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05x20 - The Leap Between the States - September 20, 1862

Posted: 08/30/22 11:01
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

- Hyah! Hyah!
- Fire!


- Oh!
- Go! Go!

Oh, boy.

- Move, boy, move!
- Gotta get that company over there!


Help me.

I don't feel nothin'.

Yeah, well--
Maybe that's a good thing, son.

Just lie still.

How come I don't feel
nothin', Captain Beckett?

- What?
- It's like I got no body, sir.

- How can that be good?
- What'd you call me?

- Did you call me Captain Beckett?
- That's your name, sir.

You've got to get word to my wife.
Please tell my wife.

I'll tell her.



Get those men moving!

- You see him, sir?
- No, we've lost the dog.

- Get back to the line.
- Fire!

"To all companies of the army of the
Potomac from General G.B. McClellen.

"September 2, 1862"?

"Upon receipt of these orders,
you, Captain John Beckett--"

John Beckett.

Oh, Sam, you're here!

- Gooshie, I got him!
- Al.

Sam, we didn't think
we'd ever find you.

- It's you.
- Sam, boy, take it easy.

You don't look so good.

You're telling me, Al.

Yeah, I'm telling you.
It's a miracle we found you at all.

Where am I?
Tell me where I am.

- You're somewhere in Virginia.
- Look at me! Look at this uniform.

You look good in dark blue, Sam.

This is a Union army uniform.
This is a real Civil w*r uniform.

- Yeah, I recognize it, Sam.
- And this is a real wound.

- How'd you get that?
- There was a battle.

A big Civil w*r battle.

It was horrible. Cannons and--
and horses and men dying and--

And these Confederate soldiers,
they tried to chase me down.

And-And then there was this
black family. Th-They found me.

Take it-- take it easy.
Calm down, Sam.


Right? Slaves or-or, uh,
runaway slaves.

And they brought me here.
Wherever the hell this is.

- What is going on?
- Eh, well,

Ziggy was tracking you
right after you leaped.

And then-- blooey. You just dropped
right off the space-time continuum--

That's not possible, Al.
You know that.

I can't leap
outside of my own lifetime.

- Yeah. But, Sam, uh-- you're here.
- What?

You're in Virginia,
and it's September 20, 1862.

There was a man-- a kid really--

and he called me
Captain Beckett.

What does Ziggy
make out of that?

Uh, coincidence maybe.

It's more than a coincidence. Tell
me about the guy in the waiting room.

He's a young guy.
He's like 24 or 25.

And he's scared out of his mind, Sam.
He won't say anything.

Did you get his name?

His name is John,
but that's all he'll say.

- John? John?
- John.

John Beckett?

Al, there was
a John Beckett in my family.

And he fought in the Civil w*r.

He-He was my great-grandfather.

I'm my great-grandfather?

My great-grandfather fought
with the Union forces in the Civil w*r.

His name was John Beckett.

My dad was named after him.

Yeah, Captain John Beckett.

That would explain this.

It's the only reason I can figure out
why I could leap outside my own lifetime.

It must've been some kind
of genetic transfer or something.

Yeah, something like that. Look. You
go back to the waiting room, okay?

And start a blood profile
on John Beckett, all right?

And then have them compare, uh,
his D.N.A. and my D.N.A.

And-And if it matches, then,

well, at least it's a start to
figuring out the answer to why I'm here.

Who's back there?

You come on out!

I'm coming, ma'am.

Please don't sh**t.

Come on out here
where I can see you.

Come closer.

Where's the other one?

- The other what?
- Whoever you were talking to.

I'm right here, Scarlett.
Ooh, she's lovely.

I always had a thing
for girls from the Deep South.

Isaac. Isaac!


You go on in there and
see who he was talking to.

There's no need to do that, ma'am.

I, uh--

I've lost a lot of blood
here, and, uh,

I'm not thinking real straight.
I was just talking to myself.

I wouldn't trust a word
out of your stinkin' Yankee mouth...

if you told me that peaches
were sweet in the summer.


Look, I just needed a place to rest.
That's all.

I didn't mean to
cause you any trouble.

- I'll-I'll just be going--
- You're not going anywhere, bluecoat.

If he was talkin' to anyone,
Miss Livvy, they gone now.

See? I-I wasn't lying to you.

- Maybe they comin' back.
- That was miles away.

Isaac, get the shackles.

- You--
- Uh, Sam, this, uh--

This sounds bad.

I think I better go check
on those D.N.A. samples.

Go. Go.

What'd you say?

Go ahead and put me
in shackles if you want to.

But I swear to you,
I'm not gonna try and run.

After your Yankee army ransacked my
home, you expect me to believe you?

- That wasn't me.
- Your kind.

I would never do anything like
that. I am no threat to you.

- So, if you just let me go on my way--
- Don't you budge an inch.

If you think that I can't
sh**t just because I'm a lady,

then you got another
think coming.

- Now hold still.
- I need your hands, sir.

Never dreamed I'd be
putting these on a white man.

Now I might trust you.
What's your name, Yankee?

Captain John Beckett.
Army of the Potomac.

I think.
And you're Miss Livvy--

That's Mrs. Olivia Barrett Covington
to you.

Well, I suppose under other circumstances
I'd say, pleased to meet you, ma'am.


A Yankee soldier, on my land?

He was fixin' to die, Miss Livvy.

You've gone too far, Isaac.
When's the patrol due back?

Between sundown tonight
and noon tomorrow.

- What patrol?
- Virginia Militia Patrol.

They know what to do
with Yankee dogs.

And what would that be?

The firing squad,
if you're lucky.

And if I'm unlucky?

That big magnolia out there
makes a fine gallows.

Clean him up. We want him
to look nice for his hangin'.

Now hold yourself still.

Do you have to be so rough?

If I were being rough,
you'd be passin' out about now.

Good thing it went
clean through.

Yeah. Look, there are ways to
clean a b*llet wound without--

Don't blame me. I'm not the one
rollin' around in that creek bed.

- I got shot, all right?
- Too bad it wasn't in your mouth.

What do you expect me to do?
Let the gangrene set in there?

What difference does it make?
You're gonna hang me tomorrow.

All right. That's just fine.
Go ahead and die of blood poisoning.

Wait. Wait. I'm sorry.
You're doing a good job. I-- Please.

What is that?

Haven't you ever seen a
mustard poultice before?

Oh, wow.
Yeah. Yeah.

Forget what I said.
Bring on the gangrene.

Honestly, I will never
understand you Yankees.

- What?
- Dirty, stinkin', foul barbarians.

Now wait a second. Yankees have--
We are people just like you.

People just like me
don't ride in roughshod,

slaughter an entire herd of cattle
that don't belong to them...

or steal most all their chickens
and their corn.

Yeah, well, w*r is hell.

How dare you say that to me.

It's not your home that's been ravaged.
It's not your husband that's been k*lled.

I'm sorry. I didn't know--
Never mind.

I manage just fine
all by myself.

I can see that. Good thing you
got Isaac and the others to help.

There are no more "others." Gone
away a long time ago, all of 'em.

But I saw them,
last night by the stream.

Delirium makes a person
see lots of things.

Hold this here. I'll get
something to wrap it up with.

Do I need to have Isaac
keep an eye on you?

No, ma'am.
I'm-I'm not going anywhere.

Oh, that's a hell of a woman.

Yeah. Well,
hell is one word I would use.

Come on, Sam.
You got to admire her.

Olivia Covington. Married
at 22. Widowed at 24.

That's very nice, Al. Now what
does Ziggy say is going on here?

- Uh-- We don't know.
- What?

Oh, but we did
confirm your theory.

- Really?
- Yeah. Uh, Ziggy says...

it's a genetic field transference.

But the bottom line is that the D.N.A.
of John's blood sample does match yours.

So, congratulations.
You're a great-grandfather.

This is amazing.

I'll tell you what's amazing.

Your great-grandmother's name just
happened to be Olivia Covington Beckett.

- No.
- Yes.

- No, no, n--
- Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Your southern belle there is
your sweetie, your bride-to-be...

and your great-grandma all
rolled in one-- Ha-ha-ha.

- You're enjoying this a little too much.
- Yes, I'm enjoying it a lot.

She hates me.

Figure out a way to
get her to like you.

She thinks all Yankees
are filthy animals.

I mean, the--

But at least she can't
be the reason I'm here.

She and my Great-grandfather
John, they met, they got married.

Everything worked out
fine, right?

- Right.
- Probably.

Fifty-nine percent chance that
your mission is something else.

Fifty-nine percent? That's all?

Yeah. While you're trying to
figure out what your mission is,

you got to keep the
romance on track.

No, no. I'm not gonna keep the
romance going. What romance?

Besides, Al, we're talking about
my great-grandmother here.

- I mean, that would be the same--
- Just my luck.

Not only do I have to nursemaid a
Yankee. I get one who's crazy to boot.

Go get her, Rhett.

What's that?

Cannon fire, you dolt.

You're a soldier.
You don't know that?

Well, y-yeah. Of
course I do. But I, uh--

- Miss Livvy, there's a fire in the barn!
- Wait a second.

Let me help.

Here, here.
Give me the bucket. Come on.


Watch that corner, Isaac.

- Who is it?
- Let me do the talking.

Miss Covington.

Sam, there's Confederate
soldiers coming.

You got to hide. You can't let
them see you. Eh, they see you.

Are you all right?

And who might you be?

- Him? This is, uh--
- Uh--

I'm Olivia's cousin.

Aubrey Covington from Natchez,
Mississippi, at your service.

And this is Lieutenant Richard
Montgomery, from Richmond.

He and his boys are our Home
Guard here in Mansfield County.

Uh, I think you just
dodged a b*llet.

You can say that again.

- I beg your pardon?
- I said that--

It was a real pleasure
to meet you, sir.

I'm surprised a man your age
is not in uniform, serving the South.

- Well, I am.
- Uh, oh, yeah, he is.

- You are?
- You're with the--

- I'm serving with the--
- the Mississippi 6th.

- Mississippi 6th-- I'm a captain.
- Under the command of--

General John Adams.

Under the command of
General John Adams.

Hmm. But they are
clear over in Tennessee.

- Yes. Yes, that's true.
- You got wounded.

But, uh, you see, I was
wounded here, and, uh--

I was granted a personal leave of
absence by General John Adams himself.

And my dear cousin here has
agreed to nurse me back to health.

- Well, aren't you a lucky man.
- Yes, sir, I am.

- That doesn't look too serious.
- Well, it may not look that way,

but I had a little blood poisoning--
gangrene-- set in.

And then some half-wit medic
tried to apply a mustard poultice.

Darn thing nearly k*lled me.

Well, I'm glad to find you
well and happy, ma'am.

I saw that smoke--
Well, I was concerned.

Well, a shell hit our barn,
and we were just able to save it.

- Thanks to Cousin Aubrey.
- Oh, it was nothin'.

Yes, of course.

Well, we are on runaway sl*ve
patrol here, ma'am.

But I just wanted to warn you--

There are lots of escaped Yankees
on the loose in these parts.

Shot one Yankee dog,
but he got away.

What a shame.

And remember, if you find any runaway
nigras in these parts, you let me know.

- Well, you know I will.
- You take good care, ma'am.

- Captain.
- Lieutenant.

We will continue our patrol,

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Leave me alone.

I can't thank you enough.
Why'd you do it?

- I don't know.
- You saved my life.

It was a bad idea.

Yeah, but you did it.
And I thank you.

You're welcome, Captain.

You must've had
some reason though.

- You saved my barn.
- That's not enough.

You're right.
It's not enough.

I expect you to do a lot of work
around here. I got two busted pumps--

It has something to do with the
slaves, doesn't it? The runaways.

And 400 acres laying fallow, whole pieces
of my house are fallin' off in chunks.

Your Yankee brothers did it.
I expect you to make up for it.

I'll do the best I can.

If those blue butchers come back,
I expect you to tell them...

that I spared your life and that
they ought to spare mine and Isaac's.

Oh, my God.

It's okay.

Just-Just take it easy, okay?

Uh, I'm not gonna hurt you.

You're damn right you're not.

Put the g*n away,
Isaac, okay? It's me.

Why'd you come out here?

I heard the baby crying.
I thought maybe I could--

You people are runaway slaves,
aren't you?

On the Underground Railroad.
You're the conductor.

This is one of the stations, right?

Does Olivia know?
You leave Miss Livvy out of this.

You done caused her
enough trouble already.

Isaac, I can find out
information about--

about the way things
are gonna be in the future.

How's that?

Are you some kind of voodoo man?

In a way.

There are some things
I could tell you about now.

In a couple of months, President
Lincoln is gonna issue an order...

making all the slaves free.

It's called
the Emancipation Proclamation.

Well, that'd be fine,
if we lived up north.

Well, it'll be fine anyway.

Because in about two years,
the North is gonna win this w*r.

Things are gonna be bad for a while,
but everything is gonna change.

Blacks-- Negroes
are gonna get to vote.

They're gonna get jobs--
good jobs.

That's crazy talk.

It's truth.

I swear it, Isaac.

It's gonna be a long, hard fight
for schooling and other equality.

But believe me.

There will come a time when
everyone will have the same rights.

Everyone will be free.

That ain't nothin' but a dream.

Believe in it, Isaac.

Good luck to you folks.

That should do it.

Cross your fingers.

Hold on a second-- Just a second.

Come on. Come on.

You know,
you are one useless man.

Yeah, well, you still
have a barn, don't you?

And I am so grateful.

Fine. We'll just-- Aaah.

It's rusted solid.

Yeah, it's rusted--

All right. Come on.
Maybe if we do it together.

Here, move over. All right,
ready? Get over there.

One, two, three, push.

Try it again. Ready?

Captain, do you mind?


- Look. Just let me try it again. I'll--
- I am not some wiltin' flower.

I'm not saying that you are.
Just let me try it.

Anybody who's risking what you're
risking is not gonna wilt easily.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing. Nothing.

It's just that--

Do you by any chance know what the penalty
for harboring slaves is in this state?

How should I know?

Just thought you might
know, that's all.

I mean, uh,
if I were sheltering slaves,

I'd make damn sure I knew
what the penalty was.

Do you know someone who is?

Maybe. Maybe I managed
to escape Lieutenant Montgomery...

because someone
has certain sympathies,

no matter how much
she complains about the Yankees.

Aren't you just full of riddles.

Maybe I got food and shelter
because someone isn't as hateful...

as someone pretends to be.

Maybe I'm gonna punch someone in the
mouth if they don't fix this stupid pump.

Lord, I'm hot.

Yeah, well, if you went inside,

and got out of that silly--
beautiful dress,

and put on something cool--

Like what?

Like, uh, you know,
pants and a shirt.

Oh, you would just love that,
wouldn't you?

Having the neighbors see
Olivia Covington in britches,

like some sort of field hand.

There's nothing wrong
with wearing pants, okay?

In fact, there'll come a time
when respectable women...

will wear pants-- britches--
on a daily basis.

Nobody will even
think twice about it.

Oh, indeed.

And I suppose they're gonna
smoke tobacco too.

If they want to.
But I wouldn't recommend it.

- And drink hard liquor.
- They'll even vote.

And they'll stand up for things they
believe in. Like opposing sl*very.

- She's magnificent.
- How long have you been here?

Long enough to see that you're
blowing it. I'm not blowing it, Al.

You're antagonizing her, Sam.
Why are you antagonizing her?

I'm not antagonizing her, Al.
She's antagonizing me.

She keeps getting to me,
you know. I mean-- And-And--

- I think I know why I'm here.
- Why?

Isaac is running a stop on
the Underground Railroad.

I must be here to help him.
Don't you think?

We don't have any data on Isaac.

But we got data on the people that helped
the slaves in the Underground Railway.

Ziggy says 70% of them were caught
and either imprisoned or ex*cuted.

Well, what about Olivia?

I mean, I-I don't think
she's actually helping them.

But she's sort of looking
the other way.

Yeah, but we don't have
any data on her either.

But the Confederate army,

they didn't treat sympathizers any
different than they did the slaves.

All right, look. You go back and
get me any data that you can...

that'll be helpful to the
slaves, right?


Troop movements, uh, weather
reports. Anything like that, okay?

Okay. Okay.
In the meantime,

you better start winning
over Miss Olivia there.


Because if you don't,
she's not gonna marry you-- John.

She's not gonna marry John.

And if she doesn't marry John,
your parents will never get here.

I'll worry about Olivia, okay?
You just get back there...

and get me that data
so I can give it to the slaves,

so I can get out of here and her
real future husband can come back.



I thought perhaps
the place was on fire.

Oh. Oh, no.
No, it's not. It's, uh--

I, uh-- Look, I hope you don't
mind me making myself at home.

I-I felt I should do something to
make up for my bad attitude today, so--

- It looks wonderful.
- Yeah? Yeah, well--

Uh, we've got rice.
We have gravy.

We have fried chicken,
carrots, okra.

Although, I think I'll let
you and Isaac have all the okra.

Is something wrong?

I just never saw a white man
in an apron before.

Oh. Yeah, well--


- Perhaps we ought to--
- Ought to what?

I have a bottle of
Armagnac brandy.

- Really?
- Forty years old.

I'd-I'd been saving it for the
day Daniel came home from the w*r.

Well, I think
you should keep saving it.

You never know.
Someday, um--

Someday what?

Nothing. Never mind.

My goodness, I haven't eaten like this
since Sarah and her husband ran off.

She was your cook, before?

Finest in three counties.

I miss her.
I wonder what's become of her.

I wonder what's to become
of all of us.

Well, I have a feeling that when this
w*r's over you're gonna do just fine.

Don't tell me.
You're a fortune teller too.

Yes, I am.

And I see you
getting married again.

Starting a family.

Being a wonderful wife
and mother.

And, yes, I see grandchildren--

in your future.

Oh, when I married my Daniel,
I took those vows for life.

Well, it seems to me that a woman
as young and lovely as you are...

shouldn't spend
the rest of her life alone.

You know, I was wondering.
Um, do you play the piano?

Well, I can make music
on that one.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Anybody can.

It-It's a player piano.

You're kidding me.
A player piano.

- Does it work?
- I don't know.

It's been a long time
since I felt like music.

Well, I feel like music.
Show me how it works.

- How do you, uh--
- Well, let's see.

You have to pump the pedals.

This is wonderful.
Would you like to dance?

Well, if you stop pumping the pedals,
there won't be any music.

Do you really think we need any?

Well, you are quite the charmer,
aren't you?

Who, me?

Everything's gonna be all right.

- Hello, Isaac.
- Captain.

Hello. Congratulations.

Don't mind him, Captain.

A lot of us just aren't used to
dealing with white folks this way.

I understand. Listen.

The armies are massing for a
big battle near Fredericksburg.

Now, these folks, their best bet
is to follow the James River west...

until they get
to Buckingham County.

So you are a voodoo man,
huh, sir?

No, I-I'm not, Isaac.

I- I can't explain it
to you, but...

I promise you that my
information is 100% correct.

We know
you runaways are in there.

Shh. Get down. Get down.
Be quiet. k*ll it.

Come on out. You come
out or we'll burn you out.

You got a g*n?

I ain't about to
sh**t no Rebel officer.

- They'd hang me from a tree--
- Give me the g*n.

- What?
- Give me the g*n, right now.

What you gonna do?

You're gonna have to
trust me on this, Isaac.

Damn you.
What the hell you doing?

Trust me.

Whoever's in here,
you come on out now.

Back here, Lieutenant.

Come on.
Come on out of here.

Come on.

- Well, well, what have we here?
- Runaways, sir.

I have the situation
under control.

What's going on here?

I have bad news for
you, Cousin Livvy.

It seems that your sl*ve here, Isaac,
has been taking advantage of you.

Been runnin' slaves north,
right under your nose.

That is well done, Captain.

Shackle these runaways.

And then you look around,
you find me some rope.

You gonna hang 'em now?

Well, you got a
reason we should wait?

Yes, I do.

I don't know what your
customs are here in Virginia,

but in Mississippi, executions
are generally held at sunrise.

Well, now, if this was a trial or a
court martial, then I'd agree with you.

But some sl*ve-stealin' nigra's
a different story.

He's worked by my
side for years.

I never could've kept the farm
if it hadn't been for Isaac.

Then I can imagine
how betrayed you must feel.

Bring him.

I'm a captain. I outrank
you. And I say we wait.

I answer to my own captain
in the Virginia Militia.

And Virginia is where
we happen to be.

But I'm the one who made the
capture. Isaac is my prisoner.

And since I outrank you,
I say we wait until dawn.

And then you can return
the other slaves to their owners.

All right.

I want both of you
standing sentry until dawn.

This prisoner's
not goin' anywhere.

Yes, sir.

Y'all move on over here.

What the hell is goin' on here?

Look. I-I ha-had to do something.
I-I didn't have a choice.

So you just turn Isaac over
to save your own stinkin' skin?

- No. I-I'll get him out.
- How?

I don't know. I had to buy
us some time, that's all.

Wonderful. Double sentries
and Montgomery tying the noose.

Maybe you ought to look
into your crystal ball.

Would you stop playing games.

I know you sympathize with the
slaves and care a lot about Isaac.

You're loyal to Virginia, but you can't
stand how the South treats black people.

You and I are
on the same side here.

It's about time we start
fighting for it together.

All right.
All right.

I still have my r*fle,
but it won't do us any good.

What are you talking about?

Not unless you have amm*nit*on.

Wait a second. You mean,
the other day in the barn--

I never said it was loaded.

- Well, it might come in handy anyway.
- What might?


Uh, might come in handy
before dawn.

Then things might get
back to normal around here.

No, things will never get back to
normal until the Union is vanquished,

and free white Southerners
can again live like civilized men.

Isn't that right, Captain?

Are you implying something
with your tone, sir?

No, no, nothing at all.

How relieved you must be to know that you
will no longer be an unwitting party...

to the Underground Railroad.

You'll never know
how it makes me feel.

You can rest assured had my
Cousin Livvy known anything...

she would've turned over
the slaves immediately.

Hmm. Well, of course.

I've always believed her to be a very
special woman. Very special, indeed.

Cousin Livvy.

Perhaps this is that, uh,
occasion you've been waiting for.


Cousin Livvy has been saving
a special bottle of Armagnac.

- Oh, no, Aubrey, I--
- Well, come on now, Cousin.

This is a night
of personal triumph.

A traitor in our midst
has been exposed.

Fetch it for us, darlin'.

So, Captain--

- What part of Tupelo are you from?
- Where's Olivia and Isaac?

Sir, I-I believe you're mistaken.
I'm from Natchez.

- As I told you.
- Gentlemen, here we are.

Yes. Why don't we light these
other candles here, Cousin Livvy?

Give us a nicer atmosphere
to enjoy our 1821 Armagnac.

If you'd allow me, Captain,
I'd like to make the first toast.

By all means, Lieutenant.
Here you are.


- To victory.
- Up your nose with a rubber hose.

And may the right side prevail.

Are you a dancing
man, Lieutenant?

What gentleman isn't?

Well, Cousin Livvy and I
gave it a try earlier tonight,

but my wound
made it difficult for me.

I imagine right about now she
would relish a turn about the floor.

Oh, no, Aubrey, it's late.

Oh, now don't you deny a loyal
suitor without at least one waltz.

Oh, brother.

You play beautifully.

My, but you dance forcefully.

I'm sorry.
I'm so rusty.

I believe it is customary
for the man to lead.

You poured 1821 Armagnac in
the coffee? Are you crazy?

You know, Miss Olivia,

there is a reason that I come
to your farm as often as I do.

Well, it can't be for the food.

Yankees stole that
a long time ago.

No, my dear.
It is not for the food.

I see that the two of you
might like to be alone.

Why don't I take this opportunity to take
some of this fine coffee out to your boys?

- Well, how very thoughtful of you.
- Well, thank you.

If you'll excuse me then.

Join me on the settee.

In for a long night, aren't you?

- There you go.
- Much obliged.

Ew-whee. Now this ain't
just coffee, Captain.

No. Compliments of
your lieutenant.

He told me to tell you that, uh, you
and your partner make a fine unit.

Well, then, uh--


That will make the evening
more bearable. I thank you, sir.

I tell you what though.
No reason to stop.

Oh, uh, I'm on duty here,

Look at them.
Go on.

They goin' anywhere?


No. Besides, I could
use a nip of this myself.

- Ahhh.
- Ahhh.

That ain't just corn squeezings.

No, sir. Here you go.

Hey, where's your partner, huh?

Oh, he's out walking the perimeter
the first half of the night.

Figured one of us
ought to be warm.


Shh! You don't want
him comin' in here.

- More for us.
- Oh, yeah.

- What was your name, anyway, huh?
- Barron.

You folks take this key,
let yourselves out.

You head for the James River west.

Good luck to you.
Now, you trust me?

There's still two more of
them out there. And two of us.

- Get the r*fle.
- Yes, sir.

Why was I given this
assignment so close to you?

Must've had a run of bad
luck, dear.

I-I believe it was destiny.

Believe what you want, sir.

But the man who wins my heart will
need more than destiny on his side.

Sam, the guy's gonna be coming
around that corner right about...

- now.
- Excuse me.

Good night.

Isaac, come on.
Let's get him in the barn.

A woman like you should be loved
and cared for and fussed over.

I agree completely.
By a husband.

- Oh, is that a proposal of marriage?
- Lieutenant.

I might even choose to overlook the
sins and indiscretions of my intended.

Indiscretions I might otherwise
punish very severely.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about
your dear cousin...

and that Yankee uniform I
found folded up in your shed.

The one with the b*llet hole
in the sleeve.

You surprise me, Miss Olivia.

I took you for
a woman of substance.

You know, we hang sympathizers.

Perhaps you'd like to swing
alongside your beloved Isaac.

Let her go.

You wouldn't be thinking
of sh**ting a fellow officer?

I would if he were thinking about
raping my cousin. Let her go.

Well, certainly. Soon as you tell me what
you're doing with my private's w*apon.

That g*n hasn't worked
since Bull Run.

But this one, on the other
hand, is deadly accurate.

An officer but definitely
not a gentleman.

Are you all right?

Let's go.

I know this must be
a shock to you.

Having to leave your home.

Leave your land.

That's not what
I was worrying about.

What's wrong then?

You and I being
so different and all--

I was wondering whether a man like
you could ever love a woman like me.

Well, I think
that a man like me...

is gonna love a woman
like you very, very much.

Captain Beckett.

- What is it, Isaac?
- A word, sir, please.

Sam, uh, good news. There isn't a
Rebel outfit within eight miles of here.

And Ziggy says the odds of you
reaching the Mason-Dixon Line are 98%.

- Yes, Isaac?
- Well, sir, I've been thinking.

Once I'm a free man, I'm gonna need
a last name like everybody else.

- Got any ideas?
- Well, I considered Lincoln.

Considered Covington, since I've
been with y'all since I was a boy.

I considered Beckett, to thank
you for takin' me with you, sir.

Well, you don't have to thank
me, Isaac, but I'm flattered.

Most of all, I like the way I feels
about being a free man.

Makes a man feel like a king.

So, if it ain't too uppity,

I'd like to be called
Isaac King.

Sam, you're not
gonna believe this.

Isaac here goes on to have
a son named Emmanuel.

And Emmanuel goes
on to have a son--


- Something wrong with it?
- No, no. It-It's fine.

And that son has a son--
a very famous son.

Martin Luther King.

I think that's a fine name, Isaac.

- Come on, long hair.
- Wh-What's goin' on?

You'll find out
soon enough, boy.

You need a little trim, Elvis.


Oh, boy.