01x13 - Fecund Hand Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x13 - Fecund Hand Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

Are we all clear...

On item 15?

Renko, wake up.

Good. So much for item 15.

Item 16.

Item 16...

Is a memo from the
city attorney's office...

Concerning certain
officers in this command...

Endorsing and/or recommending
to suspects the services...

Of particular bail-bonding

Guys, we are all victim...

Of the same spiraling
consumer price index.

And we've all been around
the track enough to know...

The gravity of
this kind of no-no.

So, when and if
the offer arrives,

Kindly remind those bondsmen...

About the conspiracy laws.

All right, the final item.

Conspiracy. Right.

The final item is
a personal note.

I would like to thank
those of you who attended...

Last night's bachelor send-off
held for me at the kubiak lodge.

We won't forget
that one in a hurry.

In fact, if we gave out awards
for strange and exotic behavior...

Most of you would,
by now, have trophies.

My apologies to the
female personnel...

Who may feel excluded
from last night's soiree.

Let me assure you it
was, indeed, disgraceful...

And remind you that I
was not the organizer.

So that is one buck
that does not stop here.

I hope to see all of you
at the nuptial this evening.

Oh, yeah. Another good man gone.

All right! Till
then, let's roll.

And let's be particularly
careful out there.

Hey, will you lower the
tone of your voice, huh, babe?

Those six aspirins
aren't even beginning to...

Phil? Phil? g*ng fight.

Franklin project. Jefferson
heights needs an assist.

You heard the lieutenant! Project,
park! Riverside units! Let's roll!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Any idea what started it?

No, we're trying to raise
him now... Wait. Here he is.

Frank! He's here. Please
try not to do that.

All right, all right. Frank, jefferson
heights. Three kids d.o.a. So far.

Eleven wounded. Furillo.

This is not our precinct.
We're just helping.

Sure. We'll stop everything
north of the park. Right. Ray?

Highway's covering
both expressways.

Lieutenant hunter, francis.
He wants authorization to move.

Ray says highway patrol's
on both expressways.

Yeah. How about
emergency action?

Hunter's already in
the starting blocks.

Right. Okay, here's henry...

What? Bob, it's your precinct.

If you need him, you
got him. It's no problem.

Just a minute,
lady. Can I help you?

Frank. Commander
swanson on seven.

Uh, says it's urgent.

It's me, leo.

Oh. How you doin', mrs.
Gardner? How are you?

Better take it in my office.

As soon as possible.
Uh, listen, captain.

Can I pick you up on
another line somewhere?

Yeah, I'll put you on hold.
I'm very sorry. Excuse me.


Hey, I'll have to
get back to you.

Well... Hello, grace.

Isn't it more like
good-bye, phil?

Grace, I don't know what
to say. I wasn't expecting you.

I thought our phone
conversation the other night, uh...

Well, I thought it pretty well
elucidated our respective desires.

Your desires, phil.

Your desires.

I'm not sure about mine.

I haven't slept very well
in the last few nights.

It shows, doesn't it?


This is neither the
place nor the time.

I know. I'm making a scene.

Let's say 12:30, downstairs.

I have an errand. I'll be back.

Be there.

I'm not stepping a foot in that
wedding without a date, that's why.

You don't have any idea what
it's like working in this joint,

So don't tell me it doesn't
make any difference.

He's so cute. What,
how tall is he?

I don't care about
that. How tall is he?

What do you say, frank,
ray? Welcome to the palace.

Walsh. What is this, a c.i.a.
Operation? Sure feels like it.

Swanson upstairs? Top
floor. Take the elevator.

Oh. Got a message for swanson.

And take these up for
the boys, huh? Thanks.

No, thanks. Thank you.

Uh, dave? You know
skip fitzgerald, frank.

Deputy d.a.?

Oh, hi. How are you? We've talked
on the phone from time to time.

My pleasure. Lieutenant
calletano, skip fitzgerald.

How are you? How do you do?

Sorry about all this
cloak-and-dagger crap.

It's just that it came up so fast,
we didn't want to take any chances.

Did you fill him in
yet, dave? No, uh...

Look, frank, you and ray
aren't going to like this, but...

Surprise, frank.

Telephone, captain. Precinct.

Get that, would you, ray?

Uh, right.

Let's go inside, huh?

After you, frank.

You know as well as I do, frank,

I'm facing four
felony convictions.

That's a minimum of
seven the hard way.

And I don't think I have to tell you
what's waiting for me upstate, frank.

I've put away a few
people in my day.

Let's face it.

It's a death sentence up there.

So what's to lose?

My virginity?

He's given us over 100 pages
of sworn affidavit, frank.

Big names. The four families.

In exchange for immunity from
prosecution, new identity, et cetera.

That's right, because that's the
only way it ever works for us.

But if you got a better way, you
just let me know, because this is big.

This goes beyond
the four families.

He's talking police payoffs, the
sheriff's department, vice, narcotics.

The kraft commission
wants to open a grand jury.

There hasn't been anything
like this for 30 years.

What in the hell do you
want from me? My blessing?

Macafee wants you,
frank. It's part of the deal.

He trusts you.

That's right,
frank. I trust you.

Nobody buys you.
You don't owe no one.

Tell frank what you
told us about the hit.

It can come in 12
different ways, frank.

But if they're smart...
And they are smart, frank...

It's gonna come from
the inside, you can bet.

It's gonna be a cop.

You have a great knack for landing
on your feet, haven't you, macafee?

Grand jury, immunity,
new life, just like that.

Don't saddle me with him,
dave. I've got my own g*ng wars.

I've got nothing to say
about the matter, frank.

It comes from the
d.a. And chief daniels.

When he heard police
payoffs, he blew, went berserk.

You know how he is.

Dave, he's lied to you, to me, and
he's lied to a police board of rights.

What in the hell makes you think he's
not lying now? You heard what he said.

He doesn't have
anything to lose anymore.

It's not our problem,
frank, or our decision.

Our only job is
to keep him alive.

How many of my men
do you think you'd need?

How many can you
spare? Spare? None.

I want 30.

Thirty. Fifteen on each shift.

And I want ray
here all the time.

"I want."

Got a detective goldblume
on the phone, captain.

We'll see what we
can put together.

Four kids d.o.a.

Twenty-one at county medical.

It's kinda rough here. We got an
overflow from jefferson heights.

Yeah. Right. And where's phil?

Phil? I don't know where he is.

I haven't seen him.

Wait a second. Maybe he just
ducked out to pick up his tux.

Is that the boss? Yeah.

Tell him larue and washington just called
in. Ask him, guess who belker nailed.

I don't think he's in the mood for
guess-who right now. Cat burglar.

No kidding? Frank! Guess
who belker just nailed.

Cat burglar.


You wanna tell 'em about
the jewelry store? Sure.

Last month, midtown
jewelry store.

Now, I don't wanna mention
any names, you know,

But the rumor on the street is,

This alleged burglar clipped on a
press card, started sh**ting pictures.

Cops got real steamed up about it,
picked the guy up and threw him outside.

Hey, babe, did you do that jeweler's
house in roosevelt heights last month?

Hey, not so direct, huh? The man's
got legal situations to consider.

Sorry, cat.

It's all right.

The rumor on that
little number is,

This alleged felon...

Disconnected the alarm system.

Then he reconnected it.

Poor guy didn't know he'd been
burgled till four days later.

Wait a minute. Tell 'em what you told me
about guard dogs. This is gonna k*ll ya.

Well, there's, uh...
There's this guy...

I'm talking alleged now, right?

He privately markets this
little aerosol product.

It, um...

It sprays wolf pee-pee.

Oh, man!

Nature's way, man. Hits you
where it hurts every time.

Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Much as I dislike interrupting
this seminar, we have our work.

And the suspect's public
defender has arrived.

- All yours, ms. Davenport.
- Ma'am.

- You, I take it, are mr. Heidel?
- Uh, heidel.

And you're the
arresting officer.

Yes, ma'am. Detective belker.

I know who you are.

What I'd like to know is the exact nature
of the little confab I just observed.

Well, we were just sort of
throwing the bull around, ma'am.

It was your basic professional
kind of conversation.

It was no big deal. No, it's cool,
counselor. Nothing to worry about.

All right.

You'll both provide me with detailed
accounts of what was said. Is that clear?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Certainly.

- Where is his paperwork?
- Just about to
get started on that.

- Was he mirandized?
- Counselor, would you
give the guy a break?

- Was he or was he not
- Yes, I was.

- Button up!
- Yes, ma'am, he was mirandized
in english and spanish.

Any evidence of theft
on or about his person?

- Yes and no.
- "Yes and no."


What happened is, I think I saw him swallow
the evidence... Some rings, I think.

- You see, what, uh...
- Don't say a word.

Uh, captain is looking into a
court order for stomach x-rays.

In the meantime, we're just...

Sitting around, waitin' to see what
comes down the pike, as they say.

You ordered a bucket
of fried chicken.

Bottle of ketchup
and we're in business.

No, I don't think he should eat
anything until I can think this through.

Uh, I'd like to, uh, confer
with my client in private.

Yes, ma'am.

That will be a real pleasure.

All right, you'll be using unmarked
units or your own vehicles.

That's to minimize calling
attention to the hotel.

You all know your inside
and outside assignments, yes?

Ray calletano's
already inside with...

Ex-detective macafee...

And the, uh, d.a.'S
security people.

Okay. Any questions?

I know this is a small problem by
comparison, but we have a wedding to go to.

Me and bobby have to pick
up our dry cleaning by 5:30.

Then I gotta go... We'll
work it out. Hold it!

Jefferson heights
owes us for this morning.

So you can expect to
be relieved, uh, say, 5:30.

Phil esterhaus is gettin'
married! We gotta go pick up...

We'll work it all out.

Henry here will
help you work it out.

Henry? Goldblume? Thanks, frank.

You're welcome, henry. I
have faith in you, henry.

Get over here, man.

Uh, excuse me, captain.

I wouldn't mind lending
a hand on this one.

Why don't you put me in the room
alone with macafee, for his own safety?

You know we can't do that, j.d.
Hey, I'm not gonna lay a hand on him.

I just wanna sit there and
watch that sucker sweat.

Come on, babe. We got
better things to do. Whoa! Hey.

Ain't nothin' better. Ain't no
way anything could be better.

He'll be okay, captain. I'll
personally guarantee it.

Maureen filed for divorce, ray.


Sariko, I can't
even talk to her.

I call her, she...
She just cries.

Her family's making her go
back to frisco with the kids.

Do you blame them?

I don't blame no one, ray.

But, boy, they bail out fast.

Hmm. My kids won't
even talk to me.

All except my oldest, carly.

She's in nursing school, ray.

She used to come up
to the jail every day,

Pretending everything
was gonna be all right.

My angel.

So, why not do this, ray? What
do I got to lose? My appetite?


I can't eat a lousy corned beef
sandwich without tasting the poison, ray.

They got some real
beauts now, I hear.

You're dead before
your head hits the plate!

Come on, ray. Loosen
up a little, will ya?

You wanna play a
little gin rummy, ray?


Come on. Dead man deals. I
think I got some cards here.

All right.

Half a cent a point, ray.

What's out there? sh**t?

Yeah. Ours.

You smell gas, ray?

- Hmm?
- No, I don't smell any gas.

I smell gas.

I smell gas, ray.

I smell gas for sure, somewhere.

You smell gas in here? What?

Hold on. Gas?

Hold on. Gas?

Gas, yeah. No.

- I don't smell it either.
- That's okay.

Y-you can't be
too careful, right?

They could pump this place full
of gas and blow it up in a second.

I want it checked
out. That's okay.

Will you check it out? Sure.

Jerome, let's take a look.

Wanna eat something? No,
no, don't start that with me.

You know better than
to start that with me.

How about some poker?

Yeah, we'll play...
Later we'll play poker.

No, uh, not now.

I'm not much of a card player.

Fun group.

I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll
bring in larue for you. All right?

Hey, that's a good
idea. That figures.

I was waitin' for
that one to surface.

- Yeah.
- We got our own little
encounter group here, right?

Okay, everybody just calm down
and make the best of a bad situation.

How tall is he?

Listen, nobody is gonna
see his sense of humor.

How tall is he?


How you coming on that warrant
for your client's stomach?

There's a case in
appellate right now...

That x-ray with nonconsent
is a denial of civil rights.

Which means the d.a. May not
want to go for a warrant, is that it?

Sure looks that way.

Counselor, we've been after this
guy ever since I've been on the hill.

If we have to wait, we'll wait. Those items
of jewelry can't stay inside him forever.

Excuse me, captain, ma'am.

Does no food for the
suspect mean no coffee?

What I mean is, it seems to me coffee
travels through a different kind of system.

No coffee.

No food, no coffee.

Wait... Why isn't he locked up?

Uh, excuse me.

This guy can tell you stories
that are unbelievable, captain.

This guy could heist the bockner
building, no one would know it.

There's a lot to
learn from him, captain.

Think this'll do it? That oughta
do the trick. Thank you, leo.

Uh, counselor, as soon as
you and your client are ready,

I think mick here is ready too.

We don't want to violate
any rules of evidence.

Very nice, the sudden concern
for procedure around here.

No coffee, no nothin'.

So it goes, huh?

Oh, michael.

You roll with the bad,
you savor the good.


It's the waiting that's
always the hardest.

There's a lot of truth in that.

Can I talk to you?


Up until about a
month ago, I was, uh...

Dating a real quality woman.

I mean, no dirtbag.

And we didn't see eye-to-eye on
a couple things and we split up.

So I'm seeing her tonight.

I'm like this. It's the waiting.

You know something?

I myself can't seem to
sustain a relationship anymore.

It's the business. You work
nights, weekends, holidays.

How long can you expect a woman
to put up with that kind of thing?

Good luck, eh?

I really hope it
works out for you.

Thank you.

No, I can't get
outta here till...

You're gonna have to drive
down to the church yourself.

Thank you for holding.

It's a 21-inch with
remote control.

I put the deposit
down on it thursday.

It's got a card attached to it.

It's one of those,
you know, uh...

Salesman said he'd have it
gift-wrapped and ready today.

What's going on?


Oh... Ray?

- Ray, there's poison in here!
- Damn rat.

Ray? I told ya!

Ray, there's poison!

I know it! Ray?

Call frank, see how he wants to
handle this. I think he's losing it.

I told you, ray.

Walt, what the hell is this?

I don't know. They blew in
10 minutes ago. How bad is he?

Bad. He's crazed. We heard
media, we almost had to sit on him.

Captain, the guys from the d.a.'S
office are coming down with him.

They're coming down
with him? Through this?

No, in the back. The alley.

You get on that thing and tell
'em to stay up there. You and me go.

Captain? Captain! Captain!

Block off the end of the alley. No
one gets in here till we clear out.

Both you and you move.
Goldblume. Henry. You read me?

Furillo's on his way
down. Renko, is that you?

What's all these
people? All right.

Frank's coming around.

He says he wants us to
hold it here till he gets here.

Okay, okay. Just take
it easy. Take it easy.

Ray, get out of there.
I got him. I ain't goin'!

Ralph! Come on, macafee!
Get in the damn car!

I ain't goin' nowhere!

sh*ts! Get down!

Goldblume? Goldblume, this is
pooley. Do you read me? Over.

Henry, come in. We heard
sh*ts. Come in. We're comin'. Over.

Anybody hit? Frank,
bobby, you okay?

Seal off the area and
get the medics in here.

You see any blood? I
don't think he was hit.

Heart, maybe? Was he hit?

No. Bobby, let's start c.p.r.

No, no, I think he's
gonna be just fine. Right.

So, how's your guy, frank? I'm just
on my way down there. He's okay.

He'll be one-handed for a while,

But I guess that's lucky,
considering what might have happened.

Yeah, I know.
And I do regret it.

We're working like hell trying to
find out exactly who leaked what.

Oh, well, you probably have
about as much chance of doing that...

As you have of
nailing the sh**t.

Well, we've got the area sealed off
and we're moving building to building.

Mmm. Well, he... He's
gone, mr. Prosecutor.

Long gone. Don't you think?

Yeah, in a minute.

So, what can I do for
you, frank? I am jammed.

You can explain what I just
sent my people through.

A harrowing
experience. I know that.

No, no, no, that's not it.
We're used to being shot at.

Hell, I've lost three officers since
the first of january. Eleven hospitalized.

That's the hill.
Happens all the time.

We develop a real careful
streak, and we think a lot.

Captain, I'd like to go through
this with you at length, but...

So I can't help thinking about
you and ex-detective macafee,

Whose testimony is supposed
to turn this town upside-down.

As good as that testimony
might be all by itself,

Nothing adds credibility
quite like an attempted hit.

Don't you agree?

Exactly what are
you insinuating?

I'm not insinuating anything.

It's just one officer of
the court, mr. Prosecutor,

Thinking out loud to
another officer of the court...

Who comes out of
the hotel fiasco...

With about twice the case
he had when he went in.

I call that fortune.

Good fortune.

You know, captain, I
actually think that you

Think that I engineered
this whole thing.

Well, I haven't exactly
said that, have i?

But then again,
it's not too hard.

All it takes is a casual
word dropped someplace...

And then casually waiting
to see what happens.

With macafee dead,

There is no case, furillo.

There's no grand jury.

Do you actually think that I
would endanger my prize witness?

Come on, frank. I know you're
angry about what happened.

So am i.

Believe me... I believe you
know how angry I am now.

But I also think your prize
witness was only half a prize,

And I think you wanted
to get your name in the

Headlines and your
picture on the front page.

Well, congratulations,
mr. Prosecutor.

You got your wish.

But I'm gonna remind you of something,
and you'd better not forget it.

I will not have my people
needlessly endangered.

I will not have
my people misused.

When that grand jury
sits down to hear ralph

Macafee, they're also
gonna hear about this.

I'd go somewhere
and cool off, frank.

That grand jury isn't gonna be
interested in your speculations.

Oh, you think not? Mm-mmm.

Even a dumb cop,
mr. Prosecutor, knows...

That a grand jury will get interested
in anything that sounds interesting.

So put out the word... Nobody
misuses my people and walks away.

No one.

Nurse latt, please report
to the nurses' station...

On floor three... Nurse latt.

Uh, I don't wanna seem
shallow or anything,

But... What exactly
do you look like?


No, I'm blonde too.
Yeah. I'm a blonde.

That's great. Um,
well, you sound swell.

I mean, super.

Um... How tall are you?


Well, look, uh, maybe you have a
pair of shoes with cuban heels?


J.d., Phil asked me to
remind you about the ring.

Got it covered, dewey.

Did you guys get that
room at the savoy towers?

- You know, the one with
the mirrors on the ceiling?
- It's their wedding night.

That's standard equipment.

Don't worry, sarge.

You're late.

Oh, grace.

Don't let's be this way. Please?

I know this would be
a lot easier for you...

If I exercised the good
taste to suffer it silently.

Or fade off into the woodwork,
or better yet, take a new lover.

Oh, grace... Do not "grace" me.

Do not do that.

You have broken my heart,

And I will not be "graced."

I'm sorry.

I never thought... I... I never
imagined it would get this involved.

Frankly, I didn't either.

But it happened,

And I'm not ashamed
to show how I feel.

Grace, I want sons
and daughters.

Marv's abrupt departure
woke me up to that...

What I call my...

Fatherly catharsis, so to speak.

Look, phil,


I don't question your sincerity.

I think you believe
you think you mean it.

Maybe you even do.

When I go, I don't
want it to be like marv...

A lonely guy in a rented room.

I wanna leave my
mark upon this earth.

With cindy, she's young...

I know. She can, and I can't.

And if I could, I wouldn't.

So let's get to the point.

Babies or not,

This marriage is no reason...

Not to fulfill our
true erotic potential.

Oh, grace, if I'm reading
you right, I couldn't.

Oh, no. Please, no.

Out of the question.

Listen to me.

We have already achieved a level of
intimacy most couples only imagine.

Let's not hang up the gloves.

Oh... Not yet.

Not now. Oh, grace.

We've only just begun
to scratch our potential.

Look, phil.

We can be at my
place in 20 minutes.

I'll pop the lotion
into the microwave.


I'm an old-fashioned man with old-fashioned
principles. You're making me nuts!

And you're my all-time
squeeze, and that makes me nuts.

Grace, I'm getting
married in five hours.

Will you please get
the hell out of here?

Sure, phil. Whatever you say.

Just remember this.


It'll always have
your name on it.

I'm still trying to
track down the gift.

No, he had... Wait a
minute. Here he is.

Henry, delgado wants to
know about the flowers.

Tell him to call the florist.

No. Tell him I'll
call him right back.

Uh, he'll call you back.


I'm sorry, leo.

I've never been involved
in a sh**ting before.

You know, you're helpless.

It's totally arbitrary, leo.
It could have hit anybody.

Bobby, ray, frank.

Me. Anyone.

We could be dead right now.

I think I need a drink.

I have a bottle of peppermint
schnapps in my locker.

Nah, it's...

Drinking on the job.
Another first for me, leo.

It's a hell of a day.

Goldblume. Yeah!

I'm telling you. It's
not here anymore.

No one loses a 21-inch
tv set, my friend.

Now, listen... No, you listen. You
sold it out from under our deposit.

I'll get another one for
you! That's not the point!

What do you want me
to do? The wedding is in

A couple hours and
we want that gift there.

It's not here. What do you want me
to do? You are in a lot of trouble.

Look, I gotta go. You wait!

Phil? Is that you?


You okay?

It's, uh, simple
hyperventilation, henry.

Nothing to be alarmed about.

Well, uh,

Would you care to join me...

In a sip or two of
peppermint schnapps?

Oh, I'd best not. I, uh...

I wanna be stone
cold sober for my, uh...

My, uh...


Ugh. That's far too minty.


Uh, phil,

Maybe this is none
of my business,

But, uh, you sure you're
doing the right thing?

Oh, absolutely, henry.

Cindy, she's young,
she's fecund.

Fecund? Fertile.

But do you love her?

I have enormous
fondness for her.

But do you love her?
Erotically, I mean.

Well, henry, she's
no grace gardner.

She hasn't had
the opportunities...

Grace has had,
experientially, as it were,

To, uh,

Fully realize her potential.

The fact is, we
would have waited,

Except for the scholarship.


She was offered a
scholarship to texas a&m.


Basketball. She has an
amazing fade-away jump shot.

Anyway, we both sensed that
if she went away to school,

The relationship might wither.

Use it or lose it, so to speak.

Well, I hope it's a... A
marriage made in heaven.

Thank you, henry. I hope so too.

Yeah, it probably
is. I'm sure it is.

Good. Then relax.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Miss davenport, quickly.

Uh, I think this is it, ma'am.

Had a big breakfast.
What can I say?

I don't want to violate
any rules of evidence, so...

That's quite all right.
I'll just, uh, wait here.

Yes, ma'am. That's a relief.
I'm a basically shy person.

I'm very sorry about this, cat.

Hey, no big thing.

♪♪ Sign this, won't you?

If you'd have picked me up like you
promised, it wouldn't have happened.

They had us on duty till 20 minutes
ago. Nobody's gonna notice a run in...

Look, two feet long
is not little, neal.

Hey, babe... Ooh,
jill. Lookin' good.

Excuse me, partner, but, uh, could
you lend me the keys to your van?

I just wanna show tiffany
that new paneling you put in.

Thank you.


Hello, howard. Hello, henry.


Nice suit.

Thanks, leo.

Henry, I'd like you to meet a very
close and intimate friend of mine.

d*ck cooley, this
is henry goldblume.

Nice to meet you, d*ck.
Pleased to meet you.

Actually, I'm more a friend of a friend
that lucille called just this afternoon.

Lucy, you wanna sign
this? Later, henry.

That's not true, rosa. My sister
would have given you a ride.

Rosa, that was two years ago. She
said "well-fed," not fat. You're not fat.

Rosa, rosa, good to
see you. Oh, hello, henry!

Henry! What's the matter?

Listen, would you sign
this, please, for phil?

Sure, henry. But this doesn't mean
anything without a tv set to go with it.

So it's my fault they sold
the tv set out from under us?

Give me a break. I did my best.
Leave the poor man alone.

He did his best. Let's
go, rosa. Come on.

He's not gonna watch it
tonight anyway. Is he, rosa?

No, I'm fine, dad, just fine.

Though I admit to being a
little concerned about the ring.

♪♪ Finally located larue, sarge.

Out in washington's van.

- And the ring?
- The mushhead
left it home, sarge.

Lower east side.

You're gonna stand there and tell me that
I've spent over $9,000 on this wedding,

And you're unable
to produce a ring?

Give her the ring
off a beer can.

Don't worry, mr. Spooner. We set
our belker out for a substitute.

- What the hell is a belker?
- This is a belker, dog breath.

Dog breath? Wh-who
you calling dog breath?

Sorry I'm so late, sarge. I had a real
hard time scoring some metal cleaner.

Oh, no, mick, you couldn't
come at a better time.

You think you could give that ring
to cindy's brother for the ceremony?

He's my best man.

Yeah, big thrill.

Here you go, kid. I want that
back right after the ceremony.

I need it for evidence.

- You saying that ring is hot?
- No. It's more like
body temperature.

It's that special
time, gentlemen.

Well, excuse me.


Did you get the tv?

No. Just sign the card.

Take any seat.

It's starting.

I'm gonna cry.


How old is she?

Eighteen. Eighteen?

I got boots older than that.

Hello, frank. No date?

Fay. Harvey. Ritual. Nice.

Dearly beloved, we are
gathered here today,

In the sight of god,

To join together this
man and this woman...

In holy matrimony,

Which is not, by any...

How are you, mick?
Oh, just great.

I think I've been stood up.

I think you think wrong.

Soberly, and in the fear of god.

Into this holy state...

These two persons now
come here to be joined.

If any man or woman can show just cause
why they may not lawfully join together,

Let him speak now,

Or else forever hold his peace.

Sometimes she just
can't help herself.

A token...

Of your careful consideration
of the marriage obligation...

And of your free and
deliberate choice of each other...

As partners for life.

Will you now please
join your right hand.

Do you,

Philip freemason esterhaus,

Take this woman to
be your wedded wife?

And do you promise, in the
presence of god and these witnesses,

To be to her a faithful
and loving husband...

In sickness and in health, in
prosperity and in adversity,

Until death shall you part?


Nine grand for a wedding,
and the groom decides to faint?

Get back! Give him air!
He fainted! That's all!

He's gone up to the mountains
for two weeks of soul searching.

Poor esterhaus.

Oh, no!

What? Frank!

There's a mirror on the ceiling.

How wonderfully trashy.

Why don't you kiss me?

Hey, you can do
better than that.

I'm down here. I'm not up there.

What's the matter with you?

I'm not sure.

What would you say to
a proposal of marriage?

I'd say I love you very much...

But marriage, at this time,
would not be in my best interest.

What say we at least
come out of the closet?

I want a more open relationship.

Frank, we have an
opportunity here...

For some good, kinky fun.

Do we have to discuss this now?

I feel the need, yes.


An open relationship
at this time...

Could raise serious
conflict of interest charges.

Oh, that's a lot of crap.

It isn't a lot of crap.

And to have to defend
myself against charges

Like that would be
professional su1c1de.

All I'm asking is
for a more honest

Relationship, and you're
worried about your job.

Job? You think what I do is
a job? It's a career, furillo.

God, you sound like
the rest of them.

You think because
I'm a woman what I do is

Intrinsically less
important than what you do.

Aw, come on! All I
want to do is to be able

To take you out to a
wedding or a funeral...

Or a supermarket without worrying
about who's gonna see us there.

If you weren't so insecure, you wouldn't
see that as an either/or situation.

You are an arrogant,
self-righteous chauvinist!

Careful, counselor! Look
who's so insecure now!

Assaulting an
officer is a felony.

I may have to have you arrested. What
would skip fitzgerald say about that?


Of course, you could always
bargain it down to simple as*ault.

Sentence reduced to
time already served.

You wanna settle this
out of court, furillo?

Yes! Just the four of us?

No, just the two of us.
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