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09x05 - The k*lling Moon

Posted: 02/22/12 06:41
by bunniefuu

NATHAN: I'm sorry for what happened to your diner. All right, and I appreciate the way you've been with my wife and my family, but when I come back, you need to be gone.

CHRIS: Well, well.

NATHAN: Chris Keller. What are you doing here?

CHRIS: I run red bedroom records.

HALEY: I was wondering if you could remove the slanderous sign that's hanging outside of your building.

HALEY: Are you sure it's not too juvenile?

BROOKE: No. If they're not gonna play nice, then neither are we.

TARA: You two have 30 seconds to get off my property, or I'm calling the cops.

CLAY: A lot of people sleepwalk.

QUINN: They don't get dressed, grab their phone, and go sleep in a park. You said you wanted to close your eyes to me and that you wanted to live your life with me.

CLAY: I'm gonna get help.

QUINN: It's gonna happen.

TARA: I left my number in your phone. It's under "N" for "not Alex."

CHRIS: Well, how's Chris Keller's lady doing?

NATHAN: Look what daddy got you, Lydia... Mirna Moose.

HALEY: Just calling to make sure everything's okay. Just call me when you get this, okay?

BROOKE: What happened?

JULIAN: I forgot. I just... Forgot. It was at least 101 when I left Davis. I can't forgive myself for this. I can't forgive myself for being so careless.



Haley tries to get in touch with Nathan.

HALEY (at phone): Hi, Nathan. I'm, uh, really sorry to leave you like 20 messages, babe, but I'm... I'm starting to get worried, and, uh, hopefully you took a later flight and you're in the air right now, but please just call me as soon you get this, okay? Okay, I love you. Bye.

(She hangs up. Dan enters in the room)

DAN: Good morning, Haley.

HALEY: Oh, good morning.

DAN: Everything okay?

HALEY: Actually, would you mind watching the kids today?

DAN: I have to be away from the house for a while today. I'm sorry.

HALEY: Okay.

DAN: You're sure everything's okay?

HALEY: Things are fine.


Brooke comes in the kitchen. Julian is still here, sad.

BROOKE: Babe, something's up with Haley. I got to run to the café to cover for her. I think she's just trying to avoid that Tree Hill café bitch. Can you believe they had the nerve to put up a m*rder*r banner? I mean, who does that? Julian, are you okay?

JULIAN: The police station called. They're not gonna press charges against me.

BROOKE: That's great, but of course they're not. Hey. We need to move past this, too. Davis is fine. So, can you drop the kids at the sitter for me on your way to work today? Do you need me to tell you that I think you're an incredible dad and I love you? I do. Both. We're gonna be fine. I trust you, okay? You need to learn to trust yourself.


Chase wakes up and finds out Chuck is here. Tara too.

CHUCK: Naughty, naughty.

TARA: Who is that?

ADAM: Chuck, say hello to Tara.

CHUCK: Did you have a sleepover?

TARA: Sort of.

CHASE: How did you get in here?

CHUCK: Took Alex's key. She didn't want it.

CHASE: What are you doing here?

CHUCK: Just came by to tell you I can't go to the movies 'cause my dad's coming home today.

TARA: Ohh. Don't look so sad. You can take me to the movies. Or, better yet, we can stay home and make our own movie.

CHASE: His dad?


Clay is in seance with his doc.

DOCTOR: How'd you sleep last night?

CLAY: Not great. I already miss my bed. And Quinn. But at least I woke up in the same bed, so... Maybe I'm good.

DOCTOR: I don't think you're good just yet. Clay, you have what's called a dissociative fugue disorder.

CLAY: A fugue disorder?

DOCTOR: In short, you temporarily become someone else. People can function normally. They walk, drive, even have a conversation, but when they come to, they can't remember anything.

CLAY: Why? I mean, why me? Why now?

DOCTOR: Sometimes a traumatic incident can trigger the mind's circuit breaker, causing the lights to go out. Now, my guess is that at some point in your life, you repressed something in order to cope, and now that truth is trying to resurface.

CLAY: So I'm like Jason Bourne, except I wake up on merry-go-rounds?

DOCTOR: Yeah, without all the sh**ting and chasing. Well, a little sh**ting and chasing.

CLAY: So what do I do now?

DOCTOR: We dig a little bit. I help you discover that missing information. Once we figure out what it is, the wandering should stop.

CLAY: That sounds really, uh, not fun. But, see, here's the thing, doc. Whatever it is I repressed...I-if I repressed it...I don't want to know what it is. So, I think I'm gonna go. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to waste your time.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid you can't leave, Clay. You checked yourself in, so now we're responsible for you for at least the next 24 hours. It's just one day. Maybe it'll make a difference.


Julian puts babies in the car.

JULIAN: Okay, boys. Here we go.


Quinn enters in the house. Haley is busing.


HALEY: Hey, Quinny. Thanks for coming over.

QUINN: What happened?

HALEY: Um, Nathan never made it home last night.

QUINN: Oh, I mean, I'm sure everything's fine. He probably just missed his flight. No, it's not like him.

HALEY: If something had changed, he would have called me by now.

QUINN: Well, I mean, maybe he lost his cell phone.

HALEY: He knows my number. I don't know... I just think I should call the police. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

QUINN: Yeah, of course. I...

(Jamie comes in)

JAMIE: Is dad home yet?

QUINN: Hey, bud. Um, your dad's delayed just a little bit, but, uh, he'll be home soon. And until then, you and Lydia are hanging out with me today. Come on. Let's go get her.

(Haley tries again to call Nathan)


The Haley's call ring in a local. A man takes the phone and throws it in the wall.


Chuck comes with Chase to tell some thing to Chris.

CHRIS: It's like printing my own money.


CHHRIS: What up, kid Keller? Ha.

CHASE: Chuck, just ask him.

CHRIS: That's okay. I got it. You're using pomade instead of gel. You got to mix the two.

CHUCK: Will you come meet my dad tonight?

CHRIS: Sure. You know what? Tell him to bring his Chris Keller CD collection, 'cause for kid Keller, I'll even sign autographs.

CHUCK: This is gonna be the best night ever. My two favorite people in the same place. Awesome.

CHASE: Don't you have three favorite people?

CHUCK: Oh. Right. My mom's gonna be there, too.

(Tara comes in too)

TARA: There's my baby.

CHRIS: Hey-hey! Hey. Mm. Mm.

ADAM: Okay, here we go. Let's go. Got to go!

CHRIS: That's weird. No wonder chicks don't dig that guy.


Clay is always in therapist.

CLAY: So, let me get this straight. We're just gonna talk and talk until we uncover some horrible past?

DOCTOR: Doesn't have to be horrible.

CLAY: Can't you just give me pills or shock therapy or something?

DOCTOR: You know, most people would prefer talking over getting shocked, but I might be able to get my hands on a taser g*n. Talking is the treatment, Clay.

CLAY: I-I just don't see how it will help when I'm supposedly hiding what we need to talk about.

DOCTOR: We'll get there. Talk to me about Sara.

CLAY: Yeah, 'cause that's not horrible. She died.

DOCTOR: Would you prefer to talk about the painkillers, then?

CLAY: I guess I bought some.

DOCTOR: You guess?

CLAY: Yeah, I don't remember, so I guess.

DOCTOR: Okay, what's the last thing you do remember?

CLAY: I remember you telling me that this was gonna help.

DOCTOR: I'll get the taser.


Millicent is in the cafe and she wants a latte. Brooke doesn't know how use the machine.

MILLICENT: Can I get a vanilla latte?


MILLICENT: This is kind of getting me a latte.

BROOKE: Coffee is the new latte.

MILLICENT: Do you know how to use that machine?

BROOKE: Millie, I am part owner of this cafe. If I wanted to... Do the... Thingy and make the milk all Fluffy-like, I would.

MILLICENT: Coffee sounds perfect.

BROOKE: Thanks.

MILLICENT: Do you have any pistachio muffins?

Tara comes in the cafe and she has a plant.

TARA: We do. Right next door. Yummy.

BROOKE: You have to go. You are not welcome here.

TARA: Okay. I put up a banner. You put up a banner. I don't know what got into me. And as you know, Brooke Davis, opening and maintaining a successful business can be very stressful.

BROOKE: What is that?

TARA: It's a face-to-face friend request. I hope you'll accept. Great.

BROOKE: Seriously? I wish there was a face-to-face block feature. Ugh.


Chuck and Chase drink some beer.

CHASE: I think we need to talk.

CHUCK: I know. First Alex leaves town. Now Tara leaves you for Chris Keller?

CHASE: Well, the thing is, Tara didn't leave me.

CHUCK: Chase, you need to face the fact that your girlfriend's with Chris Keller now. Can't really blame her. Chris Keller is Chris Keller.

CHASE: You're right.

CHUCK: Unless... are you dating Chris Keller's girlfriend?

CHASE: I'm not sure I'd call it dating.

CHUCK: But you must not have known it was Chris Keller's girlfriend, right?

CHASE: Well, not at first.

CHUCK: Chuck Skolnick has never been more disappointed in you.


Chris comes in to show the new album song. Haley is ready to go somewhere.

HALEY: Yeah, come on in!

CHRIS: Hey! Huh?

HALEY: I really don't have time for this right now. Ugh.

CHRIS: Whoa. Chris Keller's insulted by your lack of enthusiasm.

HALEY: Listen to me. Nathan never came home last night. I have been on the phone all morning. The airport won't give me any information. Nobody will help me...

CHRIS: Okay, I'll help you. I know some people at the airport. I slept with a stewardess once.

HALEY: Goodbye, Chris.

CHRIS: Okay, "flight attendant." Haley! Come on. Let me help. Where you going?

HALEY: I'm going to the police.

CHRIS: Okay, good. I slept with a cop once, too. Let's go!


Brooke calls Julian.

JULIAN(at phone): Hey.

BROOKE(at phone): Hey. I just got off the phone with the sitter. She said you're running late. Everything okay?

JULIAN(at phone): No, yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to spend some more time with the kids.

BROOKE(at phone): Oh. Great. That's great. I'll let you get back to them, then.

JULIAN(at phone): Okay. Bye, babe. Love you.

BROOKE(at phone): I love you, too. Bye.


Julian sees a doctor to know Davis is okay.

JULIAN: You can just say it if you want.

DOCTOR: I'm not following.

JULIAN: You think I'm a horrible dad.

DOCTOR: I have seen horrible dads, and you are not one of them. But you are a lucky dad. You should be counting your blessings.

JULIAN: Is he okay?

DOCTOR: Julian, he's fine. Nothing's changed. Davis is still completely healthy. But I am a little concerned about you.

JULIAN: Are you sure he's okay? Because I read online that some symptoms can take a few days to surface.

DOCTOR: If you want my professional opinion... You should get this filled immediately. That's one day of rest and relaxation for you.


Quinn is in the swimming pool with Lydia. Jamie joins them.

QUINN: Jamie, come play "Marco polo" with us. Lydia keeps cheating. She won't keep her eyes closed.

JAMIE: Maybe later.

QUINN: Fine. What's on your mind, little man?

JAMIE: Clay. You know, aunt Quinn, it's not his fault when he wanders.

QUINN: I know.

JAMIE: Here. You should keep my silver dollar on you till Clay gets better.

QUINN: Thanks. Is it for good luck?

JAMIE: More your luck than his. It's silver. Just trust me on this one.

QUINN: Jamie, Clay is not a werewolf.

JAMIE: But there's supposed to be a full moon tonight.

QUINN: Jamie...

JAMIE: You don't have to be afraid. Not all werewolves are bad. Professor Lupin, one of Harry Potter's best teachers.

QUINN: Okay, if I promise to keep it on me, will you come play "Marco polo" with us?

JAMIE: Deal. But you're Marco.

QUINN: Come on.


Millicent explains to Brooke how making a latte with the machine.

MILLICENT: So, you just grind the beans, then pack them in the portafilter. Look at that perfect crema.

BROOKE: Crema?

MILLICENT: The lighter-colored top layer. It's the mark of a great espresso.


MILLICENT: Then, you aerate the milk until you get the consistency you want.

BROOKE: I'm sorry. What language are you speaking, and how do you know how to do this?

MILLICENT: We did a segment on "mouth and Millie in the morning." You said you watch.

BROOKE: I do. But I'm the mother of twins, and sometimes they put on their own morning show. I did catch a clip on YouTube recently.

MILLICENT: Let me guess...the one where I call Marvin fat on live television.

BROOKE: I think it was more like, "fat. Fat, fat, fat, fat." That's a bold move, Millie.

MILLICENT: It was a mean move, and I wish I could take it back. But at least he's eating healthier now.

BROOKE: So there's an upside. You are a genius! Hey, is there any way that I could get you guys to do a story on getting rid of Tree Hill cafe b*tches?

MILLICENT: I'll see what I can do. I can't believe she hung up that banner. Who does that?

BROOKE: That's what I said! She's such a little...

MILLICENT: Cockroach!

BROOKE: Exactly. Hard to get rid of.

MILLICENT: Oh, dear!

BROOKE: Oh! Please tell me that that did not just really happen.

MILLICENT: Okay. Then that's not really happening, either.



Tara talks with the waitress. Chase comes in.

TARA: I really don't see what your wedding has to do with me, so why don't you slap a smile on your face and get back to work before I have to find a new server.

CHASE: Hey. Hey. I need to talk to you.

TARA: Well, great. I'll come by later. I like to talk after sex.

CHASE: That's... Just it. There's not gonna be any more of that. I'm setting a bad example for Chuck, and he really looks up to me, so...

TARA: I think it's sexy when you try to be noble.

Brooke and Millicent saw the last scene.

BROOKE: First of all, ew. Second, you copy my cafe and now chase? Obsessed with my sloppy seconds much? You can have your cockroach-infested plant back.

TARA: What? This is the thanks I get for giving you a gift? It was perfectly fine when I dropped it off. Oh, my God. The roaches must have come from Karen's cafe.


CHASE: Okay, there must be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe this is all just a misunderstanding.

BROOKE: You are dead to me. And you... I know your type. I used to be a bit of a bitch just for the sake of being one, but now I am a bitch for the sake of my friends and family. You do not want to test that.

MILLICENT: Look up "bitch," and you'll see Brooke.

BROOKE: Just try me.

CHASE: See you, Brooke.


TARA: Bye.


Clay doesn't want to talk with the doc. He looks at the window.

DOCTOR: Clay, you wouldn't have come here if you didn't want to get better. What are you afraid of?

CLAY: Why is there a kid here?

DOCTOR: Uh, that's Logan. He lost his parents. He, uh, stays with us sometimes.We try to help him.

CLAY: How long's he been coming?

DOCTOR: Most of his life.

CLAY: Well, I don't have most of my life, doc. I have a business to run.

DOCTOR: If you don't try, you'll continue to be at w*r with yourself. The fugues will get worse, last longer, put you in more danger.

CLAY: Okay, I get that. Now try to understand this. There was a time in my life when I thought I was never getting out of that chasm... just that depression that had become my life after I lost Sara. But I did. I climbed out of it... One day at a time. I worked. I built a company. I fell in love again.

DOCTOR: You must miss her.

CLAY: There is nothing there, doc. The only thing that is different between the place I was in and the fugue states is that I remember everything about that time, and I'm not going back to that.

DOCTOR: Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and I'm sorry about that, Clay, but you are not out of that darkness yet. You're just running from it. All right, look. You know what? Go for a walk. Try to relax. We'll talk later.

CLAY: Yeah.

DOCTOR: But, Clay... You got to stop running sometime. You deserve to have a normal life.


Haley and Chris arrive.

HALEY: Excuse me. Um, hi. I just need to talk to someone about my husband. He's, um, Nathan Scott, and... He's missing.

POLICEMAN: How long's he been missing?

HALEY: Well, he was supposed to come home last night at 9:00, and he...

POLICEMAN: We can't file a report till 24 hours have passed.

CHRIS: Whoa, whoa. That's it?

POLICEMAN: 24 hours.

CHRIS: Did you see "training day"? You know Denzel was the bad guy in that movie.

HALEY: Chris, don't. You're gonna make it worse.

POLICEMAN: I don't like your tone.

CHRIS: I don't like lazy cops.

HALEY: I'm sorry.

POLICEMAN: Look, peacock, we have rules for a reason. Men leave their wives every day, especially professional athletes.

CHRIS: Oh, okay, so... You don't even know me. Hey, no, now we're making generalizations. So, you're the jackass in high school who now gets to harass people and carry a g*n. Give us a minute.

HALEY: Okay.

CHRIS: All right, look, buddy. I know this woman. She wouldn't be here if there wasn't a problem. Nathan Scott's a good guy...a great father, a responsible husband. Come on, man. Even if he wasn't, would you leave her? Something's wrong here, I promise. Now, she just needs someone to make her feel better, make her feel like everything's gonna be okay.

POLICEMAN: Mrs. Scott? I'll do what I can do, okay?


Clay joins Logan who looks at the sky.

CLAY: Whatcha looking at?

LOGAN: Lost my plane on the roof.

CLAY: Ohh, that sucks. What kind of plane is it?

LOGAN: You wouldn't know. An edf jet.

CLAY: Yeah, you're right. I mean, what would I know about a plane that flies on an electric ducted fan or know about maneuvers like cobras or dizzying flat spins? I used to build model planes with my dad.

LOGAN: You can do a cobra?

CLAY: Maybe. I don't know. My planes never left the ground.

LOGAN: What? Flying's the best part!

CLAY: Yeah, I just didn't want to crash.

LOGAN: Crashing's the second best part. Do you still make them?

CLAY: Uh, no. Not since my dad passed away.

LOGAN: Is that why you're staying here?

CLAY: No, I'm actually not staying. I'm leaving tonight.

LOGAN: I can't believe you never tried to fly.


Jamie plays in the swimming. Quinn sees him.

JAMIE: Cannibal!

QUINN: Did you say "cannibal"?

JAMIE: Yeah.

QUINN: It's "cannonball," not "cannibal."

JAMIE: Fine. Cannonball!

(Dan comes in)

JAMIE: Grandpa Dan, jump in.

DAN: Don't tempt me. (To Quinn) So, how's that boyfriend of yours?

QUINN: You know, you didn't need to try and drown Clay.

DAN: It worked last time. Where is he?

QUINN: He's getting help.

DAN: Sounds like it worked again. So, how you doing?

QUINN: Well, I don't need my head drowned in a pool, if that's what you're asking. I'll be fine when I know Clay's fine.

DAN: So you still believe in him?

QUINN: Yeah. Then you'll both be okay.

JAMIE: Cannonball!


Chase cut some food. Chris comes in.

CHRIS: You know why I'm here, right?

CHASE: No. What's up?

CHRIS: 'Cause I want a drink! What, do you think I'm here to look at your pretty face?

CHASE: No, I-I just...

CHRIS: Just toss me a beer. I got a bunch of work to do tonight.

CHASE: I thought you were gonna swing by and see Chuck later.

CHRIS: Who? Oh, kid Keller. I don't know. It's been kind of a crazy day.

CHASE: Look, for whatever reason, he thinks you're a good guy. Crazy day or not, don't be a jerk to him.

His life's been tough.

CHRIS: I heard that when the bartender gives you a tip, you don't have to tip the bartender. Sorry! Thanks, bud.


Julian enters in the cafe to see Brooke.

BROOKE: Hey, handsome stranger. Name your poison.

JULIAN: Can I get a chai latte?

BROOKE: No problem. Wait. Did you say chai?

JULIAN: Yeah. Chai is so yesterday. Coffee is the new chai. It was sweet that you spent the morning with the boys. Where'd you go?

JULIAN: I took them to the hospital.

BROOKE: What happened? Are they okay?

JULIAN: The boys are fine, but the doctor thinks I need to take the day off. Don't do that.


JULIAN: Don't give me that look. The doctor gave me the same kind of sympathetic look. So did the babysitter. I'm tired of people giving me the benefit of the doubt.

BROOKE: No one needs to give you the benefit of the doubt. It was a genuine mistake. It was my mistake, too. I knew you were overwhelmed and preoccupied with the stage. You were in a hurry. You were sleep-deprived. I should have seen that. The doctor's right. You just need to take your mind off of it. We both do. Why don't you go see a movie? You need it.


Haley comes to airport to have information on Nathan.

HOSTESS: There you go. Have a nice flight.

HALEY: Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I really need to know if my husband, Nathan Scott, was on flight 2326 last night.

HOSTESS: Okay. Well, I can tell you the flight did arrive in Tree Hill on time last night, but I'm not allowed to disclose any personal information about passengers... I'm sorry.

HALEY: I'm his wife. It's okay.

HOSTESS: No, I'm sorry. It's protocol. Anything else I can help you with?

HALEY: No. Thanks.

HOSTESS: Miss. Look, I'm sure everything is just fine. You know, I bet he just... he missed his flight.

HALEY: You know, if one more person tells me that, I'm gonna lose my mind. Can you imagine how you'd feel if your husband was missing and no one would help you find him?

HOSTESS: Okay. You didn't hear this from me.

HALEY: Thank you so much.

HOSTESS: Okay, it looks like Nathan Scott was on flight 2326 last night.

(Haley goes outside and finds Mirna Moose on the floor)


Chase passes to see Chuck.

CHASE: Keller said he was sorry. He got held up. Told me to swing by and check on you.

CHUCK: I knew Keller wouldn't leave me hanging.

CHASE: I can meet your dad if you want.

CHUCK: Of course. That's a given.

CHASE: But you didn't ask me.

CHUCK: Didn't think I had to.

CHASE: Is he... is he here yet?

CHUCK: No, not yet. Must be running late. Sometimes he's late.

CHASE: Then we have time to sh**t some hoops. Think fast.


Julian goes outside and finds a note in his car. He go back in the cafe to shows it to Brooke.

JULIAN: Someone put this on my car.

BROOKE: Julian.

JULIAN: Why did it take a stranger to tell me the truth that I deserve to be punished.

BROOKE: Julian...


Quinn visits Clay with Jamie and Lydia.

CLAY: Look out, world! It's another James girl! Boy, oh, boy, between your mommy's good looks and your daddy's athleticism, you are going to be unstoppable.

QUINN: Hey, speaking of, have you heard from Nathan?

CLAY: No, why?

QUINN: Oh, he, uh, he didn't make it home last night.

CLAY: Well, I'm sure he's fine. He always changes flights. He's probably just in the air and can't call.

QUINN: So, what can I do for you? Want me to bring you some more stuff from home?

CLAY: You know, honestly, I'm thinking about leaving. I'm just not sure that Dr. Alvarez is the right doctor for me.

QUINN: Why? What happened?

CLAY: He thinks that I'm hiding some big secret from myself and that's what's making me wander. He diagnosed me with a fugue disorder.

QUINN: Can it be treated?

CLAY: Yeah, I guess most people stop wandering once they've come to terms with whatever triggered it.

QUINN: I mean, if you have a diagnosis and a possible cure, why would you want to leave?

CLAY: I... What could possibly be bad enough to make my brain shut down? I guess I'm just afraid of what that missing information might be. And I'm afraid of burdening you with more of my struggle.

QUINN: It's because you're afraid that you need to stay.

JAMIE: You should probably have them reinforce the windows with bars or something. Full moon's a-comin'.

QUINN: Get over here. Right now. Give me this coin. You ready?


QUINN: Well, at least we know you're not a werewolf.

JAMIE: Too bad.

QUINN: We'll be okay.


Chuck and Chase plays basketball until Chuck'dad comes in.

CHUCK: Mm. Take that. H-o-r-s. "Horse." I win.

CHASE: Uh, "horse" has an "E" in it, Chuck.

CHUCK: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I was just joking.

CHASE: Mm-hmm. All right, then. Your shot.

CHUCK: All right. You know, it's not a big deal if my dad doesn't show. I mean, I'm having fun hanging out with you.

CHASE: Thanks, buddy. Maybe we should do something really cool tomorrow. You can decide... anything you want.

CHUCK: Really? Anything?

CHASE: You name it. Is there something you've always wanted...

(Chuck's dad comes in)


CHUCK'S DAD: Hey, hey, hey, buddy! Whoa, look at you! Look at you. How you doing?

CHUCK: I'm good. Dad, this is chase.

CHUCK'S DAD: You the sitter or something? You want some money?

CHASE: Uh, not exactly. I'm...

CHUCK'S DAD: Well, his mom will have to pay you later. All right, I got it from here. Thanks. Let's go inside. Look at how big you've gotten! My God.


Haley is sitting on the couch and is thinking.


Haley puts Jamie in his bed.



JAMIE: Does grandpa Dan really have to leave when dad gets home?

HALEY: Yeah, honey, I'm afraid he does.


Haley understands and goes upstairs to seeks Dan's stuff. She finds a Lydia's picture and Jamie's baseball. Dan comes in.

DAN: Can I help you with something?

HALEY: I thought you said you lost everything in the fire.


Clay comes to Logan's room to give him the plan.

CLAY: Hey.

LOGAN: Thought you were leaving.

CLAY: Nah, it looks like I'll be staying a while. I got you something.

LOGAN: You got it! Thanks.

CLAY: Yeah. I'm Clay.

LOGAN: Logan.

CLAY: Like Wolverine. He's my favorite superhero of all time.


CLAY: You don't know Wolverine? Come on, dude. He's awesome. All right, well, I got to get going, but, um, maybe tomorrow, we can fly that thing?

LOGAN: You're not afraid anymore?

CLAY: No, I'm still a little bit afraid, but I'm working on it.


Chris takes pictures of Tara who plays.

CHRIS: Boom! There it is! All right, now let me show you how to play. Probably easiest if you sit on my lap. You see what it's like to be old Chris Keller in his element. Mm.

(Chase comes in)

CHASE: Is this the work that made you bail on Chuck?

CHRIS: Look, sorry, man. I had to take care of Chris Keller tonight. Besides, he's hanging with his dad. He doesn't need a babysitter.

CHASE: You musicians are all the same. You know that? You just bulldoze through town, making empty promises, and you don't care who you hurt along the way.

CHRIS: Dude, hey, lighten up, man. Why don't you call, uh, "not Alex."

CHASE: I already talked to her. She's coming over tonight.


Jamie and Quinn are going to watch movie.

QUINN: So, here's some popcorn. We'll watch a scary movie, and it'll be Lydia's first sleepover.

JAMIE: And in the morning, dad will be home. We should call your mom and say goodnight first.

VOICEMAIL: Hey, it's Haley. Leave me a message.

QUINN(at phone): Hey, hales. Jamie's just going to sleep. He just wanted to say good night.

JAMIE(at phone): Hi, mom. Thanks for letting me stay at aunt Quinn's tonight. We had so much fun that...(Yawns dramatically ] I'm gonna fall right to sleep. Love you!

QUINN(at phone): Hey, hales, um so I talked to Clay, but, uh... He hasn't heard from Nathan, so... Call me back. I'm, uh, I'm worried about you.

(She hangs up)

QUINN: The fake yawn was a bit much.

JAMIE: You think?


Brooke understands Tara write the note to Julian.


Julian looks his babies' pictures. Men laugh.

MAN: What, you got a problem? Huh?

JULIAN: Yeah, I do.

(They start to fight)


Brooke enters in the cafe, she is upset.

BROOKE: Hi. I need to speak with the owner, please.

WAITRESS: Sorry, Tara's out for the night.

BROOKE: Could you give her a message for me?


BROOKE: Great.

(She puts the mess in the cafe)


Julian is fighting by the man of the bar.

JULIAN: Is that all you got? Ohh! Ohh! That's more like it.


Haley wants explications of Dan.

HALEY: Well? Answer the question, Dan. You said you lost everything in the fire, so why do you have this? And all that money... why do you have that? Was it not an accident? Did you start the fire yourself? Oh, my God. You did! You started the fire! I trusted you. I let you into my home. I defended you, and you lied to me, and you took advantage of me! And the doors... the doors here and at the café. Was that you, too?

DAN: Haley, will you let me explain?

HALEY: What else are you lying about, Dan? Where is Nathan? What did you do to him?

DAN: What? Nathan's missing?

HALEY: Don't play games with me. You knew the second he got home that you were gonna have to leave, so you made sure that he never got home!

DAN: Haley, what are you...

HALEY: Where is my husband?! Where is Nathan?!

DAN: Haley, will you calm down?! Please, let me explain! Please, just let me explain, okay? You're right. Nathan gave me the baseball and the picture, and I sensed a thaw. At least an opportunity for one. I had to act. I tried to get close to Jamie and Lydia while Nathan was still vulnerable. But I didn't know anything about Nathan missing until just now. I promise. I was just a desperate man trying to get close to my family. Please. You understand, don't you?

HALEY: I'm sorry. I do understand. I'm out of my mind right now. Of course you didn't do anything to your son. I'm just so worried about him.

DAN: You need to relax. If Nathan didn't come home, there's a perfectly good explanation for it.

HALEY: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I mean, he probably... he probably missed his flight.

DAN: Yeah.

HALEY: Right? I... I'm so silly. I need... I need to calm down and get some sleep.

DAN: That's a really good idea.

HALEY: Okay.

Haley goes in her room, opens the faucet in the bathroom and calls.

WOMAN(at phone): 911. What's your emergency?

HALEY(at phone): I need your help. There's a m*rder*r in my house.

(Dan is behind the door of the room)

End of the episode.