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05x13 - Liberation - October 16, 1968

Posted: 08/30/22 10:56
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

Come on, sister!

We are here tonight not because
we want more rights than men have...

but because we want
the same rights men have.

I'm asking you to take a stand.

Show them that we are not gonna take
it anymore! I'm asking you to burn it.

- Burn it for liberation now!
- Do it! Just do it!

Liberation now! Liberation now!

- Liberation now!
- Oh, boy.

Liberation now! Liberation now!

Liberation now!

Liberation now! Liberation now!
Liberation now!

All right. All right.

- Liberation now.
- Listen, please.

Full name and correct spelling.

I'm not sure.

You're not sure you wanna be
identified with this crowd, huh? Okay.

I can go with
"unidentified protestor."


The same rights that have allowed them
a better education,

a better job, a better choice.

We have the right to equality...

because we are human beings
just like they are.

We have the same blood
and the same skin...

and the same bones
and the same hair that they have.

We stand here tonight for our rights,

for our human rights!

I don't want a female-dominated society...

any more than I want
a male-dominated society.

You can dominate me anytime, honey!

We must sever the chains that tie us
to the traditional roles...

which have subjugated
women for too long.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
We know what you want to sever.


Penis envy is a male fallacy...

created by men for men...

as an attempt to undermine
our own sense of power.

Somebody dump the trash.
Dump the trash.

I think maybe we should get
out of here now, all right?

Mom, we can't leave now.

You have a right to stay single
without being pitied or ridiculed.

You have a right to have children or not.

You have the right
and the power to decide!

Power my butt!
You're all wimps.

Why don't you go home where you
belong, in the kitchen? In the kitchen!

You're the wimp because...

you never bothered to develop the muscle
that's rotting between your ears.

Get outta here.

This is an illegal assembly.
Disperse immediately.

- Everyone leave the area.
- Take it easy, will ya?

If you do not,
you'll be arrested.

This is an illegal assembly.
Everyone leave the area.

Thank God they're done.


- Where is your mother?
- I don't know.

She said she was gonna
pick up Suzi at school.

- Yeah?
- That's all she said.

That was three hours ago.

It's dark. She could've been in an
accident. She trying to scare me to death?

I told ya.

You think she was in an accident?

No. No, no.
The police would have called.

Okay. But the minute she comes in,
you let me know, all right?

Could I have a
taste of the punch?

No, I got a roomful of guests.
Don't touch anything.

So yesterday, this one comes home
with a set of encyclopedia.

It was on sale.
It was missing three volumes.

- I don't need to know everything.
- Oh!

Margaret and Suzi
should be home soon.

They were at the college
for some women's charity thing,

and I guess they lost track of time.

- Anyway, more cheese puffs?
- Oh, just one.

Oh, no.
You're pregnant, honey.

We don't wanna
turn into a cheese puff.

So, George, what are our
chances of getting

those family incentive
bonuses pushed through?

- Evy, honey, would you take these?
- I thought those were vetoed...

because they ignored
working mothers.

Thanks, Evy.

So you think that the
private enterprise system...

should support the traditional family?

Well, the traditional family supports
the private enterprise system.

Actually, the support
comes from individuals.

Dad! Dad, it's for you!
Guess where Mom is!

- Where is she, Son? Still at the college?
- Not exactly.

This isn't like a club.
This isn't a movement you join.

There are no fees, no dues,
no membership cards.

We're here because we are friends
who want a better life.

Now we made a difference tonight.
We made people listen.

- But it isn't gonna make it--
- What a scene!

Chicks in cells.

- Talk about your major fantasy.
- Thank you for sharing.

Now, what the hell
am I doing here?

What could be better?
Chicks in chains in cells.

- Al!
- That would be bet-- What?

- Oh. Uh, your name--
- Margaret Sanders.

I'm married. I have two children--
Suzi over there and George Jr.

- You know this?
- Yes, I--

The factory, the convent,
the steno pools, the bedroom.

Anywhere that oppresses us
just because we're women.

Women's lib. I-I don't know.

I could never decide whether
it's a hindrance or a help.

Your opinion on this matter is one that
I'm not even remotely curious about.

Now, what am I doing here?

Well, uh, I don't see any trouble
brewing on the horizon.

Look again.

All right, all right.
Let's calm down.

If you ladies can't behave yourselves,
we're gonna have to separate you.

The First Amendment states we have the
right to assemble. Don't you ever touch me!


Take it easy! Is that necessary?
These women aren't criminals.

Unlawful assembly.
Incitement to a riot.

Resisting of arrest.
Every charge is a criminal one.

So don't stand there and tell me my
job, Margaret.

Got it. 89.3% chance
you're here to help Diana.

What is going on here?

Margaret. Suzanne.

Donny, I want you to let
my family out of there.

I'm afraid I can't do that, George,

not until I get
everybody's name down on paper.

I've known you 15 years.
I just left your son at a dinner party...

at my home to decide his future.

Now I want you to release my family.

He's got somethin' on him, Sam.

I'm releasing them
into your custody, George.

I'll make an arrangement
with the booking sergeant

so no one ever knows
they were here.

Thanks, Donny, as a friend.

As a friend.

Next time, better keep a tighter
rein on the little woman.

Little woman?

Never mind.
I promise it'll never happen again.

Sam, I think you changed history with that
little knight-in-shining-armor act there.

- Suzanne?
- But, Mom, we've gotta stick together.

- Mom?
- Margaret, let's go.

Sam, you can go.

Ziggy says they're all gonna get
bailed out first thing in the morning.

I really don't see
what the problem is, George.

You don't see what the problem is?

You embarrassed me in front
of the whole community.

And you missed your own dinner party.

And then--
And then, you get arrested.


And then the one guy that's trying
to help us, you talk back to him.

Look, there was no reason for this
Chief Tipton person to act like that.

This Chief Tipton person? Donald Tipton
is a close, personal friend of mine.

He's the father of
one of my finest employees.

What in God's green earth
is goin' on, Margaret?

He was wrong. Friend or
no friend, he was wrong.

No matter what Diane did,
he didn't need to knock her down.

I don't know what is happening,
but I don't like it.


Okay, okay. I'm gonna get a--
a pillow and a blanket.

I'm gonna sleep in the den tonight.

You're not making life
any easier for Margaret, Sam.

What are you talking about?

- Well, you changed history.
- Yeah?

Remember the little fight, the altercation
you had with Chief Tipton in the jail?


Well, it put a tailspin on
George and Margaret's marriage.

Well, you-you said that I was here
to help Diana, I thought.

Uh, yes.
Well, that's true.

But apparently, by helping Diana, you're
somehow destroying George and Margaret.

Great. Let's just hear it.

Ziggy says there's a 69.2% chance
that George leaves Margaret,

and her life is ruined.

- Mom?
- Hey. Morning.


Doesn't sound like you got
too much sleep last night.

- I didn't.
- No?

That smells good.

Yeah. Listen, uh, why don't you go call
your father and your brother...

and tell them that in a few minutes,
we'll have breakfast.

I'm not speaking
to Dad this morning.

He's the reason I didn't sleep.

- You're still angry, huh?
- Aren't you?


Not anymore.
New day. New attitude.

What difference
does a new day make?

He won't listen to us any more
today than he did last night.

No, maybe not.

But a new day gives us another chance
to find a way to make him listen.

Why should we
have to find a way?

Because we're the ones
who wanna make a change.

You know,
I used to love him so much.

- Right. And now you don't?
- Of course I love him.

He can make me so angry.

- Tell me about it.
- I used to be able to talk to him.

I could tell him anything.
And now--

You can't even ask him
to come into breakfast.

- That's his fault.
- Is it?

How can you say that?

Look, it takes
two people to communicate.

And I'm-I'm thinking that...

maybe you're approaching him
in a different way these days.

You mean no longer
with awe and wonder?

- Something like that.
- Are you serious?

In a way.

Mom, I can't believe
you're saying this.

Suzi, there always has been,
and there always will be,

a normal amount of tension
between teenagers and their parents.

It's just part of growing up.

And maybe the reason your father's
having trouble listening to you is that...

you're having trouble
listening to him.

Well, what about you?
He doesn't listen to you either.

Well, you got a point there.

Look, Mom, I know you'd love
for this revolution to be easy.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

But we are gonna have to fight
for every right.

I mean, if we have to go
toe-to-toe against the men,

that's what we'll do,
just like Diana says.


Well, shoving Chief Tipton last
night sure made him listen.

I shouldn't have done that.

He was wrong,
but I was wrong to shove him.

Diana says it's the only way
to really make men listen.

- That's simply not true.
- Now you're questioning Diana?

If she's advocating v*olence,
yes, I am.

Look, most of the things
that Diana says are-are good things.

They're right.
But not everything.

Just like most of the things that
your father says make sense too,

but not everything.

How can you defend him?

I'm not defending him any
more than I'm attacking her.

You're gonna meet people
all through your life...

that have their own hopes
and aspirations and fears.

And those feelings
influence the way they think,

and that in turn
will influence the way you think.

The hard part is to find a way
to filter the good from the bad...

no matter who's talking to you,
a man or a woman.

Are you sorry
you burned your bra last night?


The last thing I ever wanna wear
is another bra.

- I was really proud of you.
- Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

Griddle cakes à la Beckett.

- à la what?
- Beckett.

Beckett, Dad. He's a famous
playwright. Samuel Beckett.

Actually, I was thinking
of Mom Beckett, the famous cook.

- Mom Beckett?
- Yeah.

Uh, but don't we usually have
omelets on Friday?

- You want an omelet?
- No.

No. No,
this-this is fine, really.

I just, um--

Margaret? Margaret,
let's just forget all about last night,

and we'll get the family
back to normal, okay?

'Cause-'Cause I just want
my mellow Margaret back.

- Okay?
- Okay.


I know.
Not in front of the kids.

But... tonight.


And how is my other
favorite girl in the world? Huh?

Daddy, you can't just violate someone's
space whenever you feel like it.

All these years,
I thought that was just a hug.

Oh, thanks. Um--

You know, I've always said no one makes a
cup of coffee like my little sweetie pie.

Now there's an achievement.


Oh, well--

Hey, Margaret. Margaret,
you-you missed it last night.

I mean, it's a neck-and-neck race
for this promotion.

You know, uh, Peter
is-is aggressive and-and confident,

and Evy, I have to say,
is a hardworking little machine.

She's dedicated to the customers.

It's a tough choice.
Evy's got a year of seniority.

And then on the other hand,
I have to take into account the fact...

that Peter's got
a family to support.

- Evy isn't married?
- Now what do you mean by that?

Nothing. You just said that, uh,
Peter's got a family to support.

I just wondered if--

But, see,
you know that Evy is married.

I mean, that's my point.

See, that Evy has her husband
to take care of the family's needs.

Well, did you ever consider
that maybe that's why she's working?

Of course, now,
if I did give Evy the promotion,

I could save a lot of money on salary.

- That's nothing to sneeze at.
- I can't believe you'd say that.

Wait a second. You'd pay her
less money to do the same job?

- That's the way things are.
- You really don't get it, do you, Dad?

- Get what?
- She's saying that it's not fair...

for you to pay Evy less for doing the
same job just because she's a woman.

But that's policy. What-What am I
supposed to do about that?

- Change it.
- Why?

I give up. I'm going to school
where people still bother to think.

Far out, Mom.
You made the morning paper.

Yeah. Well-- Oh, you know,
that doesn't really look like me.

Let me take a look at that.

Too bad they didn't
print your name.

They didn't have to.
Everybody knows her.

What's burning?

Ah! Uh-Uh--

- The griddle cakes are-are burning.
- We're having pancakes?

I'm gonna get something to eat
at the office--

While I think of some way to explain that--
that picture in the newspaper.

Margaret, this is the last time
you make a laughingstock out of me.

- Wait a minute.
- Now, now, Sam.

I know this may seem a
little strange to you.

- Strange?
- Yeah, strange.

My daughter is insulting me.

My wife is on the front page
of the newspaper...

holding her brassiere in the air
for the whole world to see,

and I'm gonna get laughed at
by my employees.

I call that a hell of a lot more
than strange.

Look, I didn't mean to make
a joke out of you, and neither did Suzi.

We were just trying to
do something to bring

closed-minded people into this
century, that's all.

- "We" did it?
- Yes.

Since when do you make unilateral
decisions concerning this family?

Now, I want
my wife and my daughter...

to stop hangin' out with
these rabble-rousers

and get this family
back to normal!

I've rescheduled dinner tonight for
Peter and Evy at 8:00. You will be there.

And pick up my suit
at the cleaners, please.


Don't even start.

You sit down, eat some breakfast
and get to school.

Do you believe that?
Do you believe that man?

I hate the way he orders me
around-- Margaret around like that.

"Little sweetie pie."
It's demeaning.

Well, actually, that's the only way
he knows how to say "I love you."

- Oh, please.
- Yes.

George is from a generation
that was taught that women have a place,

and men have a place,
and never the twain shall meet.

Well, if that's the system,

then take it from somebody on
this side in a dress, okay?

- It should crash and burn.
- Maybe.

Maybe? Nobody should be
treated like that, Al. Nobody.

Patronized, insulted like that, it's--

George and all the other
Georges in the world,

they have no idea that
they're denigrating women.

It's just they were never taught
to behave any other way.

My dad never once
treated my mother like that.

He never talked to her like that.
He nev--

- Why are you defending him?
- You're here to help Diana St. Cloud.

If, in the meantime,

you can open George's eyes to
show how he's treating Margaret,

well, that's fine.

If I open his eyes,
I might destroy their marriage.

That's what you said last
night, right?

Look at this.

"Stokely Carmichael and Hamilton."

Looks like everybody's
lookin' for a change.

Sam, you gotta attack
one problem at a time.

Okay. All right.

Which problem?

Well, Diana St. Cloud
is planning a protest march tonight,

and, uh, because of
your heroic gesture,

the police chief Tipton there,
your friend,

he gets a little more aggressive
than he normally would.

- He pulls out his g*n.
- He sh**t Diana?

Yes. Well, see,
according to the paper,

Tipton's trying to stop this march, and
they get in a struggle and this and that.

Then during the struggle, he pulls the
g*n, and she gets the g*n away from him.

Then when he gets it back,
it goes off.

Now all you have to do is, you talk Diana
out of doing this protest march thing,

and Ziggy says there's a 86% chance
that you'll leap, everything's fine.

You forget George,
and you don't have to cook dinner.

- Okay. Where is she?
- She's, uh--

Oh, here it is.
She's at, uh, the Women's Collective.

- Third and Buchanan.
- Okay, I'll talk to her.

I gotta get Diana
to change her mind.

I forgot my purse--

For some reason,
all my Swiss cheese brain could remember...

about the women's movement
was something that my mom once said--

that it was probably a good thing...
for other women.

But I had an understanding that no other
man on the face of the earth could have.

I was a woman, had been a woman,
on a number of leaps,

and it was an eye-opening experience.

Still, with all the right
I knew they had on their side,

I couldn't condone
Diana's promotion of v*olence.

I had to find a way
to change her thinking...

not just for the movement,
but to save her life.

So there we were in this little room
in Washington with mountains of files.

- Do you wanna take a break?
- Mm-hmm!

Which said things like
women make up only one percent...

of the engineers in this country,

only three percent of its lawyers--

Are you kidding?

Only seven percent of its doctors.


And then it--
And then it dawned on me.

Women don't make decisions because
too few of them have any real power.

In marriage, husbands and wives are
one, and that one is the husband.

Diana, I just don't understand.
How did we let it get that way?


Of what?

Well, mine started with my
father when he used to beat me.


And when he wasn't hitting me, he would
tell me I was stupid and brainless.

And my mother allowed it because

she was so afraid she wouldn't
be able to survive alone.

I can't believe anyone
would hit their own child.

Well, I guess by
putting me down,

my father was making himself
feel smarter and stronger.

But that's wrong.

I know.

Suzi, men have been oppressing
women for thousands of years,

and we've allowed it.

- Well, I'm not gonna allow it.
- We allow it.

And every time we tell our daughters
they're not as bright,

not as strong,
not as good as men,

every time, we're creating
another generation of fear.

If we wanna make a change,
we're gonna have to get face-to-face.

We're gonna have to tell them,
"No more," and mean it.

They wanna push us around,
we'll push back.

If they wanna slap us around,
we'll slap back.

If they wanna fight,
we'll give 'em a fight.


Do you really think you
can win a physical fight?

That's exactly what
gets Diana k*lled, Sam.


- I'm sorry. She just doesn't understand.
- Yes, I do.

I understand that you cannot
match strength in a physical confrontation.

- Unless we fight, nothing will change.
- Fine. Fine.

Then fight them in the boardrooms,
not in a street brawl.

You wanna make a change?
Take a lesson from Ghandi.

- Or King.
- Or Martin Luther King.

- Mom, please. Let's go.
- You go out and start a riot,

and people will only notice
what's wrong about you.

But you state your beliefs
in an orderly fashion,

and people will notice
what's wrong about the system.

Stage sit-ins or boycotts.

Your mom's got a good
idea, Suzi.

- She does?
- And it's better press.

Besides, it's better press.

- It's a way to make them listen.
- Well, all right, Mom.

Now Diana doesn't get shot.

And you, young lady,
were supposed to be in school.

Out of the streets
and into the boardrooms.

Okay, everybody.
Change of plan.

George. Was that Margaret's picture
I saw in the paper this morning?

Yeah, well, women.

- You know how they are sometimes.
- I've been divorced three times.

- Tell me about it.
- I may be right behind you.

He was so depressed by the news,
he couldn't even go home.

He just sat there
in the hospital waiting room.

I said to him,
"What's so bad about being a father?"

He says, "Nothing. I just don't know
how to break the news to my wife."

Back to the salt mines.

Is your staff ready for
the 3:00 with Frank?

Ready as we'll ever be.

- Well, that's the spirit.
- How's my big shot son?

- What are you doing here?
- Checking up on you.

- Can I see you a minute, George?
- Yeah, sure.

Why don't you have Dora
call your mom about a dinner?


- He's a fine boy.
- Yeah, he is a fine boy.

I've been asked to watch this Diana St.
Cloud and her little group for the F.B.I.

What on earth for?

The bureau seems to think
she's dangerous.

Donny, I-I think we're making
a mountain out of a molehill here.

I'm afraid the feds
don't agree with you.

They say Diana St. Cloud is tied
to several subversive groups.

Now, Margaret and Suzanne are not
involved in anything like that. Believe me.

I just saw them leaving
the Women's Collective.

I don't think you have
any control over her, George.

I'm supposed to turn over
every name to the F.B.I.

I don't think that's necessary.
Neither do I.

I just thought you'd like to know.

Thank you, Donny.

Oh, by the way.
I understand my son and his wife...

are coming over to your place
for dinner tonight.


We're sure counting on
that promotion for Peter.

As one old friend to another.

Okay, another tablespoon
into another mushroom cap.

Mom, I'm home.

Where you been?
I wanted to talk to you.

At school.

You're not my only obligation in
life, you know.

So what'd you wanna talk about?

I made a bad mistake,
and I told Tina about your troubles.

Uh, nothing.

You know what she said?
She said George sounds like me.

- She called me a chauvinist!
- This tastes awful!

- Really? You're surprised?
- Surprised?

you usually make these great.

Are you okay? I mean, no offense,
but you seem a little weird.

I always considered myself
a sensitive and giving person.

I think it's kind of cool.
But you just seem different.

I tell you what.

Why don't you do on upstairs
and start your homework, all right?

And I'll call you
when dinner's ready.

Would you mind
tasting this though?

I've never made it before.
I'm a little nervous about it.

Oh, Mom!
Maybe I'll skip dinner.

Just call me when
The Flying Nun comes on.

The Flying Nun?

- What is it, Al?
- Bad news, Sam.

Suzi gets shot tonight
at her father's club.


Are you sure? I mean, check it again,
please. There's gotta be a mistake.

Mom, who are you talking to?

Uh, nobody, Suzi. Hi.

I was just, uh, practicing
dinner conversation, kind of.

Oh. Well, I was just
coming to tell you...

that Diana's decided to stage the sit-in
at the Addison Men's Club.

- What?
- Dad's club. Isn't that great?

92.3 that she still gets shot tonight.

- Suzi?
- Mm-hmm?

I've been thinking. I'd prefer it
if you didn't go to the sit-in tonight.

What are you talking about?

Well, I just have a really
bad feeling about all this.

Mom, you're the one who talked Diana
into doing this in the first place.

I know. I know.
But I really want you to stay home.

- Mom, are you flipping out?
- Huh?

You're talking to yourself; you're
changing your mind every two seconds.

- What's going on with you?
- I can't really explain it.

I just--
You gotta trust me on this.

Besides, I-I really need your help
working out this dinner tonight.

- Do you really need me?
- Good.

The odds are going down.

But there'll be other
sit-ins, other demonstrations.

What a surprise to find you both here.

- Busy afternoon, Margaret?
- Don't-Don't tell him.

No, not too busy.

Um, listen,
I wanna ask you something.

What do you think of these
mushrooms? Honestly.

I called the house.
You weren't here. Where were you?

I had to run some errands.

Oh. Oh, yes. Um, my suit--
Did you pick it up?

Your suit. Yeah. You know,
I-I-I went to the dry cleaners.

- It was closed.
- And they were closed.

Closed. I see. Closed just long
enough for you and Susan to disobey me.

Disobey you? Disobey you?

Go over to that women's libber den.

- We're not children, Dad.
- Would you go to your room, Suzi?

Wait a second.
It's not a den, okay?

It's a place where people
go to discuss ideas.

I don't care what you call it.
I don't give a damn.

I-I-I told you I didn't want
you around those people.

Now I'm telling you
that if you're so much

as on the same block as
that Diane St. Cloud,

I'm out of this house.


You don't understand
what's happening, George.

What's happening is you're
ruining our marriage.

Now, either this nonsense stops,

or you-you can ask
your new women's lib friends...

to-to support you and the kids.

Dad, now, you look.

Maybe you can thr*aten Mom,
but you don't own me.

I'm going to that sit-in tonight,
and you're not gonna stop me.

You will not tell me
what to do, young lady!

Go to your room and stay there!

I'm not a kid anymore!
I am not listening to you!

You're doing a hell of a job
of raising our daughter, Margaret.

I didn't realize
I was raising her alone.

Well, just what kind of mother
are you turning into?

George, I don't want Suzi
at that sit-in tonight.

It's important that
she stay at home.

Brilliant deduction.

I mean, if you had done what I
asked you to do in the first place,

we would not be facing
this problem now.

I don't want to argue
with you about this, George.

I need you to help
me keep her here.

I intend to.

I'm locking her in her room
until she gets some sense in her head.

Why don't you try talking to her
instead of bullying her?

You handle it your way,
and I'll handle it mine.

Let him do it, Sam.
Maybe it'll keep her alive.

Just stay away from Diane St. Cloud,
or I'm moving to the club.

Great. Our guests are here.

What about Diana?

Ziggy says you still have to
be at that sit-in at 9:00.

Damn it. It's at 85%
that George moves out after tonight.

I think you're missing the point, Peter.
Let me explain it to you again.

I'm not missing the point.
I wrote the point.

We have to find a way
to nip this move...

on nationalized insurance
in the bud.

I'll get the wine.

Everyone knows that the quality
of health care will go down...

when the consumer loses his ability
to choose his physician and carrier.

Excuse me. I'm gonna see if Margaret
needs any help in the kitchen.

Thanks, Evy.

I proposed to Frank that we put a certain
percentage of profits into a lobbyist fund.


Is there anything I can do to help?

No, no.
Everything's fine.

I just have to get this, uh,
roast outta here...

and get it cut up and stuff.

- Smells good.
- Yeah.

I think that the presentation
went just great.

I think everything is gonna be fine.

Are you sure there isn't
anything I can do?

As a matter of fact, there is.

You can go out there and tell George
what some of your ideas are.

Oh, I really don't think that's appropriate
to talk about at a party.

Well, Peter sure does.
Or hadn't you noticed?

Evy, do you want this promotion?

Oh, I'd like it very much.
But that's up to your husband.

Well, it's also up to you. You gotta
give him some amm*nit*on, you know?

You gotta-- You gotta
tell him how good you are,

or else he'll never know.

It's just that I'm not one of
those pushy, bossy women.

Well, when a man is pushy and bossy,
it's called aggressive, and it's admired.

Now, why can't a woman
be the same?

You sure people
won't be offended?

For telling them
what you believe?


Go on.

Go get 'em.

I just don't know how
to break the news to my wife.

Peter, you were talking about
the future of insurance companies.

But you neglected to
mention a huge statistic.

I don't think so.

Peter, did you ever consider...

the number of women
entering the workforce?

How do you feel, honey?
You need some tea or something?

No. I'm fine.

They're going to constitute
a large percentage of our new customers.

What do they want?
What do they need?

Well, I dealt with that on my perspective
of the traditional family.

The traditional family of what decade?

You know, instead of trying to figure out
how to go back to the '50s,

I think we should be looking
at how to move into the '70s.

You know, most of these women
have to work.

They don't wanna leave
their children at home.

How do we assure them...

that if they're-they're sick or disabled,
their children will be cared for?

No more to drink for you.

Those are the challenges we're facing,

Evy, uh,

why didn't you bring up these questions
at the meeting this afternoon?

I didn't think anyone would listen.

I've never done anything
like this before.

You were at the bra-burning
the other night.

But my dad didn't order me
not to be there.

- Tonight, he sent me to my room--
- Sent you to your room.

With orders to stay away from you.

God. He sounds like my father.

"How dare you disobey me!" Whack!
"Go to your room."

Oh, he didn't slap me.
My father would never hit me.

Well, you're lucky.
You got the best of a bad bunch.

I guess so.

Suzi, sometimes you have to break
a few rules to do what's right.

I know.

Diana, I don't want you to think
I've never disobeyed my father.

I mean, God, I've skipped classes.
I've stayed out past curfew.

Pretty heavy disobedience.

I guess I haven't rebelled
in anything important.

And I know
what I'm doing tonight is right.

Well, that's all that matters.

Then why do I feel so
bad about disobeying him?

- Maybe you don't wanna grow up.
- Are you kidding?

Hey, it's a lot easier to
let Daddy take care of you

than to be responsible
for yourself.

Look at the hausfraus
in this country.

Just gone from one
daddy to another.

They graduate high school, they marry
the first guy that gets 'em pregnant.

And then in exchange for cooking,
cleaning and bedroom privileges,

their husbands take care of them
like Daddy did.

My mom and dad got married
right after high school.

Well, your mom is different.

She showed me that when
she stood up to Chief Tipton.

You know, she regrets doing that.
Oh, not defending you. Shoving him.

She doesn't believe in physical v*olence.

Yeah. What woman does?

physical v*olence to a man
is just another form of communication,

and, I'm sad to say,
it's about the only one they respect.

My father taught me that...

and lived to regret it.

Don't worry. I didn't k*ll him.

Oh, I didn't think you did.

Although I came close.

- Al, what are you doin' here?
- Sam, we're in big trouble.

No-No, we're not.
I got until 9:00 to stop Diana.

- Yes, we are.
- What?

It's not about Diana.
It's about Suzi.

Suzi's okay. She's locked in her room.
George locked her up there.

Well, she got out.

How'd she get out?
I've been here the whole time.

It doesn't make any difference.
She's gone.

And according to Ziggy, her hero, Diana
St. Cloud, didn't study up on her Ghandi.

Suzi still gets shot?

Diana's trying to make
some kind of a statement.

Yes, Suzi gets shot,
and Sheriff Tipton gets shot too.

Put that thing down and go! Go!

Please. Now, please.
We've had a minor disturbance here.

But it's nothing serious.
I would appreciate your cooperation.

The chief is on his way. Please!
This is a respectable club.

Liberation now! Liberation now!

We're being exploited
as sex objects, breeders,

domestic servants, cheap labor.

- Thank heaven you're here.
- Where are they?

They waltzed right in, sat down
in the middle of the dining room.

I don't know where they came from.

Come on, Sam. Hurry up! Hurry up!

You gotta get there, Sam,
and talk to them.

They're not gonna listen to me.

And don't tell me what the odds are.

Uh-Uh, you're right.

You don't wanna know
what the odds are.

Look, what I do wanna know
is how Tipton gets shot.

Well, Ziggy's still pulling the details,
but my guess...

is that Ms. St. Cloud thought
she might need a backup,

and she brought her own.

What are you talkin' about?

I overheard her tellin' Suzi that she had
an abusive father that used to beat her up.

She-She survived,
but she's got emotional scars.

Yeah, and she's not gonna take any
chances on Tipton getting an opportunity...

to repeat what happened
in that jail cell.

- Exactly.
- You go on ahead, Al. All right?

As soon as we know what's going on, I'm
sure Mr. Flanners will make a statement.

I mean, never in 200 years has there
ever been a woman in the dining room.

All right, all right!
Everybody, on their feet.

- No! Don't move.
- This is private property.

You're trespassing,
and everyone here is under arrest.

- Okay, what now?
- I gotta talk to Chief Tipton.

Sam? Don't hit him.

Women's submission is not the result of
brainwashing, stupidity or mental illness,

Get up, Miss St. Cloud.
You're under arrest.

but rather the constant,
daily abusive behavior of men!

- I said, you're under arrest!
- Let go of me! You're not my father!

Move it, Sam!

I've had enough of you!

No! I wouldn't do that, dear.

Sam, you'd better get in
here and do something!

Diana, this is not the
way to change things.


We're not the ones who need to change!
They are!

Put that g*n down!

Have you told 'em
what your demands are?

What are you talking about?

Well, unless you tell them what you
want, they can't change anything.

Sam, keep her talking.
Keep her talking.

Tell 'em what this is for.
Tell them what you want, Diana.

We want equal rights.

- You wanna be a member of this club?
- For starters.

Logic, Sam.
Get her off of her emotions.

Did you apply for
membership and were rejected?

- No, she did not.
- If I did, would you let me in?

- It's up to the committee.
- That's a lie!

You don't know
because you didn't try.

It's in the bylaws-- A woman can't
own a membership to this club.

It's segregation, Sam, but it's not
against the constitution in a private club.

Then you have to amend the bylaws.

You have to amend
the Constitution of the United States.

That'll take forever
as long as men control it.

You wanna beat the system, you've
gotta confront it with its own rules.

So you're telling us
to go home and file an application?

I'm asking you to use the law.
Now, come on.

Put the g*n down and
let's do this right.

You're asking us to
quit just like you quit.

I won't be like you!
Just take a good look at yourself.

You're just like my mother.
You're turning into the dutiful hausfrau.

A messenger for the oppressor.

Housewives and mothers
are not your enemy.

They're your ally.
Now don't segregate us.

Diana, no.

Women like you are the reason we'll--
we'll never get equal rights.

You're so conditioned,
you believe that as long as men say so,

the system's right.

What is pointing a g*n at the chief
of police gonna accomplish, Diana?

You're running out of time, Sam.

There's so much work to be done.
We need you here, not in a prison.

They'll never let me play fair.

We need to take a stand!
Are you with me or this housewife?

You said this was about choice.

There's nothing wrong
with being a housewife.

Mom's right. We'll never get anywhere
if we keep blaming each other...

and fighting among ourselves.

Come on, Diana. Please.

- No! No! They're gonna k*ll me!
- Come on.

All right. I'm giving you all one
minute to leave this establishment

and return to your homes.

Don't let the white, male establishment
tell you what to do!

They can only have power
over you if you let them!

You can't let us
slip back into the dark ages!

That was pretty stupid
grabbing that g*n.

It's a felony.

Suzi, I'm afraid I'm
gonna have to--

You're afraid you're
gonna have to what?

She committed a felony, Margaret.

She saved your life, Chief Tipton.


We'll talk about it later.

I'm not sure I agree
with everything you said, Margaret,

but I have to admit...

some of it made sense.

How could I have been so blind?

You weren't blind. Diana St. Cloud
is a very smart and charismatic woman.

- Everything she said was a lie.
- No, no.

What she said was true and right.

Don't you remember
what I told you in the kitchen?

Don't confuse
people and ideas.

Diana spends
five years in jail.

And when she gets out,

she becomes one of the leading
activists for changing the Constitution.

Yeah. Uh, you got one more thing
to straighten out.

Suzi, go wait in the car.
I wanna talk to your mother.

- I had to come, Daddy.
- This is it, Sam.

Ziggy says, uh, that George
is gonna move out.

What do you want me to do, Margaret?
You left me no choice.

- I'm moving out tonight.
- You see? See?

- You gotta fix it.
- If that's what you have to do.

- What? What are you sayin'?
- Let me ask you one question.

Do you think you've had
a good marriage all these years?

- You know the answer to that.
- No, I-I don't.

I think we've had a great marriage.

That's why I don't understand why
you're throwing it all away like this.

Well, it seems to me like
you're the one who's throwing it all away.

I don't know what to do. All of a
sudden, you're not my Margaret anymore.

Who am I supposed to be
if you're not you?

Maybe you could stop trying
to make me into "your Margaret"...

and try finding out who I really am.

And you could start that
by respecting me for my thoughts...

and my ideas even if
they're different than yours.

I'm too old to change who I am.
Only if you think you are.

And only if you don't love your wife
and your children enough to try.

I do love you very much, Margaret.

Then try.

That's all anybody can ask.


Okay. All right.
All right, Sam. Great.

- Now, Ziggy says everything--
- Okay.

Everything works out just fine here.

- Okay.
- Um, Suzi and Margaret...

stay very active in the movement.

In fact, a key in the push
for an Equal Rights Amendment.

And George gives Evy Brownfield...

the promotion at full pay.


Well-Well-Well what?

What do you think?

Uh, could you, uh, repeat that question?

Is the size of a man's feet
related to the size of his love muscle?

Dr. Ruth, are you there?

Oh, boy.