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08x15 - Valentine's Day is Over

Posted: 03/01/11 21:57
by bunniefuu

CHASE: I'm Chase, your new Big Brother.

CHUCK: Chuck!

CHUCK: Thanks for hanging out with me.

CHUCK’S MOM: Hey, I know you. You're my bartender.

CHUCK: Bar manager.

KELLERMAN: People cannot be trusted. Contracts, on the other hand, can be trusted. Seems Mr. Scott disagrees with me.

NATHAN: But the guy is a nightmare. He gets off on humiliating everyone.

CLAY: Didn't you take this guy's class 'cause it was tough?

NATHAN: I don't have a problem with him being tough. I have a problem with him being a bully.

MOUTH: I want you to move in tomorrow or even tonight, if you can. Or is that too fast?

BROOKE: They didn't just tell me that...That I wasn't pregnant. They said I'm never gonna be.

JULIAN: You can't have children? They told you that?


Jamie makes a heart with heart-shaped candies. Haley takes it to him.

JAMIE: Mom. Really?

HALEY: What? Mama's hungry. Okay, let's see. Hmm. Happy Valentine's day.


Brooke notices that the hot water does not go out of the faucet of the kitchen. Julian comes to see.

BROOKE: Julian, the hot water won't work!

JULIAN: All right, I got it.

BROOKE: Damn. My husband is sexy. Unlike you, the hot water isn't hot enough.

JULIAN: Again?

BROOKE: Yes. It keeps going out. I think maybe you should call the plumber.

JULIAN: Okay, I'll call the plumber, but I don't like that guy. He's always checking you out.

BROOKE: He is not. He's nice. You're just jealous because he's kind of handsome.

JULIAN: Really? You think the plumber's handsome?

BROOKE: He's okay. He might have a shot with me if I had a reason to stray. But clearly, I don't.

JULIAN: Okay. I'll call the handsome plumber guy, but just remember you're my girl, Brooke Davis, and you always will be.


Clay takes a shower. Quinn joins him.

QUINN: Morning, baby.

CLAY: What is my baby up to?

QUINN: It's Valentine's Day. I'm kind of in love with you.

CLAY: Damn. I love hearing you say that.

QUINN: What?

CLAY: You are so naked right now.

QUINN: Babe, stop.

CLAY: I'm serious. It's awesome. I can totally see your butt.

QUINN: Well, you can touch me if you want.

CLAY: Valentine's Day is hot.


Haley and Nathan has a wash in the morning.



HALEY: Did you remember to, uh, sign that form for Jamie's field trip today?

NATHAN: Yeah, I left it next to the humidifier. Hey, do I have something on my back? It itches like crazy.

HALEY: Oh, it looks like a rash. Ooh, there's a blackhead. Can I get it?

NATHAN: No, no, it's okay. I'm gonna see Clay in like 20 minutes.

HALEY: Fine.

NATHAN: So, do you want me to pick up anything for Valentine's day dinner?

HALEY: You're so sweet to remember.

NATHAN: Eh, sort of. I didn't really get you anything. Sorry.

HALEY: That's okay. Jamie and Madison have a playdate after school. I just kind of figured we could rent a video or something.

NATHAN: Ah. Perfect. Happy Valentine's Day.

HALEY: You too. Love you.


Julian repairs the faucet. Brooke comes to see him in underwear.

BROOKE: So, I was thinking maybe you could take a little break. My husband's away, and I could use a little help in the bedroom.

JULIAN: I don't know, Miss Baker.

BROOKE: Mrs. Baker. I do like a man who's good with his hands. Do you feel good about that tool you've got there...Thor?


BROOKE: Well, then, I might just take this to the bedroom so that you'll have just the right tool and I'll have just the right...Box? Something like that. What do you say, handyman? Are you feeling handy, man?

JULIAN: Yes, I am. I love you, Mrs. Baker. Am I allowed to say that?

BROOKE: Yes, baby, you are. Mmm!



Jamie takes an apple in the refrigerator and sees his mother looking for her Valentine’s Day present in cupboards.

JAMIE: There's no food in there, mom.

HALEY: Watch it.

JAMIE: What you looking for, anyway?

HALEY: I am looking for my Valentine's Day present from your father. I know he got me something.

JAMIE: How come?

HALEY: Because he pretended like he didn't. Oh, the garage.


Chuck arrives in the Tric.

CHASE: There he is Chuck Skolnick.


CHASE: Have a seat, buddy. What'll you have?

CHUCK: My dad says real men drink whiskey.

CHASE: How about a root beer?

CHUCK: Lame, but whatever. How come you had a cab pick me up?

CHASE: Uh, because your mom was busy, and I couldn't leave the bar 'cause I'm…

CHUCK: You're the bar manager. I know.

CHASE: Dude, drink your root beer. Shut your pinhole.

CHUCK: Ooh, do you have pie?

CHASE: No, we have...


Millicent takes breakfast.

MILLICENT: Half a muffin?

MOUTH: Happy Valentine's Day?


MOUTH: You know how I used to bring you a muffin every day? Well, I wanted to do that today, but we only had enough for one, and I was kind of hungry.

MILLICENT: Okay, well, it's the thought that counts.

MOUTH: So, I have some good news you know that guy who does those wacky segments on the morning news?

MILLICENT: The old guy with the bad toupee who kind of wheezes a lot?

MOUTH: Yep. He was doing a traffic spot dressed as a chicken who crosses the road. He couldn't see out of the chicken head, and he got creamed by a city work truck.

MILLICENT: Oh, my God.

MOUTH: There were feathers everywhere.

MILLICENT: How is that good news?

MOUTH: Well, 'cause now there's a job opening at the local station as a field reporter.

MILLICENT: Oh! That is good news. You'd be perfect for that.

MOUTH: Well, how'd you like to help me make a demo to send them?

MILLICENT: Okay. Can I wear a chicken suit?

MOUTH: Uh, no.


MOUTH: So, so, are you gonna eat, or…okay.


Julian reads the newspaper, Brooke is been supposed to be for a domestic lady.

JULIAN: Wow. It says here the guy from the news was hit by a city work truck. Apparently he was wearing a chicken suit. Did you hear that, Marguerite?

BROOKE: “Oui, monsieur.”

JULIAN: You know, Marguerite, you're such a beautiful woman. I assume men tell you that all the time.

BROOKE: “Oui”.

JULIAN: Do you like it when I tell you how beautiful you are?

BROOKE: “Oui”.

JULIAN: How old are you, Marguerite?

BROOKE: I don't know how to say that in French. Ah!

JULIAN: I'm sorry. What can you say?

BROOKE: I can say, "Oui."

JULIAN: Lucky for me.

BROOKE: “Oui”.


Quinn comes in the house.


QUINN: Are you looking for Nathan's present?

HALEY: Yes. I'm not having any luck so far. What are you guys doing tonight?

QUINN: I don't know. Clay and I really didn't talk that much this morning.

HALEY: Oh, yeah, Nathan said he was meeting up with him. He just showered, and he was out of here.

QUINN: Clay's shower was longer, but...Anyway, what are you guys doing tonight?

HALEY: Um, I don't know. Probably not too much. We'll just rent a movie or something. I'm not feeling particularly amorous with the whole swollen everything and my mood swings and my ho ho addiction.

QUINN: Stop it. You look beautiful.

HALEY: Thank you. I don't know. I guess I just feel like Valentine's Day is more for couples like you and Clay. And don't think I missed the crack about the shower, by the way. I'm sure he has something really nice planned for you. Shower.


Clay and Quinn put again sheet for the bed.

CLAY: I thought we'd just go to Tric.

QUINN: Ooh, after a romantic dinner somewhere fancy?

CLAY: Here's something you don't know about me not such a fan of the Valentine's Day.

QUINN: But you said it was hot.

CLAY: Oh, yeah, but that was after you let me touch your butt. But I think it's a completely bogus holiday.

QUINN: Well, I think it's romantic.

CLAY: Amateur romantic. It's a bunch of dudes with no game scrambling for flowers and jewelry.

QUINN: I like flowers and jewelry.

CLAY: All women like flowers and jewelry. And that's why they invented Valentine's Day so they could leverage every boyfriend, fiancé, and husband in America.

QUINN: Really? Leverage?

CLAY: Leverage. Yeah, Valentine's Day should be ashamed to even call itself a holiday. You know, if I'm Christmas or Easter or the Fourth of July, there's no way I'm letting Valentine's Day sit at the lunch table. It's like, "go on, February 14th. Go sit on the steps near shop class with Cinco de Mayo."

QUINN: What's wrong with Cinco de Mayo?

CLAY: Okay, I like Cinco de Mayo. Kind of reaching there. Hey, while I'm at it, uh know, I couldn't get us those tickets to city and Colour next week. I know you want to go, and I'm still trying, but they're totally sold out. So, aren't you glad you survived a g*nsh*t so your boyfriend could disappoint you a bunch?

QUINN: You don't disappoint me...Ever.

(They kiss)

QUINN: Mmm. That's fine. We can go to Tric later. But I'm gonna spend the rest of the day with my other boyfriend.

CLAY: Huh? Ugh!


Quinn and Jamie go shopping to buy a present.

JAMIE: If you were a girl, what would you want to get?

QUINN: Concert tickets. Or a diamond necklace. Rare jewels are good.

JAMIE: There's a girl in my class named jewel. She's lactose intolerant. Oh, cool -- heart shoelaces. Madison would love these.

QUINN: Those are nice, but what about getting her, like, flowers or chocolate?

JAMIE: No, I'm sticking with shoelaces. The hearts say, "I like you," but the shoelace part isn't too mushy. Let's check out the cards.

QUINN: Okay.

JAMIE: "To my beloved soul mate"? Ugh. What's yours say?

QUINN: "Your love consumes me."

JAMIE: Gross. Where's the card that says, "I'd pick you first for dodge ball," or, "I'd trade you my PB&J for your crappy bologna sandwich if you want"?

QUINN: You make a good point. And I would love to get you that card, buddy, but I don't think we're gonna find that one here. What do you say we go home and go make one?

JAMIE: If you were a girl, would that be okay?

QUINN: Yeah, it'd be awesome. And technically, I am a girl.

JAMIE: If that's your story. I'm gonna go pay for these.


Nathan and Clay come to see a new costumer.

NATHAN: So, you want to tell me where we're going?

CLAY: Let me answer that with a question. What if I told you that there was a college prospect right here in Tree Hill who threw 98 miles an hour accurately, was on the radar of every major league team, and didn't have an Agent? Would you sign him?

NATHAN: No, because if he's really that good, then there must be a reason he doesn't have an Agent.

CLAY: Okay. Let me try this. What if I told you his name was Kellerman?

NATHAN: As in Professor Kellerman?

CLAY: Yeah. As in Professor Kellerman's son.


Mouth makes his demo.

MOUTH: I'm Marvin McFadden, and today we're speaking with Millicent Huxtable, the former face of Clothes Over Bros. Millicent, you've had quite a journey. You started out as an assistant at Clothes Over Bros, rose to the very top of the company, and even became the face of the brand before its recent collapse. Now you find yourself on the outside looking in. What are you doing these days?

MILLICENT: Well, these days, I'm unemployed, and I spend my time being fake-interviewed by my supposed boyfriend, who just kind of hurt my feelings.

MOUTH: Let's do that again.


Julian, disguised as business’ man, returns at home. Brooke is been supposed to be for a teenager baby-sitter.

JULIAN: I'm home.


JULIAN: Any problems with the kids?

BROOKE: Nope, no problems at all, Mr. Baker. How was your day?

JULIAN: Good. A little lonely.


JULIAN: Here's a crazy idea. I know it's a school night and everything, but...How'd you like to stay and have a glass of wine before you go?


JULIAN: It'll be our little secret. I won't even tell your parents.

BROOKE: Okay, this one's too creepy.

JULIAN: Ah. You're right. I'm sorry.

BROOKE: Ooh, unless...

They invert them roles.

BROOKE: I'm home.




Chuck helps Chase.

CHUCK: So, who are the flowers for? Your Valentine's date?

CHASE: Don't have a date.

CHUCK: Figures. Bet you my dad's got a date tonight. He probably has four or five.

CHASE: You miss your dad, Chuck?

CHUCK: Yeah, but he says he's gonna send for me... When he gets settled.

CHASE: How long has he been gone?

CHUCK: Not too long. Only two years.


Haley finds her Valentine's Day present behind one limp in the pantry.



Clay and Nathan want to talks with the player.

IAN: I'm good, man.

CLAY: Ian Kellerman. Clay Evans. This is Na…

IAN: Nathan Scott. Heard you were in my dad's class.

NATHAN: Yeah, your dad's, uh -- he's an interesting guy.

IAN: He's a douche bag.

(Ian takes a beer)

NATHAN: It's a little early, isn't it?

IAN: Are you guys here to sign me or lecture me?

CLAY: Well, depends on what you're looking for in an Agent.

IAN: Whoever gets me the most money up front. Highest signing bonus wins.

CLAY: You know, a lot of times, you can get a more lucrative deal if you give a little on the bonus.

IAN: Right. Well, here's the thing, guys. I'm one curve ball away from blowing out my arm and being washed up like you two. So I'd prefer to get paid up front.

NATHAN: We understand that. But if I could've known what was gonna happen to my back, I would have liked to have had the security of a long-term deal.

IAN: Let me try explaining this to you another way. Do you know what a guy like me looks like on sorority row with a high-dollar signing bonus and a face like this? He looks good. Now, you know what a guy like me looks like five years from now with your long-term deal? He looks like you two…old. So I'll take mine now the money, the women...All of it. Beer's on me.

CLAY: He called us old.

NATHAN: I like him.


Mouth takes his demo with Millie again.

MOUTH: Sources tell us the tiger escaped through a malfunctioning gate and entered a crowd of zoo patrons. What did you see?

MILLICENT: Well, I saw the tiger escape through a malfunctioning gate and enter a crowd of zoo patrons.

MOUTH: Valentine's Day is upon us a day for romance and celebration for couples nationwide. How will you be spending Valentine's Day?

MILLICENT: I'll be spending my Valentine's Day making this tape and hoping the station hires the best candidate for the job.

MOUTH: Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm Marvin McFadden, and we'll be back after this.


Quinn and Jamie go back to the shopping.

JAMIE: Hi, mom. Bye, mom.


QUINN: Oh, my God, what is that?

HALEY: It's mine. I just found it in the pantry.

QUINN: Damn you. I wanted one of those. Ohh. All I'm getting is concert tickets.

HALEY: I thought Clay said the concert was sold out.

QUINN: I thought that Nathan said he didn't get you anything.

HALEY: You make a good point. You know what? I bet they're not even meeting with a player. They're probably both out planning something really special for us tonight.


Nathan and Clay drink beers.

CLAY: You doing anything special tonight?

NATHAN: No, I don't think so. You?

CLAY: Not really. We shouldn't sign Kellerman. No, we walk away from talent if the athlete's a jackass. This guy's a jackass.

NATHAN: I don't disagree, but do you know any other young athletes who were a mess and then eventually found their way?

CLAY: You mean you?

NATHAN: I do. The kid's got a difficult father, and he feels like the world owes him something. I've been there. Just let me talk to him again before we move on.

CLAY: You want to help Ian Kellerman or just screw with his father?

NATHAN: I don't know. Maybe both.


Chuck and Chase drink a beer too.

CHUCK: Ahh. Yep, another Valentine's Day alone.

CHASE: It sucks.

CHUCK: Well, more for you. 736 I'm only 8. What?

CHASE: There's nothing wrong with being a little nicer.

CHUCK: I'm pretty nice.

CHASE: Yeah, nothing says nice like a punch in the gut and some kid yelling, "Chuck!"

CHUCK: I'm making this Valentine for my mom.

CHASE: That's a start. All I'm saying is, people are gonna like you for who you are. Like, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do?

CHUCK: Well, there is this one thing that I like that I never told anyone.

CHASE: Yeah?

CHUCK: Uh-huh. Show tunes.

CHASE: Didn't see that one coming. Okay. So, you listen to show tunes.

CHUCK: Not just listen to them. I write my own.

CHASE: Right. Um, you know that "punch in the stomach" thing is kind of cool, actually.

CHUCK: You want to hear one?


(Chuck starts to sing)


Jamie finished the card for Madison.


Quinn applies her lotion for her date.


Brooke and Julian are lying on the sofa.

JULIAN: Geez, Mrs. Baker, you sure are swell.



Chuck finishes his song.

CHUCK: Whoo!


Haley puts the revealed gifts back in their place.


Chuck makes a card for his mother.

CHASE: How's the Valentine going?

CHUCK: Honestly? I think it's my best work. You think my mom will like it?

CHASE: Dude, I think she'll love it.

CHUCK: I hope so. So, I was thinking about what you said about being myself, and I decided I'm gonna sing my song at school on Monday.

CHASE: Oh, yeah? Well, you know, I might have been wrong about that.

CHUCK: You didn't like it, huh?

CHASE: No, it's not that. It's just sometimes it's cool to have stuff you like that nobody knows about, especially, like, classmates and friends. Which tie do you like?

CHUCK: I don't know. That one, I guess.

CHASE: Good call. All right, I got to run to the back again. You gonna be okay out here?

CHUCK: Sure, but you've been running to the back all day.

CHASE: Dude, I got a lot to do around here. I'm the bar…

CHUCK: You're the bar manager. I know already. Geez.

CHASE: I'll be right back. Stay put. The Valentine is strong, by the way.

CHUCK: Thank you.

CHASE: Hey, and no more root beer. You're gonna wet the bed.

CHUCK: Dude, I'm 8 years old.

CHASE: I heard about the camping trip.

CHUCK: That was one time! Man!

Chase is going to wake Chuck’s mom who sleeps on changing rooms.

CHASE: Mrs. Skolnick? Come on, Mrs. Skolnick. Wake up.

CHUCK’S MOM: Where am I?

CHASE: You're at Tric. You had a little too much to drink again. Chuck is with me at the bar. He doesn't know you're here, and he's not going to.

CHUCK’S MOM: Did he eat?

CHASE: A while ago. He's hoping to have dinner with his mom at home.

CHUCK’S MOM: You got a light?

CHASE: There's a cab outside. It's gonna take you home. I'll take Chuck in a little while.

CHUCK’S MOM: You think you're better than me, don't you? You're not. Maybe I drank a little too much. But you poured them, didn't you?

CHASE: You were like this when you got here, Mrs. Skolnick. We're not even open today. Your son made you a Valentine's Day card, and he's proud of it. You might want to make a big deal out of it when he gets home.


Brooke and Julian are sitting in the couch.

BROOKE: These are the best days, aren't they? When we look back, these are the days we'll remember.

JULIAN: It's a day I'll remember. I'll tell you that much.

BROOKE: It's a good day. Hey, I could really go for a pizza.

JULIAN: Ohh. Yeah, you want me to call the pizza guy?

BROOKE: That sounds delicious.

JULIAN: What are you thinking, baby, meat lovers?

BROOKE: Definitely.


BROOKE: Julian, tell the pizza guy to hurry. I'm starving.

JULIAN: Me too.


Mouth and Millie exchange Valentine gifts.

MILLICENT: What you thinking, Marvin McFadden?

MOUTH: I was thinking about, um, eating Chinese food with you in New York and just all we've been through and how it's nice to have you here.

MILLICENT: It's nice to be here. And by "here," I don't just mean tonight.

MOUTH: I got you a little something. A few things, actually. Here, open that one first.

MILLICENT: What could it be? My own whole muffin?

MOUTH: That is two complete halves right there.

MILLICENT: Wow. Very impressive.

MOUTH: Mm-hmm, and there's also this. Brooke helped me out with that one. She said you liked that stuff, so...

MILLICENT: I love it, but it's really expensive.

MOUTH: Eh, I asked Chase for a couple extra hours at Tric. Not that I think you need a stitch of makeup, because you are very beautiful.

MILLICENT: Thank you. I also got you a couple of things. Half a muffin.

MOUTH: I so wanted half that thing.

MILLICENT: And this.

MOUTH: Oh, wow. I love it.

MILLICENT: It's to wear with your gray suit when you get that reporter job at the station.

MOUTH: Thank you. I love you, Millie.

MILLICENT: I love you more, Marvin.


Clay and Quinn leave the car to enter in the Tric.

CLAY: Damn, my baby can wear a dress.

QUINN: Thank you, handsome. Oh, I think Tric is closed.

CLAY: What? Oh, come on.

QUINN: It's fine. 034 Come on. Let's go.

CLAY: No, it's not. I've ruined your Valentine's Day.

QUINN: No, you haven't.

CLAY: Maybe Chase or Mouth are here.

Quinn and Clay enter the Tric and Chuck welcomes them.

CHUCK: Table for two? Right this way.

QUINN: You said you hated Valentine's Day.

CLAY: When did I say that?

QUINN: In the shower, you said you liked my butt and you hated Valentine's day.

CLAY: Well, I guess I lied about one of those things.

QUINN: So you're a liar.

CLAY: I'm a liar with a purpose. Now, come on. There's more.

QUINN: Oh. What are you up to?

CLAY: I have no idea what's happening, but our waiter looks crazy, so I suggest we play along.

QUINN: Thank you.

(Chase is on the scene)

CHASE: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, for one night only, City and Colour.

City and Colour starts to sing.

QUINN: Oh, my God.

CLAY: Guess we don't need those tickets now. Happy Valentine's Day, baby.

QUINN: Thank you.


Jamie and Madison exchange gifts.

JAMIE: Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three.

MADISON: Oh, my gosh, shoelaces!

JAMIE: Wristbands! Cool! I thought the hearts were kind of awesome.

MADISON: I was hoping you could wear the wristbands for baseball.

JAMIE: Thanks, Madison. Want to go play skee-ball?



Quinn listen the song and kisses Clay.


Nathan goes home and sees Haley who is prepared candles.

NATHAN: Hey. What's all this?

HALEY: Hey. It's Valentine's Day.

NATHAN: I know. I just thought we were gonna rent a movie.

HALEY: Oh, I thought maybe you got me something.

NATHAN: All right, hold on, you goof.

HALEY: You know you can't hide anything from me.

NATHAN: I don't even know why I try. Happy Valentine's Day, Hales. I'm gonna go take a shower.


Brooke opens the door for the pizza man, she is underwear.

BROOKE: Can I help you?

PIZZA MAN: Yes, you can. Can I help you?

JULIAN: Who was that?

BROOKE: The pizza guy?

JULIAN: Great. Where's the pizza?

BROOKE: I didn't want pizza.

JULIAN: You said to call the pizza guy.



BROOKE: Why are you laughing?

JULIAN: You said to order meat lover's.



PIZZA MAN: Hey. Hey!

JULIAN: Sorry, dude, little misunderstanding. Obviously, I'm here.

PIZZA MAN: I'm cool with that.


Quinn and Clay exchange gifts.

QUINN: Oh, wow.

CLAY: You like it?

QUINN: It's amazing. Thank you. Clay, don't…

CLAY: Heart shoelaces? Sweet!

QUINN: I'm so sorry. But to be fair, you said no presents.

CLAY: Yeah, you're right.


CLAY: So maybe we should just take yours back.

QUINN: Mnh-mnh.


QUINN: I love it. And I love you... For all of this.


Chase drops Chuck off at his house.

CHASE: All right, dude, I'll see you later, okay?

CHUCK: Okay.

CHASE: Hey, listen, about that song...

CHUCK:'s okay.I mean, my dad said the same thing...About not singing at school or anything.

CHASE: Well, you know what, buddy? I think I was wrong about that. As a matter of fact, I was thinking that song's way too good for people not to hear.

CHUCK: Really?

CHASE: Yeah. So I'm gonna talk to my friend who runs a recording studio and see if we can get it recorded.

CHUCK: You mean Jamie's mom? I could do that. I mean... Thank you.

CHASE: You're welcome. You got your mom's Valentine?

CHUCK: Yeah. I hope she likes it.

CHASE: I'm sure she will.

CHUCK: Two years is a long time, huh?

CHASE: It's not that long.

CHUCK: Uh...It's okay if you can't hang out tomorrow. I mean, if you're busy or something.

CHASE: I'll see you tomorrow.

(Chuck enters in the house)

CHASE: Happy Valentine's day, mom!

CHUCK'S MOM: Is that for me? It's beautiful.


Haley is upset.

NATHAN: You okay?

HALEY: I'm sorry I've been so moody all the time.


HALEY: What am I saying? I'm not sorry. I'm pregnant. I am pregnant, Nathan.


HALEY: I found some things in the pantry.

NATHAN: You went snooping.

HALEY: I...yes, I went snooping, and unless Jamie is buying diamond necklaces for Madison...

NATHAN: You opened it?

HALEY: Well, that's not the point.

NATHAN: I think it is.

HALEY: Where is it, Nathan? Where's the diamond necklace or the earrings or the flowers?

NATHAN: You weren't supposed to see those things.

HALEY: Nathan!

NATHAN: I can't believe you, Haley.

HALEY: Do you think I'm blind? You're gone all day. You came home, you shower, and then you...

(The bedroom is decorated with candles and flowers in tle floor)

HALEY: You love me.

NATHAN: Of course I do, you dork. With all my heart, I do.

HALEY: I'm sorry.

NATHAN: Oh, here we go. Come on.

HALEY: You got me ho hos.

NATHAN: Mm-hmm.

HALEY: I really wanted these.

NATHAN: And the necklace was for Quinn. I was hiding it for Clay.


NATHAN: I can try to steal it back if you want.

HALEY: No, it's fine. This is perfect. It's all perfect.

NATHAN: We're perfect.

HALEY: I love you.

NATHAN: I love you, too, baby. You really want those ho hos, don't you?

HALEY: Really bad.



City and Colour finishes the song.


Jamie and Madison eat a ice cream together.


Brooke and Julian eat the pizza.

BROOKE: The pizza was a good call. I'm glad you got it wrong. What?

JULIAN: I think we should adopt.

BROOKE: What? Are you sure?

JULIAN: I think about what my life was like before I found you, who I was and how I was, and it is so much better now. I know there's a child out there for us, one we'll look at and think, "how could we have ever gone through life without this?" And they'll look at us, and they'll know they are loved and wanted and needed. And they'll know we searched for them...Like I searched for you.

BROOKE: I want that so much, and I want it with you. But are you sure we're ready?

JULIAN: We're ready.


Mouth and Millicent eat the muffin together.

MOUTH: Uh...

(Telephone rings)

MOUTH: I got it. Oh, it's the station. (at phone) Hello? Yes, it is. Oh. Sure. (at Millicent) It's for you.


Clay and Quinn looks the artist singing.


Brooke and Julian talk in the living room.

BROOKE: What a perfect day. Do you think I'll be a good mom?

JULIAN: You'll be an amazing mom. I'll be grouchy and old.

BROOKE: You'll be wonderful. We're gonna adopt a baby.


Haley eats ho hos.

NATHAN: Down the hatch.

HALEY: Mmm! So good! Mmm! Best Valentine's day ever.

(They kiss)

End of the episode.