01x08 - Up in Arms

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x08 - Up in Arms

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine.

Item nine.

As regards the
midday sightings...

Of various hill street personnel
in and around the premises...

Of one tung ho oriental
massage parlor on elmwood...

Be forewarned, said
on-duty recreating...

Is strictly prohibited...

Per code three, paragraph
"a" of divisional policy.

Item 10.

The black van file,
still open and active.

The most recent as*ault being...

The robbery of a
suburban father of four,

Marooned for over
three hours yesterday...

On the median divider of
the crosstown expressway.

As with the other victims, the only
item of clothing left him were his socks.

Be reminded, the description of
said assailants has been modified,

From six large males to
three female prostitutes.

You will note their descriptions on the
second section of officer hingle's handout.

You will also note that that
black van is not necessarily black...

But merely an m.o.

So, let's be
observant out there,

And endeavor to
apprehend these individuals.

Item 11. Because of his need
for volunteer counselors,

One or two minutes shall now be
allotted to lieutenant howard hunter,

- Concerning...
- Camp guadalcanal, gentlemen.

Thank you, sergeant.

Camp guadalcanal, gentlemen.

Where the ghetto streets
end and manhood begins.

Where democracy plays
one-on-one with the domino theory,

And protective reaction is
not just a fourth-down call.

- Hike!

Now, as some of us already know, camp
guadalcanal is run by this department...

In conjunction with the local
army special forces volunteers.

Where, and for how long?

For three
electrifying summers...

In the wild interiors
of allegheny state park.

I'm not gonna waste
your valuable time...

And mine... By going
into the short strokes,

But as you can see,
our regimen, as always,

Is the same heck of a turn-on.

Four intensive weeks
of physical conditioning,

Including field maneuvers,
full-equipment 10k, hand-to-hand combat...

Along with our traditional classroom
disciplines of third-world topographies,

Elementary infiltration,
and a teen guide to rommel.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

What gives, henry? I'm trying to
write a letter to chief daniels.

The man is certifiable, alf.

He belongs in the v.a. Hospital,
under maximum sedation.

I don't know about that, henry. I'd
cool off before I did anything I'd regret.

I don't care. Do not think that the
man is not dangerous, alf, because he is.

Those are kids he's trying to
make into military gangsters.

Alf, henry. What's the trouble?

For openers, my dry cleaners
burned down last night.

Four suits gone. Up in smoke.

Not the brown modified tweed
with the little blue specks?

The highlight of your
wardrobe, francis.

Frank, I'm a 39 regular, in case you
need something to hold you over.

I'm a 46 regular, frank,
depending on the cut.

Hey, it's okay. Thanks. Don't
worry about it. Worry about this.

"Ling ling gives
birth to panda twins?"

No, no, phil. That one.
"Merchants form urban coalition.

Dekker avenue merchants
association vows to fight crime"?

well-intentioned, francis.

I didn't know they
had an association.

Neither did they, until
that news team showed up.

She was down there covering that
supermarket stick-up. Remember?

Swanson called this
morning. Seems our ms. Chase...

Did a vigilante story
on the 6:00 news.

Life follows video. Listen,
she's gonna be around here...

Quite a lot the rest
of this week, finishing

Up that precinct
documentary of hers.

So let's try to monitor
her activities. Okay?

Aw, gee, frank, I'd hate to have
us accused of managing the media.

What I guess I mean is, uh...

You'd just like us to provide
her with a little guidance.

Well put, henry.

Listen, eddie hoban
sits for that lie

Detector test this
morning at 10:00, I think.

So let's start calling down there
for the results around 11:30, okay?

Right, francis. You want this?

No, you be
aggravated for a while.

Sarge, I got a couple
of messages for ya.

This guy, I don't know. He wanted
to know if you'd gotten his card yet.

He didn't want to leave a number,
and his name is kermit trench.

That is a "k" on there.

Kermit trench.

Kermit trench? Is he out?

Hey! Everybody shut
up and stand still.

I said shut up!

Mr. Viatoro, what's going on?

We want this punk arrested.

Mr. Arcanian here
caught him ripping off a

Fifth of tequila from
his liquor department.

Not the first time, either,
the little punk's hit me.

Epstein, mrs. Miles, tell him about
your cash register, what he did.

Grabbed the key from me and opened
the drawer. Take your hands off me!

I didn't do nothing!

All right. Easy, easy!

Settle down,
settle down! Hold it.

Put the kid in holding.

Mr. Viatoro, since you seem...
Hold it. Turn off the camera.

Turn it off, and take
a seat in my office.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Please, ms. Chase.
Let's go. Come on.

Don't want her to film it?

In the office. You people
are always hushing it up.

Since you seem to be in charge here, would
you like to give me one good reason...

Why I shouldn't arrest
each and everyone of you?

- Talk to me.
- Okay, this is nothing
personal here, okay?

I mean, we know how hard it is.

The fact of the matter is, you
guys can't protect us. Okay?

- That's right.
- We can't go on the way we are.

So we formed this association.
This is only a part of us.

The dekker avenue
merchants association.

Protective association. We're not
leaving this building till that kid...

Gets booked, and we get
sanctioned by the police department.

That's right. Okay, that's
clear, and I hear you.

Uh, phil, would you please
show mr. Viatoro and his group...

Into the roll call room, please.

All right. Let's move
along downstairs, folks.

We can interface more
comfortably down there.

Everything will be spoken
about and taken care of.

All right. Come on.

Captain, we're not
just making noise here.

Know that.

Ray, would you get
me division? Okay.

I figure they'll start hoban
off with easy questions like...

What's the capital of france? How
many grams in an ounce of smack?

But when they start
talking about that sh**ting,

That needle's gonna jump off the
graph as sure as hawaiians fry pineapple.

Well, I don't know. I read a
lot about polygraphs and...

Believe me, they're
not that conclusive.

Don't believe everything
you read. It's money in the bank.

Okay, right here on the
left? That's my dentist's office.

I know. I know. You've only
been coming to see this guy...

Every tuesday
morning, like clockwork.

You got a problem with that?
We're touchy this morning, aren't we?

I was just thinking that with
all the renovation he's doing,

You still look like the same
old renko to me, I'm sad to say.

Well, it's just
defensive orthodontia.

Just some subtle
readjustment in the renko bite.

You know how women
feel about the renko bite.

Yes, I sure do. They say it's...

Thanks a lot.

I'll pick you up later on.

The renko bite.

I don't know. He says nothing's different,
but I've got a real keen radar...

For that sort of thing, and ever
since this new woman come into his life...

I don't know.

Do you suppose that you might
be experiencing some jealousy?

Jealous? Me?

Uh-uh. How can I be jealous
of someone I never even met?

Uh-uh. No, that's not
it. See, this is how it is.

Bobby and me, we been
real close for a long time.

We used to do
everything together.

We double-dated, we went out and
played racquetball, we went to bars...

And got all crazy
and did everything.

But, suddenly, he won't
even talk to me about her.

And when I say, like, let's go
out and have dinner or something,

He just gets kind
of weird on me.

It's like he's trying to cut, cut
me out of his life or something.

Maybe he's afraid
that you won't like her?

Won't like her? Now what
kind of question is that?

Won't like her? She's
his squeeze, not mine.

All I'm suggesting...

Is that two men,
as close as you are,

Who have to trust each other
and depend on each other...

There's a lot of
love between you,

And I think that your disapproval
would be very painful to him.

Well, I can't see it.

No, I just can't see it at all.

- Why don't you ask him?
- Because it's not the reason.

It's something
else. It's gotta be.

Thought you were gonna
stay in last night, man.

I did. Mm-hmm.

That brazilian chick came over
with some jays and a fifth of rum.

Can you get anything
down yet, honey?

Got a special
today on i.v. Units.

Bring him a chilled
tomato juice...

With lemon, tabasco and a fresh
grapefruit on the side, will ya, babe?

How you doing, daphne?
Hello there, little heifer.

How are ya?

You're looking a little
off-color there this mornin', j.d.

You know, I hate cop hangouts.

Is that friday night? Yeah.
They're gonna play the celtics.

It's gonna be a good game. Maybe
you and your lady would like to come.

I'll get a chance to
meet the future mrs. Hill.

No one's rushing
into anything, cowboy.

How about friday night?

Thanks, but we're kinda
tied up. You know, the family.

Would you take a look at this?
This happens every time I come in here.

I swear, do you hose this place
off every time I come in here?

You must have had
one mean session, man.

You've been in a foul mood
ever since that appointment.

I'm not in a foul mood. I'm just
concerned about this hoban thing.

I wish they'd get their act
together and get that boy to trial.

I'll tell you. I could save
this city a lot of money.

You'll get your day in court. Especially
now the plainclothes caught him for you.

- Why don't you let it be?
- Hey, anything you say,
booga, booga.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, harris.
Who you callin' booga, booga?

Hey, what's the big deal, renko? Give
us a break. I heard what you call him.

'Cause he's my partner, harris! He's
my main squeeze, and I can call him...

Any damn thing I want to,
and he can do the same with me.

But you try it and I'm
gonna change your face.

Renko, take it easy.

Santini, you better stay
loose, or you and the mouth...

Won't last one
month up on the hill.

Let's see if we can
get us some fresh air.

Why don't you do that?

Oh, man.

I ain't never comin'
in here again.

Come on.

So, what you gonna have, huh?

Harris was most abusive.

The taller one, harris, called
me every name in the book.

I wasn't resisting. I was just
trying to explain something to him,

- And he wouldn't listen to me.
- Mr. Krinsky has
a medical problem...

Which required his making
two trips to the men's room.

We have medical affidavits. Now
this arresting report alleges...

This is total,
fabricated garbage.

I am not interested in little boys. I
just use the public bathroom in the park.

The doctor told me to walk.

All right. I'm sorry. We
owe you one, mr. Krinsky.

But in the future, do
us both a favor, please.

Get yourself a medical
card and carry it.

- Leo, get him a ride, please.
- Right away.

I hope we can meet again, under
more pleasant circumstances.

It'll be just a
minute, mr. Krinsky.

What's with that kid in there? It
seems to me we both just witnessed...

An as*ault on that child by
your dekker avenue vigilantes.

Ah, excuse us, please. That kid
in there is a very big problem.

We bust him, turn him over
to the youth authority,

And they spit him right
back out onto dekker avenue.

Under the circumstances, I'd say
they exercised a lot of control.

What's it gonna be with him?
You're not going to book him.

You haven't even
investigated the charges.

Gonna let his parole
officer take care of that.

That's assuming he's
guilty. He is. Repeatedly.

I suppose hector ruiz is
an angel by comparison.

Two market holdups, five
hostages. He's different.

You mean, you chose
to make him different.

What's happening
with him anyway?

I'm working on a change of
facility. So far, six turndowns.

You ought to send
that out right away.

The older the stain,
the harder it is to uh...

Sort of like relationships. Is
that a warning or an observation?

I'm having one of those
philosophical days.

Got to once in a while.

Yeah, me too. My cleaners
burned down last night.

Four suits gone, poof.

Not that brown tweedy thing
with the little blue specks?

Uh-huh. That's a blessing.

Hey. Look, you've got
a birthday coming up.

Suppose we go down
to charles st. Ives?

Charles st. Ives? I can't even
afford one of his hangers, much less...

Charles st. Ives? I'm not
your ex-husband, counselor.

Joyce's treat. I don't think so.

I'm a big boy. I'm used
to dressing myself.

Undressing is another matter.

I really hate that stubborn
streak in you, furillo.

No, you don't. Excuse me.

Your office on line
five, ms. Davenport.

You can take it on my
phone. Thank you. Yes, I do.

Ray's got commander
swanson on seven, frank.

We didn't think you'd want
to take it in your office.

Ray filled him in on that
sanctioning business.


It can't wait for that, dave.

I've got the 6:00 news locked in
my office, and 12 angry citizens...

Cooling their
heels in roll call.

Don't tell me to handle it,
dave. That's a policy decision,

And policy is not
made on precinct level.

No, you listen...

Will you just talk to them,
please? You take over...

Henry, go downstairs
and tell them I'm waiting

For a decision on
policy from division.

For real?

With that news camera in there,
he doesn't have much choice.

Phil, would you get me that neighborhood
watch literature, if we still have it?

Phil, I'm talking to you.

Could you repeat
that please, francis?

I know where it is. I'll
do it. Oh, oh, excuse me.

In future, your activities
within this precinct...

Will conform to what does not
obstruct or complicate our jobs,

Not what's good
for the 6:00 news.

In other words, you're limiting my
access. You're manipulating the news.

Oh, no. But while we're on
the subject of manipulation,

Those 12 citizens
downstairs would never

Have dreamed of
forming a vigilante group...

Unless somebody put
the idea into their heads.

That somebody was you, on your
news special last night, so I'm told.

Good timing. It happens.
That hardly justifies

You trying to alter
the reality of this event.

Oh, climb off it. You alter reality
every time you point a camera at it.

What about that market
stick-up two days ago?

You tried to turn that into a
protest for puerto rican statehood.

May I interpret that to mean that
you're against puerto rican statehood?

Not bad. You do have a gift
for steering conversation.

Is this the old shift to
the soft sell, captain?

Look, what bothers me about you,

And about cops in general, is you
don't seem to want to turn around,

Stop for a minute and find out
who your friends really are.

You, for instance. Maybe me.

But the people downstairs
definitely are. They're good people.

They're on your side. All they want
is what they've got a right to have.

And you're not giving it to them. They
can't walk down a street day or night.

How can you blame them
for doing what they're doing?

If you owned a business on dekker avenue,
you'd be out there in front of the group.

Maybe I would. But
that's not the issue.

The point is, those
people are not cops.

Suppose they lock horns with,
say, the gypsy or-or the blood...

Or-or the dragon... Not to mention
the 11 other gangs using dekker avenue.

I think you're underestimating the
power and the competency of these people.

And I think you
underestimate how ugly it

Can get out there and
how fast it can happen.

So you're not gonna sanction
this merchants group, are you?

You're just gonna cool them off
down there and send them home.

No. Division wants us to
reinstitute a neighborhood watch.

Oh, great. That program's
a joke, and you know it.

It's the biggest scam
in town. It helps us.

It appeases them.

Well, suppose we just
take the time to find out?

That's not a hell
of a lot to ask, is it?

Bernard, would you
set up downstairs?

The captain'll be
down in a minute. Got ya.


You're still here. I'd call
that a victory of sorts.

I would call it more like
a temporary cease-fire.

He thinks that I provoked
the dekker street merchants.

Is he right? Someone had to.

You mind if I didn't hear that?
What do you know about him?

I don't know. What's
to know about him?

Is he married? I
think he used to be.

I'm not wild about his taste
in suits, if that's any help.

If he weren't a cop, i...

Well, I'll see you later.

Still here, counselor?

Charles st. Ives. 6:00
Appointment, furillo.

Frank. Excuse me, ms. Davenport.
I just called downtown.

Hoban's lie detector
is inconclusive. Hoban?

He's the one who pulled the
trigger in the hill and renko sh**ting.

Yes. We're turning him loose.

What about possession of heroin?

It was not on his person,
so they will not prosecute.

See if you can raise
hill and renko for me.

And when harris and santini come
back, tell them I want to see them too.

All right.

Captain, hear this. We're
not just going home.

We're gonna continue organizing
and getting our cause on television.

Because this... This is an
insult to our intelligence.

We're gonna get carry permits
and the power to make arrests.

With or without your backing.

Like I said before, it's
nothing personal, captain.

It's just gotta get
done. Miss chase.

Andy, find your partner
and come to my office.

Well, I don't believe
it. He couldn't have.

So it goes, renko.
It's the way it lays out.

So big deal. So he zens out and
passes some dumb lie detector test.

What's that got to do
with him going to trial?

There isn't going
to be any trial.

The evidence is
purely circumstantial.

And the results of his
tests tip the scales...

Just enough in his favor so that
the d.a. Says we don't have a case.

Am I circumstantial?

Is he? Twelve weeks combined in a
hospital bed, two of 'em in a coma.

Is that circumstantial? You put
me on that stand. I'll give 'em a case.

Bobby didn't see him, so it's
just your word against his,

And believe me, his lawyer
will take your testimony...

And rip it to shreds without
even breaking a sweat.

You know what I think?

Yeah, I think I do, so just cool
down and have a seat. Okay?

What's your vision, andy,
without your glasses?

Come on, that's the first question his
lawyer's gonna ask you, so answer it.

20/40. It's 20/50.

And you weren't wearing your glasses
when you walked in that hallway, were you?

What kind of lighting was
in that hallway? Come on!

Was it incandescent, a
ceiling fixture, wall, what?

- It was daylight.
- Just answer the question.

It was, um, it was that overhead
lighting, that kind of incandescent...

It was neither, renko.
There was no lighting at all.

And the windows were boarded
over. So let's get this straight.

You walked into an unlighted
hallway. You have 20/50 vision.

The afternoon sun was still in
your eyes, and within two seconds...

According to your own
deposition... You got smacked.

I'm sorry. It's not
that I don't believe you.

It's the way it plays in court.

I just didn't want you
to walk out of here...

Thinking that I don't share
your anger and frustration.

We all do.

Just take the
rest of the day off.

It happens, you guys. I'm sorry.

Awful quiet in there, bobby. I don't think
I heard you as much as clear your throat.

What's there to say? Words
gonna change anything?

May make you easier to live with,
but let me tell you something, renko,

Whatever it is that's eating at
you, I've just about had enough of it.

Oh, is that so? Yeah.

Well, besides my life,

And this lousy system I work
in, what's eating at me is you.

Me? Why? Because I wouldn't
lie about seein' the sh**ting?

I can't do that.
And I told you why.

Now, if you want me
to tell you again, I will.

No, no, no. Actually, what's bothering
me is how you've been since then.

You've cut me out of your
life, man. Let me tell you,

You can be one cold
slice when you want to be.

My life's not my own. You
know, with pamela and the kids.

No. I do not know pamela.

I do not know the kids, because you have
not introduced them to me. Not even once.

That's not the way it is.
And you gotta understand.

Understand what? My own
partner doesn't want me in his house?

I am housebroken, bobby. I haven't
messed on the rug in years now.

Or maybe it's her. Maybe she
just don't cotton to white boys.

She is white. And I know
how you feel about that.

Oh, you do, do you? That's
because you know me so well.

Because you're the world's
foremost expert on andrew renko, huh?

Guys? Excuse me.

I just wanted to get
in my two cents' worth.

We know, sarge. We
know you know the kid.

Maybe this isn't
the time. But...

I think we'd be doing ourselves a favor
if we try to consider the possibility...

That eddie hoban
didn't pull that trigger.

I'm just suggesting we try it.

Seems like it hits you everywhere
you turn these days, don't it?

Accept this, accept
that, cope with this,

Deal with that, understand where he's
coming from, identify with his situation...

I swear, I don't know anymore. I
just don't understand anymore.

It's just words, man.

- Smoke and words.
- Come on, man...

No, no, that's all right. I...

I can do that. I swear I can.

I'll catch you all later.

Sorry. I just thought
it might help a little.

That's all right.

You never know with him.

I can't say that I
don't blame him.

Frank, sorry about this,

But how long before you can
reassemble that dekker avenue group?

Why? We're going to
legitimize their association.

What did you tell
me on the phone?

You said no, categorically no.

This is straight
from chief daniels.

He wants 'em to have
space to work out of,

Two-way radios, c.p.r.
Training, the works.

g*n permits? Soon
as they qualify.

Dave, this is crazy!
I won't stand for it.

Don't zing me, frank.
My hands are tied.

You know how daniels gets
with the media on his back.

What I think's going on is he's
thinking about running for mayor again.

I know. And I'm sorry.
But that's the new policy.

If that's a coffee stain,
I'd put club soda on it.

Commander, are you sanctioning the
dekker avenue merchants association?

Captain furillo will lay
it out for you. Excuse me.

Hill street.

- Phil? Telephone.
- Cindy?

I believe it's trench.

Let me tell him you're gone.

He'll only call back.

I mean gone, as in muerte.


Move it, dog
breath. Bates? Yeah.

Can you book this garbage for
me? I gotta blow outta here. I'm late.

Mick, I got a ton of paperwork.
You can have the collar.

That's a different
story. Sit down!

He lifted this baby from abe's
socialist tv and appliances.

Nice. Cute little guy, huh?

Name? Lewis. Robert q.

Phil. A word? Of course, henry.

Look, I know it's none of my
business, but ray took the liberty...

Of confiding your situation
to me, and I'm-i'm concerned.

Why don't you just send a unit
out, pick the guy up and bring him in?

For what? He hasn't
done anything.

Phil, you've got nothing
to prove by going out there.

A man does what
he has to, henry.

Okay. Listen.

I know you don't go
much for nonfiction,

But, uh...

Would you consider...

Giving this a browse before you make
up your mind about meeting trench?

"Your kind, my kind, humankind."
By helmut shimmerfeldt.

Now, it's not his best work...
It reads a little simplistically...

But the guy's got some
basically valid things to say...

About the way we men
confuse ego with duty.

A lot of it's hormonal
actually. I don't know, henry.

Read it.

Sarge, what're you doing?

Ask not for whom
the bell tolls, mick.

What is that supposed to
mean? Does that mean something?

Well, it means that I have
an appointment with destiny.

You're going out to meet that
hair bag trench, aren't you?

Word gets around, huh?

Look, I promised debbie
I'd pick her up at art class.

Lemme cancel that
and come along. Uh-uh.

Maybe I could rip his
stomach out for you.

Okay. I'll only back you up.

I don't want any
piece of the collar.

Mick, I appreciate your loyalty.

And pound for pound,
there's not another

Officer I would rather
have covering my dorsal.

There are times when
a man, if he's a man,

Does what a man must do.

Perhaps it's hormonal.

That's far enough.

I've been waiting a
long time for this.

Make your move.

I ain't armed. We both know
you don't need a w*apon...

To k*ll a man, trench.

That's far enough.

I only got one thing to say.

- Your dime.
- I love you, phil.

I think you've been in
the slam too long, kermit.

I mean, in a spiritual sense.

I've been saved, by the love
of our savior, jesus christ.

I, uh, had what you call an
epiphany, up there in the stir.

All them long, empty days,

Terror-filled nights.

Men screaming.

Me, lying there thinking...

Of all the terrible
crimes I did over the years.

The time we shot it out in
this alley here. Remember?


I had to do something
to keep from going nuts.

I started reading the bible.
One thing led to another.

I was reborn.

I don't know what to say.

I'll be a happy man...

If you can say you forgive me for
the pain and suffering I caused you.

Consider yourself forgiven.

- Take it. It's my bible.
- No, I couldn't. Mm-mmm.

God bless you, phil.

Unarmed, unarmed, unarmed
woman coming through.

Look, mom, no g*n.

- Frank!
- Hi, fay. How are you?

I'm fine. Great stain.

Thanks for coming up here.
Well, I appreciate being invited.

What, am I under arrest? I
got this kid I made a promise to.

I need a favor. If you're
trying to bail out...

Of taking frank jr. To the
basketball game... Whoa.

I don't mean frank jr.

He's a 15-year-old puerto
rican kid named hector.

He's been in and out of juvenile
authority since he was 12.

No father, a mother who works.

That sounds familiar.

Bright, gifted
and very troubled.

I'm afraid if we don't get him out of the
system now, he's never gonna get out.

What do you want
me to do? Adopt him?

He could do worse.

What I'm after is a referral from
harvey to some private institution,

Something like stony brook
in arizona. Stony brook, sure.

I mean, that's a
great idea, but, uh,

I mean, they've got a waiting
list as long as your arm.

Referrals from juvenile authority
judges from all over the country.

You know, you really
are something, frank.

You don't spend enough time with
your own son, and here you are,

Trying to pull off the
miracle of the century

For some street kid
you don't even know.

I do know him. And I
made him a promise.

Do I detect a little
ego involvement here?

Frank, we all make promises.
And we all unmake them.


Let me go through harvey's
files, and I'll make a few inquiries,

And, um, I'll see
what's available.

Think you can get a
letter out of him? Sure.

Thanks. I owe you one.

More than one.

Well, I don't understand.

Should I put the
shading on the left?

I don't understand. See,
the shadows... It comes up.

Oh, I see. If I wanna go
with the background,

I should just, um, shade it...

Debbie! Freeze it, dog lips!

What's going on?

Cover yourself.

What are you
looking at, fruit ball?


Huh? What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

The regular model was
out, so I volunteered.

Just like that?
Understand something, mick.

Those students were just looking at
me as a study in form and composition.

They were steppin'
on their tongues.

I don't know. It
just isn't right.

What would your mother
say? I don't care what she'd say.

I'm a fully grown
woman. I know. I saw.

Did you like me, michael?

Oh, look, I hardly saw anything.

It's all right if you did.
I'm not ashamed of my body.

And I don't want you
to be either. Hmm?

I really care about
you, debbie. I mean really.

I don't want you
to do that anymore.

You mean, pose
in the nude? Yeah.

I'll make a deal with you.

I won't model anymore,

If you take me on a stakeout.

I can't do that.

Besides, it's very
dangerous out there.

I'm not afraid
when I'm with you.

You are so... Ferocious...

- When you're angry, mick.
- Ohh.

You would get so bored. Really.
It's a lot of hanging around.

- It's late at night, in cars
and stuff. It's boring.
- I don't mind.

Really. Long as I'm with you.

No, I would need
authorization, debbie.


I suppose I could ask.

All right, I'll ask.

You got a girlfriend, santini?

Yeah, since high school.

High school? Yeah.

You gonna get
married? We talk about it.

You live together? No.

Why not? I don't know.
We just decided. That's all.

We? Hah. She decided,
that's what I think.

She's got you whipped, boy.

I'm gonna have to sit you down
and give you a long, hard lesson...

In how to handle female produce.

Hey, what's this up here?

Let's run the plate.
Relax, we'll handle it later.

All right, ladies, all right.
Hit the pavement nice and easy.

Come on, roll it on
out here. Well, hello.

Holy smokes. Harris,
take a look at this.

My, my, my, my, my.

It's a regular bedroom set in
there, mirrors and everything.

All right, ladies, we're gonna
have to take a little ride uptown.

- What's the charge, honey?
- Hey, why don't I ask
the questions, honey?

Let's just assume the position.
Spread 'em. Harris, harris.

Let's just do this by the numbers. All
right? Let me just call in to the station.

Santini, you really
worry me, you know?

Why don't you just
let me handle it. Okay?

You first, honey.
Lift up your sweater.

I think you must have some
concealed weapons in there. Harris.

I think you better
pull it up for me, chuck.

Never a dull moment around here.

Somebody get k*lled? Yeah.

- Is that a body line?
- That's what that chalk is.

Somebody shot a cop?

Okay, that's enough.
Give me that back.

Give me that back.

Where's santini?

He's over there.

How'd it happen?

I'm sorry.
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