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08x06 - Not Afraid

Posted: 11/01/10 22:54
by bunniefuu

MOUTH: Sleep well?


MOUTH: So, I guess last night we must have...

MILLICENT: Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.

CHASE: When's the movie start?

ALEX: You weren't supposed to read that.

CHASE: You weren't supposed to lie about it, either, were you?

ALEX: I have to leave next week.

VICTORIA: "Closed over bros"! What the hell is wrong with you? I leave you alone and you go back to being that stupid girl who follows her heart.

JULIAN: What's wrong?

BROOKE: I'm gonna lose my company.

BROOKE: For now, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life. And I look forward to what comes next.


Quinn awakes and enters the living room. she sees Clay with Katie.

QUINN: Clay...Oh, my God.

KATIE: Hi, Quinn.

QUINN: W-what is she doing here? Clay, s-she tried to k*ll us!

CLAY: I've got an idea, babe. Why don't we eat her brains? On the count of two?

KATIE: On the count of two.

(In fact Clay and Katie have their head has deformed half. Quinn screams)


Quinn goes to see Nathan who plays video games.

QUINN: Nathan, you have to help me. Clay is dead, and he's trying to k*ll me.

NATHAN: Clay's not dead. Not yet. I'll just give him one of my kidneys, and he'll be fine. It's not a match, but he can have it if he wants.

(Nathan becomes a zombie)

QUINN: Oh, my God. Haley! Haley!

Quinn goes up on the floor to find Haley.

QUINN: Haley! We have to go now!

HALEY: It's too late. Nathan already bit me.

QUINN: Oh, my God.

HALEY: I think it's only a matter of time before I become a vampire, too.

QUINN: You mean zombie?

HALEY: I'm pretty sure he's a vampire.

QUINN: Okay, look, it's kind of weird to be fighting about this, but he's definitely a zombie.

HALEY: We'll just agree to disagree, okay?! Listen to me! You have to take Jamie.

(Jamie enters room)


HALEY: You're the only one that can protect him now... From the vampires.

QUINN: Damn it, Haley --

(Haley transforms himself into vampire)

QUINN: No! Oh, my God! Oh! No, no, no, no! Aah! Oh, my God, no!


Quinn and Jamie arrive at the store. They see Brooke and Julian to fight against zombies.

QUINN: You guys okay?

BROOKE: We're fine.

JULIAN: Quinn, toss me that bat.

QUINN: Okay.

BROOKE: I will not let these vampire bridesmaids ruin our wedding.

QUINN: They're zombies! Are you kidding me?! Do you not see how slow they're moving?! Yeah!

BROOKE: Nice shot. Don't look at the dress!

JULIAN: I'm sorry! I didn't see it!

BROOKE: Quinn! Take Jamie and get out of here!

QUINN: Okay! Good luck! Jamie.

(Jamie, transformed into vampire, thrown on Quinn and bites the neck to her)


Quinn awakes in start, she has just made a nightmare. She approaches an order and looks at if the revolver is always hidden in the drawer.



Haley returns from the supermarket, she sees somebody with a mask playing console.

HALEY: Hey Betty. Happy Halloween. Well, you'll be happy to know I decided to pass out actual candy this year instead of apples. I know how much that embarrassed you last year. Excuse me. Why...why...why would you put that on when you know how I feel about clowns? Okay, I need you to stop staring at me.

(Jamie enters living room)

JAMIE: Hi, mom.

HALEY: If you're there, who's the creepy serial k*ller on the couch?

JAMIE: That's Chuck. She hates clowns.

CHUCK: So does my mom.

HALEY: So, uh, where'd you get that awful mask there?

CHUCK: It's my dad's. He mostly wears it at night. Mostly.

HALEY: Okay.

JAMIE: Hey, mom, is dad still taking us trick-or-treating tonight?

HALEY: Yeah, he, um... Can't stop talking about it. Trust me, there's nothing else he'd rather be doing tonight.

JAMIE: Cool.


Nathan is with Clay.

CLAY: Bobcats' season opener is tonight. I'm sorry you're not there, Nate.

NATHAN: Thanks, man. Hasn't really sunk in yet.

CLAY: Hey, listen to this. "Agents for Troy Jameson went on record today stating that if a more realistic offer doesn't come in from Atlanta this week, they will immediately halt all negotiations and instruct the star quarterback to re-enter the NFL draft next year."

NATHAN: Wow. They're bluffing, right?

CLAY: No. Lesson one... these guys don't bluff. If they did, they'd lose leverage on all future negotiations.

NATHAN: Leverage for other clients.

CLAY: Other prospective clients. Yeah, you're catching on.

NATHAN: So you're telling me Troy Jameson could miss out on his entire rookie season because his agents want to use him as an example for future clients?

CLAY: Well, yes an... I mean, I'm sure that they're really trying to get him the best deal possible. But to do that, they have to take risks.

NATHAN:Yeah, but the guys in the locker room are gonna hold that against him. And if there's one thing I know, it's the second you lose the respect of your teammates, you're done.You might as well pack up and go home.


Millicent goes to see Mouth.

MILLICENT: Happy Halloween, Marvin. I got you a little something. Isn't it cute?

MOUTH: I've always thought abnormally small pumpkins were kind of cute. Thanks.

MILLICENT: I listened to your podcast last night. I never thought I'd learn so much about the rules of cricket.

MOUTH: Well, never hurts to know the rules, Millie.

MILLICENT: I'll keep that in mind. Um, so, do you want to hang out later, after the party?

MOUTH: Sure. That sounds cool. I'll see you then.


CHASE: So, you guys are finally back together?

MOUTH: Ah, it's not like that. We're just hanging out.

CHASE: Okay. This is just an observation, but, uh, I think she thinks you guys are getting back together. See, girls just don't give their pumpkins to anyone.

MOUTH: Dude, handle your own girl drama.

Mia comes in.

MIA: Hey. Where did mouth get that tiny pumpkin?

CHASE: Millie gave it to him.

MIA: I didn't know they were back together.

CHASE: Did you, uh, need a drink or something?

MIA: No, I'm good. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry Alex left town. I never wanted .

CHASE: Look, we both know you wanted her gone. And now she's gone. You were right. I was wrong. Just do me a favor...don't pretend you care, okay?


HALEY: Crisis intervention.

ERIN: Hi. Haley?

HALEY: Hi. You haven't called in a while.

ERIN: I wanted to call, but... I figured I shouldn't be wasting all your time. I'm not the only person with problems.

HALEY: Trust me. You're not wasting a second of my time. I look forward to your calls. So as long as you need someone to talk to.

ERIN: Slainte, Haley.

HALEY: Sorry?

ERIN: It means "cheers."

HALEY: Oh. Hmm, I like that.

ERIN: So I was thinking... You don't even know my name. It's Erin.

HALEY: Slainte, Erin. How you feeling today?


Julian comes to see Brooke which bouquine on the catch.

JULIAN: How you feeling today, beautiful?

BROOKE: Not very beautiful.

JULIAN: Oh. Okay. Well, I'm gonna go grab a mirror. Your reflection should take care of that.

BROOKE: Stop. I'm not feeling very good about myself right now.

JULIAN: You want to talk about it?

BROOKE: What's there to talk about? It's gone. Clothes over bros, everything I worked so hard to build... it's all gone.

JULIAN: Not all of it.

BROOKE: Julian, I signed everything away.

JULIAN: Hey, come here. Tell me something. Why was clothes over bros so successful? Actually, I'll answer that. It's because of you. Every design, every detail, every idea came from somewhere inside of you. And that's still there. You can't sign that away.

BROOKE: But clothes over bros was me. Without it, I don't really know who I am anymore.

JULIAN: Well, good news. Today's Halloween. And even though it's a highly overrated creepy witch holiday, the one perk of it is you don't have to know who you are. You can be anyone you want today.

BROOKE: I'll get it.

(Somebody knocked on the door, Brooke will open)

SYLVIA: Trick or treat!

BROOKE: Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?

SYLVIA: Ouch. But I guess you're right. So no candy for me.

BROOKE: Can I help you?

SYLVIA: Is my son here?

BROOKE: Oh, please, God, no.

JULIAN: Mom? I didn't think you were coming for another couple weeks.

SYLVIA: Oh! Well, apparently, I'm getting old, so I figured, why wait? Why waste any more time? Who knows how much time I've got left, right, Brooke?




Clay practices musculature with help of Nathan.

NATHAN: Come on. Is that all you got?

CLAY: Yeah. I think I need a break.

NATHAN: Question, did you ever let me take a break when I asked you for one?

CLAY: Question, have you ever been shot?

NATHAN: Please tell me you're not gonna roll that out for the rest of our lives.

CLAY: Get used to it, all right? Surviving a g*nsh*t is the ultimate trump card.


CLAY: I was thinking about what you said... about that quarterback, Troy Jameson.

NATHAN: Yeah. Do you talk to him?

CLAY: No. But you are.

NATHAN: Yeah, right.

CLAY: I'm serious, Nate.

NATHAN: I can't do that. I'm not an Agent.

CLAY: Yeah, which is a good thing, because if you were, it'd be tampering.

NATHAN: I wouldn't even know what to say.

CLAY: I don't need you to prepare a speech or anything, all right? Just talk to him. He's a good kid. And you have a point of view ever get a chance to experience. You've been inside the locker room. You know how these guys think. He'll listen to you. Look, if you want to help me out with the agency, this is where you can start.


Jamie returns in its room disguised in Harry Potter.

CHUCK: Come on, Harry Potter! Quit stalling. I totally would've made a better Harry Potter. Don't you think, Madison?

MADISON: No. I think Jamie looks really cute.

CHUCK: Hermione has a crush on Ron.

MADISON: What are you talking about?

CHUCK: In the books.

JAMIE: You didn't read the books.

CHUCK: In the movies. Hermione has a crush on Ron. That's who she likes. Not Harry Potter. Just so we're all clear.

JAMIE: Did I tell you I was gonna dress up as drag leg Laura tonight, but I didn't want Chuck to pee his pants again?

CHUCK: I didn't pee my pants.

JAMIE: Yes, you did. It was so bad, we had to Wash your clothes in the stream. But don't worry, Chuck. Tonight, my dad will be there to protect you. Oh, and if you have another accident again, we have a washer and dryer here t the house.


Quinn joins Clay in the bedroom. He prepares a basket of candies.


CLAY: Hey, you just missed Nate.

QUINN: What's that?

CLAY: This is a giant bowl of candy.

QUINN: I can see that. What's it for?

CLAY: Convenience. You see, this way, te trick-or-treaters can browse through a selection of candies and pick whichever kind they want. See, when I was a kid, I hated that the owner of each house would choose the treat for me. It's Halloween, Quinn.

QUINN: I know.

CLAY: But you're looking at me like I'm kind of the crazy candy guy. And you're still kind of looking at me like I'm crazy.

QUINN: No. I just don't want random strangers on our front porch.

CLAY: Well...Random little-kid strangers... Parents... Angsty teenagers who might decide to egg our house later. Hey. You okay?

QUINN: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping much lately. But you know what? You're right. It's Halloween. So let's get dressed up and put out your giant bowl of candy and try to enjoy it.

CLAY: Okay.


Troy joins Nathan at a table.

NATHAN: Troy. Nathan Scott. Thanks for coming.

TROY: You don't have to tell me who you are. You know, my dad took me to the final four when Maryland played Duke. Oh, you were a beast in that game. What'd you end up with, like 30 points?

NATHAN: Honestly, I only remember the final score. And I'm pretty sure Duke ended up with more points than us.

TROY: Yeah, but you sure did battle that night. It was amazing to watch.

NATHAN: Thanks. You know, I've never watched the tape of that game. It was too painful.

TROY: You ever need a reminder of how great you were, that's a good one to revisit. So that sucks about your back. I really liked what you said at your press conference the part about when our hearts are willing but our bodies say no.

NATHAN: What about when your heart is willing but your agents say no?

TROY: You think I'm making a mistake?

NATHAN: I'm not here to judge you, Troy. You already know the score. You've missed half the season. There's nothing I can say that will bring those games back. But there still is a lot of football left to be played. And let's face it, you are a football player, a good one. So I think there's a point when you just got to ask yourself, whose holdout is this? Yours or your Agent's?

TROY: You know... That question's been floating around in my head for about three months now. And after all this time, you're the first person to ask it.


Julian lunches with his mother.

SYLVIA: I need a drink.

JULIAN: What's wrong with the drink you're holding?

SYLVIA: It's almost empty.

JULIAN: Okay. I can't believe I actually have to ask you this,

333 00:15:09,141 --> 00:15:12,010 but do you like her?

SYLVIA: Brooke?

JULIAN: No, the waitress. Yes, Brooke.

SYLVIA: She is very nice.

JULIAN: And...

SYLVIA: Well, she strikes me as a little high-maintenance, which wouldn't be a problem if she hadn't just lost all of her money.

JULIAN: Look, just get to know her. Okay? Because when you do, I promise you'll fall in love with her just like I did.

(Brooke comes in)

BROOKE: Hi. Sorry I'm late. I just wanted to stop and pick this up on the way. It's, um, sort of a collection of ideas that I had for the wedding... What's left of them. I know we can't afford most of them now, but I thought you might like to take a look anyway. Might be a nice way for us to get to know each other.

SYLVIA: Well... I like that idea. Thank you, Brooke.


Mouth prepares the party.

MILLICENT: Hey. Where's the pumpkin?

MOUTH: Which pumpkin are you referring to?

MILLICENT: The mini-pumpkin I gave you just a few hours ago.

MOUTH: Oh, that one. Where did I put that?

MILLICENT: You tried to carve it, didn't you?


MILLICENT: And it caved in?

MOUTH: It was a disaster. They should put a warning sticker on those things.

MILLICENT: Mini-pumpkins are just for decoration.

MOUTH: So, what's up?

MILLICENT: Nothing much. I just wanted to stop by and say hi.

MOUTH: Look, Millie, I just want to make sure we're both on the same page.

MILLICENT: Okay. What page are you on

MOUTH: I love hanging out with you.I-I just want to make sure you know it's not serious. We can't jump back into a relationship right now. I'm not ready.

MILLICENT: Of course. I understand.

MOUTH: You sure you're okay with it?

MILLICENT: Yeah. It's no big deal.

377 00:16:59,218 --> 00:17:02,020 To be honest, I had been wondering what this was or wasn't. And, um...Like you said, it never hurts to know the rules. And now I know them. Thanks for telling me. Um, sh**t. I got to go. I'll see you later.


SYLVIA: Ah, these are, uh, interesting color choices.

BROOKE: Thank you. I thought so, too.

SYLVIA: I prefer more traditional tones, but... Well, this could work, in the right setting.

JULIAN: Uh, I picked out the flowers. What? I did.

SYLVIA: The flowers here they are beautiful, Julian. Oh. Is this the dress?

BROOKE: Yes. Don't show that to Julian.

SYLVIA: Oh. Sorry. Well, um... So the reason that I came a few weeks early is that I want to help with the wedding. Financially.

JULIAN: Mom, what are you talking about?

SYLVIA: I'm gonna pay for everything. Whatever you need...

JULIAN: Mom, that is

SYLVIA: I'm gonna make this the wedding that you both always dreamed of.

BROOKE: Sylvia... I don't know what to say.

SYLVIA: Well, you can start by calling me "mom."

BROOKE: Okay...Mom.

SYLVIA: No. After the wedding.


SYLVIA: I'm kidding.


SYLVIA: Welcome to the family, Brooke. Cheers.


Quinn sees by the camera of the entry that the first children are able to seek candies.

QUINN: Clay! Looks like we got our first trick-or-treaters. Time to bust out that giant bowl of candy.

CLAY: Here we go! So, what do you think?

QUINN: Great. You're a zombie. Hmm? I got fangs. Well. And who are you supposed to be? The weird girl from my 7th grade P.E. Class?

QUINN: No. I have a cape, see? I'm super-Quinn.

CLAY: I'm not sure that reads.

(Clay opens the door)

KIDS: Trick or treat!

CLAY: You look great. And look what I've got.

KIDS: Wow!

CLAY: Nice, huh? And convenient. Notice how you get to choose whatever type of candy you want. I'm not randomly picking and tossing into your bag for you. So go ahead. Dig in. That one's good. Move.

Quinn sees in the camera that Katie is assembling the steps of the perron. She runs to the door to close it quickly.

CLAY: What are you doing?

QUINN: It's Katie she's outside. I saw her on the monitor. Clay, she came back.

CLAY: Baby...

QUINN: No, please. Don't.

(Clay reopens the door and actually the mom of the children which assembled the steps)

CLAY: I'm really sorry.


Chuck, Madison and Jamie wait until Nathan is of return to make the round of candies.

CHUCK: Where the heck is your dad? All the good candy's probably gone by now.

JAMIE: Shut up, Chuck. He'll be here.

(Nathan is back)

NATHAN: Hey, guys. You ready to go?

CHUCK: Yeah.


HALEY: Ooh! Look! You guys look so great in your costumes! Especially you, Chuck. Tanks for not wearing the creepy clown mask.

CHUCK: I couldn't. My dad needed it tonight.

HALEY: Oh. Well... I wish I hadn't brought it up.

CHUCK: Hey. Where's your costume?

NATHAN: What is my costume?

HALEY: Um, I don't know yet. I'm gonna go shopping with Brooke right now.

NATHAN: Great. Do me a favor. Don't get us one of those embarrassing couples costumes.

HALEY: Oh. I love them.

NATHAN: Seriously?

HALEY: No. Couple costumes suck.


BROOKE: So, Julian and I are gonna do a couples costume. Won't that be cute?

HALEY: Oh, so cute. What you got in mind?

BROOKE: Well, he really hates Halloween, so I'm gonna make it easy on him. All he has to do is wear this clock, and I will go dressed as an orange.


BROOKE: "A clockwork orange."

HALEY: Right. I don't get it.

BROOKE: It's one of Julian's favorite movies. Stanley Kubrick.

HALEY: Yeah. No, I've read the book I just don't know if the concept will read.

BROOKE: It'll read. Trust me. What are we getting you and Nate?


Clay joins Quinn in the bedroom.

CLAY: Hey.

QUINN: I scared those little girls.

CLAY: Yeah, well, they probably would've ended up in therapy, anyway. I thought you were doing better.

QUINN: So did I.

CLAY: Come here.

QUINN: Aren't you scared?

CLAY: Yeah, sometimes. But we have to live our lives. We can't live in fear.

QUINN: We've been home for almost two weeks. And every night, I have nightmares. And every night, I wake up, and I check the security alarm. So I am living in fear.

CLAY: Why didn't you tell me?

QUINN: 'Cause I didn't want to burden you. You're still healing.

CLAY: Baby, we're both still healing. Is it the beach house, or is it what happened to us? Because if it's the beach house, we can move.

QUINN: I don't know.

CLAY: Look, I'm gonna suggest something, and I really want you to consider it. I think you should take that photo assignment, the one in South Africa. I think it would be good for you to get away from tree hill for a few weeks, clear your head.

QUINN: Clay, I don't want to leave you.

CLAY: I'm gonna be okay. I'm not going anywhere. Just promise me you'll think about.

QUINN: I just...

CLAY: Just think about it, okay? I love you.

QUINN: I love you, too.


The three children make their round.

CHUCK: Hey, Madison... Did you notice that I have twice as much candy as Jamie?

MADISON: Not really.

JAMIE: That's because you keep grabbing handfuls when they say take only one.

CHUCK: Don't hate. That's how I roll. How many more houses do we have, anyway? My candy bag is getting way too heavy.

JAMIE: Is anybody even home?

NATHAN: There's only one way to find out. Go for it.

CHUCK: You sure you want to ring that bell? Guess you haven't heard about the guy who lives here.

NATHAN: Here we go.

JAMIE: What guy?

CHUCK: Nobody's ever seen him. But I heard he snatches up kids who step on his porch. Then he makes them eat a bunch of food to fatten them up. Then he cooks them.

NATHAN: That's "hansel and gretel."

CHUCK: Or maybe he just chops them up. I can't remember. Nobody knows for sure.

NATHAN: Okay. Knock it off, Chuck. There's nobody in that house chopping up kids.

CHUCK: Yeah. You're probably right. I'm sure it's just a story. But you guys go ahead. I'll wait here. I'd like to live long enough to eat all this candy.

MADISON: What do you think?

JAMIE: Maybe. We should just go to the next house.


Brooke returns with the disguises but Julian is already disguised in Dalmatien.

BROOKE: Julian! Come see your costume! You're gonna love it! What...The hell... Are you wearing? This was supposed to be your costume.

JULIAN: You want me to go as flavor flav?

BROOKE: Why you disguised yourself in dog, Julian?

JULIAN: You'll find out in about three seconds.

(Sylvia descends the staircases disguised in Cruella)

SYLVIA: Oh, hi, Brooke. Well, what do you think, huh?

BROOKE: I thought you said you hated Halloween.

JULIAN: And now you know why.


NATHAN: All right, guys. This is it. Last House of the night. Finish strong.

CHUCK: Good idea. I'm going for two handfuls. That's not really what I meant.

(Somebody approaches Nathan)

MAN: Hey. Nathan Scott.

NATHAN: Yeah. Hi.

MAN: Wow. This is great. I'm a huge Bobcats fan, huge.

NATHAN: I think they're gonna have a good year.

MAN: Bet you'd give anything to be playing tonight.

NATHAN: Actually, not really. Happy Halloween.


The party begins. Nathan talks to Chase at the bar.

CHASE: Nice! So I guess you'll be drinking bourbon tonight?

NATHAN: Sure. That's what ad men drink. Actually, on second thought, I'm just gonna get my drink from mouth no offense.

CHASE: Dude, I'm just gonna pour it from a bottle. What could go wrong?

Haley and Mia arrive at the party.

HALEY: That's like the fourth clown I've seen at this party.

MIA: Five. That's a really sad one, too.

HALEY: Oh, I hate the sad ones. I know.

MIA: Hey. So, what do you think?

(They approache to Chase)

CHASE: "The little mermaid"?

MIA: No. Just a mermaid that happens to be somewhat little.

CHASE: Pregnant cheerleader?

HALEY: Yep. I'm me in high school.

CHASE: Got it.

HALEY: I thought you were gonna dress up tonight.

CHASE: I did. Dressed up as a guy who keeps getting dumped.

HALEY: Well, I'm not sure that reads.

MIA: Well, someone should probably go introduce open-Mike night.

HALEY: Have fun no jokes. You gonna take it easy on her? Come on. She's trying.

Mia launches the contest of the new talents.

MIA: Hey, everybody. Thank you all so much for coming out tonight. You all look great. As a lot of you already know, Red Bedroom is always looking for new talent. So take a number if you don't have one and show us what you've got. And whoever's number one... You're up.

The first candidate starts to sing. At the same time, Brooke and Millicent arrive at the party.

MOUTH: Wow. What are you?

MILLICENT: I'm a free bitch, baby.

BROOKE: Lady Gaga.

MOUTH: Oh. Right. Drink?

BROOKE: Yes. Please. I would like the strongest drink you have that wasn't invented by Chase.

MOUTH: Listen, Brooke, I haven't had a chance to tell you how sorry I am you had to sell Clothes Over Bros.

BROOKE: Thanks.

MOUTH: Well, one of the things I've always admired about you is your ability to fight through every obstacle. That's why I know you're gonna be okay because you're you.

BROOKE: You're a good friend, Mouth.

MOUTH: So, what are you supposed to be tonight? A pumpkin? An orange?

BROOKE: I'm actually half of "a clockwork orange."

MOUTH: I don't get it.

BROOKE: You know. The movie. Stanley Kubrick.

MOUTH: Oh. Right. I don't get it.

BROOKE: Neither do I.

The second candidate sings, Julian and his mother arrives at the party.

JULIAN: Hey, Chase. This is my mom, Sylvia.

CHASE: Oh. It's nice to meet you.

SYLVIA: Hi. I need a drink

CHASE: You got it. Just invented a special Halloween cocktail. Want to try it?

JULIAN: Oh! Don't do it. Trust me.

SYLVIA: That sounds great. Thank you.

JULIAN: You've been warned.

CHASE: So... Have you talked to Alex?

JULIAN: Oh, yeah. Yeah. She's doing great. Uh, the director is a bit of a control freak, but she thinks the movie's gonna be good. I know she misses you, though.

CHASE: She say that?


CHASE: Right. So, at have you been up to?

JULIAN: I'm, uh, working on a documentary.

CHASE: Oh, yeah? What is it about?

JULIAN: It's about starting over, you know, what comes next. I'd love to talk to you about it. Maybe... maybe you could be in it.

CHASE: Sure. Whenever you want. Let me know.


CHASE: Here you go. And black olives to set the mood.



CHASE: I call it the Chase-o-lantern. Enjoy the buzz.

SYLVIA: Oh, God. That's bad. That is a bad drink. That is just terrible.

Mouth talks with girls. Nathan comes.

MOUTH: Yeah. You like these, huh?

NATHAN: Nice six-pack. Still douche-y even when the abs are plastic.

MOUTH: Yeah, that's what I'm going for.

CHASE: Did you ask him?

MOUTH: Not yet. I'm getting there.

NATHAN: Ask me what?

CHASE: You ever high-five Julian?

NATHAN: What kind of question is that?

CHASE: A straightforward yes-or-no question.

MOUTH: You either have or you haven't.

NATHAN: No. No, I've never high-fived Julian. Why? Have you guys high-fived him?

MOUTH: I was the first. It happened the other day. And based on my experience, I told Chase he should instigate one, as well.

CHASE: And I did.

NATHAN: And am I missing something?

CHASE: You got to do it, Nathan.

MOUTH: He's standing right over there. Now's your chance.

NATHAN: Are you guys being serious?

CHASE: Yeah. If you don't, you'll always wonder.


Nathan goes to see Julian.

JULIAN: Hey, Nathan. What's going on?

NATHAN: Not much. Just, uh... Just hanging out. Dude, that is an awesome dog costume. High five.

JULIAN: Right on.


The children always comes to claim candies but the light of the perron dies out. Clay will seek a lamp of torch.

CLAY: Good night. Sometimes they travel in packs.

KIDS: Trick or treat!

QUINN: Oh. Oh.

CLAY: Uh, sorry for the technical difficulty. I'm going to get a flashlight. You okay?

QUINN: I got the giant bowl of candy.

CLAY: All right.

QUINN: Okay. Here, let me give you some candy.

CLAY: Hey, hey. Let them pick their own.

QUINN: Oh. Sorry. Forgot the rules. Dig in. Get some candy. Okay, guys, come on. Come on. Dig in. Take as much as you want. Mmm! You want this one?

(Clay goes in the room and discovers the revolver in the drawer of convenient)


The kids make the summary of the evening.

CHUCK: Big surprise. Looks like I win. Unless there's a house that we skipped where you can get more candy. Oh, wait. There is. But Jamie was too scared.

JAMIE: I wasn't scared.

CHUCK: Then prov it. Let's go right now.

JAMIE: We don't have anyone to take us.

CHUCK: Now you're too scared to walk down the street at night? Maybe Madison and I should find a new friend to hang with.

JAMIE: All right, fine. Let's go.


The kids go in front of the house which frightens them.

CHUCK: Well, what are you waiting for?

JAMIE: He's probably asleep by now.

CHUCK: No way. He's too busy chopping up little kids.I knew you weren't brave enough to ring the bell. Fine. If you're too scared, then I'll go do it. Madison, protect Jamie while I'm gone.

CHUCK: See? It's not that scary.

(Chuck will sound with the door, nobody does not answer. But after a man traps him and takes him along inside the house)

MADISON and JAMIE: Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!

JAMIE: No, back, back!

MADISON and JAMIE: Chuck! Chuck!

(Chuck returns with cut cranium, it was a joke to make fear in Madison and Jamie)

CHUCK: Thanks, Uncle Joe. We hosed 'em.


Other candidates, disguised as a clown, finish their songs.

MIA: It's over. You can look now.

HALEY: A clown band? You kidding me?

MIA: Actually, they weren't terrible. Last act of the night coming up. Number 23.

HALEY: Oh. Hmm.

MIA: So... I never really thanked you for take me in Portland couple weeks ago and it was really good for me to get out of town and gain some perspective.

HALEY: Yeah. We all need that sometimes.

The twenty-third candidate starts to sing, Haley is surprised by his voice and awaits it in bottom of the scene. Chase goes to see Mia.

CHASE: I wanted to apologize for snapping at you earlier. It wasn't fair. I know you're just trying to be my friend.

MIA: Thanks. But I have a confession to make. I'm glad Alex is gone. I'm sorry. And I'm not saying it's me. But you deserve somebody who appreciates the kind of man that you are. And I know you're gonna find her, Chase.

Mouth will speak in Millie.

MOUTH: Millie, you ready to go?

MILLICENT: Actually... I found a ride.

MOUTH: You're going home with Spartacus?

MILLICENT: Just playing by your rules. You ready?

MOUTH: Damn it.

The candidate finished her song. Halley happiness.

HALEY: Hey. You were great, I mean really great.

WOMAN: Thanks very much. Slainte.

HALEY: Cheers.

Brooke goes to talk with Julian's mother.

BROOKE: Sylvia...I just wanted to make sure you knew how grateful I am that you're helping us with this wedding.

SYLVIA: You're welcome, Brooke. I have a lot of ideas. I think we should consider going with more traditional colors. And I really would like you to take another look at the neckline on that dress. After all, those pictures are gonna last a lifetime.


Clay asks again the question.

CLAY: I want you to take that photo assignment.

QUINN: Gallery's gone.

CLAY: Then I think it's important that you go.


CLAY: Because this will save you. This won't.

QUINN: I was scared.

CLAY: I know.

QUINN: I'll go. Just promise me you'll be okay.

CLAY: I will be.


Haley joins Nathan who looks at a match of basketball.

HALEY: Whoa. Is that what I think it is?

NATHAN: Final four.

HALEY: I thought this game was in the vault.

NATHAN: You know how there re a handful of moments in your life that you just know while it's happening you're gonna remember it for the rest of your life? I had one of those moments tonight when I looked at Jamie

HALEY: Why are you watching this game, Nate?

NATHAN: I guess I just needed a reminder.


NATHAN: My whole life, I knew one thing, that I was great at basketball. I always had that to fall back on. Now that basketball is over, I just... Just keep asking myself the same question over and over. Will I ever be great at anything again?

HALEY: You'll find it. If there's one thing that I am not worried about with you, it's that you'll find something to be great at again. Come on. Turn it up. Let's finish the game.

NATHAN: We already know how it ends.

HALEY: The game... But not the rest of it. Come on.

COMMENTATOR: And Scott ties the game on a three-pointer with a minute left to play folks, Nathan Scott is having one of those nights he's going to remember for the rest of his life.

End of the episode.