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01x16 - Lil' Dynomite

Posted: 09/01/22 11:58
by bunniefuu
[ Music ]

C'mon, guys! Lock it!

- Almost there!
- We're trying!

You'll never catch me!

We literally just caught you!

Yeah... shut up,
Chest Monster!

Awwww, c'mon dawg.

Great work everybody.

AWOL, drop that thing
off in Barstow.


Man, I don't want to
go to Barstow right now.

Whew, thank goodness.

I'll go tomorrow.


Alright, just put it
in ShoutOut's locker.

No no no, not my locker,
please not my locker!

- Why not?
- Because it's the only

personal space I have!
Miles is always in my bedroom,

my dad times
my showers because

[ Imitates Herman ]
"You're wasting water!"

[ Normal voice ] and I just
finished getting everything

in here just the way I want it
and I don't know,

maybe you could put it
in someone else's locker...


You could just let me go...

You ate all the swans
in Lake Swellview,

we're not gonna let you go!

why's it okay to eat chickens
but not swans?!

I said shut up, Chest Monster!

He has a point about
eating chickens, though.

Hey, we got a Big Night

Is it cool if we roll outta here
a little early to get ready

and let you debate the ethics of
eating swans with Chest Monster?

CHEST MONSTER: Swans are jerks!
They deserve to be eaten!

Yeah I wanna get ready
for tonight, too.

- Same.
VOLT: Look a little messed up.

Yeah, you guys can cheese off
early. You've earned it!

- Yay!
- Yes!

Wait wait wait wait...
According to the Man-genda,

you have to check your
voicemails before we leave.

- Oooo.
- The Man-genda?

Ray put me in charge of
his schedule. I have a job!

Odd choice.

Looks like you got
a bunch of messages from...

- Lil' Dynomite.
- Uh.

Who is Lil' Dynomite?

Eh, he's this happy little
try-hard from Neighborville.

He's always calling and smiling
and offering to help.

Gah, it's so annoying.

- Ha-ha-ha!
That is annoying!

Who does that?

Didn't you "does that"
every day before we got into...

- [ tiny super-scream ]

Ahhh! Oh. Ah.

LIL' DYNOMITE: Hello sir!
Lil' Dynomite here!

DYNOMITE: Lil' Dynomite again!

LIL' DYNOMITE: Just in case

you deleted that last message
right after I said my name,

I'm just calling to say...

To help you fight crime.

Hard pass. Next.

LIL' DYNOMITE: I'm four foot ten
inches of...

- Come on.
- Can we just go?!

Yeah, y'all can roll.

But only 'cause we got
a Big Night tonight.

- Wouldn't miss it!
- You got it!

- Alright. See ya then.
- See ya.

CHEST MONSTER: So what are
we all doing tonight?

You're going to Barstow.

you gotta do Chest Monster like that?

[ Music ]

What song do you guys think
they're gonna play first?

- Oh I hope it's Almond Milk.
- They're not gonna play

Almond Milk first,
that's their closer.

♪ Almonnnnnd milk!

[ The crowd claps and cheers ]


♪ There's never gonna find
a kind of milk ♪

What the hecks
are you guys doing here?!

Havin' a little purée, and
enjoying the Almond Milk song.

But it's Ray's
Big Movie Night!

[ Bose gasps ]

Didn't he tell you?!

He said big night,
but I thought

he was talking about
this concert!

Hey guys we're up here
pouring our hearts and souls

out about various nut milks...

All we ask is
sixty-six dollars a ticket...

And complete
and utter silence.

That sound good?

Sounds good to me, Court.

♪ You can drink it
in a latte ♪

♪ you can drink it by the ocean
with your dad... ♪

Why are you guys not leaving?!

Ray's Big Nights
always start out fun

but then Ray
just gets all... sad.

Remember Life-Size
Board Game Night?

Don't remind me.

This is so much fun!

Life-size board games
are awesome!

- Meow.
- Woof.


Did I ever tell you guys
about the last time

I ever saw my father?

We'd spent all day
arguing with each other

about which one
of the family pets

had died first
the week before.

He said it was Limpy but I knew
it was Sir-Coughs-A-lot.

He'd been sick for quite a while
and well, you know the rest.

[ Groans ]

Ray shed a lot of tears
that night.

He cried through
all three pieces of his tuxedo.

- But I won that game.
- [ whispers ] Oh god!

Hey sorry to stop the music
it just seems like

maybe there's some flashbacks
going on at table five.

We're sorry!
Won't happen again.

Two, three, four...

♪ How do you miiiiilk
an almond? ♪

♪ The world may never know...

Ray's gonna be so ticked off
if you all go ghostie on him.

Court and Courtney are
only here one night!

I'm not gonna miss it.

Me neither... "Almond Milk"
feeds my soul!

Well someone has to go back
to the Man's Nest right now

and hang out with Ray!

- Why don't you go?
- No way, bro-zays.

Have you seen the two scientists
I'm with tonight? Hi.

I'm not goin'.

Yeah, I'm not gonna miss
"Almond Milk."

- [ Mika and Chapa in unison ]
- Who would miss almond milk?

- Right?
- Exactly!

It's funny
you're actually missing

Almond Milk right now.

I-I-I'm sorry. We're just
working through some stuff.

There's no way I'm leaving!

[ Schwoz and the kids
all argue ]

Okay little disappointed
you guys aren't leaving...

So my beautiful wife and I
have a special song just for you...

- Really?
A song just for us!

Definitely not leaving now!

It's called...

- [ shout in unison ]
"Shut Your Mouth!"

One, two!

♪ Shut your mouth!
Shut your mouth! ♪

♪ Won't you please just
shut your! ♪

♪ Shut your mouth!
Shut your mouth! ♪

[ Music ]

Heyyyyyyyy, Rayyyy!

We're ready for some
superhero training, sir!

- Where is he?
- Bet he's whippin' up

a revenge plot for us.

- Think so?
- That's what I would do.

Ray? We brought some
Court and Courtney merch

for the best boss ever!

♪ Ooo ooooo ooo
there's never been... ♪

Oh, good morning, kids!

Just whippin' up
some flapjacks.

Do not eat the flapjacks.

Anybody hungy?

- Mmmmmm...
- Starving!

- What's wrong?
I mean, except for the name,

y'all normally love m'Man-Flaps.

No, no, we love 'em.

- Except for the name.
- Except for the name.

But we first just wanted to say
that we're sorry

we forgot about Movie Night
last night.

Was that last night?

Huh, I guess I must have
forgot about it too.

Well, ya know that's why there's

- five members of Danger Force.
- Yeah!

[ Volt, ShoutOut, Brainstorm
and AWOL in unison ] - Wait what?

Five members of Danger Force.

You know so that when the four
of you forget about me,

I'll at least have one person
who cares.

But who's the fifth member
of Danger Force?

Lil' Dynomite,
reporting for duty, sir!

Are the Man-Flaps ready?

How great is that name?!

- Man-Flaps.
- Man-Flaps.

- Man-Flaps.
- Man-Flaps.

I think it sounds tasty.

It all just kinda happened.

[ Kids all talking at once ]

Stop talking!

♪ Danger [font color=#FF FF]*DANGER FORCE*[/font]
[font color=# FF ]Season Episode [/font]

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Ooooh-ooooh
[font color="# ffff"]Episode Title:[/font] [font color=#FFc f]"Lil' Dynomite"[/font]

♪ Danger!

♪ One two three Force!
Aired on: [font color="# ffff"]February , [/font]

- [ Kids in unison ]
- Emergency!

- That's just the doorbell.
- I know.

[ Music ]

[ Playing keytar ]

You did it, sir!

You just played
"Blinding Lights" by The Weeknd!

Really?! It didn't sound like
Blinding Lights.

I mean, legally, no,
it didn't.

But it felt like
Blinding Lights.

Permission to hug you?

Ooo, permission denied.

I'll just hug myself
and pretend it's you.

[ ShoutOut clears her throat ]

Oh, what are you guys
doing here?

Better question...

What is Lil' Dynomite still
doing here? It's been five days.

Well currently he's teaching
me how to play the keytar.

I sure am!

I just played
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

- Sure did!
- Flawlessly.

If you say so!

We're gonna be in
a Battle of the Bands together.

This year you're gonna crush
The Weeknd at his own song!


[ Plays keytar ]

- Don't do this.
- Don't do what?

Don't use him to make us
jealous because you're all

booty hurt that we forgot about
your Movie Night.

It's not gonna work.

Yeah. We're never going to be
jealous of him.

I don't know what you guys
are talking about.

should just admit

that your feelings are hurt.

It's not healthy
to bottle things up.

What is that thing
still here?!

I told you to get rid of it.

I'm not an "it" man.

Shut up.


[ Lil' Dynomite's phone alert
goes off ]

According to the Mangenda
it's snack time, sir!

Wait... why is Lil' Dynomite
in charge of the Man-genda?

- That's my job.
- Oo, not anymore.

Lil' D handles the schedule
from now on.

Want me to run to
Nacho Ball, sir?

Yeah, go get me a six-er
of balls, extra pico.

No guac. Double fried.
El Scorcho sauce.

Six packets.
Sour cream.

And chopsticks.

Shouldn't you be
writing this down?

Oh, he's got
a photographic memory.

And yet, I can't seem
to remember your name, sir.

It's Brainbender.

It's Brain-STORM!


Can. Someone.

Help. Me?!

[ Brainstorm whimpers ]

I should go pick up
your Nacho Ball

before your tummy gets grumbly.

Put it on
the Man Card.

Will do!

You gave him a Man Card?!

And a Man Badge.

It says I'm
the Sheriff of Danger Force!

I wanna be
the Sheriff of Danger Force!

Down the tube!

If anyone is the Sheriff
of Danger Force it's me.

- Challenge!
- Challenge accepted.

- What's up.
- Pull up, pull up.

No no no! Do not get jealous
of Lil' Dynomite.

That's just
what Captain Man wants.

Besides, maybe it'll be nice to
have another try-hard around here.

I mean, maybe I won't feel so
alone whenever, what?

Did you give him
my locker?!

[ Plays keytar ]

Oh, your stuff's
over there now.

[ Smugly plays keytar ]

You're a monster.

CHEST MONSTER: Is that supposed
to be a bad thing?!

[ ShoutOut cries ]

Little help, someone?!

That's the door.

Play Wonderwall!

♪ This week it's gonna be
the time ♪

♪ that I'm gonna go around
your place! ♪

♪ You're mad I'm hanging with
your dad and I... ♪

[ Music ]

Firemen were unable to
prevent serious injuries.

But authorities say, it was
my best birthday party ever.

In non-party news, Captain Man
and Lil' Dynomite showed up

to the Battle of the Bands
last night

- and took home second place...
- That's right, Trent.

They played a song that didn't
sound like Blinding Lights

but it sure felt like it.

First place went to
Swellview's own,

The Weeknd, whose song
sounded and felt like

the actual Blinding Lights.

You win again, The Weeknd.

You were right
these did turn out

more red than
the bottle suggested.

You just have to trust me
on these things.

- What's up, Lil' D?
- Hello sirs!

Whatcha brewin', bro?

Just mixing up some of
Captain Man's special hair gel.

Did you remember to add
a split-feather condor egg?

Captain Man is climbing up
to a nest

on the top of Mount Swellview
to get one as we speak.

Aren't split-feather condors
an endangered species?

Yeah. But Captain Man needs
their eggs for his hair gel

so enjoy Heaven, condors!

[ Emergency alarm ]

Emergency call!

What the heck
are you doing typing?!

You're gonna mess up
your fresh nails.

Oh, where is my brain?

Looks like there's a meltdown at
the Swellview Nuclear Power Plant.

The nice one
or the close one?!

- The close one.
- Yuck.

Brainstorm, buzz Volt and
ShoutOut at the batting cages,

tell 'em to meet us there.
I'll call Captain Man.

[ Captain Man's phone rings ]

Captain Man's phone,
Lil' Dynomite speaking,

how may I help you?!

I guess we're gonna have to
roll on this one

without Captain Man.

You wanna ride with us,
Lil' Dynomite?

Do I?!

Oooh, where we going?!

You're not going anywhere.

CHEST MONSTER: Man, you guys are
bigger jerks than the swans.

Down the tuuuube.

CHEST MONSTER: That's fine.
Chest Monster can entertain himself.

♪ Something's going on,

♪ there's a Chest Monster
in the Man's Nest. ♪

♪ Chest Monster
sings his song ♪

[ music ]

[ Alarm sounding ]

Gah! This core is the worst!

Calm down, Do you know how
a nuclear reactor works?

Like sorrrta?

- Oh my god.
- How did you get hired here?!

I don't know I guess
I just crushed the interview?!


Have no fear,
the boys are here!

Oh, god, boys?!

That's my biggest

- Whadda' we got?
- We got a melty plutonium core

and the shut off valve
is inside the reactor.

Someone's gonna have to go
in there and crank it closed.

- Like now!
- But won't that person get like... melted?

- Yes.
- Pretty much.

Time to take one
for the team...

- What?!
- No!

- Not happening!
- But I owe you guys!

- You've all been so nice to me.
- Yeah. We're not mad at you.

- We're mad at Captain Man.
- For being a total gunch.

- Let's wait for Captain Man.
He's densitized...

He could probably go in there
and play the extended version

of Blinding Lights on his keytar
and not get melted.

Plus he's been a total gunch.

But we're running out of time!

That meter's looking
pretty melty.

Fine. I'll teleport back
to the Man's Nest

and as soon as Captain Man gets
there, I'll bring him back here.

- Good idea.
- Sounds like a plan.

So Lil' Dynomite, as brave as
that was of you to offer,

Wish me luck ma'ams and sirs!

- [ In unison ]
- Nononononono...

'Kay if someone just got
melted I'm gonna' be so fired.

[ Music ]

Good thing ShoutOut found
that healing suit.

Poor, little guy
he just wanted to help.

Looks like they're gonna have
to take split-feather condors

off the endangered species list
'cuz I just found the last...

split-feather condor egg
on the face of the Earth...

What is going on here?

That better be AWOL.

I'm sorry, what?




Never would have happened

if you'd brought
ol' Chesty along.

Shut up, Chest Monster!

Ohhhhh. You know it's true.

So much better
and all I needed.

[ Music ]

Well I hope
you're proud of yourselves.

I mean, we did save
Lil' Dynomite

by finding a healing suit
in Schwoz's bedroom...

If it wasn't for you guys he wouldn't
need a healing suit to begin with!

You're the one who brought him
here in the first place!

I was gonna adopt him,
you know.

- No, you weren't.
- Oh yeah?!

Then how do you explain
this GuGu search

for "adoption centers
near me?"

That search is for
"Best sausage near me!"

Don't try to change
the subject!

You guys let this happen
'cuz you're jealous!

We didn't "let this happen"
and we weren't jealous of him!

- Oh, come on.
Not even a widdle bit?

- No, not even a widdle bit.
- No, not at all.

- Not even an eensy weensy bit?
So widdle it sets

the world's wecord for widdowest
amount of jeawousy?

Missed me!


- Oh you're pathetic.
- Uh, guys?

- Is this the best you can do?


You have worse aim
than a storm trooper.

Ha! Get wrecked!

Ah! I deserve that.

CAPTAIN MAN: Chest Monster's
"Get Wrecked" still stands.

You guys were
a widdle jeawous.

Okay, fine... did we get
a widdle jealous?

Yes, but...
Ha! I got you!

My plan worked! And I got you
on record admitting it!

get a widdle jealous? Yes..."

- Stop it.
- Uh... Guys?!

get a widdle jealous? Yes."

- Gimme the phone!
- No.

- Give my sister the phone!
- No!

get a widdle jealous? Yes."

- Give... [ super-scream ]

[ Music ]

Oh what's going on?

I think it's time
to call Schwoz.

LIL' DYNOMITE: Where am I?

- What do you want?!
- Schwoz, where are you?

My friends and I are following
Court and Courtney on tour.

Tonight we're in
Branson, Missouri.

Schwoz, ya big stud!

Get your tengallon
butt over here!

- I gotta go...
- No!

Did I save the day?

Listen, your healing suit
got zapped

and now it's malfunctioning.

What healing suit?

The one ShoutOut found
in your bedroom.

We needed it to save
Lil' Dynomite.

That's a suit I've designed
to give myself

superhero abilities
so I can go on missions.

It took me
twenty years to build it.

Does it work?

Did you give it
to Lil' Dynomite?!

- Maybe?
- Yes!

- Well don't plug it in!
- Too late.

Okay well just don't
zap it or anything!

- Again...
- Oh she did.

Okay, well it still should be
fine as long as he hasn't been

exposed to any radiation lately.

- Byyeeeee...
- Oh boy.

Hey, I gotta
a problem over here!

You can super-scream me
all you want.

It doesn't change the fact
that I used

that ridiculous little try-hard
to make you jealous.

Uh, my dude?

You could have just told us
that we hurt your feelings.

Instead, you came up with
some ridiculous scheme...

Revenge plot.

- To make us jealous...
- It worked.

And you ended up hurting
the nicest kid in the world!

Who, Lil' Dynomite?

- The teeny tiny try-hard?
- Uh, my guy?

Hang on.

Lil' Dynomite was never
going to be

a real part of Danger Force.

I was just gonna use him
to teach you guys a lesson,

then I was gonna... I was gonna
feed him to Chest Monster.

CHEST MONSTER: I am a little
hungry. BRAINSTORM: Hey, Cap?

Hey hey guess who
I am right now?

Hi, everybody,
I'm Lil' Dynomite!

I say "sir" all the time
and I play

a mediocre "Blinding Lights"
on the keytar.

Uh, excuse me, sir?

Ohh! That's actually pretty
good. Who said that?

Oh, hey there, sport?

I'm afraid I have
a bone to pick with you.

Oh, is that right now?

I'm sorry to say this,
but I just don't appreciate

some of the mean things
you've been saying about me.

Well hey, hey you hear that part
about me saying I was going to adopt you?

Must have missed that in
the hurricane of insults...

Including those about
my keytar abilities

that frankly hurt more than
I care to admit.

Well... we would have won
that Battle of the Bands

if not for your...

Since when can he do that?!

Since ShoutOut accidentally
gave him Schwoz's power suit.

- His what?
- Yeah, why did you do that?

Okay Lil' Dynomite,
I think it's time we end things.

Great idea! Please step aside
and I'll happily end Captain Man.

No, no, no...

I think he means
maybe you should leave.

Yes please leave,
I'm so sorry.

- Why are you defending him?!
He treats you all terribly.

- That's very true.
- True.

But I accept it.

He causes more problems
than he solves.

- That's also true.
- But I accept that!

And he's a shallow,
self-obsessed man-child!

Wrong! I'm a shallow,
self-obsessed, man-MAN!

- Seee?!
- Okay, that's all true.

But you know
what else is true?

Maybe we should have been
more sensitive

of how important those
Big Nights are for our boss!

- [ Volt, AWOL and Brainstorm ]
- Yeah!

And maybe we could have been
a little more honest about

how wildly uncomfortable we feel
when he talks about his emotions!

- [ Danger Force in unison ]
- Yeah!

And I'm sorry about that.

And maybe I should find
a more appropriate venue

for working through
my daddy issues!

- Please do that.
- Please do.

CHEST MONSTER: Sounds like we're
making some real progress here!

- Yeah!
- We're making progress!

I know I feel seen for
the first time in a while!

[ Danger Force
all shouting at once ]

Permission to hug you, sirs!

[ Danger Force and Captain
Man in unison ] - Permission granted.

Permission denied!

[ Captain Man and Danger Force
all gasp ]

Now, step aside, Danger Force!


[ Super-screams ]

- Awwww yeah!
What's up now?!

Huh? I was never
going to adopt you!

That's it.

So we finally doing
movie night or what?

Or we could get those sausages?

There's a good place near me.

- Daaaahhhh!
- Where'd you go?

I teleported Lil' Dynomite

to the other side
of Mount Swellview.

He won't be back for a while.

Unless that suit has
jet boots.

Ah, would ya look at that...

I hereby swear vengeance
on Captain Man!

Yeah? Then come inside
and let's dance!

I'll be back
when you don't have

Danger Force there
to protect you!

Pfft! I can handle
my own bidness!

I'll get you
when you least expect it!

When you're asleep!
Or in the shower!

Or when you fall asleep
in the shower!

Oh man, how good does it feel
to fall asleep in the shower?

Vengeance will be mine!

That kid's alright.

He just swore
vengeance on you!

[ Chuckling ] Add him to
the list, am I right?

Will do, sir!

So? We getting sausages
or what?

- I'm hungy.
- I can eat.

me with you? CAPTAIN MAN: No.

CHEST MONSTER: Aw, why you gotta
do chest monster like that?

[ Music ]

♪ Always on the scene
in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble
I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay

♪ I'm okaaaay!

♪ Danger

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Whoaaa-oooh

♪ Ooooh-ooooh

♪ Danger!

♪ One two three Force!