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07x17 - At the Bottom of Everything

Posted: 03/01/10 20:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill

Paul : Alex has to be better, or we're gonna be in serious trouble here.

Julian : She will be.

Alex : I'm letting everyone down, and I don't get drunk when I'm sad. I sleep with boys. You want to get out of here?

Millicent : My name is Millicent. I keep telling everybody I'm fine, and I'm not fine.

Miranda : So, let me get this straight. You don't want to make a record because it's too personal?

Grubbs : That's right.

Miranda : Personal sells albums. So, make a record with me.

Clay : I loved you so much, Sara.

Sara : You were perfect with me... and you always will be.

Haley : Are you okay, mom?

Lydia : I have cancer.

Haley : Oh, no, no, no.

Lydia : It's pancreatic. So I've accepted it.

Taylor : You're giving up.

Lydia : No, I am not giving up.

Taylor : Maybe Quinn can take a picture of it. We can just add it to this stupid box.

Haley : Taylor. Tay.

One Tree Hill Season 7 – Episode 17


Lydia : I, uh, know that we haven't had a family breakfast in a long time, but, um, I seem to remember that there used to be at least some talking and, uh, you know, eating the last few times we've done this. I don't know. Call me crazy.

Haley : I'm sorry, mom. It's just hard for us to...

Lydia : I know, honey, but... I just want to enjoy a breakfast with my favorite people in the world. Okay?

Haley : Okay.

Lydia : Good. There he is. Finally, someone with a personality. Ahh!

Jamie : So, what's for breakfast?

Lydia : For you, a little bit of everything.

Jamie : Ooh, my favorite. What's everyone staring at?

Lydia : I think it's because that was the last piece of bacon. But don't you worry about it. They had their chance. Come with me. I want to show you something, okay? I would like to thank all of you for this scintillating breakfast conversation. You know, it's moments like these that we're supposed to remember.


Alexander : Hey, come back to bed.

Alex : Why are you still here?

Alexander : Ouch. Well, someone's a little feisty. I like it. You know, to be honest, we could've used a little more of that last night.

Alex : What's that supposed to mean?

Alexander : Well, you got to admit, I did most of the work. It's okay, though. I mean, I slept like a baby.

Alex : Good for you. You know who didn't sleep like a baby? Me. I got exactly 26 minutes of sleep, and I'm filming eight scenes today.

Alexander : Well, I refuse to apologize for my exceptional stamina.

Alex : I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about that. The horrible noise.

Alexander : I think it's called music.

Alex : No, when it comes through a hotel-room wall, it's called noise.

Alexander : So, you're not coming back to bed?

Alex : Let me try to explain this to you. I'm filming a movie right now, so I need this thing called sleep. And when I don't get sleep, I get bags under my eyes. And those bags are gonna be documented on film forever.

Alexander : Yeah.

Alex : Got it?

Alexander : Got it. Hey, well, look on the bright side. I mean, odds are no one's even gonna see this film.

Alex : Seriously, why are you still here?


Julian : Have I been replaced already?

Brooke : What?

Julian : You're sitting in my chair.

Brooke : Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you...

Julian : No, no. Just a poorly timed joke.

Brooke : You're here early.

Julian : Oh, I know. I couldn't sleep.

Brooke : So... figured I'd come in and try to steal your job.

Julian : Um... Can I ask you something I'm not really allowed to ask anyone else?

Brooke : Of course.

Julian : Am I doing okay?

Brooke : Are you kidding? You're doing great. Everyone is so proud of you, especially your dad and... and me. I do have one major complaint, though. You need to start dressing warmer. 'Cause if you don't, you're gonna get sick, and then you'll get all sluggish like you do, and then you'll grouch and you'll whine a little, and nobody wants that.

Julian : I don't grouch.

Brooke : Yes, you do. And whine.

Julian : I do whine.

Brooke : A little.

Julian : Yeah.

Brooke : Okay, well, you probably have a million fires to put out, so I'm gonna get out of your way. Thanks for letting me sit in your chair.

Julian : Anytime.


Nathan : You okay?

Haley : No, I'm not. She's acting like there's nothing wrong, like she's fine.

Nathan : She's just trying to be strong for everyone, Haley.

Haley : By giving up?

Nathan : No. By accepting the situation that she's in. She seems at peace with it.

Haley : Well, I'm not. It's not over. She's still here. I'm not ready to let her stop fighting.

Nathan : Haley, I know this is hard, but this is her life, and the doctors told her she doesn't have much time left.

Haley : So, let's get a second opinion or third or fourth.

Nathan : And what happens if they say the same thing?

Haley : What if they don't?

Nathan : Haley.

Haley : What? I... I have to believe in something right now, because without hope, I wouldn't be able to breathe. So, just let me have that, okay? If we can't find someone to help her, then at least I'll know we did everything we could. But until we know for sure, I just... I... I need that hope.

Nathan : Okay.


Millicent : Just a few months ago, I had everything I ever wanted. But now all that seems like forever ago, because, one day, I lost my way, and I forgot who I was. But I'm trying to find my way back. I just hope I can get there someday. Thanks.


Lydia : Do you recognize this handsome guy? That's you Christmas morning. Look how little you were.

Jamie : Yeah. I was a kid back then. Look, that's when I got Fletcher. He was my favorite stuffed animal.

Lydia : Do you still have Fletcher?

Jamie : Somewhere. Chester chewed his head off once. Mom sewed it back on. And he kind of looks weird now.

Lydia : This was my favorite Christmas. I will never forget it.

Jamie : Because you got lots of good presents?

Lydia : Well, you could say that. I was surrounded by family, by all the people that I love most in the world. And that's the best gift anyone could ever give me. And I got to spend one last Christmas with your grandpa. That was a good day. He got you Fletcher.

Jamie : I don't really remember him.

Lydia : Yeah, well, you were pretty small when he died. But, boy... He loved you so much.

Jamie : Do you miss him?

Lydia : Every second of every day. But you know what I do to remember him? When I listen to your mom, I can hear his laugh. And when I look at your aunt Quinn, I see his eyes. And then I look at you, and I see his beautiful smile. There it is.

Jamie : Maybe Christmas this year will be even better.

Lydia : I hope so. But, um... I'm not gonna be with you this Christmas, Jamie.

Jamie : Where will you be?

Lydia : I'm... going to be with your grandpa.


Miranda : Recorded a bunch of songs, lost the girl, and now you're afraid to make another record. Is that accurate?

Grubbs : Yep, those are pretty much the b*llet points of my painful existence. And thank you, by the way, for reminding me with such a cold and brief synopsis.

Miranda : Can I give you some advice?

Grubbs : If I say no, will you...

Miranda : Get over it. The girl, the big bad record executives who hurt your feelings... just get over it.

Grubbs : I wish it were that simple.

Miranda : So, you're telling me there is no chance I'm gonna get you to make a record with us?

Grubbs : I don't think so.

Miranda : Not even 1%?

Grubbs : Well, there's a 1% chance I'd do anything with you.

Miranda : Excellent. That's all I need. Let's negotiate.


Julian : You wrote the script, remember? If it's putting you to sleep, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Alex : I'm sorry. I was up all night.

Julian : Who was he?

Alex : It wasn't a he. It was a bunch of hes. Did your mind really just go there?

Julian : No.

Alex : Yeah, right. There's a convention in town for patio furniture sales men. Yes, apparently there are those. And lucky me, the suite right next to mine is party central for 200 middle-aged men who get to be single for a few days. They haven't stopped raging since they got here.

Julian : Okay, so just switch rooms.

Alex : I've tried. The stupid hotel is completely booked. I hate patio furniture.

Julian : Me too. It always gets so dirty.

Alex : Rehearsal's up!

Julian : Alex, we have a big day today.

Alex : I know. I'll be fine. I wrote the script, remember?

Julian : Good.


Nathan : Hey. So, I, uh... I just spoke with our team doctor.

Haley : Are you okay?

Nathan : Yeah. Actually, um, I talked to him about your mom, and as it turns out, he knows one of the best oncologists in the world, and he's offered to take a look at Lydia's case.

Haley : That's great.

Nathan : Haley, I just want to make sure that you don't get your hopes up... you don't have to say it.

Haley : Just... thank you.

Nathan : You're welcome.


Quinn : So, here it is. Kind of great, huh?

Clay : It's perfect. A little empty. I'm sorry. That was a stupid joke.

Quinn : I just wish everything wasn't so hard with my mom right now.

Clay : You know I'm the poster boy for suffering alone. But you don't have to. You know, I'm here.

Quinn : I know. Thanks. I'm not avoiding it. I'm just trying to figure it all out, you know?

Clay : You know, for what it's worth, you have an opportunity. You know, you still have the chance to say goodbye. I didn't have that with Sara, and I wish I did. You know, I wish I had that one moment.

Quinn : Thanks. So, when do you leave for your tennis tournament?

Clay : I decided not to go. I want to stay here with you.

Quinn : Clay, I love that, but we both know you're building something here, okay? You have a business, and you have a client list. It's important, and you have to go. Stop. It's not an option. Come on. I promise, if anything happens, you'll be my first call. Go.

Clay : Oh.

Quinn : I’ll be find.

Clay : Okay. First call.

Quinn : First call.


Victoria : Hello, Brooke. It's a lovely day, isn't it? Oh! You look beautiful!

Brooke : Mother... you're glowing.

Victoria : Am I?

Brooke : Yes. In fact, you've been glowing for days. It's getting weird.

Victoria : Well... I suppose... it's because I've taken a lover.

Brooke : Here we go.

Victoria : Oh, he's a gentle, passionate lover.

Brooke : Okay, I don't need details. Please. It's Paul, right? I've seen you two flirting with each other on set, and I just... ugh!

Victoria : A lady doesn't kiss and tell, honey.

Brooke : Well, it seems to me like you're kissing and telling right now.

Victoria : Well, no. You asked why I was glowing, so I told you.

Brooke : You're right. My mistake. I'm gonna get back to work now and try to extract a certain horrifying image from my mind.

Victoria : Good luck with that. Me? I'm going to go and try to keep a certain image very much in my mind.

Brooke : Gross! Say hi to gentle Paul for me.


Owen : Hey, Millie, wait up.

Millicent : I got to be honest... I didn't expect to see anybody I knew here.

Owen : Well, look, if it's weird for you, we can arrange it so we're here on separate days.

Millicent : No. It's... I should be happy to see you. It's so hard to get up in front of bunch of strangers and explain to them how you made a complete mess of your life. Actually, it's comforting to know that you have someone there listening, someone who understands what you're going through.

Owen : I'm proud of you for standing up there and sharing your story.

Millicent : Thanks. I still don't know how I let it get to this point.

Owen : I don't know. It all becomes a blur. The amazing thing is you realized that your life was unmanageable. Just being here is the biggest step you've ever taken.

Millicent : Thanks, Owen. You have no idea how much that helps.

Owen : Actually, I do. Look, you ever need someone to lean on, you can call me. I'll be there.

Millicent : Okay.


Mouth : Dude, I told you to cover me with a sn*per r*fle. Why are you equipped with an RPD? Really? I should shut the hell up? Why don't you take a look at my k*ll ratio and see who owns you? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Lauren : Who you talking to?

Mouth : Sorry. Uh, that was... that was Skills.

Lauren : Oh.

Mouth : We, uh... we get a little competitive.

Lauren : Yeah, no, I can see that. You think he's checking out your k*ll ratio right now?

Mouth : Yeah, just, uh, pretend you didn't hear that. Um, thanks for picking up lunch, by the way.

Lauren : Sure. How's he doing?

Mouth : He's good. I mean, he's not good at this game, obviously, but... wait, are you two not talking?

Lauren : Yeah, not so much. And when we do talk, it's not really the same. But, I mean, that's okay. Guess it's only natural we'd drift apart, right?

Mouth : Distance is hard. It's all hard. I mean, look at me and Millie. We live together, but she feels so far away. I mean, I felt closer when I lived in Omaha.

Lauren : Maybe you're right. It's just, the idea of starting over sounds so scary to me. I will probably just stop dating.

Mouth : I had a date the other night.

Lauren : Really?

Mouth : Yeah. It was bizarre. It was like this weird kind of '80s movie. But I don't know. She was cool. She even wants to go out again, but it just doesn't feel right because of Millie.

Lauren : That's understandable. You know what? When you're ready, you'll just know. And until then, you do have that pretty impressive k*ll ratio.


Haley : Hey, buddy. Where's grandma?

Jamie : She's resting.

Haley : You doing okay what's wrong?

Jamie : I don't want grandma to die.


Alex : Are you stalking me now?

Alexander : Relax. Brooke needed me here to do some adjustments to the wardrobe. I'm here strictly on business. Unless, of course, you want to go play in your trailer.

Alex : Nothing sounds worse to me right now. Actually, I take that back.

Josh : Did you see Brooke Davis's mom? I would totally hit that. I'm not even kidding. Right now, today, I would hit that.

Alex : That is so sweet. Is there a woman out there you wouldn't sleep with?

Josh : Eh, depends on the day. And while we're on the subject, actually, I have something kind of sensitive I need to talk to you about. Our love scene today... it's supposed to be pretty hot. I hope it doesn't bother you if I get a little excited. It's involuntary, and let's face it, you kind of do it for me.

Alex : Josh. Let me be very clear with you. If I feel anything brushing up against me under those sheets, you will remember the pain that I inflict on it for the rest of your life. Got it?

Josh : She's kind of feisty.

Alexander : Yeah, tell me about it.


Mouth : Okay, you're officially worse than Antwon, and that is saying a lot. No, no, no, no. The left trigger aims. The right trigger sh**t. So you just want to... and you're dead... again. Don't worry, you'll re-spawn any second.

Lauren : Why don't I get a headset?

Mouth : Trust me, you're not ready for that.

Lauren : Oh, I think I am.

Mouth : Okay. Do not say you weren't warned.

Lauren : Okay, this is officially the most uncool thing that I have ever done. I love it. Hey, what do I say? Should I brag about my k*ll ratio?

Mouth : I would stay away from that one.

Lauren : Okay. Um, h... hello, other players in the sh**ting game. Anybody there? Oh, hi! Yeah, yeah, I'm a girl. Um, jeans. What do you mean, what kind of underwear am I wearing? Oh, my God. Oh, that's disgusting!

Mouth : You had enough?

Lauren : Who are these people? They are pure evil. And you're one of them.

Mouth : No!

Lauren : Yes, you are.

Millicent : I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

Mouth : Uh, I'll be right back.

Lauren : You know what? I... I have some things I need to do. I'll just see you later. Okay.

Mouth : Hey. You okay?

Millicent : Yeah. I'm fine. I just didn't realize you and Lauren were so close.

Mouth : We're just friends.

Millicent : Okay. It's none of my business anyway. You can be friends with whoever you want. Besides, it's not like we're together anymore, so who really cares?

Mouth : I guess just me.


Haley : She told Jamie.

Nathan : How is he?

Haley : He's okay. He's sleeping.

Nathan : Well, that's her decision, Haley.

Haley : We're his parents. It should be our decision. He's just a kid, you know? He shouldn't have to deal with all this pain. Aren't we supposed to be protecting him from this kind of stuff?

Nathan : Maybe it's good for him to be prepared, to know that he doesn't have a lot of time with his grandma.

Haley : And what if she gets better?

Lydia : I'm not gonna get better, Haley. Hey, Nathan, would you mind, um...

Nathan : Yeah, sure.

Lydia : You're angry because I told Jamie.

Haley : Not angry. I'm just upset... About everything.

Lydia : I needed him to know the truth, Hales.

Haley : Okay. I just wish we could've done it together. Mom, he's been through a lot.

Lydia : I get that. I'm sorry.

Haley : Okay.

Lydia : I know that you think I've given up.

Haley : You just seem so okay with all of this.

Lydia : No, I'm not okay. I'm... I'm at peace with it. You know, I fought hard. I... God, I promise you, I... And then, one day, I just... I realized that I had to stop fighting and I had to start enjoying the time that I had left. And that's all I'm trying to do.

Haley : Can I ask you for something, even though I know it's something that you don't want to hear? Will you please let me give your medical records to Nathan's doctor so that somebody can take a look at it?

Lydia : It's just... it's not gonna make any difference.

Haley : It may not, but I'm not ready to lose you yet, mom, so if there's anybody out there who can do something, I have to take that chance. Will you please do that for me?

Lydia : Okay. You can give him my medical records... on one condition. When he comes back with the same diagnosis, I need you to accept it, okay? Like I've accepted it. And, hopefully, then we can at least try to enjoy the time I have left... together, all of us. Please? Do that for me?


Julian : Oh, hey, there you are. You kind of disappeared for a while.

Brooke : I was just trying to stay out of your way.

Julian : I don't remember telling you to stay out of my way.

Brooke : Well, you had to sh**t that big sex scene with Alex and Josh, and I didn't really want to be around for that.

Julian : Ohh. It turned out pretty well, I think. Although, at one point, Josh did let out a girlish shriek, and then Alex stormed off to her trailer for 10 minutes. Not really sure what that was.

Brooke : Actors.

Julian : Yeah. So, thanks for the sweater.

Brooke : Yeah, it's no big deal. I mean, it's yours. I figured you might want it.

Julian : Thanks

Brooke : So, get this. I think that my mom and your dad have become lovers.

Julian : We did kind of see this coming.

Brooke : Yeah. Apparently, your dad is quite gentle.

Julian : What?

Brooke : Not to mention extremely passionate.

Julian : Why are you doing this to me?

Brooke : Because I had to suffer through it alone. Now we can at least be equally traumatized.

Julian : Thank you.

Brooke : Yeah. Wouldn't it be weird if they ended up together?

Julian : Honestly, I'm kind of envious of them. At least they're going for it, right?

Brooke : Yeah.

Julian : All right, I gotta run, but thanks again for the sweater, Brooke.

Brooke : Mm-hmm.


Miranda : Okay, you'll have complete creative control, you'll keep publishing, and here's where we got a little overly generous. 51% of profits and 35% of merchandising.

Grubbs : Uh, m... merchandising? You're gonna make t-shirts with my face on them?

Miranda : We're gonna make a lot of things with your face on them. We can talk about the beard later. All you have to do is sign right here.

Grubbs : Well, you haven't heard my list of demands yet.

Miranda : What else? What the hell is that?

Grubbs : Pickled eggs, of course.

Miranda : Why would something like that exist?

Grubbs : For times like this. My first demand... eat one.

Miranda : You can't be serious. You're serious.


Nathan : Hey, buddy. Look at all this cool stuff.

Jamie : Yeah, I'm just going through some old things.

Nathan : Okay. Now we're talking. Did I ever tell you that I'm a wiffle ball legend?

Jamie : Yeah, a bunch of times.

Nathan : Right. You know, when I was your age, your grandpa Dan... he built me a miniature Fenway Jamie : Park in the backyard. Even had a green monster, a pesky pole. It was pretty awesome.

And then Grandma Deb made you tear it down because it was so ugly.

Nathan : Guess I need so new stories. You all right, buddy? Is there anything you want to talk about?

Jamie : I'm fine. I'm just a little busy right now. Don't worry. I still like your stories.

Nathan : If you need me, I'm here. Okay?


Owen : Mouth.

Mouth : Owen. What are you doing here?

Owen : I'm here to pick up Millie.

Mouth : Right.


Miranda : Arrgh, me Matey.

Grubbs : All right, that... that was terrible. And you are gonna have to work on your pirate speak. But at least we're getting somewhere.

Miranda : You know, I did everything on your made-up list of demands. I ate that disgusting egg...

Grubbs : It doesn't sound to me like you're working on your pirate speak.

Miranda : I ate the egg. I washed your mugs with me hands. Even though they were perfectly clean and didn't need it.

Grubbs : There were few water spots.

Miranda : And I called your voicemail pretending to be a very satisfied sexual partner begging for one more night.

Grubbs : I can't wait to play that in public.

Miranda : There. You happy? I did everything you asked me to. So we're good?

Grubbs : We're up to a single.

Miranda : Most people would k*ll for a record contract.

Grubbs : Here's the thing, Miranda. Writing and performing music for me is like... it's like standing naked in a crowd.

Miranda : You're being a little dramatic.

Grubbs : Okay, maybe I'm in my underwear. But the point is, I'm still vulnerable. And it wasn't just about a girl. It was about the guy that I became. I didn't like him, and neither did anyone else. And I would rather not see him come back.


Lauren : Hello?

Mouth : Hey.

Lauren : Hey. Oh, who's playing?

Mouth : Syracuse and Virginity Tech.

Lauren : Okay, that sounds like an intriguing match-up. Who's winning?

Mouth : Owen.

Lauren : And Owen is...

Mouth : The guy who's out with Millie right now.

Lauren : Ahh. And I take it you're jealous?

Mouth : Of course I'm jealous. But mostly I'm just worried, because she doesn't need to be hanging out with an addict right now. Especially not the same addict who took her virginity.

Lauren : Oh. Ohh, is that why you said Syracuse was playing...

Mouth : Yeah.

Lauren : Got it. Look, Mouth... You broke up with her, right? So she's gonna live her life. And she should. She can see whoever she wants. But if that bothers you, then just tell her. Because maybe that means it's not over for you yet.


Owen : So, you really think it's over between you and Mouth?

Millicent : Honestly, I try not to think about it, 'cause there's nothing I can do right now.

Owen : You sure about that?

Millicent : I don't know. I mean, the reason we broke up is all my fault, so my hands are pretty much tied. All I can do is wait to be forgiven. I can tell you what I hope will happen, but I have no way of knowing if he'll ever be able to look at me the way he used to. That's why I try not to think about it.

Owen : You know, we should do something fun.

Millicent : Like what?

Owen : I don't know. We'll figure something out. Come on.

Millicent : Aww.


Haley : Oh, my gosh! Where did you find this? Was it in those boxes?

Jamie : Yeah, grandma gave it to me.

Haley : Yeah. I haven't see this photo in forever. Look at my hair. I mean, I know it was early morning, but geez. Hey, listen, buddy. I know how hard this must be for you. So, if you need to cry, it's okay.

Jamie : I'm not crying for me. I'm crying for you. Your mom's gonna die. The one thing I never want to lose is you or daddy. We're not going anywhere.

Haley : I’m not going anywhere, I promise.

Lydia : You're taking good care of my daughter. Ooh, I remember the day you came to ask our permission to marry her. You were so nervous.

Nathan : Yeah.

Lydia : But I looked into your eyes, and I just knew.

Nathan : What did you know?

Lydia : That were gonna change my daughter's life. And I was right.

Nathan : You were responsible for raising the woman that changed my entire world. I'll never forget that, Lydia, ever. Thank you for saying yes.


Owen : Oh, come on! That's just not possible.

Millicent : What's not possible? Are you referring to my three consecutive strikes or just that particular strike?

Owen : All of the above.

Millicent : Ah!

Owen : Just glad we didn't put money on it. This was a bad idea.

Millicent : No, this was a really good idea. Thanks for cheering me up, Owen. I needed it.

Owen : God!

Millicent : I can't even remember the last time I laughed.

Owen : You know he's not gone yet. Mouth. You shouldn't give up on him. And you can't just sit around waiting for him to forgive you. Look, I understand. As an addict, I've ruined a lot of important relationships in my life. That's why, if he's important to you, you got to at least try to get him back.

Millicent : I don't know how to get him back.

Owen : Just remind him of the girl he fell in love with. Show him you're still that girl... Or that you're working hard to try to find her. You do that, I guarantee he'll look at you the way he used to.

Millicent : Do you mind if we get going?

Owen : Not at all. You're k*lling me anyway. This is embarrassing.

Millicent : Thank you, Owen.


Quinn : How's it going?

Clay : This place is crawling with agents. They're like vultures.

Quinn : Well, just remember, you're one of them. Are you circling anyone right now?

Clay : I've had a few meetings. I really missed you. I needed to hear your voice.

Quinn : Really?

Clay : Yeah.

Quinn : I like that. And I miss you, too.

Clay : Hey, babe, I gotta go. I have a few more players to meet with, but I'm coming home tomorrow.

Quinn : I'll be waiting. Bye.

Clay : All right, bye. Hey, that was a great match.


Haley : Hey, Grubbs. Miranda says you're torturing her. Knock it off, okay?

Grubbs : Really?

Haley : No. I'm kind of loving it. Hi, friendly faces. Do you guys mind if I play third wheel for a little while? I'm not ready to go home yet.

Mouth : Yeah, you just missed my Millie rant.

Haley : I want to hear the Millie rant.

Brooke : Oh, we've moved on to the Julian rant.

Haley : Ooh, great. Can you at least start from the beginning?

Brooke : You didn't miss much. I was just saying that sometimes our relationship seems so simple and easy. But no matter what, it just turns into a big mess. And there are days that I want to dive into that mess, but then, other days, I can't help but wonder if maybe we're just two people who don't work as a couple.

Haley : But you love him, right?

Brooke : Like you don't even know.

Haley : Then don't wait. Life's too short to play games. If you love somebody and you want to be with them, then go get them. Deal with the mess later. We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Miranda : Well... here I am. Standing in front of a crowd in my underwear.

Brooke : Whoa.

Grubbs : Feeling vulnerable?

Miranda : I'm hot, and you're talented. And if I can do it, so can you. Which is the reason I'm standing here... because I believe in you. Maybe it's time for you to believe in yourself. Bugger off.


Alex : Mmm.

Julian : Wow.

Alex : Sorry. Bad habit.

Julian : You're forgiven. It was a long day. But at least we got through it, right?

Alex : Barely. I'm so tired. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be better-rested.

Julian : I can't believe a bunch of patio-furniture salesmen kept you up all night.

Alex : Actually, it wasn't just the patio-furniture guys. I kind of slept with Alexander last night.

Julian : Oh.

Alex : "Oh"? Why'd you say it like that?

Julian : How did I say it?

Alex : I don't know, kind of sad-sacky, like maybe you're a little jealous.

Julian : Alex...

Alex : I'm kidding. Relax. Let's change the subject. How are things with Brooke?

Julian : Obviously, we still love each other. But every time we get too close, one of us puts up a wall. Julian : And it's not easy being on the other side of that wall.

Alex : So tear down the wall.

Julian : You don't understand. When Brooke Davis puts up a wall, that thing's not coming down until she's ready.

Alex : And you have to wait. That's fair. I got to get some sleep. Julian, if I thought you and Brooke were really just friends, Alexander wouldn't have been the one in my bed last night. Good night.

Julian : Alex... I'll walk you to your room.


Brooke : Hmm.

Man : Can I help you?

Brooke : I lost my key. I'm staying with my boyfriend, Julian Baker.

Man : Oh, well, um, it says here you guys broke up.

Brooke : Oh, please, that story is so last week.

Man : Oh, thank God. You know what? Can I tell you a secret?

Brooke : I wish you wouldn't.

Man : I've always rooted for you two.

Brooke : Really?

Man : Yeah.

Brooke : Can I get that key?


Haley : Hey. What's up?

Nathan : Just heard from the doctor. There's nothing they can do for her.

Haley : Okay. I just thought...

Nathan : I know. I know. I'm so sorry, baby. I wish I could change this for you.


Mouth : Hey, I know it's late. I was just thinking... We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Sometimes you just have to go for it, and that's what I'm doing. I want to go out with you... on a date.


Grubbs : Um... promise me one thing. If I start to change or if I start to become that guy that nobody likes...

Miranda : you won't. I'm gonna make sure u stay exactly who you are... 'Cause that's a person worth protecting.


Clay : Excuse me. Are you Katie Ryan?


Jamie : Now we can spend Christmas together.

Lydia : It's okay, sweetheart. Show me what we got here. Oh, thanks, buddy.

Jamie : You got a sword.

Lydia : Oh, thank you.