01x06 - Film at Eleven

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x06 - Film at Eleven

Post by bunniefuu »

Item nine concerns our
previously described male caucasian,

Biting various and
sundry ladies of the night...

Sounds like belker. On delaware
avenue in broad daylight,

In the general
vicinity of the neck.

Item 10.

Item 10. Your attention, please.

We had a theft last night, in the
artiodactyla section of the zoo,

Of a peruvian llama.

Said peruvian llama, which
answers to the name cookie,

Is approximately five-feet tall,

Has curly blonde hair,

Terminating in a thick, fluffy
tail. Got a phone number?

Sounds like bates to me.

The last item is a directive from
divisional commander swanson...

Yes, sir. Concerning the
unusually high mortality rates...

Of vending machines
in this facility.

The most recent being the, uh,

Busy baker pastry
machine sometime last night.

Anyone with information
regarding the assailant...

Should report to me directly,
subsequent to this roll call.

All right, let's roll. And all of
you, let's be careful out there.

Now, I wanna speak to you seriously
about hemorrhoidal discomfort.

Excuse me. I'm
anthony. Thank you.

Hi, mom. Hi, dad.


Dispatch, we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

You didn't have to take
her to a three-star joint.

Yeah, I know. You'd have figured
a girl that size would order...

A six-pound lobster at
nine bucks a pop? Yeah.

Hey, what we got there?

No idea.

Uh-oh, getting the
negative from roger.

Looks like the dope deal
is off for today, babe.

No big thing. We've only
been here two hours.

Man, man, you talk about
measuring your life out in a teaspoon.

The creep my sister married probably
already grossed five g's this morning.

Hey, what say we go
do our duty, j.d.? Hmm?

Mm-mmm. We don't do
purse-snatchers, man.

We're big-time.
Nothing but game fish.

Oh, yeah? Well, name a
couple for me, man. I'm curious.

Marlin, tuna,
albacore, junkies...

What's the matter, man,
something eatin' you?

Yeah, man, you, your
brother-in-law, your sister,

Your basic negative
cash flow, et cetera.

I'm tired of hearing about it, man.
Just go bring the car around, okay?

Wait a minute.

Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, little sister, you know you
dropped your purse back there?

I ain't your sister, sucka. Uh-oh. Go on,
man. You try. Ask her what's in the bag.

Right. Would you mind telling
us what you have in the bag?

Oh, your ugly mama.
There. You satisfied?

Uh-uh. Okay, sugar, let's be a good little
girl. Show me what you got in the bag.

See for yourself,
pig! I got her, neal.

I'll take her. Stop,
police officer. Halt!


What we got here? Oh.

That's very
flattering, miss chase,

But I think you'd do better
concentrating on my men.

They do the real
work around here.

That's not the way
I hear it, captain.

Oh, not at all. On
the contrary, what i...

Whatever it is you're hearing,
I'm the administrator up here.

If you base your report on me,
you're gonna end up with a 10-hour film...

Of a guy shuffling
papers and phone calls,

With four trips to the
coffeepot and two to the john.

I'm afraid that wouldn't do
too much for your ratings.

I've already got
ratings, captain.

Look, I'm not trying to do
a piece of news fluff here.

I want a mini-documentary.

An objective, journalistic analysis
of what the station house is all about.

You wanna do all
that in one day?

No. In as many days as it
would take. Well, good luck.

I've been here over two years, and I
still haven't figured this place out.

I share that
observation, francis.

- Line four,
detective washington.
- Thanks, phil.

Uh, sergeant esterhaus will be
very happy to show you around.

If you'll excuse me.

Cynthia chase. Oh, how
do you do, young lady?

Yeah, neal. Got a .357 magnum.

Picked it up off a petty
thief on 124th street.

Yeah. She's a she by
the name of billie riles.

Okay, run it by
ballistics on the way in.

And be sure to remind them this might
be the g*n from the hill-renko sh**ting.

They're liable to think
we've closed the books,

And I want that g*n tested
today. Yeah, okay, captain.


I'm truly sorry,
wilma. I really am.

Oh, take it easy, wilma. Come on now.
County's gonna give you a tetanus shot.

Like hell they will. Aside
from messing up my complexion,

I can't take the pain.

What I need is one of
those wooden stakes.

Come off it, wilma. There
ain't no such thing as vampires.

Oh, there are,
officer. She's right.

Sit down, dirtball.

You can call me kevin, sir.

Excuse me.

Please, uh, pull
yourself up a chair, kevin.

Could somebody take this
man down to fingerprinting?

And here to your left, you'll
find our booking and holding areas,

Where your various
basic criminals are held,

Pending their release or transfer
to the michigan avenue complex.

And, uh... Oh, here
is our watercooler.

And even more importantly,
our precinct coffeemaker.

Now, I prefer a fine
grind, filter-drip myself.

But this one has a three
gallon per hour capacity,

Which makes a
terrific place for the

Officers to interrelate
their daily exploits.

And generally
interface, as it were.

Great news.

Of course, I only went
with him to that hotel room...

'Cause I thought he was a serious
professional photographer.

Then, before I knew it, he was laying
those fangs of his upside my neck.

Fangs, upside...

Of neck.

Okay. All right, kevin.
Let's have your full name.

You love her a lot, don't
you? Debbie kaplan, of course.

Who told you that?

No one, sir.

It's written all over
your ink blotter.

All right. Let's have
it, kevin, your full name.

K-e-v-i-n. K-e-v...

Kevin. H-e-r-m-a-n.


D-r-a-c-u-l-a. Dracula.

I am trying to be nice for
a change, and you zing me.

I don't react well
to being zinged.

Not when I'm trying to
turn over a new leaf.

No, really, officer,
my name is dracula.


I had it changed
on my 18th birthday.

Do you see that?

If you're a vampire, how come
you got a reflection in the mirror?

I don't see anything.

Police don't believe no
one unless they white.

No matter nothin' if they're freaks
and junkies and neck-sucking vampires,

Long as they white
neck-sucking vampires.

Judas priest, man, show a little
life. You are a drugged-crazed psycho.

And what's left of your
mind has been warped

With p.c.p., And you
wanna rip my lungs out.

That's it. That's it.

Come on. Come again.
Come again. Come on.

That's it. Whoa! You...

Gotcha, you
sorry-lookin' vermin.

As you can see, this is
quite simple to operate.

It does give you fairly good
control over your suspect,

Whether you want
him in your vehicle.

Or if you wanna move
him out of your vehicle.

Or if you merely want
him down on his knees.

And then once you
have him in holding,

You simply press
this side lever here,

And that disengages
the collar. Fancy.

Uh-oh. Get it.

Simply, huh?

Seems to be stuck.

There's always a bug or
two with new technology.

Well, uh, this can't wait.

Uh, officer, would you
take your seat, please,

While we move on
to the taser g*n.

This is taser model tf-76.

Hey, harris, get this thing
off my neck. Come on. Come on.

She wants me. Come on. I look like
an idiot. Get this thing off my neck.

Come on. What happened to you?

Young lady, you oughta be in school
somewhere. If I was your daddy...

Well, what's this?

Did you get some really good
stuff? I got some good stuff.

Uh-uh, uh-uh, forget it, lover.

She's a professional browbeater
with the 11:00 news, you know?

Always did wanna get
into the news. Oh, man.


Don't make a fool
of yourself, son.

You're not ready yet.


Kevin, I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to
lock you up till your bail comes through.

Please, officer,

I don't think I can do
very well in a jail cell.

No, come on, it ain't so bad.


No, please, don't put me
in a jail cell. Please. Okay?

It's standard procedure,
kevin. This is no big deal.

No, please don't.
Don't put me, please.

Bates, bates, tell kevin
here that going into a cell...

Is your standard
vampire procedure.

You tell him. It's standard
procedure, all right? It's...

We're talking your basic
standard way of doing things.

That's all. No! No!

Kevin, come on. Come on. No!

Get down from there now.


Take it easy. Just calm down.

It's gonna be all right.
Everything's gonna be all right.

Take it easy, pal. Please, I
just want you to calm down.

You'd better get him
down to psychiatric.

Harris, don't hurt him. Harris!

- No!
- Kevin.

You better get down
from there right now...

Before I have to
use force on you.


All right, you asked for it.

You gonna behave?

All right. I want you
to give me your hand.

Just nice and easy.
Just give me your hand.

That's right. That's
it. That's right.

Okay, now we're gonna come off
that desk. Come on, nice and slow.

Nice and slow. Easy does it.

Everything's gonna be okay.
Just come on down off the desk.


Please, please, just don't
send me to psychiatric.

All right. Okay.


Okay. All right. Come on.

Frank, it's ballistics
on comm five.

That is a sad commentary
on our society, gentlemen.

A dangerous misfit deriving
his identity from a media myth.

You took the words right
out of my mouth, lieutenant.

Very insightful, sir. Very.

Excuse me, would you? Mm-hmm.

Excuse us.

Appreciate it, sam.
Yeah, take care.

Frank, where would you like
to situate belker's suspect?

I don't think he would
mix with our other guests.

If maintenance is
through converting that

Cell in the basement,
we can hold him there.

Tell him it's the vampire lounge.
That's a good idea, francis.

Why not have hill and renko take miss
chase out on their rounds with them today?

And I want larue and
washington in here immediately.

I take it it's the g*n
that shot hill and renko.

Yeah, we got the g*n.

I thought you didn't like
handling landlord beefs.

No, this is a media
event, my friend.

And in the interest
of departmental image,

I feel I televise a little
better than you do.

You know the public taste.

Yeah, I sure do.

Okay, cowboy, it's your show.

All right, bernard, uh, is
this good for you right here?

The composition's not so hot.
Could you step to your left?

Okay, about here? That's good.

Fine. Okay. Go for it.

Here we go now.

What do you want, mon?
Good afternoon, ma'am.

My name is officer renko
and this is officer hill.

We are from the
hill street station.

And we are here to answer to a complaint
that you are harboring live animals.

Go away, mon. I
got no animals here.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but we are here on a
complaint that your landlord lodged...

That last night you took delivery
of three chickens and a goat.

I told you I got
no animals up here.

Ma'am, look, I'm sorry, but I
distinctly hear the sound...

Of chickens clucking
from inside your premises.

You heard nothing. Go on now.
Leave me be, you rasta-faced fool.

Mm-hmm, yeah.

What does rasta-faced...

She took my,
uh... My nightstick.

Ma'am, could you
open the door, please,

And return the police property that
you have illegally "embartered" in there?

Ma'am, I have to inform you that
if you don't open up this door,

I'm gonna have to use physical
force to get inside there!

Wait, don't bust it
in yet. I gotta reload.

You do that, and I'll put that
camera down your throat, boy.

Yes, sir.

Bobby, would you... Would
you help me get in here, please?

Oh, but, cowboy, you
televise so much better.

I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.

You dropped this driver's
license and welfare check...

With this purse you dumped.

Who is this rita perez?
Who? I don't know.

Is that the person
you got the g*n from?

You rip off her
apartment, billie?

Maybe your old
man ripped her off.

You want us to bust your old
man, billie? Look, I don't know.

Keep it up, kid.

We got all day.

What's his story?
Well, he claims...

That a group of rather
large gentlemen...

Jumped out of a black van on
hertel and stole all his clothes.

Black van? I thought that
problem was limited to the east side.

Well, we are a transient
society, francis.

Listen, have someone
pick up this rita perez.

Seems to me that .357
tracks in her direction.

Hmm, I'll put belker
on it forthwith.

And, phil, let's not advertise
this any more than we have to.

I don't see any point in
involving hill and renko just yet.



I just asked you to bring in mrs.
Perez, not the whole household.

I know. I flashed my badge at the
door. The dirtball takes a swipe at me.

I'm gonna find out
where you live, mr. Policía.

And when I do... Of course,
he had a lot to hide, sarge.

Looked like he had half a
department store in his pad.

Mrs. Perez, would you mind terribly leaving
your little one with officer belker here,

While we ask you
a few questions?

Oh, he's very
good with children.

You take my baby? I
want a receipt. You got it.

One baby.

There you go.

Hey, wait a minute. Sarge.
Hey, his name is joey.

This way, folks.

Oh. This way.

Joey. Joey.


Hey! Hey!

¡Cállate! ¡Cállate!

Well, seems you
two ladies have met.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I never saw her
before in my life.

All right, knock it off.

Ray, put the two ladies in the same cell
and book them both for attempted m*rder.

Him too. We'll let the
district attorney handle it.

- Okay. Let's go.
- No, wait.

Hey, look, I bought that stuff
off her this morning on elmwood.

Hey, she's lying. It was
an alley off elmwood.

Oh, I've never seen
this broad in my life.

I knocked the chick down and I took
it, okay? The g*n, it was in the bag too.

Maybe you two
better have a seat.

Be sure to mirandize them, ray.


How about a little cookie
here, huh? Here's a little cookie.

Here you go, joey. Go
on, take that cookie.

Put the little cookie in your fingers,
then put the little cookie in your mouth.

That's it.

Hi. He's cute, huh?

Coochie, coochie, coochie.

Phil, would you get me the
d.a., Please? Oh, of course.

Joey, joey, we're gonna
call the d.a. Come on.

Here's the telephone. You
take the telephone in your hand.

That's it. You put down the
cookie and you hold the phone.

That's it. Now we're
gonna call the d.a.

Say hello. Go on, say
hello to the d.a. Hello.

Be with you in a minute, counselor.
I'm in the middle of something.

I know. It's called
chronic incompetence...

In the continual
misplacement of my clients.

Kevin herman dracula?
Oh, you mean the vampire.

Alleged vampire, furillo. Now,
you wanna locate him for me?

He's in a private cell downstairs.
Ray will show you down.

Uh, wait a minute.
Don't go. Please.

Yes, I'm holding.

John, frank furillo.

Yeah, we traced the g*n to a rita
perez. We're holding her and her husband.

Uh, yeah, he's a petty
thief. Three priors.

Listen, john, what I'd like to get
from you is a reject of this guy...

On that charge of receiving stolen
property, in exchange for his cooperation.

No, two reasons.

The description doesn't match, and
he was in county jail when it happened.

Sure he'll have representation.

In fact, public defender joyce davenport
is sitting in my office this very moment.


Thank you, john.

Among other things, district
attorney simonson allows...

As how he'd abandon
his wife of 19 years...

Just for a meaningful
weekend with you.

Tell him to take a number.

Look, furillo, I came here
to see a specific client.

And in case you're not
clued in yet as to the process,

I don't take my assignments
from the district attorney,

Nor the easter bunny
and certainly not from you.

We've got a lead on
the hill-renko sh**ting.

A good one, that might not
wait on the judicial process.

You're on dangerous
ground, furillo.

All I'm saying is you
could save us a lot of time.

How so?

I think I can persuade the d.a. To reject
these charges against you, mr. Perez,

In exchange for
your cooperation.

As your attorney of record,

I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't,
uh, read you the facts of life.

Now, if I were
the d.a., Mr. Perez,

Looking for an easy
way, and I'd say you're it.

A three-time loser
facing grand theft,

Illegal possession of a
firearm, obstruction of justice,

And who knows what else if the captain
here decides to search your residence.

So, you've got two choices. You can
let me try for a rejection of charges,

In exchange for your telling
the police where you got the .357,

Or you can play macho man and
get the book jammed up your nose.

I'd like to get a
piece of him, frank.

Okay, come on, you two. We're
through in here. Let's go. Come on.

Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.

Wait a minute, captain.

Chico, no. Miss davenport?

Great system up here.

You give me back my bird,
mon! Right through there.

You tell that rasta fool
to fetch me back my bird.

No white-faced

Is gonna bust down my door and
take my animals! Okay. All right.

I got the power,
fat boy. The evil eye.

And there's gonna be pins in your doll
come sundown. Get him outta here, renko.

Y'all wanna put this
in the evidence bin, leo?

One rhode island red
deceased. How you doing, freddie?

It's a shame. A
good-looking chicken.

Voodoo, huh?
Yeah, it's terrible.

That had that hot llama stuck up
on the altar when I busted in there.

No. They were executing cookie?

No, I got a stay of execution from
the s.p.c.a. Took it back to the zoo.

It was terrible.

That don't sound too good. Do you
want a bowl of soup or something, freddie?

Uh, roll call's empty.
You can sleep down there.

He claims he got it in
trade for a television set...

From someone
calling himself george,

Who used to do odd jobs for debois
liquors over on richmond avenue.

George supposedly
bought it off the owner.

Excuse me, ray. Hill and
renko just checked in.

Maybe you oughta
take them aside.

This george character,
does he have a last name?

Perez says he's a rail gypsy,
but he hasn't seen him since.

Send larue and washington down to debois
liquors. Have 'em put it to the owner.

What about perez and the ladies?

Seems to me they've been dealt
a rejection of charges by the d.a.

Isn't that true, captain?

As soon as you've got their
statements, you can let them go, ray.

All right.

Francis, uh, what
about hill and renko?

Let's see what larue and
washington come up with first.

I'd hate stirring
them up for nothing.

Esterhaus wouldn't
give me a clue.

The word is they
found a .357 this morning,

And they connect it with a
puerto rican t*rror1st group.

Uh, excuse me, excuse me.
Make way for the varsity, fellas.

Oh, look who we have here.

Gentlemen, have you
met my new protégé?

I'm teaching him to
live life in the fast lane.

Yeah, did you tell them how I had
to get your nightstick back for you,

You rasta-faced fool?

You know what that
means, rasta-faced fool? No.

I don't either. Anyway,
8:00 tonight, my place.

Fresh deck of cards and
all the money you can lose.

How about it, harris, huh?
We got a report to file.

Yeah, we gotta go. I
thought you were gonna play.


Did I say something wrong?

I don't know. Hmm.

Let me tell you, lady. Never in my career
have I seen machines this brutalized.

Inhumanly brutalized.
Hey, don't I know you?

Wait. You're on television.

You're... Don't tell
me. Uh... Cynthia chase.

- No, not her.
- No, but I am her.

Really? Well, yes.

I watch you all the time.
Oh, thank you. I'm glad.

Cynthia chase.

Uh, sir, you... Having trouble?

Well, this machine doesn't
want to cough up my yogurt.

Hmm. Allow me.

You just have to
know how to touch.

Thanks. I...

I trust you're having
a profitable visit.

I'd say it falls somewhere
between a five and a one.

Mm, don't say? I'm
sorry to hear that.

It's not that I didn't expect a certain
amount of runaround, you understand.

It's just that I
was hoping that...

Look, I understand that it
must be very scary out there.

And I know it must be hard for you guys
to talk about it, especially to outsiders.

But I was... You must be hanging
out with the scared crowd.

I'm in the middle of an investigation
right now that would melt your film.


Yeah. You know what I mean.

I somehow thought that the
investigators investigated.

Yeah, well, they've
been known to help out.

Let's go, man. Esterhaus
wants us to take the guy home.

Poor guy, his wife's
gonna have him neutered.

It's called the black van.

Three or four prostitutes will
cruise an area, turning tricks inside.

If they think that a john
has got a lot of money on him,

Or if he's getting out of line,

They'll rip him off and
they'll toss him out the back.

And that's what happened
to him? Not according to him.

According to him, it was nine
eight-foot black dudes carrying spears.

Hey, listen, I'll, uh,
catch you later, okay?

I'm in love. I'm in love.

Can you hang a date on what
day that was? Look, I don't know.

Come on. It was at least six
months ago. Please, have a heart.

Have a heart, you guys. Let
me explain to you something.

That was an unregistered firearm.
That's a thousand bucks to the judge.

George said you gave it to
him, and george is an ex-con.

Oh, no. It's very
serious, mr. Dicarlo.

No, no, no, no, he took it
from me. I didn't give it to him.

Now, I swear, that's the truth.

Okay, okay, uh, just let me
think, huh? Gimme a second.

Wait a minute. I, uh...
I found the thing...

After I reorganized the shelves.

That was, uh, back late march,
early april. Around easter.

Well, what's the
big deal anyway?

So I kept the g*n. I'm sorry.

Two police officers were shot down with
that g*n less than half a block from here.

We've had every cop in this precinct
looking for that w*apon for six months.

135 Cops obstructed
by you, mr. Dicarlo.

Are you putting
the blame on me, huh?

Are you putting the bl... Oh, come on
now. You get your own act together.

I've been ripped off
here about eight times.

The only time I see your boys is when
they want a case wholesale or something.

So, stop laying the crap on me.

Look, how was I supposed to know that
that had anything to do with this, huh?

Look, I don't wanna put
anybody on the dime, you know?

Especially me.

But well, uh,

It may be out of left
field, but I had an inkling.

You see, there's this
guy keeps coming in here.

He's a nice kid,
ex-junkie. Kid got a name?

Yeah, eddie hoban. I
cash his welfare for him.

Anyway, two days, a
week after I find the thing,

His girlfriend comes in here.

She disappears back there.

She's on her hands and knees,
searching around the freezer.

I say to her, "what
you looking for?"

She gets up. She runs
off. Lady have a name?

Yeah, sherry marie.

You got an address
on this eddie hoban?

Yeah, you go down to
the corner to pelham.

You turn right. It's
about three buildings up.

Eddie, telephone!
Telephone for eddie.

Be cool, eddie. Turn around.
Hands up. Who are you?

Hey, what is this?
Turn around, man.

What are you doing? I
didn't do anything, man.

- What are you doing?
- Hey, what's going on?

My kids are sleeping.
Shut up. I never!

Okay, come on up, babe. It's cool.
We got him. What has this boy done?

I ain't done nothin'.

Hmm. You still here, counselor?

I have spent the
better part of an hour...

Trying to coax my client
out of his vampire lounge,

As someone here
has chosen to call it.

While I hunger for
your body, counselor,

I find I'm stuck with
tuna fish on whole wheat.

He loves it down there.

He's watching television.
Someone gave him a television set.

All part of the new image.

He's an outpatient, furillo.

Outpatients must either
be released to custody...

Or bound over to
mental evaluation.

That's the law. Hey, seriously.

I thought you two were
out of here hours ago.

Ray, would you help the
counselor pry her client loose...

From the vampire lounge?

Frank. Phil?

Would you help miss davenport
with her client, please?

Appreciate it, pizza man.

I've not only had clients
unlawfully detained,

At present, I have a client who has
vanished into a bureaucratic black hole.

Physically lost
somewhere in the system.

Your pervert, as I
recall it, miss davenport.

Alleged pervert, sergeant. I
stand corrected, counselor.

Visitors, mr. Dracula.

I think we'd better
call the captain. Please.


I told maintenance to check
walls and ceilings for leaks.

I told them to cover all pipes
with real lath and plaster.

Look at it. We couldn't
have made it easier for him.

And we never thought to check.

Your warning's on record,
francis. Small thanks for that.

Wouldn't want it off
the record, would we?

Take it easy.

He was fine. When I
left him, he was fine.

We know that.

Want someone to drive you home?

Larue and washington
just came in.

What's odd is we were probably more
obliging to this one than we are to most.

In fact, we probably overdid it,
because nobody took him too seriously.

Not me. Not you
either, counselor.

And nobody bothered
to check on him.

Sorry for the speech.

You okay?


Excuse me.

I swear I've never even
seen that g*n before.

I mean, I don't even know how
to use one of these things.

That's the truth,
man. I swear to god.

Tell me about last march,
eddie. Where were you?

Last march?

Here. I was here.
Do better than that.

Start on the first of march.

Are you kidding me? I can't
remember that. I mean, that's six,

Seven, six months ago. Maybe
sherry marie'd help you remember it.

She was living with
you then, right?

Yeah. You got her
phone number, babe?

No. I mean, we split up.

You know how that goes.

Hey, uh, you suppose I could get a
drink of water or something like that?

Oh, sure thing. You
want something to eat?

No, thanks. That's okay.

Put sherry marie's name down
on the pad for me, will you, babe?

First and last. Sure.

That half a bag's
not even mine, man.

I mean, I was just
holding that for a guy.

We're not worried
about your dope, eddie.

Appreciate that, eddie.

We just wanted to know
where you were last march.

Why don't we start with sundays?

What do you do on
sundays in march?

So, how about some
cream and coffee? Sugar.

What you say, lover?
Say okay, bobby.

What's going on in that
interrogation room?

You catch a big fish?
Mm-mmm, little fish.

I'm making him swim in this.

No doubt a purveyor of dangerous
narcotic substances, right?

No doubt whatsoever.
No doubt whatsoever.

Well, well, here
comes your better half.

What's going on, babe?
What's the problem?

Well, the problem at this
particular time is recruitment.

See, we had a game scheduled
for tonight with eight people,

And now it's just me and bobby, and
we'd like to know what the deal is.

Better reschedule it.
Maybe tonight's a bad night.

No, no. What we're saying, man,

Is that we've been getting the
back of people's heads all day...

And getting one-word answers.

And everyone in this room
keeps staring at that door.

What's... What's going on, man?

I mean, if something's going on
in there that concerns me and...

- Excuse me, gents.
- Sure, henry.

Henry, just a minute.

Hill street station.
Can you hold please?

Take a seat in viewing, you
two. I'll be with you in a minute.

Go on in, henry.

Take a seat in viewing.

Let's find the girlfriend.

You know, I don't
like this one damn bit.

I think we're getting
set up or something.

Did you see him in
there? I mean, it's...

All right, so what? I mean,
why you worried? I don't know.

Just street trash like
that can work you up

One side of the street
and down the other.

And you know exactly
what I'm talking about.

Okay. I've kept you in the
clear on this as long as I could,

But that doesn't seem
to be working anymore.

Detective goldblume is going
to bring in some suspects.

I want you to tell me if
you recognize anyone.

Okay, henry.

What's this relate to, captain?

Have them turn around,
henry. All the way.

Oh, god, that's him.

This guy right here on the
right. This guy right here.

Okay, sit down, renko. Don't tell me
to sit down. That's the guy that shot me!

That's all, henry. Sit down!

I could pick a guy like
that out of a 200-mile lineup.

What about you, bobby?


Yeah, that's him.

You don't forget about a thing
like that as long as you live. No way.

Damn! You got him.

Okay, we'll meet with the
prosecutor in the morning.

Bobby, meantime, I don't want
you to discuss this with anybody.


I think we can make this kid
circumstantially. I think we can do that.

Okay, that's all.


Francis, I just finished the
go-around with psychiatric.

They confirmed the suspect and the drug
rehabilitation program with a dr. Shimmert.

Get this. On the
afternoon of the sh**ting,

He signed in at 1:10 p.m.,

Signed out at 4:55 p.m.,

Attending his regular
50-minute session.

Psychiatric's less than 10 blocks
from the scene of the sh**ting.

It's conceivable he signed in, got
restless and went out for some action.

A lot can happen in two hours.

Wait a minute.

Henry, would you
come out here a second?

Hill street station.
Officer bosco speaking.

Henry, what's the setup
at county psychiatric,

Between the time
a patient signs in...

And the time he sees his
doctor, how free is it up there?

Can he walk out
without signing out?

It's possible.
It's a busy place.

Look, frank, for
what it's worth,

I knew that kid in there before when
he was sh**ting up three times a day.

When he says he's never
picked up a g*n, I believe him.

Renko i.d.'D him, henry.

I don't believe it,
frank. I'm sorry.

Hill street station.

You're being charged with the
attempted homicide of two officers...

During the
commission of a felony.

You're also charged with possession
of heroin at the time of arrest.

We're now going to transfer you
to the michigan avenue complex.

I swear to god, man, I
didn't sh**t anybody!

It's gonna be okay, son.

Get something warm.

You wanna get some soup? Careful,
the floor's slippery over there.

I think I'm getting a cold.

You're soaking wet.

I drove to the shore and back.

With the top down?

It stuck.

I couldn't get it up.

I just want you to know I don't
blame you for what happened today.

Don't blame yourself either.

I just feel so awful.

Excuse me, captain. Arrest
reports. Wanna sign 'em?

Morning okay? Sure.

You want me to go home with you?

Are you gonna cry?

Yes, you are.
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