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09x07 - Last Known Surroundings

Posted: 03/07/12 07:54
by bunniefuu

The camera represents Nathan's eyes and we see what he sees.

DMITRI: "O villain, villain, smiling damned villain, that one may smile and smile and be a villain." No smile... On such a beautiful morning. Shame. Drink this. I won't have you dying before I k*ll you. That's it. Don't be afraid.

NATHAN: You think I'm afraid? I'm not afraid of you. You can thr*aten me all you want. You can talk in your stupid riddles all day. You can take my world... You can take my life, but you won't get my fear. I'm not afraid of you. And I'm not going to be.

DMITRI: Ahh. You think your woman is afraid? "He hath given his empire up to a whore."

NATHAN: You touch her, and I'll k*ll you. You understand me? Are you listening? You touch my wife, and I'll k*ll you! Get it off of me! I'll k*ll you! Hey!


Haley gets out her room and sees Jamie is sitting on his bed.

JAMIE: Dad's not coming home, is he?

HALEY: Don't say that.

JAMIE: It's true, isn't it?

HALEY: No, it's not true. Your fa...

(Doorbell rings)

HALEY: I'll be right back, okay?

Haley opens the door.

STEVENS: Mrs. Scott.

HALEY: Yeah.

STEVENS: Do you remember me? Officer Stevens.

HALEY: Yeah, I remember.

STEVENS: I know there are detectives handling things, but I've been going over the evidence and following a few leads of my own. Quietly.

HALEY: Why quietly? What does that mean?

STEVENS: It means I'm not a Detective, and this isn't my case. I-I shouldn't even be here.

HALEY: So why are you here?

STEVENS: I became a cop to help people, Mrs. Scott, and ever since this case became official, I've carried around the fact that I sent you away that first night. I'm sorry. I need to fix that.

HALEY: Okay. Um, how can I help you? Quietly?

STEVENS: Okay, um... Is there anything that you haven't told us? Or shown us?

HALEY: Yeah. Yeah, just a second. Nathan brought this back for our daughter. And I found it at the airport, so...

STEVENS: Okay. You were smart to bag it.

HALEY: I didn't bag it because I was I just wanted to keep it the way that it was. I'd like to have it back when you're done, please.

STEVENS: Of course. Anything else? Anything or anyone suspicious or out of the ordinary?

HALEY: You mean besides his father, Dan?

STEVENS: I know we released him, but... What do you think?

HALEY: I don't know. I've given up on Dan Scott.


Dan makes researches and possibilities.


Dan remembers Nathan's visit.

NATHAN: Game-winning double.

DAN: Baseball.

NATHAN: He loves it.


Haley found the ball and the picture.

HALEY: I thought you said you lost everything in the fire.


DAN: Where are you, son?


Brooke is in the living room. Julian comes in.



JULIAN: You okay?

BROOKE: He's up for parole. Xavier.

JULIAN: What? How can that be? He m*rder*d Quentin.

BROOKE: They never convicted him of Quentin's m*rder. They convicted him of kidnapping and aggravated as*ault, and now he's up for parole.

JULIAN: That guy's a psychotic maniac. Whether they convicted him or not, he needs to be locked up.

BROOKE: He wants to meet with me before his hearing.

JULIAN: No way.

BROOKE: I think I should.


BROOKE: I want to look in his eyes and see if he's still the same person he used to be.


Clay has a seance.

ALVAREZ: All right, Clay, talk to me about the person that you have become. Well, for instance, what's your daily routine? What's a day in your life like?

CLAY: I don't know. Um...I work a lot. I spend time with Quinn.You know, we cook, play video games, go to the comic-book store.

ALVAREZ: Who do you like?

CLAY: Wolverine and Batman.

ALVAREZ: Ah, loners.

CLAY: Solitary heroes.

ALVAREZ: Fair enough. What else?

CLAY: Well...I'm awesome in bed, so she begs me to have sex. A lot. Uh...I don't know. I mean, I don't know. We hang out. We get drunk. We watch Haley and Nathan's kids... not when we're drunk. She buys me weird clothes online... And calls me Sergio. Geez, no wonder I'm in here, right?

ALVAREZ: I'm sad to say you sound boringly normal. I understand your friend Nathan is missing. I'm sorry. How's his family doing?

CLAY: I think they're holding their breath. We all are. I was, uh, supposed to be the one to go to Europe.

ALVAREZ: Why didn't you go?

CLAY: Because I started having these stupid fugue episodes, and Nate wanted to help me.

ALVAREZ: Clay, do you feel responsible for this?

CLAY: Why the hell would you ask me that?

ALVAREZ: Because I know you.

CLAY: Hell, yes, I feel responsible. It should have been me.

ALVAREZ: He sounds like a good guy.

CLAY: Yeah. He's more than that. He's a great guy... With an amazing wife and kids. I would do anything for that family.


Haley, Quinn and the kids wait someone.

HALEY: Do you see him yet?

QUINN: No. You?

HALEY: Uh... Yeah.

JAMIE: Uncle Lucas!

LUCAS: Hey, bud.

(He hugs Jamie)

LUCAS: Give me a second.

HALEY: You don't write. You don't call.



LUCAS: Buddy, come here. Let me get a look at you. Uh-huh. Well, you look... Exactly the same.

JAMIE: I do not!

LUCAS: I'm serious. I was thinking by now you'd have a mustache or something.

JAMIE: See, Lydia?

LUCAS: She has your eyes.

HALEY: I think she looks like Jamie. You remember my sister Quinn.

LUCAS: Of course. It's good to see you.

QUINN: You too. How's Sawyer and Peyton?

LUCAS: They're good. Well, they should be. They team up on me and get their way. I missed you so much, bud.

JAMIE: Me too.

LUCAS: You better have. Come on. Let's go get some food.

HALEY: Are you gonna take her?

JAMIE: Yeah.


Chase is waking up by his cellphone.

CHASE(at phone): Hello. This is him. I understand. Thank you.

(A girl gets out the bathroom)

GIRL: Hey.

CHASE: Uh... Wait. What?

(Chris is here too)



CHRIS: Chase.

GIRL: Baby, I gotta go.

CHRIS: No. No, no, no.One more pony ride.

GIRL: No. You can't afford it. Besides, you weren't that good at it anyway. Bye, boys.

CHRIS: Bye, pony.

CHASE: Did she just leave in her underwear? She's a stripper. I think they do that.

CHRIS: Dude! Awesome damn night!

CHASE: Not so loud! Geez.

CHRIS: What's with you, anyway?

CHASE: I just got called to active duty.

CHRIS: What?! You got drafted? Can they do that?

CHASE: I'm in the air force, Chris.

CHRIS: Really? Why?

(An other girl is here too)

OTHER GIRL: Did pony just leave me?

CHRIS: Awesome... Damn... Night.


Brooke looks some pictures sitting in the stairs. Julian comes to her.

JULIAN: I don't think you should go to see him.

BROOKE: I have to.


BROOKE: I'm not afraid of him. I'm not gonna be afraid of him.

JULIAN: Well, then, you can not be afraid of him from here.

BROOKE: I want to believe in forgiveness. I want to believe that I have that capacity in my heart to forgive someone, but...

JULIAN: Some things are unforgivable.

BROOKE: I can forgive my part of it... But not Quentin's. I have to go there. I just... I have to.

JULIAN: Not "I." "We." You and me.

BROOKE: You and me.


The dealer fights Nathan. Dmitri comes in.

DMITRI: Knock it off, budala.

BILLY: Hey, man. Check this out. Come on, man! What?

DMITRI: Are you Chuck on "the gossip girl"? "No" means "no." What are you doing here?

BILLY: I just need some speed. Kids are eating that stuff like gummy bears, man.


ALVAREZ: So it was Nathan who introduced you to Quinn.

CLAY: Well, sort of. He introduced us and then forbid me from seeing her.

ALVAREZ: Why do you think he forbid you?

CLAY: Because he was a client, I guess.

ALVAREZ: And what about Nathan made you want to sign him?

CLAY: You know, he was struggling. He'd been through some rough times, but he was driven to rise above it all.

ALVAREZ: Like you.

CLAY: Yeah. A-and he... he had a family.

ALVAREZ: Why do you mention that?

CLAY: Well, because helping him was helping them. You know, they were dreaming his dream with him. Sometimes for him.

ALVAREZ: Clay, do you ever resent that he... That he had a family?

CLAY: You're asking some screwed-up questions today, aren't you, doc?

ALVAREZ: Wouldn't be such a terrible thing to resent someone who has something that you could have had.

CLAY: I have never resented Nathan's family for a second. I've been jealous of them. Sometimes I still am. But I've grown to be protective of them.

ALVAREZ: You ever resent that you couldn't protect Sara?

CLAY: Every day.

ALVAREZ: You know, it's interesting, Clay... That, uh, your job involves protecting people, and yet, in your personal life, you've struggled to do just that, isn't it?

CLAY: I'm just an agent, doc.


Haley talks with Lucas.

HALEY: What if he's dead and he's not coming back?

LUCAS: He's coming back.

HALEY: I don't... Luke, I need to say the words out loud and let them shock me because I have to face the reality of the situation. Nathan is missing. There's a good chance that he's not coming back.

LUCAS: The chances are better that he is. Look, I know you've done the research same as me. 95% of all missing persons are located.

HALEY: And of the ones that aren't, most abductees are dead within three hours.

LUCAS: You don't know that he's been abducted.

HALEY: Then where is he? Where is he? This is Nathan we're talking about. He has been through hell and back, and he's overcome all of it. So what do you think happened? You think he got amnesia and he's gone and he's got a new identity somewhere? Do you think he left me? No. He's not home because he can't come home. I can feel it in my soul, Luke.

LUCAS: Haley, this is Nathan, and he will come home. Now, say that out loud.

HALEY: He's coming home.


ALVAREZ: Talk to me about the... Person you became after Sara's death. You were coming to see me, and then you just stopped. I never asked why.

CLAY: I just got tired of talking about it. I got tired of sleeping 15 hours a day. I got tired of that apartment. And I got tired of running into old friends and seeing the polite grin on their face because they didn't know what to say or how to say it. So I left.

ALVAREZ: Where'd you go?

CLAY: Nowhere. I just got in the car one day and started driving. I stayed at cheap hotels, ate fast food. Nobody saw me. And nobody looked me in the eye. That's how I wanted it to be. I drove, um... I drove as far as I could, and I decided that when I ran out of road I would check into a hotel somewhere... And I'd k*ll myself. That's when I saw her. At the end of the road. She was standing on the balcony of this... Stupidly large beach house.


CLAY: So I rented it, and I sat up at night talking to her,like we used to. And she told me to stop feeling sorry for myself...And to get back to work. So I did. And then I found Nate.


Jamie looks for something in his bag.

JAMIE: I can't find my dad.

QUINN: What, buddy?

JAMIE: The video he sent me. I put it on my iPod, but I didn't bring it.

QUINN: Okay, well, I mean, you know it's at home, right?

JAMIE: But I want to take it with me. It's the last video he sent me from Europe.

QUINN: Wait. You have your laptop.

JAMIE: Yeah, but it's not on there. It's on the computer in my room.

QUINN: I mean, we could call someone and have them send you the file. Or, I mean, when I get home, I can.

JAMIE: We could call Julian. They have a key, and he'll know how.

QUINN: Perfect. And, Jamie... We're gonna get your dad back. Video and for real. Call Julian.

JAMIE(at phone): Julian. It's Jamie.


Chuck arrives.

CHASE: Chuck Skolnick in the house!


CHASE: What's going on with you?

CHUCK: Nothing.

CHASE: Dude, sit down. Have a root beer.

CHASE: How's your dad?

CHUCK: Good. Yeah, really good. My dad's awesome.

CHASE: So, you think he'll be sticking around for a while?

CHUCK: Yeah, I guess. Why?

CHASE: Well, um... I have to go back to the air force.

CHUCK: When?

CHASE: The next couple days. But you'll have Chris... And your dad. It's gonna be all right.

CHUCK: Yeah.

CHASE: Hey. It'll be all right. How about we hang out tonight? We could do something fun.

CHUCK: I can't. I have plans with my dad.


HALEY: He needs his dad. We all do.

LUCAS: What are the police saying?

HALEY: Not much. I don't know. They don't seem as concerned as they should be or as active as they should be. It's not good enough. It's a nightmare.

LUCAS: I really think I should just come back to Tree Hill.

HALEY: No...

LUCAS: No, there's gotta be something more I can do.

HALEY: No, you're doing it. I need you to take the kids out of the house before I completely lose it and Jamie realizes how bad things are. Luke, they'll be happier with you guys.

LUCAS: Okay.

HALEY: Okay?

LUCAS: And as soon as Nathan comes home, you'll be a family again. And he will, Haley. I promise.

HALEY: I wish you could keep that promise more than any other you've ever made. But I think it's really bad this time, Luke. I think that it's really, really bad.


Dmitri comes back.

DMITRI: There he is! My cash cow. You should be mooing for me, cow. Our terms have been received. And my people are willing to renegotiate the contract for your death. So, are you afraid now, Nathan Scott? Because you should be.


Julian looks at Nathan's video.

NATHAN(at the video): Doesn't matter how far I go, Jamie Scott. You're always with me. Even when I'm in some ghetto in wherever I'm at. But, uh, you be good, okay? Be good to your mom and Lydia, help out around the house. I'll be home soon. You're a good man, son. I love you.


Julian comes to see Dan. Dan lunches.

JULIAN: What's this?

DAN: Lunch. You want some?

JULIAN: No. Well, maybe. Burgers smell pretty good.

DAN: You know, the secret to a good burger is... Never mind.

JULIAN: Here... this is a video I thought you might like. There's a laptop in the trailer. I'll see you later. I gotta go to prison with Brooke.

DAN: Prison, huh? They're gonna love you there.

JULIAN: Yeah, thanks.


Dan looks at the video.

NATHAN(at the video): Doesn't matter how far I go, Jamie Scott. You're always with me. Even when I'm in some ghetto in wherever I'm at. But, uh, you be good, okay? Be good to your mom and Lydia, help out around the house. I'll be home soon. You're a good man, son. I love you. You're a good man, son. I love you. good man, son. I love you... Son. I love you... Son. I love you.


ALVAREZ: How do you feel about children, Clay?

CLAY: What do you mean?

ALVAREZ: Mm, family, kids, you.

CLAY: I guess there was a time where I would have said "not for me." But being around Nate's family, you know, his son, Jamie, and the baby... It's nice.

ALVAREZ: You spend a lot of time with them?

CLAY: Yeah. We have Jamie quite a bit, and Quinn's been watching Lydia, so we've pretty much seen her grow up. So, I don't know.

ALVAREZ: What if Quinn got pregnant?

CLAY: I mean, if you're asking if I love her, then, yes, I do.

ALVAREZ: That's good, but that's not what I asked you.


Dmitri is eating in front of Nathan. He talks to him.

DMITRI: I saw you play once. You lost. You fall behind in fourth quarter, you no come back. Sometimes there's no comeback.

NATHAN: Can I have a drink? Water.

DMITRI: You forgot to say "please."

NATHAN: Please.

DMITRI: "Nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility. But when the blast of w*r blows in our ears, he imitates the action of the tiger." I like you, Nathan Scott. Too bad I have to k*ll you.

(Dmitri gives the water but Nathan catches up and hits him)

NATHAN: How's that for a comeback, huh?

(Nathan tries to take a knife to free himself. Billy comes in)

BILLY: Yo, Dmitri. Yo, Dmitri!


Brooke can talk with Xavier.

XAVIER: I didn't think you'd show.

BROOKE: You said you wanted to talk to me, so talk.

XAVIER: Just like that, huh? Look... I'm sorry for what I done to you. I've had a lot of time to think about the mistakes that I made... And to make peace with it. And I just... Want to do right. I just want to go about my business... And live my life. So... I'm sorry for what I done to you. That's all.

BROOKE: And what about Quentin fields? His family... what about him?

XAVIER: They never convicted me of that.

BROOKE: I have two children. Boys. They have their entire lives ahead of them...


Brooke talks in front of the court.

BROOKE: Just like my friend Quentin fields once did. Like Xavier Daniels once did. I hope that when they're adults, they'll believe in redemption and rehabilitation. I hope they'll believe in forgiveness. Because I do. I just don't believe in it for Xavier Daniels. I don't believe he's changed, I don't believe he's sorry, and I don't believe he's paid for his crimes. He is an angry, hateful, violent human being. And I'm sorry, but it would be a mistake to release him. I won't feel safe, and neither should any of you. Can he change? I hope so. But has he? No, I don't think he has. And I don't think he will.


Chase sees Chuck's father flirted with a woman.


Chase visits Chuck.

CHASE: There he is. Chuck skolnick. Thought you were hanging out with your dad tonight.

CHUCK: We are. Yeah, I mean, we were. We had a great day.

CHASE: Yeah? What did you do?

CHUCK: Dad took me to the go-kart track. You know, the one by the highway. You should have seen this one race. We wrecked like everybody else on the track. It was pretty awesome.

CHASE: Chuck, uh, that go-kart track's been closed for months now.

CHUCK: Oh, yeah, did I say the one by the highway? I meant the other one. There's another one. It's... it's new. So... What are you doing here, anyways?

CHASE: I just came by to see ya.

CHUCK: Well, uh, yeah, we should probably keep it down 'cause my dad's asleep inside, and my mom says he needs his rest.

CHASE: Yeah. Yeah.


Haley is at phone with Sawyer.

HALEY(at phone): I love you, too, Sawyer. I miss you. Yeah. Okay. Okay, put your mommy on the pho...

(She hangs up)

HALEY: Ah. She hung up on me. Typical.

LUCAS: Of course she did. She can talk on the phone for hours, but, you know, it's the listening part she's not big on.

MAN: Flight 417 now boarding at gate 5.

LUCAS: That's us.

HALEY: Yeah.

LUCAS: We should probably go.

QUINN: I'm gonna give you some space, okay? I'll wait over there. Come here, give me a hug. I'm gonna miss you and Lydia so much. See you soon, okay?

JAMIE: All right.

QUINN: Luke, thank you. Yeah. Take care.

LUCAS: You too.

HALEY: Ready for your big adventure? Gonna go stay with Uncle Lucas and aunt Peyton? They're gonna take such good care of you, baby. As soon as your daddy gets back, you're gonna come straight home, okay? He misses you, and so will I. I love you, sweet girl. Mwah. All right, well, you always wanted to stay with Uncle Lucas.

JAMIE: I'm fine, mom.

HALEY: Come here. He's coming home.

JAMIE: I know.

HALEY: Do you also know that I love you with everything inside of my heart? Because I do.

JAMIE: I know that, too. I'm fine, mom.

HALEY: Well, I'm not. Okay. Thank you for everything.

LUCAS: Don't mention it. Thank you for letting me. Thank you for calling me and letting me help... You for once. Just thank you for being you, Hales. I... Could never thank you enough for that.

HALEY: I missed you, Lucas.

LUCAS: I love you.

HALEY: Yeah, that too. Okay. I'm gonna walk away, because if I don't... I won't... Go. Okay. Mwah! Oh! Bye. Bye. Call me when you land, okay?

JAMIE: All right.

HALEY: Be good, and take care of your sister.

JAMIE: Okay.

HALEY: Okay.

LUCAS: I will.

JAMIE: Hey, mom? It's gonna be okay.


Dan looks at Nathan's video again.

NATHAN(at the video): Doesn't matter how far I go, Jamie Scott. You're always with me. Even when I'm in some ghetto in wherever I'm at. But, uh, you be good, okay? Be good to your mom and Lydia, help out around the house. I'll be home soon. You're a good man, son. I love you.


Nathan tries to gets out and sees Stevens. He wants helping him.

STEVENS: Psst! You hurt?

NATHAN: No, I'm okay.

STEVENS: All right, I'll get you out of here. Hang on. There's an exit through the next room. If you run into trouble, sh**t first. Stay near the road. Look for my squad car. I'll catch up. Go.

Nathan enters in a room and sees Dmitri.

DMITRI: Welcome back, my friend.

(Nathan sh**t and any ball gets out the g*n. It's a trap. Stevens enters in the room and knocks Nathan out)

STEVENS: Do I have to do everything myself?


Julian and Brooke go home.

BROOKE: You think I'm a bad person for what I said?

JULIAN: No, I think you're a great person for what you said.

BROOKE: I could tell. When I asked him about Quentin, I could...Tell that he hasn't changed.

JULIAN: The first time you had to face him, you were so brave and strong. And I fell in love with you. And today in that room, you were just as brave and strong. And I fell in love with you even more.

BROOKE: And I couldn't have done it without you. Either time. You don't think they'll let him out?


Chase is ready to go.

CHASE: So, listen, I know your dad's in town, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out until I leave. Just me and you. And... Maybe Chris.

CHUCK: Okay.

CHASE: All right. All right, then. I'll see you later. Dude... Dude, you okay?

CHUCK: Yeah, I'm fine.

CHASE: What's going on there?

CHUCK: Nothing.

CHASE: Chuck...

CHUCK: I just fell off that stupid bike you gave me, that's all.

CHASE: Let me see.


CHASE: Chuck, let me see. ohh, geez! Chuck! Does your... Does your mom know about this?

CHUCK: No. And you can't tell her, okay? She'll... she'll take my bike away. You won't tell her, right?

CHASE: How'd you fall?

CHUCK: I don't know. I just... I hit the curb, and I fell. It's no big deal. I gotta go.


Brooke closes the cafe. Xavier looks at her from the street.


Dan and Julian watch Nathan's video again.

NATHAN(at the video): You're a good man, son. I love you.

DAN: Right there. Push in on that.

JULIAN: Hold on. I can make it better. What is it? Does that mean something?

DAN: Yeah.

JULIAN: Well, that's good, right?

DAN: No. It's not good at all.


Haley and Quinn look at the plane takes off.

QUINN: You okay?


ALVAREZ: Are you worried about Nathan, Clay?

CLAY: Am I worried for his safety? Of course. But Nathan Scott is the strongest guy I know. Wherever he is, however he is, he's getting stronger. He'll come home. And if he can't... Someone's in for the fight of their life.


Stevens ties Nathan to the chair.

NATHAN: How can you do this? A cop.

STEVENS: I'm a desk cop. At least to them, I am. They're wrong. They don't want to make me a Detective? Fine! This definitely pays better. By the way...Your wife says hello.


DMITRI: Okay. Okay. Okay. "Let's be sacrificers but not butchers. Let's k*ll him boldly but not wrathfully. Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods, not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds. And let our hearts, as subtle masters do, stir their servants to an act of rage."

(Cellphone rings)

DMITRI:Good news. We've reached new financial agreement. So, they send more money...and then you die.

End of the episode.