04x07 - An Angel for Murray

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Mad About You". Aired: September 23, 1992 – May 24, 1999.*
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Paul and Jamie Buchman face an unexpected challenge after 25 years of marriage when their daughter moves away from home to study at university.
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04x07 - An Angel for Murray

Post by bunniefuu »

* oh, say, can you see * * by the dawn's early light? * * what so proudly we hail * * at the twilight's last gleaming * * whose broad stripes and bright stars * * through the perilous night? * * fight? * you're right.

* o'er the ramparts we watched * * were so gallantly streaming * * and the rockets red glare * * the bombs bursting in air * * gave proof through the night * * that our flag was still there * * oh, say, does that star-Spangled * * banner yet wave * * o'er the land of the free * * ee * * and the home * * of the brave? ** Maybe it's better standing up? It probably is.

* tell me why * * i love you like i do * * tell me who * * can stop my heart as much as you * * tell me all your secrets * * and i'll tell you most of mine * * they say nobody's perfect * * well, that's really true this time * * i don't have the answers, i don't have a plan * * all i have is you * * so, darling, help me understand * * what we do * * you can whisper in my ear * * where we go * * who knows what happens after here? * * let's take each other's hand * * as we jump * * into the final frontier * * i'm mad about you, baby * * yeah * * i'm mad about you ** [Barking]

In a second.

In a second.

Murray, you have no cash at all? Mommy's going to take you out.

Mommy will take you out.

She's going to take I'd do it, but you see what's going on here.

I'm taking $20 from you.


why? When i take it from strangers, they get angry.

I need it for the cleaners.

You're going? I might.

Call me from the cleaners.

Will you walk murray? I told him you'd take him.

His heart's set on that.

I can't.

I'm late now.

Well, ii moved the car.

Today? That's not the point.

Why can't you take him? Fran and i have an 8:30 with the borough president.

What borough? Brooklyn.

I'm meeting the crew at the emergency room, Like five minutes ago.

Is new york running out of emergencies? I'd be thrilled with one emergency.

I been there three days.

I got one sprained ankle.

That was a crew guy.

Who wears clogs to a sh**t? Well, if you would let us hire someone I'm not paying somebody to walk the dog.

What happened to lisa? She won't do it anymore.

Why? She says it's beneath her station.

She said "station"? No.

I said that.

What did she say? Just, "beneath her.

" Well, we'll figure it out.

Man, when did this happen? I didn't used to have this.


do you want anything? Yes, a banana and my youth back.

Why don't we both move the car and walk murray? Like we're a leisurely couple? The car needs to be moved.

Murray needs to be walked.

He doesn't.

Why? Was this wet when we moved in here? I'm sorry.

Ah, look who's here Did i miss the meeting? Yes.

I'm sorry.

It's the third day in a row.

I can't keep covering for you.

Murray peed on the floor.

I had to spray the carpet.

Does that stuff really work? It gets rid of everything but the outline.

You can never forget what happened there.

When are you guys getting someone? My husband doesn't want to get someone.

James, you've got to get someone.

It's not fair to murray.

I've got to get someone.

It's not fair to you.

Come here.

Look at this.

"The mayor's office inked the publicity firm devenow/buchman As consultants to the mayor's public relations staff.

" That's good.

You think devenow/buchman sounds better Than buchman/devenow.

That's good.

Ei-Ei-Ei-Either way.

Buchman/devenow, devenow/buchman.

Why's this a big deal? It's not.

It's whatever you want.

I don't care.

It's whatever you want.

If devenow/buchman makes you happy, Let's be devenow/buchman and be done with it.

Really? Yes.

I'm fine.

So good.

Devenow/buchman Or buchman/devenow.


This is so silly.

You know what? You write down what you want.

I'll write down what i want.



Do we have any paper? Um, it's been ordered.

Three weeks ago.

We got to call somebody.

On what? All right.

Just write it on your hand.

Uh, d/b or b/d.

I knew it.

I knew it.

Why didn't you say so? Why didn't you say so? I got a desk for andy slater and freddie damsky.

That would be us.

It would.

Let's give him a hand.

So, you're, uh, damsky and slater, huh? Or slater/damksy.

I feel good about this today.

Today is the day.

This is big city emergency room.

This isn't the crap you see on tv.

This is it.

Unvarnished, hard-Core documentary, Reality with all the drama and the trauma And the frauma.

Frauma? I thought there was a third.



Excuse me, sir.

Can i give you a hand? Don't help.

Eddie, get a piece of this guy.

It's a man opening a bottle of aspirin.

Yeah, but there's drama there.

Can i give you my opinion? Go ahead.

This film sucks.

It's going to get better.

Do you know how over budget you are? They're not going to pour money into this film forever.

I know.

Something's going to happen.

Sir, let me help you there.

All right.


I got it.

I hear you hear something? Something's going on.

Here we go.



Here we go.

This is it.

All right.

Now we're talking.

Here you go.

Start on the coffee and then pan over to the doughnuts.

I know.

I know.

Boy, they should make these boxes bigger or the mail smaller, huh? Excuse me.

My chitchat wasn't sparkling enough.


Hey, you.


What? I scraped my finger.

I got postal injury.

Did you just get home? Yeah.

You didn't walk murray? I just got home.

It's so late.

I figured you would've walked him by now.

You didn't hear? I just got home.

We have to get someone.

Fran knows a guy.

He comes and walks the dog.

I don't want to do that.

Why? You want to be those people? These back of the magazines, They have these dopey things, You know, dog astrologer, Canine massage therapy, Dog-A-Puncture.

Where does it say that? They had that last week.

It's not fair to murray.

I haven't heard him complain yet.

How would you like it? Trapped all day having to hold it in? Icould do it.

Remember winnipeg? Six hours i couldn't go.

We're neglecting murray.

Oh, thank god you're back.

And we missed you as well.

Your dog's been wailing all day.

You have the key? I'll do it.

You can't keep neglecting him.

We're not neglecting him.

You're very lucky that i haven't called the authorities.

The authorities? Are they going to call the mounties? Bobbies.

We're perfectly good parents.

We can take care of our boy without anybody's help.

Maybe we should get someone.

Murray is a very particular dog.

He has sensitive pads.

He can't take the pavement for long stretches.

He needs to walk on the grass.

Otherwise, the pads will crack.

They're like defective pads really.

Notnot defective.

They're just dry.

Extremely dry.

They dry up especially in cold weather.


Moisturizer takes care of it.

We'll show you how to apply that to his feet.

Where you going? We won't ask you to pick up groceries Or dry cleaning or take out the garbage.

Except murray's garbage.

Yes, but not ours.

We don't make much garbage.

We're goats.

We eat our own garbage.

Where you going? Oh, and one more thing.

He hates fire hydrants.

Won't go near them.

He loves trees And shrubs.

Practically ruined a whole species of fern.

Yeah, but fire hydrants Something must have happened as a puppy 'Cause he freezes up.

It's like me at those urinals at the 42nd street station.

Why bring that up? Does this person need to know? Where you going? Murray's a very particular dog.

We told you he has very sensitive pads.

You ever walked a dog before Mrs.

Buchman, if i might.

I been around animals a very sizable portion Of my entire living life.

In fact, my uncle, god rest his soul, My uncle had a farm in central pennsylvania, Close to one of the very first dairy queens.

He had there anywhere from At any given time.

I mean, you ask anybody who knows me well, And they'll tell you voluntarily That nat's a lover of all creatures, great and small.

Nat would not harm a gnat.

That's a joke that i enjoy making.

Soso, the answer is yes? You've walked a dog? Yes, i have.

Well, there you go.

This is the guy.

You're hired.

That's fabulous.

Murray, there's your new dog walker.

Hey, murray.

Hey, sir.



Oh, my god.

What? My meat loaf.

Really? Yeah.


My meat loaf right now.

Excuse us.


Take your time.

I think we got daddy in a little trouble there, murray.

What are you doing? What? What? You hired him without discussing it.

He loves dogs.

You heard him.

What are you doing? Meat loaf.

What about experience, references? References? Sweetie, we're paying a man to stand there While an animal makes doody in the street.

Would you hire just anybody to take care of our kid? Murray's not a kid.

He's 42.

You really feel o.


About him? Yeah, i do, and murray likes him.

Can we trust him? [Nat]

excuse me.

You mind if i help myself to a candy? Oh, all right.

Where's my murray? Shh.

Hey there.


Ho there.

What's the matter? Something wrong? No, i put him to bed.

Poor pooch.

He was plain tuckered.

So, uh, he's been walked and fed.

Uh, i brushed him.

I hope you don't mind.

I took a liberty.

I brushed his teeth as well.

I noticed plaque forming above the gum line.

Um, he was a little hyper after that.

So i sang him a little lullaby That mom used to sing when i was his approximate size.

Maybe you're familiar, uh * non dimenticar * * means don't forget you are my darling ** Anybody? Anybody? Jerry vale.

Jerry vale, the man himself.

That's exactly right.

Oh, by the way, his pads are fine.

I trimmed the hair out from in between there.

I own small, little, tiny scissors That i purchased for that exact occasion.

Thank you, nat.

You did a great job.


We'll see you tomorrow morning.

Sleep well.


God bless.

I mean it.




Honey, look, you can't argue with that.



Whose toothbrush do you think he used? Look at all this great furniture.

I don't like it.

It's stealing.

They'll be here any minute.

I'm not doing it.

One more big haul and we'll stop.

I'm out! Come on.

Don't chicken out now.


This was your idea.

You know what your problem is? You're gutless.

I am not gutless.

The minute you took that desk, You crossed the line.

It's this or wait years for a desk blotter.

We're this close to having everything we want Computers, printers, a fax.

Oh, god.

Here they come.

What are the names again? Slater/damsky.


Oh, let it go.

Slater/damsky? Yes.


Got a delivery.


Uh, thank you.

Bring it in.

Hello? Hey.

How you doing? All right.

Fran's going to crack, but i'm doing o.


How is it over there? Still quiet? Yeah.

They got the tv blaring all the time, But nothing's happening.


I been here all day.

I been here since 2:00.

It's like nothing, nothing, nothing.

I'm getting out of here early.

How about dinner and a movie? Sure.

Riff's at 7:00.

See you there.



Has anything happened yet? Not a damn thing.

I never thought dinner and a movie would feel so novel.

When you haven't done it for a while Hey.



Whatyou buy a fella dinner, Suddenly he owes you something? Yes.

Is that so wrong? Hey, nat.

Yo there.


Hey, there's my little doggie.

Come here, fella.

Come here, boy.

Come here.

Come here.

I'll go over there.

That's all right.

So how did he do today? He did great today, mrs.


We went to the park, We chased a squirrel around, We rolled over, We'd play with some youngsters.

Did you say he rolled over? I did say that.


On command? I do mean that.


Honey, murray rolled over.

Murray rolled over.

Are you sure he wasn't scratching his back And lost his balance? No, mr.

Buchman, with all due respect.


He did that.

Can i get him to do it again? Sure.

I don't see why not.

I'll show you the proper procedure.

You make your hands like a little steering wheel.

Littler than that.



As you turn it, you say roll over to him.

Roll over.

A little more upbeat vocally.


Come on, murray.

Roll over.

Roll over.

Let me try it.

Murray, murray, roll over.

Try more body english there.

Come on, murray.

Roll over.

Roll over.

Roll over.

Murray, murray.

Roll over.

Roll over.

He doesn't seem to respond to it.

I think he's a little anxious.

His last walk was kind of short.

So i'll take him outside, Let him finish his business, He'll sleep better, and so will i frankly.

Well, that's very nice of you.


Come on.

It's what i do.

Come on, furry murray.

Come on, f.

Murray abraham.

How do you like that? I know.

He rolled over.

Our little murray.

Well, the only thing is I'm very happy for him.

I would've liked to have been there.

I know.

His first rollover.

He'll do it again.

I know.

You invest so much in a dog, And you miss the first one.

I know.


We did.

We missed it.

I think he likes nat better than he likes us.

He does not.

I think he does.

He does not.

He's our dog.

We raised him.

Now he don't even like us.

Maybe you and i don't deserve to have a dog.

You're saying we're unfit dog-Havers? Nat doesn't have a dog.

He's 10 times the dog-Haver we are.

What? I think just for the sake of the family, Maybe it's better off if we get rid of nat.

Nat is not the problem.

We have to make some adjustments.

How do people do this? They don't have pets.

Who? Whoever you're talking about.

[Doorbell buzzing]

Boy, they're back already.

See that? He even goes quicker for nat.

If it upsets you, we'll let him go.

Thank you.

I think we should.

Murray should be our responsibility.

Besides, who's going to take care of us when we're older? Hey.

Hey indeed.

I just found your dog Roaming the streets completely unattended.

What happened to nat? Nat? Thanks for bring him back.

Look, if this is the way you Wow, that's really Why would he just leave murray like that? Something must have happened.

What, they had an argument, and he went home? Nat wouldn't leave murray alone.

Where you going? Sneakers.

We have to find him.

You wait by the phone.

What is this1942? We have an answering machine.

So don't.


Fefvil, did you see a man walking our dog? You need someone to walk your dog? What kind of people are you? You see what i'm saying? Where could he be? The city is isn't that big.

It really is a deceptively large city.

It's a megalopolis.

There's a message on the machine.

I told you to stay by the phone.

Look at this place.

The one night i don't have a crew.

I'll take care of it.

Hey, nat.

What happened to you? What happened? He can't talk.

His jaw's been wired.

Code blue.

Code blue.

All personnel available.

My god.

Code blue.

I have no camera.

Honey, honey.


And mrs.

Buchman, how is murray?" Murray's fine.

He's home.

Tell us what happened.

"Murray was relieving himself" "Relieving," "i" before "e" except after "c.

" What are you, nuts? Go ahead.

"Murray was relieving himself when i looked up And heard a crackling sound reminiscent of my summers at camp.

" Aah! Ooh.



Never mind.

It's o.


What are you doing here with your head bandaged? "I looked up and "I looked up and saw something Falling down at a very high speed.

" Did something fall on you? Murray? Murray fell on you? You fell on murray? Something fell on murray? Why is murray at home and you're here? Murray pushed you.

Murray slid.

You slid.


Murray pushed you.

Murray pushed.

If he wasn't injured, This could actually be fun.



You pushed murray out of the way And something fell and you got hurt.

Honey, he saved murray's life.

Nat, thank you.

What was it? A bird.

A bigger bird.

A big flapping bird.



A big flap, flap bird.

A big flapping flap flap.



Pancakes? Pancakes on your head.

Head pancakes.

Head cheese? "Angle.

" Angel.

Angel with pancakes? There are no pancakes.

No pancakes.

He may need this for the lawsuit.

This is what fell on him? They were doing some construction, and this fell off the building.

An angel.

You took an angel for murray? Do you need anything? Can we get you anything? Are you family? Um, you can say that.

What's the relationship? Uh.

He's our dog walker.

You pay someone to walk your dog? Is it really your business? What's the big deal? He'll be out in three days.

Well, nat, i tell you what.

You rest up for three days And then come back.

Murray will be waiting.

All right, nat.

We have a little something here for your pain.


Hey, nat.

Roll over.

Roll over.

Roll over.

I can't believe this.

It's o.


He's gone.

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