01x11 - Life, Death, Eternity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x11 - Life, Death, Eternity

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, I do understand
everyone's displeasure...

With our malfunctioning
heating system.


It, uh, behooves us...

God bless you...

As professionals, to
accept it in graceful stride.

As far as the metaphorical
light at tunnel's end,

Maintenance, just one half hour
ago, gave me his personal assurance...

That said furnace will
be functioning again...

By midmorning.

Yeah. Well, you know, they
have been known to lie, sarge.

Well, I can't deny the truth of
that, washington, but what can we do?

They got us by the, uh...

Earlaps, as it were.

Our next item.

Item 14 concerns
basic maturity...

Or lack of it...

Or what is commonly called
stupidity in the extremis,

Which is to say, sn*per alley.

Once again, certain

Have insisted upon running the gauntlet of
sn*per alley in their blues and whites...

In an attempt to draw rocks, bottles and
r*fle fire from the unfriendlies up there.

I will not have it.

Captain furillo
will not have it.

Is that clear?

Any uninvited
incursions up there...

Can seriously damage the captain's
negotiations with those people.

So let's remember who
and what we are, huh?

And while I'm on the
subject of captain furillo...

Thank you. I find myself
charged with making

A difficult and
distressing announcement.

Yes, the scuttlebutt is
more or less accurate.

Captain furillo is a prime candidate for
a promotion to commandership at division.

As a personal observation, I
think he's the abler man for the job.

So what say we gird
our loins for the worst.

Such is life. Such
is police work.

All right. That's
it. Hey, stay warm.

And, uh...

Let's be careful out there, huh?

See a doctor, would ya, please?

Homeopath... Take something.

You got anything? I don't know.

At least somebody.

You guys were up at
gibson heights, right?

Yeah, six months' worth.
Before that, midtown.

Well, you guys sure move around a
lot. Sounds like someone's on your case.

Yeah. Him.

Thought there might be a
little bit more action up this way.

Well, we've been known to
stain a few garments up here.

You mean, you really asked
to transfer to the hill, hmm?

Well, I wouldn't put
it that way exactly.

- But, uh, let's talk
sometime, huh?
- Yeah.

Y'all give us a call if you want
to go eat or something like that.

I think we have the
neighborhood pretty well laid out.

I'll bet you do. Carmichael... Seems
like I heard them names before.

It's not for publication,
but they're top of

The "f" list. One more
foul, and they're out.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Well, as soon as he
gets in, have him call me.

Somebody over there
dropped the ball on my

Ex-wife's phone trace,
and I want to know who.

Well, then have him
paged over there...

And tell him to get in touch
with me or ray calletano.

Yeah, you do that.

Thank you.

He's playing
racquetball. Oh, nice!

Frank, frank jr. Was
listening on the other phone...

While that pervert was
spewing that twisted filth at me.

Lord knows what an effect it's gonna
have on his emotional development.

Well, he wouldn't have heard
anything, fay, if you had hung up.

Why didn't you just hang up?

Because your
racquetball-playing colleague,

The mentally deficient captain ecker
of the midtown precinct, told me not to.

He said, "we have tracing
techniques, mrs. Furillo."

Like hell they do.
Just take it easy.

Where's frank jr. Now? I want
to have a little talk with him.

Don't worry about it.
Harvey is taking care of it.

Well, he is a
professional, after all.

Oh, great, fay.

And I am merely
the boy's father.

Excuse me, francis, uh, fay.

You're running a good 20
minutes late. Not wise, considering.

Considering what? Are you
late for your racquetball game?


Get fay a cup of coffee.

Oh, sure. Run off.

It's the story of your
life, isn't it, frank?

Deserting the people
who need you the most!

Howard's the perfect example
of what I've been saying for years.


Excuse me, chief. I
didn't quite hear that.

Come on, howard. You hear every
squeak and bird chirp in this department.

What I said was,

We've come a long way since the old
potato-head, flatfoot image of bygone days.

Howard over there has got his
ph.d. Ed chapel's got his master's.

There's not a man in this room
who isn't a college graduate.

And not a man in this
room can't hold his own...

With the bleeding-heart,
so-called intellectuals out there.


- Chief.
- Nice to see you.

Ed. Glad you could come.

- Hello, howard.
- Frank.

Welcome to the big tepee, frank.

Gentlemen, while we're on
the subject of accomplishment,

A little
announcement's in order.

Want to tell 'em,
howard, or should i?

All right. I'll do it.

Gentlemen, lieutenant howard
hunter is this year's recipient...

Of the police association's
mental health award.

Dave, I've got a good idea.

What's that, chief?

Why don't we just put ed
and frank in a ring someplace...

And let 'em slug it
out for commander?

You all right?

Gee, frank... That was
a close one. Thank you.

Whose is it? Is that you?

No, I'm clean. Not me.

It's mine.

Sorry. Chief.

Thank you, frank. I'll see
you. Take it easy, frank.

Well, that's what
I'd call good timing.

He'll take your statement.

Guy got mugged comin' out of that,
uh... That glove factory on water street.

Oh, new deal cap and
glove company, huh?

Yeah, they took his money, his
watch and 20 dozen pairs of gloves.

Such is the lot of the small
businessman these days.

Hey, be supportive. Give him a cup
of the good coffee. All right, sarge.

Keep up the good work. I want
to see you guys make good. Belker.

It's him. I should've figured I'd find
that sawed-off little kike up here.

What'd you say? Shut up!

Why is it so cold
this morning, leo?

Nobody paid the
utility bills again.

Try rubbing a couple winos
together or something.


What say, jew boy?

What's going on here?


Been a while.

What gives? What's with you two?

I'd like to voice a complaint against this
officer's vicious anti-semitic remarks!

In a minute, sir. Ludwig?


He owes me one for
back at the academy.

No one believed me when I told
'em the little scum bit my finger off.

Stop it. Come on. Come on.
All right, ludwig. All right.

I'll do the best I
can, lieutenant.

That's all I can promise.

You find a peaceful solution,
mick, or else. Yeah, hill street.

I said I'll try. Just a
second. Lieutenant?

It's the captain. Line three.

Go ahead, frank.



Where the hell is marv?

Nothing works in this place.

No furnace, no
phone, no nothing!

I'll get him,
okay? I'll get him.

They're raisin' hell
upstairs, marv. There's

Only two phones workin'
in the entire joint...

For cryin' out loud.
Marv, are you sleeping?

Real cute, marv.

Want to stop screwin' around?


Oh, my...

How ya doin', abe?

Hello, emil. Frank.

He's in room "d," captain.

Would the deputy assistant
to d.a. Kiley's office...

Please pick up a message
at the front desk?

Can you give me a little
hint what's going on here?

All I know is the public
defender said urgent.

Urgent, huh?

Well, in case you hadn't heard, they've
kicked this nemo rodriguez thing upstairs.

You know who's in
there with him now?

The female
barracuda... Davenport.

Now I wouldn't lie to you,
frank, but I'm blaming you...

For this screwing
around wasting of my time.

And I'm tellin' you something else,
kid, you would never have done it,

If you hadn't been
humping for commander.

Oh, well.

Politics is politics, hmm?

I just hate to see a good
guy sinkin' in that swamp.

Well, I didn't have
nothin' at the house...

So I went over to this after-hours
place to go pick up a bottle, right?

Okay. I come back
maybe 20 minutes later,

And I'm on the stairs
when I hear the g*n go off.

I hear a crash too,

And then this guy comes tearing
out the door and down the stairs.

Bam! Throws me against the wall
so I don't have no chance to grab him.

I mean, I didn't have no
chance at all, right?

But it was him, man.

See, no doubt about that,
because I met him one time...

When I went over to go see
rose in a place he set her up in.

Tell the captain and
lieutenant the man's name.

It was mcaurley,
the councilman guy.

Don't do this, kid.

You got a great
imagination, but...

His prints are all over
the m*rder w*apon.

He's told us two
cock-and-bull stories already.

He's a very creative kid.

Councilman mcaurley.

What's this?

It's the apartment address.

I wouldn't think it too
difficult to ascertain...

If the victim was
being kept and by whom.

I'd like it searched
as soon as possible.

I think that's a
reasonable request.

I called his office. He's
been in and out all morning.

Thought I'd stop by
on the way uptown.

Look, frank, I know how tight
mcaurley is with the department,

And if schneider
won't talk to him,

I'll just have the
d.a. Subpoena him.

Now wait a minute. What if
he has nothing to do with it?

You know as well as I do it's
gonna be all over the news.

Besides that, schneider has a point.
The kid hasn't told the same story twice.

Do you believe him?
I don't know yet.

Frank, I want to see
you make commander,

And for more reasons than
just the shape of your nose.

You let me worry
about that, okay?

I think we're asking for it if we don't
give it a rest until this thing is over.

And don't do that. And
don't give me an argument.

All we need is a rumor of collusion
between the p.d.'S office and you.

Let me have skip fitzgerald subpoena
the councilman and get it over with.

No, no, no. Hold off on
that. I need a little more time.

And I'll see you later.

Frank, you're not
listening to me.

I'm making good sense.

You're serious?


What was marv, maybe 38, 40?

More like 32.

See, I knew he wasn't feeling
so hot, but... Who knew?

Well, when the icy
hand of darkness...

Decides to expunge
the flame of life,

None of us is immune...

Not even one so young
and gifted as marv.

Oh, man. I was depressed
enough already.

Tell him to cool
it, will you, neal?

The man's right
on the mark, babe.

Life, death, eternity,

Et cetera.


Marv. Marv.

Greatest phone man
this department ever had.

Fastest cable
layer in the business.

Marv... Marv... Guy had
the hands of a surgeon.

Strange. I can't seem
to recall his last name.

Marv... Marv, uh...

Uh... Marv... No, wait a minute.

Guy's name was carpenter
or something like that.

Carpenter. No. No, no, no.

Wood? Maybe it was wood? Thorpe.

Yeah, marv thorpe. No, it
was more fishlike sounding,

- Like, uh, marv...
- Trout. No.

Marv, uh... Marv clark.

They're comin' up.

Oh, man.


A little too stiff to
get in the body bag.

Oh, i, uh, need his full i.d.
On this 1050 form, please.

Phil, I know marv would
want you to do it. All right.

I guess I'll have to admit that we're
confronting a minor embarrassment here.

You see...

Judas h. Priest.

- That's marv box.
- Oh, box. That's it.

Box. - I knew that.

I knew it was
something like that.

Rigor mortis. He must've
bought it hours ago.

I don't think he bought
anything, lieutenant.

He just went...

We console ourselves that
he died with his boots on...

Drill rampant in
the cause of duty,



Good-bye, old friend.

Amen. Amen.

Oh, man.

I want someone on the phone
from now until we pin him down.

Mcaurley's office,
mcaurley's phone,

The council
chambers... The works.

Oh, and henry
goldblume. Here, frank.

What's going on?

Well, francis, while you
were downtown, we lost a man.


Marv? Marv box?

He's dead? How? What happened?

Well, it's still unknown
at this point in time.

Had to be either heart or brain.

Maybe his stomach.

No, I don't think stomach,
ray. Not directly anyway.

Stomach by me includes
kidneys and liver.

- I don't think so.
- Well, I do.

He was 32 years old, tops.

Pull his file, will ya, phil?

I better call his wife. Oh,
we got it right here, francis.

We've gone through it, and according
to what we've got here, he wasn't married,

Nor is there any next of
kin... No one... Not a soul.

He walked among us a stranger.

Uh, excuse me, guys.

Hey, in light of what's
happened here today,

Has anyone given any more
thought to my investment?

It's an annuity for
our loved ones,

And it's still a thousand
bucks a share to friends.

Uh, maybe I ought to
talk to rachel again.

Yeah, maybe I'll, uh,
give grace a call, huh?

And cindy, naturally.

For a thousand, why not?

Think of it, ray... Marv...

The saloondromat.

There's a meaningful
tie-in there.

Condolences, frank.
Thank you, howard.

What can I do for you, howard?

A little edgy, frank. Uh...

Well, it's not every day that you lose a
good soldier, but, uh, the w*r goes on.

Do you mind?

I have a little
goody here, mon ami,

That is gonna rotate
your day 180 degrees...

And leave you walking away from that
desk smelling like a new bicycle seat.

I'm not sure I want to walk
away from this desk yet, howard.

Nonsense, frank. You have crossed the
line of departure. It's lock-and-load time.

That little heimlich you did on
the chief this morning saw to that.

Oh, come on, howard. I
just happened to be there.

That's my point exactly.

It is kismet.

Old ed chapel would suck brown floss
for a year to make those kind of points.

So let's... Let's put
the icing on the puck.

I'm afraid to ask.

It's a personnel armored
n-series defense attack vehicle.

Acronym... Panda.

It's made by nishitsu
corporation, frank,

And the one we've gotten... It has
been modified for urban warfare.

That's... Wait a minute.

We're getting one of these?

What the hell for, howard?

For sn*per alley, frank.

No, no, no, no.

No, howard. No tanks!

We're negotiating peace with those
people, and we're making inroads.

You can't make inroads
with third-world baboons.

Besides, it's a fait
accompli. The chief

Has already put his
stamp of approval on it.

In writing? Check.

Check, huh?

We'll see about that.

Ray, can...

You need me, frank? Here I am.

Would you come in here,
please? Sure, frank. Absolutely.

Howard. Commander. Uh...

Frank, could you close the
door and pull the shades?

We are standing here in
the buff, security-wise.

Well, let's just take
a chance, howard.

Judas h...

What do you know about this?

Just a little new
technology, frank.

You know the chief's
appetite for, uh, hardware.

Yeah, well, if the
chief likes it so much,

Why doesn't he
take it home with him?

I won't have it in my precinct.

Let's not go off
the deep end, frank.

Just a subject for study.

We'll field-test it and
see where it takes us.

We're not testing it in my precinct,
dave... Not as long as I'm captain.

Very impressive,
howard. Thank you.

I appreciate your misgivings,
frank. Don't think I don't.

Howard, would you, uh...

Oh! Oh. Yeah, sure.

Ciao, frank.

Furnace still on the fritz, huh?

It's... Brisk in here.

What's on your mind, dave?


What have you got against
councilman tom mcaurley?

Not a thing.

But a m*rder suspect
has implicated him,

And I thought I would look
into it before the press does.

Let emil schneider do it.

Frank, do you want
that commandership?


I don't know.

What are you afraid of?

That this precinct can't
survive without you?

Or are you afraid it can?

I've got a m*rder victim who
was a veteran prost*tute at age 15.

She didn't land in
either place by herself.

Don't preach at me,
frank. Who's involved here?

Who's schneider covering for?

That's reckless talk,
frank, and it's not like you.

Schneider's doing the
same job he always does.

Do me a favor.
Trust me on this one.

Let homicide handle it.

Between what I got in pledges
and the cash and the checks here,

A grand from you is gonna
put us over the top. Uh-uh.

I got 3,200 in your markers already,
babe. I'm not asking you for a loan.

- I'm trying to give you
a shot at the brass ring.
- Yeah, sure.

What are we stopping
for? Guy back there...

He's sellin' cigarettes
out the back of his car.

Come on, man. The dude's
doing a little business. So what?

Look, I've got the real
estate guy waitin' on me.

I've got goldblume
waitin' on me. Uh-uh-uh.

Hey, hey, ho. What
ya smokin', bro?

Hey, what you got here, man? I
can give you a real good price.

Yeah, uh, you got any
money on you, man?

Oh, man. Why do I always
have to go in my wallet, huh?

Oh, no.

Oh, damn.

Oh, and I just drove
up from kentucky.

Is that right?

Okay, ya got me. Come on. If we take
this guy in, I'm gonna blow my meeting.

Hey, look, man. It's too
blatant, j.d. It's insultin', man.

All right, who stole my blanket?

I'm tired of it.

What do you think?


This is it, henry...

Now look, the bar... It's
gonna be just like it is now.

It's gonna run the whole
length of the room, huh?

But we're gonna extend it out there
into the back and all the way over.

Stylish! You know, you
got vision. You got vision.

See this area right
over here, huh?

This whole area is gonna be the
machines... The washers, the dryers...

But we're going to fix it up so they
don't, like, stick out all over the place.

You know what I
mean? It's really tacky.

Kind of like cover them
and have tv screens...

Tv screens, right? From over there
at the bar you watch your wash!

Watch your wash? Yeah.

Watch your wash.

I like it.

Millions, henry. Millions.

Mr. Calabrese, one
minute, all right? All right.

Neal... No.

Look. Look, I got the guy
down as low as he's gonna go.

He'll even throw in a year
full of free beer coasters.

What do you say?
Hey, hey, hey. J.d., Man...

Ah, look, I'll pay you
back first. I swear it.

I got something
here, man. I know I do.

What are we without a dream?

Think of marv. Want
to end up like that?

We're all gonna
end up like marv.

Not till we're 80, ridin' two
chicks sidesaddle in a basket chair.

All that from a little
old saloondromat, man?

From, uh, little acorns
mighty corporations grow.

Look at the phone
company, man. They started

Out with a string
and two dixie cups.

Ah, what the hell.

A little upward mobility
never hurt nobody.

Whoo! I got it!

Whew. Oh, man.

Oh, I don't know, grace.
Life is so momentary.

I'm all of a sudden
saying to myself,

"Phil esterhaus, don't let
the important things slide."

I know exactly
what you mean, phil.

You know, in that sense,

Sam's death...

Was the best thing that
ever happened to me.


In light of which, I've
been thinking about

That long weekend that
we've been talking about.

Oh, phil.

You mean las casitas garden
of eden retreat in mexico?

Well, why wait? We have
each other. We have now.

What is the future, really?

A throw of the dice.

And you're not worried
it's a naturalist retreat?

Well, given the ambient
temperature indoors and out,

My main thrust is warm sunshine,

Soft breezes, loose
tropical clothing.

You mean no clothing.

No clothing?

Well, it's a nudist retreat.

You mean, everybody is naked?


That does make you anxious.


I've been among thousands
of nude persons in my day.

Then it's settled. I'm going
to take care of everything...

Plane tickets, reservations.

And I'm not going to forget...

That crème de cacao lotion
you find so exhilarating.


Ah, well.

I had such hopes for this dump.

Councilman mcaurley...

He's dropped off the
end of the world, frank.

He's not in his office. He's
not home. He's not anywhere.

And no one's speaking to
me. You try city council?

He's not there either.
I'll tell you what.

Uh, check with his
lawyer. Maybe he's there.

And get back to
me, alf. I want him.

Okay, frank.

Call the clerk. See if you can
speed up that search warrant.

All right.

Larue. Washington.

Neal, I'm tellin' you.

Neal, for a thousand dollars,
you're gonna be a very, very rich man.

Yeah, it seems like I
heard this before, man.

Well? Well? Did we get it?

Get it? Honey, I had the poor
fool eatin' out of my hands.

You just clear out a little
room in your bank account.

Hey, take a seat, bruce.

Got something for you, sunshine.

Detective belker.
It's your mama.

Hi, ma.

Nothing's wrong. I'm
fine. I'm workin'. That's all.

Okay, I'm smiling.
I am. I'm smiling.

No, I haven't talked
to debbie in a few days.

No, there's no special
reason. I'm just busy. That's all.

Did you call me for
a special reason?

♪ Hava nagila hava nagila ♪

Uh, ma...

He's callin' his mom.

Probably off to a kibbutz, you
know what I'm sayin'? Aw, please, ma.

The man is 83 years old.

If he wants to drink a cup of hot water
before he goes to bed, what's the big deal?

Those things happen, ma. That's
what you got a washing machine for.

♪ Hava nagila ♪

I gotta hang up, ma. I got work
here. I'll call you back. Good-bye.

Don't do it, man.
He'll eat you alive.

What am I doin'?

What is it exactly I'm doin'?

Leave me alone, ludwig.

What's the matter?

You scared to take me on again?

Is it against your dietary laws?

The past is the past,
ludwig. You just let it lie.

You're chicken soup, belker.

Ah, yeah. That's it.

Come on.

Come on.

You... Take it easy, man.

Uh, officer carmichael, ludwig,

Uh, in the captain's
office, please.

Sure, sarge.

Stay right there.
Hey, do you mind?

As regards certain remarks
of an anti-semitic persuasion,

Said remarks are
tasteless in the extremis...

And will not be
tolerated in this precinct!

Am I perfectly lucid?

Yes, sir.

In addition, I have noticed, in
my perusal of the parking lot,

That your unit has sustained
considerable sh**ting damage...

The rear windows,
the top lights...

And, most noticeably,
the driver's side door.

I thought I made myself quite clear
regarding runs through sn*per alley.

We just took the wrong
turn is all, uh, being new here.

Yeah. At least we
got your sh**t.

Oh, yes. The sh**t, huh?

And the w*apon?

He must've ditched it in the chase.
Rooftops... You know how that goes.

Ah, yes, the chase.

Tell me, ludwig, how have you
two managed to stay in uniforms...

That you so continually
and habitually disgrace?

How about let's
not book him, huh?

Throw him in holding
till he dries out...

And then hit the bricks.

Until further notice, you
two are assigned foot patrol.

Foot patrol? But it's cold
out there, sarge! You ca...

No problem, sergeant.

Just, uh, let me reconnoiter
another sweater... We'll be on our way.


There's no gettin'
away, you little hebe.

Just you and me.

Right now.

Oh, francis?

I have a few messages
here for you.

Where's belker?

Locker room.

Oh, god!

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Mick! Mick, let go.

Come on! Mick, stop it!

All right. Let me
see the damage.

What the hell happened?

He damn near bit
off another one!

You were warned, but
you didn't listen, huh?

Lucy, wrap this in a towel
and get him to emergency.

I couldn't help it, captain.

He wouldn't leave me alone.

Get that cleaned up and dressed.

Then I want to see
you in my office.

You got me good, huh, babe? This is
gonna go straight to the top, man.

Let's face it. It doesn't make
any sense putting me in that cage.

My lawyer's on his way
right up here. Right...

Hey, wait! Wait... I'm
in the... I'm in the bus...

I'm a businessman. I'm in
the cigarette business.

That's life.


Wait. No. Come on. There you go.


Sergeant, I think the heat's
back on. Hey! The heat's on!

Heat, ray. Back
to normal, finally.

A transition, as it were.

A return to normalcy.

Francis, the way I saw it, I'd say
belker used admirable restraint.

All right, this is the
way the beef ends.

Ludwig and carmichael
are out of this precinct.

Today, if we can.

With pleasure, francis.

- You see any teeth marks?
- No. It looked
like a clean bite.

Guys, excuse me.

I found this in the men's room.

It's marv's. Hmm.

I know this sounds
a little maudlin,

But, uh, this is about
all we have left of him.

- Maybe put it in a trophy case.
- We don't have
a trophy case, henry.

Well, maybe we can
buy one... Build one.

Call it the marv
memorial trophy case.

Frank. Frank, look. Frank, look.

Fay, what's the matter?
What's going on? Oh, frank!

Uh, excuse us,
would you, please?

I... I was... I was going
to pick up frank jr.,

But I decided to go home
first and get dinner started.

But the minute I
opened the door,

I had this feeling that
something was wrong.

All right. It's okay. All right. Pull
yourself together. Come on. Come on.

Talk to me.

Well, I heard the water
running in the bathroom,

And I didn't think I had left it
on, but sometimes I do, and...

Well, I went into the bedroom...

And he'd been there. Yes.

He'd opened up all my
drawers and my closets...

And taken everything out.

He pulled the bedspread off,
and he... He took my underwear...

Okay, okay. I get the picture.

Did you touch any of it? No.

No, I was once married
to a cop. I know what to do.

Good girl. All right. You and frank
jr. Are coming home with me tonight.

But what about... No buts.

I'm sending you over to your mother's
with hingle and perez to pick up frank jr.

Then they'll take you to my place
and stay with you till I get back.

Hold on. Ray!

Get me swanson. Oh,
and ecker at midtown.

I want to talk to them both
right now on the same line.

All right. This guy...
This crazy... This jerk...

Is as good as got,
fay, I swear to you.

Frank, I'm sorry about
what I said this morning.

I didn't mean it...
About your not caring.

Forget it.

You were scared.

Frank, swanson. Ecker is
not in his office. Keep trying.

How's that, fay?

Good. Thanks, phil.

So, how are things?

Mmm, given the ebbs and
flows of life, not too, too bad.

- Not great, but...
- Certainly not bad.

Well, you sound low.

Well, fay, two women...

Two sets of emotions.

Two sets of wants,
needs, desires.

Two very different techniques.

I mean, lying
around stark naked...

With hundreds of other
naked people of both sexes...

Phil, I've had a very
bad couple of days.

Oh, fay, did I say something?

Oh, fay.

Oh. Sex, sex, sex... I'm
sexed to the teeth!

Oh. Oh.

Ray, tell frank I want
to see him. You too.

Out of respect for
you, emil, we waited,

But since you didn't pull a
warrant on that apartment, we did.

It was either that or have mcaurley
subpoenaed by the public defender's office.

His being subpoenaed
isn't my problem.

This is. This is low,
frank... Real low.

Tell him, ray.

The apartment house superintendent
verifies mcaurley pays the rent.

A search of the premises discovered
mcaurley's phone numbers in her book...

And snapshots of the
two of them together.

We also got department store
receipts for women's clothes...

Charged to mcaurley's account.


We turned up an
acquaintance of the victim...

Who says that rosario rivas
was mcaurley's special lady.

What's going on, emil?

No squeeze, frank.

It took us till today
to verify all this.

You knew about it days ago.

Listen, frank.

That kid k*lled that girl.

Whatever else she was
involved with is immaterial.

He did it, and we
got him and that's it.

And that's it.

Which adds up to m*rder
one for the rodriguez kid.

That's not my problem, frank.
And it shouldn't be yours either.

Let the lady plead him
whatever way she wants to.

Come on. I've seen her work.

She'll put on a dog and pony show
for the d.a. That you wouldn't believe.

Captain furillo's office. She'll
beg him down to manslaughter.

He'll walk out after three. I bet a
thousand bucks on it here and now.


Then why won't
mcaurley talk to me, emil?

What's he hiding from?

Frank, davenport.

She says it's urgent.


Mcaurley's on channel 6 right
now, and you won't believe it.

Sure. Right away.

Turn on channel 6.

Talk a little, if you would, about the
nature of this relationship, councilman...

How, for example, you and
mrs. Mcaurley came to know her.

During the last campaign, uh,
eve got to know rose quite well.

Eve had, uh,
volunteered her time...

To help us establish a
youth center down here...

As an alternative to the
life of crime and v*olence...

That awaits so many
of these youngsters.

Eve recognized a rare intelligence
and sensitivity in the girl,

And she prevailed upon me to
help improve the quality of her life.

We became very
close... Rose and myself.

Eve and I felt, and still do,

That it's one thing
to talk a good game.

We decided to
take an active part.

So you see, rose was
really like family to us.

And it's the
cruelest of ironies...

For this wonderful
young woman...

To have left us.

Can you tell us
anything about the

Circumstances surrounding
this case, councilman?

Well, all I feel
at liberty to say...

Without, uh, damaging the
district attorney's investigation...

Is that there is a suspect...

In custody at this time...

A young man who,
uh, knew rose before.

Thank you, councilman
and mrs. Thomas mcaurley.

My deepest condolences.

Satisfied, frank?

That's all right.

You meant well,
but you didn't know.

Enjoy the promotion.

Let's have lunch
together sometime, ray.

I appreciate that
very much, emil.

Francis, we can't get the furnace to
turn off, and I can't raise maintenance.

Talk about bankers' hours. Did
you know they close down at 4:00?

Call a furnace company.

Put 'em on the books
as an informant.

Oh, that's a very creative idea.

You know, since the word's out
that you might move up to division,

I have a few requests
for transfer.

How many?

Twenty-eight uniforms,
17 plainclothes...

And one possible retirement.

But you shouldn't in any way
let this affect your decision.

I'll look at 'em in the morning.

Good night, phil.
Good night, francis.
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