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05x10 - Trilogy: Part 3 (The Last Door) - July 28, 1978

Posted: 08/30/22 10:54
by bunniefuu
Do you think a little girl like
Abigail could be capable of m*rder?

- It was you who k*lled her, Abigail!
- I didn't k*ll her!

I'm coming!

Sam, look out!

You two rabbits ought to be ashamed!

The weddin' is tomorrow!

You get him out of here.
You hear me, Abigail Fuller?

Don Takins's boy's disappeared.

It looks like you're gonna have
a witch hunt on your hands.

Sam, look out!

No! No!
She should die! No!

Just know that
for this brief moment in time,

we belong to each other.

Please know that.

I love you.

"Baton Rouge Gazette.

"July 28, 1978."


It wasn't over.

My memory was fading, but in my soul
I knew it wasn't over.

I was still in the South, and somehow
Abigail had summoned me back.

But for what?

And as who?

- Bo, the child has legal rights.
- Wait a second. Wait a second.

Larry Stanton?

Hello, sweet cheeks.

Come on over here,
you hot-blooded, Southern rebel,

and melt me down.

Tonight, Lawrence Stanton III,

I am Jane Fonda in Butterfeld 8.

Oh, boy.

I got a bad feelin' about this.

After 28 years of marriage,

I know every feelin' you got.

- I'm your husband?
- Well, of course you're my husband.

Unless you wanna be
that wicked Blackbeard again.

- Why am I here?
- Oh, no, you don't!

- Don't you start that.
- Start what?

That-That craziness about hearing voices.

- I don't wanna hear another word.
- I heard voices?

I said, not another word.

- But what do you mean--
- That's it. That is it.

You have gone and done it. You have ruined
everything. I am no longer in the mood.

So you can hang up your holsters
until next Saturday night.

- Aren't you gonna stop me?
- Stop you?

I'm callin' my mother!

Oh, boy!

Sam, you're not gonna believe
this yo-yo in the waiting room.

- Larry Stanton?
- Lawrence Stanton III, actually.

You have a lucrative law practice
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,

and your counterpart
in the waiting room thinks he's dead.


He thinks I'm St.
Peter and I'm gonna send him to hell...

for overcharging his hours.

Reminds me of my
last two divorce lawyers.

- Do you remember Larry Stanton?
- Yeah.

I mean, there were--

I remember, uh,

there was a hanging...

and a lot people, and...

he was hurt.

- I think he tried to save her.
- Who? Her?

No, no, no. Not her, not her. That's Mrs.
Larry Stanton. She wants to "melt me down."

Oh. Well, no wonder old Larry I would
rather go to hell than come back here.

He's gonna be in big trouble if he comes
back here talking about heaven and angels,

because Mrs. Larry
already thinks that he's nuts.

Mrs. Larry--
Her name is Sherilyn Stanton.

She's 51 years old, and she's
going through her second husband.

She k*lled the first one
at the tender age of 17.

And Ziggy says that she's gonna
bury the second one as well.

- m*rder?
- No. Heart att*cks.

Mr. Stanton the first was 77.

Now, according to Ziggy,

there's a 41-41.12--

43-point chance you're here--

No, no, no.

If you think I'm here to save their
marriage, Al, you can forget about that.

Well, actually, Ziggy hasn't
the slightest idea why you're here.

So I'd suggest you go open the door
and see what drifts in.

Larry, will you please
answer the damn door!

I am far too upset
to be entertaining guests.

Don't look at me.
I don't make up these assignments.


It's been a long time, Counselor.
A very long time.

- Would you like to, uh, come in?
- No, it's--

Be all right out here.

You don't remember me.
It's Marie.

- It's Marie from Pottersville.
- Marie?

- Your brain is Swiss-cheesed, Sam.
- Marie from Pottersville. Marie Billings.

Marie-Marie Billings.

This is the woman
that used to work for Clayton Fuller.

- Abigail?
- Yeah.

- I knew you didn't get my telegram.
- Is Abigail all right?

Well, I've been working for
that family for almost 30 years.

Practically raised that child myself
after her daddy died.

She didn't have no one else
after Henry died. Neither did I.

What's happened to Abigail?

They found those bones,

and then there was that horrible m*rder.

They're accusing Abigail of m*rder.

That happened over 25 years ago.

And the trial starts tomorrow. But
nobody would take it, Mr. Stanton. Nobody.

She said maybe you?

You were there for that horrible night,
and she said...

only Will and you believed in her.

My husband doesn't take
charity cases anymore.

Besides, he is retired.

No wonder Larry would rather stay dead.

This is very important,
Mrs. Stanton.

You remember Marie
Billings from Pottersville.

I said, my husband is retired.

He has a very bad heart.

Sam, Larry never took Abigail's case.

- But if you would just hear me out--
- I have told you a million times.

We don't have to work with
this kind of n*gg*r trash anymore.



I'd like to apologize
for what my wife just said.

Will you excuse me for a moment?

I'd like you to go inside
and make Marie and me some lemonade.

- And take your time.
- But, Lawrence--

Get inside.

- I don't want to cause any trouble.
- Marie, I'm sorry.

From the look of it,

Miss r*cist-in-a-Moo-Moo
could use a dose of trouble.

Just sit down. I'm so sorry.

Sam, maybe you're here
to see that Larry takes Abigail's case.

You remember that
little Aider girl?

Well, she disappeared two
years before you moved to town.

Folks thought that she was taken
by a pack of wild dogs.

Violet Aider's bones were discovered
sealed in the town well.

- And everybody thought that Abigail--
- Abigail didn't k*ll them.

I can't believe this is really happening.

You and I both know that.
After they got the bones out,

Ms. Leta put together a case
with some lawyer--

Denton Waters.
Ziggy says he's never lost a case.

For something that happened
25 years ago?

No, no, no. That was just it.

The lawyer told Ms. Leta that he
couldn't try Abigail for Violet's m*rder.

Abigail is convicted of m*rder, Sam.

But she was eight years old.

Ms. Leta was found...

with her throat cut open
on Abigail's kitchen floor.

Abigail is ex*cuted for the m*rder
of Leta Aider.

Now don't go have a heart attack
on me, Mr. Stanton.

Abigail needs your real bad.

I'll go, uh,
pack my things, Marie.

Now, we have to call Sheriff
Loman and tell him that...

- You'll be up there this afternoon.
- Right. All right. I'll do that.

You just sit down here, relax, and
I'll be out in a few minutes. Okay?

Abigail said you would come.

You're still in love with Abigail,
aren't you?

I'm taking the case, Al.
Does history change?

Not unless you do something
to change it.

Abigail Fuller dies in the
electric chair June 30, 1984.

Little Violet Aider had waited
25 years for someone to find her.

And finally, they had.

Leta had come after Abigail
with a vengeance,

desperately trying to mount a case
that would send her to the electric chair.

But now Leta was dead,
and I knew that fate...

had brought me back into Abigail's life...

to prove her innocence
once and for all.

All right. Let me see those files.
I'll be out of your way.

You got it.
There he is.

Hey, Stanton. How come I'm
so young, and you got so old?

- Good to see you again, Bo.
- Good to see you.

This is Denton Waters.
He's the special prosecutor for the State.

Mr. Waters.

Mr. Stanton. I understand
you used to live around these parts.


Moved away in '66 right after that
incident with the Takins boy gettin' lost.

What incident was that?

Oh, couple townsfolks decided to
take the law in their own hands.

- They were gonna string up Abigail.
- Is that so?

As I recall, Leta Aider
was one of the main instigators.

Larry packed up his bags and his wife
and kids and left damn near the next day.

Mr. Stanton said he had no
intentions of letting his family

grow up in a town
that was so backwards,

it was capable of lynchin'
one of its own.

Um, I always admired you
for that.

Mrs. Kinman?

"Kinman"? There's a name
I haven't heard in a long time.

It's still Fuller.

Yeah, Will and Abigail never
quite made it to the altar.

If you don't mind, I would prefer to
discuss my past with Mr. Stanton myself.

I thought he'd rather hear it from me
than get an earful from the Potter parish.

I don't think that Miss
Fuller's marital status

has any relevance to
this trial, does it?

Neither does my bein' here.

I'm sure you two have a great
deal to discuss before tomorrow.

- Yeah, starting with a continuance.
- I'm afraid we've had two already.

A third is out of the question.

I-I'm sorry. Have you, uh--

Mr. Waters and I have already met.

Well, I'll need to see
the rest of those files.

Oh, and make sure that
Mr. Stanton has copies.

We wouldn't want him to declare
a mistrial for lack of disclosure.

Stanton, why don't you
go ahead and use my office?

Take as much time as you want to.

Jim Bob's gonna be outside,
and the file's on the desk.

I'm very glad you came,
Mr. Stanton.

I never should have left.

There aren't any hotels in town, so I
told Marie you'd be staying at the house.

Yes, thank you.
She, uh-- She told me--

Would you mind taking these home for
me? They're just a bunch of bills.

But right now,
they seem kind of unimportant.

Sorry about what happened
with you and Will.


Would you mind tellin' me?

There's not much to tell,
but, uh--

It was just one moment, we were very
much in love and getting married.

And the next, he moved out west
to write a book.

I hear he's doing real well.

What else do you wanna know,
Mr. Stanton?

How I'm gonna stretch 15 hours into
three weeks to get ready for your trial.

- Should I be afraid, Mr. Stanton?
- Only if you're guilty.

Well, I didn't k*ll Leta Aider.

Do you believe me?

Yes, I do.

Now, you wanna tell me what happened?

Well, it was a little after 3:00
on Tuesday.

I'd just been to the market
to get a few things, and, uh--

I came straight home and I went to
the kitchen to put the groceries away.

And then I saw Leta.

- Were there any signs of a struggle?
- The whole place was a mess.

- So you phoned the police?
- No.

No, no, I didn't. I--

I was just standin' there
lookin' at Leta in all that blood.

And then, uh,
Bo Loman showed up and said...

that he'd gotten a call from someone
that said they heard a woman screamin'.

Your first attorney wanted you
to plead self-defense.

I didn't k*ll her.

Denton Waters was approached
prior to the death of Leta Aider...

to come up with a case against you
for the m*rder of Violet...

and for the m*rder of her father,
Bart Aider.

I know. They're supposed
to exhume Bart's body tomorrow.

Abigail, didn't you know that...

no matter how much evidence
they got together to bring you to trial...

that they couldn't because the crimes
were committed when you were a minor?

I remember that day
Violet disappeared so clear.

And yet, sometimes I feel--

Well, everyone else was so sure.

Maybe I remembered what I wanted.


I wanted to hold her.

Tell her, "You're not crazy.
You didn't k*ll anyone."

But I wanted more.
With Abigail, I always wanted more.

You all right?

Yes, I am.


It was just for a moment, you--

In your eyes--

I, uh, don't believe
that you k*lled Violet.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

Who discovered, uh,
Violet's remains?

Restoration crew.

They were tearing
down the old well,

and one of the workmen dropped
his watch or something.

Went down to get it,
and found the skeleton.

Funny, the games fate plays.

I imagine that was enough to
get Leta Aider started again.

Oh, she never stopped.

Not really. I mean,
all she needed was Violet's locket,

and the case would be complete.

Abigail, I need you
to remember everything...

about the day that Violet disappeared...

and about Bart and about Leta.


Because I need to know everything
about your past-- good or bad.

Why don't we start with Violet?


I can't really say that
we were friends, Violet and I.

I guess we were rivals.

She, uh--

She used to tease me... all the time.

Then that day-- that day,
she was tauntin' me...

about a little gold locket...

that I'd been saving up for,
but I couldn't afford.

Just to spite me, she bought it.

She kept pushin' it in my face,

saying that my family was poor
and that we were crazy.

So I hit her.
She laughed harder, so I hit her harder.

Her nose started to bleed on her sweater,
and she started crying.

And I just kept hittin' her
and hittin' her and hittin' her.

It was like I couldn't stop.

When I finally did stop, she ran off,
said she was gonna tell her mother.

I did not like Violet,

but I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't k*ll her.

Abigail and I talked
for another three hours.

She told me about Violet and Bart...

and how she had been there
when they died,

About her mother and her grandmother.

Each story brought back
more memories of Abigail.

in my Swiss cheese brain,

every moment I had spent
leaping into Abigail's life...

was as clear as if
it had happened yesterday.

Gonna save her?

Are you gonna save my mommy?

- Abigail?
- Abigail's my mother.

Your mother?
But she said that Will--

Mary Beth said you can't help her.
Mary Beth said...

that the judge was gonna take
her to jail, and they were gonna--

Come here.
Nobody's gonna hurt your mother.

But Mary Beth said
that they were gonna--

Look. I don't care
what Mary Beth said.

I'm not about to let
anybody hurt your mother.

You mean that?

With all my heart.

You know, I came from very far away...

to help your mother.

And I don't think I would have been
brought here if I couldn't do the job.

So why don't you dry
those pretty eyes,

and, um, let's not worry
about any of this a bit, okay?

- What's your name?
- Sam.

Larry Stanton.

- What's yours?
- Sammy Jo.

Samantha Josephine Fuller.

I'm very, very glad you're here,
Mr. Sam Larry Stanton. Very glad.

Uh, Sam, Ziggy says
you're not here just to save Abigail.

You're here to save Sammy Jo.

There's a 91.9% chance that...

Sammy Jo Fuller is your daughter.

According to Ziggy,

she has an I.Q. Of 194.

So she got her brains
from her father.

But the tragedy in all of this
is that she's so traumatized

by the death of her
mother that she drops out.

She's living alone
in Mobile right now.

She's writing computer manuals
for some rinky-dink little company.

- No.
- "No" what?

No way am I gonna get busted...

for keeping a 10-year-old kid
up so late.

I'm not 10. I'm 11.

And you're not keeping me up.

I'm waitin' for Marie
to wake up so we can go.

Where are you going?

Yeah, you know,
I think it's kinda creepy, uh--

Just to Marie's.

You know, for a kid to stay in
a place where dead people were.

I'm staying with her
till Mommy comes home.


We all gonna turn into pumpkins.

I gotta get you home, child.

I see you met our Sammy Jo.

Smartest little girl
in the whole parish.

I put up some chicken and rice for you,
Mr. Stanton, in the kitchen.

- You want me to warm it?
- You better get her home, huh?

Sammy Jo, why don't you run in the
kitchen and pull that plate out--

No! I can't go in there!
Please don't make me go in there.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I didn't know what
I was thinkin' about, baby.

Your Marie is just
gettin' old and forgetful.

Now, I'll get you outta here
and in a nice, warm bed.

She's probably right. If you, you
know, put on some nice pajamas...

and get in a big, warm bed,
you'll have a good night's sleep.

Will I see you tomorrow,
Mr. Stanton?

Now, Sammy Jo, I don't want you
anywhere near that courthouse.

I'll be here every day after 5:00.

And I can come see you?

I'd be sad if you don't.

Good night.

Come on, honey.

I have a daughter, Al.

Now there were two people I had to save--

Abigail and our daughter, Sammy Jo.

And even from her grave,
Leta held the key.

Mr. Stanton, would you care
to address the jury?

Uh, yes. Well, firstly--
firstly, there's no proof...

that Abigail k*lled
either Violet or her father.

First of all, I would like
to clear up some of the clutter...

that Mr. Waters has thrown
in your way about this trial.

We are here for one reason
and one reason only--

to determine the guilt or innocence
of Abigail Fuller...

with regards to
the m*rder of Leta Aider.

Now, since Mr. Waters brought this up,

I feel I must remind you all
that it has never been proven that...

Abigail Fuller committed m*rder.

It has never been proven
that Abigail Fuller...

took the lives of Violet
or her father.

Now, that fact haunted Leta Aider.

It haunted her...

because she desperately needed
someone to blame...

for the loss of her family.

Now, I do not know why
Leta's family was taken from her,

but I do know that my client,
Abigail Fuller, was not responsible.

Well, she had no motive to k*ll Leta.

And-And because she is innocent--

And even if she did, she wouldn't be
responsible because she just was a minor.

Since she did not k*ll Violet or Bart,
she would have no reason to m*rder Leta--

no motive to m*rder Leta Aider.

Now, Mr. Waters omitted the fact...

that by statute,

the state of Louisiana cannot
convict a minor of a felony.

That's if she committed a felony,
which she did not.

Why would this woman
jeopardize her life...

and the life of her daughter?

The answer is... she would not.

Yeah. They're barking up
the wrong oak.

There is a m*rder*r and a k*ller--

a k*ller who came into
Abigail's kitchen...

and, for whatever reason,
took the life of Leta Aider.

A crime was committed,
but not by this woman.

Now, you,
ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

have a very difficult task
ahead of you here.

You have to throw out...

the rumors and the gossip
and the lies...

that have followed Abigail Fuller for the
past 25 years and listen only to the facts.

And using that knowledge,
and that knowledge only,

you must determine
the guilt or innocence...

of Abigail Fuller.

You must determine her fate...

and the future of her daughter...

and everyone else who loves her.

Sam, are you okay?

I will do my best
to present the facts...

as I know them, as will Mr. Waters.

And it will be up to you...

- to determine--
- Sam?

The truth.

- Thank you.
- Are you all right?

Sam, I don't like the
way you look here.

- Are you all right?
- What's goin' on?

I'm all right.
I just need a moment.

Sam, there's a problem in the waiting
room. Tell them you need a break.

Your Honor, if I could just
have a moment, please?

The court will take
a 20-minute recess...

before we bring in
the prosecution's first witness.

I had found Stanton's nitro pills
in his briefcase and taken them.

They had made the pain in
my chest subside enough

to make it through the
first day of witnesses.

I listened as Denton presented...

a variety of experts
and a ton of evidence--

the knife that k*lled Leta with Abigail's
fingerprints on it, as well as Leta's.

Bo and his recount of finding Abigail
standing over Leta's body,

adding his memories
of Violet and Bart.

And now, I had to face the one other
person whose future depended on me.

Sammy Jo?

Sammy Jo, you all right?

- Brigadoon.
- What?

I was just rememberin'.

See, when I read a book,
the pages,

they stay like pictures
in my mind.

Whenever I want to,
I can just go back...

and remember it all over again.

You've got a photographic memory.


I've got a photographic memory.

- You do?
- Mm-hmm.

Brigadoon. Brigadoon.
That was one of my favorite stories too.

Mine too.

My grandmama said she likes it when the
old reverend asked God for a miracle.

And he makes Brigadoon
disappear for a hundred years.

What's your favorite part?

I like when Tommy calls
the whole village back through time...

because he loves Fiona so much
that he can't live without her.

Do you believe in
miracles, Mr. Stanton?


if they really loved somebody,

could go back in time
and be part of their lives?

Well, if that's a miracle,
then yes, I believe in miracles.

- I wanna go back in time someday.
- You do?

I wanna meet my daddy.
I wanna tell him--

- Tell him what?
- It doesn't matter.

Sure it does.
It-It matters.

Just that I love him.

But he knows.
My grandmama Fuller says so,

and she knows everything.

- Laura?
- What's the matter?

Sammy Jo Fuller,

I love you,

and I want you to know
that everything's gonna be okay.

Where are you goin'?

I'm gonna go tell your grandmama
that it's okay to remember.

- Sam.
- Al.

Wait a minute.
You gotta take it easy for a while.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about--

Do you remember today in
court when you were upset?


Well, Stanton had a mild seizure in
the waiting room at the same time.

You seem to have a mental and physical
connection with him on this leap.

- I don't know why.
- Okay, but I feel fine right now.

If you wanna have a massive
coronary, that's okay.

But Ziggy says if not,

you gotta take it easy and keep
Stanton's medicine next to you.

My advice is maybe you should just
take it easy for a while.

The only way I can find out the
truth is to talk to Laura. Okay?

I gotta talk to her.

Hello, Laura.
You don't know me.

My name is Larry Stanton,
and I'm here to help your daughter.



Is Abigail in trouble?

Yes, she is.

Well, that's why she hasn't
been to see me in a long time.

She's in very bad trouble,

and she needs for you to remember
something from the past.

No. I don't have to remember.

It's just a bad dream.

When I wake up, it'll all be gone away.

That's what Mama used to say.

Uh, Sam, no.
She's not firing on all six cylinders.

- She's all I've got.
- I know, but if she testifies,

Denton Waters will
have her declared non compos mentis.

All I need her to remember is what
happened the night Violet disappeared.

- That's it, Al.
- I know.

But if they think she's crazy,
then they'll disqualify her testimony.

I remember you.

You were here...

a very long time ago.

You were gonna marry my Abigail.

But you didn't. You went away.
Well, you broke her heart, you know.

I think you've mistaken
me for someone else.


I've been waiting for you
for a very long time.

Very long time.

Clayton said that you'd come.

And then,
I'd have to tell about Violet.

- Bingo!
- Clayton-- He knew that.

She wanted that locket so much.

So very, very much.

Clayton wouldn't let her have it,

but I kept it.

I kept it and all of its secrets.

Oh, God.

Laura came to court that morning
with the support of her doctor,

who said her confinement
had been self-inflicted for years.

She said Clayton had forbidden her
to tell her story.

But today, after 25 years,
she told.

I was trying to buy candles...

'fore the storm,

but the general store was closed.

Everybody had gone home
to lash their windows and cellars.

Then I saw Violet
walking across the town square.

She was upset.
She was angry and crying,

and there was blood on her face...

and on her little white sweater.

I ran to her
to see if she was all right.

But before I could say much,
she started screaming at me about Abigail.

She said Abigail was mean and crazy
and that she had hit her.

I tried to calm her--

calm her down,

but she said she was gonna
go tell her mama.

Violet was glad
that Abigail had hit her...

because now everybody would know
that Abigail was crazy...

and they would lock her away forever.

I pleaded with her,
but she ran away.

I ran after her and I-I grabbed her.

I was trying to talk to her.

She was in a rage,
and she tore herself from my hands.

She fell away from me,

and she fell through the old planks
that covered the well.

I reached out for her,

but I only caught the little gold locket
that was around her neck.

It broke.
The chain snapped.

Violet was gone.

She's gone.

You expect the court to believe
that Violet's death was an accident?

And that Bart Aider
had a heart attack.

- Mr. Waters?
- I object.

Counsel is trying to take a woman who's
been institutionalized for 20 years...

and get her to take
the responsibility for all of 'em.

And Leta--
Did you k*ll Leta Aider too?

Mr. Waters, you will have a chance
to cross-examine the witness.

Laura, did you k*ll Leta Aider?


Order in this court!
One more such eruption,

and I will have this
courtroom cleared.

Mr. Stanton, just where is
this line of questioning leading?

I wanna prove to the court
that Abigail Fuller...

was innocent of the history that
this town has branded her with

for the past 25 years,
Your Honor.


Now, I would like to...

show the court why...

she didn't k*ll Leta Aider.

Sam, uh--
Yeah, take one of your pills.

Counselor, are you all right?

- I'm gonna put her on the stand.
- What for?

Your Honor, I would like to call
Abigail... Fuller to the stand.

But Mr. Waters hasn't had a chance
to cross-examine this witness.

He may not have to, Your Honor,
if you let me bring her on the stand.

I don't wanna cross-examine her.

I want her testimony
stricken from the record...

and declared non compos mentis!

I know who k*lled Leta Aider,
Your Honor.

- You do?
- Objection!

Please, Your Honor.
I won't be wasting the court's time.

- Let me put Abigail Fuller on the stand.
- Overruled.

Counselor, call your witness.

The defense calls...

Abigail Fuller.

Ms. Fuller, you may step down.
Bailiff will show you where to sit.

Just tell the truth.

- Do you-- state your name--
- Sam, do you know what you're doing?

Swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

I do.

Miss Fuller, would you be kind enough
to tell to the court...

the events that transpired
the afternoon of May the 15th...

when you returned home?

I came home at about 3:15.
I had just been to the grocery store.

My arms were full, so I entered the house
and went straight back to the kitchen.

And what did you see in the kitchen?

It was torn up.
There were broken dishes...

and food thrown on the walls
like someone had a tantrum.

And what else did you see?


There was a... large pool of blood.

- Whose blood?
- Leta Aider's.

I didn't see her body at first.

Then I walked around the table,
and she was there.

And where was the knife, Abigail?

Do you remember where the knife was
in relationship to the body?

Right near Leta, I guess.

Um, a few inches away
from the body.

And, uh, then what happened?

I was afraid to move.

I wanted to cry out for help,
but I couldn't.

So you didn't call the police,

you didn't call the doctors, or--

When I looked up,
Bo was standing at the backdoor.

Bo was at the backdoor
because somebody had called him?

He said someone
said they heard a

woman screaming from my
house and called it in.

- What are these?
- Bills.

Sam, do you know where
you're going with this?

- Counsel is wasting the court's time.
- Please, Your Honor.

Mr. Waters.

I'd like you to open
your phone bill from May...

and see if you recognize
any of the phone numbers...

that were dialed on
the afternoon of the 15th.

That's the sheriff's office.

And what time was that call made?

A full 22 minutes before you got home.


You have no proof that
she wasn't there earlier.

I have a store full of people and the time
it takes to get from there to her home.

Objection overruled.

On May 15, 1978,

as Mr. Waters told us yesterday,

the day that he explained
to Mrs. Aider...

that based on Louisiana statutes
for the protection of minors,

she had no case
against Abigail Fuller.

Even though they had found the
bones of her daughter, Violet,

at the bottom of a
well, she had no case.

Can you imagine how she felt?

After 25 years of waiting and hoping...

and praying for
some shred of proof to turn up...

that could verify what
she had believed all along,

it finally turns up,
and she is told that it doesn't matter.

I believe that at that point,

Leta Aider became incensed.

And full of rage, she came to
Abigail's house to confront her.

But Abigail was not there.

And her rage and her frustration grew.

She tore apart Abigail's kitchen
looking for some measure of revenge...

to fill all the years of hatred
that had consumed her.

And finally,
feeling she had no other recourse...

and from some dark
and horrible place in her mind,

she picked up
Abigail's kitchen knife,

a knife that she knew would have
Abigail's fingerprints on it,

Just like... Laura's mother.

And she slit her own throat.


- This is unadulterated conjecture!
- Order in this court!

- Bailiff, clear this courtroom!
- This is conjecture!

- This witness--
- I want order, and I want it now!

Abigail Fuller m*rder*d Leta Aider!


I remember!
I remember!

- Oh, Sammy Jo!
- I saw her!

I saw her in the kitchen!
I saw her when she--

I was hiding because
I heard all the dishes breakin'.

And then I came down the stairs
because it got quiet.

I saw her
through the crack in the door.

She was walking back and forth.

And then she stopped,
and she picked up the kitchen knife.

I object!
This is preposterous!

I saw her!
I saw her do it!

Sam, you changed history.

That was just great.
You okay?


- They gonna be all right, Al?
- Yeah.

Well, Ziggy says that since
Sammy Jo is carrying your genes...

and now that you cleared Abigail,
the curse is broken.

Um, Abigail gets married
in two years...

to a wonderful guy,
and they move to Chicago.

And she's happy, Sam.
She's really happy.

How do you know all this?

Sammy Jo told me.

Sammy Jo?

Sammy Jo is working with us
on Project Quantum Leap, Sam.

- What?
- Yes.

As a matter of fact, she has a theory
on how to bring you back home.

Does she know I'm her father?


And Ziggy says that after this leap,
you won't know either.

I'll know, Al.

I'll always know.

You, uh--

You take care of yourself, okay?

I won't forget you.

You heard me!

Hands up!

Everyone, stay calm.

We'll get this over with
and be on our way.

Keep me covered while I shut the blinds.

Don't fall apart on me now, little brother.

Oh, boy.