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07x19 - Every Picture Tells a Story

Posted: 05/09/10 23:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "One Tree Hill"...

Alex : If you talk, I can't pretend you're somebody else.

Grubbs : If I start to become that guy that nobody likes...

Miranda : You won't. I'm gonna make sure you stay exactly who you are... 'Cause that's a person worth protecting.

Alexander : I know I slept with Alex. But I like you. A lot.

Haley : Mom?

Lydia : It's time for you to open a studio and a gallery.

Haley : Are you okay, mom?

Lydia : No. I'm not. I have cancer. I guess I did all right.

Haley : You did everything, mom.

Lauren : What the hell.

Skills : Anybody home? Miss me?

Brooke : The ex love of my life and current bane of my existence made it very clear to me that they did the wild thing last night!

Brooke : Have you called last looks for hair and makeup yet?

Julian : No. Why?

Julian : Brooke, what the hell happened today?

Brooke : I thought you fell for Alex. I'm sorry.

Clay : Excuse me. Are you Katie Ryan?

Katie : I met an agent. He'll either sign me or marry me. Either way, this just might be the first day of the rest of my life.

Clay : I... I can't represent you.

Girl : He decided to sign you?

Katie : Not yet, but he will. It turns out... I'm his type.

One Tree Hill – Season 7 Episode 19


Brooke : Good morning, boyfriend.

Julian : What did I do to deserve this?

Brooke : It's my big-shot director's last day. I thought it deserved something special.

Julian : On time, on budget. Well, sort of, give or take a punched lead actress. But I think it's gonna be a good film.

Brooke : Sorry about that. And for the record, it's gonna be a great movie. Great if I don't miss picking up today's wardrobe. I got to run. Do not go long on your last day, Cecil B. Debaker. I need my boyfriend on my arm tonight at Quinn's gallery opening.

Julian : You're kind of liking calling me "boyfriend" again, aren't you?

Brooke : Yeah. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Julian : Brooke... I'm glad we're back.


Quinn : Good morning. You okay?

Clay : I see Sara sometimes. I mean, ever since she died, I, uh, I see her sometimes, and we talk. I... I'm not crazy, I promise. It's just lately, since you... Well, I haven't been seeing her so much.

Quinn : Is that why no pictures?

Clay : Pictures?

Quinn : You don't have any pictures of her in your place, and I don't want it to be because of me. It's okay to love her, the memory of her. It won't diminish us.

Clay : And you don't think I'm weird for seeing her?

Quinn : All I know is if I could see my mom right now... I would stay up all night talking to her.


Brooke : Alexander, where are the changes for today's sh**ting? I'm late! Is it hot in here? It feels hot in here.

Alexander / Victoria : No. No.

Brooke : Mother. Another button, please. The slutty-milf look is so not you. I have to run. I'll see you guys tonight.

Alexander : See ya. Oh, this is... she's gonna catch us. She's definitely going to catch us. This is gonna end badly. We... we got to tell her.

Victoria : Don't you worry about a thing. Besides, it's more exciting this way. Now come here.


Mouth : We have to tell him.

Lauren : Tell him what? That we kissed? I mean, I'm not even sure what this is.

Mouth : Well, it's something. And now with Skills back, it's getting uncomfortable. We need to be honest with him. We owe him that.

Lauren : I know. Skills is a great guy, but this is complicated. It is so messed up. I should talk to him.

Mouth : No. I need to. He's my best friend.


Brooke : Hey.

Josh : Someone is so freakin' fired!

Man : I can assure you that we looked everywhere, Mr. Avery.

Josh : Well, look again! And where is that loser P.A.? He probably took it.

Julian : Hey, what's going on?

Man : Mr. Avery's laptop computer has gone missing from his trailer. I'm positive that P.A. Brian did not steal your computer.

Josh : Okay. Thank you. That's so reassuring. Look, you stick to doing your job, okay? Just checking for hairs in the gate and keeping my trailer stocked with red vines and lube!

Julian : Hey, Christian Bale, calm down, okay? Look, I'm sorry this happened, but it's just a computer, okay? The production will replace it. Let's just focus on the work, okay?

Josh : I don't give a crap about the computer. It's what's on it.

Brooke : Here's your wardrobe. It's gonna be a great last day.


Jamie : I'm bored.

Nathan : You can't be bored. You're 7. Do you have any idea how fun being 7 is? Besides, I got a cure for that.

Jamie : What?

Nathan : Guess who's babysitting you tonight?

Jamie : Oh please don’t say Junk and Fergie.

Nathan : No. Me. All right? We're having a guys' night, and it's gonna be a blast.

Jamie : Aw, sweet! Wait. What about mom?

Nathan : Mom is going to Aunt Quinn's art gallery opening, so she's putting on her pretty face right now. Well, her prettier face.


Haley : Okay. One, two... three.


Miranda : What are you doing? Why did you stop?

Grubbs : It sounds thin. I think we should... take another pass at the vocals, maybe double the chorus. What do you think?

Miranda : I think it's great. Let's keep moving.

Grubbs : I really think it needs the work.

Miranda : The insecure artist thing is cute, but seriously, it's great.

Grubbs : I mean, whatever happened to you protecting me as an artist?

Miranda : You remember that guy you became the last time you recorded, the one you didn't like?

Grubbs : I think he's back. It's great. Push play.


Quinn : Hey.

Haley : Hey. Woo. Talk about a work of art. You look great.

Quinn : Thanks.

Haley : So, you excited for tonight? How do you feel?

Quinn : You know, if there's a feeling of being half totally excited and half completely ready to panic, then that's how I feel.

Haley : Oh, don't worry. It's gonna be good. You're kind of great at the picture-taking thing, you know.

Quinn : Thanks. Well, I'm glad you think so. I wanted to give this to you.

Haley : Oh. What is this?

Quinn : My way of saying thank you for being there for me this year. I couldn't have made it through without my little sis.

Haley : I love it. I really do.

Quinn : I just want tonight to go well, you know? For mom.

Haley : Yeah. For mom.


Skills : Yeah, well, I didn't see it coming, either. I know, but... I just think it's the best move for both of us. I look forward to hearing back. Okay. Bye. Whoo. Keep your fingers crossed, bro.

Mouth : Why?

Skills : I just pitched to the company to let me be the east-coast rep. If all goes well, I'm home for good.

Mouth : And if they don't, are you back to L.A.?

Skills : No.

Mouth : Why not? I thought you liked it out there?

Skills : I mean, ain't nothin' wrong with Cali. It ain't no place to meet somebody. But it did give me some time to think, and what I came up with was I missed what I had here with Lauren.

Mouth : Lauren?

Skills : Yep. I'm gonna get her back.

Mouth : Have you talked to her about it?

Skills : Uh, no. But I'm going to.

Mouth : What if they don't give you the job out here?

Skills : Then I just quit.

Mouth : You'd really leave your job in L.A.?

Skills : I would. If I recall, somebody quit their job in Omaha for love, right? Look, Mouth, I had a whole lot of time to think about this, bro. I'm just gonna talk to her tonight. Hey, man.

Mouth : Yeah?

Skills : Ain't you gonna wish me luck?

Mouth : Yeah. Of course. Good luck.


Clay : You ready?

Quinn : Yeah.

Clay : All right. One... two...

Quinn : It's perfect. Just perfect.

Clay : It's gonna be a perfect night.

Quinn : Can you believe this crowd? I just hope they like my work.

Clay : Relax. They love it. And besides, you... oh. You didn't.

Quinn : Do you love it?

Clay : I... don't know. It's kind of weird, you know, seeing everyone looking up at a giant version of me.

Quinn : Come on. I want to show you something.

Clay : What's this?

Quinn : So, everyone attending tonight takes their own portrait, and then the camera feeds it to the flat screens in the gallery, so the people tonight are the live art.

Clay : That's genius.

Quinn : Well, then you're the genius, because I got the idea from you. The slide show that you made for my mom. I love you for that.

Lauren : That's a powerful photograph.

Mouth : She has a knack for capturing a dramatic moment.

Lauren : So... have you talked to him?

Mouth : Yeah. I mean, no. Look, I need to talk to you about that because...

Skills : Hey. Well, if it isn't my favorite two people. Hey, mouth, you mind if I steal my girl away for one second?


Nathan : Okay, now, I like to start at the bottom and do the neck first. So just real slow. And then when you're done with your neck, you're just gonna start at your sideburns and work your way down to your chin.

Jamie : Seems like a lot of work. I'm gonna have to do this every day?

Nathan : If you want to attract girls.

Jamie : Is this how you got mom?

Nathan : It took a lot more than a close shave to get your mom to fall for me.

Jamie : Really? Why?

Nathan : Well, when I met your mom, I wasn't exactly the nicest guy in the world. It's true. I was a bit selfish, and I fought a lot.

Jamie : But you're not like that now.

Nathan : Being with your mom made me a better person. You know, now that I think of it, your mom and your uncle Lucas did.

Jamie : It must have been fun having a brother growing up. It's like having a best friend over all the time.

Nathan : Yeah. But remember, Uncle Lucas and I weren't really that close when we were your age. The important part is we became more like real brothers once we got a little bit older. But you're right. Having a brother is a lot like having a best friend. It helped make me the man I am today.

Jamie : And I love that guy.

Nathan : I love you, too, buddy.

Jamie : So when do I start shaving, dad? Next year?

Nathan : Well, if your face is like mine, probably when you're about 22.


Quinn : You like?

Haley : I love it.

Quinn : We spent a whole week in that village, and those girls followed me everywhere. They were inseparable.

Haley : I think you just made your first sale.

Quinn : Yeah?

Haley : Yeah.

Brooke : I hope she at least gets a family discount.

Quinn : The whole Hollywood glam squad. I'm honored you guys came.

Brooke : Seriously, Quinn, this is amazing.

Haley : Wait. Are you two, uh...

Brooke : Back together? Yes.

Haley : Oh. Told you.

Josh : So, you got any nudes in this collection or... ?

Alex : Whoa. Pay no attention to Mr. Inappropriate. Come on, Josh. There must be a bar around here somewhere.

Haley : Julian, please tell me this movie's gonna be over soon.

Julian : Today was, in fact, the last day.

Brooke : We're officially wrapped!

Quinn : Well done. That is so major.

Julian : Well, thank you. Speaking of major, look at you go. Congratulations.

Quinn : Thank you.


Skills : You've been kind of distant since I got home. Look, I owe you an apology.

Lauren : Why? What for?

Skills : I came home for you because I love you. I can't be apart from you, and I should have never left.

Lauren : Antwon...

Skills : Please tell me you feel the same way.

Lauren : It's just, things are different. I mean, maybe if we'd never split up.

Skills : Yeah, but you said you wouldn't come to L.A., so I fixed it. I'm home now. Why can't it just be like it was?

Lauren : Because it's not like it was.

Skills : Is there someone else?

Lauren : I don't know. Maybe. I'm sorry, Antwon.


Josh : Oh, baby, that's...

Alex : I said no talking.

Julian : So our lead actors are sleeping together. Here's my surprised face. Where did you even get this?

Paul : It was e-mailed to me this morning.

Julian : By who?

Paul : By someone smart enough to know that you'll do just about anything to protect Alex from this getting out there. Julian, we're being blackmailed.

Alex : Julian, what's the matter?

Julian : This.

Josh : Oh, baby, that's...

Alex : I said no talking.

Alex : I... I didn't do it.

Julian : Oh, that's funny. That sure looks like you screwing him to me.

Alex : No. I mean, okay, I did sleep with him. I just... I didn't make that tape. Did you get it from Josh?

Julian : No. I got it from someone who's trying to blackmail my father for a ton of money. Alex, why don't you just sh**t me in the head? It would save us all so much time. That's not fair. No. What's not fair is that I keep trying to find the best version of you, and you just keep showing me the worst version.

Mouth : So what did you say?

Lauren : I told him I didn't want to go back to the way it was. He was really upset. It was bad. I feel terrible.

Mouth : I know I should just take the high road here and let you find your way back to him, but... I really like you, Lauren.

Lauren : It's also my decision. And I have feelings for you, too. Do you think Antwon's gonna be okay?

Chase : Skills. My man. How you been, buddy?

Skills : Thirsty. Four sh*ts.

Chase : Four sh*ts. Coming up.


Miranda : Well, I mean, there must be something that can be done. How about an extension?

Grubbs : Check one, two. Annoying, impatient artist ready to lay down a track.

Miranda : So you're telling me there is nothing I can do? Well, that's just great.

Grubbs : You know, it only took the Beatles a month to record "Abbey Road." Sorry. You... you okay?

Miranda : The record sounds great, Michael.

Grubbs : But it looks like I'm not gonna be around to finish it. I'm going back to England.

Miranda : Oh, that's funny. Because when you said that we were gonna be working together,

Grubbs : I sort of imagined that you'd at least be in the same hemisphere.

Miranda : You know what? I'm serious. Believe me, I have tried moving heaven and earth to stay here, but there's a problem with my visa. I'm being deported.

Grubbs : And where does that leave us?

Miranda : We're scuppered. I'm afraid there's not gonna be an "us."


Brooke : I cannot believe she's giving him the time of day after he stood her up. And besides, it's gross.

Alexander : What's gross?

Brooke : The thought of my mother having sex. Blech!

Alexander : Yeah, well, I don't think it's gross. I mean, she's an attractive older woman, Brooke.

Brooke : Oh, okay. Stop. I cannot talk about my mother and sex with you. It's nice that you're being so sweet about her, but you need to stick to what you know, which is designing super-hot clothes and sleeping with skanky actresses.

Alexander : Thanks.


Josh : Hey, check this out. I kind of like it.

Alex : You filmed us having sex?

Josh : You found my computer?

Alex : No. But someone did. And now Julian and his father are being blackmailed for $1 million thanks to you!

Josh : What?

Alex : How could you? It's my career. It's Julian's career, and Paul's, and all the people that worked so hard on this film. They put everything they had into this project, and now you've just jeopardized everything.

Josh : This is not my fault, okay? My computer was stolen.

Alex : Not your fault? Okay. But here's what I don't get... why would you make a tape of yourself having sex when you suck at it?!

Josh : At least try to be professional about this.


Jamie and Nathan have fun with Guitar Heroes!


Julian : This guy? He's laughing at me.

Brooke : Why do you say that?

Julian : Oh, you ready? Remember all that stuff that was on Josh's computer that he was freaking out about this morning? Wait for it. He and Alex made a sex tape, and now we're being blackmailed to keep it under wraps.

Brooke : Oh-ho, no.

Julian : Go ahead. You can laugh at me now, too. You warned me about Alex. You told me I shouldn't work with her. Maybe you were right. Maybe I should just let her fail. Hey, the... the tape might even bring the movie some free publicity.

Brooke : Hey, whoever said "there's no such thing as bad publicity" was never on a sex tape. Trust me. You have to help her. Look, I know you're disappointed in her right now, but I bet she didn't do this on purpose. And I bet that deep down in your heart, you want to help her. So do it.

Julian : You really mean that?

Brooke : This is not a test, Julian. Yes. I think you should help Alex.

Julian : So he's not laughing at me, then?

Brooke : Well, maybe a little.

Clay : Chase Adams back behind the bar.

Chase : Well, it's only beer, wine, and sh*ts, so I can't do that much damage.

Clay : I'll take a beer.

Quinn : So, I'm a little jealous now that you'll be spending your days and nights hanging out with some other girl.

Clay : What?

Quinn : Somebody bought your portrait. She's, um... oh, she's right there.

Quinn : I am so excited you like his portrait.

Katie : I just love it! And now meeting the subject, well, that makes it all the more special. I'm Katie.

Clay : Clay.

Katie : I don't want to take up all your time on your special night, and I want to see the rest of your work, so please excuse me.

Quinn : I like her. And she seems to like your portrait. I guess I'll just have to get used to letting you be with her. Tonight seems to be going well, huh?

Clay : Yeah. Can you, uh, just excuse me for one second?

Quinn : Sure.


Miranda : I'm sorry.

Grubbs : So there's nothing we can do?

Miranda : Nope. I have to leave. And sooner than later.

Grubbs : Well, I guess it's back to my day job.

Miranda : We'll find someone to finish the record with you. I promise.

Grubbs : I don't want anyone else. And that's both guys talking the musician and the guy who just needs you.


Clay : What are you doing?

Katie : Oh, I thought I looked hotter as a blonde. What do you think?

Clay : I told you I couldn't represent you, and now you show up here uninvited, texting me inappropriately about my girlfriend? I mean, who do you think you are?

Katie : Clay... I can be whoever you want me to be.

Clay : You need to leave. Now.

Katie : I'm sorry. I felt a connection between the two of us. I guess... I guess I was wrong.

Julian : Don't. Don't. You're not gonna find any answers in there.

Alex : You don't have to do this.

Julian : Do what?

Alex : Always try to save me. It seems no matter what I do, I mess things up for you. Trust me, I never meant to hurt you or your father or the movie that we just made. But now that the film's over, I'll just get out of your way. Do what you want to do with the tape. I'll understand.

Julian : Alex, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through it. And you're not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this together. I'm gonna do everything I can to help you. I promise.

Alex : Really?

Julian : Really.

Alex : Thank you, Julian.

Julian : Don't thank me. Thank Brooke.


Nathan : "He turned away to give them time to pull themselves together; and waited, allowing his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser in the distance."

Jamie : So the boys were saved?

Nathan : In the end, yeah.

Jamie : I like it when you read to me.

Nathan : So do I.

Jamie : It was sad when Piggy died.

Nathan : I know, man. I like Piggy, too.

Jamie : It's good that the boys had each other on the island. It must have been pretty lonely and scary all alone.

Nathan : Do you ever get lonely?

Jamie : Yeah, sometimes.

Nathan : So do you think you'll be okay when I go off to training camp this season?

Jamie : Yeah, I guess. I like it better when you're home, though.

Nathan : Can I ask you a favor?

Jamie : Sure. What?

Nathan : Well, even though she doesn't show it all the time, deep down inside, your mom is still very sad that your grandma died.

Jamie : Yeah.

Nathan : So when I'm away, I need you to just watch out for her, make sure she doesn't get too sad.

Jamie : Yeah.

Nathan : I need you to be the man of the house when I'm gone. Can you do that for me?

Jamie : Yeah.

Nathan : Okay. I knew I could count on you.

Jamie : Mom's gonna be okay, right?

Nathan : Yeah, she's gonna be fine. And besides, now we'll both be taking care of her. All right?


Haley : Hands off, girlie. That one's mine.

Brooke : How you holding up?

Haley : I'm good.

Brooke : I know it must be hard. Your mom played a big part in this night.

Haley : Yeah, it is, but, you know, I think Jamie really helps. It's kind of life's little plan, you know? You have kids so you have something to hold onto when you lose your parents. What's wrong?

Brooke : I can't have kids.

Haley : What? Have you seen a specialist or... ?

Brooke : Yeah, no, I did everything, and... kids aren't in the cards for me.

Haley : You cannot give up, Brooke. You never know.

Julian : So, what are our options?

Paul : It's a tough call. If we do nothing, it could hurt the film, but $1 million is a lot of money.

Josh : If it helps, I'm willing to take one for the team. You can release the tape.

Julian / Paul : Shut up.

Julian : And if the tape does get out?

Paul : We just finished making a charming independent movie. For it to work, we need to take it to a major film festival. We need people focusing on your great film, Julian, not a sex tape. This whole thing could really hurt our chances.

Josh : I have a really good friend who works at Sundance. I could...

Julian / Paul : Shut up.

Paul : Whoever's blackmailing us, they're right about one thing... we have everything on the line.

Julian : Well, they're also right about something else. I want to protect Alex. She's fragile. And if this tape gets out... It could destroy her.

Paul : Well, now it looks like we have $3 million invested in this film.

Alexander : Look, we got to tell Brooke, all right? She's got no idea, and I don't think us being together is gonna strike her as a good surprise.

Victoria : Now is not a good time. We're on the verge of releasing a very important line, and I need her thinking about business and not us.

Alexander : Hey... You're ashamed of us, aren't you?

Victoria : Please.

Alexander : You are.

Victoria : Please! I am not. Look, I told Brooke I was taking a lover. Where's the shame in it being a young, hot guy who's 25 years younger than me who has abs that I can bounce quarters off of, Hmm? You just need to relax. You need to relax. Nobody's ashamed of anybody, okay?

Skills : And then she said there was someone else.

Chase : Dude, that sucks.

Skills : Yeah, but I just don't know who that someone else could... It's you, isn't it? Lauren's "someone else."

Mouth : Skills, I was gonna talk to you...

Skills : So it's true?

Mouth : Yes, but...

Skills : Thanks for sleeping with my girlfriend, buddy.

Victoria : That's just scandalous. Just simply... scandalous.


Gruggs : Your face says "a shot and a beer back," but I think this is what you need. Someone get their heart broken tonight?

Skills : Yeah. It was my fault, though. I mean, looking back, I had my chance. I just didn't take it when I should have. Now it's too late, and I'll never get her back.

Gruggs : I don't know. Never is a pretty long time.

Skills : I should have just told her how I felt.


Haley : Well, all things considered, I thought that went pretty well.

Quinn : Um, are you kidding? A fist fight, public sex, and, um, a check for you? It rocked!

Haley : Whoa. What is this for? I can't take this.

Quinn : Consider it back rent. And thanks, Hales. Thanks for being there for me.

Haley : That is what sisters are for.

Quinn : Mom would have loved a night like tonight.

Haley : Sometimes I flash on the fact that we're never gonna see her again, and, uh... I can't breathe. I just can't believe she's gone.

Quinn : I know. We all miss her. Just know, Haley, she was so proud of you.

Haley : Yeah


Brooke : I hope you're proud of yourself, mother. I can't believe that even you would stoop this low to sexually harass an employee to get back at Paul for standing you up on a date?

Alexander : Brooke... I am the date. We've been seeing each other.


Haley : Oh woah. Huh. How was your night?

Nathan : The best ever.

Haley : I don't know where you get it, but you're a great parent.

Nathan : I get it from you. You know what I was thinking tonight?

Haley : What?

Nathan : I want us to have another baby. Hales?

Haley : I actually took a pregnancy test this morning. And it... it was negative.

Nathan : Okay. Hey, it's fine. We'll... we'll try again. You're okay, right?

Haley : I'm fine. I'm fine.


Grubbs : So you're leaving?

Miranda : I told you, I don't have a choice.

Grubbs : Marry me.

Miranda : What did you just say?

Grubbs : I said, "marry me."

Miranda : You've got to be joking.

Grubbs : No. I'm serious. You made me a promise, and I'm holding you to it. Marrying me fixes everything. All you have to do is say "yes."


Alex : What do you want?

Josh : I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I never should have made that tape, but you got to know that I never meant for any of that other stuff to happen. If there was any way that I could take it back, I would. I just... hoped you could find it in your heart to forgive me.

Alex : The movie's wrapped, Josh. And so are we. Goodbye.

Josh : Dude, we just said we were getting the tape out there. The plan was never to blackmail these people for money.


Clay : My girl rocked it tonight.

Quinn : Thank you.

Clay : So, it was some night, huh?

Quinn : You sure you had a good time? You seemed like something was bothering you.

Clay : Quinn, there's something I need to tell you. Remember the tennis player that wouldn't take no for an answer?

Quinn : Yeah.

Clay : Well, she is the girl who bought my portrait tonight.

Quinn : That Katie girl? I... I don't understand. Wait, you know her? Why do you have a photo with her?

Clay : Because it's not her. It's Sara.


Julian : You showed me something pretty special tonight.

Brooke : I'm trying to forget what we were shown tonight, if you don't mind.

Julian : Alex. Who would have thought that you, of all people, would rescue her?

Brooke : I didn't do anything. You're the one bailing her out.

Julian : Thanks to you.

Brooke : What?

Julian : You remember what you said to me our first night here?

Brooke : "What if we ruin it?"

Julian : Every night I spent away from you, I dreamed about being back here... in this room, in this bed, with you. I dreamed about us, Brooke. And now we're here. We're back. And you look even more beautiful than in my dreams... I love you. I never stopped loving you... not for one night, not for one moment. And I never will. Nothing can ruin us, Brooke Davis.