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01x10 - Quality Time

Posted: 08/29/22 06:28
by bunniefuu

This is me, Nicole Bradford.

Cute, huh?

This is my Dad.
And this is my Dad.

How'd I get two dads?
They inherited me.

It's a girl.

Here's the judge
who brought us together.

She lives in our building.
My building. I own it.

we're one big happy family,

with one dad
who's down-to-earth,

and one dad with
his head in the clouds.

I-- I think we're
father of the year.

? You can count on me
No matter what you do ?

? You can count on me
No matter where you go ?

? I'm standing by your side
I'll be right behind ?

? No one loves you
More than I do ?

? Put your hand in mine ?

? You can count on me
No matter what you do ?

? You can count on me
No matter where you go ?

? You can count on me ?


? Matilda ?

? Matilda
Little louder Matilda ?

? She take me money
And run Venezuela ?

? Everybody ?


Good morning, Dad.

Morning, Nick.

Want breakfast?

Sure. Join me?

No, because I am about
to create a sculpture.

You know, it's the creative
impulse that is the strongest,

purest, most nourishing energy
in the universe.

I never need to eat
when I'm working.

You're not working.

You're singing calypso songs
to avoid working.

Hey. Nobody likes
a smart kid.

Know what happened in school
yesterday with Rebecca?

That's the one
that's trying

to get David
to notice her?

Right, except David--
David's got the crush on Amy--

Right, except Amy--

Amy doesn't know
that David's alive.

So David's going
to ask Amy

if they want to do
homework together

in study hall, and
Rebecca is really jealous,

so they're having
a wet willy fight.

Morning, sweetheart.

Mornin', Joe.

What's this about a fight?
Is there a problem at school?

No, everything's fine.

So Michael, are you going
to have breakfast with us?

I'd love to. I've got
to get to the office

and keep plowing away
on this merger proposition.

So everything's okay at school?

And with your friends?

Good. I may be late tonight
with this merger thing.


If I put together
an interesting proposal,

and these companies
actually merge,

could mean a raise,
maybe a promotion.

So maybe you two should think
about having dinner without me.


So come on, fill me in
on the wet willy confrontation.

Who's that?
No big deal.

It's a couple of friends
of Nicole's.

So how come you know
about them, and I don't?

It's no big deal.

I know your work
is important.

Okay, I'll see you tonight
or tomorrow or Flag Day.

Okay. So David is asking Amy
to do homework with him?

Right. And you would not believe
how jealous Rebecca is.

wet willy confrontation.

More like a wet willy w*r.

They're ambushing each other
in the hallways.

Hiding in lockers.

School is now my favorite place.
JOEY: Good, good.


Yeah, I like the numbers,
I like the projections,

I like what
I'm looking at, Taylor.

Do you really
do this research

or you just make
this stuff up?

Thank you, sir.

I'll put in a call
to Beaumont Pharmaceutical's,

arrange for you to pitch
the merger presentation Monday.

You call our attorneys

and get started on
that proxy report.

I'll call my broker and have him
buy , shares

of Beaumont Pharmaceuticals.

That's flat out illegal, isn't
it? Jeez, I love this business.

Mr. Kelcher.
That's insider trading.

Stop taking me seriously.

You really think I'm stupid
enough to put myself at risk?

I'm not.

My brother-in-law is.
Hey, come on.

Hi, Nicole.


How come I don't know
about Amy and Rebecca?

And what's a wet willy?

And fax those spread sheets
to Beaumont's attorneys.

You heard me, I want
that paperwork ASAP.

Yes, sir.

No, no, I wasn't
talking to you.

Yes, now
I'm talking to you.

I called because I wanted
to hear your voice.

Oh, then you're late
for school.

Well, then we should hang up,
and you should go to school.

Yes, I'm sure I'd rather
you went to school.

Listen, Nicole,

you want to go
to an early movie tonight?

Just you and me...
I don't know, about :?

Yeah... Then it's a date.

Okay, bye...
I love you too.

Yes-- No, it's not too late
to go to school.

Yes, I want you to go.

Yes, you have to go.


Okay, here's the deal.

I spoke with
Arnold Beaumont,

gave him a rundown
of our proposal,

he seems very impressed.

Great. Did you mention
my name?

Did you tell him it was my work?
Hell, no.

We're a team, Taylor,
the team did the work.

I thought you were
a team player.

Rah, rah.

Beaumont wants
a complete breakdown

of the acquisition company's
wholesale market positioning.

What a kvetch.

Ah, well,
looks like it's going

be an all-nighter
for you, Taylor.

For me?
What about the team?

There is no team,
Taylor, grow up.

Mr. Kelcher,
I can't stay here all night,

I have personal obligations
I have to attend to.

Personal obligations?
Why didn't you say so?

By all means take care of
your personal obligations.

Oh, of course.

I'll get Sid Greyson
to do it.

Good old Hungry Sid's
always willing to take

a little more work
for the team.

Hungry Sid?

You don't know Hungry Sid?

New guy. I like him.
Know why?

No family, no friends,
no personal obligations.

All he's got is this
unbelievable appetite

to work his way up
the ladder.

He'll be only too glad
to take on your work.

Uh, Mr. Kelcher?

Don't bother Hungry Sid.

I'll get it done.

That's the team spirit,

Bernice, hold all my calls,
send in my lunch

and please buzz me
when it's :.

I have to be out of here
at :.

Geez, I love this business.


? Well the money was
Just inside me bed ?

? Stuck up in a pillow
Beneath me head ?

? Don't you know, Matilda ?

? She take me money
And run Venezuela ?

Hello, Michael.

Hi, Joe. That's
coming along real nice.

Nicole asleep?

Of course she's asleep.
It's : in the morning.

It's not like I stood her up.

I called the minute I knew
I wasn't going to make it.

Well, don't feel guilty.

I don't feel guilty.
Why should I feel guilty?

I have so much guilt.

Does she understand?
I mean, everybody in my business

has to work these hours.

Don't worry about it, okay?

She had a great time

Oh, good.
Yeah, I took her to the movies.

You took her?

Yeah, I took her. I'm allowed.
I'm half her father too.

Yeah, okay.

Well, I'm going to go see
if my half is tucked in.

Did you tuck her in too?

What, I gotta do everything?



Hi, Michael.

Hey, what are you
doing up so late?

I don't know.

Well, as long as you're up,
I want to tell you that

I'm really sorry
about tonight,

and I'm going
to make it up to you.

Guess what I'm holding
in my hand.

I give up.

I am holding two, count 'em,
two, fifth row,

center aisle tickets
to this Sunday's

matinee performance
of Starlight Express.

Do you know how hard
it is to get these?

But I got 'em.
You know why I got 'em?

'Cause there's nothing
too good for you.

So this Sunday,
you and I will be sitting

in these primo seats watching a
great Broadway musical together.

Just you and me.
Won't that be great? Hmm?

I knew you'd be excited.

You go back to sleep.

It's way past your bedtime.

I love you.

What the heck's
a wet willy?


Now you see, I told you
he'd be here on a Sunday.

This merger
is his whole life.

Taylor, say hello
to Arnold Beaumont.

Chairman of the Board,
Beaumont Pharmaceuticals.

Very nice
to meet you, sir.

I understand you're the fellow
who helped Herb here

with the merger

Helped Herb?

Yeah, well, I've been
very fortunate

to stand in Herb's shadow.

So Arnold, have a seat,
make yourself comfortable.

Okay, Taylor, pitch.

Pitch? Pitch what?

Pitch our presentation.
Come on, pitch, pitch, pitch.

I don't understand,
Mr. Kelcher, that's tomorrow.

Taylor, Arnie here
just whipped me six-three,

six-three, because I was
too busy talking about

our merger proposal to get
my serve in, so in an attempt

to console me, he's agreed
to hear our pitch today.



That's-- That's very nice,
but that could take hours.

Arnie, you in a hurry?

Mr. Kelcher.

I came in this morning
so I could get out

in time to take my daughter--

Personal obligations?

Fine. Hungry Sid's
in his office.

I'm sure he'll be only too happy
to come down here

and pitch
his hungry heart out.

Michael, Michael,
I'm telling you,

I saw them leave
about minutes ago.

They couldn't have left.

I said to wait for me.

The show doesn't start
till and it's only...

after .

"Dear Michael, I waited as long
as I could, then decided

"to see the show with Joey,

"because I didn't want
to waste your tickets.

Love, Nicole."

Michael, are you all right?


today I closed the biggest,

most lucrative business deal
of my career,

and I've never felt
so worthless in my life.

I guess you have
some thinking to do.


...the guy
with the skates.

You could skate
like that.

I'm telling you. I'm gonna
get you some skates.

Michael, you're here.

Yes, I'm here.
I'm here so let me have it.

The musical was great.
The seats were so close.

You have every right to be
angry and upset with me.

You should've seen the costumes.
Everybody played a train.

Nicole, stop being
so understanding.

Joey bought me the album. I'm
gonna go upstairs and play it.

Hey, Nicole.

All I want to be
is part of your life.

I know that.


Joey told me.

Well, that's terrific.

First, you take her
to the movie I want to,

then you use my tickets
to the play,

and now you're making
my excuses for me.

Hey, somebody's got to.

When are you here?

Well, excuse me,
but unlike some other fathers,

I'm out there
trying to make a living.

And I'm not
making a living?

Oh, yeah. Of course you are.

You are the highest-paid


in the entire building.

I'm gonna get good money for
this sculpture when I finish it.

Before finishing
comes starting, you know.

Oh, please. You know, you have
no idea what motivates talent.

Ooh, insight
on human behavior

from the man
who invented "Power Napping."

Hey, I'm awake
enough to know

what's going on
in my daughter's life.

Oh, well, silly me.
I'm providing for my child.

That's what's important.

Oh, come on.

I mean, you'd work the hours
you work, Nicole or not.

And I'll turn
this sculpture in

a week late,
but that'll be fine.

It'll be wonderful.
Because that's me.

You know what.
None of this is important.

None of it.
You know what's important?

Oh! Oh!

What the hell is that?

That's a wet willy, Michael.

I know, because Nicole
gave one to me.

She would've given one to you.

That's a wet willy?

That's a wet willy,

That's disgusting.

I'm missing my daughter's
disgusting years.

I think she'll forgive me.

She might.

You gonna forgive yourself?

Nicole, would you come down
here a second, please?

Yeah, Michael?

Come here, please.

I want to ask you something,
I want you to think about it,

and I want you
to answer me honestly.

What do you think is the most
important thing in my life?

I guess I'm supposed
to say me, right?

You're supposed to answer
like we've been together

twelve years instead
of weeks,

and you're not afraid
to hurt my feelings.

Michael, I know you love me.

Just would you not make promises
that you're not going to keep?

Because then I feel bad,
and you feel bad

and who wants to feel bad?

Don't you think I want
to spend time with you?

No. I don't know.
You never do. You used to.

Can't you take a day off?

I have so much to do,
and you have school, you know.

Why don't you
play hooky tomorrow?

Joe, that's you. I can't just
push the world off a day.

Sure, you can.
I'll cover for you.

Hey, I am
the King of Hooky, okay?

I'm in the Hooky Hall of Fame.

Look in the dictionary
under "hooky,"

you know whose picture you see?

Not mine.
I didn't show up that day.

you don't have to.

I know your work
is more important.

No, it's not.

I'm going to
show you what's important.

I am going to call my boss,
at home, on a Sunday,

and I am going to tell him that
I have priorities in my life.

And, uh, I'm going
to take tomorrow off,

and I'm going to spend
it with my daughter.

'Cause it's my life,
and I'm calling the sh*ts.

Mr. Kelcher,
Michael Taylor.

I don't feel very good and, uh,
I won't be coming in tomorrow.



Joey, why is your phone
off the hook?

Hey, judge. Oh, I just left it
off the hook so I wouldn't be

disturbed while
I was working.

Yeah, it's coming along
real nice.

Where's Nicole?

She's in school.

No, she's not.

After they tried to call you,
the principal's office called me

because I'm listed
as her next of kin.

Ah, she's fine.

I'm glad to hear that.
Where is she?

How do you mean?

Joe, sit down.

I've been trained
to sweat the truth

out of hardened

Talk now,
and I'll go easy on ya.

Okay, okay, okay,
I'll talk.

My parent were poor,
but humble people.

We lived in a houseboat right--
Okay, okay.

Prepare to sweat.

If you don't know where
Nicole is, where's Michael?

Oh, he's at work.

No, he's not. I called his
office. He didn't go in.

Oh, he's sick today.

So he's in his bed.
I'll go get him.

Oh, no, he's not in his bed.
he's, uh, in the hospital.

He's real sick.

Oh. What type of sickness
does he have?


That's a jungle
disease, Joe.

Hey, it's a jungle
out there.

You're good, Joe.

But I'm better.

I'm gonna make you sing.

? Day-o, day-o ?


Excuse me.


What can I do
for you?

I, uh, have
the wrong apartment.

Hey, judge.

Really, trust me, okay?
They're fine.


Hey, how ya been?

Joe, you should never cover
for your friends,

it'll always
come to no good.

I'm looking
for Michael Taylor.

This is
the right address.

I'm Herb Kelcher.
His boss.

Where is he?

He's in the hospital.


So is that the best day
you've ever had, or what?


Mr. Kelcher.

You got a nasty
fake cough there, Taylor.

You better take
some fake cough medicine,

and go see
a fake doctor.

Meanwhile, I got some
real work for you.

Hi, judge.

Hi, sweetie.

I won all of this stuff
at school.

These are the specs
on some companies

that are ripe for takeover.

Since you're our merger star,
I'd like you to study them

and let me know
what you think.


Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

He's spending the day
with his daughter.

Joe, don't help.

You took the day off
to spend time with Nicole?

I suppose you think that makes
me an irresponsible father.

Personally, I think that
makes you a great father.

But a lousy hooky player.

Don't you lightweights know

you're supposed to
call the school?

Taylor, who are
these people?

This is my daughter,

And she is the most
important thing in my life.

This is Joey Harris.
He's not.

And this is our landlord
and neighbor, Judge Wilbur.

Herb Kelcher. Taft-Kelcher.
Taft's dead.

I don't like employees who take
the day off for no reason.

Spending time with
your family is no reason?

Take it from me,
the kid will be plenty happy

if Daddy brings home
a nice, fat bonus.

A bonus check doesn't tuck
your little girl in at night.

Well, I'm the boss.
So things get done my way.

Well, I'm the law.

And if there's one thing
that's taught me,

it's that sometimes
you have to bend.

Why don't you bend?

I could go for her.

Mr. Kelcher, I want
to tell you something.

I took the day off
because I've been working

very hard,
and I deserve it.

And even if I don't deserve it,
Nicole deserves it.

I understand, Taylor.
You think I'm an ogre?

You take all the time
off you need.

Just give me the papers,
I'll show them to--

Hungry Sid? You want to give
them to Hungry Sid? Fine.

You feed these
to Hungry Sid

because I'm gonna let you
in on something.

You know what
I found out today?

I found out that the payback
on being a good father

is getting hugs
and love from my kid,

even when I acted
like an idiot.

Whereas I could spend a lifetime
k*lling myself for people

like you, and I would
never once get a hug.


Here's your hug.

There's your work.

What about Hungry Sid?

Forget Hungry Sid,
Hungry Sid's an idiot.

His whole purpose
in this company

is to make hardworking,
talented people

like you feel insecure.
Doesn't work, so he's fired.

So, uh, so you're saying that
I'm valuable to the team?

I hugged you, didn't I?

I guess you wouldn't mind
if Michael took

the rest
of the week off

so he could spend
it with his daughter

Oh, he's funny.
Okay, Michael.

You spend some time
with your daughter.

Fine with me.
But when there is work

that needs to be done,
I don't care how or when

it gets done,
it better be done.

Because that's the way it is
in this business.

And Taylor,
you've, uh, inspired me.

I think
I'm going to go home

and spend some time
with my kids.

You got kids?

Yeah, of course I do.
How many?

Two or three.

And they're cute like her.

