02x02 - Blood Money

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x02 - Blood Money

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine... Excuse me.

Am I doing this for my health?

All right then.

Item nine... Another driver
for the top hat cab company...

Was hit last night in the
1400 block of east utica.

That makes nine in
the past two weeks,

Two of which involved
serious injuries.

Suspect is one medium-built
caucasian, late 20s,

Sporting a smallish
mustache, a .38 s & w,

And a rather large
and inventive wardrobe,

Variously described
by his victims as,

among other things, a
priest, a male prost*tute,

A female prost*tute, and
a young executive type.

Belker, yonke and schmeltzer will
continue driving undercover for top hat...

Until this trick or
treater's put away, but...

Let's all keep our
eyes peeled, shall we?


Do you mind?

Item 10... Jack's sporting
goods was hit last night...

For over 200 firearms and
nearly 10,000 rounds of amm*nit*on.

Now, for those of you
not easily impressed,

That represents nearly twice the
firepower of the entire day shift.

I'm impressed. At this
point it looks g*ng-related.

Word on the street puts jesse john
hudson back in control of the black arrow,

Which may or may not explain
that w*rlord of theirs... Oh, man.

Found refrigerated on
lennox avenue two days ago.

Either way, there's a lot
of fear out there, so, uh,

Let's be sensitized
to that situation.

Well, what are we
waitin' for? Let's roll.

And, uh, let's be
careful out there.

Hold it. We're gonna need
crowd control for a morgue job...

That just turned up at
east ferry and jefferson.

Hill, renko, bates,

Coffey, lyle, coley.

No time for coffee.
No time for doughnuts.

No time for boys and
girls. No time for anything.

From roll call to crowd
control in seconds flat.

Philip esterhaus knows how
I hate to miss my breakfast.

Renko, if you got out of
bed a half an hour earlier,

You could have
breakfast at home. Renko.

I had a french toast
and orange juice. So?

I had two bowls of
cornflakes, and I ran three miles.

That's an interesting
evolutionary study there, isn't it?

I'll be back in a minute. Oh,
now, wait a minute, renko.

Your minute lasts an hour
in there. Doggone it, bobby.

You know if I don't have my morning
sit down, I'll be in a foul mood all day!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

I know this hasn't been
easy for you, grace.

Affairs aborted never are.

I was up all night. Was
agonizing in the extremis.

But I've come to the conclusion
it's best if we separate.

I need to reevaluate
my life, priority-wise.

She hung up.

Chin up, phil. It's a damned
hard blow to the woman,

But she'll recover.

Heather? Who's heather? She's a health
freak I met at my last double-a mixer.

I'll tell you something, neal,
it's truly a wonderful thing...

To be able to spend an
entire evening with a woman...

Without a bottle of
booze for a backup.

So what'd you two do
all night, huh? You name it.

Ginseng, mushrooms,
some jamaican,

Mm-hmm. A six-pack of
some weird massage oil.

The chick is a kama
sutra on wheels, man.

We had the cats up
till dawn. Oh, man.

You know, you really give new
meaning to the word rehabilitated.

Come on. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go.

Come on, frank, give me a shot.

Three undercover guys aren't
enough, not for an 80-cab fleet.

I don't think it's such
a great idea, henry.

This character's been known to
sh**t people. So what am i, a debutante?

You know, if top hat
goes out of business,

There's not gonna be one cab company
within five miles of this precinct?

I'm aware of that, henry. Then
let me drive for a couple of days.

I feel really strongly
about this, frank.

I don't want to
be a pencil pusher.

Nobody's gonna take you
for a cabbie in those clothes.

No, but they will with the
outfit I brought in this morning.

Did they get an i.d. On her yet?

Nah. Just one of the
local streetwalkers.

This doesn't have any
sugar in it. It's terrible.

Do you know her?
Darlene jean montgomery.

- Ring a bell?
- Yeah. Seen her around.

- She's one of
billy "the monk's" girls.
- Billy who?

Local pimp. His stable
works the strip for fillmore.

- Any money in there?
- Chump change.

- Looks like robbery then.
- Whatever it was she didn't
go down without a fight.

Look at that... Three broken nails,
scratch marks around the neck,

Torn blouse... Regular
battle royal here last night.

For you, dearest.

Yeah, right, babe.

Hey, neal. Neal, come on.
You can do better than this.

I got rent to pay. I
got a kid to support.

Neal, we're talkin' a
m*rder investigation here.

Talk to me, freddy.
If it's any good, I'll

Stick another zero on
the end of that. Okay?

Now what you got?

- Billy "the monk" allison.
- What about him?

Well, uh, this
morning about 5:00, uh,

I went into pimmy's for...
For a cup of coffee?

Uh, you know, that h**ker's
hangout over there on franklin.

That's when I saw him,
man. He was, uh, gettin' out...

Of that big lincoln with a
couple of his working girls?

The dude must've
been in a brawl or

Somethin', 'cause his
suit was all messed up.

The dude was definitely
frosted about somethin', 'cause,

Hey, man, he was slappin' and cussin'
those girls all the way to the front door.

I paid you 20 bills for that?

Damn it, freddy, that's
not even worth 20 cents.

Man, you've got to do better
than that. Hey, but, neal, neal, neal!

Th-there was blood, man. I mean, the
dude's suit was covered with blood.

Ain't no billy
"the monk" in here.

See this, sugar. This is a
warrant for his arrest.

So you quit your messin',
and open... My... Neal! My hand!

Hold it. Bobby! Bobby!

Renko, on the
door! Get the door!

You pig! Be nice! Be nice!

White meat, fish belly, ground
chump, caramel-faced h*nky oreo pig.

Boy, they must've been freebasin' a
storm up there. Look at this stuff here.

You know, you better fix your
commode there. Let's grab your coat, man.

That's kid's stuff, man. I got that
kind of bail money in loose change.

Yeah, sure you do, billy.

But it's the m*rder beef that's
gonna catch you short, my man.

Community support and
participation is growing every day.

In fact, we're having an exhibit
of afro-american art here tonight,

The proceeds of
which will go toward...

Helping establish drug
rehabilitation programs,

Remedial reading groups
and small business seminars.

Who's paying the freight?

Private donations, grants,
and local businesses...

Are contributing the
hard dollars needed,

So that we in the community can
assume the task of educating our youth.

What are you educating
them for... w*r?

The martial arts...

Teach discipline,

Without which
there is no learning,

And philosophy, without
which there is no purpose.

How do you answer critics who charge all
you're doing is exploiting the community,

Taking your cut off the top, and
then threatening strong-arm tactics...

Against those who
don't fall into line?

I can understand
my critics' cynicism.


But look at those kids.

Now, tell me, are they cynical?

I don't wanna take.
I want to share!

And I hope that
one year from now,

The impact of our programs
will speak for themselves.

What about allegations
that your return had

Something to do with the
death of clayton hicks?

Clayton was a w*rlord
of the black arrow. ♪♪

He was a brother. I cared
about him. We loved him.

♪♪ Yet, I hope that his death
will someday teach us all...

That v*olence only
begets v*olence.

- What happened
to clayton hicks?
- He got his throat cut...

For challenging the takeover.

I also heard that it was hudson that
had the dry cleaners on 124th torched...

As an example.

It's real tense up there.

g*ns, virgil. What about g*ns?


Hudson's tight with a cadre of
vietnam vets. They all did time together.

The word has it that
they were the ones that

Hit that armory across
the river two weeks ago,

- And jack's last night.
- Where do they keep the stuff?

I'm not on that committee.

Hey, but you don't keep that kinda
arsenal in the back of your car.

Find out where
they keep the g*ns.

- I'm working on it.
- I know you are.

Hey, listen, belker.

Treaties are comin' unstuck. You
can't cross the street anymore.

Nobody's honoring the d.m.z.

The black arrow is damn near
up to brigade strength, man.

Blood is gonna run. When?

Soon. Real soon.



Uh... Be careful.

Yeah. Yeah.

You about through,
calloway? Near enough.

What do we have?
Well, if this guy did her,

He must've run himself
through a car wash.

If you have an eyewitness to the
main event, I suggest you bring him in.

You're gonna need him.

You wanted to see me,
frank? Uh, yeah, in my office.

- Frank?
- Ray, what say larue
and washington bring in...

That witness of
theirs, on the double.

All right, frank.

How's it going, ben? Good, ray.

Ben, the other night...

You arrested a young
woman, susan downey.

She's a real cuckoo bird, frank.

She solicited me in the parking
lot of the cat-o'-nine-tails,

And when I i.d.'D
myself, she went nuts.

Called me every
name in the book,

Scratched the skin
off my neck, here.

I mean, she was really wired.

You charged her with
everything but the kitchen sink.

All right, I admit
she touched a nerve.

But most of the charges are
like chips for the d.a.'S office,

- So they'll have
a position to deal from.
- There isn't gonna be a deal.

The lady wants
to take it to trial.

She's leveled some pretty
serious charges against you...

False arrest, as*ault,
sexual harassment,


She claims you propositioned
her and threatened to arrest her...

If she didn't comply. That's
a bunch of nonsense, frank.

It was by the
numbers, and I swear...

I swear on my children.

Okay, ben. Thanks. That's all.


Uh, fay, I'm really
pressed for time.

- Is everything okay?
- Frank, I just need
two minutes of it,

The subject being alimony.

The check bounced.
No, no, no, no.

The check landed
safely. Thank you.

Well, if you need extra
money... No, no, no, frank.

What if I were to tell
you I need no more money?

That you didn't have to
send alimony anymore?

Well, I'd say either a rich uncle
died or you're getting married.

Since I'm more than
familiar with your family,

You're getting married. Yeah.

Fay, a week ago you couldn't
even... Hey, never mind.

What is this? I come bearing glad
tidings, and you're cracking jokes.

You're right. I'm sorry.

Who is he? His
name is hal massey.

He is a male caucasian,

51 Years old, divorced.

He has two grown children,

And he's running for reelection to
the school board in the ninth district.

Oh. How long have
you known him? A week.

That long. What about frank jr.?

They love each other. I
mean, hal has convinced him...

To go back to public school.

And, frank, we're talking
about starting another family.

Well, I'm not too old
to bear children. Fay.

Don't you think this, uh,

Relationship should be allowed
to develop a little longer?

How long does it take
for a pot of water to boil?

Frank, I came here
for your blessing.

I mean, it means a lot to
me. If you're happy, I'm happy.

Thank you. Listen, I've got to run now, but
I'm gonna call you with all the details.

Listen, please be
sure this one is single.


Hello, fay. Hi, doc.
How are the kids?

- Fine.
- You know, I was thinking
about your boy.

Oh! Baby. Baby, come back here.

Oh! How dare you?

You come outta there
right now, mister,

Or I'm comin' in
there after you.

Fay? Howard.

What a pleasant surprise.

Howard, what kind of a zoo
are you people running here?

There's a monkey in
there with my purse!

Judas priest.

Step aside.

All right, you
simian psychopath.

You're lookin' at three to five the
hard way if you don't open that door.

Hey! Hey! Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, hey. Come here, mama.
Want to go to a little party?

H-hey, hold on now.
What's wrong with you?

- Come on now.
- Hold up.

You wanna go to a little
party? Hey, come on, huh?

It's just a little house party
around the corner here on franklin.

Fine wine, a little smoke and
maybe something for your sinuses.

Sorry I'm late, ma'am.

Hey, we're havin' a
conversation here, chump.

Come on, lady. I'm on a schedule.
Let's go. What do you say, huh?

But I've only got bus fare.

Twenty-buck red zone is not
the place to discuss it, lady.

Come on. We'll
settle it on the way.

How 'bout giving us
a ride, chuck meat?

Why don't you do
yourself a favor, bruce?

No offense, ma'am, but...

You ought to know better than to
come up here to do your shopping.


You gotta be in
shape for these stairs.

I guess you don't get a whole
lot of exercise drivin' a cab.

To tell you the truth, ma'am,
I'm not really a cab driver.

Oh, it... Uh, it's
okay. I'm a cop.

Honest. We-we're
doing undercover.

A lot of cab drivers
have been robbed lately.

Look, I'll just put these bags down
here, 'cause I've got to be going anyway.

Have you got some sort
of identification? Oh, yeah.


You are a cop. Yeah.

Well, come on in then,

Uh, henry.

Over there.

Mama? You awake?

She's sleepin'.

Well, I know it ain't much, but
it beats going back to kentucky.

How long you been up here?

We came up here when my husband
lost his job at the paper mill.

That was, um... It was
about two years ago.

Donald figured he'd have a better
chance at one of the auto stampin' plants.

Any luck? To tell you the truth,

I don't exactly know.

I haven't seen
him in over a year.

When mama had her stroke, we
had to bring her up from home.

We couldn't afford to put
her in a hospital or nothin',

So we kept her with us.

I guess donald couldn't take it,

So he, uh, upped and left.

Doesn't sound like
much of a life for you.

I guess it could be worse.

Can I get you
something to drink?

I... I think I've got a
six-pack in here someplace.

No, that's okay. Really,
I've got to go. Please.

Well, don't rush off.

You must be parched.

Uh, well, uh,

Guess a glass of
water would be nice.

I should think,

After luggin' 30 pounds of
groceries up those stairs.

You know, you're the first
guest I've had up here in...

More than a while.

What with workin' and...

And caring for mama,

I don't have exactly what
you'd call a hot social life.

You're a very pretty woman. I'd think
you could get all the dates you wanted.



Uh, you just stay put, henry,

And I'll take
care of this... Ah!

Damn! Here, let me see that.

Come on.

It's all right.

Hold me.

Stay with me a while.

I can't. I'm a married man.

It doesn't matter.

Hey, I'm a very married man.


What kind of games
you playin', man? Eh...

What are you talking about,
neal? I just came from your house.

Even the cockroaches
moved out. Hey, man, I wasn't...

I wasn't runnin' out on
you. Square biz, you know, i...

Hey, look, I just moved some of my
gear over to my old lady's house.

Kinda keepin' a low
profile, you know?

Hey, you can't be too careful
in my profession, right?

What's wrong, freddy?
You in some kind of jam, man?

Uh, well, uh,

I owe some money around town.

Uh, two grand... To
some real arm benders.

Two grand?

You're sh**ting your life
away by the spoonful, freddy.

Oh, no! Oh, no, neal.

Oh, it's for my kid, joey.

Uh, he lives with his mom
over there on the west side.

Hey, man, I'm sendin' him to
baseball camp out west this winter.

You spent two grand
on a baseball camp?

Yeah. Hey, neal. Man, you
don't get to the majors...

By playin' four months a
year in the snowbelt, man.

Hey, hey, hey. Here.

Take a look at that face, man.

Mm-hmm. You didn't
think a guy like me...

Could have a winner
like that for a kid, huh?

Yeah. Something like that, man.

Joey. Hey, you got
that sugar yet?

Hey, uh, neal.

Uh, you get that $200
you promised me, man?

You'll get it, freddy.

Soon as you tell that story of
yours down at the station house.

Now let's get goin'. Uh, neal...

Uh, hey, man, I need it now.

I mean, like, uh... Hey,
i-i... I'm two weeks behind...

On the juice to
these guys as it is.

If I don't come up with some bread
today, I'm dead in this neighborhood, man.

Hey, uh... I'm gonna
be dead period.


How do I know you'll show up?

Hey, neal. You know me, man.

Hell, have I ever
let you down yet?

Hey, I swear. I'll show.

I-i swear on my kid.

Tell you something, man.

You best be there.

6:00. Oh, I'll be there.

Hey... Thanks.

Any luck? He's
hanging out in pimmy's.

So is he comin' or
what? Yeah, later on.

I gave him a couple of hours
to take care of some business.

I hope that's all you gave him.

Aw, man, don't tell me...

You let him weasel
you out of more bucks.

He's gettin hinky, babe. He
would've clammed up on us if I didn't.

But he promised to meet
us at the station around 6:00.

You think he's gonna keep that
date? Yeah, you bet I do, lover.

'Cause you're gonna be
tailing him in the meantime.

Margaret, you don't have
to go to all that trouble.

I enjoy putting up
the storm windows.

But I made you meat loaf and mashed
potatoes. Meat loaf and mashed potatoes?

Stove top dressing...
Stove top dressing.

And peach cobbler.
Peach cobbler.

I-i didn't think you remembered.

Margaret, I'm gonna
have to call you back.

It-it's not that I
don't love you, grace.

It's just I have
these other needs.

Meat loaf and peach
cobbler to name a few.

Isn't it telling, the
memories that linger?

I found these while cleaning
the front hall closet.

Can't this wait for a
more appropriate time?

I have waited, phil.
And I have endured.

First, your gidget phase with
that post-pubescent pom-pom girl.

And now the second coming of
margaret, your tupperware madonna.

I'm going to be 40 in may, phil,

And I have wasted
enough time as it is.

Well, I wouldn't necessarily
call what we had a waste of time.

Oh, it was fun while it lasted,

But I am not about a couple
of gimlets and a roll on a rug.

There are frontiers out
there to be explored, phil...

Entire continents
of sensual stimuli.

And if I have to make
that journey alone,

I prefer to do so without a lot
of excess sentimental baggage.

Oh, my d.h. Lawrence anthology.

Ooh, our photos of the
garden of eden retreat.

Don't worry darling, I
burned the negatives.

I just want to give you some idea
of what you're going to be missing...

When I walk up those
stairs and out the door.

Well, you don't have to
give back my havelock ellis.

Kiss it all good-bye, phil.
The midnight loofah lessons,

The omelets au naturel,
the pagan campouts...

Grace, why are you
making this so difficult?

Can't we act like
civilized human beings?

Among other things,

I have left you the mai
tai-flavored body rub.

Margaret should get
a big bang out of that.

Leapin' lizards, grace gardner.

Hello, howard.

Quel surprise, uh...

Uh, you look radiant.

Thank you. You're looking
quite distingué yourself.

Well, it's the uniform.

I modified a design from the
copenhagen national anti-t*rror1st group.

The, uh, lateral map
pocket is wholly my own idea.

Needs a little zipease.

Is there something more
you want to say, howard?

Well, it's rather hard
at the moment, grace, uh,

Uh, to express my
intentions, that is.

Uh, I mean, vis-à-vis
your current situation,

Uh, vis-à-vis phil esterhaus,

Who happens to be one of my
closest friends, now make no mistake.

But, uh, I just couldn't
help but wonder,

Uh, that is...

Well, if-if no one is
tying you up tonight,

As it were...

Uh, if-if you would like to go
to an absolutely top-drawer...

Art exhibit at st.
Mary's tonight?

Are you trying to ask
me for a date, howard?

Well, to put it bluntly,

Uh, yes.

Shall we say eight-ish?

Oh, don't look so
astonished, howard.

It's not every day I get
invited to an evening of...

Afro-american art.

Hey, phil. Oh, hiya, mac.

Hey, uh, why the long face, huh?

Oh, I don't know. It's
been kind of a rough week.

Anything that a weekend
of fishin' wouldn't cure?

Oh, you got the cabin? Two dynamite
days on the shores of lake lackawanna,

A private pier, nothing
to worry about,

Except how many bass we
reel in for breakfast. Yeah!

Sarge! Have you got a
cabin at lake lackawanna?

You know, I've been dying
to get up there all season.

Mac, this is andy
renko. Yeah, i...

Luke macallister.
Yeah, nice to...

The broker says it sleeps
four, but what the hell.

Renko, what are you gonna
do, set up shop in there? Let's go!

Would you relax for a
minute? I am talkin' to mac,

Who has informed me that he has a monster
cabin at lake lackawanna for the weekend.

Well, it's not... Oh,
yeah? Mac, bobby hill.

Hiya, bobby. You sure you got
enough room? That's a generous offer.

He says it sleeps
almost a half a dozen

People. What do you
want, the hotel carlyle?

I mean, you guys, it's-it's just, you
know, a one-room cabin, that's all.

That's terrific. You know what?
I have been dyin' to go fishin'.

I haven't been fishin' in
two years. That's great.

Hey, joe! Joe coffey!
Hey, bobby, wa-wait.

Come here, joe coffey! Joe,
listen to this in here now.

Joe, listen to this. You know
what? We have us a cabin up at...

Lake lackawanna, baby!

No kiddin'? Say, mac.
This is joe coffey.

How ya doin'?
That's great! Hi, joe.

You going too,
sarge? Oh, no. I doubt it.

Hey, uh, look, we don't wanna
bust up your weekend or anything.

Oh, no, no, no. I had more of a
quiet weekend at home in mind.

But, uh, hey, you guys have a
ball up there, huh? All right!

Hey, phil... Mac, old buddy, I
have one thing to ask you.

What's that? Do you have a
rod and a reel I can borrow?

Sure, andy. God bless you!

All right. Lake lackawanna!

Broadway and dekker, honey,

Through the park. I'm sorry,
ma'am. I'm on my lunch break.

How'd you like to have
your brains for lunch?


Why don't you lower
the g*n? Shut up!

Don't move. Don't
even breathe fast,

Or I'll reupholster
this heap with your face.

Make a right.

Come on, move it,
you little shrimp.

All right, you want to
play guts, we'll play guts!

Hey, come on! What's
the matter, hairball?

Your panty hose on too tight?

You forgot to pay
your fare, dogbreath!

Yeah. Uh-huh.

North or south?

Okay, you hang tight, I'll be
back to you in two minutes.



Captain, I need a
couple of warrants.

Virgil just came up with
a warehouse address...

That may tie in with that,
uh, stolen armory hardware.

Judge raboski's sitting
today. I'll call 'em in.

You go down and
pick 'em up. Okay.

Tell phil to give you a
backup, but be careful, mick.

It took us 10 months to wire
virgil into the black arrow.

I don't want to lose him now.

And mick, great collar
on that cabbie situation.

Thank you, captain.

No, you can't come along,
hairbag. You gotta stay here.

Assume the position, hairbag.

Detective washington.

Neal, I'm at the
train station, man.

Freddy's waiting on the l.a.
Flyer, and he's got his kid with him.

Damn! Platform 12.

I'm on my way.


Surprised to see
you here. Are you?

I don't know why you would be,

Given our mutual interest
in community relations.

My attorney, samantha
mcbride. Captain frank furillo.

How do you do?
I've heard the name.

You have a very impressive
reputation. Thank you, captain.

Uh, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna
check out your wall art here.

Appreciate you
coming, captain. Mm-hmm.

Nice to meet you. Mmm.

Such brute, atavistic passion.

Such third world primevalism.

Perspective's identical to a
project sweep from a c-40 chopper.

It stirs something
deep within me.

All night maneuvers
have that effect.

What do you think
of it? It's interesting.

Interesting? Isn't that
a polite way of saying...

It's a terrible
waste of wall space?

Yes, I suppose it is. I'm frank
furillo. Adrianna furth.

Furth gallery? Mm-hmm.

I've been in there
a number of times.

Which is a polite
way of saying...

I'd take your wall space
over this any day. Thank you.

You know, phil and I
are no longer together.

Well, uh, yes.

Do you know why?

Not exactly.

Because he couldn't
handle my needs...

My desires.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?


I think so.

Do you want me?


Your place or mine?


I have some
coconut rum lotion...

I am dying to try out.

It's not exactly...

Hello, frank. Joyce.

How are you?
Couldn't be better. You?

Wonderful. Meet lance
pollack. Frank furillo.

How do you do,
frank? How are you?

This is my friend, adrianna
furth. Joyce davenport, lance.

How do you do? Hello.

Hi. Hello.

- I've bought some things
at your gallery.
- Oh, I hope you enjoyed them.

Very much. Joyce?

- Where have you been?
- Out of circulation,
but I'm back.

Good. I'll call you.

Always the popular
one, counselor.

I'm at liberty to
be so these days.

Well, nice to see
you, frank. Ms. Furth.

How fresh is the wound?

Still bleeding.

It was nice meeting
you, frank. Best of luck.

I'm sorry. I owe you an apology.

You don't owe me a thing.
Could we have dinner?

Feel free to call
me. I meant tonight.

I think any other night but.



California flyer is now
boarding on platform 12.

Hey, you goin' somewhere,
freddy? Oh! Hey... Hi, fellas, uh...

Hey, I know what this
looks like, but, uh,

Let me explain, okay?

This is joey... My kid, joey.

Hey, joey, I want you to meet a
couple of real stand-up guys.

This is... This is
neal and, uh, j.d.

Hey, you stiffed me,
freddy. No, man. No, no.

I-i was just puttin' joey on
the train to that camp out west,

Just like I told you, and then I was
coming right over to see you guys.

I sw... I swear to god.
Assume the position, freddy.

Aw, come on. Assume it, man!

Coming right over, right? Yeah.

Oh man, look it here!
Look it there! Oh, my.

Oh, you must've been
workin' overtime, my man.

Uh-oh, look at here, j.d.

Two train tickets
to l.a. Neal...

Look at this, man. There's
blood on some of these bills.

Hey, come on. Not in front of my
kid, please. Have some consideration.

You did it, man, didn't
you? You k*lled her.

You got it all wrong,
man. She owed me money.

And when I asked her for it,
sh-she pulled a knife on me.

I mean, what was I
gonna do? Neal, I mean...

- You have the right to remain silent...
- I know my rights, man!

Anything you say can and will
be held against you. J.d., Please.

No, cuffs, no cuffs. Not
in front of joey, please.

I'm beggin' you. Yeah, okay.

Hey, hey, lookit,
ace. Uh, look, uh...

S-somethin' just come up, okay?

And... And... I gotta do something
real important with these guys.

So, uh... Uh, we're-we're gonna
take you over to your mom's, right?

Yeah, yeah, right.
Right. And, uh,

You don't need to say anything
about this little trip, 'cause, uh,

You know your mom,
she-she wouldn't understand.

And we don't wanna
upset her, right?

Attaboy. I love you.

Oh, god. I-i love you.

Nice going, mick. How's virgil?

Uh, I don't know. He took off
before I called in the impound guys.

We're trying to find a paper
trail to jesse john hudson.

Don't hold your breath. Mm.

Frank, you got a few
minutes? Oh, yeah, henry.

Uh, let me just get a
cup of coffee first.

Is that our nail? Yeah.

Guy's a real slimebag, henry.

Carves up a hooker for 200
bucks, then he beats neal for two,

Then he steals his kid from
his ex-old lady to go to l.a.

Snitches, man.

They walk and talk like
us, but they ain't like us.

No, sir. You're talking
animal life. We create 'em, j.d.

Standard procedure, that's all.
Take a loser and make him an outcast.

Give him money, dr*gs, buddy
routine, whatever it takes.

We take desperate people and
make 'em more desperate. Henry, huh?

You're bleedin' all
over my arrest report.

Nothing like that has
ever happened to me before.

To tell the truth, I think I wanted
her as much as she wanted me.

I mean, how do you
handle something like that?

I wish I knew, henry.
I'm no ladies' man, frank.

I had to make four phone
calls just to get a prom date.

I'm not used to women
coming on to me.

In 11 years of marriage, I never
once been unfaithful to rachel.

I thought about it
now and then. We're in

The middle of a sexual
revolution, aren't we?

I love my wife.

But a little change of menu...

This woman is so nice.

She really wants me,
frank. What's the harm?

Well, you'd be opening yourself
up to a lot of complications.

You don't get
something for nothing.

I guess you're right. I just had
to hear somebody else say it.

Besides, I'm such a chicken.

I don't think I could do it
and look rachel in the eye.

Well, good night, frank.

Good night, henry.

Take it easy.


Who's there?

Henry goldblume.

Hi. Hi.

Mind if I come in?

I wish you would.
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