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07x22 - Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said the Last Time I Saw You

Posted: 05/31/10 21:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill


Haley : Nathan don’t!

Nathan : I love you

Haley : Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Help me!

Nathan : Haley! Haley! Haley! You okay? Oh, my God. Okay. Breathe, Haley. Just breathe.


Haley : I was just trying to feel something. Like... alive, I guess.

Doctor : And did that make you feel alive?

Haley : No. But it made me want to.


Brooke : Julian, I thought we agreed we weren't gonna hang posters out here.

Julian : I didn't hang a...


Quinn : What are you up to?

Clay : I love your back. You know where we should go? Julian's movie premiere. Maybe we could talk Nathan and Haley into going. Might be good for her to get away. And then we... could...

Quinn : Ski.

Clay : Girls that can spell are sexy. Then we could stay up all night and...

Quinn : F... U... Are terrible.

Clay : I'm just insanely in love with you. As promised.

Voice over : I wish I could tell you there was a magic cure, Haley. But depression is a singular struggle. Some people just wake up one day and feel a little better than the day before.


Jamie : Hi, mama. How you feeling?

Haley : Come here. What was that you were saying the other day about wanting to see snow?

Jamie : Well, aunt Brooke says it's snowy in Utah, and that's where Julian's movie is playing. And everyone's going.

Haley : Everyone, huh?

Jamie : Yeah.

Haley : Maybe you should try this on. Yeah, I don't... I don't want your ears to get cold in the snow.

Jamie : You mean we can go? Oh! I got to tell dad.

Haley : Jamie.

Jamie : Yeah?

Haley : I love you.

Jamie : I love you, too. Dad, we're going to Utah!


Jamie : Do you think there’s rooms for all of us?

Skills : Oh, yeah. I think there's room.

Jamie : There's trees in the house and moose antlers.

Julian : There's 12 of us. Only six bedrooms and a couple of couches.

Skills : Dibs.

Brooke : You had them lock the master, right?

Julian : Don't worry. We're good.

Skills : Hey, uh, you need some help drinking that? Lauren told me what you said about us being boys and all. I know we never really talked about it, but... It meant a lot to me.

Mouth : Thanks, but... I just want to get back to the way we used to be, you know?

Skills : Yeah, I feel that. Anyway, this trip 'bout to be insane. Plus, I get to rock my new coat I just got in L.A. Check this out.

Mouth : Dude. No.


Jamie : Hey, everyone! Dad! Come on! Doesn't anyone want to play? Ugh. I think I got some in my mouth.

Nahtan : As long as it's not yellow, I think you'll be fine.

Jamie : Hey, dad, can we build a snow fort?

Chase : I can build you a snow fort, buddy.

Jamie : Okay, cool. Wait... how do we know you, again?

Chase : I'm Chase. The bartender at Tric?

Jamie : Whatever. You're no Grubbs.

Guys : Retreat! Retreat!

Brooke : Oh, you guys are so dead!


Brooke : Are you excited about tomorrow night?

Julian : Yeah. My dad says three things have to happen at this festival. The audience has to love the movie, we have to sell it, and I have to decide what's next.

Brooke : Well, not to sound naive, but maybe you should just enjoy it.

Jamie : Yeah. I'd just enjoy it. It's a good life.


Alex : Alex Dupré.?

Man : Right. Maybe two rehabs ago. Back of the line. Hey, hold up. I like that coat, man.

Skills : Oh, that's what I'm talking about, baby. Okay... him, him, and the ladies, they with me. Thanks. Not him.

Man : Back of the line. Let's go.

Skills : Nah, I'm just kidding. He with us, too.

Man : All right. Come on, man. Hurry up.

Skills : People love the coat, baby! Oh. Dang.


Clay : Stop worrying about her.

Quinn : What?

Clay : You're worrying about Haley. All right, look... she's with Nate. She's fine. Besides, I got you a few things. White wine.

Quinn : Thank you.

Clay : And a kiss, because my baby looks amazing tonight. And, last but not least, a spare key to the house, because you lose things.

Quinn : I do not lose things.

Clay : Look, just put it outside somewhere.

Quinn : You know what? I'm gonna keep my white wine. And you can have your kiss back. But I don't need the key, because I don't lose things.

Skills : Who want to dance?

Quinn : I do.

Chase : Where's your, uh, "boyfriend" tonight?

Alex : I'm looking at him.

Chase : You're the devil, aren't you?

Alex : Why?

Chase : Because you know I just broke up with Mia.

Alex : So?

Chase : So I'm taking off, devil Dupré. And I'm locking my door.

Skills : She was sexy until she started dancing.

Quinn : Lose the beat?


Mia : How you doing?

Grubbs : I gave this flower to Miranda. It's just another thing she left behind.

Mia : Doesn't mean she doesn't miss you.

Grubbs : There's just so much that I wish I would have said the last time I saw her.

Mia : What did you say?

Grubbs : Nothing.

Mia : Then say it in here. You know, write one more great song. Let's finish this record.

Grubbs : Then what?

Mia : Well... if I was you... I'd start my tour in London. And I'd water that orchid. Grubbs. I know it feels bad now... but it's gonna get better. One more song.


Clay : It was a good night tonight. Whoa And now it's a better night.

Quinn : I think you were right about me losing stuff. I seem to have, uh, lost my clothes.

Clay : Where you going?

Quinn : Now I've lost my way to the bed. Guess I'll just have to sleep somewhere else.

Clay : No. She's good. She's good.


Josh : I made a place for you on the floor.

Alex : Right. Shut up and scoot over.

Josh : I thought maybe you'd end up in Chase's room.

Alex : I tried. He locked the door.

Josh : I know. I tried, too.

Alex : Do you ever think about coming out?

Josh : My dad's a football coach, Alex. And my mom... my mom's a football coach's wife. She loves this version of me... the leading man. So...

Alex : Well... For what it's worth, if I was a mom, I don't think there could be any words that would ever make me stop loving my child. Unless, of course, those words were "mom and dad, I secretly made a sex tape."

Josh : It's amazing how much I hate you.


Nathan : Jamie had a blast today. The guys built him a snow fort. I know that you came here just for him. I do. And I love you for that, Haley.

Haley : Please don't think that I take that for granted. I'm so grateful for... who you've been through all of this. And how you've been.

Nathan : There's no other way for me to be. You've saved me so many times. I worry that I've been selfish with you. That I've taken advantage of your strength and your selflessness... And that I've... I've broken you somehow.

Haley : No, no. You haven't. You didn't. I just have a weight in my heart now that I didn't have before. It was lighter today, though.


Quinn : It's beautiful, isn't it?

Haley : Yeah. It makes me think of mom.

Quinn : She would have liked it.

Haley : Yeah.

Quinn : Well, you know mom believed in reincarnation, right?

Haley : So I think we'll see her again. What do you think she'll be?

Quinn : Different. I think she'll be an owl. A beautiful, majestic, sarcastic owl.

Haley : I just wish she could be here again.


Alex : I can't believe you actually locked your door last night.

Chase : I can't believe you actually tried to get in.

Alex : Would that be so bad?

Chase : Says the girl who just wants someone normal and reliable. You said that at Tric.

Alex : You were listening.

Chase : Of course I was listening. I'm a bartender... manager.

Alex : And almost pilot. I was listening, too. I'd crush out on you, and then you'd be gone.


Jamie : Hi, mama. Come on in. You like it?

Haley : Oh, I do like it. This is great, buddy! Oh, my goodness. What do you like about it?

Jamie : I like that it's quiet. It feels kind of safe in here.

Haley : That's smart, kiddo. So, listen... I was thinking about going into town and buying a dress for tonight. What do you think? You want to, uh, get a suit for Julian's premiere?

Jamie : Can I pick it out myself?

Haley : Yes.

Jamie : Okay.

Haley : Okay. It's a really cool fort, Jame.

Jamie : Yeah.


Quinn : Clay? "No cellphone coverage. Went to lunch at the diner on main. Come by, unless you've lost your appetite." Hot tub. Oh... beers… Key.


Clay : Why? Uh... What happened?

Quinn : Key.

Clay : She loses things.


Jamie : Mama, I found my suit.

Haley : Well, that is quite a suit of clothes.

Jamie : I really like it. Can I get it?

Haley : Yes. Absolutely. And you know what?

Jamie : What?

Haley : Your grandma would have loved you in this suit. Just no bullfighting, okay?

Jamie : No problem. Bullfighting is caca del toro.

Haley : Okay.

Jamie : Hey, mama. You're pretty when you smile. I missed it.

Haley : Thanks buddy.


Brooke : Are you ready?

Julian : My whole life, my hair's been out to get me, like it resents my forehead for taking up too much room.

Brooke : Stop. You look nice.

Julian : Maybe I should wear a hat. Like a beret. Or a fez.

Brooke : Hey. The movie is great. And you are great. And you look so handsome that we need to get out of this bedroom, or you're gonna miss your premiere.

Julian : What would I do without you, Brooke Davis?

Brooke : Well, for starters, you'd wear a fez. Not okay. Come on. Your dad and your destiny are waiting.


Paul : Thank you. Welcome. Uh, when my son Julian called me and asked me if I wanted to make a movie with him, I thought it might be a nice chance to reconnect. But that was that was wishful thinking on my part, because I was gone so often while he was, uh, growing up that we never really connected in the first place. And that's a shame. Whenever I finish a movie, I... I have this expression... "Let's kick it out of the nest... and see if it flies." Well, son, we kicked you out of the nest. And it has been a pleasure watching you soar. I hope you all agree.

Julian : I'll see you in a bit.


Alex : Julian. It's starting.

Julian : Yeah, I know. I think I'm just gonna wait till it's over.

Alex : Those were some nice things your father said about you.

Julian : Yeah.

Alex : You sure you don't want to come back inside?

Julian : Yeah, but you should go watch it with an audience. I want you to see how good you are as an actor and a writer.

Alex : I was in good hands. And everything's gonna be okay. You know why? Because it already is.

Nathan: Opened with a sex scene. Nice work, Polanski. Good luck explaining that one to the kid.

Jamie : You're not watching it either, huh?

Julian : Nope.

Jamie : Were you grossed out, too? Come on. We should go get a drink.


Jamie : I don't get it. You made a movie with no animation, no stunts, no cars that transform into stuff, no aliens, and no rabbits.

Julian : Yes, I did.

Jamie : What the heck else is there?

Julian : Romance?

Jamie : I don't think anyone wants to see that.

Julian : Yeah. I'm not sure anyone wants to buy it, either.

Jamie : Here. It helped my mom. It's good luck. You're gonna need it.

Julian : What do you know? You're 6, and you're drinking at a bar.

Jamie : 7.

Julian : Nice. Nice work, el borracho.


Alex : I'll tell you something I am sure of. We're all afraid. Some of us find ways to hide that fear, and some of us don't. But we've all got "it," you know? And it's always there.

Josh : And what's your "it," Elise? What are you afraid of?

Alex : I'm not afraid of anything. I have you.

Josh : You were good in that scene. I'm tired of being afraid.


Jamie : It's still packed in there, so at least nobody left. That's good, right?

Julian : What's happening on-screen?

Jamie : Hold on. I'll check. They're kissing. They've been doing a lot of that. Seriously, you could have used a robot or something. I think it's almost over.

Julian : It is. Right about... Now.

Jamie : They're clapping! They liked it! Come on!


Paul : Good news. The screening went great, and we have buyers interested. The best of the bunch are on their way down. I got you a beer. Now, look... no matter what their initial offer is, I think we can get them up to $4 million.

Julian : That sounds great.

Paul : Just let me do the talking, all right?

Julian : I won't say a word.

Man : $2.5 million.

Julian : Deal!

Paul : 3. And a haircut for the kid.

Man : Deal.

Woman : Josh, this movie firmly establishes you as a leading man. You and Alex have amazing chemistry. Is it because you're together in real life?

Josh : Well... actually, there's something everyone should know. We're not together. The thing is... I... I'm just excited about how many hot single women are gonna love this movie.


Guys : Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Nathan : Nice!


Brooke : Is this the V.I.P. snow fort?

Haley : You don't have to check on me. I'm fine.

Brooke : I'm not. I needed fresh ice... For my cocktail.


Guys : Jump, jump, jump.

Skills : What's up? Damn, it's cold. Anybody seen my coat?

Jamie : Bear! Do you think it's hibernating?

Skills : Nah. I think it's just passed out. Okay, here's what you're gonna do. Take this ski pole and jab it real hard.

Jamie : I don't want to hurt it.

Skills : It's too dumb to get hurt. Trust me. Go ahead.

Mouth : Ow! Son of a...

Jamie : It talks! Aw, man.


Alex : You leaving?

Josh : Yeah. Thought I'd fly to Denver.

Alex : What's in Denver?

Josh : My parents. We need to talk.

Alex : I think that's a really good idea.

Josh : I hope so.

Josh : Anyway... I'll see you, Dupré?

Alex : It's "Whitehead." Alice Whitehead.

Josh : Alice Whitehead? That's a horrible name.

Alex : Shut up. Anyway, I guess we all have our secrets. Believe it or not, I'm really gonna miss you.

Josh : I'm gonna miss you, too... Alice.


Julian : It's pretty magical, isn't it?

Brooke : It's so beautiful. This whole trip has been perfect.

Julian : Well, I have to admit, I had a little help. Last night at the bar, Jamie gave me a gold star for luck. You want to see it?

Brooke : Yeah.

Julian : Oh, wait... that's not it. That's the engagement ring I got for you. Where did I put that thing? Everyone says that the next thing I do, the next choice I make is going to define me... my career... my life. Well... The next thing I want to do is ask you to be my wife and tell you how much I love you and how nothing else matters. When I look into your eyes, Brooke, I see the rest of my life. And I see it with you. Marry me, Brooke Davis.

Brooke : Yes. Okay. I want to so much.

Julian : I was hoping you were gonna say that.


Haley : Come here.

Jamie : Oh, mom, you're squishing me.

Haley : Oh, I'm sorry for squishing you. Let's go sledding. Do you want to?

Jamie : Totally. I'll go tell everyone.

Haley : Okay.

Jamie : Dad, we're going sledding!

Nathan : All right. You okay?

Haley : No. But... I will be.


Nathan : What do you think, Calvin? It's a long way down.

Jamie : Piece of cake, Hobbes. Let's do this.

Jamie : It sure is a long way up, mama.

Haley : No, it's just a hill. Come on. We'll climb it together.


Chase : You know, I don't think you're actually supposed to replace stuff in your hotel room.

Alex : Oh, whatever. I'll be out of here soon, anyway. Think I might get a place of my own... maybe stick around a while.

Chase : Sounds kind of normal and stable.

Alex : There. Perfect. Well... almost. Say you'll go out with me, and then it will be.

Chase : Okay. Yes.


Brooke : You know what I like best about the movie?

Julian : What's that?

Brooke : You get the sense that they're all gonna live happily ever after.

Julian : They are.


Nathan : You okay?

Haley : These aren't sad tears. They're happy tears.

Nathan : All right, well, how about from now on, we do smiles for happy instead? What is it?

Haley : I'm pregnant. I think it's gonna be a girl.

Nathan : Oh, my...

Haley : Nice work, daddy.


Clay : You're falling asleep. Why don't you go to bed?

Quinn : I like it here.

Clay : Yeah, I like it here, too. But you sleep like a rock, and you're too long to carry.

Quinn : You're mean. You say I'm too long, and you say I lose things.

Clay : But I also love you. And the truth is that without you, I'd be the one who's lost.

Quinn : Nice save. I love you.

Clay : I love you, too.