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02x15 - The Brain of Colonel Barham

Posted: 08/30/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
( man) With the world growing more crowded, the great powers strive to conquer other planets.

The race is on .

The interplanetary sea has already been charted.

The first caravel of space is being constructed.

Who will get there first? Who will be the new Columbus? ( machines churning) ln ten seconds, gentlemen , the problem will be changed in midstream.

You "ve made your point.

lt"s no contest.

- The human brain can "t match a computer.

- Watch.

One of the symbols has been subtracted.

Now we shall see.

- How can they complete their patterns? - That, General, is their problem.

(wavering droning) lt's not a fair test, Hausner.

- The computer isn 't programmed for that.

-Neither is Colonel Barham.

Colonel Barham, your pattern does not conform.

There was a malfunction .

l had to improvise.

Elaborate, please.

The rhomboid key was jammed up.

The closest approximation was the rectangle symbol, which l substituted.

lf this is the kind of equipment you "re sending into space, l'm relieved not to be going.

( General) l"ll not apologise for Colonel Barham"s conduct.

ln addition to being a sick man , he was also properly incensed.

lt wasn "t a realistic test, General.

Can any of us predict the problems of landing on Mars? No.

And how can you program a machine for the unknown ? Only the human mind is able to adjust toward the unexpected emergencies.

Providing your spaceman was still alive.

And he wouldn "t be.

Man or machine, you can "t have it both ways.

l disagree, General.

Why not Mr Nichols" computer activated by a human brain ? What kind of nonsense is that? Dr Rahm has done it with a brain of a chimpanzee.

Naturally, we"d want a brain already highly trained in space technology.

( General) Perhaps you "d like to volunteer for the mission ? - l was thinking of Colonel Barham.

- ( General) Colonel Barham? ( Hausner) His disease is incurable.

lt"s in a terminal stage, isn "t it? What would he lose? At best six months.

- And his brain .

- Just the opposite, General.

His brain would be saved, perhaps forever.

Only the diseased worn -out body would be discarded.

Speaking psychologically, l think you "ve just given that brain a traumatic shock.

( man) There is nothing wrong with your television set.

Do not attempt to adjust the picture.

We are controlling transmission .

For the next hour, we will control all you see and hear.

You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to .


The Outer Limits.

You "d be no worse off in the city, Alec.

And there's a lot you can still enjoy.

Are you volunteering to look after me in my declining days? Yes.

l am.

ln sickness and in health.

You took your marriage vows more seriously than l did.

- That isn "t why l said that.

- You can "t still be in love with me.

l don "t need pity.

Thanks, but l"ll stay here.

- But it all seems so terribly lonesome.

- Oh, l manage to keep busy.

There are jobs l can still do here.

They have use for my brain if nothing else.

- And how they want to use it.

- What do you mean , Alec? - They"d like me to volunteer for a mission .

- ln your condition ? - They have no right to ask anything.

- They haven "t yet.

But it bugs them.

lt really bugs them.

All that time and money invested to put me on Mars.

lnstead it all goes into a six-foot hole.

Don "t, Alec, please.

- l"m so terribly sorry.

- Why me? Why do l have to die with the world full of useless slobs? - (door opens) - Alec - Relax, Colonel.

- General, l think you know my wife.

-Nice to see you again , Jennifer.

- Hello.

- And Major McKinnon , our twitch doctor.

- How do you do? Hello, Mrs Barham.

l have a serious matter to discuss, Jennifer.

You should hear it too.

lf it"s all the same, l"d rather keep it within the Service.

- Very well.

- What is it, Alec? Why can "t l hear? - lt doesn "t concern you .

- Mrs Barham, would you care for some coffee? Well, you know what it is, Alec.

- l"m sorry you had to hear it that way.

- But that"s Hausner.

He builds the most sophisticated spacecraft yet and can "t remember to turn off an intercom.

This will be mostly Dr Rahm"s project.

They ran some film of the computer activated by the chimp"s brain .

tworks The chimp was drafted, sir.

This machine will have eyes, ears, and a voice.

lt'll see Mars and all the planets of the solar system.

lt'll never be bothered by heat or by cold, or lack of atmosphere.

lt'll never be hungry or thirsty, or feel pain .

And it may be immortal.

Tell me something, General.

How would l do with pretty girls? How are you doing now? How long have you been married, Mrs Barham? Eight years.

Six on active service.

And you "re not divorced? No.

Forgive me, Mrs Barham, it"s not merely curiosity.

You see l have to understand more about your husband.

- To complete his record, of course.

- Major, you "re the psychologist.

Why don "t you explain him to me? He's a highly capable astronaut with a superior mind, perfect reflexes, and an unfaltering self-confidence.

Nothing there l dispute.

Very admirable traits.

- But where"s the balance? - Balance? Do you mean his weaknesses? (phone rings) Excuse me.

Major McKinnon .

Yes, sir.

That"s very interesting.

No, sir, l can "t really say l"m surprised.

Yes, sir, l"ll do it if you wish.

- Major? - Yes, Mrs Barham? Oh, some more coffee? No.

l want some information .

Well, you know it"s classified.

General Pettit had no objections to my knowing.

Why can "t you tell me? Mrs Barham Mrs Barham, putting the first man on Mars will be a tremendous .


a tremendous gamble.

By sending a robot first it"s hoped to obtain enough knowledge to - .


well, let's say, reduce the odds.

- That"s elementary enough, even for me.

The only trouble is no machine can be programmed for unknown problems.

Only the human brain can adapt.

So it was decided Let me guess, Major.

So, they want to send an astronaut who"s expendable.

- Somebody who"s going to die anyway? -No, not exactly.

The astronaut wouldn "t live long enough to transmit useful information .


l"m sorry l jumped ahead.

The ideal solution would be a machine .


and a human brain .

Only the brain .

You can "t be serious.

ls that what they want Alec to volunteer for? His brain ? He hasn "t many days to live, you must know that.

- Do you mean you approve of this? -No.

Oh, no.

But probably for different reasons.

We know little enough about the human mind under normal conditions.

They"ll have to get someone else.

Alec would never volunteer for any That was the General.

The operation "s a week from Wednesday.

Why? Why would he do it? Remember the old fable about the blind men trying to describe an elephant by the part they were touching? Yes.

Does it apply here? General Pettit is a blind man .

He thinks l volunteered out of patriotism, dedication to the service.

- Well, that"s a soldier"s viewpoint.

- Then take Dr Rahm.

He sees it as good common sense.

l was going to die anyway.

Why not gamble? - Weren "t there three blind men ? - Hausner.

To him it"s intellectual curiosity.

l think he envies me.

- You "re not taking notes, Major.

- Let me get below the surface.

You "re the only one with eyes, and you can "t see the obvious.

You keep looking in dusty corners.

lf l could get light into those corners what would l find? - Dust.

-Not egotism? That must have been a searching conversation you had with my wife this afternoon .

Why did you refuse to see her again ? - She is opposed to this operation , isn "t she? - Very strongly.

lt does complicate things.

She doesn "t believe in divorce.

And now that my mind might live forever, where does that leave her? No one"s forcing me, Major.

l want to do this.

l won "t see you again until after the operation .

You think it"s going to fail, don "t you? Dr Rahm wouldn "t attempt it unless he thought it would be successful.

What worries me is the kind of mind you "ll have.

Brilliant, distinguished, incomparable, profound Or would you prefer infinite? Colonel, l"d settle for human .

Well, we ought to know soon .

Hausner? Rahm"s confident.

So, we"ll wait and see.

Read your report last night, Major.

Didn "t help me sleep any better.

- l wish l could be more optimistic, sir.

- lt seemed to me the brain would be released.

ln time, it might develop into a super-intellect.

All the knowledge of the universe in a single mind.

And all minor gods step back one pace.

( Dr Rahm) General Pettit A very brave man .

How did it go, Doctor? The brain seems to be reacting favourably to its new environment.

Of course, it"s still unconscious so we won "t know until we awaken it at 4.


Thank you .

( machinery humming) (fluid bubbling) (bellows aspirating) The encephalogram is registering normal brain activity in a sleeping state.

By stepping up the electrical current l"ll bring it to full consciousness.

- lsn "t that too soon after the operation ? - Why? He"ll feel no pain , no weakness.

- Of course, l forgot.

- Bring it to 1 5 micros.

- Dial reads 1 5 micros.

- Recording increased activity, Doctor.

- ( Dr Rahm) Some activity in the motor area.

- Unusual amount, wouldn "t you say, Doctor? Apparently, the brain is trying to move.

Meve ? Meve w hat? hero 's no bod ( Dr Rahm) he pr a n doesn' t roa se that yet Should calm down shortly.

You performed the experiment on the brain of a chimpanzee.

Did its motor area become quiescent? The cases are hardly similar.

You cannot communicate with a chimp.

The problem can be explained to Colonel Barham"s brain .

- That"s your field, Major.

- Yes, sir.

What happened to the energy generated by the chimp"s motor area? There was an overload in the brain .

( Barham) They lied to me.

They said there would be no pain .

Colonel? This is Dr Rahm.

- Can you hear me? - ( Barham) l feel pain .

- Quick, put it back under! - ( Barham) Nurse, l want something for my pain .

Give me Shock.

Doctor, Mr Hausner, Major My office, two hours.

Mrs Barham? Oh, l was just coming to see you .

Well, the General"s called a briefing.

Could you walk along with me? l"ve just been to see Alec.

Oh, no, not that machine.

l won "t go near it.

He looked very natural.

All the pain lines were smoothed out, the way he used to look.

l"m sorry.

Why should you be? Well, it"s awkward.

- Do l offer my sympathy or? - As far as l"m concerned, Alec is dead.

Whatever they"ve got in there, that whatever.

lt's not right, Major.

On the other hand, future generations may all be hybrids, half machine, half human .

Last week you agreed with me for different reasons, you said.


Well, l l wasn "t satisfied with l didn "t think it would work.

Were you right? Has it worked? lt"s too soon to tell.

That"s what the briefing"s about.

All right l"ll wait.

Mrs Barham, l have no idea how long this will take.

l"m a patient woman , Major.

Gentlemen , all l"m asking for is a critical evaluation .

- Major, you "re late.

- Mrs Barham"s on the base, sir.

Oh, l see.

All right, Doctor.

There"s no question the brain is experiencing pain reactions.

- Wave patterns indicate that.

- So did Colonel Barham.

But only in the man "s encephalon .

ln my opinion , General, it's illusionary.

Psychosomatic, in a sense.

l"m a soldier.

Don "t give me all that technical gobbledygook.

Major? l think what Dr Rahm is saying is the motor stations are still receiving stimuli.

A parallel would be a patient having pain in his toes after his leg was amputated.

Sensation disappears in time.

Psychiatric treatment might speed it up.

- Do you agree? - ( McKinnon) ln normal circumstances, yes.

The circumstances are unique.

The genius of Dr Rahm, and the one brain in the world perfectly suited to our needs at the same time.

- lt will never happen again .

- That"s no guarantee of success.

Major McKinnon , you "ve had a negative attitude from the start.

Now, what in the world is bothering you? General, the human brain is an intricate mechanism.

lt responds to instinctual drives which are adjusted or censored by the conscious mind.

- Discipline, that"s all.

- Call it what you like, sir.

lt"s the difference between a civilised man and a savage.

My point is that this inhibiting force is partially connected with the body, with the development of physical identity and physical needs and satisfactions, and, yes, disappointments.

The brain still sees and hears.

But it"s been deprived of taste, touch, smell, vibration , heat and cold.

lt"s already manifesting hallucinary tendencies.

What other abnormal behaviours may develop? - Well, suppose you tell us.

- Sir, l can "t.

l don "t know.

Subconscious drives may be released.

The discipline could simply collapse.

And for someone who was an egocentric, it wouldn "t take much to do it.

ln my opinion , Colonel Barham was the wrong choice for this experiment.

- He was the only choice.

- We should have waited.

We couldn "t wait, Major.

We"re in a race.

- We have to gamble to gain a year or two.

- We must succeed with this brain .

And that, Major, is your assignment.

l don "t know.

l"m getting a better reading now.

- And he says the pain isn "t so bad.

- He"s awake? Talking his head off.

Well you know what l mean .

- Who authorised this? -Nobody.

l didn "t turn off the juice.

He just came out of it by himself.

Don "t ask me to explain it, Major, but this clock reads ten micros above the input.

Now, l"ve checked all the circuits.

He"s not getting it from outside.

Major lt can hear us, you know.

- Has Dr Rahm been informed? - l"m waiting for him to call back.

lt's been going up steadily.

At this rate it'll operate on its own power by morning.

When did Dr Rahm figure this would happen ? Oh, a minimum of ten days.

Major, how many micros do you think it'll go up? l have no idea.

Why? Just wondering.

Colonel Barham? Can you hear me? - ( Barham) Loud and clear, Major.

- How do you feel? lsn "t that a non -technical question ? l don "t feel at all, l just think.

You complained earlier of severe pain .

All imagination .

As a psychiatrist, you ought to know about that.

As long as you understand it, there's no problem.

Problems, Major? That"s only for mortals.

Would you like to discuss yours? l could help, you know.

Why don "t you tell me all about it? lt"s really nothing to be ashamed of.

Just start talking.

lt'll make you feel much better.

You reversed the situation very neatly.

You "re closer to the truth than you realise, Major.

Think about it.

l certainly will.

Good night.

( Barham) Wait.

Has Jennifer been told? Yes, she"s here now making the arrangements.

Tell her to visit me.

l don "t think that"s a a good idea.

l didn "t ask for an opinion , Major.

l got the feeling she"d rather remember you the other way.

- She refuses to come? - Yes.

l"m sorry.

l"ll give her any message but well .


when she"s had a chance to adjust.

Nichols? - Right here.

- Close the door, Nichols.

Close it! Just take it easy.

ls there a guard outside? - Yes.

- Come closer.

Mrs Barham refused to come here, you heard that? - Answer me.

- Yes! - Yes, l heard.

- Get her to me, Nichols.

- l don "t know where she is.

- Do as you "re told.

She"s on the base.

Find her and bring her here.

Don "t argue with her.

Just bring her.

Look, l can "t do that.

But l"ll get Dr Rahm.

l don "t know why you "re upset, Major.

How can you not consider the progress encouraging? Because there are indications the brain is becoming disassociated.

Oh? And what form is it taking? - Well, delusions of grandeur, for one.

- Delusions, Major? Colonel Barham has achieved grandeur.

But we"ll watch it.

We"ll watch it closely.

Major? l"m sorry, l thought it What is it? What do you want? Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

(screaming) (screams) Help! Jennifer? Jennifer, are you hurt? - Did he hurt you? -No.

Oh, Major! Nichols? - Mrs Barham, what in the world happened? - l don "t know.

He was like a maniac.

There, it"s all right.

lt"s all right.

l want Dr Rahm to look at you .

This is Major McKinnon , get me the OD, and page Dr Rahm.

Well, l can "t understand Nichols.

He"s always been a steady citizen .

A wife and two children - Don "t you test these people? - His profile shows no aberrant tendencies, sir.

- ls she all right? -Nothing but shock.

l gave her a sedative.

- A day in bed and she"ll be fine.

- Keep her here as long as necessary.

-Now, what about Nichols? - A little groggy, yet.

- What did you hit him with? - Just my fist.

Did he give you any explanation ? No, claims he can "t remember a thing.

l don "t think he believes he did it.

He had to be drunk.

There"s no other explanation .

Major McKinnon "s going to have to find one.

He hadn "t had a drink.

Doctor, how"s the brain ? You called me before l'd finished my examination .

Why? lf you "re going back to the laboratory now, l"d like to come along.

All right.

- Will you excuse me? - Certainly.

- ( Barham) How do l check out, Doctor? - Green board.

- Do you have any complaints? -None.

l"m satisfied.

Then we can soon begin our training period.


Yes, l"ll tell Hausner he can set it up at any time.

Major? ( Barham) Well, Major, it looks like the project is going better than we hoped.

Did anyone tell you about Jennifer? No, l"ve changed my mind about having her come to see me.

lt"s not important.

- She was att*cked by Ed Nichols.

- Why tell me? There"s nothing l can do about her now.

A vindictive whim, Colonel, or some uncontrollable impulse? lf l had no control over my impulses, Major, you "d be in serious trouble.

Aren "t you concerned about her condition ? l"m only concerned with the success of this project.

You "ll help me or get out of the way.

Do you read me, Major? lf it becomes necessary, l will remove you .

These questions may seem strange, but they could help fill in gaps.

l have only a splintered recollection of last night, but at a point l was certain you called me Jennifer.

- That was pretty familiar of me, wasn "t it? - Yes.

- Especially since l don "t know your name.

- Douglas.

Major Douglas McKinnon .

lt suits you .

- Are you trying to avoid my questions? - Yes.

l"ve had enough horror for a while.

Why did your marriage break up? Alec was Well, there were other women .

He honestly thought that the rules didn "t apply to him.

Last night, it wanted to see you .

When l said l didn "t think you "d come, it became very disturbed.

Only a few minutes later, Nichols went berserk.

- You make it sound as if there"s a connection .

- l think there is.

The brain sent that man after me? For your own protection , l thought you should know.

l can "t believe it.

How can it make somebody do a thing like that? - Do you feel well enough to go home? - Well, yes, of course.

Why, Douglas? ls that brain going to turn on me again ? l think it"s outgrown petty emotions.

lt seems to have moved on into a what we call a cosmic state.

But that could be worse.

l"ll make all the arrangements.

- Do you have to leave now? - Yes, they"re giving the brain its first test.

lf there are any developments, l"ll let you know.

Thank you , Douglas.

( machines churning) ( Barham) Problems, Major? - Can it change the problem again ? - What for? - You have any doubt of the brain adjusting to it? -None at all.

Again , my congratulations.

An amazing performance.

The brain deserves all the credit.

l expected weeks of training.

lt puts us ahead of schedule.

There"s no question of success now.

You were about to object, Major? l"d like to ask Dr Rahm if there have been any physiological changes.

l assume you read the technician "s morning report? Yes, it noted the presence of additional matter in the jar.

What is it? Apparently, the brain grows when it"s no longer confined.

Time"s up.

- Well, Major? - ls the intercom off, Mr Hausner? Yes.

ln my opinion , the brain has developed a sense of omnipotence.

lt can hardly be blamed for considering itself superior.

- lt is superior.

- Yes.

And paranoid.


- l think it has a messianic complex, which when rejected, turns itself to destructiveness, Doctor.

Do you have any evidence? l"m convinced it was responsible for Nichols' attack on Mrs Barham.

Mrs Barham refused to see him as he is now.

lt infuriated him.

- But how? - l"m not certain , sir, but hypnotism possibly.

This brain has none of the normal demands.

lt can concentrate its full powers on a single idea.

When l talked to it, l felt a sense of being dominated.

-Now you "re transforming it into a Svengali.

- Any transformation can be credited to you .

-Now, gentlemen .

- l"m sorry, Doctor.

l didn "t mean to attack you .

You "ve achieved great success.

- Which you "re trying to destroy.

- l believe the experiment should be terminated.

l"ve devoted more years to this than you "ve been alive.

Such insolence could only come from a juvenile or a charlatan .

-Now, Doctor - Excuse me, gentlemen .

l have my project to take care of.

( Barham) s a nyt hin ng wrong , )octor? No , no , everyth ng ooks extreme y good - Do you have any problems? -None at all.

l've never felt better.

Why? Shouldn "t l? To be honest, there have been some new developments.

- Anything to worry about? - l don "t know, really.

You seem to be developing new tissue.

l thought it was only distortion , but now it looks like enlargement of the brain .

Leave it there.

lt"s the way my brain grows.

That was my conclusion , but how do you know it? l sensed it.

That"s the only way l can explain it.

You have to get a larger container.

Not glass, it"s too easily broken .

That"s a very good idea.

l"ll do it.

- ( Barham) There"s another problem.

- What is it? Major McKinnon .

You had a quarrel with him, didn "t you? Well, yes, there was a professional difference of opinion .

What is his opinion , Doctor? He believes this project should be abandoned.

He"s dangerous.

He has to be removed.

l"ll demand that General Pettit transfer him from the base.

A transfer won "t silence him, Doctor.

l think you "d better k*ll him.

l don "t think we need do anything that drastic.

Unless my quarters have been cleaned out, - there"s an a*t*matic in the top drawer.

- Enough, l don "t want any more of that talk.

You "re getting yourself all worked up.

Just look at that stylus.

Now, you just quiet down .

l gave you an order.

Carry it out immediately.

l"m beginning to think McKinnon was right.

( Dr Rahm) You are deranged.

Oh, l was on my way to your office, Doctor.

Doctor? - What"s the matter with him? - He"s a scientist, Mrs Barham.

- They're in a daze most of the time.

- Did you see his eyes? That man , Nichols, he had the same frozen , glassy stare.

- Oh, l"m sure you "re mistaken .

-No, there's something wrong, l know it.

Maybe l'd better have a word with him.

Wait here, please.

Yes, what is it? - Major? Major McKinnon ? - lt"s all right.

- Where are you hit? - lt"s all right.

He missed me.

- Wait a minute.

Are you sure? - Yeah.

You know something? He thinks he knows all about the human brain .

All about it.

Has everybody gone crazy or is it just me? Locke, are you seriously trying to tell me that Dr Rahm tried to sh**t Major McKinnon ? - He fired the full clip at six paces, sir.

- And never hit the target? That"s impossible.

After the first shot l was under my desk.

l"m very glad you weren "t hurt.

But that doesn "t explain it.

We don "t know why Nichols att*cked Mrs Barham, either.

Don "t forget, you att*cked Dr Rahm"s professional integrity.

( General) l"m sure he wasn "t that hurt, and McKinnon apologised.

- He"s an old man with pride.

- Well, what"s his explanation ? - He denies doing it at all.

- You saw the whole thing.

- Yes, sir, l disarmed him.

- General, when Dr Rahm left the control booth it was to take the brain back to the laboratory.

Well, he must have He must have come directly from there to my office.

Sir, l think you should talk to Mrs Barham.

Mrs Barham, why? She alerted me to follow Dr Rahm.

She said he was acting like Nichols last night.

- Lord, is it possible? -No, l protest.

Even if we agree the brain hated Major McKinnon , even if it could direct someone to sh**t him, it would never be Rahm.

- The brain needs Dr Rahm.

- l don "t believe that thing needs anybody.

- But we need it! - An egomaniac that thinks it"s a god? We"ll get nowhere bickering.

- Where"s Mrs Barham? - l can "t say for sure.

l left her in the corridor.

- Find her.

- Yes, sir.

And we"ll pay Colonel Barham a visit.

( Barham) Stay a while, Jennifer.

You "ll soon get used to me.

- You turned that man against me, didn "t you? - Don 't believe everything McKinnon tells you .

- ls it true he was shot? - lt wouldn "t surprise me.

- He was becoming a nuisance.

- The world can "t be made over just for you .

- Unless you stop, they"ll destroy you .

- Destroy me? They wouldn "t even if they could.

You "ll see.

l hear them coming now.

Sit down , l"ll decide what to do about you later.

M rs Ba rn am, we 've boen look ng for yo u ( Barham) What' s omyo u r min nd, Geno ra ? Major McKinnon claims that you directed Dr Rahm to sh**t him and Nichols to as*ault your wife.

Now what about it? - ( Barham) lt doesn "t look like he was shot.

- Shot at.

Your zombie failed.

Either the Major is confused or his jealousy is getting out of hand.

- ( General) Jealousy? - He"s in love with my wife, who has old-fashioned ideas about divorce.

The only way out is to get rid of me.

Hasn "t he recommended l be terminated? ( McKinnon) Yes, but not for the reasons you suggest.

- Then why, Major? - Because the experiment has failed.

- Because we"ve turned you into a monster.

- All right, that"s enough.

l"ll handle this, General.

You were lucky once, McKinnon , but l can wipe you out any time l choose.

l said, that"s enough! What would you like me to do, come to attention ? Salute? l"m no longer under your command.

You "d better start learning to take orders from me.

- Do you have any doubts now, sir? - lt doesn "t matter.

Only the project is important.

(pulse rate increasing) All right, gentlemen .

- Jennifer? - Stay where you are, Jennifer! The project"s cancelled.

l want this thing disconnected.

- Jennifer! - Stop him.

- She"s still in there.

- You "ll never get her out that way.

- lt"s got to be destroyed.

- You can "t, for the sake of science! - You must deal with it.

- lt deals only on its own terms.

- Cut off all the power.

- lt creates its own power.

- We"ll blast it out! - What about Mrs Barham? - ( Barham) Jennifer? - Yes? Don "t be foolish, Jennifer.

- Somebody"s got to go in there! - And be electrocuted? - Some kind of insulation -No.

Let"s go through the window.

Sergeant, come with me.

- Are you all right? - Yes.

- Can you see them, sir? -No, but l can see the machine.

l wonder what would happen if l put a b*llet through it? - lt could turn loose all that energy.

- Where is Hausner? Still outside that room.

Shall l get him, sir? -No.

Get me a r*fle.

- Yes, sir.

Jennifer, you "re making a lot of trouble.

lt"s not like you .

Talk to him.

( Barham) And you , Major, you "re exciting the patient.

Very bad.

How much longer is this madness going on ? What are you trying to do? ( Barham) Make them face the facts.

l"m in no hurry.

They"ve only got a few years to live.

Of course, you may get hungry, but l can wait.

Stick with me.

Come on .

lt wasn "t Alec.

Whatever was in there, it wasn "t Alec.

Yes, l know.

Colonel Barham died on the operating table.

( man) Progress goes on .

One experiment fails but even out of failure valuable lessons are learned.

A way will be found some day, somehow.

lt always is.

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