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08x04 - We All Fall Down

Posted: 10/19/10 05:49
by bunniefuu

MIA: Can I help you?

ALEX: I know you have a history with Chase, and I hope that there's no hard feelings.

MIA: It's what you do, right? Break up couples?

ALEX: But not this time. You screwed this up all by yourself, didn't you?

BROOKE: Is it true? Are you going to prison?

VICTORIA: It's more like a country club.

BROOKE: It's prison, mother. How could you do this?

VICTORIA: Because you're my daughter, and I love you.

CLAY: You look pretty.

QUINN: Oh, my God. God, I missed you.


Nathan is involved under the glance of Julian.

HALEY(Voice-over): Dear Lucas... Every time I write that, it sounds so strange. How did our lives drift so far apart? And how, without even trying, did we make our lives so complicated? I guess what I mean to say is... It all seemed so much easier when we faced the future together.


Haley starts her new job.

HALEY: Crisis intervention. How can I help you?

MAN: Hey. Yeah. I feel...So lost. I can't get a girlfriend to save my life. I've never had a real job, and I'm like 15 minutes away from having to live on my mom's couch.

HALEY: Junk?

JUNK: Haley?

HALEY: Hey, buddy.

JUNK: I...

(He hangs up again and Haley takes another line)

HALEY: Crisis intervention. How can I help?

OTHER MAN: What are you wearing right now?

Haley: Ew!

(She hangs up again and Haley takes another line)

HALEY: Crisis interven...

WOMAN: I'm in the middle of a crisis. Can you please help me?

HALEY: Yes. What's the matter?

WOMAN: I just took my chocolate souffle out of the oven, and it fell. My guests get here in 20 minutes.

HALEY: I'm sorry. This is a crisis hotline.

WOMAN: I'm having a culinary crisis. Does that count?

HALEY: Okay, uh, do you have any instant jello?


HALEY: Good, make up the jello, layer it with the whipped cream you were gonna use for garnishing the souffle, top it off with whatever fruit you have lying around the house, and if you hurry, you can bang it out, five minutes to spare.

WOMAN: Thanks! You're a life saver.

HALEY: Oh, yeah. Not quite what I had in mind, but...

(Haley takes another line)

HALEY: Crisis intervention.


Brooke visits her mother.

BROOKE: This is not what I had in mind when I said, "fix it."

VICTORIA: Oh, please. You're not the one who has to wear this hideous jumpsuit. Orange? And we are far from broke. In fact, we have a lot of work to do. We may have saved the company, but we are gonna have to reorganize and streamline in just about every division. Let's start with the men's line.

BROOKE: You're doing work? From in here?

VICTORIA: Of course. Brooke, many captains of industry have done their best work while incarcerated. There's no shame in it. Let's get a meeting with the warden about these miserable jumpsuits. That'll be all, Adele. She's better than that Calliope. And besides, everyone in here needs their own bitch.


VICTORIA: I'm just saying. I did not make the rules. So, I think we can spin this whole prison thing to our advantage. I want you to think of an urban direction for your new designs. I've been told I'm gonna have mad street credit when I get up out of here.

BROOKE: Okay, I don't even know who you are right now.


Alex joins Chase to play.

ALEX: Morning, boyfriend.

CHASE: Wow! I think I can get used to this whole dating this smoking-hot-actress thing.

ALEX: Bartender -- smoking-hot bartender.

CHASE: I stand corrected.

MAN ON P.A.: Dupre twosome... Dupre twosome to the first tee.

ALEX: Twosome. I like the sound of that. Don't you?


Brooke leaves prison.

BROOKE: Since when did my boyfriend become a stalkerazzi?

JULIAN: It's this new digital camera. They're letting me demo it. Turns out I'm on the "hot young directors to watch" list.

BROOKE: Oh. Well, you are kind of hot.

JULIAN: Thanks. So, how is public enemy number one?

BROOKE: Oddly enough, she seems to be adjusting to prison pretty well. She might actually be enjoying herself. Me? I have to jettison the men's line, reorganize the magazine staff, close half of our stores, and put up with an unbelievable amount of humiliating press. And scene.

JULIAN: Let's take a drive.


Nathan is shaving, Haley comes to speak to him.

HALEY: Hey! Good news. Quinn just called. They're releasing her today.

NATHAN: Oh, that's great. I was actually gonna go check on Clay. Is there anything I can do?

HALEY: Nope. I'm gonna get her. Thanks, though. Uh, actually, there is something I wanted to talk to you about. I was hoping that Quinn could stay with us, at least until Clay gets released.

NATHAN: Sure. I think it's a good idea.

HALEY: Okay, thanks. I love you. Have I told you lately what a great husband you are?

NATHAN: Come here.


NATHAN: I'm sorry. I love you.

HALEY: Love you, too.


Quinn sees to Clay to sleep.

CLAY: You're still here? What, they won't give you your own room?

QUINN: No. I happen to like the company in here a whole lot better. How you feeling?

CLAY: Not so good. How do I look? Oh, no. Am I that bad?

QUINN: No. You look perfect. It's just, um... For a while there, I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to see you again.

CLAY: I'm so sorry, Quinn. I should've seen it coming, and I should have protected you.

QUINN: Don't. It's not your fault, and you know that. We're here, and we're together. And as long as we're together, we're gonna be okay.

CLAY: We're gonna be more than okay.



CHASE: You ever play, uh, truth or dare golf?

ALEX: Excuse me?

CHASE: For whoever loses the hole, it's either a truth or a dare. Your pick.

ALEX: Let's make it a dare.

CHASE: Okay. Loser plays the next hole in their underwear.

ALEX: Yeah... Like I'm wearing any underwear.

CHASE: Alex Dupre, my girlfriend. This could get interesting.


Haley gathers clothing of Quinn.

HALEY: I don't know. I thought that the people who would be calling in would be struggling, like I was, you know?

QUINN: And that's not what's happening?

HALEY: No, but if I need to start a 976 line or a cooking show, I'm golden. I don't think I've helped anybody. Well, it only takes one person, you know?

QUINN: And at some point, you're gonna pick up that phone, and the person on the other end is really gonna need you. And you know what?

HALEY: What?

QUINN: They're gonna be lucky it was you who answered.

HALEY: Hey, speaking of helping people, I've discussed it with Nathan, and we both decided that it would be best if you move in with us now that you're coming home. Just for a little while, at least until Clay is doing better.

QUINN: And you're sure it won't be too much trouble?

HALEY: Only if you argue with me.

QUINN: Then I'd like that very much.

(Nurse comes in)

NURSE: Who's ready to be released?

QUINN: Is that really necessary?

NURSE: Sorry, honey. It's hospital policy.

HALEY: I'll make sure she doesn't make a break for it. I got it from here.

NURSE: Okay.

HALEY: Are you ready to go home?

QUINN: Yeah. You okay?

HALEY: Sorry. Yeah, it's just, um... After the sh**ting, when you were unconscious, I prayed for this moment when you would come home to me. After losing mom, the thought of that not happening was just...

QUINN: I know. I love you.

HALEY: I love you, too. You want to see Clay on your way out?

QUINN: Yes, please.

HALEY: Okay.


CHASE: Ahh! That feels sweet. That's another hole for me. You owe me a truth, so pony up, girlfriend.

ALEX: What kind of truth?

CHASE: Tell me a secret, something you've never, ever told anyone.

ALEX: I've never been in love.I mean, I've had tons of boyfriends, and some of them I genuinely liked, but... I've never been in love. I've never had that one special person. I think I know what love is, what it should be, you know? At least I... I know enough to know I've never felt it before.

CHASE: Well, you might not have ever been in love with them, all those other guys that you've dated, but...I can't imagine they weren't in love with you.

ALEX: Think so?

CHASE: Yeah. I do.

ALEX: You know, you're a lot sweeter than I thought you'd be.

CHASE: Mm. You haven't heard my next dare.

ALEX: Oh! Come on!


Julian shows to Brooke castle who celebrate their wedding

BROOKE: Oh, Julian. What fairy tale did you bring me to?

JULIAN: This is the Biltmore estate. I thought it would be a nice spot for our wedding. I want my girl to have her dream.

BROOKE: It's beautiful. But is this okay? I mean, with everything going on, this wouldn't be selfish?

JULIAN: No. No, and know why? Because years from now, when we look back on this moment, we not gonna remember the trouble with your company, or the bad press, or even your mom being in jail. We're just gonna remember how great our wedding was.

BROOKE: You think so?

JULIAN: Yeah. I know so. And when we look back on it... I want to remember it like this...just...Perfect. You of all people deserve it.


Nathan is with Clay.

CLAY: Hey, Quinn told me about what you were gonna do. Donating a kidney and ruining your career? That has to rate as one of your worst moves ever. What were you thinking, Nate?

NATHAN: I was thinking you were gonna die. And that was completely unacceptable to me.

CLAY: I love you for that, buddy, but...It would've k*lled me if you threw it all away for me.

NATHAN: It's a game. Clay, some things are more important. And truth be told, it wasn't even a hard decision. No big deal.

CLAY: Hey... It was a big deal. I mean, it's a really big deal. Thank you.

COMMENTATOR: Yeah. Ohh! And that shot spells disaster for Daniels on the 18th.


ALEX: This is kind of a disaster.

CHASE: What? You're not having fun?

ALEX: No. It's not that. It's just... I kind of suck.

CHASE: You do not suck.

ALEX: Come on. You're just saying that because you want to sleep with me.

CHASE: I am not.

ALEX: You don't want to sleep with me?

CHASE: No, I do. I mean... I don't.

ALEX: Do or don't. Make up your mind.

CHASE: Can you just hit? Bad for you. Good for me.


Man enters in the store.

BROOKE: I'm sorry. We're closed.

INVESTOR: Yeah, I-I know.

BROOKE: Well, if you're press, I have no comment.

INVESTOR: No. I'm not press. I'm actually just an investor who believed in your company.

BROOKE: Oh. We did hit a rough patch, but I think that the company is gonna be okay. We are completely restructuring, and we will recover.

INVESTOR: Well... This is a picture of my daughter...Faith.

BROOKE: She's lovely.

INVESTOR: She's a great student, a self-starter. In fact she just got accepted to college and was gonna study fashion design, just like you. I never really got a chance to go to college myself, but what I did, miss Davis, was I worked and I saved most of my life to make sure she'd be able to go.

BROOKE: That's very nice.

INVESTOR: Well, I just wanted a chance to meet you, and I really wanted you to have a chance to see her picture, because you're the reason I have to tell her tonight she won't be going to college after all.

BROOKE: What do you mean?

INVESTOR: I invested a hell of a lot of money with you, miss Davis. And my money's gone because you lied to us. You lied. And you should be ashamed of yourself.

BROOKE: Sir, please wait.

INVESTOR: But, uh, you know, I'm glad your company's gonna be okay. Wish I could say the same for my little girl.


Brooke explains with Victoria the situation.

VICTORIA: Well, what kind of idiot invests everything they have in a clothing line?

BROOKE: The kind that trusted us.

VICTORIA: They gambled on us, and it didn't work out. And when it didn't, somebody had to take the hit. Just be grateful it's not us.

BROOKE: I want to pay them back.

VICTORIA: You can't, not without losing the company entirely. We'd have to sell.

BROOKE: Maybe we should.

VICTORIA: Don't be crazy. You want to throw away everything we've built just to pay back every Tom, d*ck, and Harry who's ever invested in Clothes Over Bros?

BROOKE: Yes. They are people, mother. People with wives and husbands and children, and they trusted us. And for the record, they didn't invest in a company. They invested in me. Brooke Davis.

VICTORIA: Don't do this, Brooke. If you do, it'll be the biggest mistake of your life!


Quinn goes to see Clay.

CLAY: You ready?


CLAY: What do you mean? You're finally getting out of here.

QUINN: I know. It just feels wrong, leaving without you.

CLAY: Aw, come on. I'll be right behind you. I promise.

QUINN: I'll call you every night. And I'll come visit you every day, okay?

CLAY: I'm gonna hold you to that. We made it, Quinn. I love you, and we're gonna be together soon. Nothing's gonna stop that.

Quinn leaves the hospital.

HALEY: Let's go home.


CHASE: I'm not sure, but I think my drive might be slightly better than yours.

ALEX: You're such a show-off. It's no fair. Where'd you learn to play so well?

CHASE: Well... Golf team. High School.

ALEX: Ha ha! You in High School. I wish I could've seen you back then.

CHASE: I was a little different.

ALEX: Wait. Don't tell me. Let me guess. You were way cute. Kind of a good student until your a.D.D. Kicked in. You didn't hang with the jocks, but you weren't a geek. You were more of a skater boy, and people liked you. And the nice girls secretly crushed on you. How'd I do?

CHASE: No girls crushed on me.

ALEX: I said "secretly."

CHASE: No girls crushed on me. I was a clean teen.

ALEX: A what?

CHASE: A clean teen. Virgin for life.

ALEX: Wow. I didn't see that with my crystal ball. Why?

CHASE: I wanted the first time to mean something.

ALEX: So, um... How'd it go for you?

CHASE: I let the clean teens down. I did, however, skate. I loved it.

ALEX: See? I knew I was right about you.

CHASE: All right. Let's play some golf.

ALEX: Why are we stopping?

CHASE: This is you. This is how far your drive went.

ALEX: Okay, so maybe your drive was a little better than mine. And I think I was right about those girls crushing on you. But if I wasn't, I know one that's crushing pretty hard right now.


Haley washes Quinn's hair.

QUINN: It's quiet around here. Where's Jamie?

HALEY: Jamie has a play date with Chuck. I just wanted to make sure everything was really peaceful for you when you got home.

QUINN: Hales, that's nice, but you don't have to change things around here because of me. You know, I can...I can get this.

HALEY: No, you...I...

QUINN: No, I can get this myself. I'm -- look, I'm fine, really.

HALEY: The doctor said that he wants you to take it easy for right now, okay? And that's exactly what we're gonna do. I've got your room all set up. I'm gonna cook you a really nice dinner, and everything will perfect. Oh, I forgot. I wanted to call Nathan to make sure he stops by the beach house to get the rest of your things.


Nathan was answered at Haley's call.

NATHAN(at phone): Yeah, no problem. Yeah, I'll stop by when I'm done with Clay. Yeah, I love you, too. Bye.

CLAY: You've got an amazing wife, Mr. Scott.

NATHAN: You play your cards right, you might have one, too.

CLAY: No, I'm serious. Haley's got things here under control. You should go to camp. It's important.

NATHAN: So is this.

CLAY: Nate... Quinn's home. I'm gonna be out of here soon. But the game is not gonna wait for you. You've got to get back to camp.


Julian brings flowers for Quinn.

HALEY: Ooh, more flowers... very nice! Who are these from?

JULIAN: They're from me and Brooke for Quinn.

HALEY: Of course they're from Brooke. They're the nicest. She's such a girl. Thank you.



JULIAN: Hi. How's Quinn doing?

HALEY: She's good. I'm just glad she's home. You know?

JULIAN: Yeah. So, uh, where's the little guy?

HALEY: He's at a play date.

JULIAN: Damn! I was hoping you'd let me kidnap him for the afternoon.

HALEY: Aww, that's so sweet. He loves hanging out with you and Brooke.

JULIAN: In fact...and I guess this is really why I'm here. I know you have a lot going on right now. You know, you need anything, anything at all, we want you guys to just pick up the phone. Okay?

HALEY: Thank you. We will.

JULIAN: Good. Okay. All right. I got to go. Um, tell Jamie hi, and give our best to Quinn.

HALEY: I will. Thanks.

JULIAN: I picked out the flowers, by the way.

HALEY: You did?


HALEY: I'm sorry. I didn't reali...they're... I mean, gee, you did a beautiful job.


HALEY: Yeah.

JULIAN: I mean, I was hoping for calla lilies, but I had to settle for regular lilies. I think the snapdragons really complement them. In my mind, they really make the arrangement. I'm just... Going to go.


CHASE: Let me see. You owe me four dinners, three breakfasts in bed, a bunch of lap dances, and a car Wash. It's the last hole. Let's make it a good one. What are we playing for?

ALEX: Loser does whatever the winner wants. No questions asked.

CHASE: That's big.

ALEX: Very big.

CHASE: I admire your gusto. Ooh-hoo-hoo. Come on. You can do this. Just keep your head down. You know how to keep your head down, don't you?

ALEX: Okay, that's heckling.

CHASE: I'm not heckling.

ALEX: Sexual innuendo is heckling.

CHASE: Hey, that is your interpretation, not mine. I'm just giving pointers.

ALEX: Heckler! Damn it, man!

CHASE: Wait.



ALEX: Yay!

CHASE: She's still alive, ladies and gentlemen. It's a 30-foot putt, but she's still in it!


The house is still under seal. Nathan goes to pick some clothes for Quinn. He enters in the bedroom and sees blood on the fitted carpet.

CHASE: Ohh! Come on!

ALEX: Still in the game.

CHASE: Okay, I missed. So make this putt, and you win the dare.

ALEX: After what you've put me though, you better hope i miss this, pal.

CHASE: Ah. Oh, come on. No!

ALEX: Yes! Yes! Whoo-hoo!

CHASE: Wow. Okay. Mm-hmm. Let me have it. What do you want me to do? Carry your purse for a week? Sing to you every night? Drive home naked?

ALEX: Hmm. You need to kiss me... Right...Here. Whoo!


Quinn sees draw making by Jamie.


Julian joins Nathan at the bar.

JULIAN: Tough day.

NATHAN: Tough couple weeks. I just left Clay's house.

JULIAN: Oh. Anybody been out there since...

NATHAN: No. And I'll tell you something. You walk into something like that, and suddenly all your own problems don't seem like such a big deal.

JULIAN: Yeah. Well, I got next round. Can I get a couple beers here?

NATHAN: Look, I've been meaning to thank you.

JULIAN: For what?

NATHAN: For spending time with Jamie.

JULIAN: Oh. Don't mention it. He's a great kid. We've been playing baseball. Kid totally fixed my swing. He's great. He loves it, so... Nice work, dad.

NATHAN: Baseball, huh?

JULIAN: Yep, of course, he told me he's gonna play basketball like his old man does.

NATHAN: You mean like his old man used to.

JULIAN: What? I've been avoiding it now for a while, but, uh...My back is done. So... I'm gonna finish this beer, and then I'm gonna go home and tell my wife that I'm done playing.

JULIAN: Wow. That's huge. When did you decide that?

NATHAN: Just this second.


NATHAN: Haley's pregnant. Clay and Quinn are recovering, and, uh... I didn't even know my own son liked baseball. Listen, um...Give Brooke my best. And tell her I said not to be afraid of what comes next.



Halley brings a soup to Quinn.

HALEY: Hey... I made your favorite chicken and dumpling soup, just the way mom used to make it.

QUINN: What?

HALEY: Are you okay?

QUINN: Yeah. You know, some people are clearly just angels sent down to earth to take care of the rest of us. I'm just lucky that one of those angels is my sister. Thank you.


Julian goes home.

JULIAN: Hey. Haley says Quinn loved the flowers. What's wrong?

BROOKE: I'm gonna lose my company.

JULIAN: What do you mean? I thought Victoria fixed it.

BROOKE: She did. And you know how? By screwing our investors. We are surviving at the expense of all these people who put their hard-earned savings in our hands.

JULIAN: Okay, well... There's got to be some other way out.

BROOKE: I've gone over everything. There isn't. How can I set foot in my store, in our offices, knowing that I kept them by deceiving people? I can't. It's over.

JULIAN: You know, Brooke... At the end of the day, all you really own in this world is your integrity and once you give that up, you can't ever buy it back.

BROOKE: I know.

JULIAN: Hey, come here. You're doing the right thing. And I love you for that.


Nathan brings back clothing of Quinn.

HALEY: Oh, you've got Quinn's bags. You're a life saver. Thank you.

NATHAN: How is she?

HALEY: Um... She's okay, I think. I'm just glad she's home. Hey, um... I wanted to say thank you.

NATHAN: For what?

HALEY: For staying. I don't know what I would've done. I don't know how I would've gotten through all this without you.

NATHAN: I couldn't imagine being any place else right now.

HALEY: So, when do you leave for camp?

NATHAN: I don't. I'm not going to. I've been thinking a lot about this, and I feel like my back is just too much of a risk. And obviously, this is a decision we have to make together. 'Cause if I retire, our life is gonna change.



HALEY: Okay. Well, what do you want?

NATHAN: I made it to the league, you know? I had a dream, and I lived it, and that is more than most people ever get. I just -- I have this voice in my head that keeps saying, "walk away from the game while you can still walk away from the game." And I just... I want to be healthy for you and Jamie and the baby, so even if that means never playing again...

HALEY: Then that's what I want. Because if there's one thing I've learned from all this, it's that money and things don't matter. It's just...Us. And our family.

NATHAN: Then I guess you better get used to having me around.

HALEY: Are you okay... I mean, are you gonna be okay with this?

NATHAN: I'll be fine. I'm ready for the rest of my life, and I'm happy I get to spend it with you.

Nathan brings clothing in the room of Quinn.

NATHAN: Just brought some of your stuff from the beach house. How you doing?

QUINN: I'm okay. You know, when I'm not, Haley makes it better.

NATHAN: Word of advice? Do what she says. I've found that to be the best strategy. Okay.

QUINN: Nathan?


QUINN: How was it? The beach house?

NATHAN: It's fine. It'll be good for you and Clay to get back home when...when you're ready.

QUINN: Yeah. When we're ready.


Alex goes back in her room.

ALEX: That was fun. I had a really good time.

CHASE: Me too. And just so you know, I do think we make a pretty good twosome.

ALEX: You're sweet. I would invite you in, but, um, I think I really like you, so... I'll see you.

CHASE: Okay. That makes no sense at all, but I like you, too, so...good night.

ALEX: Hey. Are you really leaving?

CHASE: Yeah.

ALEX: I knew I was right about you. Get in here.


HALEY: I know it's scary that he's up there. Yes, well, if you leave him be, and he will come down, I promise. Yep, I'm sure. How do I know? I know because...have you ever seen a dead cat up a tree? Okay, that was rude.

(Haley starts to go but phone rings)

HALEY: See you guys later. Crisis intervention hotline. How can I help you?

WOMAN: Yeah. Um... I'm not sure if I should be calling. I'm having a hard time, and I just needed someone to talk to.

HALEY: Okay. What's your name?

WOMAN: Do I have to give my name?


WOMAN: I'd rather not.

HALEY: Uh, well, why don't you tell me what's wrong?

WOMAN: Well, that's why I'm not sure if this is where I should be calling. Because it's... It's sort of everything, and it's nothing. I mean, when I think of my life and who I am... I guess I'm just struggling to believe in it all, you know? That good things will happen to good people, that things will work out, that it gets better. Are you still there?


WOMAN: Maybe this was a mistake.

HALEY: No. It wasn't. This is exactly where you should be calling. Tell me what you're afraid of and what makes you feel like this.

WOMAN: Failure, I guess.


ATTORNEY: So, you see, even if you were to liquidate all the company's assets, you'd only be able to pay back your investors 70% of what they lost.

BROOKE: What if I need it to be 100%?

ATTORNEY: Well, that's just not possible. Where would you secure the cash reserves?

BROOKE: What if I liquidate everything?

ATTORNEY: Are we talking about your personal fortune?

BROOKE: Everything I have. Everything I own. Will that do it?


BROOKE: Do it.


Quinn lengthens on the bed beside Clay.

HALEY(Voice-over): We all struggle. It's part of life. It's part of living.

CLAY: Mm. What are you doing here? You should be home in bed.

QUINN: We should be in bed.


Julian looks at the report which he made today about Nathan.

HALEY(Voice-over): Do you have anybody that can help you while you struggle?

WOMAN(Voice-over): No. And that's the worst part...the loneliness. A crushing, black loneliness that makes me feel there's no magic left in the world.


Nathan cleans blood that there is on the fitted carpet.

HALEY(Voice-over): I know the future is scary. I know the world can be threatening. But you should know that sometimes when things seem most the desperate, people find you. Help is out there. And you are not alone.

End of the episode.