I'm on stakeout! Huh?

You clowns were at roll call.
You heard what esterhaus said.

It is not as if we
did this on purpose.

It happened about a block and a half
away from here. Damn! Look at this, renko.

Oh, no. Look at that. Now,
that goes to show you...

What happens when you wear a
nice new jacket in crowd control.

You're lucky you weren't
wearing that at the time. The horn!

First it was the jelly on my
shirt. Would you get the horn?

Uh-huh. And then that cut-rate
coffee cup unloads all over me.

That's right. And then that
drunk throws up on your g*n belt.

Out of my way, dogbreath! You
can't even get a jacket like that.

Hey. What did you just do?
I just bought this jacket.

You just broke that car. How am I
gonna explain that to esterhaus?

How'd you like to
explain a missing lung?

I paid 250 bucks
for this jacket.

So have it sewn. I don't care
what you do. Just get out of here.

Have it sewn? You don't have any
idea what that would look like, do ya?

It would leave a big
scar. That's right.

And then the jacket wouldn't
even hang right. That's right.

I don't know you hair bags.
Don't you understand that?

I am not mick belker.
I'm a gas jockey.

You don't even know what
fashion is, the way you dress.

Look at that. Come on, renko.

Hey, mick.

You think as long as
we're in the neighborhood

You might top us off
with a little supreme?

Don't give me that
self-righteous tap dance.

It's not a first amendment
issue. I'm telling you something.

Next time those people
come in without a permit,

I'm gonna have 'em arrested
for interfering with an officer.

Mau-maus and pagans too.

Too bad if they
don't like my attitude.

- It's the only one
I have right now.
- Sure! Wise guy.

Have I come at a bad time?

- Would you give us
a couple of minutes, ray?
- Sure, frank.

Our prayers are
with you, mrs. Furillo.

Oh, thank you, ray.

Hey. Is that a bleeding
mole on your forehead?

What bleeding mole?

You know, it's one of the
seven danger signs of cancer.

How are you, fay?

Frank, that missing
piece of plaster up there...

Could be exposing you
to asbestos poisoning.

You know, the tiny particles... They
filter down and get into your lungs.

That kind has the
50% mortality rate.

Fay, what's going on?

Why? Nothing.

Some people came over to the
house last night from hal's campaign.

They asked me if I wanted to run
for the school board in hal's place.

You know. They pointed out that since
I was young and fairly well educated,

They thought maybe I would appeal to
the same voter profile spectrum as hal.

I said no, of course.
Why "of course"?

Frank, did you see the
newspaper this morning?

Oh, that b*mb
expl*si*n in london.

I... I don't know. I just don't
know what kind of a world this is.

And that tragedy in upper volta.

You know, the school bus that
just drove right off the bridge.

Fay, have you thought
about taking some time off?

A trip to the islands
might be very good for you.

I'll make a deal with
you. I'll pick up the

Tab in exchange for
frank jr. For the week.

Who knows? You might get
lucky and meet another italian.

Sure. I can see it all now.

You know, he'd make a
pass on the first day,

He'd propose on the second,
and he'd drown on the third.


That was a terrible
thing to say, wasn't it?

Oh, frank.

Luncheon is served, gentlemen.

Hey. You got my smokes?
Back off, you. Over there.

Hey. Come on. I gave you
five bucks. What five bucks?

What do you mean? r*pe some kid, and
you cry about it afterwards. Right, freak?

I'd cry too, I was
him. Shut your face.

Ever see what happens to a
child molester in the joint?

I told you to zip it up!


I got a lawyer named schwartz.
You know what I mean? Schwartz.

Eats guys like you for breakfast. I
got people lookin' out for me, sucker.

You believe that jive?

Man, the way they treat you in
this joint. Got no morality to it at all.

Give it a rest, man. You ain't
shut up since you got here.

I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. It's my
third beef, and it's bum. Can you dig it?

I said shut up!

Hey, kid. I was
in rahway in '67.

Had a freak like you in our
cell block. Cheese. I hate cheese.

Got bologna? Want to trade? By the end of
the second night he was everybody's woman.

He liked it. You gonna
like it too, freak?

Hey. Leave the kid
alone. How about it?

Man, I'd even confess
to this stinkin' rap...

Just so I could be
there when you get it.

And I might even
help 'em give it to ya.

Let me see that, leo.

No. This.

Ah. "Sugar, mononitrate,

"Beef fat, dextrose,
sodium acid, pyrophosphate,

"Monocalcium phosphate, mono-
and diglycerides, sodium caseinate,

Polysorbate 60, artificial colorings
and flavorings and sorbic acid"?

You're a walking time b*mb, leo.

Ever held on transpersonal
adolescent mod structuring.

Furillo wants you back here in
an hour. We want some answers.

Don't be ashamed of
anything. Alice, come on.

It wasn't you. You
gotta believe that.

Chief daniels can
stick his seminars!

The chief will be very
pleased to hear that, henry.

You think it'll get back to him?

Excuse me, guys. Thanks.

Right here.


Some of the women
officers have started a r*pe

Victim support group,
and I want you to go.

In fact, we'll go
together. Wednesday night.

But for right now,
if you can handle it,

I need you to look
through some photos.

Sure. Okay.

Joe, wanna give
me a couple books?

Progress on the summit?

Seven chieftains, five warlords.

Well, we got one or
two recalcitrant types...

Who are personally being
encouraged to attend.


Bev, lucy may be
able to use a backup.

Tell her she can have the
interrogation room or my office.

I'll stay clear. Okay.


He don't know what
the hell he's doin'.

Will you just relax? How many smarts
can it take to fix one lousy car horn?

♪♪ Will you cut that
thing off! Will you cut that!

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Turn it off!

♪♪ You listen to me, cookie.

I don't want you to consider
this an invite of some kind.

I want you to consider
this some sort of a

Street subpoena. You
know what I'm talkin' about?

Hey, look, man. You got
papers on me, let's roll.

Otherwise, I got better
things to be doin' with my time...

Than standin' here playing group
grope with a bunch of city employees.

Shake it, monroe.

Say, hold on, cookie. Before
you run off mad, little brother,

How about a little game
of, uh, liar's poker? What?


What I'm sayin' is...

This bill against the serial
numbers on that hot box.

Hey. Whoa, man. That's bogus.

This is a legitimate purchase
from my uncle, rudy. Rudy?

Yeah. So I guess
you wouldn't mind...

If we took them numbers
downtown and ran them

Through our little
computer, would you now?

All right, man. What
time's the powwow, chief?

Oh, I'd say in about 40 minutes,

And if you can't steal a bike by then, I
suggest you take the "d" bus, uncle rudy.

I said shake it, monroe!


Let's go.

Had to rewire the
entire circuit. Uh,

That'll cost ya five bills.

You got five bucks? Aw.

Bueno trabajo,
little buddy. Look.

Just don't you spend all this money on
mind-altering substances. You got me?



If I would've listened to you, we'd
be down that station house garage...

Come on. Let's go.

What is this?

What? I can't hear.
What is this? Look at this.

You make a call to the station
house right now, and you tell them...

That I want to have some
emergency road service right now.

If the radio works. What?

What'll it be? Uh,
fill her up. Premium.

Hey, look. Hey, hey, hey. Whoa. I, uh...
I need some tires. You got a chart?

Yeah. Inside.

Tire chart, huh? Yeah. Right.

Comin' up.

There you go. Tire chart.

You do it, dogbreath, and your
brains will go across the street!

Drop the piece. Easy!

Don't look at me. Don't look out
there either. Read the chart. Read it!

Stop this criminal act, or I
shall be forced to use v*olence.


Don't worry.
b*ll*ts can't hurt me.


Get off.

You hair bag!

You are under arrest!


Hill street. He's
arrested the man-fly.

Check out the queen
in the red tights.

Whoo, ooh!

Sit, loony tune.

I don't know why
you're doing this.

The police are my allies.

We fight crime hand in hand.
Move it, you lunch bucket.

Name. ♪♪

Captain freedom.

Ten tons of nitro in one fist
and a neutron b*mb in the other.

When I walk, buildings shake
and bad guys wet their pants.

You want to hear my manifesto?

Name. ♪♪

Captain freedom.

I vow to give crime
two black eyes...

And fight injustice and
corruption wherever they may lurk.

And brotherhood... I... I want to
establish universal brotherhood.



Hi, ma.

No. Everything's fine.

Oh, boy. I can't tonight,
ma. I gotta work late.

I know I promised. Can't we watch
television together tomorrow night?

That's silly, ma. Of
course I care about ya.

I wouldn't do this if it wasn't
in the interest of public safety.

I gotta call you back, ma.

Well, I love you
the same amount.

Really. Really.


Bye, ma.

Go see your mother tonight.

Shut up. It ain't polite to listen
to other people's personal calls.

Go ahead. Put her out of
your mind, like you do every day.

She's just an old lady who makes
a nuisance out of herself, right?

Just because she
was the one person...

Who made the world safe
for you when you were a kid...

Doesn't mean you have to spend a
couple of hours making her happy.

So what if she gave you
the best food off her plate,

Bought you goldfish
from the five-and-ten.

So what if she was there
for every little league game.

She wasn't beautiful
or glamorous.

She didn't live in a big
house, drive a fancy car.

She was just a woman
who loved her son.


My mother lives on the moon...

In a jade bottle about this big.

Hey. Hey.

Hey. It's my understanding captain
furillo was in some kind of a jam here.

Needs a little
community expertise.

Martinez, los diablos.

Uh, the invitation was
for g*ng leaders only.

Yo. This is my backup.

You don't expect me to come to this
police "benefits" without a date, do ya?

Funny. Thank you.

Wait a minute, man.
What are you doin'?

I have rights down here! You
can't be just bringin' me in...

I got mr. Dudley r. Hicks
here, special delivery.

Dudley. Nice name, dudley.

Hey. Come on. You
sure he's housebroken?

All right. Come on.

Just settle down, son.

Take the cuffs off, luce. He
just took a swing at joe out there.

Take the cuffs off him. What happens
on the street we leave on the street.

As long as he's here, he's
under the captain's safe-conduct.

The meeting is about
to commence, gentlemen.

Downstairs, if you please.


Hey, dudley.

Age before beauty.

Come on. Come on.

Yeah. Well, how would you
like to be downwind of that?


Place of residence.
The city is my home.

I fly the rooftops and move
through the alleys like a shadow.

I swim... Stop it.

It's not true. None of it's
true. You make it all up.

They're laughing at you.

They are. They're
making fun of you.

Don't you understand that?

What am I supposed
to do? Hide in my room?

Lock my doors and windows?

Let the fear in the streets rule
me like it does millions of others?

If every man and woman got up
off their knees and took a stand,

You... You think that criminals
would walk the streets with impunity?

No. This is my city,

My country, and I'm
gonna fight for it.

Life... Life is a gift.

And you gotta reach
out and grab hold of it,

Or you are just
part of the problem.

You gotta... You gotta
hug your kids every day,

And you gotta put... Gum
wrappers in your pocket...

And take shorter
trips in the car...

Because that's what's right.

Me... I'm not backin' down.

I'm not givin' in.

They can beat me.
They can rob me.

I'll keep comin' back.

They can stomp on me until I'm just
a little grease spot on the floor,

And someone else
will jump in my place.

Life triumphs.

Love triumphs.

I'm a man, and I'm gonna hold
my head up and walk like one.


Saucer men gave me this outfit.

Oh, my god.

I can't expect streetwise
veterans like yourselves...

To lose any sleep
over a thing like this.

I don't even expect you to
care one way or the other,

But I'd like you to take
a look at it anyway.

Take a good look.

Hey. You got the prom
pictures back, huh?

Two people died in
that room last night.

A third is listed in critical condition
at st. Matthew's with a fractured skull...

Hey! Easy! Easy!

Easy. Easy.


A third is listed in critical
condition at st. Matthew's with a...

Fractured skull,
two crushed hands...

And a .22-caliber b*llet
lodged in his spine.

Phil, please.

The body next to the jukebox...

Was the 46-year-old
mother of three.

She was r*ped four times...

Before being shot to death.

Some ugly scene, man.

Hey. What is this place?

For those of you who
slept in this morning,

Or who just can't tell
from those photographs,

That's the bar at
jefferson and 17th.

Yo, furillo.

I get the distinct impression
you're implying g*ng business here.

Not that I would put it past
some of these mutants. Hey, look!

Who you calling a mutant? The
bar is on diablo turf, bean dip.

- Exactly my point, poof butt.
- Come on.

The individuals involved in
this were wearing colors.

Three jackets, all
the same design.

That makes it g*ng work. Could
have been renegades, furillo.

Or outsiders.

Why don't you get down to
it? What do you want from us?

I want the people who
did it. It's as simple as that.

Either you already know
who did it, or you can find out.

Man's got to be crazy.

Even if they was
affiliates, which they ain't,

I mean, what makes you think we're gonna
turn chuck-belly and hand 'em over to you?

Because I won't have this
kind of sickness in my precinct.

Somebody's gonna pay for
what happened last night.

If not them, then all of
you. Do you understand that?

I don't care if they're rebels or charter
members or your own damn brothers,

I want 'em in hand on my
doorstep by tonight at the latest.

- Or what?
- You remember the old days,

You remember what it was
like before I took over up here?

No treaties. No sit-downs.

Police settling issues
with leaded flashlights.

You remember what
interrogation used to be like?

You listen to this.

You try to protect
the scum that did this,

And I swear to god, the old
days are gonna seem like a picnic...

Compared to what starts
around here tomorrow morning.

It's a two-way street, furillo.

You have until close of business
tonight, or all deals are off.

That's it. You can go now.

Hey. Wait a second,
man. I want to know...

I said the meeting's over.

I believe you gentlemen
know the way out. Come on.

Come on. Let's
go. Right this way.

Yeah. Just move. Just move.

You have something to say to me?

I think you're making a
big mistake here, frankie.

You just can't push these
guys around like that.

I haven't even started to push.

Come on, man. You
deaf now? Move.

Yeah, right. "Relax, bobby. How much smarts
does it take to rewire one lousy car?"

You're hangin' an albatross
around the neck of this relationship.

Sarge, excuse me. What?

Renko would like to explain why our
unit will be on the blocks for two days.

Later, renko, huh? I didn't
want to explain anything.

You did. I didn't
want to explain...

- Deal with it, then, 'cause
it ain't my way. Let's go.
- Hey, cookie.

I'd like to find that little
mechanical wizard buddy of yours.

What's his name? I'm
in need of a referral.

He went to the movies on the
five-spot you gave him. All right?

Gee. Let's go,
fellas. Wasted youth.

And a wasted five bucks.

Reverse evolution
and the inner city,

By heinrich pendergrast.

Have you read it, frank?
No, howard. I missed that one.

Oh, it's portentous
stuff, frank.

You oughta take a look at it.

It's like the origin of the species
meets, uh, the subsidized housing set.

They forward the notion...

That, uh, ghetto
inbreeding, food stamps...

And, uh, federal
intervention in the natural

Selection process
is setting your, uh...

Your basic brown types...

On a virtual genetic
collision course...

With peking man.

You know, uh,

Cave drawings in the
holding cells, frank.

Those little, uh, buffalo
pictures on the walls.

Okay, howard. What are
you trying to tell me?

I caught your act
downstairs, old sport.

Doggone it, frank, I
was pleased as punch.

You have finally seen the light
and decided to take a hard line...

With these degenerative
little sociopaths.

Now, you just give me the word,

And I'll give them the purge...

That would make dien bien
phu a "dolgarn" weenie roast.

I'll keep that in mind, howard.

That-a-boy, kid. That's
using your smarts. Leo! Leo!

Leo! Leo! Tie it to the
crossbar. That's it. Go ahead.

Shut up, you scum!
Shut up! Put it on.

I figured you for some kind of
pig. Shut up. Kid, I swear to god.

You're gonna miss
an awful lot of wild

Nights upstate.
Do it. Take it easy.

I'll get you out. Take it easy. Give it a
rest. You ain't shut up since you got here.

Leo! Leo!

Hey! Don't do it.

Forget about it. You're
gonna be dead... Leo!

That-a-boy! Do it! Do it! Yes!

No! Leo! Yes!

Attempted su1c1de.

That's a classic play
for sympathy, frank.

Typical of your, uh,
child molester types.

Give me some room here.

The critical case from
this morning just died.

So long, freak.

Watch the stairs.

Oh, my god.

I need a drink.
No, you don't, j.d.

Where do you want to
put him? Holding cell "a."

You can get through this.

Stinkin' cop. Creeps.

Why don't you kiss him?

Counselor, henry.


I had a cup of coffee with henry
goldblume. I'm sorry about your day.

There's nothing to be sorry about.
We simply have to do our job now.

Any leads? Nope.

Sounds to me like what really angers
you is that this happened on your turf.

Joyce, I got three people dead, a g*ng of
monsters are running around out there,

And a guy just tried to
hang himself downstairs,

And you're giving
me freudian analysis.

I don't need that today.

What are you doing up here anyway?
Somebody's civil rights being violated?

As a matter of fact, yes, but I think I
can take that up with the lieutenant.

If you, uh, care to
talk about any of this...

Dreary psychological
drivel further,

I'm available for
dinner tonight.

I got every right to
be hard on you, captain.

What you did out
there was real dumb.

You could have got
me seriously hurt.

Or yourself.

You look like a dummy out
there, you know. Pathetic.

So, I'm kickin' you
loose this time,

But you gotta promise me that you
won't do this crazy stuff no more.

It ain't workin'.

It isn't? No, it isn't.

The problems are more
complex than you think.

They are? Yes, they are.

I'm the one who's supposed
to fight the bad guys.

That's what they pay me for.

Those other people
around here... The same way.

I think you gotta find
something else to do, okay?

Well, they do need me on mars.

There's a serious
crime problem there.

I have to build a spaceship.

Yeah. Take your
time. Do it right.

Thank you, leo. You want
to get the man his cape?

You know, uh, I could've
broken through these bars,

But that would've been
destruction of public property.

I'm sorry I couldn't let you have
these things in the cell. Rules.

You and i, mick...

We're cut from the same fabric.

We know what's out there.
We fight the same fight.

Here. That's my card.

Ever get into trouble,
you just show this,

And, uh, you could tell
'em you're a friend of mine.

Well, if you're ever in need of
the services of captain freedom,

Just hang a red flag
from your rooftop.

Or a blanket. Thanks, captain.

An old beach towel
will be okay. I got ya.

Can I leave by the window?

Ah, come on.

When I was 10, I wanted
to be stan musial.

I told you that.

I wanted to be strong.

I wanted to be good.

I wanted to be everything
everybody ever expected of me.

I never thought
I'd be what I am now.

Because of something inside, I
thought I could make a difference.

You do.

A great deal.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

It's the kind of place that
falls off maps though.

The hill.

My turf.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

Uh, francis, we received an
anonymous tip on three juveniles. Uh,

The tipster had a
very spanish accent.

Off the record, I think
it was jesus martinez.

Stuff from the bar.

Wallets, effects.

Take 'em to the hall.
We'll talk in the morning.

Kids, frank.


Where do you put your hate?

Red dog 1. Regroup on me. Over.

I owe you.

You're damn right
you owe me, furillo.

They scared you
too, didn't they?

Later, furillo.


Hi, fay. I know it's late.

No, no.

I... I'm f... I'm fine.

Listen. Is frank jr. Still up?

Yeah. I'd like to. Thanks.

Hi, son.

How are you? I'm fine.

What are you watching?

Is it good? Oh, that's great.

No, no. No. I... I just
wanted to see how you are.


Good night.

I love you, son.
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