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08x05 - Nobody Taught Us to Quit

Posted: 10/25/10 22:32
by bunniefuu

Haley is at her job.

HALEY(Voice-over): Dear Lucas, well, I've been volunteering at a crisis center for a couple of weeks now. I'm struck by the number of people who are struggling in this world. And as much as that saddens me, I'm also humbled by their strength and the courage they display in the face of their struggles.

HALEY: Crisis intervention. How can I help?

WOMAN: Hi. Is this Haley?

HALEY: Y... uh, yes. It is. Hi. It's good to hear your voice. How are you?


Julian makes a report about Brooke.

BROOKE: I've been better, that's for sure. In high school, my parents lost their fortune and it was difficult. I remember feeling so helpless and thinking, "I want to build something, own something, so this never happens to me." And here I am.

JULIAN: Where is here?

BROOKE: My company, Clothes Over Bros, declared bankruptcy which would have allowed me

to keep the company but our investors would lose all of their money. So I've decided to pay them back...

Every penny. But to do that, I have to sell the company... And deplete my personal fortune, as well.

JULIAN: You're going to give away your money so that they don't lose theirs?

BROOKE: Mm-hmm.

JULIAN: And you have no obligation to do this?


JULIAN: Then why do it?

BROOKE: Because it's the right thing to do.

JULIAN: I've been asking people this question. It's sort of the point of this documentary. It's a simple question, and I'd like to ask you. What comes next?

BROOKE: I don't know. For me... I get to go and visit my mother in prison and tell her that I sold my company. Good times.


Quinn will remove its bandage.

JAMIE: Did you do it yet? Did you do it yet?

QUINN: No. I told you I'd wait, and I waited.

JAMIE: Sweet. It's gonna be so gross.

QUINN: It's gonna be totally gross.

JAMIE: Come on, chop-chop.

QUINN: You know, on second thought, I think I'm just gonna leave it.

HALEY: Oh, no, you won't. The doctor said that you have to change the bandages every other day, and it's been three days already.

QUINN: Okay, but Clay's probably coming home today. You know, it can be something him and I do together, like a bonding thing. Some couples go bowling. We'll change each other's g*nsh*t wounds. Besides, it feels kind of oozy.

JAMIE: Awesome. Let's see it!

HALEY: Quinn, I am a mother, and I volunteer at a crisis center. This is a piece of cake for me. Let's go.

QUINN: Okay. It's not that bad, right?

HALEY: I'm gonna throw up.

JAMIE: Passing out here.

QUINN: Haley!


Nathan joins Mouth.

NATHAN: Mouth McFadden. Spending a little time in the past?

MOUTH: Yeah. I still come out here to think, you know? I miss it. How 'bout you? One last look before camp?

NATHAN: Nah. I just came out here to think, too.

MOUTH: Anything I can help with?

NATHAN: Better be careful, Mouth. The last time you helped me, you got fired, and now you're sitting out here at the Rivercourt looking kind of creepy and stalkerish.

MOUTH: This is true. You're on your own this time. Sometimes I wonder if I had to do it all over again, if I would.

NATHAN: Yeah. Well, I don't know if I ever told you this, but I respected you so much for refusing to report that story. And I know a lot of other people did, too.

MOUTH:Thanks. I just wish one of them owned a TV station now and could hire me.

NATHAN: How's that going?

MOUTH: Eh, not so good. I have a website where I do this sports podcast, but pretty much the only hits I get are from Millie pretending she's not Millie.

NATHAN: Well, for what it's worth, I think the answer is yes. If you had to do it again, you'd do it just like you did the first time... 'Cause that's who you are. And that's a guy we all like and respect.

MOUTH: I just wish I was doing better.


Nathan speaks with Jamie.

NATHAN: How you doing without your computer and cellphone, Mr. technologically grounded?

JAMIE: Fine. Bored. Did you tell Clay yet?

NATHAN: Why do you ask?

JAMIE: Well, at the risk of losing my Playstation, you avoid things, dad. It's what you do.

NATHAN: I do not, you dork. Now come over here. Look... Clay is healing right now. He's recuperating.

So I have to be respectful of that.

JAMIE: So you didn't told him yet.


JAMIE: You guys crack me up sometimes, you and mom and Aunt Quinn. You worry about stuff that doesn't really matter.

NATHAN: Yeah? Well, you're short.

JAMIE: Yeah, but I'm fast, and your back is messed up.

NATHAN: You make a good point. Okay, I'll talk to Clay.

JAMIE: I wish you were a bobcat, dad, and I know you do, too. And I figure if you're not playing, you must really think it's for the best. And if I can understand that, Clay will, too.


Brooke visits her mom.

VICTORIA: "Closed over Bros"? "Closed over Bros"! What the hell is wrong with you?

BROOKE: Mom...

VICTORIA: I am rotting in a prison! Prison! And you give away my company?!


VICTORIA: Our company. It's unforgivable.

BROOKE: It was the right thing to do.

VICTORIA:Screw the right thing to do! I'm in prison!

BROOKE: Those people believed in me, mom.

VICTORIA: I believed in you, too. Look where that got me. I leave you alone for a few days and you go back to being that stupid girl who follows her heart. I never cared for that version of you. I never will. Don't visit me again.



Julian arrives inside of the house.

JULIAN: Hey, Nate.

NATHAN: Hey, man. What's going on?

JULIAN: Ah, nothing. Just came from seeing Clay, actually. I wanted to talk to him about the documentary the whole "what comes next?" Theme seems to apply.

NATHAN: You didn't say anything about me retiring, did you?

JULIAN: No, I figured you hadn't told him yet.

NATHAN: Why's that?

JULIAN: Jamie says you avoid things.

NATHAN: I'm totally gonna take that kid's Playstation.

JULIAN: Well, if you do, maybe he could use this. My dad was a lifelong Pirates fan. When I was a kid, he gave me this glove and said it once belonged to Roberto Clemente. It must've k*lled him that I was

such a horrible player. I thought Jamie might like it.

NATHAN: Are you sure about this, man? This is probably worth a lot of money.

JULIAN: Yeah, but it'll be worth a lot more when Jamie goes pro. Besides, that glove belongs on the hand

of someone who loves the game. Me, I used to stand out in right field and chase butterflies. Trust me. The glove respects what I'm doing here.

NATHAN: I'm sure it does. It probably didn't respect that you brought it here in a purse, though.

JULIAN: That's a man bag.

NATHAN: If that's your story.

JULIAN: Just take the glove, man.

NATHAN: I'm sure he's gonna love it. Thank you. Oh, and as far as your documentary goes, you should consider mouth. Talk about a guy who's starting over.

JULIAN: Thanks. I will. Good luck with Clay.

NATHAN: Thanks.

JULIAN: It is a man bag, by the way.

NATHAN: Oh, you mean that purse?


Nathan visits to Clay.

NATHAN: Well, well.

CLAY: Hey. Check this out. Right-side entrance wound... Right-side exit wound... Right-side kidney transplant.

NATHAN: Strong.

CLAY: Right. I'm done.

NATHAN: Word on the street is you get to go home today.

CLAY: Yeah, I think so.

NATHAN: Well, I'm here for you, buddy.

CLAY: I know, but you shouldn't be. You got to get to camp, man. You have a contract. You have a nice, new contract. And speaking of which, I hope it's not too weird

for you, but my former employer is gonna be reppin' you for a little while.

NATHAN: I see? Why?

CLAY: Because I got shot. And they offered to represent my clients until I was feeling up to it, and I think it's the right thing to do.

NATHAN: Aren't you worried about those guys stealing your clients?

CLAY: Yeah. But what am I gonna do? I can't represent anyone right now. I can barely eat applesauce. You know, and anyway, if a client's gonna leave, they'll leave. At least I'll always have you... Unless you don't go to camp.

NATHAN: Hey, listen, Clay, about that. I know how hard you worked for me to be a bobcat, and that will always mean the world to me. But the doctors say that my back is getting worse. And I've been doing a lot of soul-searching about it. I think it's time for me to stop.

CLAY: I'm sorry, Nate. That's got to be really hard for you.

NATHAN: Dude, don't say that.

CLAY: Why not?

NATHAN: Because I've been worried sick about how much this was gonna hurt you.

CLAY: Me? Why...because of the new contract?

NATHAN: Yes, because of the new contract.

CLAY: Nate, you're my best friend and my best client. But your health comes first. Your family comes first. How long have you known this for?

NATHAN: About my back? Pretty much since you got shot.

CLAY: Ach! You see, this is what you do, man... you avoid things.

NATHAN: I do not.

CLAY: Yeah, you do. Even Jamie knows it.

NATHAN: Yeah. We've established that, thank you.

CLAY: You're a warrior, Nate. Man, I'm proud of you. And you're doing the right thing. As a matter of fact, if I'd have known there was any concern about your back, I wouldn't let you play this year.

NATHAN: Thank you, Clay. That means a lot.

CLAY: Any idea what you're gonna do next?

NATHAN: Yeah. I'm gonna help my best friend rehab.

CLAY: Did you see me own that applesauce earlier? St-rong!

NATHAN: Very strong.


Haley joins Brooke.


BROOKE: I thought you weren't coming.

HALEY: "Under the bridge"? Really?

BROOKE: What? We always came here.

HALEY: You and Peyton always came here. I was tutor girl. I wasn't cool "hang out under the bridge" girl. I've been searching under every damn bridge in Tree Hill. The homeless love me by now.

BROOKE: Sorry. I turned my phone off.

HALEY: We can talk now, Brooke Davis. Crisis intervention. How can I help you?

BROOKE: So, I told my mom I'm selling the company... And she yelled at me.

HALEY: Your mom always yells at you.

BROOKE: Not like this. She was really upset... Like, "no going back" upset.

HALEY: Brooke, if your mom hadn't made the choices that she made in the first place, she wouldn't be going to prison, and you wouldn't have to sell your company. This is all her own fault.

BROOKE: I know you're right. It's just... After all the success... After all the money... The press, the awards, the celebrity... It's just been about getting my mom to love me... To tell me she's proud of me. That's all it's ever been.

HALEY: Yeah. That's all it ever is.

(Cellphone rings)

HALEY: Hmm. I should really start a crisis hotline for my friends.

BROOKE: It's called your phone number.

HALEY: Tell me about it. Come on.


Haley and Brooke joins Mia.


MIA: Shh!

HALEY: Sorry. What, uh, what's going on?

MIA: Don't look at the bar. I said don't look at the bar!

HALEY: Okay. Sorry.

MIA: Geez! I need you two to be honest with me. Do you think they're sleeping together yet? You can look at the bar now.

HALEY: No. No, you're fine.

BROOKE: I think they were having sex before he knew her name. We're talking about Alex.

MIA: That's what I thought. So I made this voodoo doll of her. Check it out.

HALEY: Okay. So...Here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to book you a show somewhere, anywhere and you're gonna get away for a little while.

MIA: Why?

HALEY: Because you're going a little crazy. And you, your mother was always a bitch, and you should suck it up and have a drink if it helps.

BROOKE: You work at a crisis center?

HALEY: Yes, I do.

BROOKE: Well, those people are screwed, kind of like Chase, there. I'm sorry. It ju...

HALEY: See? Crazy.

BROOKE: Come on.


Julian knocks on door.

JULIAN: Hey, mouth, I just wanted to talk to you about...

MOUTH: Sure, come on in. Do you want a beer or a soda?

JULIAN: Uh, no, thanks. I'm good.

MOUTH: Do you have any beer or soda?

JULIAN: Uh, no. Sorry.

MOUTH: That's okay. Have a seat.

JULIAN: Actually, I just wanted to talk to you about this documentary...

MOUTH: I'd love to. How much does it pay?

JULIAN: Well, nothing right now. We're just...

MOUTH: Fine, I'm in, under one condition, we start today.

JULIAN: Okay, well, I got a couple things I got to go do.

MOUTH: Dude, do you know how lonely I've been? I haven't had a couple of things to do in weeks. So how 'bout you just clear your schedule, grab your camera, and let's sh**t this bad boy.

JULIAN: Listen, mouth, maybe you should think about it.

MOUTH: Come on, man. I need this.


Quinn goes to see Clay.

QUINN: Hey, gorgeous.

CLAY: Hey.

QUINN: How you feeling?

CLAY: Lucky to be alive. And to be here with you in all of your oozy wonder.

QUINN: Oozy?

CLAY: I talked to Jamie.

QUINN: Oh! Gross. I don't want to talk about it. Sorry I'm not so pretty for you.

CLAY: If that's your story. Come here. You know, before you walked in, I was lying here worrying about ISC stealing all my clients. And then I thought..."I'm lying here...Alive." And not just that, but I get to go home and wake up next to you every morning. That's about as close to perfect as it gets. Even on the days when your b*llet wound is festering.

QUINN: Ew. Oh! "Festering" is a horrible word. I don't want to fester. Gross.

CLAY: This is a miracle, Quinn James. Let's try to remember that.

QUINN: Okay. But I still don't want to fester.

CLAY: I think that's fair.


MOUTH: Okay. I'm coming out.

JULIAN: Mouth, I don't need you to tell me when you're coming out. I just need some footage of your everyday life. You know, just act like I'm not here and be natural.

MOUTH: Natural. Got it. Okay, here I come. Wow. Big day in the market. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Ooh! Been a little sore from working out. I like to keep in shape, keep everything looking good, feeling good.

(Cellphone rings)

MOUTH: Excuse me. Hello.

CHASE: Dude! I'm surprised you still have a phone. Aren't you homeless yet?

MOUTH: Nah, just, uh, just checking my stocks. Kind of crazed.

CHASE: If by crazed, you mean lonely, horny, and desperate. Anyway, I was thinking about it, and I want to help you out so I can probably find you a few hours if you're still up for it.

MOUTH: It's a job offer. They've been chasing after me for a while.

CHASE: It's just bar backing at first, but we'll have a good time, and it'll keep the lights on. What do you say?

MOUTH:Well, I appreciate the offer, and I like what you guys are doing over there, but you just need to call my Agent.

CHASE: Your Agent? Right. I'm sure he's gonna want his 10% every time you clean the toilets or wipe the puke off the bar.

MOUTH: We can negotiate that in good faith.

CHASE: Okay. Here's the thing. I know unemployment sometimes leads to crack smoking, and I understand that, but I kind of thought you'd be a little more excited about this. So now I just need to hear you say, "Chase, I'm your bar back," and the job is yours.

MOUTH: I can't commit to that right now.

(Cellphone beeps)

MOUTH: They'll get back to me. Magnum condoms. Well, that's embarrassing.

JULIAN: What are you doing?

MOUTH: What?

JULIAN: The clothes, the hair, the condoms for the larger man.

MOUTH: What? You said to act natural. This is who I am. This is how I dress.

JULIAN: There's a price tag on the back of your jacket.

MOUTH: Yeah. I can't remove it. I got to take it back after we're done.

JULIAN: Mouth, this only works if I can film you doing whatever you do on a daily basis.

MOUTH: Do you know how boring that's gonna be?

JULIAN: Come on. It can't be that bad.

Mouth shows what it does of the day, he watches the TV.

MAN ON TV: It adheres to the tiniest hairs on your head you know that peach fuzz you always see? It actually thickens hair many, many, many times over. It actually builds on itself, giving you great, great-looking hair. Spray it on. Basically let that dry.

JULIAN: You're right. This sucks.


Nathan joined Haley at the office.

HALEY: Yeah, we're very excited. Okay, great. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Talk soon. Bye. Hi.

NATHAN: Do I avoid things?

HALEY: You didn't avoid that question.

NATHAN: Sorry. Hi, baby.

HALEY: Hi. No, I don't think you avoid things.

NATHAN: Thank you. That's what said, but apparently I do. Anyway, I talked to Clay.

HALEY: Oh, you did kind of avoid that. Was he disappointed?

NATHAN:Yeah, for me. You believe that?He was so incredibly gracious, I just guess I should've known he would be. What's going on with you?

HALEY: Not much. Just booked a show for Mia in Portland.

NATHAN: Oh, nice. You gonna go?

HALEY: I don't know.

NATHAN: You should go. Pretty soon you're gonna be all cooped up with the pregnancy. You should go have some fun. I'll stay here with the boy and take care of Clay and Quinn.

HALEY: Well, maybe I will. One more thing. Come with me. This is a little game I like to call "make any shot and do whatever you want to me."

NATHAN: Really? Is my girl frisky?

HALEY: Crazy frisky.

NATHAN: I like this game. You made me nervous.

HALEY: Ooh, look at that.

NATHAN: I do like this game.

(Mia and Brooke come in)

MIA: She's staying!

BROOKE: Oh. She's referring to Alex. Looks like she's gonna be in town for a while.

HALEY: Well, it's a good thing we're not. You're playing the K-100 festival in Portland.

MIA: No, Hales, I have to stay here.

HALEY: Why? So you can spy and pout and s*ab voodoo dolls in the face. I don't think so. Portland. You and me. It'll be fun. Come on, let's go.

(Haley and Mia go out)

BROOKE: I feel bad for Mia. Alex's powers are strong. I would know.

NATHAN: And yet you're the one with the engagement ring. Not bad.

BROOKE: Mm. Even if you did get it from Julian.

NATHAN: Oh! Hey, you know what sucks? Being the only one who's giving up something that they love. Oh, and being the only one who has a love/hate relationship with their parent who's in prison. Wait a minute, you have one of those, too.


NATHAN: How you doing with that?

BROOKE: Not great.

NATHAN: Right. Well, something tells me that Julian's gonna be there for you and that you're gonna be just fine. But just in case, we're still here, too.

BROOKE: Thanks, Nate. Same.

(Cellphone rings)

NATHAN: Nathan here.


Nathan comes to see Clay.

NATHAN: Tell 'em no.

CLAY: Hmm?

NATHAN: ISC. They called and said they'll be handling your clients, and I told them I was retiring.

CLAY: Did you tell them why?

NATHAN: Yeah. I told them all about my back, and you know what they said?

CLAY: They said that you should risk it because it's a new contract.


CLAY: What do you expect, Nate? Those guys are agents.

NATHAN: Those guys are douchebags. You're an Agent. I wouldn't let them anywhere near your clients.

CLAY: Nate, I can't even get around.

NATHAN: Yeah, but I can. Look, you asked me what I was gonna do next. Let me help you. Come on, you can run everything from your beach house. And when you can't, you just show me the ropes and I'll go where you need to be. Clay, you named your agency "fortitude" for a reason. Tell these guys to go screw themselves again. We can do this. No. Right hand.


Chase comes to see Alex who reads a script.

CHASE: What you reading?

ALEX: Nothing. I mean, it's a script, but I get sent a lot of scripts, you know? So it's not really a big deal.

CHASE: Anything good?

ALEX: No, not really. Look, if it bothers you, I won't bring them into work.

CHASE: Alex, it's fine. I was just curious. And by the way, you look amazing today.

ALEX: Well, you are amazing today. And you kind of were amazing last night. Don't tell the boss about that.


MOUTH: So, you sure you don't want to stay and hang out?

JULIAN: Uh, yeah, the thing is...

(knock on door)

JULIAN: Thank God.

MOUTH: Dude, can you get that? And if they ask for me, say I'm out. No, say I'm at work. The rent's a little past due.

(Nathan enters)

NATHAN: Hey. Took my advice, huh?

JULIAN: Yeah. Thanks a lot. Mouth!

MOUTH: Nate. Come on in. What are you doing here?

NATHAN: Do you know what fortitude means, mouth?

MOUTH: Sure. It means, um... Facing adversity with courage and strength.

NATHAN: Well, I'm hoping that's what we're both doing here.

JULIAN: Nate, could you just go back out and do all that again?


Jamie is in the garage, it seeks a ball of baseball. he sees the wheel chair that Nathan had.

JAMIE: If I were a baseball, where would I be?

Haley sees pensive Jamie in his room.

HALEY: What's going on, jim-jam?

JAMIE: Nothing. Just thinking about dad and the bobcats.

HALEY: Are you sad 'cause he's not playing?

JAMIE: Not sad. Just worried.

HALEY: What are you worried about?

JAMIE: Well, remember the last time when he couldn't play and he was in the wheelchair? Remember how sad he was?

HALEY: Yeah. I remember that, but that's not gonna happen again, babe.

JAMIE: Why not?

HALEY: Because last time, basketball left your dad. And this time, your dad's leaving basketball. We're all gonna be just fine, okay?

JAMIE: Okay.

HALEY: I can't guarantee Chester's not gonna start drinking.


HALEY: I'm just saying! He was a big fan of the fact your dad was a Bobcat. Come here.


Brooke looks at the preparations of the wedding.

BROOKE: Goodbye, sterling-silver wedding gifts. Goodbye, Willy Wonka chocolate fountain. Mm. Goodbye, Kings of Leon singing our first song. Not you. Not yet.

JULIAN: You make sad look beautiful, Brooke Davis. What's going on?

BROOKE: My mom yelled at me for giving up the company. She called me stupid.

JULIAN: Yeah, well, your mom can be a real bitch sometimes. Okay, let me get this straight. Victoria lies about your profits, gets you arrested, then she yells at you for giving up your own money and your own company, a company you built and you love more than anything, to fix her mistake? Do I have that right? So are you gonna tell her how screwed up that is, or am I?


Brooke visits her mother.

VICTORIA: I thought I told you not to visit me.

BROOKE: I know what you said. And if that's what you want, then that's what I'll do. But before I go, I just need to tell you something. All my life, I've tried to make you proud of me. Every decision I've made, every success, every failure, I've wondered what you will think of me. And I think I've done pretty well. I understand business. I understand what we could do. I also understand what's fair, what's right, and what's honorable. Do I want you to accept this and to support it and to be proud of me for it? Yes. But if you don't, it doesn't matter to me... Maybe for the first time. Oh, that's fine, mother. Roll your eyes. But hear me when I say to you that today was the last time you will ever call me stupid or speak to me the way that you did. I love you, mom. But if you can't accept this, the decision I've made, then I won't visit you, and you are not to visit me, not for my wedding, not ever again. What comes next is up to you.


Clay prepares to leave the hospital.

QUINN: Wow. Someone makes standing up look kind of sexy.

CLAY: Hey.

QUINN: You ready to go?

CLAY: Yeah. This is for you. A little birdie told me for some crazy reason, that you were feeling self-conscious about your injuries. I don't know much about fashion, but I do know that no woman alive wears a dress like the one I love. And nothing's ever gonna change that.

QUINN: It's amazing. I love it. But I love you even more.

CLAY: Well, that's good. Here's what I'm thinking. You put on that dress. I'll get my suit on. And let's get the hell out of here. And we're not leaving in that thing, either.

QUINN: You sure?

CLAY: Yeah. They wheeled us into this place. We're walking out.

QUINN: God, you amaze me, you know that?

CLAY: I'm just getting started with you.

Clay goes out of hospital, everyone met for its exit.

NATHAN: What'd you expect...confetti?


Chase sees the script of Alex and looks at it.


Chase awaits explanations on behalf of Alex.

CHASE: When's the movie start?

ALEX: What movie?

CHASE: About "Maggie, the young but hot bartender with eyes that hint at a broken past."

ALEX: You read my script. You weren't supposed to read that.

CHASE: You weren't supposed to lie about it, either, were you?

ALEX: I'm an actress, Chase. You can't get mad at me for taking a movie.

CHASE: I'm not. I'm...I'm happy you're taking a movie. You just didn't have to lie about it.

ALEX: I didn't. I mean, I didn't mean to.

CHASE: Did you know about it before you took the job at Tric?

ALEX: Yes.

CHASE: Great.

ALEX: But it's not like that. They didn't even have financing at first, and it wasn't supposed to start right away, if at all.

CHASE: So, when does it start?

ALEX: I have to leave next week. Hey. I still have a week. We still have a week. I like you, Chase... More than you know. So can't we just make this next week amazing and then figure it out after that? I'll come back to you. We can make this work.

CHASE: I don't think so. No.

ALEX: Chase.

CHASE: You shouldn't have lied to me, Alex.


Quinn and Clay return at home.

QUINN: How you doing?

CLAY: I'm okay... As long as we never leave again. That was a long climb up those stairs.

QUINN: Come on. You should get some rest. We're gonna be okay.


Haley joins Nathan in Jamie's bedroom. He looks at his various shirts of basket.


NATHAN: My dad got me into a peewee basketball league when I was 4 years old. I've been playing organized basketball ever since then. And in the back of my mind, I always knew it was gonna come to an end someday. I just -- I didn't know it would end today.

HALEY: Yeah. Your son is worried about you. He wants to know that you're gonna be okay without the game.

NATHAN: How's his mom doing?

HALEY: She's fine. And she knows that her man is gonna be just fine.

NATHAN: I will be... Because of you.


Haley join Brooke at the store.

BROOKE: You look nice.

HALEY: Thanks. So do you. Nathan has his press conference.

BROOKE: Yeah, me too. Seems like a lot of things are ending.

HALEY: Or beginning. Do you remember when you started all this? I remember the day, because we were in our apartment and you were sad about a boy and I told you, "Focus on your talent. Everything else will work itself out." And it did. Well. Now I'm here to tell you the opposite. Don't focus on your work. Focus on your life. You're young and beautiful, and you're in love. You have a wedding to plan. You have an amazing man who loves you. Focus on that on Julian. Everything else will work itself out.

BROOKE: Bros over clothes?

HALEY: Yeah. Bros over clothes. Come here.


Nathan announces his retirement publicly.

NATHAN: Letting go is never easy. As athletes, we have an expiration date, and even if our professional careers are substantial, that expiration date comes pretty early. Sometimes our...our hearts are willing, but our bodies say no. And that happens to be the case with me. Because of this, I'll be leaving the game of basketball.


Brooke organizes her conference.

BROOKE: Obviously, there are things I regret, things I would like to take back, things I would change if I could.


Alex leaves Tree Hill to play film.


Victoria looks at the conference of Brooke to the TV.

BROOKE(On TV): But we all have to live with the residue of our choices and the consequence of our actions.


NATHAN: I know that some of you may be concerned for me, concerned that I might struggle with the fact that my career has been cut short. As Lou Gehrig said, "today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." Finally, I won't be taking any questions tonight. Instead, there's a long interview conducted by mouth McFadden at his website,


BROOKE: I won't be taking any questions tonight. But I just want to ensure the investors of my company,

now my former company, that you will all be paid back in full 100%. Our mistakes shouldn't cost you a penny, and they won't. People say, "it's just business. Don't take it personally." Well, I think business is as personal as it gets. Just because the system allows it, it doesn't make it right.


Nathan plays baseball with his son.

NATHAN(Voice-over): Some people never get to touch their dreams, never get to know what that feels like...


Mouth looks at the number of visits on his Internet site.

NATHAN(Voice-over): Never find that thing they love or get to do it for a living.


Quinn do not manage to sleep.

NATHAN(Voice-over): So, is it a tragedy to have that taken away from you? No. The tragedy would be to lie awake at night, wondering, "what if?"


Julian joins Brooke at the living room.

BROOKE: I guess we can't have the pine apply cake or the red-velvet cupcakes.

JULIAN: I was so proud of you tonight. I am proud of you. And I can't wait to marry you. Come to bed, girl I love.

BROOKE(Voice-over): For those of you who believed in me once, I hope you can believe in me again. For now, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life.


Nathan helps Jamie to lie down.

NATHAN(Voice-over): So, for now, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life.


Brooke looks at her preparations of the wedding.

BROOKE(Voice-over): And I look forward to what comes next.


NATHAN: And I look forward to what comes next.

End of the episode.