03x01 - Hey, Lick Me Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x01 - Hey, Lick Me Over

Post by bunniefuu »

May we move along, please?

Partners will convene
tomorrow at : a.m.

To review associate performance,

Results of said review

To be communicated
to interested parties

In a timely manner.

Partner review...
Clooney's, p.m.

The door swings both ways, doug.


A cautionary as regards
next tuesday's election...

People, november
th is a full work day

Like any other.

Let us not use this
precious rite of democracy

As an excuse for tardiness.

Who you going to
vote for, douglas?

That is between me
and my conscience.

Such as it is.

My read is abby,
victor, jonathan,

Michael, stuart...
Dukakis people...

Leland, douglas, ann,
and I are for bush?

Not that it's any
of your business,

But I happen to
like the other guy.

She's partial to short men.


Benny, who are you
going to vote for?

Um, I'm... Um... I'm not voting.

How come?

Hurrying along...

Victor, status on jennings
vs. Guard alert, inc.?

I'm putting mr. Jennings
on the stand this morning.

I thought the alarm company
had offered to settle.

It's still on the table,
but I think we have a shot

At a multimillion-dollar
judgment here.

I'm advising the
jennings' to hang tough.

I don't know, victor.

Minutes doesn't seem like

An unreasonable amount of time

To respond to a panic alarm.

It is when you've got a
g*n pointed to your head

And your wife's being r*ped.

If you ask me,

The only way to
stop these crazies

Is to keep a .
Magnum in the house.

Oh, come on. What
are you going to do,

Say, "time out,
excuse me, mr. r*pist,

"Flag on the play
while I get my g*n

"Out of my shoebox
in the closet?"

Carry it on you.

That's a little paranoid,
don't you think?

And it's illegal.

It's not paranoid,

And it's only a misdemeanor.

Yeah, right. Until
you sh**t somebody.

I'm a single woman
living with a small child

In a high crime area.

I'd rather sh**t someone

And take my chances
with the system

Then go through
the kind of nightmare

That the jennings went through.

I'm not saying it
isn't scary out there,

But if you give in to your fears

And start packing a g*n,

You become part of the problem.

I couldn't live like that.

I don't think when
push comes to shove

That you could either.

You're wrong.

Excuse me. Is that thing loaded?


Abby, do you honestly
think you could use that?

You could k*ll someone?

To protect my life
or my son's life,

You bet your ass.

I was sitting in the theater

Enjoying the performance
like everyone else,

When suddenly I felt

This little...
Flitter in my ear,

And it was moist.

Did you have
occasion, ms. Stewart,

To determine the cause
of this wet flittering?

It was that man right there.

He was sticking his tongue
in and out of my left ear.

What did you do, ma'am?

Well, I told him to stop
or I'd call the police.

I didn't want to make a scene,

You know, in such
a crowded place.

And did he stop?

For a while.

Then all of a sudden
there it was again...

Flitter... Flitter...
Your honor,

Objection to the use
of the term "flitter".

It's misleading.

Ms. Stewart, could you tell us

What happened after
the second incident?

Well, I yelled.

That's when security
came and arrested him.

Thank you, ma'am.

Nothing further.

Miss stewart...
Excuse me. Ms. Stewart.

Isn't it true that you engaged

In conversation with my client

Prior to this
so-called incident?

He engaged, not me.

He whispered into
my ear real creepy.

"Your perfume is so
intoxicating," he said.

Isn't it true you overreacted
to this whole thing?

He stuck his tongue into my ear.

He was plunging away in there.

And you don't think

That leaping up in
a crowded theater

Is not the slightest
bit overreactive?

I certainly do not.

Would you mind telling
us what you screamed?



It was a serious situation.

Who's going to help
me if I yell "tongue"?

Benny, how come
you're not going to vote?

Because I'm Ret*rded.

That doesn't mean
that you can't vote.

That's what the man
outside the supermarket said.

I don't think that
that's true, benny.

Yeah, it is. He said so.

Look, if I could
get you registered,

Would you want to vote?

My mom always said I
wasn't smart enough.

She was wrong, benny.

You think?


So, what do you day?
You want to give it a try?

I don't know how.

It's easy.

Hey, I'll show you.

Oh. Ok, mike.

Yeah. I want to try.


I got to do a little checking,

But I think we have
a really good shot.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Hello, you goddess, you.

Hi, david.

Look at this.

What is it?

See the tension device in here?

Pops it open into a
-sided calendar.

Message on the top,
message on the bottom...

"Season's greetings
from mckenzie-brackman."

Legal holidays
printed underneath.

Maybe a metric
conversion table as well.

Sits on the desk or
folds flat for mailing

In a x manila
catalogue envelope.

Irv resnik is my supplier.

Now, I love irv,

But he always starts
out with a problem.

First he tells me is
it'll be cents a unit

Since he's using rubber bands

For his tension device.

I say, "irv, please,

"You're milking my lizard.

"Do us both a favor

"And go with elasticized nylon."

He says, "not durable."

I say, "we have a grade
three laminated mailer here.

"We're not putting
a man on the moon."

Anyway, to make a
long story short,

I get the price
down to cents plus,

And I buy his back
inventory of rubber bands,

Which one phone
call later is headed

To largest newspaper
distributor in broward county.


So... You free for lunch?

I don't have a lot
of free time, david.

It's really kind of
important, roxanne.

I need to talk to you about
an extremely important matter.


But no place fancy, all right?

Yes, they grabbed me as soon
as I unlocked the front door

And they pushed me inside.

One of the guys
held a g*n to my head,

And actually both of
them seemed pretty crazy.

You know, wild.

Was there anybody
else inside the house?

Yes, my wife was upstairs,

And she was just
tucking my little girl

In bed for the night.

I know that this is difficult
for you, mr. Jennings,

But if you can,

I'd like you to walk
us through everything

That happened that night.

One of the guys
started heading upstairs.

I told this other guy

I'd better deactivate the
alarm or it would go off.

This being the guard
alert security system.

That's right. Actually,
it wasn't really on,

But I needed an excuse to
get over there by the box.

That's when I punched
in the panic code.

What is that, sir?

It sends this silent alarm

Back to guard alert's
central station.

It's supposed to tell
them it's an emergency.

Does this panic code
do anything else?

Yes, actually, it does.

It activates this audio thing.

It's so they can hear everything
going on inside your house.

My wife was being r*ped.

Where the hell were you?


It's a simple question!

- Mr. Jennings...
- Where the hell were you?

Mr. Jennings, that's
enough. Please, stop.

Excuse me.

I have no further
questions, your honor.

I am very sorry for
your tragedy, sir.

But isn't it true

While that much of
this was happening

The guard alert officer had
already arrived at your house

And was in fact
securing the premises?

Look, all I know is that

He wasn't inside
where he was needed.

Then is it your testimony

That he should he have
tried to enter the house?

No, I'm saying they
advertised armed response.

They knew what was happening.

They could hear
everything on the audio.

Yes, they could, and
I'll ask you again...

Is it your testimony

That while this wild, crazy man

Had his g*n in your mouth

With his hand on the trigger,

That the guard alert officer

Should have
stormed the premises?

I don't know. How am
I supposed to know?

Isn't it possible that
had he charged in,

Both you and your
wife might be dead?

I don't know.

I want you to think
about that, mr. Jennings.

Isn't it possible

That you would
have been shot dead

By that wild man

Had the guard alert
officer tried to capture him?

I don't think I have
anything further.

We immediately
dispatched patrol,

Which got there at : ,

Eight minutes after
the alarm was received.

But why didn't
your man go inside?

Because the
intruders were armed.

Our policy under
those circumstances

Is to secure the premises

And await the
arrival of the police.

That's exactly what he did.

So then is it your testimony

That your patrol
guard behaved properly?


If he'd gone in, innocent
people could have been k*lled.

As it turned out, nobody died

The suspects were caught.

I might also add
that our audio tapes

Helped secure conviction.

I don't mean to
minimize the tragedy

Suffered by these people,

But there was nothing
more we could do.

Thank you, sir. Nothing further.

Here is your
brochure, mr. Patsos...

The nice glossy pictures

Of all your high-tech security.

Show me the small print

That says you can't do anything.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

You sold yourself as
being better than the police.

Not really. We...

Didn't you you say your
response time is much faster...

Yes, but let me...

Didn't you expressly
tell my clients

That you could provide
better home security

- Than the department?
- And we do.

And when it comes time
for action, what happens?

Your guard sits outside
waiting for the police.

It would have been
crazy to go in there.

The police went in.

The police, who
you billed yourself

As being better
than, they went in.

If not for our alarm,

The police would never
have known to come.

There are plenty of
alarms that can do that,

But you sold my
clients men with g*ns.

Who would come
running to their rescue.

Where the hell
were they that night?

Your clients are
alive, counselor.

- You should be thankful.
- Yes, they are, sir.

They are alive with the memory

Of a guard alert
security officer

Picking his nose
on their front lawn

While she was being
r*ped and sodomized.

- Objection.
- Counselor.

We sold them an armed response.

We gave them an armed response.

But didn't they think
that armed response

Meant armed intervention?

I don't know what they thought.

I'm not a mind reader.

Did you tell them that
it's your company's policy

Not to intervene
during violent crimes?

They didn't ask me.

They didn't ask you.

I have nothing further.

David asked me to marry him.


He wants to marry me.

Arnie, what am I supposed to do?

Do you love him?

I could grow to... Probably.

Roxanne, are you in love?


Well then I don't see
what the question is.

People get married all the time

For reasons that have
nothing to do with being in love.

Marriage without being in love

Is totally bloodless,
and I know you.

You're not bloodless.
You want it all...

That yearning in the
pit of your stomach,

Jealous if he even
talks to another woman,

You're miserable
when you're apart,

And you can't get enough
of him when you're not.

And sex?

It's got to be hot,
fiery, loud, dangerous...


That's what it's all
about, rox... Passion.

Arnie, I've held your hand

Through dozens of
passionate affairs,

And not one has ended happily.

That's the point.

Even a lousy
passionate relationship

Is better than
no passion at all.

What about affection,
common interests,

Simple companionship?

- Get a dog.
- Financial well-being.

That's ok for some
people, but we're different.

We're romantics. We want it all.

We want it perfect or
what's the point of having it?

Look... You got to
believe me. I'm right.

He's a good guy...

But you don't want to marry him

Just because he's a good guy.

Benny, we're all set.

Tuesday morning,
: , we go to court.


We go in front of judge lobel...

You didn't say I
had to go to court.

I don't want to go to court.

Benny, benny. This
isn't like the last time.

No one's saying you
did anything wrong.

I don't know.

All we're going to do

Is ask the judge if
you can register late.

You still want
to vote, don't you?


Ok. Then trust me.


Abby's a good lawyer, douglas.

Nobody's saying she's not.

Look, it's not like we're
firing her or anything.

This is just a
recognition on our part

That she doesn't
cultivate clients,

She doesn't generate revenue,

And that she probably
won't make partner.

What's so earth-shattering
about that?

If we decide that abby is
not partnership material,

Then we damn well have an
obligation to tell her that.

Not true. We trained her.

We invested money in her.

We have every right to
a few productive years

Before cutting her loose.

That's despicable.

Ann, we all love her.

But the truth is you
can't run a law firm

Losing associates
after two years

Just when they finally
become profitable.

We are talking about abby.

Anyway, this whole
argument is moot

Since as her friend

I'm going to tell her
exactly what's been said.

You can't do that.

You have a fiduciary

As a partner in
this firm not to...

Stick your fiduciary
responsibility, douglas.

All right. That's enough.

Now look, our talk about
abby's tenure is speculative.

It's only speculative.

Whether she makes partner or not

Turns more on her future
performance than her past.

So I would suggest the
we neither encourage

Nor discourage her falsely.

Tell her what we like,
tell her what we don't,

And leave it at that.

All right, let's move on.

Jonathan rollins.

Her perfume was intoxicating,

So I leaned towards
her and told her so.

Did she respond?

Not verbally.

- But she smiled softly...
- I never smiled.

Almost imperceptibly.

So you interpreted her reaction

To be a form of encouragement.

Well, she wasn't
flirtatious or anything,

But I didn't get the impression

She was erecting
any walls, either.

Then what happened, sir?

Well... Then I
sort of kissed her.

It was just a peck.
It wasn't a lick,

And I'm very sorry, but...

If my passion got, well,
a little out of hand,

It's only because I found
you compellingly beautiful.

It's the god's honest truth.

I have nothing further to add.

You got a little unbridled

At dodger stadium last
year, too, didn't you?

- Pardon?
- April , ?

You were ejected from the park

For tongue-lashing an usherette.


And in february the same year,

An aerobics instructor.

That was completely reciprocal.

Your honor, prior bad acts
are completely inadmissible.

Admissible to show
pattern, judge.

This man has been
going flitter-flitter

All over southern california.


Overruled. I want to hear this.

Isn't it true, mr. Ripley?

You've been intoxicated
by seven different women

In the last three years?

You must understand.

Romance for me
is very difficult.

Yes, I'm sure it gets very hard.

- Objection!
- Withdrawn.

with a scant few days left

to our quadrennial exercise
in participatory democracy,

it seems an appropriate moment

to stand back and reflect

on the tenor of the campaign.

from this reporter
then, a few thoughts...

the parry and thrust
between candidates

has brought forth far
more heat than light.



Kiss me.

Oh, sure.

David! David!

Put the popcorn away.

All right.

faced with this swirling vortex

of spin doctors and focus
group derived homilies,

does not long for
political leaders

to say what they mean

and trust us to
make up our minds.

it's in the
plain-speaking traditions

of these united states
that political debate

between the two highest
office seekers in the land

should reflect
what's heard in taverns

and commuter trains,
living rooms and...

- David.
- What?

We've always been pretty honest

With each other
in our relationship.


I want us to be honest
with each other now.

Right now?

David, you know how I feel,

That I have great
affection for you,

But that I'm not,
you know, I'm not...

I'm not in love with you.


You keep saying that that's ok,

But do you mean it?

Of course I do.

Don't you feel cheated?

Rox, you're good
and kind and sexy,

And the best thing
to happen to me.

Now would I like it if you
thought I was a sexy guy?


Would I like it if you were
passionately in love with me?

Hey, no question about it.

But... I'm not a sexy guy.

I know this. I don't kid myself.

I'm a realist in this regard.

But you're here in this
bed, my bed, with me,

And that makes me the
luckiest guy in the world.

And you can live
with it that way?


Well, then... Maybe we should.


You know...

Make it, uh... Official.

As in... Married?

- Yes.
- When?

I don't know, um...

Tonight, this weekend, soon.

You mean before
you change your mind?

I'm not going to change my mind.

Oh, boy.

Oh... Boy.

You should be less arrogant

And less independent, jonathan.

I understand.

That having been said,

I'll tell you it's our consensus

That you're an
exceptional talent,

One who's exceeded
our every expectation.

We think with proper
training and nurturing,

You could be an
outstanding lawyer

With a long and rewarding
future at this firm.

Thank you.

Send miss perkins
in on your way out.

Thank you both.

I hope she's not
packing her piece.

Another year.
Another report card.

Have a seat.

You've made nice progress, abby.

The rohner-gradinger
deal was splendid.

Your research has been
consistently thorough

And the partners feel you've
contributed significantly

To every case
you've been a part of.

The problem of billable
hours remains, though.

, Is low.

We know you're
putting in the time.

So either you're not
accounting for all your hours,

Or you're not billing the
clients for all your work.

Which would be heresy.

I never felt it's
fair to bill a client

For time spent going down
dead ends, but I hear you.

We'd also like you
to concentrate

In the corporate department.


We think we can operate more
efficiently with specialization.

But I thought I'd be
getting to try more cases.

Not everyone can be a litigator.

But that's exactly what I want.

We don't think litigation
is your strongest suit.

One question...

Am I on the partnership
track here or not?

It's a little too early
for that determination.

Excuse me.

Based on my performance
during the last two years,

Do you anticipate that I
will eventually be invited

To be a partner?

That's a premature question.

Give me a premature answer.


At this time,

We don't anticipate
extending that invitation,

But that doesn't mean...

Thank you. Thank you.

I think I get the
gist of my review.

- Hey, rox.
- Hi, arnie.

How was your weekend?

I got married.

You what?

I got married.

In here.

You got married?

Saturday night.

I... I'm stunned.

How could you do this to me?

What have I done to you?

You asked my counsel
and I gave it to you.

Then you went out and did the
exact opposite of what I advised.

How do you think
that makes me feel?

I don't believe you.

This is my wedding, my marriage,

And your only
reaction is "me, me, me."

My reaction is disbelief.

You said yourself that
you're not in love with him.

You compromised.

You gave up on romance,
and your dreams,

Your passion...

Those things make
up your life, arnie.

They have never
been a part of mine.

I don't have a rolodex
of available squeezes

Like you do.

It's been a long time since
anybody's sent flowers

Or whisked me off for
a romantic weekend.

I was broke. I was
alone. I had nothing.

And this man, he came along
and he offered me a life,

A life which may not measure up
to a good time by your standards,

But, damn it, it's a hell of a lot
better than the one I had before.

I knew the suspects were armed

And that a possible
r*pe was in progress,

But there being no
discharge of any w*apon,

And loss of life
not being imminent,

I declined to enter the dwelling

For fear of jeopardizing
the safety of the victims.

So what did you do?

I circled the premises,

Making note of
all possible exits,

I maintained constant communication
with our central station,

Which was monitoring
everything going on inside.

And when police arrived, I
fully apprised them of the same.

Mr. Maus, did you at any
point have an opportunity

To prevent this
r*pe from occurring?

No, sir, I did not.

Thank you. That's all.

How old are you, sir?

Years of age.


And how long have you
being working at guard alert?

Been with the
company for months.

And before that?

Objection. There's
no relevance to...

This is the armed guard, judge,

He is the essence of
this security company.

I think that his training and his
background is definitely relevant.

- I'll allow it.
- Thank you.

So I'm going to ask
you again, mr. Maus.

How were you employed
before guard alert?

I drove an ice cream truck.

And have you
received any training

In the field of security?

Yes, I attended guard
alert's own private academy,

Where I received
extensive training in cpr,

First aid, and the
use of firearms.

And when did you
enter this academy, sir?

In october of .

And when did you graduate?

October of .

And other than this extensive
two-week stint at guard alert's academy,

Did you receive any
other security training?

- No.
- All right, mr. Maus...

You once considered being a
police officer, is that right?

I did.

In fact, you took
the entrance exam

For the los angeles
police academy, correct?


Please tell the court the
results of that test, sir.

- I didn't qualify.
- You failed.

That has nothing
to do with that night.

Now, I made the right
decision not to go in.

Nobody got k*lled and we
nailed the perps, remember?

Thank you.

Sir, on july th of this year,

You responded to another
alarm on stradella road

In bel air, is that correct?

It's possible. I don't remember.

Well, according
to your records...

And I'm going to give you a copy of
your records right now... You did.

And also according
to your records,

You once again determined
a crime to be in progress

That safety mandated you
not entering the premises,

And in full accordance with
you training and your discretion,

You again waited outside

For the police to come in and
capture the intruder, right?


Please identify this
intruder for the court.

It was a raccoon.

But you nailed him, right?

- Objection.
- Nothing further.

Oh, excuse me, that was
a full-grown raccoon?

- Your honor!
- Sustained.

Stand up, mr. Ripley.

Shock of shocks,
I'm finding you guilty.

As for sentencing...
May I be heard, judge?

I'm listening.

I deeply apologize
for my behavior.

And I really didn't
mean to scare anybody.

Well, like it or not,

That kind of unprovoked
criminal behavior

Does scare people.

I know. I'm getting
help, your honor.

I'm seeing a psychiatrist.

I know what I did was wrong

And I've got to stop.

- But will you?
- I have to.

I don't want to go through
anything like this again, believe me.

Ms. Van owen?

Probation for a year,

Conditioned on a
psychiatric evaluation.

- Counselor?
- Counselor.

What brings you here?

Lawyer stuff. And you?

Ms. Van owen? Thank you.

I know you didn't
have to do that.

Good luck, mr. Ripley.

Thank you very much.

So, you free tonight?

Well, I could be.

What do you have in mind?

Well, I thought maybe
a quiet little dinner.

We could rent a movie.

Who knows?

You're pretty boring, kuzak.

How about magic mountain?

What? Magic mountain!

They have this new
thing called the ninja.

It's a trackless roller coaster.

Excuse me. What is that
perfume you're wearing?

I think it's called surrender.

Yeah. Yeah.

It's, uh, suspended.

It has no track.

It's intoxicating.

No track?

Overwhelming. Compelling.

Yeah, uh...

So you can't tell
when you're about

To plunge off the
edge of the world.

Well, I think I'm more of a
bumper car kind of guy myself.

That's the difference
between you and me.

You're a bumper at
heart, and I'm a plunger.

We better do dinner.

- Look...
- Oh, for god's sakes.

As that man shoved his
g*n in mr. Jennings' mouth,

Threatening to pull the trigger,

The guard alert security
guard sat outside.

As the other man repeatedly
violated mrs. Jennings,

Their security
guard sat outside.

And as a little -year-old
girl walked into that room...

To see her own mother being
viciously and violently r*ped,

He sat outside.

Now this poor family was
being emotionally ruined,

Probably for life,

And their man was sitting
outside reciting the company line,

"Nothing we can do."

You cannot accept their
excuse without validating it.

You cannot accept their excuse

Without offering it up for use

By every other security
company out there,

Maybe even your own.

If you let them off,
ladies and gentlemen,

You'd be saying that it's ok to
charge thousands of dollars

To put -year-old ex-ice
cream salesmen on patrol.

You'd be saying that
it's ok to promise safety,

To take the money,
and then to sit back

While a family is
being savagely ruined.

You can stop them now
by saying, no, it's not ok.

By saying, yes, you damn
well better try harder.

So that next time, when
it could be your house,

Maybe they just won't sit in your
driveway, waiting for it to be over.

You want to do something
today that's going to make us

All a little bit
safer in our homes?

Then come back
for the plaintiff...

And come back big.

He wants you to believe

That they could have
prevented this tragedy.

And mr. Sifuentes
and I both know

That you desperately
want to believe this, too.

Because if you can
convince yourselves

That security companies can
stop any and all crime in the home,

Then you can continue
to cling to the futile hope

That this could
never happen to you.

If you can convince yourselves

That this occurred only because

An alarm company
dropped the ball,

Then you can dismiss this
tragedy as an aberration

And thereby distance
yourselves from it.

No matter how much you
want to believe that, folks,

The facts in this
case won't let you.

Guard alert's alarm
worked perfectly.

That's undisputed.

They were there
in eight minutes.

You heard experienced
veteran police testify

There was nothing guard
alert or any security company

Could have done to
prevent this tragedy.

The facts tell you

Guard alert did
everything they could,

Everything they promised.

And the facts tell
you that sometimes,

No matter what you
do or how much you try,

The crime wave still rolls in.

You want to attach blame here?

Blame the tide.


- Yes, indeed?
- Mr. Mckenzie,

There's a ms. Jennifer
kepler to see you.

Send her in.


Well... Welcome home.

Thank you.

- How was europe?
- Refreshing.

I'm sure it was.

When did you get back?

When the bar results
were announced.

Of course. Congratulations.

You didn't answer a
single one of my calls.

I'm sorry.

I'm not usually a coward
when it comes to these things.

I'm not usually this aggressive,

But I thought we
were both feeling

Something special
for each other.

I thought we agreed when I
returned from europe we'd pursue it.


Jennifer, you're a
very special woman,


After you left, I realized that
every time we were together

I was acutely aware of how
inappropriate our relationship was.

There's nothing inappropriate

About two adults who
want to be together.

- Yeah.
- Jennifer...

I'm old enough
to be your father.

I find that socially

And quite candidly, that's...

That's, that's...

Sexually, it's, uh,
it's frightening.

I can't do much about your
social embarrassment, leland,

But when it comes
to your sexual fear...

I can give you a hand there.

I just don't know how I feel.

Well, if you want to see me,

You know where you can find me.

If not, I just won't
bother you anymore.

- Hi.
- Good morning.

Well, I received a phone call
last night from opposing counsel.

They're offering a
million-dollar settlement

Payable right now,

No admission of
liability on their part,

And a gag order, so
all the press gets told

Is that we settled for
an undisclosed amount.

This means they think
they're going to lose, right?

It means that
they're not confident.

But I have to be honest
with you, neither am i.

You think we should take it?

I don't see how we can't.

The jury could come back
with twice that amount,

But they could also
come back with nothing.


Excuse me?

We're not settling
on those terms.

A million dollars
is a great offer.

Think it would be
a great verdict.

They're not going sweep
this to the back pages,

Not after what happened to me.

- Marcia...
- No, I want a public verdict.

I want them blamed.

With all due respect,

How would that
further your interests?

The people will know, damn it.

God, every time I drive by one
of those protected houses

And see that little
sign out front...

"Property protected
by guard alert"...

I just want to stop, run up,

And bang on the
door and tell them!

Tell them they're not safe,

Tell them they'll never be safe!

- Honey...
- Get away.

I want to get them
out in the open.

They're talking
about a settle...

You're talking about a quiet
settlement, and I won't do it!

I was r*ped!

And I want everybody to know it

And I want everybody
to blame them!

And I won't be quiet! I won't!

- No! No! No!
- Ok. Ok.

It's all right.

Tell them the offer's
rejected, mr. Sifuentes.

The law says he has to register
days before the election.

Which he would have done
if he hadn't been turned away

By one of the
registrar's volunteers.

Your honor, no
disrespect intended,

But mr. Stulwicz is Ret*rded.

That doesn't disqualify
him from voting.

Understood, but
given his handicap,

It's quite conceivable that
he was unable to fill out

The registration forms,

Which is grounds
for disqualification.

He was never given the
chance to fill out the forms.

- You say so.
- He says so,

And you don't have anybody
here to contradict him.

All right, gentlemen.

Mr. Stulwicz, what
exactly did the man

At the registration
table say to you?

He s-said I couldn't vote.

Had you begun to fill out any of
the registration forms or papers?

No. He wouldn't let me.

What's your
address, mr. Stulwicz?

Orange grove street,
los angeles, california, .

- When were you born?
- July , .

Do you have a job?

I work in the mail room

Of mckenzie, brackman,
chaney & kuzak.

It seems to me

He's capable of completing
registration, mr. Montal.

Mr. Kuzak, I'm assuming
he's not on parole

And doesn't have a
conservator appointed for him.

That's right, judge.

Mr. Stulwicz, would you
approach the bench, please?

Do you know what
this election is for?

Yes, sir.

It's s-so the
p-people can choose

Who's going to be president
of the united states.

And this is something
you want to do?

Sure. I'm one of the people.

This man is qualified
to vote, mr. Montal.

Since I find that
he probably was

Unlawfully denied
his right to register,

I'm ordering you to waive
the -day requirement

And register him right
now so he can vote today.

The clerk will
draft it, mr. Kuzak.

Mr. Montal, get
it done. That's all.

Well, w-what did he say?

He said you're going to vote.

Has the jury reached
its verdict, mr. Foreman?

- We have, your honor.
- And what say you?

On count one of the complaint...

For the cause of
action of negligence...

We find in favor
of the defendant.

On count two of the complaint...

Breach of contract,

We find in favor
of the plaintiff

And order the
defendant to pay damages

In the amount of $ . Million.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, rox!

Congratulations to you both.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

. Million... %.

We just made $ , .

Victor... I toast your triumph.

Don't count it all yet, doug.

I'm sure they're
going to appeal.

Nevertheless, I
didn't waste your time

Telling you what
you already know...

That you're a most
valued member of our firm.

And all of us... The
partners, that is...

Consider you to be in a very
certain partnership track.

I'm flattered, doug. Thank you.

De nada, mi amigo.

Attaboy, victor.

Thanks, ann.

Put your tongue in my ear.


Well... Now that
ripley's behind bars,

Someone's got to do it.

Come on.

Wait. Sort of flick it.

In and out.

How's that?

Oh, it's wet, it's...

Gave me a little chill,

- I don't know.
- That good?

Maybe it's...

It's not so much a
flick as it is a flitter.

- Try it again.
- A flick?

- Yeah.
- Huh.

Oh, god.

Here they are.

Hey, congratulations,
both of you.

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm the luckiest
guy in the world.

I hope you'll be very happy.

I know you do,

And I want you to know
how much we appreciate that.

You know, we got a
lot in common, arnie.

We both love the same woman.

In fact, if I weren't such
a basically together guy,

I might be a little
jealous, but I'm not.

I mean, hey, we're going to
be an extended family, right?

Right. Excuse me.

Oh, here she is.

Congratulations. It's great.

Thank you.

Is this something, or what?

Look at us, four
middle-aged lovebirds.

Before too long, we're all
going to be up to our elbows

In disposable diapers and
tapioca pudding, am I right?

Well, uh, we've
been talking about it.

Actually, we haven't
yet, but boy, I'm ready.

Can't you see rox with a
couple of little meyers

Running around the house?

You better get moving, ann.

I can hear that
biological clock ticking.

David... Will you
excuse us, please?

Stuart, let's go home.

Why? What's the matter?

Dave meyer is insufferable.

The biological clock remark?

- Yes!
- Oh, come on.

The doctor said it'll take at
least six months to get pregnant.

Even a year is totally normal.

Don't get upset
over a dumb remark.

Stuart, maybe you
should get tested.


Ann, we've only tried
for a few months.

It hasn't only
been a few months.

I stopped using birth
control over a year ago.


Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know. I was afraid.

Afraid of what? You
know I want children.

I wasn't really trying
to get pregnant.

I guess I just
wasn't not trying.

I don't even know if
I can get pregnant.

Have you been tested?

Never any reason to before.

There is now, isn't there?

Don't push me, ok?

I'm not pushing you.

But it does raise a
question, doesn't it?

Like do you want to
have a baby or not?

Because if you're ambivalent,
forget about tests.

I'm not putting my heart

Or anything else
on the line here.

Mike! Mike, it's getting late.

I got to vote.


Let's go exercise your
constitutional right.

When we're done with that,

Grace and I will take
you out to dinner, okay?

Great! Let's go!

Benny, don't forget,

Slide the card
underneath the ballot,

And make a little
pin-push to make a hole

Next to the candidate's name.


If you get nervous and
don't understand something,

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

You got your papers?

Uh, yeah.

Ok... In you go.

My n-name's benny stulwicz.

I-i-i'm here to vote.

Yes, mr. Stulwicz.

We received a call about you

From the registrar's office.

Sign in here.

Here's your ballot,

And you can vote in
that stall over there.


I did it!

I voted!
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