01x02 - Presidential Fever

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x02 - Presidential Fever

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 17...

Item 17 is the...

Matter of a
complaint to division...

Concerning the unauthorized
body searches of female suspects.

All right, let's settle down.

Be reminded, female police
officers will, according to policy,

Perform all in-depth
searches of female suspects.

Is that perfectly lucid?

All right, last item.

The last item...

Early this morning we had two
more r*pe assaults up in st. James park.

Chances are one or both of them
fit the pattern of the eight others...

We've had in the vicinity of the
botanical gardens and the reservoir.

In other words, we've
got some extremely bad

Animals out there
that need apprehending.

So, let's spend a little less time flirting
with the hookers and the waitresses...

And put some heavy
attention on that park.

All right, let's roll.

Hey! Let's be careful out there.

Uh, hold on a second.
I'll give you a hand.

Is that you, howard?

Stand clear, frank.

I don't like the indiscriminate
use of tae kwon do, frank,

But I cannot abide
close confinement.

It is a sorry state
of affairs, frank,

I don't mind telling
you, maintenance-wise,

When you have to fight your
way out of a men's room stall.

I've issued numerous memoranda to division
regarding that very subject, howard.

That left sideburn's
a little ragged, frank.

It's nothing personal. It's just
symptomatic of a far greater malaise.

Oh? What might that be, howard?

Judas priest, frank!

We are coming apart at the seams up here,
and you are dashing off memos to division.

Procedure, howard.
What can I tell you?

Hang procedure.

Mobilize a team of your more
domestically oriented female officers...

And let's fix this place up.

We start tolerating
rusty hinges,

And before you know it
we tolerate rusty minds.

I appreciate your proposal,
howard. I'll consider it.

In the meantime, have a
most pleasant morning.

Au revoir, frank.

Leapin' lizards!

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

Huerta bail bonds.

Bail bonds, sir? Free for a fee.

Bail bonds. Oh, don't
be shy. Here, take two.

Huerta bail bonds.

Oh, my, my. A new face.

New face, new friends. Huerta bail
bonds. Twenty-four-hour service.

Cuidado, "huerto."

Esterhaus catches you advertising
in here, he's gonna 86 your keister.

I-i'm not arguing. Who
was arguing? Am I arguing?

Am I arguing? Huerta bail bonds!

Half a block up and across the
street! Hold on, renko, please.

Check this out.

My cousin had 'em printed
up. Brand-new slogan.

"The blessing of
freedom for a lousy 10%."

What do you think? I think
you'd better get out of here.

Oh, give me a break!

He's okay! Relax! Relax!

I'm not even sure
he's housebroken.

Keep that devil away from me!

Lower your voice, renko. He's only
responding to your hostility, not his.

Henry, what is this? Sarge,
could you open that door for me?

Henry, you missed your calling.
You should have been a mountie.

Hey, hi, there, fella.

Hey, hey, easy, boy. Easy.
We're on your side, pal.

Pretty dog, huh?

Speak for yourself, henry.
That dog is a cop-hater.

He's just a stray. I'll have him
out of here in two hours, tops.

Last time it took you two weeks.

Well, what am I
supposed to do, leo?

Let him get picked up,
sent to the gas chamber?

He can cop a plea down
to misdemeanor soiling.

Sir? Sir?

I love dogs, and I could
really help you out.

For instance, I could take him
for a walk. Right away, if you'd like.

Very creative, seymour.

Two hours, leo.

Just take me a couple of phone
calls to the proper adoption agencies.

Sure, henry.

Can I help you? I have an
appointment with frank furillo.

The captain is tied up. Maybe I
can help you. I see him right there.

You can't come in, ma'am. Frank.

Yes, that's right.

Frank furillo. How
long has it been?

How long?

It's been a while.

You don't remember me.

I'm sorry. I should.

We do know each other,
don't we? I should hope so.

Grace gardner.

Of course. Grace!

How are you? You look wonderful!

Thank you. Grace, this is
lieutenant ray calletano.

Ray, you remember chief
of detectives sam gardner.


Uh, my condolences,
mrs. Gardner.

Sam was a very fine man.

Yes, sam was okay. Thank you.

Well, this dump sure hasn't
changed. Only the faces.

What brings you up here?

The stinker didn't call you.

Chief daniels
promised me faithfully...

That he would warn you so that my
moving in wouldn't come as a shock.

Moving in? Darn that man!

I thought you knew.

I'm sorry. I'll explain.

After sam died,

I decided to pull some strings and
come to work for the department.

You did?

You bet.

In this precinct?
Especially this precinct.

I figured if I could do something
with this relic, I can tackle anything.

Forgive me, grace, but I don't seem
to be following what you're telling me.

I'm attached to
central planning, frank.

I'm your police decorator.

Excuse me, captain.

Lieutenant, we got a guy in a jockstrap
directing traffic down on decker avenue.

Outside our robbery stakeout?

You got it. ¡Condenado!
Pick up the scrot!

He just said to
pick the sucker up.

Oh, frank.

I don't want to be
considered anything other

Than a normal working
part of this precinct.

- So let's all relax.
- Uh, excuse me.

I just got the call, francis. Belker nailed
one of the two rapists in st. James park.

Oh, let's hope he's the big one.

Just a moment sir.
He'll be right with you.

Uh, phil esterhaus,
grace gardner.

- How do you do?
- Hello.

As a matter of fact, phil
here will be your liaison.

- I will?
- So, uh...

Why not get on with the job?

I'm very glad to
meet you, sergeant.

- Good-looking woman.
- Nice perfume.

Ah. Chief daniels.

Captain furillo.

Fine. Thank you, sir.
How are you, chief?

Oh, marone.

Forty-eight hours.

Yes, sir.

We're leaving right now.

Great news.

The president of
the united states...

Wants to visit the hill.

Belker. Bail bonds, sir.

Move it!

Huerta bail bonds, half a
block up, across the street.

D-don't take jail. Make bail.

You stay, I pay.

Oughta do what
they do in sweden.

Freedom for a lousy 10%!

Belker, you've met your match.

Way to go! Way to go!

Very refined sense of humor
we got around this place.


I was thinking of
sliced avocado...

Mrs. Gardner, I find it hard to understand
how a department short of funds...

Can spend precious
dollars on ambience.

Ah, never underrate
ambience, sergeant,

Particularly in the
work environment.

This is not a community
center... It certainly isn't.

Which is all the more reason
to humanize it, sergeant.

We can't cover 10 grocery
stores at the same time!

I know, I know. Set up a
schedule. Do the best we can.

Frank, a word with you, if
I may. Please, phil, not now.

Henry. Yeah, frank? What's up?


Uh, listen, I gotta go.

No, tell her he's
just a puppy. Yeah.

No, no, he's college material. Take my
word for it. And the cutest little thing.

You will excuse me,
won't you, grace?

Whatever that is in
there, get rid of it.

Francis... No, he's
quite spirited, actually.


Good collar, mick.

One outta two ain't
good enough, captain.

I have a hunch
you'll correct that.

Any connection to the
11 others? No, not much.

Maybe the interrogation'll turn somethin',
like the name of his running mate.

You mirandized him, didn't you?
We don't want to violate any laws.

Aw, captain... I mean
it, mick. No mistakes.

I don't wanna lose this
animal in court. Excuse me, uh...

I'm having stress. I
wanna call my doctor.

I-i'm gettin' therapy.


We need to get under way.

Sirs? Sirs, y-you're not
leaving me alone with him.

What happens if the president can't
make it at the last moment? Then what?

I don't see that
as your concern.

Your concern is his
safety, should he come.

For a press secretary, you've
got a short memory, mr. Parker.

If the president doesn't
show, you'll be gone...

And I'll be stuck with the consequences
of 10,000 unmet expectations.

What troubles me here, captain,

Is your perception of
the community up there.

You make it sound like a loose
collection of banana republics.

In a sense, that's right.


Then maybe we should be considering
another community in another city.

Hill street's exactly what the
president's looking for, mr. Parker.

Believe me.

It's really disgusting up there.

You'll get some incredibly
effective footage.

If you can't deal with it, frank,
I'll put someone on it who can.

Commander, mr. Parker,

Captain furillo...

Is the only police
officer up there...

Who's respected by everyone,

Including the youth gangs.

All we really have to do
is convene a summit meeting,

Tell them the president's
coming, and then...

Take it from there.

We can do that
easily, frank... Captain.


We'll do what we can.

We'll do our best.

And I hear your best
is mighty good, sir.

Belly up. Thanks a lot, henry.

I'm sorry. God, am I sorry.

Listen, I couldn't help it.

I got this anxiety
syndrome around authority.

I thought I had a handle on it,

But between commander swanson and
this parker guy... God, he's got cold eyes.

Listen, frank, I can understand
it if you can't forgive me.

Come on, henry. I
forgive you. No, really...

I mean it. Don't fold on me now. I need
you to go back and set up that summit.

How could I have said that? Because it
was exactly what they wanted to hear.

See if you can get
'em all in for, say, 4:00.

I got a lunch date I'm already
late for. I'll be back right after.

I think the bone might be...

Oh, I'm sure the bone is a
terrific color for this area.

It'll go with the
occasional bloodstain.

All right, sergeant.

If you have your heart set
on waging w*r, you got it, baby.

Hey! Good collar, you
guys! Thank you, sarge.

You get an assist each.

This entire area
is wasted space!

This entire area is ridiculous!

Hey, look! Bobby's back! Hey!


Hill. We heard about him. He was
partnered with renko, wasn't he?

He was sleepwalkin',
is what I heard.

I wouldn't be so sure of
what you heard, fuentes.

You guys are new up here, so let's
don't get reckless with our mouths.

Hey, bobby. All right.

Good seein' you, kid.

Great to have you
back, babe. Right on.

Good to have you back. Really.

Hey, bobby. Hey, sarge.

How you doin', huh?

I'm doing okay.

How you doing? Well, it's
just the same old ambience.

Geez, good to have you back.

You are back, aren't you?

Anytime you say.


How's it goin' around here?

How's your new lady? Cindy? Wow!

Get this.

Senior class sergeant-at-arms,

Chairman of the prom committee,

Assistant marching
band captain...

While maintaining
a solid "b" average.

Hey, that sounds great.

Girl's got a big future. Big.

Excuse me.

You know, bobby, if, uh, you
ever wanna talk about it...

I've been there
myself a time or two.

Thanks, sarge. I'm doing okay.

Just takes a little time.

Who's that there? Is
that bobby over there?


When'd you get back?

About a week ago.

You look skinny. Yeah. I
gotta get my suit altered.

You preferring that to
the basic blues these days?

I don't know.

Haven't really
thought about it yet.

How you doin'?

Look, you didn't come in here
for a bunch of "hi, how are yous."

What's on your
mind? You didn't call.

Five weeks in a hospital
bed, you didn't call.

Belker came by every
day. Even met a nurse.

I figured if you wanted to
talk, you would've called me.

Sounds like you did a lot of figurin',
my friend. I had a lot of time to.

You were lucky, man. You
were in a coma for two weeks.

Well, not me, renko.

I never lost consciousness,
man, not for a second.

Lying on that cold floor, I could
feel the blood oozin' out of my body,

But i... I just couldn't move.

I don't wanna hear about this.

Man, the rats...

The rats, renko,

Were crawlin' on my face, man.

I prayed to die.


Occupied. Occupied.

Now you listen to me.

The first thing I asked when I came
out of it was, "is bobby still alive?"

They told me yes, and I figured
about a month we'll be back in business.

But you didn't call me. Why?

I figured you blamed me
for us gettin' shot. Oh, man...

If I hadn't lost it, we wouldn't
have had to go into that building.

Hey, man, it happened! That's
all, renko. It just happened.

I never blamed you, man.

Then why the hell
didn't you call?

Oh, man, I don't know.

I guess I just figured things
couldn't go back to the way they were.

Can they?

I don't know.

Somethin' is different.

Well, hallelujah, cowboy.

I haven't even
gotten to "different."

I still gotta get
past bein' scared.

Well, I'm not scared of
anything or anybody, my friend.

People have always
been scared of me.

Lyin' in that hospital bed, I thought
god may have given me a body like a b-52,

But he also gave me a brain.

We don't need to prove we
can go out there again, bobby.

That's where it's
at for both of us.

If we show 'em we got somethin' between
our ears, we don't have to be sn*per meat.

Sorry to bust up your reunion,

But, uh, people are
beginning to talk.


Have you got a uniform?

Yeah. In my locker. Why?

Well, I'm shorthanded today.

I got a bunch of guys out with the
flu, so if the two of you feel up to it...

Nah, I'm sorry, sergeant, i...

My leg's still bothering me.

I've been watching you use
that prop for days, young fella.

Who you trying to kid?

Maybe we just don't
wanna be together.

Okay. We can work that one out.

In the meantime, I want you to
both use levy and bartlett's unit.

Park detail.


It's very clean, my friend.

Fluff and fold
'em. Just be quiet.

That's it. Everybody out in
their own neat little slot.

Say, listen, renko. You wanna go
for detective? That's fine with me, man.

I'll be more than happy to interview new
partners as soon as we're off this shift.

You dig? Yeah. Loud
and clear, my friend.

Loud and clear.

Will you look at this damn
uniform. You comin' or what?

Hold your water,
son. What'd you say?

You heard what I said. If you
don't mind, my leg's a little stiff.

You want me to drive? No. I
can't stand the way you drive.

Fine. Uh-huh.

Excuse me.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Uh... Couldn't get away.

I've ordered already.

I have to be back in
court in half an hour.

Frank, this isn't my
idea of progress.


Relationships don't mature
on a diet of 20-minute lunches.

I had a meeting this
morning with randy parker,

Special assistant to the
president of the united states.

What was I supposed to do,

Say, "excuse me, give the president
my regards, but I got a hot lunch date"?

If it was an isolated situation,
that would be one thing.

But it isn't. Joyce, please.

I've had a terrible morning.

I need a little relief.

Can't we talk about this later?

When? Tonight.

No offense, captain,

But I don't want
to fight tonight.

I wanna do other things.


I don't wanna make a
huge deal about it, francis,

But the woman's being disruptive
in the extremis, if you get my drift.

- Humor her, will ya, phil?
- I'm trying.

But she's all over the
place. It's not very easy.

Uh, I'm on a pay phone,
phil. What's the scoop?

Well, uh, looks like
it's coming together.

Goldblume's in, and they're
trying to convene a summit.

- Good. What else?
- Oh, uh, belker's interrogating
the r*pe suspect.

Alone? No. I put
chesley in with him.

- Also, your wife called.
- Ex-wife.

She called six times.
She sounds a little tense.

Well, if she calls
again, just tell her to...

Phil, what the
hell is that? Phil?

Come on! Put me down!

Hey, what happened?

- Hey! What happened?
- Get somebody in there fast.

- Get inside with the prisoner!
- Put me down!

Not till you stop growling. Can't
you see that I stopped growling?

Look at me, chesley. I'm limp!

Phil, what's happening?

That pig in there
is laughin' at us.

And he's laughin'
at who he r*ped.

Because he is 17.
He's 17! He's walking!

Belker, look. We don't
know that for sure.

Mick. Did anyone get bitten?

Oh, no, sarge. I didn't
lay a tooth on the kid.

Why doesn't anybody
give me credit for that?

Get him outside!
Phil, are you there?

Come on, mick.
Walk it off, hell!

I'm goin' out there,

And I am gonna
get the other guy!

If anybody wants me,

I'll be in the park!

Phil, are you there?
What do you say, my friend?

I'd like to use the phone before
she starts by herself. Damn.

About time.

I wish you'd talk to her, joyce.

She's really on the verge of mutilating
something very beautiful between us.

Oh, uh, doug browning,
meet frank furillo.

Oh, hi, frank. Really
nice to meet you. Likewise.

Hiller, bloomgarden,
resnick and smith. Right?

Beg your pardon? You're
with their firm, aren't you?

No. Spiegelglass and ludwig.

I'm afraid not. Joyce... Ah.

I'm really running late.
I've gotta get back to court.

Judge nadler. Well, you're
gonna see shelley before I will.

So give her this and tell
her it was the best I could do...

Joyce, I really don't think you ought to
take that. It's just a little nose candy.

Look, joyce, we have
got to get together.

Frank, uh,

What can I say?

How could you?

What? What'd I do?

Embarrass me like that. I prevented
you from committing a felony is what I did!

Excuse me. What is
the matter with you?

The matter is your a*t*matic cop
assumption that everybody is a felon.

What makes you so sure I'd have taken
that vial of alleged dr*gs anyway?

I didn't want to take a chance. Then
you should have looked the other way.

I could have arrested
that man. I should have!

We really live in two different worlds,
frank. Not so different, counselor.

Need I remind you we are
both officers of the court?

We may both be officers of the court,
captain, but at least I am capable...

Of distinguishing between my
personal life and my work life. Say, lady.

The criminal courts
building, please. All right!

So after waiting
around for six hours,

The assistant d.a. Comes out, looking
like he just stepped in something squishy,

And he tells me they copped the
suspect down to misdemeanor joyriding.

We caught the guy with two caddies
and a buick in the back of a trailer rig.

- Now, does that suck lemons,
bates, or what?
- It's the system, man.

Hey. Nothing's wrong
with the system.

They're handing down longer
suspended sentences all the time.

I mean, the two animals
who jumped this kid...

Will probably be back in the park
joy-boyin' somebody else in a couple days.

Hey, motormouth. Where's
your sensitivity? In your fists?

Are we taking you to the
hospital, bates, or what?

I wouldn't ride with
you two to a dogfight.

Mmm. Mmm! No doubt about it.

She wants me. Oh.

What do you think?

Let's do it, bro.

All right. All righty. What
do you guys think you're doin'?

¿Habla ingles, man? No mucho.

Hey, just cool it
with the set, amigo.

You speak english, man?

Is this stuff yours?

Yeah. It is, huh? The
television set too?

That's right. Well,
what about the truck?

It's his.

You wanna check out his
license and registration?

Hey, we're not
doin' nothin', man.

Oh, yeah? Can you prove
that television set is yours?

How in the hell do you
expect me to prove that?

What do you think it's doing out
here on the street? We're moving.

What, out of this place?

Got no license, no registration.

You got a driver's license?

How do you expect
me to read this, man?

This your address here?

It's my old place. I didn't have
time to change the address.

So what we got here is, you're moving a
bunch of stuff you can't prove is yours...

From a place that may or may
not be your legal residence...

In a vehicle that
he can't prove is his.

Maybe we oughta
just let this go, huh?

We can't do that, man. They're in
violation. Hey, it's minor stuff, man.

These guys are okay. We leave
now, we look like chicken bellies.

I can live with that,
man. I can't. Come on.

Hey, cop! Hey, cop!

We're just trying to get out
of this hole. Look for yourself.

What the hell are you hassling
us for? Hassle somebody else!

This is it.


Man, they have their
families in there. Come on.

¿Que pasa, fuentes? They
don't do nothing. Okay.

Listen, we're not gonna cite you
this time for the unregistered vehicle...

Or for the mutilated license.

But I want you to get
this stuff out of here.

It constitutes a
hazardous situation.

Let's go, bro.

Hey, you know, my grandmother
used to have one of these.

Just like it.

We're gonna be back here in one
hour, so get this crap out of here.

This is no setup, man. Jamal
worthington's gonna be here.

So is jorge ruiz
of the gypsy boys.

I can't tell you over the
phone, but it's very important.

Diablos, dragons...
They're all coming in for it.

Yeah, we'll send a car.

Just tell 'em 4:00, hill
street... Yes, I'll hold.

Phil, where do we stand?

It's coming together, francis.

Also, you got a hundred
calls here. Plus, um...

They'll have to wait. Did
you get jesus martinez?

Yeah, I left a message
at his answering service.

Answering service? This
kid's got an answering service?

Which is more than I can
say for you, frank. Hello, fay.

You've been ducking my calls.

I have not been
ducking your calls.

Just haven't had a free moment
since I rolled out of bed this morning.

- How have you been?
- Pressed.

I got a $600 past-due
bill for frank jr.'S tuition,

And all I've got
in the bank is $53.

I need more money,
frank. Who doesn't?

I am trying to make a
good home for your son.

But between what I make
and your lousy alimony,

It just doesn't stretch.

Frank... Buenos días, ray.

Nice to see you, mrs. Furillo.

We have a situation at the
booking desk that cannot wait.

You are gonna have to deal with this
situation first, because I'm not moving!

Handle it, ray,

Whatever it is.


Damn it, fay! Every time you blow in
here, you embarrass the hell out of me!

You think I'm not embarrassed?

Or maybe you think I like having a
container of yogurt every day for lunch...

Because I can't afford to
go out like a normal person!

Fay, you know how much
I make. You know how

Much of it you get.
There's not a lot left over.

Frank, I am not negotiating.

I am crying out of desperation!

Did it ever occur to you to take
frank jr. Out of private school?

You could buy a mercedes
for what that costs.

Do you want to be the one to tell him
he's gotta go back to public school?

- Sure.
- Don't you dare.

For the first time since our
divorce, frank jr. Is better.

Not entirely out of the
woods, according to harvey,

But getting there.

Harvey. Harvey is a...


- What's wrong, frank? Jealous?
- I'm eating my heart out.

I know you don't like
to think that I could

Have a rewarding
relationship with another man,

But I can and I do.

Rewarding, I might add,

In every sense of the word.

Well, if it's so
damned rewarding,

Why don't you just rinse out
your panty hose and marry the guy?

Let him carry part
of the freight. Okay?

You stink, frank.

And you're gonna
hear from my attorney!

Mr. Bergosian.
Mr. Bessler. Mr. Argitakos.

Mr. Lao. Good.

Uh, lapidus.

Mr. Lapidus, I'm
henry goldblume.

Excuse me, mr. Lapidus. May i?

We're checking, uh, weapons at
the desk. We all agreed to that.

Thank you very much. I really
appreciate that. Thank you.

All right, okay... Okay!

Not everyone's here, but
we've been waiting long enough.

I know you're wondering what's going on,
whether this is a peace conference or what.

Hey-hey, marquez!

Morning, father. What? Huh?

What you lookin' at? Sit down.

How you doin', frankie?

Quite a party you
got here, frankie.

Got blood here, dragons,
gypsy boys over there.

Shamrocks over there.

Yo, louie.

Remind me to call my
personal physician.

Glad you could make it, jesus.
We have a table reserved for you.

Thank you, frankie. You
didn't have to do that.

Come on, man.

Go ahead, frankie.
You can talk now.

Thank you, jesus.


What would you
say if I told you...

The president of
the united states...

Intends making a fact-finding
tour of this precinct?

What did he say?

He says the president can't cross
gypsy boy turf without a passport.

If he wants us, he's gotta pay.

Hey, what you say? You for real?

What I'm hearing! This is the
president of the united states!

Hey, quiet! Quiet!

If everybody will
just calm down...

Let me take a whack at this,
captain. Shut up... Not now!


All I'm asking is
your cooperation...

For the two short hours
of the president's visit.

Two hours, man!

If you can't give me
two hours of coolness,

The president's gonna think you've
got no control over your people.

And he won't deal with
anybody who's got no control.

Why should he?

Where's the percentage in it?

Hey, what's my
percentage, furillo?

The president don't mean
diddly-squat up here, man.

I'd like to address
that remark, captain.

Hold it, parker. No percentages.

The only deal is a fair
shake from this precinct.

For two years we've played
straight pool with you.

No dirty busts, no
railroading, no backroom games.

Nobody wants to go
back to the way it was.

Mr... Mr. Furillo, sir?

- Can I ask you a question?
- Go ahead.


Hold that.

Now, suppose mr. Prez...

Decides he wants to go from, let's
say, blood turf to, uh, shamrock turf.

How's he gonna do that?

Well, okay.

The "prez" is planning
a walking tour, son,

So... He'll probably walk.

I guess this guy's
probably a comedian too.

- We got no treaty with them.
- For real?

No way he's gonna get from their turf
to our turf. Impossible. We got no treaty.

All right. No problem.

Soon as this meeting breaks up,

You, detective goldblume
and the w*rlord of the bloods...

Can get together and start
hashing out something temporary.

Use the interrogation room.
You know where that is, huh, bro?

You left your cooties
stuck on the chair.

Ooh! I wouldn't take
that! I dig your bow tie!

Hey, just cool it, man.
All right. Anybody else?

Yeah, listen, what's
the sugar for us, huh?

Sugar? Yeah.

I mean, if the
president is comin',

There's gonna be tv.

And everybody knows there's
a lot of gold in television, man.

Dinero, huh?

Okay, okay. Listen, guys.

I'm not gonna lie to you. There's
gonna be tv cameras all over the place.

After all, it's a media event.

But it's a news event. Nobody
gets paid for being on the news.

Al pacino don't work for
nothin', man. Huh? That's right.

Get him. He thinks
he's al pacino.

The only thing you ever
autographed was a confession.

At least I can write, which
makes me unique in this room.

What you said! I
dig your bow tie!


All right. Any beefs between now and
then, you run 'em through the station.

That's it. That's all.

Be cool. Be cool.

Uh, captain, if I could say
just a few words here...

It's cool, parker. Leave 'em be.

Easy, captain.

Guys, I just wanted to express,
on behalf of the president,

His appreciation.

Now, he wouldn't be coming
up here if he didn't care,

If he wasn't on your side.

You believe this guy?

So, thanks, you guys, and...

He's gotta be in the
government. Stay cool.

Had to get into it, didn't you?

I warned you, parker... They may be a
lot of things, but they're not stupid,

And they don't forget.

Yo, furillo!

You're really learning
the business well, frankie.

Hey, mr. G-man.

How 'bout those jobs
and social programs?

Diablo don't need that garbage.

What we do need is a picture of the dude
with his arms around my mother's shoulder.

She's got cancer really bad.

My daddy has a hangnail! Shh!

Before you run off
at the mouth, parker,

If his mother gets a picture with the
president, they're all gonna want pictures,

And if they don't have mothers,
there'll be girlfriends and cousins.

I'm sorry, man. And I'm sorry
about your mother. I didn't know.

Así es la vida, bro.

As for you, mr. G-man,

If you send out any
social program checks,

You send 'em to me.

On diablos turf,

I'm the government.

Ooh! Jesus!

Mmm! Tell him!

That's right. Louie.

All right.

Stay cool, frankie. Oww! Ahh!

If you guys wanna
caucus today...

Francis, can I have a
word with you upstairs?

What's going on in there? Take it
from me. You don't want to know.

Phil, show mr. Parker
out, will you?

Mr. Parker, you know
where the stairs are. Hmm?

Get outta my way,
man. Get out of my way.

What's going on?

What's this, sneed?

A baseball bat, captain.

Oh. You in a league
or something?


I've been a cop 17 years,

And I've been to a few
softball games myself.

So what say? Let's
not kid a kidder.

Who called practice?

I did, captain.
We both did, sir.

You both look like you
already lost. What happened?

We got jumped.

Jumped? Just like
that? In broad daylight?

We were in a
building, sir. We were

Investigating a possible
burglary in progress.


And when it turned
out to be a false alarm,

When we tried to leave,
that's when they jumped us.

They got our g*ns.

Well, listen up, athletes.

Softball practice is canceled.

You're gonna let 'em get away with it?
What if one of those g*ns kills a cop?

Harris, there are enough g*ns out there
to k*ll every one of us a dozen times over!

I don't give a rat's
bladder about your g*ns!

What I do care about, and
what scares the hell out of me,

Is the kind of morality
I'm seeing here.

Francis, there's another
aspect to this... Pride.

Professional pride.

That's why the men wanted to
handle this, uh, informally, so to speak.

Well, if this is how
you show your pride,

Then turn in your blues and
get the hell out of my precinct.

What we're supposed to be here
is the one thing people can trust.

If you go out there like
a bunch of night riders,

What the hell are you but just
another vicious street g*ng?


Let's accede to the captain's
wishes on this one, huh?

Shall we?

Rained out.

Thought maybe I
could see you tonight.

Not tonight, frank.

I've got a ton of homework.

I'm in appeals court in
the morning at 8:00 a.m.

I'm sorry about today.

So am i.

No. No, I'm not.

Look, uh,

Frank, the longer I see you,

It's gotten more complicated...

Than I think either of
us expected or wants.

I know what I want.

I think we both do.

You always make it sound
so easy, don't you, pizza man?

I'll come by.

We fight better in the flesh.

Let me see you for breakfast.

Is 6:00 a.m. Too early?

Do I call you or nudge you?

You call.

This is an all-nighter,
frank. Really.

It's funny. I had the
same thing in mind.

I really care for
you, counselor.

Me too, captain.

Good night.

Good night.


Yeah, phil?

I, uh, might have caused us
a little grief with division.

What kind of grief?

I had to throw that
decorator woman out.

It was either that
or commit a felony.

It's okay.

I'll take care of it. Thanks.

Good night. Night, phil.


Brought him in. Move it!

Wonder if it's the
guy. And no bites.

Yeah. Wonder if it's the guy.

All right! All right, mick!

Way to go!

Would you like to sit
down over there, hair ball?

Or would you prefer
internal bleeding?


The other r*pist
from this morning.

And this one's no minor.

You're something else, belker.

I mean that.

Thank you, captain.
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