01x04 - Rachel's First Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Family Matters". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 9, 1997.*
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A spin-off of Perfect Strangers, the series revolves around the Winslow family, a middle-class African-American family and their nerdy neighbor Steve Urkel.
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01x04 - Rachel's First Date

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, Carl. Where's Laura?

CARL: She's at the library.

That's okay. I'll
talk to her later.

- You're not gonna eat that, are you, Carl?
- What's that supposed to mean?

Do you know what's in that baby?

Guar gum, Red Dye Number 5...

and enough cholesterol
to clog up your arteries...

like a drain full
of greasy hair.

Once again, you've
come between me...

and the things that I love.

Works every time.

CARL: And now we're
over St. Louis. Drrrrr.

Now we see Chicago. Nrrrrrr.

Carl, the baby just ate.

Uh-oh. Emergency
landing. Emergency landing.


I could never play airplane
with your Uncle Carl.

He was a 747 from
the day he was born.

As I recall, Mama...

I was a normal 10 pounds,
5 ounces of pure joy.

Uh-huh. And as I recall, you
were 36 hours of hard labor.

He's still a wide body,
but it's all first class.


Mama? Harriette and
I are finally gonna get

a chance to go to
dinner and a movie alone.

Well, don't go to one
of them slasher movies.

You know how they
give you nightmares.

You got that right.

Every time he sees one, he
sleeps with the nightlight on.

Well, what's wrong with that?

Carl, it's got a 200-watt bulb.

EDWARD: He will not.
- Will to.

Laura, there's no way.

Michael is to gonna ask me out.

There's no way he's
gonna ask you out.

And do you know why?

Because you're a geek.

Oh, geek. That's a new
word for you. Can you spell it?

I could if I wanted to.


There's our ride.

- Have fun, girls.
- Hey, and you two try to get some sleep.

Dad, it's a slumber party.

Why would anybody sleep?

HARRIETTE: All right. Be good.

Remember to say please and thank
you. Laura, don't cut your sister's hair.

Okay, Mom.

- Bye.
- Bye, baby.

Harriette, tonight
is gonna be great.

First a movie...

then a romantic dinner
at Chez Josephine.

They're holding our table.

And then home.

Oh, I love it when the
kids go on sleepovers.

Oh, yeah.

So let's hurry and go
so we can hurry back.





Oh, yes, she's here. Hold on.

Rachel! Telephone!

It's that guy from the choir.

He's never gonna give up.
Last Sunday, he asked her out.


Maybe she'll start going out with
him instead of tagging along behind us.

Okay, okay, I'm coming.

- Alan Smith.
- Oh.

Give that...

Hello? Oh, hi, Alan.

A movie? Oh, no, I can't. I've
got a million things to do tonight.

Yeah. Thanks for asking, though.

- Okay. Bye.
- Well, good night, Rachel.

RACHEL: Where are you going?
- Oh, just to a movie.

I'd love to go to a movie.

I've got nothing to do.

I'll just ask Mother Winslow
if she'll watch little Richie.

Harriette. Now, you
know I love your sister.

I cannot remember the last time
you and I went out by ourselves.

Rachel always
wants to come with us.

Well, you're the one who didn't
want her sitting home alone.

I know how hard it was
for her losing her husband...

but it's been almost
a year and a half.

At some point, she's got to start going out
with other people. Anybody other than us.

I know, but I'm not
gonna push her.

A little push is not such a bad thing and
that Alan seems like a really great guy.

Who's a great guy?

Uh, Eddie Murphy.

We were trying to decide whether
to see a comedy or a love story.

Oh, well, I'm always
up for romance.

So was I.

I mean, did we have fun or what?

And I am so glad
we got our table.

Yeah, another
great family outing.

Just the three of us.

Well, look, I'm gonna go
upstairs and check on Richie.

Thanks again, guys.

You know, Harriette,
I've had better dates.

Carl, it wasn't that bad.

It was terrible!

She not only ruined
our romantic dinner...

she sat right between
us at the movies.

And if there's one thing I hate,
it's three hands in my popcorn tub.

Carl, two of them were yours.

We gotta talk to her, Harriette.

I know, but it's not exactly
an easy thing to talk about.

I don't know if I can do it.

Well, then let me do
it. After all, I am a cop.

Being tactful is part of my job.

Let's deal with it tomorrow.

- Tonight is ours.
- Yeah.

Well, Richie's sound asleep
and guess what's on TV.

The Elephant Man.

I love that movie.

All right, that's it, Rachel.
That's it. We have got to talk.

This is bad news, isn't it?

No, no, no. It's just a tiny little
thing barely worth mentioning.

Rachel, you gotta start dating
again. You're driving us nuts.

Thank you, Officer Tact.

Are you trying to tell
me that I'm in the way?

No, Rachel. We're concerned about you.
You ought to start seeing other people.

Single men-type people.

Well, for your information,
I plan to start dating again.

Any idea when that might be?

Not that we're pushing you.


there's nobody I'm
interested in dating right now.

Well, what about Alan?

Yeah, he's
definitely interested.

And at choir practice, he's
always holding your hymnal.


Well, look...

if it means so much
to you for me to date...

then the next time Alan
calls, I'll say yes, okay?

Well, that's great. Thanks.

Right now, I have a date
with The Elephant Man.

- Good night.
- Night.

Are you sure you're not the Alan Smith
who sings with the First Baptist Choir?


Well, sorry. You don't win anything,
but thanks for playing our game.

Carl, stop this foolishness.
Alan will call when he's ready.

Harriette, it's been almost a
week. I'm telling you, he's given up.

The man needs a
little encouragement.



You know...

I hate to brag, but we are
in the best shape of our lives.

I can't believe you make
little Richie work out.

Oh, honey, are you kidding? This
boy loves gym class. Watch this.

[SINGING] Motorboat,
motorboat Oh, so slow

Motorboat, motorboat Oh, so fast

Motorboat, motorboat
Put on the gas

Okay, let's cool down.


I'll get it.


Oh, hi. How are you? Uh-huh.

Hold on.

- It's Alan.
- Alan?

[MOUTHS] Thank you.


Alan. It's Alan. It's Alan.

Hi, Alan.

I'm fine. How are you?

Oh, I'd love to, but...

Okay. Uh-huh.

Uh-huh. Right.


What did he say?

We're going out to
dinner on Tuesday.

That's great.

Yeah, great.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. It's just a date.

I'm gonna take the baby
upstairs for his bottle.

I know, I know. I
forgot something.

When do you think she'll
notice she forgot the baby?

I think she'll notice when
she tries to burp the bag.

What do you think?

HARRIETTE: It looks perfect.

No, it's too sexy.

I don't want him
to think I'm sexy.

Is it okay if he thinks
you're a woman?

Not on the first date.

Honey, relax.

Harriette... it's been too long.

What do people do on dates now?

They do what
they've always done.

Oh, Harriette, that's not good.

Maybe this is a bad idea.

Rachel, you're just
having dinner with him.

All you have to
do is eat and talk.

Just try not to do both
of them at the same time.

A pair of fours.

Read them and weep.

Not so fast, slick.

Full house, queens on the roof.

But that's impossible.

- You didn't draw any face cards.
- How would you know?

I assumed.

Dad, Eddie's been cheating.
He's using a marked deck.

Well, it's not helping him much.


That's Aunt Rachel's date.

Put away those poker chips.
It looks like a casino in here.

This chair is for company.

Alan, come on in, come
on in. Good to see you.

- You remember Eddie and Laura?
- Of course.

Hi, Alan. How
about a little poker?

Five-card stud? Lowball?
Klondike? What's your pleasure?


Laura, why don't you go tell your
Aunt Rachel that her date is here.

Come on in. Rachel
will be right down.

So where are you young
people going tonight?

We're having dinner
at Chez Josephine.

That's my favorite
place. They love me there.

Mention my name. It's the
only way you'll get a table.

Thanks, but my
family owns the place.

You look terrific.


This is definitely the one.

Yellow is the
perfect color for you.

You know, I think you're right.

I love this dress.

- He's here.
- I hate this dress.

What are you talking about?

- I look terrible.
- You look beautiful.

I look like a banana.

- No, you don't.
- Well, she does a little bit.

Laura, your Aunt Rachel is a little
nervous. She needs a few more minutes.

Now, go down and stall
Alan and don't tell anybody.

She looks like she's
losing it to me, Mom.

Go, go, go.

She'll be right down.

- Dad, can I speak to you for a minute?
- Oh, excuse us.

Aunt Rachel's getting cold feet.

I think this guy's as
good as stood up.

- You want me to break the news?
- No.

You stall while I go
figure out what's going on.

Is there something
wrong with Rachel?

No. You know women.
They're like doctors.

They like to keep you waiting,
then they cost you an arm and a leg.

You know, doctors,
waiting rooms, you know?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I am a doctor.

Allan, why don't you get to
know the kids. I'll go check on her.

I'll fix you a snack. You're
gonna be here a while.

Wanna see a magic trick?

Say no. He couldn't pull
a rabbit out of a hutch.

She's just jealous
because I'm so good.

Pick a card, any card.


Your card is...

- two of hearts.
- No.



- Two of diamonds.
- Afraid not.

- Uh, two of spades?
- No.

- Two of clubs?
- No.

It's not a two, right?

You are good.

Well, maybe.

No maybe about it.
That's the one. It's you.

No. It's just not right.

Okay, Rachel, I've had it.

You've tried on every dress
you own, plus two of mine...

plus the one Carl wears
when he works undercover.

I can't do it, okay? I
just can't go on this date.

You're not going?

We left Alan down there with
our kids. He deserves something.

Are you sure it's not
the nine of hearts?

I wish it was.

Face it, Houdini. You stink.

We did it. We broke the record.

- Hello, Alan.
- Hi, Mrs. Winslow.

We sold 232 boxes of
cookies in one afternoon.


Oh, it was nothing.

You know, they can say no to a little
old girl or no to a little old lady...

but the combination
gets them every time.

Oh, Alan, are you
here to pick up Rachel?

Yes, but she's still upstairs.
I hope everything's all right.

I'll go see what's keeping her.

Okay. All right.
I got it. I got it.

It's the six of clubs.

It's the eight of diamonds.

That's it.

Rachel, couldn't you just
go down and sit in the car?

I'm sure once the night
air hits you, you'll be fine.

Carl, take it like a
man. She's not going.

But, Harriette, the
man owns a restaurant.

How can I say
this tactfully? Go.

Mama, Rachel will
not go on her date.

Will you please tell her
she's got to go on her date?

- Let me talk to her.
- Fine.

I mean alone.

Excuse us.

Mother Winslow, I
am so embarrassed.

That poor man has been
sitting downstairs all this time.

Oh, honey, he'll be all right.

What really matters
is how you feel.

Well, I was fine until he got
here and then I just panicked.

I don't know what it is.

I do.

It's that the man waiting downstairs
for you is not your husband, Robert.

I wish it was.

I know.

You know, it's just so strange.

I mean, you meet a man and
you fall in love and get married.

And everything is perfect.

You get to where you know what
he's gonna say before he even says it.

And you laugh at
the same things.

You even know which way
he's gonna turn in his sleep.

I know, sugar, I know.

And you think...

it's never gonna change.

But then it does...

and everybody keeps telling
you you've gotta start over.

But starting over is so hard.

Rachel, I know what
you're going through.

I still think of my Sam
every day of my life.

Even after all these years?

He was a wonderful man...

and I'll always love him.

And you will always love Robert.

But I had to move on.

And so do you, honey.

Well, I'd like to do that...

but I just...

I don't... I can't
explain what I feel.

You feel guilty.

Yeah, I guess I do.


you haven't done
anything to feel guilty about.

And going out again is exactly
what Robert would want you to do.

You really think so?

I think he'd want you to
go on with your life, honey.

How do I do that?

There's a nice young man
waiting downstairs for you.

Yeah, how do you know
so much about this stuff?

I mean, you didn't even
date after your husband died.

What makes you think that?

Carl never mentioned anybody.

I don't tell Carl everything.

He'd have a fit if he knew
his mother was a party animal.

in the name of love

Before you break
my heart Think it over

Think it over


Thank you, thank you. And for
our next number, we'd like to do...

"Proud Mary."

Sing "Melancholy Baby."

We don't know that one.

I was counting on that.



Hi, Alan.

I'm really sorry I kept
you waiting so long.

It was worth it.

You look terrific.

Thank you.

What do we do now?

How about dinner?

Sounds like a great idea.

Would you mind?

We are going alone, aren't we?

Yes, I think we'll have
more fun that way.

Thank you, all...

for a fascinating evening.

- Shall we?
- We sure shall.

yourselves. RACHEL: I will.

LAURA: Bring home a doggy bag.

HARRIETTE: Have fun, you two.

Bye. Thanks.

Well, since we're
all here, hit it, Judy.

wheels keep on turnin'

Proud Mary keep on burnin'

~Rollin' ~Rollin'

~Rollin' ~Rollin'


Alone at last.

- My, how I do love this porch.
- Me too.

But I love it more when
it's above 40 degrees.

Well, now, that's the best part.

You need me to keep you warm.

I need you for everything.

Hello there.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I just wanted to let you
guys know I was home.

So how did it go with Alan?

It went fine.

So are we gonna see him again?


- Go on.
- Oh, you go on.

Carl, there are certain things
a woman likes to keep private.

I just wanted to say thanks.

Good night.

Don't worry. I'll get all
the details for you later.
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