01x07 - Choice Cut

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x07 - Choice Cut

Post by bunniefuu »

All right. Item eight.

Item eight!

Regarding the
flagrant merchandising...

Of photographic material...

For interior
locker door display.

Under article 6, paragraph
37 of the department manual,

Said merchandising
on police premises...

Is strictly forbidden.

Particularly those items
involving innocent animals...

And/or household appliances.

You gotta be really hurting.

Need I say more? Finally, and
of a more personal nature,

For those of you who
don't already know,

Ferdinand demarco...

Known simply to most of us
as freddie the wino... Freddie.

- Is no longer with us.
- Where'd he go?

He was discovered this morning
when duty officer jarot...

Attempted to rouse him
with a hot cup of coffee.

Perhaps some small comfort
can be taken from the fact...

That he expired within the
safe haven of holding cell "b."

Now, for those of you wishing to make
a small emolument for some flowers...

Before the boys from
county morgue arrive,

Please see officer
bates or myself.

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.

And, hey,

Let's be careful out there.

Life is a temporal
state, my man.

Yes, indeed. Hey, andrew.

That's very poetic.
"Temporal." Good word.

Thank you, sarge.

Hey, the two of you'll
wanna stick your head

In the captain's
office on your way out.

I just got busted, and they
got me down at hill street.

What? Scooter baby, please.

Lucille, I gotta talk
to you for a minute.

And then they took me
over to purdue street,

And you know about them
lady guards down there.

Hey, peaches, I got two dollars
in my pocket got your name on it.

Can't you wait till she's
off the phone, renko?

Or are you that
hot to misdemeanor?

Her? Please! I'm lookin' to lay
this bet on you, carrot cake.

I'm gonna pretend
I didn't hear that.

What? Two dollars ain't
good enough for you?

Move it, renko, or I'm
gonna move it for you.

Hey, look. How much are the
flowers for freddie supposed to cost?

What? You want three dollars?
I'll give you three dollars. Freddie?

Here's three dollars. You try to
lay some "emulation" on somebody,

And they won't even treat
you like you're a human being.

Don't say that!

Scooter baby, please
don't yell at me.

How was I supposed
to know he's a cop?

Well, you can smell the damn...

Scooter, this is officer bates.
Rena's gonna have to hang up now, and...


Hey, hey, hey, watch it.

Conspiracy to entreat white
sl*very is a felony, my man.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Before you got here, these
three messages came from your ex.

- Not now, phil.
- All right.

But I believe I intuited
a certain rancor,

Which may or may
not be true, as it were.

Excuse me, sarge. You
wanted to see us, captain?

Yeah. I have copies of
your depositions here.

Give them a glance. See
if everything's all right.

Let me know if not.
How's it coming along?

Eddie hoban's been formally
charged with your as*ault.

He's being held at county
in lieu of $50,000 bail.

Larue and washington are trying
to get a line on his ex-girlfriend.

Day after tomorrow, eddie
submits to a polygraph.

In short, gentlemen, the
investigation is proceeding apace.

Thanks, captain.

g*n! Got a g*n!

Get out of the way! Freeze!

Drop it. I said drop it.

Watch out, captain! She's armed!

Do you wanna give me that thing?

It's the captain's ex-wife.

I don't believe what
I just saw in there.

What in the hell
has gotten into you?

I know most of those men.
They were gonna sh**t me.

Well, what do you expect when
you come in here waving a g*n...

That looks more like it could wipe
out half a precinct than a real one?

Well, if you would return my calls once
in a while, maybe this wouldn't happen.

What is this?

Don't pay any attention to that.

What do you mean, don't
pay attention to that?

There is a dead person
in that bag, frank!

Fay, please, I'm pressed.
Could you get to the point?

We had an agreement. Remember?

No g*ns or w*r toys
of any kind for frank jr.

I didn't give him the g*n.

Now, how do you expect me
to be a responsible parent...

When you do everything
you can to undermine me?

No one's trying to
undermine you. Oh, no?

A little dig here,
a little dig there.

Children are very sensitive,
frank. They know what's going on.

Read my lips. I did
not give him the g*n.

Well, neither did i.

Fay, listen to me.

If you want to come in here and scream
bloody m*rder every time the sink backs up,

You're gonna have to take a
number, just like everybody else.

I told you I did not
give him the g*n,

And I do not spend time with frank
jr. Taking potshots at his mother.

If you don't wanna believe
that, that's your problem.

Well, somebody gave it to him!

Fay, kids his age
swap toys all the time.

Who knows? Maybe
harvey gave it to him.

Harvey hates g*ns.

Besides, harvey hasn't
been around in a while.


All right. So maybe I did jump
to one conclusion too many.

It happens in the
best of divorces.

Do you wanna go out
and have lunch later?

Maybe we could
settle all this quietly.

I'd like that, fay, but I
already have a lunch date.

- I see.
- I'd change it if I could.

Hey, you don't have
to explain to me, frank.

Not anymore.

I don't know about
this place, frank.

I really don't know.

Oh, feeling better, fay?

Phil, would you have the
deceased taken out of there...

And remanded to the
property room, please.

Oh, certainly, francis.


Mrs. Furillo. Oh, hi, mick.

Nice to see you again.
How have you been?

Oh, just fine. Yourself?

Wonderful. I'm dating a
quality woman, mrs. Furillo.

Oh, that's wonderful,
mick. I'm glad to hear that.

Um, maybe you'd like to bring
her by for dinner some night?

I-i'm sure frank jr.
Would love to see you.

I would be honored. Good.

Well, you take good
care now, you hear?

I will. Thanks, mick. Bye.

Bye. Right this way, kidney bag.

I don't know, man.
What's not to know?

Well, comin' into a dark
hallway outta the sunlight...

With maybe a half a second to react
to some guy pulling a hammer on you.

I think it's a little late to be
having second thoughts. Don't you?

You're asking me to deny I got a
problem with this, and I can't do that.

I don't have a problem with it. I
saw the dude. It says so right there.

And if I saw him, he was there, and if
he was there, you saw him. Ipso facto.

Pull over there.

Hey, wait a minute. Wait
a minute. Hold on now.

I bought this truck three days ago, and
look at it! I won't fix nothin', mister!

I want that sucker arrested for
trespassing and attempted as*ault.

We can't do that, sir.
According to statute l-66...

Belker v. Furillo, 1964...

Ninth court of appeals
clearly states we can't do that.

Say what? Why don't you come down
here for a second, and I'll explain it.

Come over here and
talk about this truck.

Don't make problems for
us. We just get here... Come on.

Belker v. Furillo says
that if the purchasee...

Rescinds the object in question
due to danger or distress...

Within a quarter of the
original consignment,

Then he's entitled to
unobstructed easement.

Hey, man. Now, you're a businessman,
and you should know that, man.

Being the respondent
to the second part...

Means you might have to accede to some of
the fiduciary encumbrances involved here.

Now, you own a garage. Why don't you just
fix the man's truck and be done with it?

It could earn you
a lot of goodwill.

Good what? Man, listen, I could
care less about his goodwill!

I'm not talkin' about
his goodwill, brother.

I'm talkin' about my own.

So why don't you just,
uh, think about that, okay?

So what's wrong with this
truck? It needs a radiator.

Now, that could be a fiduciary
encumbrance right there.

How much do you
need to pay for one?

Oh, 80 or 90 dollars.
I'll work it out.

Don't worry about a
thing. What you got?

Well, I think he'll fix it, but he's
not gonna eat the whole thing.

Your man gonna
spring for the labor?

Yeah. Good.

Okay, okay, listen up. This
court's made a decision.

You, you're responsible for replacing
the defective parts. Unit 2-niner?

- He's gonna spring
for the labor.
- Twelfth and van buren.

All right? Armed
robbery in progress.

We got a 601. Let's
get outta here.

Renko! Watch out!

Keep that traffic moving.
Keep that traffic moving.

Stand back, everybody.

You're not helping the
situation by being in the way.

Please leave the
area. Talk to me.

Okay. As far as we know, the butcher and
his apprentice are being held hostage...

In a meat locker
by a couple of kids.

Injuries? Uh,
well, I don't know.

Later, please. One
of the suspects is...

Hey, come on. Come on. Come
on. Come on. Excuse me, sir.

One of the suspects
is hector ruiz. Hector?

We just got word he escaped from
the youth authority. What is that?

That's just your
basic evasive action.

See, this kid took a shot at us.

We have an a.p.b. Out on him.

How do I talk to hector?

There's a phone in the freezer,
but it hasn't worked in years.

Who are you? Irv
kresky, market manager.

How do you do? Stay
close. I may need you.

Will you move that car!

Anybody talk to his mother? Lucy
bates is trying to find her, I think.

Marv, how's it coming? I got
one last connection to make.

Okay. There.

This receiver's hooked up
to the one in the meat locker,

The whole connection ties
into the storewide p.a. System,

And this here's your k*ll button
in case you want to talk privately.

Let's keep it on the p.a. System
for now. How do I get through?

You just push this button,
and it'll ring in the meat locker.

You're a wizard, marv. Yep.

Anybody got any antacids?

Try halfway down
the aisle to the left.

Marv, you okay?

I'm tellin' you the
truth, henry. I am a mess.

We have a car
coming through here.

We have a car coming through.

Yeah, what is it?

Hector, it's me...
Frank furillo.

Furillo, man, where've
you been, huh?

I got here as
quickly as I could.

Let's get this thing
over with fast...

Before things get
too out of hand, okay?

What do you want? I want
$100,000 and a plane to cuba.

I can't stay here no more, frank. I
can't, man. Hector, that's no answer.

Yeah, well, neither
is juvenile hall, man.

That place is nowhere.

They'll be bustin' my chops
all the time for nothin', man.

They're the ones that got me kicked
out of school, frank. I'm not lyin' to you.

- Did you give it a chance?
- About as much as they
gave me, man.

Look, they locked me in a room for one week
just 'cause I copped one lousy cigarette.

Can you believe that, man?
They had all their chances, frank.

All right. Just take
it easy, will you?

Um, anybody hurt
or wounded in there?

Not yet, man, but we
got some words to say,

Like turnin' this icebox off
before I freeze my tail, man.

Okay. I'll tell...
Captain! Captain!

Uh, just one second,
okay, hector?

Captain, there's almost 20,000
dollars' worth of choice beef in there.

To hell with that! I'm concerned
about those people in there!

So am i. But we work on a
one-percent markup here.

And between the
shopliftings and the muggings,

This particular chucky's is
considered marginal at best.

Frankie, are you there?
Can you hear me, man?

Just one more
second, okay, hector?

Maybe we could
send in some coats.

Food too, frank.
Food is very primal.

If we can get 'em to accept
nourishment from us,

It'll be a real step in
establishing rapport.

- Oh, good. Go ahead.
- Where's the deli section?

This way.

Hector, we're having a little
trouble turning off the freezer unit,

But we're gonna send in some
hot food and clothes, all right?

Don't jerk me around, frank, or I'll
blow these suckers away now. You dig?

No one's jerking you around,
hector. Just take it easy.

All right. You send some
clothes and some food,

And then maybe we
rap, all right, frank?

Hazlick, it looks like we'll be
able to use an elevation of about .7.

Let's see here.

I think we should put it
down here by the canned fruit.

Uh, no, no. Wait a...
Hold it with that thing.

Well, well, well.
Frank, it's déjà vu.

So much for rehabilitation, huh?

What the hell is that, howard?

That is a soyet 109 incendiary
rocket launcher. It's russian-made.

And all the riot gear is on
loan from the stockholm police.

- What do you think, frank?
- Lose it.

Judas priest, frank. That's
an eight-inch steel door.

If those deviates don't
think we mean business,

Then our ace in the hole
isn't worth a brown q-tip.

What ace in the hole?

The plastique charges
on the outer walls.

Howard, there are innocent
people in that meat locker,

So take a command.

No soyets, no plastique.
Just secure the scene. Period.

The only secure scene is
a neutralized scene, frank.

Of course, if that makes your palms
damp, there is another way to go.

What might that be?

Hypothermia. It's a
well-known medical fact

That your latin types
can't take the cold.

Saunders, you take
the high ground.

Lukens, you take
the right flank.

What we'll do is bypass
the main circuit regulator...

And hook up an auxiliary
compressor to that freezer unit...

And drop the ambient temperature
in there to 10 degrees below zero.

Their body temperatures
drop, they become disoriented,

Then drowsiness sets
in, then sleep, then...

Then a slow, painless death.

Is that right, howard?

Well, if that's what
you want, frank.

My strategy was to waltz in there
before that point and carry 'em out.

Actually, it's quite
humane and conservative,

As this hypothermic
timetable clearly shows.

Hey, furillo, are
you out there, man?

It's your show, guy, but I'd hate to try
and explain two shotgunned hostages...

To a board of inquiry,
much less their families.

Hector, i...

What do you say, frank? I can't
take 'em down any cleaner than that.

Who said that? Huh? Ain't nobody
gonna take us down, frank. Nobody!

Hector... Hector, listen.

That was great,
howard. Just great.

Oh, you can't coddle
these types, frank.

We either take 'em outta here, or we
all may as well start speakin' "espanole."

Okay, set it up. But I don't
want you to implement anything,

Under any circumstances,
without my express order.

Whatever you say, frank.

But, you know, that kid in there
ain't exactly beaver cleaver.

If you get my drift.

All right, come on, men.

I don't know. My
stomach's been k*lling me.

I got a terrible headache.

I thought I had a hot gall bladder
or something, but my internist says no.

Don't pooh-pooh it, marv.

Henry, I can't
"poo-poo" anything.

I'm serious. Even the
conservative establishment...

Is beginning to pay attention to

Homeopathic medicine,
the holistic approach.

No, no. I'm telling you.
I know my own body.

It's either gonna
be the gall bladder...

Or maybe some stones.

Whatever it is, it's
a hell of a thing...

You can't even keep down
a lousy slice of turkey.

You know, I thought you old testament
types knew how to make a decent sandwich.

Renko, my mother said
eat. She never said watch.

Honestly, hector,
I think you simply

Misunderstood what lt.
Hunter was trying to say.

Uh, look, we're gonna send
in the food and clothes now.

All right? All right, but make it
quick, furillo. Quick, all right?

Frank, if you don't mind,

I'd like to be the
one to take it in.

Sure, henry.

All right, listen up.

I want all g*ns down
now. That's an order!

Right. Everybody, g*ns down!

Do you hear me, hector? Detective
goldblume will now approach you.

He is unarmed.

We have a truck coming
through. Truck coming through.

We got an ambulance
here. We got an ambulance.

I know you're scared, son.

We all are. It's a
scary situation.

But if we work together on
this, nobody has to get hurt.


Give 'em some, man.


Give 'em one.

I think I made contact,
frank. Real contact.

What contact? That kid doesn't
understand a word of english.

That may not really
matter, andrew.

Thank you for helping
out your police force.

Thank you for helping
out your police force.

Can you just move
back a little more?

Oh, come on, hector. A plane to
cuba's a lot of bean dip, and you know it!

Even if I could arrange
it, which I doubt,

They'd only send you back, and
then you're dealing with the f.b.i.

And I'm gonna tell you, man, those
guys don't take kindly to hijackers.

Now, listen, hector. There's someone
here who really wants to talk to you.

Don't hang up now. I
want you to talk to her.

Okay, frank.

Hector, you come
outta there right now!

And don't give these
people no more trouble!

Man, why'd you gotta
bring her here for, frank?

Trouble! Always
with you it's trouble.

And now I'm gonna lose
my job because of you.

I'm gonna send you back
to the juvenile authority!

No way, man. I said I wasn't
going back there, frank.

You got no right, man. It's
none of your damn business!

Now, why'd you have
to go tell her, huh?

- Hector, listen to me.
- No, I'm never gonna listen
to you again, frank.

You got no right, man. It
ain't none of your business.

Just 'cause I take
some damn hostages?

Is that what you want
so bad, frank, huh?

You want a hostage so bad?

Well, I'm gonna give
you one right now, frank.

- No, hector. Wait. Don't.
- Listen to me.

Renko! Andy! Easy. Easy.

Nobody fires! Don't
sh**t and don't move!

I want the paramedics
in here fast!

Hector, I got 20 men
out here with g*ns.

I want that sh**ting victim out
here right now, or they're coming in.

Come on! Hurry up!

Yes, yes. I understand
what you're saying,

But we don't know anything about
the condition of the hostages.

Yes, yes. All we really know...

Is that the perpetrators
shot up a side of beef.

I'm standing in front of chucky's
shop 'n save on van buren avenue.

Only moments ago,
sh*ts were fired.

Mr. Kresky, you were inside.
Can you tell us what happened?

Well, we have two
puerto rican teenagers...

Holding our butcher and his
apprentice hostage in the, uh, meat locker.

Was anyone injured in
the exchange of g*nf*re?

Uh, well, it wasn't exactly
an exchange of g*nf*re.

They, uh... They
shot up some meat.

I see. Mr. Kresky, how
often would you say...

That chucky's shop 'n save has
been robbed in the past year?

There have been six robberies and three
failed attempts before today, cynthia.

Can chucky's continue to
operate under these conditions?

That's hard to say,

But, uh, mindful as we are of
our community responsibility,

I think that business as
usual is highly unlikely.

In other words, chucky's
may not reopen its doors?

That is correct. Yes.

The full social and
economic impact...

Of this crime in progress
is yet to be determined.

As of now, however, it does look as
if an already beleaguered community...

Is in for an even
tougher go of it.

This is cynthia chase,
action news, channel 6.

What's that?

We're using a gl700 deluxe
mobile frost king, frank.

It has dual frost pumps
and direct power access.

It sucks up thermal b.t.u.'S
faster than an elephant in heat.

I wish I felt better about this.

After what that
little sociopath did?

Trust me, frank, when
I get through with him,

You'll be able to jam a stick up his
nose and pass him off as a fudgsicle.

Gradual, howard. No more
than 10 degrees per hour, tops.

I'm in no rush here.

Yo, furillo, are you there?

Yeah, right here, hector.

Look, um, juan here... Juan
don't feel too good, man.

So if I send him out, you swear
nothin' bad gonna come down on him...

Like, uh, no work farm and no
juvenile hall or nothin' like that?

I can't promise that, hector.

But if you're willing to
send a hostage out with him,

I'd have a lot more to
work with than I have now.

All right. But first I wanna
talk to the media. You got that?

Uh, I think we could
come that far, hector.

It sounds fair to me.
Just hold one minute.

All right.

Renko, who have
we got out there?

- Cynthia chase.
- All right. Send her in.

Uh, captain, what do you want
me to do with the deceased?

Tag it for evidence
and get it out of here.

- The whole thing?
- Would you get me
cynthia chase?

Yes, sir. Excuse me.

Hector, the television people
will be here in one minute.

Back. You, right there,
move. Out of the way, please.

Can you clear out
of there? Keep moving.

Just keep the traffic
moving, please.

Step back. Let the
squad car through.

Go ahead, joe. Let the
squad car through.

Hey, what's going
on here? A sh**ting.

Got an ambulance here. We got
an ambulance coming through.

Move away. Move away from
the front of the building.

Is that gonna be cash
or charge, hair bag?

Folks, there's nothing to
see. There's nothing going on.

Captain, is it true that you're
trying to freeze the activists out?

Activists? Who have
you been talking to?

You have a lieutenant
howard hunter here.

Forget lt. Hunter. Look, miss chase,
you know there are lives at stake here.

Please don't say anything
to inflame the situation.

Captain, let's try not to
manage the news, shall we?

Hector, this is cynthia
chase, channel 6 news.

I know you. How're you doing?

I'm fine, hector, but the
question is how are the hostages?

The hostages are
great. Just great.

- And how are you, emotionally?
- Oh, I ain't worried.

How long do you think that you
can possibly hold out in there?

Who knows. There's
plenty of food in here.

Hector, can you tell our
viewers why you seized this market?

Hey, they chased
us in here, lady.

Are you a member of the
puerto rican national front,

Or is this seizure of chucky's
a purely independent protest?

Well, why not, man? All I gotta
do is cut out the piece as evidence,

And they can't legally sell it.

This is wounded meat, bobby,
and a righteous sin to waste.

All they'll do is take
it down to the station.

It'll get all hot, and it won't
be worth... Fit for dog meat.

Yeah, neither will we if furillo
finds out about it either. Shh.

Look, can I help it if somebody brought
this meat down and put it at my feet?

That's fate, man. I don't mess
with fate, not at $2.29 a pound.

Okay, if we're gonna do it,
son, we might as well do it right.

How are we gonna get this
thing out of here, cowboy?

Our unit's temporarily
indisposed. Remember?

Fear not.

Would you call this a protest
against economic discrimination,

In the fact that if
this market does close,

It will cause such a hardship
to the people of this community?

Sure. Why not.

This is cynthia chase,
channel 6 action news.

Thank you, captain.

Okay, nothin' else is gonna happen.
Why don't you folks just go on home?

Huh? What do you say? Everybody,
let's go... Lucia, lucia, my bonita.

Renko, listen. This may
not be the best time,

But I've been meaning to
apologize about this morning.

No. No, no, no. No,
I was out of line.

No, it was nothing.
It was a trifle.

Listen, you don't, by any chance, have
your squad car down here, do you?

Yeah, sure.

Could I stash some meat
in the rear of your unit?

- Please?
- Sure. Why not.

Thank you.

Okay, hector, I kept
my part of the deal.

You got your interview. What say
you hold up your end of the bargain?

All right, frank. Just...
I hear you, all right?

Just be cool, man.
Just be cool, all right?

Look, furillo, I'm gonna
send the girl out first,

Then I'm gonna
send juan, all right?

You, come here.
Come on! Hurry up!

Okay, she's all set, lieutenant.

Good work, carew.

Someone's coming out.


Frank, man, talk to me.
What's going down, man?

Uh, hector, don't do anything
till I figure out what happened.

Did you set up
anything... Frank? Frank?

That was just a little
misdirect on a d.c. Power surge.

My boys'll have that
juiced up again in no time.

Uh, hector, I know you're
gonna find this hard to believe,

But we had nothing
to do with the lights.

It was just a local brownout.
Affected the whole neighborhood.

Look, frank, it's as cold
as a witch's lip in here, man.

I can't even feel my
fingers or nothin'.

Somethin' bad's gonna happen, frank,
and it's not gonna be my fault, man.

No? Whose then? Mine?

Look, hector, I'm not the one who
tried to hold up this supermarket,

And I'm not the one who
blames everybody else

In the world but himself
for his own troubles.

Win, lose or draw,
don't dump this one on me.

You take responsibility
for a change!

Captain, it's sergeant
esterhaus on the phone.

He says it's urgent.

Look, hector, let's
just take a few minutes...

To think this thing over, okay?

And, uh... And then we'll get back
on it, okay? He'll be right with you.

He's coming. He's right here.

Yeah, phil?

Francis, I have placed numerous
calls to the medical examiner,

And as of this moment, no morgue
personnel have arrived for freddie's body.

Phil, I can't deal
with this now.

I've got a deteriorating
situation here.

We have a deteriorating
situation ourselves, francis,

With serious
consequences, hygiene-wise!

Calm down, phil.

Well, that's easy for you to say.
You don't have to deal with this!

- Deal with what?
- It's a memorandum
from division...

Canceling funds for grace's
redecoration project...

In favor of... A new mayday
phone system as well as...

Hold on to your hat, francis...
A helicopter pad on the roof!

Phil, I can't go into this now.

Francis, what am I gonna tell
grace? She'll be heartbroken.

Look, I appreciate the
gravity of the situation,

But you're just gonna have to do the
best you can until I get back there, okay?

Francis, I'm not
normally an alarmist,

But there could be serious
emotional fallout from this.

I know you're not
an alarmist, phil, but...

Members of the press,
please move back.

The captain won't
be but a minute, babe.

Thank you for cooperating.
Thank you for moving back.

Frank, john larue's
outside. He says it's urgent.

Okay. If hector
comes back on the line,

Give me a holler, will you?

Stand back.

Thank you for helping
out your police force.

I'm sorry to pull you
out of there, captain.

Make it fast, larue.
What have you got?

Eddie hoban's ex-girlfriend,
sherry marie, she's in the car.

Okay, take her in and hold her. I should
be through in here in a couple of hours.

Captain, she's a little flaky.

I think we take her in, she's
gonna maybe dummy up on us.

Two minutes. What could it hurt?

Give her a listen.

That's it. Now, you know if we
don't time this move just right,

We might as well
just eat it here.

Karma, my man. It's
all in the karma.

When was the last time
you saw eddie hoban?

Well, the last time I saw eddie, he
got real mad for no real reason,

And he broke my nose, my jaw.

I couldn't eat
solids for a month.

You know, he used to be so
sweet till he started selling dope,

And then he got real paranoid
and started carrying a g*n.

Did you ever see the g*n...

Eddie allegedly shot the
two police officers with?

Sure. He carried
it all the time.

You think you'd recognize
it if you saw it again?


Something like that?

That's it! Exactly.

You sure?

Like I said, exactly.

Are you absolutely positive?


Thanks for your
trouble, miss libertini.

Listen, I got lots more
stuff I could tell you,

But next time it'll cost
you more than $20, okay?

You paid for that drivel?

Look, larue, what we
need is a reliable witness,

Not a junkie with one
oar out of the water...

Who can't stand her
boyfriend's guts...

And who can't tell
the difference...

Between a snubbed-nose
.38 and a .357 cannon.

She got a little
flustered. That's all.

Let me and neal work
with her for a while.

I appreciate your
zeal, john, but I don't

Think this girl's the
answer to our prayers.

Can you clear out
of there? Keep moving.

- Let her go?
- Let her go.

All right, all right. Just
be cool, all right? Be cool.

Hey, furillo, are you there?

Right here, hector.

Look, man, there's
too much coming down.

Just too many people, all right?

What do you say we get 'em all outta
here, and then maybe we talk, all right?

- What do you think, henry?
- He's cold, tired.

If he's ready to give up, frank,

I think this might be just
his way of saving face.

Okay, hector. Just give me five
minutes. I'm ordering everyone out now.

All right. Hurry up, man.

Now, listen up, everybody!

I want everyone out
of here right now!

Okay. Let's go.

Out of here, everybody.
Come on, come on, come on.

They said everybody.

We got an ambulance here. We
got an ambulance coming through.

Come on!

Hey, guys, you could've
wrapped it or something.

You're gonna stink
up the whole car.

Don't worry, my little
side cut. It'll be out

Of your way once we
get back to the station.

That's right. With 10 pounds
of choice cut as your reward.

This has not been one of the best days of
our lives, professionally speaking, has it?

Yeah, I'd say that was
a fair assessment, man.

But on the other hand, things
do have a way of evening out.

How's that, lover? Neal, my man,
you remember that barbecue...

We're always talking about
throwing at your cousin jerome's?

Oh, yes, I believe I do! Yes!

J.d., My man, do you think
you can get inside that trunk?

Yes, neal, I believe I can.

Okay, hector,
it's all clear now.

The store's empty. It's
just det. Goldblume and me.

So what say you let the
hostages out and we'll talk?

Yeah, I can see,
frankie. I got eyes.

Do not remain here.

Come on. You too.

Go. Okay, son, let's go.

Frank, maybe my
mother's right, man.

I'm no good to
nobody. You know that?

I'd be better off dead.

I don't believe that, hector.

Well, you think I'm
scared to die, furillo, huh?

Let me tell you I ain't.

But I'll be honest with you.

If you send me back
to juvenile hall...

Now that place scares me, man.

Look, hector, I can't promise you
won't have to go back, because you will.

But I can promise you that
I'll do everything possible...

To get you sent to a
place outside of the system,

Where you'll have
a better chance.

Come on, furillo. Why
don't you get serious, huh?

Those places cost.

Besides, who's gonna take a
15-year-old spic with no money, huh?

Promises? I've
heard 'em all, man.

Maybe you got somebody
who cares what happens to you.

But who the hell cares
what happens to me, huh?

Me. I care, hector. Let me try.

You'd do that for me, furillo?

I can try, yes.

Leave your g*n, hector.

Furillo, man, I know you said all
that stuff to get me out of there,

But I don't think that's
why I'm giving up, all right?

You wanna frisk me?

You're a tough piece
of work, hector.

You ready?


We can't just leave it in the
trunk, j.d. The heat'll k*ll it, babe.

So we'll hide it downstairs in one
of the old cages until the shift ends.

Now, how are we gonna camouflage
180 pounds of corn-fed beef down there?

I've got an old body bag in
the trunk. Nobody'll touch it.


Good times, good folks,
good food. Saturday night.

Yeah, bring her.
Plenty for everybody.

Yeah, baby. A barbecue
to end all barbecues.

Mm-hmm. You oughta
see the meat we scored.

Mm-hmm. It's gonna be a
real big blowout, baby.

So come early and
come hungry. Yeah.

Hey, sergeant, you keep the
receipt, and we keep the release.

The men and women of this
precinct would consider it a favor...

If, uh, this token of
our appreciation...

Accompanied mr. Demarco
to his final destination.

Sure. What the hell? Why not?

Thank you.

Come on. Come on!

Take a seat, spittoon face.

Hey, somebody wanna call me a
vet? I think I need a rabies shot here.

Don't test my
goodwill, cue ball.

Name. Fitzgerald, f. Scott.

What's the "f" stand for?


Belker. Hi, debbie.

Um, I'm off at 8:00.

What time is your
cello practice over?

So how about if I pick you
up? Maybe we'll go to a flick.


They show porno
movies at that place.

How would you like to
spend six weeks in traction?

Frank, I've got a dozen calls
from van buren area merchants.

They're in an uproar. They heard on tv
that chucky's may shut down for good.

Cynthia chase. Remind me first thing in
the morning to get division p.r. On that.

Did you set up a
meeting with them?

Yes, tomorrow evening at 8:00.

My tally says we got 40
people for the barbecue, babe.

Mm-hmm. Let me see. Check.

Well, let's go load up the car
and steal away into the night.

Additionally, francis,

I think we oughta pay a
little more attention...

To this burgeoning
black van situation.


We had a male caucasian robbed,
stripped and severely beaten.

We had to send him to emergency
with a nasty cut on the left buttock.

It's serious, frank. Someone
is going to get k*lled.

I cut santini and harris loose
from regular patrol and put 'em on it.

Ray, uh, no offense intended,

But would you mind if, uh, I
had a moment with the captain...

A cappella, as it were?

No problem, phil. Thanks.

Francis, uh, I spoke to grace,

And, uh, she's
terribly distraught.

I think she'll be all right,
phil. She's a strong woman.

Indeed. Look, I admit a mayday
phone system could be of value,

But a helicopter
pad on the roof?

Counselor, good of you to come.

Are we done, phil?

Not to belabor the point,
but I can't help thinking...

That a call from you to commander
swanson might be in order.

I can't help feeling we're being fitted
for a brown helmet on this one, francis.

Hello, miss davenport. Sergeant.

Damn it. Huh?

Something doesn't seem right.

What's that? I don't know, neal.

What? It feels a whole
lot lighter than before.

Hey, nothin' to worry
about, babe. Your basic

Shrinkage. That's all.
Perfectly natural.

I gotta tell you, joyce. The cop
in me really wanted to nail him...

For endangering
those people like that.

But there's something
special about hector.

Besides, I promised him I'd deliver
on this one. I gave him my word.

So what are you? Solomon?

You were coerced, frank.


If you like, I can
call my ex-husband.

He used to be legal counsel for
the stony brook school in arizona.

- Stony brook?
- They're the best.

Tough academics,
lots of physical labor,

Group and private therapy and,
most important of all, lots of love.

To hell with hector. Send me.

I appreciate it, joyce.

It's good of you.

For you, kid, anything.

Home later? I can't.

I've got an e.r.a. Fund-raiser
with skip fitzgerald.

Maybe early breakfast tomorrow.

Like, say, in bed.

I'll arrange my schedule
accordingly, counselor.

Get a good night's sleep.

You're gonna need it, pizza man.

I want to apologize
for this morning.

Oh, forget it.

Listen, where is frank jr.?

I phoned the house a little
while ago, and nobody answered.

He's got a sleepover at marilyn
fiebelkorn's house tonight.

A sleepover? With a girl?

He's eight years old, dad. He's got his
own sleeping bag. What could happen?

You ever hear of a
game called doctor?

Well, I'd rather we had a
doctor in the family than a cop.

Anyway, uh...

I'm all alone tonight, and I wondered
if you'd want to come by for dinner.

I don't think so, fay. I
just want to go home,

Take a shower and
press the sheets.

Sleeping alone these days?

- She's very pretty, frank.
- Who?

Who... The
watercooler, that's who.

Good night, frank.

Well, I love you too, mouselet.

Mouse kisses back.

Take care now, fay.

I'll do my best, phil. Thanks.

Mouse kisses.
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