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08x02 - I Can't See You, But I Know You're There

Posted: 10/05/10 05:51
by bunniefuu

POLICEMAN: Brooke Davis, you're under arrest.

BROOKE:Wait. Why?!

BROOKE: I am being charged with accounting fraud. What are they talking about?

HALEY:These aren't sad tears. They're happy tears.

NATHAN: What is it?

HALEY: I'm pregnant.

NATHAN: Oh, my...

JAMIE: You found it!

QUINN: No, you found it. Open it up.

JAMIE: Treasure! I don't think we should keep it.

QUINN: Let's get this buried again.

ALEX: So you need a bartender.

CHASE:Alex, your movie just blew up.

ALEX: But it hasn't been released yet. So what do you say, bar manager? Want to boss me around?

MIA: It's what you do, right? Break up couples?

ALEX: I plan to make him happier than you ever did. So you should probably just give up and move on now.

CLAY: Something terrible happened. And I dreamt that I lost you. It wasn't a dream.

QUINN: Clay!


Haley writes her letter for Lucas, she calls Quinn.

HALEY(Voice-over): Hi, Luke. Nathan left for camp today, and the house is pretty quiet. Should be more time for me to write. I've been feeling better lately, but...I still think about my mom a lot. I still feel her sometimes, hear her voice... And see her smile. The truth is, I miss her. I miss you. I miss Peyton... And Keith... And Karen... And Nathan while he's gone. But it helps to have Quinny closer.

QUINN'S PHONE: Hey, this is Quinn, and this is the beep.

HALEY: Hi, Quinny. It's me again. Nathan said he stopped by and you guys didn't answer. So... just call me back when you get this. You're starting to freak me out a little and I have something I want to tell you. So... call me. Nerd.

HALEY:(Voice-over): The truth is, when it gets really quiet, when the silence gets too loud and I really start to miss everyone, I tell myself the same thing. I can't see you, but I know you're there.


Mouth enters the store, Julian is here.

MOUTH: Wow. I guess I picked the wrong day to ask for a job.

Brooke speaks with her lawyer in company about Victoria and Millicent.

BROOKE: What exactly are we being charged with?

ATTORNEY: One count conspiracy to commit securities fraud, one count conspiracy to commit wire fraud and three additional counts of wire fraud.

BROOKE: Okay. Could you explain this to me as if I'm, say... 12?

ATTORNEY: The security-fraud charges allege a knowing misrepresentation of earnings filed in quarterly and annual reports to the securities and exchange commission on behalf of Clothes over Bros.

BROOKE: Right. How about like I'm 8?

VICTORIA: We're being charged with lying to potential investors about the value of our company to get them to invest in the men's line.

MILLICENT: We're not proud of that.

BROOKE: Does it matter if I was completely unaware of all of this?

ATTORNEY: Well, unfortunately, they have signed documents that prove otherwise.

BROOKE: Documents signed by who?

ATTORNEY: Well, signed by you, Ms. Davis.

BROOKE: Uh-huh.


Alex called to Chase drinks that it prepared.

ALEX: Long Island Iced Tea, Freddie Fuddpucker, Salty Dog, Moscow Mule, and a Brain Blaster.

CHASE: Whoa. Are you trying to get me drunk?

ALEX: Yes, and I'm also proving my bartender skills to my not-so-bossy boss.

CHASE: Hm. Brain blaster. Come on. How come yours is good?

ALEX: 'Cause I'm kind of awesome like that. Plus, I changed the ingredients. Oh, and check it out.

CHASE: We're not open yet!

(A group of guy wait the main door)

MAN: Hey, is this the bar where Alex Dupre is bar-tending?

CHASE: Yeah. But we're not open yet.

MAN: That's fine. We'll wait.

ALEX: I might have tweeted a few things.


Halley strikes the main door but nobody answers. She moves towards the window of the room and sees Clay and Quinn in blood.

HALEY: Quinn? Clay?

The subcontinents of Quinn and Clay try to know what it occurred.

CLAY: It wasn't a dream. You went to bed. Do you remember? You went to the bedroom.

QUINN: Yeah, but then I came back.

CLAY: No, you didn't come back. Just try and remember. You went to the bedroom.

QUINN: I went to the bedroom, and I turned the light on, and... Katie was there.

CLAY: Did you see the same thing I saw?

QUINN: She had a g*n. Clay, I didn't come back.

CLAY: Oh, my god.

QUINN: Clay, what's happening?

CLAY: It's my fault.


Clay and Quinn are transported to the hospital in urgency.

AMBULANCE WOMAN: Two victims coming in, both critical. Victim one, male. Estimated mid-20s. Single g*nsh*t wound to the chest. Victim two, female. Estimated early 20s. Single g*nsh*t to the abdomen. Both unresponsive, time unknown, with massive blood loss.

SURGEON: What do we got?

AMBULANCE WOMAN: Two g*nsh*t victims. Unknown down time. At least 12 hours.

SURGEON: How the hell's he still alive? Okay, O.R. Let's go.

CLAY: Quinn. Hey. Help her. Quinn! Hey -- please help her! It's my fault.


Clay rejoins Quinn.

CLAY: It's all my fault.



Haley is in waiting room, she tries to join Brooke.


Brooke does not answer, she wants to know what one does Victoria and Millicent.

BROOKE: Why is my signature on these documents?

VICTORIA: Because you live in Tree Hill with your friends, wandering about, going to film festivals and the like.

BROOKE: Be careful, mother.

MILLICENT: Brooke, we sign all kinds of things for you.

BROOKE: But you knew this was illegal. And now my supposed signature is on everything.

VICTORIA: Honey, you empowered us to do this.

BROOKE: No, I empowered you to pick a cover model for the magazine, not to send me to prison. This is not my fault!

VICTORIA: Nobody's going to prison.

BROOKE: I wouldn't be so sure about that. But let me tell you something. If somebody is, it is not gonna be me. You did this, and you helped her, and I will not take the blame for this!


Halley calls Mia, she answers.

MIA: Hi, Hales.

HALEY: Hi. Um, I hate to ask, but I was just wondering if you could pick Jamie up for me. Uh, I tried Brooke, and I couldn't get her.

MIA: Sure. Is everything okay?

HALEY: Well, I can't really talk right now, but if you could just, um, get Jamie and keep him busy until you hear from me, that would be great. He's at, um, Kennedy Park, okay?

MIA: No problem. I'll get him. Just call me when you can, okay?

HALEY: Okay. Thanks.

MIA: Bye. [ cellphone beeps ]


Guys have fun with Alex. Mia unloads.

CHASE: Hey. This... this isn't... Okay, it is, but...

MIA: Can I borrow your car?

CHASE: Sure. Is everything okay?

MIA: Everything is so not okay. On second thought...

(Mia drinks alcohol glass)

MIA: You better drive. I've been drinking.


Chase comes to recover Jamie.

CHASE: Hey, Jamie. How you doing, buddy?

JAMIE: Do I know you?

CHASE: Dude... Who are you, Victoria Davis? It's me -- Chase. Bartender from Tric. Well, Bar Manager. I built you that snow fort in Utah.

JAMIE: Oh, right. Hey.

CHASE: So, listen, um, your mom had something come up, so I'm supposed to pick you up today. You ready?

JAMIE: Yeah, I don't think so.

CHASE: No, seriously. Your mom called Mia, and we're supposed to get you.

JAMIE: Well, I'm kind of hungry. Do you have any snacks?

CHASE: Um... I got some gum in the car.

JAMIE: Okay, so, you expect me to get in your car and take candy from a stranger? Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass.

(Mia comes in)

MIA: What's up?

CHASE: He doesn't want to go.

MIA: Hey, Jamie. Remember me? I'm Mia. I work at Red Bedroom Records.

JAMIE: Oh, yeah. Hey. You're really good friends with my mom, huh?

MIA: Yeah, that's right. I am really good friends with your mom.

JAMIE: So, if you're really good friends with my mom, how come you weren't in Utah?

MIA: You make a good point.

JAMIE: No offense, but considering my history, I'm gonna have to pass up on you, too.

(Julian comes in too)

JULIAN: Jamie Scott. Dude, your mom left me a message to pick you up. You ready?

JAMIE: Yeah, sure. Let's go.


CHASE: Man, that kid hates me.

MIA: I didn't even get invited to Utah.


Quinn tries to understand the situation.

QUINN: I don't understand what's happening. I mean, this has to be a dream.

CLAY: I don't think so.

QUINN: Will you just stop and talk to me? What are you looking for?


QUINN: Haley!

Brooke is arrived. Quinn sees Haley but she not.

HALEY: Oh, thank God you're here.

BROOKE: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I got your message. Julian's picking up Jamie. How are they?

QUINN: Haley, I'm right here.

HALEY: Um, Quinn got out of surgery...

QUINN: Hales.

HALEY: And Clay didn't.

QUINN: Haley!

HALEY: It was horrible, Brooke.

BROOKE: And you found them?

QUINN: She can't see me.

CLAY: I can.


Julian offers an ice to Jamie.

JULIAN: Thanks, man. So, what are Mia and Chase doing here?

JAMIE: Trying to kidnap me.

JULIAN: Nice. Good thing we foiled 'em.

JAMIE: So, what went wrong?

JULIAN: Nothing. Why?

JAMIE: Well, it's just weird that you're picking me up.

JULIAN: No, it's not. We hung out together in Utah, bro. We... we had drinks at the bar, el borracho. You gave me the good-luck gold star.

JAMIE: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna need that back.


JAMIE: I'm gonna have to use it for whatever you're not telling me about.

JULIAN: Stop it.So, baseball, huh?


JULIAN: Dude, I totally sucked at baseball. I always used to strike out, and then they'd yell stuff like "Julian's screwed again." Stupid Brian Fernandez.

JAMIE: I could probably help you with that.


JAMIE: Well, not the bitter part about Brian Fernandez, but the hitting part.

JULIAN: Okay, let's do it.

JAMIE: Besides, we're probably gonna have to k*ll some time, huh?

JULIAN: Until what?

JAMIE: Until you tell me what went wrong.

JULIAN: Bro, nothing went wrong.


Clay is in operating room. his subsconcient looks it by the pane in top.

MAN: Come on, kid. Hung in there this long. Don't give up now.

WOMAN: You ever heard of anyone surviving something like this?

MAN: No.

WOMAN: Blood pressure dropping. We're losing him.


Julian draws but he never arrives at touching the ball with the beater.

JAMIE: Can I ask you something?


JAMIE: Have you had your eyes checked lately?

JULIAN: Thanks a lot.

(He tries again but he arrives not yet)

JULIAN: You know what -- if you're so good at it, why don't you come out and show me what you got, hot shot?

JAMIE: All right.

JULIAN: Beginner's luck. Okay, I think the machine's broken. It's totally pitching slower now. Show-off.

JAMIE: It's not that hard. You just have to swing level. Don't try to k*ll it.


JAMIE: Lower your back shoulder a little bit.


JAMIE:A little more.


JAMIE: Perfect. Now swing level.

JULIAN: Oh-ho-ho-ho!

JAMIE:Yeah! Nice!

JULIAN: Yeah! That's the first hit I've ever gotten in my life.

JAMIE: Hit another one.

JULIAN: Aah! Take that, Brian Fernandez!

JAMIE: You got to let it go, dude.

JULIAN: Yeah, I know. Ahh!


Brooke brings coffee to Haley.


HALEY: Thanks. I thought they were dead. I got worried when I didn't hear from them since Utah, and... I just had this feeling, and I should have gone out there sooner.

BROOKE: Haley.

HALEY: I should have. And when Quinn didn't call me back, I should have gotten in the car, instead of being lazy, and just gone...

BROOKE: Haley, stop. You just got home from Utah, and you found out that you're pregnant. It's amazing that you went out there when you did. It's more than I would have done. Do not beat yourself up over this. You hear me? After everything you've been through, It's not good for you. And it can't be good for the baby. You did everything you could, Hales. Now, what can I do for you?

HALEY: Nothing. It's just really nice to have you here. I love you, Brooke Davis.

BROOKE: I know. I love you, too.

HALEY: I just don't think we say it enough, and I'm really sorry for that.

BROOKE: Listen to me. Quinn made it through surgery, and she can make it all the way back. All right? She's a James girl.

HALEY: I just wish... The doctors would tell me something. They're not telling me anything. And now I have to talk to the police.

BROOKE: Oh, don't get me started on the police. Long story.


Chase and Mia talk.

MIA: It's a long story... The reasons I thought we should break up.

CHASE: You don't have to explain it.

MIA: No, I think I do. I just hadn't been back in a long time, and every night, I'd sit on the tour bus and have conversations with the road.

CHASE: And what did the road have to say?

MIA: The road said that a long-distance girlfriend who sleeps better on a bus than she ever has in her own bed is a gypsy and a nomad and... No girlfriend at all. And then the night agreed with the road, and...We all decided that you deserve better.

CHASE: Well... I guess I appreciate that, but... the truth is, your texts made it sound like you decided that you deserved better. At least, whenever you actually responded at all.

MIA: I'm terrible with that. I know I am. And I'm sorry.

CHASE:Yeah. So am I.


Mouth talks with Alex.

MOUTH: So, how'd you get this job, anyway?

ALEX: It's kind of a long story.

MOUTH: You know, I asked Chase if he was hiring when we were in Utah.

ALEX: I tied a cherry stem with my tongue.

MOUTH: Damn it.

ALEX: Anyways, I thought you used to be on tv or something.

MOUTH: I thought you used to be in movies or something.

ALEX: I'm taking a break.

MOUTH: Yeah. Me too. Only, uh, mine's kind of not on purpose.

ALEX: That's like saying you're celibate when you can't get laid.

MOUTH: Then I guess I'm celibate, too.

(Chase comes in)

MOUTH: Dude, really?

CHASE: What?

MOUTH: I asked you for a job in Utah.

CHASE: Yeah, but she kisses better.

MOUTH: Man, you gave away my job and you lied to me about my kissing? I wish I never made out with you in Utah.

CHASE: He's joking.

ALEX: Hey, if that's your story.

ALEX: So, how'd it go with your ex, who's not as near as good as the current?

CHASE: It went fine. How'd it go here?

ALEX: It went fine.

CHASE: Mm. Mm. Listen... I'm sorry, but she tied a cherry stem with her tongue.

MOUTH: Just sayin'.


Jamie wins all the time.

JAMIE: Yes! Sorry.

JULIAN: Jamie, you don't have to say you're sorry every time you beat me at something. Okay, I told you that after pac-man, donkey kong, the rock-climbing wall, and skee ball.

JAMIE: Well, sorry. Didn't you play anything when you grew up? No sports, no video games?

JULIAN: I watched a lot of movies. And I watched a lot of people. I used to watch people and make up stories about them.

JAMIE: You didn't have any friends, huh? Okay, well, what kind of stories?

JULIAN: Um, well... All right, take that guy. That guy works here for now, but he used to run the sideshow in a traveling carnival... until the bearded lady broke his heart and he had to get away.

JAMIE: My dad says I won't be able to grow a beard till I'm at least 30.

JULIAN: Be happy about that.

JAMIE: Okay, well, what about that guy?

JULIAN: That guy... Hates tattoo guy because tattoo guy called his graphic novels "comic books." He also borrowed his first-edition copy of "The Alcoholic" and never gave it back.

JAMIE: Chuck's mom is an alcoholic.

JULIAN: He totally spit in that drink, too. All right, you try it.

JAMIE: Okay. That lady... Isn't really that boy's mom. She just had to pick him up and do a bunch of fun stuff with him because something went wrong and she's too chicken to tell him. Oh, and she's also about to bribe him with a nice cold root beer.

JULIAN: Really?


Quinn joins Clay in surgery room.


CLAY: Hey. How are you doing?

QUINN: I feel weak.

CLAY: How's the other you doing?

QUINN: I don't know. I was checking on the other you. We're still alive, aren't we, Clay? I mean, we'll go back, right? We'll be us again?

CLAY: Yeah. Of course.

QUINN: I just don't want it to be over.

CLAY: I know.

QUINN: If I have to be stuck here, even if it is forever... at least I'm with you.

Haley is with the bedside of Quinn, Nathan joins her. Then, he will see Clay.

NATHAN: Hey, buddy. It's me. Doctor says you can maybe hear me, so, uh... If you can, why don't you... I don't me a rainstorm body spray commercial or something, and then we can get the hell out of here. Listen... You know how you're always telling me what a warrior I am? The truth is, you're the warrior. My life is so much better because of you and I'm not sure I ever said "thank you" for that. The, um... The doctors say it's a miracle that you're even breathing but I know that it's not. All this is nothing. 'Cause I know your spirit and I've seen your strength. Okay, so... Just... Just come back to us when you can because I never said "thank you" and I never said "I love you."

CLAY: I love you, too, Nate. I'm gonna miss you, buddy.

Haley talks with Quinn.

HALEY: You know, I was thinking the other day about those little plays we used to put on when we were little for the whole family. You know, we would color invitations, and everybody got all dressed up. We made snacks and lemonade and you always insisted on singing and dancing. And you were... Really terrible at both. And you turned into this... beautiful swan. I was so proud of you. I went to the beach house to tell you that...I'm pregnant. And I want you to be the godmother, because it's been everything having you near me this past year. They say you don't know what you've got till it's gone. And I guess I didn't know how much I missed you till you were in my life every day. How much I needed you. Come home soon, Quinny. And if you see mom, you tell her to send you right back here to me... Because we have invitations to make and stories to write. Just me and my beautiful swan of a sister.

QUINN: She's pregnant and I'm supposed to be the godmother.

(Clay joins Quinn in her room)

CLAY: You will be. Come on.


Quinn and Clay walk.

QUINN: It's beautiful.

CLAY: I was gonna take you here before we went to Utah.

QUINN: Well, why didn't you?

CLAY: I just got busy, you know? I thought that we had more time. Hey, but promise me that you'll go back here someday.

QUINN: We'll go. Together.

CLAY: And promise me that you'll take the time to feel... Lucky and happy and fortunate. Don't waste days with "what could have beens" and "what should have beens."

QUINN: Clay, why are you telling me these things?

CLAY: Because those things don't matter.

QUINN: Clay... Why are you talking like this?

CLAY: Because you have to leave me now.


Brooke, Nathan and Haley wait.

WOMAN ON P.A.: Paging Dr. Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please.

BROOKE: So...I got arrested today.


HALEY: Why? What happened?

BROOKE: Apparently, my lovely mother and Millicent lied about the company's earnings and falsified a whole bunch of documents with my signature on them.

NATHAN: Lied to who?

BROOKE: Investors.

HALEY: Brooke, how bad can this get?

BROOKE: I don't know. I met with our attorney this morning. They're saying some things, but...

HALEY: Brooke. How bad can it get?

BROOKE: I could lose the company.

HALEY: Oh, my god. Why didn't you say anything?

BROOKE: Because it's not life and death. Because I haven't even really congratulated you on your pregnancy. I am so happy for you guys. But I had a thought. If you really like the new baby, can I have Jamie?

NATHAN: Yeah, you can have him. But you have to have the sex talk with him first.

BROOKE: Already? It's like yesterday he was...

HALEY: Going on treasure hunts with Quinn.


Jamie and Julian drank glass.

JAMIE: It's my aunt Quinn, isn't it? Something happened to my aunt Quinn.

JULIAN: Why would you say that?

JAMIE: Well, because she was supposed to pick me up today. And she never misses her day with me.

JULIAN: Yeah, buddy. Your aunt Quinn's in the hospital.

JAMIE: Well, I'm glad they sent you to pick me up. You don't just treat me like a kid. So, can we go to the hospital now?

JULIAN: Let me call your mom and check.


Nathan is with the bedside of Clay and Haley to the bedside of Quinn.


Millicent joins Mouth.


Clay and Quinn are looked at. Clay disappears.


Julian and Jamie arrives.


Millicent talk with Mouth.

MOUTH: I'm really sorry about Clothes over Bros, Millie.

MILLICENT: I'm just sorry for Brooke. She trusted me, and I let her down...again.

MOUTH: There's got to be some leniency, though, right? I mean, you make restitution to the investors and you pay a fine or something.

MILLICENT: I don't think it's that simple. It's a federal offense.

ALEX: Hey, bitch! What's the haps? Are you guys totally re-hooking it up? Okay. Sorry. I'm gonna walk away.

MOUTH: So, how's Brooke doing with her mom?


Brooke recovers some businesses.

BROOKE: You were never proud of me, were you?

VICTORIA: Why would you say that?

BROOKE: Because if you were proud of me, if you believed in me and in the men's line, you wouldn't have lied. You wouldn't have felt the need to make Clothes over Bros seem better than it is.

VICTORIA: Is that what you think?

BROOKE: Yeah, it is.

VICTORIA: Well, you're wrong. It's because I did believe. I thought I could lie to them because I did believe in you, because I've seen you do amazing things. And in the face of a poor economy, I refused to believe that you wouldn't do it again. I gamble on your talent, Brooke. I gamble on your instinct and your ability to make miracles happen. And I'm usually right. Gambling is what you pay me to do. That other stuff...that "I'm proud of you" part...I always did that for free. It's always been the easy part.


QUINN: What do you mean I have to leave you now?

CLAY: I mean you have to go back.

QUINN: With you.

CLAY: Quinn, you've been saying it yourself. You're feeling weak. You know why that is? Because your body's healing, so it's getting ready to leave this place.

QUINN: So what?

CLAY: So I've been feeling stronger. My body's getting stronger.

QUINN: It doesn't matter, okay? I'm staying with you.

CLAY: You can't.

QUINN: Would you just stop saying things like that, okay? We're together for a reason, okay, and I'm not gonna leave you.

CLAY: You don't have a choice. Quinn, you can't choose not to live. And even if you could, I wouldn't let you.

QUINN: None of this is real, anyways.

CLAY: Listen to me. Haley's pregnant. She can't lose you right now. I mean, what would that do to her? And think what that would do to the baby. Think what that would do to Jamie.


Jamie wants to speak in Quinn.

NATHAN: Now, remember what the doctor said. Got to be positive, upbeat, okay?

JAMIE: Is it okay if I talk to her alone?

NATHAN: Yeah, of course. I'll just be right outside if you need me, okay?


Quinn starts to dig sand.


JAMIE: Hi, aunt Quinn. I wanted to come see you because I knew something was wrong, and I know you'd never miss one of our days together unless you really had to. I'm sorry that people do bad things like this, especially to good people, like you. Well, I'm just sorry, that's all. Anyway, I know you're gonna be okay, but just in case, I brought you something. I love you, aunt Quinn. And don't worry, 'cause you look really pretty.

(Jamie gives her the star amulet)


Quinn discovers the treasure where the star is hidden.


Nathan finds Haley.

HALEY: Not long ago, I was here praying for my mom.

NATHAN: I know.

HALEY: I'm trying hard not to be angry. I'm trying to be sympathetic to whatever sickness or disease would allow someone to do something like this. But I think I'm losing that battle.

NATHAN: I'm way ahead of you.

HALEY: You should be at camp.

NATHAN: It'll be fine. It's fine.

HALEY: Good. 'Cause I need you.

NATHAN: I'm right here.


Quinn joins Clay.

QUINN: I want to stay with you.

CLAY: I know. And I want that, but you can't.

QUINN: I can. Okay? I'm just fine, Clay. I'm right here.

CLAY: It doesn't matter. I can't have you here with me. Wherever this is, I need you to go back.

QUINN: Why?!

CLAY: Because it was my fault.


Millicent stills talks with Mouth.

MILLICENT: It was my fault. I knew Victoria was doing the wrong thing, and I let her do it anyway. What happened to me, Marvin? How did I get here?

MOUTH: Are you asking the guy who used to be on buses and billboards in Omaha or the guy who needs you to pay for his drinks tonight?

MILLICENT: I'm really sorry about what happened to you.

MOUTH: Don't be.

MILLICENT: But you came back from Omaha for me.

MOUTH: And I came back to a good job. The rest of it was my doing, Millie, so you're not to blame for this... I am. It was my fault, too.

Mia talks with Alex.

MIA: It was my fault. You were right. I screwed up my relationship with Chase all on my own. That doesn't mean you're not a bitch, because you are one. It just means it was my fault.


Brooke feels guilty.

BROOKE: It was my fault. I blamed my mom and I blamed Millicent, but it's my company, and it was my fault.

JULIAN: But you didn't make them lie, Brooke.

BROOKE: No, I forced them to. Not directly, but I did with the choices I made.

JULIAN: Hey, you're not gonna lose the company. Okay? But even if you did... So what, you know?You're here. We're here. And after a day like today, it all gets pretty simple, doesn't it? They can't take away your talent. You built this company with your talent and your instincts. And no one can take those away from you.


QUINN: But everything is better with you. Everything is better and everything is safe, and I can't live without you. I don't want to, Clay.

CLAY: You won't have to. You won't.

QUINN: Then come with me. Please. Why can't you just come back with me?

CLAY: Hey, listen to me. I can't explain it, but this is what we have to do. You just got to trust me.

QUINN: Then promise me. I'll do whatever you say, okay?

CLAY: Okay.

QUINN: Just promise me you'll come back to me. Promise me you'll open your eyes and you'll live a long, healthy, amazing life. Promise it. Promise me.

CLAY: I'm going to live a long, healthy, amazing life... With you. I promise. Till kingdom come. Now open your eyes.

QUINN: I don't want to -- not if it means losing you, Clay. I can't.

CLAY: It won't. I promise you.

QUINN: Till kingdom come. I love you.

CLAY: Now open your eyes. Till kingdom come.


Quinn opens the eyes.

End of the episode.