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05x11 - Promised Land - December 22, 1971

Posted: 08/30/22 10:55
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

- What the hell?
- You heard me!

Hands up!

Everyone stay calm. We'll get
this over with and be on our way.

Keep me covered
while I shut the blinds.

Don't fall apart on me now,
little brother.

Oh, boy.

As usual when I leap,
I didn't have a clue as to who I was,

or for that matter,
why I was robbing a bank.

But I did know fear when I saw it,
and I saw it everywhere.

I also had a strange feeling
about this place.

It seemed familiar.

Check his office.
I want Vernon out here now.

You folks keep
those hands up high.

Don't even think about going
for that alarm button.

Fill it!


Not a penny more,
not a penny less.

I don't have that much cash.

Open the vault.

We can't. Mr. Vernon's the only
one who has the combination.

Neil Walters, is that you?

- You Bill Walters's boys?
- Never mind who we are.

Bill Walters?

Vernon isn't here!
He isn't here!

Where is he?

Out of town on business. He won't
be back till later this afternoon.

Damn it! Maybe we should go on and get
out of here 'fore things get out of hand.

And go where? We come this
far, we can't turn back now.

Sure we can.
Nobody's been hurt.

We just, uh-- W-W-We go out
that back door over there.

What's that?

What's it sound like?
Nobody move!

Willie, you check out the back.
John, watch the door.

Nobody move! Just keep those hands
nice and high where I can see 'em.


Somebody must be
in that back office.

I'll take a look.

That was stupid.
That was really stupid!

Take it easy. Yelling at
her is not gonna do any good.

Come on.
Get out of there.

Go on.

All right.
All right!

Somebody turn that alarm off.

Turn it off!

All right.
Come on. Move!

Back over there.
Move it.

All right, smart boy.
What do you suggest we do now?

Like I said,
we can still go out the back way.

Too late! Mundy just
pulled up across the street.

That would be
Police Chief Clyde Mundy.

Uh, Sam, I think we need to take a
trip to the little bank robbers' room.

Uh, excuse me.
I, uh--

I gotta--

You need to go to
the bathroom now?

Yeah. I-I-I-I gotta go.

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

How do I keep getting
into these situations?

Don't look at me.

What's going on, Al? Huh?

You're William Walters Jr.,
but everybody calls you "Willie."

It's the 22nd of December, 1971.

Where am I?

You're home, Sam.
You're in Elk Ridge, Indiana.

- I'm-I'm home?
- Mm-hmm.

No wonder everything
seemed so familiar.

Yeah. Well, your memory's
a little Swiss-cheesed, you know.

It's '71. My dad's still alive.

I'm-I'm home and-and...
my dad's still alive.

Willie Walters?

I knew a guy named Willie,
Willie Walters.

Uh, a couple years older than me.
He-He-He had a couple of brothers.

- Uh-huh.
- And-And, uh--

Damn, I can't remember.

Well, the big one is Neil. He's a couple
years older than you. He's a loose cannon.

He enlisted in the
Marine Corps in '69,

and then he took a compassionate
discharge a year later.

- Why?
- Uh, oh, his father died,

and he came back to take charge
of the family farm.

Uh, the younger one is John.
He's still in high school.

He's never been in
any kind of trouble.

Yeah, until now.
What about Willie?

Willie-- Indiana State
University, honor student.

He didn't come back home in time.
In time for what?

Uh, to save the family farm
from foreclosure.

Seems they were late
a couple of months on a loan.

- $37,893--
- And 19 cents.

Wh-- They're robbing the
bank to pay the bank?

Well, that has
a certain symmetry to it.

More like insanity.
I don't believe this.

Why does Ziggy say I'm here?

In the original history, the
brothers were k*lled trying to escape.

Ziggy says there's
an 88.9% chance...

that you're here to see
that the brothers surrender.

Look, uh, ask Ziggy what happens
to the farm after they lost it.

What? Hey.

You're not thinking of going
through with bank robbery?

Just ask Ziggy what happened.

Willie, you better get out here.

- Hello?
- Willie, is that you?

Now look, son,
you might as well talk to me.

Everybody saw you
and your brothers go into the bank.

- Hello, Chief Mundy. How ya been?
- How've I been?


I've been fine until now.

Now, uh, look, son.

This thing is on the verge
of gettin' away from us here.

Now listen to me, Chief. We don't
want anybody to get hurt here.

Well, that's good.
Uh, so--

Thank you, Flo.

Why don't you boys just throw
out your g*ns and come on out?

He knows who we are.

- We should've worn them wigs.
- Shut up! What's he want?

- He wants us to come out.
- Not until we see Vernon.

Vernon? Gus Vernon?

Of course, Gus Vernon.
He's bank president, isn't he?

He made the loan.
He can unmake it.

You said it looked like
we didn't get a fair deal.

Hello, Chief?

Yeah. Uh, we were wondering
if we could talk to Mr. Vernon.

I mean,
if that would be possible.

Gus Vernon?
He's in Harker Falls.

Need time to get him back here.

Well, you better hurry up then.

Nice talking to you again.



I want you to take
that motorcycle of yours...

and go over to Harker Falls
and get Gus Vernon back here.

Now go on.
Oh, Flo?

Can you give me a piece
of that pecan pie?

Oh, sure, Sheriff.

Look out. Get out of my way!

What the hell's going on, Chief?

They say the-the Walters boys
are in the bank with hostages.

Just relax, Carl.
We've got everything under control.

Relax? My wife is in there. I wanna
know what you plan to do about this.

Well, I plan on finishing my coffee
and having a piece of pie.

Then I plan on
waiting for Gus Vernon.

Wh-What about Cindy? I mean,
y-you gotta get her outta there.

Thank you, Flo.

That's all you're
gonna do then? Wait?

That's all I can do. I suggest you go
on home and do the same thing, Carl.

I don't believe this. What
kind of man are you anyway?

A patient man.

Go on now, 'fore I lose it.

Why don't you boys take
those silly things off your faces?

We all know who you are.

Why are you doing this?

If you could just be
patient a little bit--

Let me tell her.

See these?

That's what my father left
my brothers and me when he died.

We get up before the sun,
and we don't rest till after dark.

Then along comes Gus Vernon.

He tells you you ain't gonna make it
unless you increase the yield.

Modernize, he says.

Well, you're afraid of losing
the only thing you got.

So you go along,
and you make the deal.

But somehow, no matter how hard
you work, you can't keep up.

Pretty soon you're selling off
milk cows to make the next payment.

It was just business.

Well, we'd like to hear Gus Vernon explain
that kind of business to us face-to-face.

Yeah, I'd love to hear that.

Sam, it turns out that the Walters farm
was one of six parcels bought at auction

by an out-of-state developer...

who went on to build the largest shopping
center in the whole tri-county area,

and Vernon made
a fortune in kickbacks.

He's forcing the farms under
so he can get the land?

That's crazy.

Don't sound crazy to me.
Sounds like a banker.

- What the hell you talking about?
- Sam, we should talk.

Look, I'll explain everything.
I just, uh--

- I just need a minute.
- You got to go again?

Yeah, I just need a second
to-to think.


Uh, I'll be right back.

Sam, I know that look.

- What look?
- What look? That look.

The "I'm gonna save the world" look.

Ziggy says this leap's over
as soon as the brothers surrender.

I can't do that.

What do you mean you can't?
Maybe I'm not making myself clear here.

I'm talking life and death here.

So am I.
Don't you get it, Al?

It doesn't matter if you k*ll a man
with a g*n or with a pen.

In the end, he's still dead.

I'm home, Al. And I'm
gonna stay right here.

Sam, this is not going
the way it's supposed to.

Don't tell me. Tell them.

I know that you're sympathetic
with the situation here

because it's your
hometown and all of that,

but Ziggy says there's
a 73.9% chance...

that if you surrender,
you'll leap.

Leap? Why would I
want to leap? I'm home.

But you're here
to save the brothers, right?

So? You got to turn
yourself in. Right?

So. Let's go. Right?

- I can't.
- Eh--

How did I know
he was gonna say that?

I can't have been put here to save their
lives and then leave 'em with nothing, Al.

I mean,
their farm is all they got.

But Ziggy says--
Oh, forget about Ziggy.

Forget about Ziggy.


My dad worked our farm 16
hours a day, seven days a week.

It was his life.

And when--

And when they took it
away from him--

Well, it was wrong then,
and it's wrong now.

but you weren't even there.

I wasn't... even there.

Maybe I could have...

helped him save what he worked so
hard to build, but I wasn't there.

I've had to carry that
around with me my whole life.

I don't want Willie to
have to do the same thing.

Okay. If you had it to do over again,
you'd do things differently.

- But it's a little late, isn't it?
- Is it?

See, that's what I'm thinking, Al.

Maybe I've been put here
to have a second chance.

A second chance?

Yeah. I mean,
it's pretty clear that...

Vernon's motives, not to mention
his methods, are suspect, right?

- So?
- So?

What if we can prove that
Vernon manipulated the loans?

You said Neil wasn't
on top of things.

What if we can prove that he took
advantage of Neil and the others...

to clear the way
for the shopping mall?

Well, that would be awesome,

except the mall won't be built
for another two years.

Well, there's got to be some way we
can link him up with the deal, you know?

I-I just can't walk away
again, Al.

- I've got to try.
- Okay. Okay.

I will go back and-and try and get
Ziggy to come up with something.


I better-- I better
get back out there.

Who knows, you know?
I mean, maybe, um--

maybe if this all works out okay,
and I don't leap right away, um,

maybe I could go see my family.

Could I have your attention,

I know this isn't exactly how you
planned on spending your holidays, but...

I just want you to know
that my brothers and I...

have no intention
of letting any of you get hurt.

Mr. Vernon's on his way,
and hopefully we'll get everything settled,

and we can all get back home
where we belong.

What do you--
What do you want me to do?

Uh, you should keep an eye
on the front door.

- Right.
- Hey!

Stay away from the window.

We shouldn't have brought him.

Why? He's got just as much
at stake as anybody else.

Hey now, what was you saying before
about Vernon wanting our land?

I think he knew that we could never make
those payments when he made us the loan.

He set us up.

- You mean me, don't ya?
- No. I didn't say that.

Yeah. You didn't have to.

I don't mean to tell ya
how you do your bank robbin',

but would you mind pointing that peashooter
you got in a different direction?

Yeah. I'm--
I'm sorry, Mr. Pierce.

Mr. Pierce.

Mr. And Mrs. Pierce.

You folks had that dairy farm
just a couple miles from--

You've lived around here
for a long time, haven't ya?

54 years.

We moved here the year
after we got married.

You've been married 55 years.

That's great.

Listen, uh,

do you by any chance know,
uh, the Beckett family?

- John Beckett?
- Oh, yeah.

Everybody in this part of the county
knows John and Thelma Beckett.

Fine family.

One of their boys
just came back from Vietnam.


Uh, his name is Tom.

Um, when was the last time
you saw Mr. Beckett?

Uh, let's see.

I ran into him at Benning's
Hardware store just two days ago.

- How'd he look?
- Same as usual.

I remember one time,

uh, Stan was away, and I took sick,
and John drove me to the doctor,

waited over an hour,
and then he drove me home.

- He's a fine man.
- Yes, he is.

You know my sister.

Mandy Greer?

She was in your history class.

You must remember.
She had long, red hair and braces.

Patch over her right eye.

Yeah. Yeah.

Sure. She was in the high
school production of Peter Pan.

She played Captain... Hook.

Gee, that was a long time ago.
How's she doin'?

She got her braces off.


She still wears the patch.

I see.



I'm really sorry that
you got mixed up in all of this.

That's all right. My daddy
lost his place a while back.

The way I see it,
Gus Vernon has it coming.

- Beth!
- Well, he does.

I don't know why you're
always protecting that man.

Because he is our
boss, that's why.

We wouldn't have a job
if it wasn't for him.

Oh. Some job.

Two dollars an hour,
no benefits... and you.

I should've never
quit the Dairy Queen.

If you ask me,
that's where you belong.

At least I don't have to sleep
with the boss to keep my job.

- You little bitch.
- Takes one to know one.

All-All-All right.
Ladies, please. Please. Just--


- You all right?
- Baby's kickin'.

You know, we don't need
to keep you here with us.

We can just go ahead
and let you go.

Nobody's going anywhere!

- She's pregnant, okay?
- That's why she's here.

Mundy's not gonna make a move
as long as she stays here.

If we let her go,
he'll see we're willing to deal.

He'll also see that we're weak.

You're losing sight of your
objectives here. Use your head.

What is that supposed to mean?

Willie! Vernon's here.

Look at him.

Crisp as a hundred dollar bill.

- Excuse me.
- It was about time you got here.

What the hell's going on, Clyde?

One minute I'm doing business,
the next I hear my bank's being robbed.

Well, first of all, your bank isn't
being robbed. It's being occupied.

Secondly, it isn't your bank.
It belongs to the town.

I didn't drive 30 miles
to get a lesson in semantics.

Now, who's in there?

- Bill Walters's boys.
- Who?

Is it that easy to forget?

Mary, what are you doing here?

There's a law against a mother
wanting to be near her children?

What's this all about?

- m*rder.
- m*rder?

- Who's been m*rder*d?
- A way of life.

Mary, look.
We all know, uh,

how hard it's been for you since you lost
Bill, but this isn't gonna bring him back.

Now do your boys a favor.

- Tell them to come on out.
- No, sir.

They are breaking the law.

What would you
know about the law?

And you, Clyde Mundy, ought to
be ashamed siding with his type.

I am trying to do my job.

When does your job include
running with the devil?

- I don't have to listen to this.
- Oh, you're gonna listen.

We're not the first to go under here.

And we won't be the last.

Now, I was born in this county.
Most of these folk here were.

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna
sit here and let the likes of you...

steal it out from under us.

No, sir.

My boys stay right where they are.

And they stay there with my blessing.

Why the hell doesn't he call?

Just give him some time.

You don't think they'll
try anything funny?

I say we fire off a couple rounds.
Let 'em know we're still here.

Give me this.

- Hey, give it back.
- I'll give it to you later.

Hey, I'm still
the oldest in this family.

Then why don't you
start acting like it?

You're so full of yourself,
aren't you?

Big college boy.
Come home and fix everything.

- Neil, don't!
- Why not?

- Everyone knows Willie's the smart one.
- Leave him outta this.

What's it feel like to know
everything about everything?

- This isn't the time or the place.
- Why, you going somewhere?

Yeah. I'm gonna
let you cool off.

- Neil, come on.
- Oh, that's it. Run away!

You're good at that, aren't you?

I wonder if Pop might not still be alive
if you hadn't took off the way you did.

- That's enough.
- That man lived for you.

John and I were his sons,
but you were his life.

And when he needed you
most, you weren't even there.

I didn't know.

Didn't know or didn't care.

Don't ever say that again.

After only a few hours,

it was obvious that my life and
Willie's had taken similar paths.

It was also becoming clear that the
line separating us was beginning to blur.

Still, I knew these
people, and it felt good.

- Thanks.
- It felt like... home.

- How ya doin'?
- Okay.

- Kind of a long day, huh?
- Yeah.

- You scared?
- What?

Just want to know
if you're scared.

No. Are you?

Yeah. I'm scared.

Look, I'm sorry
about what happened before.

I shouldn't have hit him.
You know, I just, uh-- I lost it.

- It?
- My temper.

- This is all kind of sudden for me.
- He-He didn't mean what he said.

Well, sure sounded like it to me.

It-It hasn't been easy for him
since Pop died.

If I tell you something,

will you promise not
to repeat it to anyone?

Uh, sure.

A few weeks ago
we were working on the tractor.

All of a sudden, Neil hops off
and tells me to get in the truck.

Next thing I know,
we're at Pop's grave.

Must've spent two hours
just sittin' there.

Just sittin' there.

Yeah. Like-Like we were
waiting for something.

All of a sudden,
Neil starts talkin' about you.

how much he admired you.

How proud he was that you
were making something of yourself.

And he said, uh, that you were too
smart to get trapped like he did.

That life was too short
to spend it miserable...

and full of regret.


then he--

he cried.


Look, I'm gonna go
stretch my legs.

Can I get you something?
You need anything?

Kathy Campbell's phone number.


I lied.

I am scared.

Seems pretty calm
out there right now.

Yeah. Like right before a tornado.
Did Ziggy come up with anything?

Uh, well, there was nothing
ever officially registered

between Vernon
and the developer.

- Nada.
- He's too smart for that.

Yeah. And if there's anything
linking him to the deal,

he's keeping it pretty
close to the vest.

You think maybe in his
house, or--

Well, you might find
something there. Yeah.

All right.
I got to get out of here then.

Now wait.

There's a deputy guarding
the back entrance,

but Ziggy's been running
some escape scenarios.

She says your best shot
is to create some kind of diversion.

Al, take a look around.

I'm stuck in this bank. How
am I gonna create a diversion?

Are you gonna be much longer?

Let me get this straight.
You want me to go out the door,

and when I get in the middle
of the street, pretend to go into labor?

That's right.

- Doesn't sound too difficult.
- Wait a second!

You're not really going to do this?

- You sure that Vernon's guilty?
- Positive.

It's just gonna take more
than my word to prove it.

Don't you see what he's doing?
He's just trying to use you to get away.

- Don't be stupid.
- This really bothers you, doesn't it?

- Yes!
- When do we go?

Don't sh**t! I'm coming out!

Come on, Beth.

It's all right, hon.
Come on.

Now, Beth?

- Come on across the street, hon.
- Okay, baby.


Come on.
Come on, honey.


What's she doing?
I think she's gonna have a baby.

- My baby! My baby!
- Come on. Come on, come on.

Well, go. Go, go, go!

- Okay, Sam. He's gone.
- Ow, ow, ow!

- What now?
- What now? Get out of here.

Go down the alley, turn
around the corner, go north.

Vernon's house is about a
mile out of town. Hurry up!

I'm okay. I'll be okay.

Do you think he got away?

How the hell should I know?

I didn't hear any g*nshots.

Well, I don't want
to hear anymore talk!

Everything's gonna be all right.

Come on, Sam. Hurry up.

Sam, hurry up!
Come on! Hurry up!

Hurry up. It's not far.
It's just another hundred yards or so.

You can almost see it
right down the road.

- Come on.
- I'm out of shape, Al.

Next leap,
maybe you'll leap into Carl Lewis.

Right now you gotta suck it up.
Now come on. You gonna make it?

I don't have much left.
How far--

Churchdale Road.

I remember this place. My--

My folks' farm--

It's just, uh,
10 miles down that road.

Well, nobody could blame ya
if you kept going.

What about Neil and John?

What about all the other families
Vernon's taken advantage of?

You think they'd understand?

I-I didn't say it'd be easy.

Need a lift, fella?

No thanks.

Sam, look out for that--

that, uh, pile of newspapers.

That was smooth, Sam. I hope you
never leap in as a cat burglar.

Wow. Looks like the housekeeper
took the year off here.

Yeah. Vernon probably repossessed
her cleaning equipment or something.

Did you know this Vernon
when you were here before?

Uh, well, he was a couple years
ahead of my brother in high school.

- He ran for class president, I think.
- Did he win?

Uh, no. As I remember,
he was disqualified.

Something about stuffing
the ballot box or something.

Oh, he was stuffing the ballot
box. Well, at least he's consistent.

What are we looking for?

Someplace you would
hide valuables, you know?

A-A safe. A wall safe.
A filing cabinet or some drawers--

A strongbox with
a lock the size of Maine?

Okay, uh-- A letter opener
or a file or something.

How about the key?

I'll, uh, take the g*n, please.


What are you doing here?

You haven't changed since
high school, have you, Gus?

High school?

What do you know about what
I was like in high school?

Why'd you do it? How could you
steal all those people's land?

What you call stealing,
I call business.

I guess that makes it a little
easier to sleep at night.

I saw an opportunity,
so I took it.

What a nozzle! I'd like to grab his Adam's
apple and pull it out through his nostrils.

Most of the farms were so far under,
they couldn't see the light of day.

So you put them out
of their misery?

Nobody forced anyone to do
anything he didn't want to do.

The hell you didn't. You--

You intimidated them, and then you
stole their lives out from under them,

all so you could turn a profit.

Yeah? Well, you can't
prove that, can you?

No, I can't.

But I'll bet there's
plenty of proof in here.

- You're crazy.
- Am I?

Why don't we open
this and find out?

No, I don't think so. I'll tell
you what I am gonna do though.

I'm gonna call Chief Mundy and tell
him... that I just k*lled me an intruder.

I was wrong.

You have changed.

- What are you doing?
- Sam, what are you doing?

Go ahead, sh**t me in the back.
It's more your style, isn't it?

No. I wouldn't do that, Sam.
It's not a good idea.

You know, you made a big
mistake coming back home.

You should've stayed away.

That makes two of us.


What, what, what?
What is it?

What is it?

A letter of intent
from the developer.

Ah, bingo!

All you have to do now is
get that back to Mundy,

- so we can get this over with.
- Right. I'm all for that.

You didn't see anything else?

All I remember is turning around
and seeing Carl Wilkens.

Next thing you know,
sh*ts are fired inside the bank.

What if he shot one of my boys?

Clyde, you've got
to do something.

What's that?

Who's that there?

- Willie.
- Willie?

You keep Mary here.

Hold it right there, Willie.

Drop the g*n.

Right now.

- Chief, this isn't necessary.
- Humor me.

Look, I have evidence that
Gus Vernon manipulated,

intentionally, the farm loans
in order to sell off the land.

- Is he?
- Oh, no. He's just resting.

- I want you to look at this.
- What is it?

It's an agreement between Gus
Vernon and a private developer

to build on the foreclosed land.

And it was signed six months
before the first farm went under.

- Where'd you get this?
- Vernon's house.

Looks like you've got enough here
to put Gus away for a long while.

That's great. Let me tell my brothers.
We can end this.

We've got a bigger problem now.

- There's been a sh**ting.
- What?

Carl Wilkens decided to take
the law into his own hands,

busted into the bank
and there were sh*ts fired.

Sam, no, it's John.
He's been shot.

He's hurt bad.
You better get in there quick.

I've got to go talk to my brother.

We've been tryin' to,
but they don't answer.

The state boys are
gettin' ready to go in.

You've got to get in there.
Hurry up!

If you let me talk to them,
I can get them to come out.

I don't know.

You said yourself that might be
enough evidence to convict Vernon.

Now let me go tell Neil. He doesn't
want to hurt anybody. Please, Chief?

What do you got to lose?

All right. Five minutes,
or they'll start moving in.

Go! Go!

You k*lled him.

This is all your fault.

He wasn't gonna hurt anybody.
He's just a kid.

- No!
- Neil?

- Please, no!
- It's me.

Don't sh**t. It's just--

It's just me.

- Willie.
- Yeah.

I didn't think
you were coming back.

I really messed up
this time, didn't I?

It's okay.

We're gonna take care
of everything, all right?

He's alive.

- We have to get him to the hospital.
- I didn't mean for this to happen.

He came out of nowhere.
I thought he was gonna k*ll John.

John. Oh, my God.
What did I do?

Neil, this has gotta end.

Well, what about Vernon?
We can't let him get away!

He's not gonna get away. I got the proof
that we needed to get the loan reviewed.

You're gonna get the farm back,

but there are people waiting
for us to come out first.

You did it, didn't you?

You saved us again.

Pop would be so proud.

God, what a disappointment
I must have been.

I-I never could be what he wanted.

I never could be you.

Neil, it's all right.

I tried to do the right things.

I never wanted to be
head of the family.

I've ruined... everything he built.

- You did your best.
- How? By losing a farm?


By being there
when he needed you.

Don't you see?

In the end,

it wasn't my face he saw.
It was yours.

And no matter what happens to me, no
matter what I do for the rest of my life,

I can never change that.

That moment belongs to you.

I loved that old man.

I should've told him.

You just did.

Now come on.

Let's get him out of here.

Is he gonna be okay?

Oh, sure. Yeah, he and Wilkens
are both gonna be just fine.


Uh, Vernon is
convicted of bank fraud,

and he serves six months
and gets his license revoked.

And here's the good part.

The state banking commission
reviews the loans that he made,

and then they rescind
the foreclosure proceedings.

What about the brothers?

John and Willie
are convicted of illegal entry,

but the judge takes
things into consideration,

and he lets them
off with probation.

Uh, Neil is convicted...

of aggravated as*ault,
so he serves a term of five years.

Then after he's released, he just drifts
around the country doing odd jobs...

- until, uh--
- "Until, uh," what?

Until he's-he's shot in an alley
in New Orleans in '77.

It's a robbery,
and he gets k*lled.

Are you saying that
I leaped in here

and saved his life just
so he could be m*rder*d?

Well, Sam, they,
they can't all be happy endings.

And there's nothing I can do?

Well, if you want to hang around
here for another six years--

I wish I never would have stopped.
Why should I even stop?

I should just keep going.

It's-It's just like you're leaping
around in time fixing things.

It-It's just supposed to be.

I just wish this whole thing
never would--

Okay, John.

- Dad.
- Sam.



Dad, wait a minute. Wai--

You're real.

You're alive, and you're real.

Well, I believe that's true.

Uh, do I know you?

Know me?
Of course, you know me.

- I'm your so--
- No, no, Sam!

No, he can't see you.
All he can see is Willie.

I'm Willie Walters.

- Bill Walters's boy?
- That's right.

I haven't seen you
since the funeral.

- Your father was a good man.
- He was the best.

- How's your mother?
- She's good.

She wanted me to give
you a message though.


Yeah, she, uh--

she wanted me
to wish you a merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you too, son.

Merry Christmas to you.

Daddy! Daddy, you're here!

- Dad, you're home!
- Well, it's about time.

Arriving passenger Martin Elroy,
please report to the courtesy desk.

- Martin Elroy.
- What's that about?

- What's what about?
- They just paged you.

Oh. Well, I guess I was so excited
to see everybody, I didn't hear.

Well, we'll get your bags and meet you
at the curb. But don't take too long.

I've got a pot roast in the oven
and something special for dessert.

- Come on.
- Welcome, Daddy.

- Hi.
- Just a moment, please.

You, uh-- Huh?


- It's my turn.
- Here he is now!

Oh, Daddy!
Oh, I missed you, Daddy.

- Surprise!
- I missed you, Daddy.

Oh, boy.