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07x16 - My Attendance is Bad but My Intentions are Good

Posted: 02/22/10 21:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill …

Woman : You are heading down a dangerous path. You don't have a job --

Victoria : Your honor... She does have a job. She works for me.

Alex : How did we get the funding for the movie?

Julian : My father and I put up the money, because I believe in you.

Julian : The movie sh**t in a week, and we don't have a costume designer, which is why I'm asking you now.

Brooke : We just broke up.

Julian : I want to direct.

Paul : You were at the top of the list. Better get to work.

Quinn : I'm sorry I lied to you. This is yours. Just maybe don't give it to Taylor.

Julian : So, let's make someone's favorite movie!

Cast : Yeah? Let's go.

One Tree Hill – Season 7 Episode 16


Quinn : Okay. What?

Taylor : David left me.

Quinn : Smart move. You're not seriously looking to me for sympathy, are you?

Taylor : I really liked him.

Quinn : Yeah.

Taylor : And nobody's ever left me before, especially not a guy like David.

Quinn : And what's that supposed to mean?

Taylor : It's not like he's a super big catch or anything.

Quinn : Oh, look, 9 across -- "superficial bitch." T-a-y-l-o-r.

Haley : Language. Oh, come on. This happens every morning.

Taylor : Maybe you should get up a little bit earlier.

Haley : And maybe you should make more when you take the last of it.

Taylor : I didn't. Quinn did.

Quinn : No, I didn't.

Jamie : Who ate all my cereal?

Taylor : Quinn.

Quinn : Taylor. Sorry, buddy, Taylor likes to take things that aren't hers.

Haley : Sweetie, we have plenty more cereal.

Quinn : So, hales.

Haley : Huh?

Quinn : David broke up with Taylor.

Taylor : I'm glad you find my heartbreak amusing.

Haley : I'm sorry. You guys broke up? Oh, no.

Nathan : Okay, come on, Jamie. Let's go out for breakfast.

Jamie : Good idea. Bye, mom.

Haley : Bye.

Quinn : Way to go, Tay.

Quinn : You scared off half the family.

Taylor : No, you did with your morning breath.

Haley : No milk? Are you kidding me?


Victoria : Well, somebody's trying to win The super-assistant award this morning.

Millicent : Morning, Victoria. Double nonfat macchiato -- should still be hot. Aren't these pieces amazing? I've already steamed, priced, and displayed The rest of the shipment -- look. What?

Victoria : Are you... How are you feeling?

Millicent : I'm fine, really.

Victoria : This isn't the manic work of drug-doer Millie.

Millicent : I'm just really, really trying to prove myself to you and Brooke.

Victoria : Promise me that if things get hard, You don't disappear into some dark alley. You can talk to me.

Millicent : No dark alleys for me, I promise.


Clay : No, the advance can't be 50% applicable, And you know this. Come in. Uh-huh. Well, it -- it's because it's standard In these types of deals.

Nathan : All right, Clay's got all the good stuff. What do you want?

Jamie : Um, can I mix fruity ones with cocoa ones?

Nathan : That's gross. Go for it.

Clay : What's up, Nate? How you doing today, Scott? Hey, boy.

Jamie : Ah, too many girls at our house, not enough cereal.

Clay : All right. Glad to see your priorities are straight. Cereal first.

Jamie : Thanks.

Clay : Whew. I'll be outside. Got crazy endorsements -- crazy.

Jamie : Clay's got all the good stuff.

Nathan : Yes, he does.

Jamie : Cocoa.


Brooke : Hey.

Julian : Hi.

Brooke : How's everything going?

Julian : Uh, okay, I guess. I'm struggling with the dialogue in this scene. It -- it doesn't feel honest.

Brooke : What's the scene?

Julian : Um... It's the one where he leaves her.

Brooke : Oh. Well, I think all girls understand The moment there's another girl. So maybe it's about what they don't say.

Julian : Actually, I was thinking he doesn't say enough, you know? I mean, she's got to know that he loved her, But if she doesn't, He needs to find the words to convince her.

Brooke : And what are those words?

Julian : I don't know yet. But I'm gonna find them. I mean... The movie depends on it.

Brooke : Right. Well, then, I should get back to work.


Haley : I know. I mean, give me a break.

Nathan : What are you guys doing here?

Haley : Uh, we are out for breakfast.

Nathan : You're hiding from Taylor.

Haley : Hiding? No. Yes, we are yeah.

Haley : Don't answer it.

Taylor : Really, b*tches?

Jamie : Language!

Taylor : You're hiding. I get it.

Quinn : Uh, no, we aren't. We were just leaving.

Taylor : Whatever. I guess it'll just be me and mom, then.

Lydia : Well, well. Hiding from Taylor?

Jamie : Grandma!

Lydia : Hey, handsome! Ooh!

Haley : Mom, what are you doing here?

Lydia : What, I can't come to see my three favorite daughters?

Quinn : We all know you don't like Taylor that much.

Lydia : Oh, lord, some things never change. Get over here. Mm. Nathan. How are you? How are you, sweetie?

Nathan : Good to see you.


Julian : Can we make her sexier? I mean, not slutty, just sexy...Er.

Brooke : Yeah. We'll tuck this and...

Julian : No, I like the sleeves up.

Brooke : Slutty. Um, I'm gonna take up the hem.

Julian : Okay, whatever you think. Rehearsal in 20?

Brooke : Yeah, we'll be ready.

Alex : You didn't have to do that, with the sleeves.

Brooke : I know. It looks better like this.

Alex : Oh. Right.

Brooke : I need you to pick one.

Alex : Uh, I like them both. You decide.

Brooke : Try this one on while I fix what you're wearing.

Alex : Brooke, I'm sorry that you and Julian broke up.

Brooke : Okay.

Alex : Okay. I'll try this on.


Haley : Hey, be careful.

Lydia : Isn't it about time For you and Nathan to have another one? I mean, you're not getting any younger.

Haley : Very funny. Neither is quinn.

Quinn : Oh, thanks.

Lydia : I always thought that you and david would have lots and lots of babies.

Quinn : Yeah, that's Tayylor's department now.

Lydia : What? Tay and David?

Quinn : Well, not anymore. He broke up with her this morning.

Lydia : Oh! Are you okay?

Quinn : Yeah. I'm happy, and he's happy. Taylor's unhappy. That's all that matters.

Lydia : Clay's kind of cute.

Quinn : Clay's amazing.

Lydia : Well, that's good.

Quinn : And what about you, mom? You okay without daddy?

Lydia : I am today.


Grubbs : You like it?

Miranda : I'm not flower-friendly.

Grubbs : Everybody likes flowers.

Miranda : I didn't say I dislike them. I simply can't keep them alive. Flowers in a vase are better. They last a limited amount of time, and no care is required.

Grubbs : Are you scared?

Miranda : Of what?

Grubbs : Of being my girlfriend.

Miranda : Look. I'm not your girlfriend, and the odds of that happening Are about as good as me keeping that orchid alive -- Slim to none. And let's be honest. You're the one that's scared. You're talented, and yet you won't make a record. I'd just like to know why.

Grubbs : It's too personal.

Miranda : "it's too personal."


Alex : Are those supposed to wash it all away, The "I'll always love you’s, the "I don't blame you’s, The "forever’s?

Julian : Cut. Let's go again.

Paul : Julian, this is the 14th take. She's not getting it. We're into a couple of meal penalties. We got to move on.

Julian : It's -- it's an important scene, dad. She'll get it.

Alex : I'm so sorry. I Ju -- I can't get there emotionally. I'm trying, but --

Julian : It’s okay.

Alex : No, it's not okay. I suck.

Julian : No, you'll find it. They're your words. You wrote them because they mean something to you. Okay, I know you can do this. Just -- just s the line to me.

Alex : Sure, help me. Clean me up. Make me immaculate. Fill me up with your promises and words and lies.

Julian : Okay, say it again, but just stay with me. Let me help you.

Alex : Mnh-mnh.

Julian : Say the line again, but look at me. Look at me. Just stay with me.

Alex : Sure, help me. Clean me up. Make me immaculate. Fill me up with your promises.

Julian : Okay, roll camera. We're gonna tail-slate it. Again. Elise, let me help you.

Alex : Sure, help me. Clean me up. Make me immaculate. Fill me up with your promises and words and lies.

Julian : Elise, please.

Alex : Tears, Max? Are these supposed to wash it all away, The "I always love you’s, the "I don't blame you’s, The "forever’s?

Julian : Cut. Check the gate. That's perfect.

Man : Okay, mark.

Julian : Good job.

Paul : You did it.

Julian : No, Alex did it.

Paul : Okay.


Grubbs : You're feeling a bottle of something, but you should stick with water. It's safer emotionally. You want to talk about it?

Brooke : I took a job to be near my ex. It's painful. But it's worse to be away from him. Sorry. I don't mean to be the sad, pouty girl who comes in, dumps all her problems on you.

Grubbs : You are talking to a guy who wrote an entire album about a girl -- Every song.

Brooke : What happened?

Grubbs : She's with someone else now.

Brooke : How did you know it was over?

Grubbs : You know, for the longest time, whenever I would see her, even after we weren't together a more, she would tell me that she missed me. And I would look into her eyes, and I knew she meant it. Then one day, she just stopped saying it, and I knew she was gone.


Woman : I went in for one drink and told my daughter to stay in the car, That mama would be right back.

Millicent : Excuse me. Hi. Would you mind signing this reallyuick? It's just a court thing.

Man : You not have to explain.

Millicent : Oh.

Man : You know, it might help you to stay.

Millicent : It's okay. It was just a small driving incint. I'm fine. Thank you.


Clay : Thank you.

Lydia : There you go. Quinn's told me a lot about you.

Clay : All good, I ho.

Lydia : Mm. You make her very, very happy. You knowhat worried look she gets? It's gone.

Clay : She means the world to me.

Lydia : I was sorry to hear about your wife. I lost my husband, too, a few years back.

Clay : Quinn mentioned that. I'm sorry, too.

Lydia : It's hard, isn't it, Learning to live without them?

Clay : Yeah. It's hard mang new memories, you know, like it's not fair to them.

Lydia : I think it not fair to them not to. I mean, they'd want that, wouldn't they? They'd want to know that we faced their absence with dignity and grace.

Clay : Yeah, well, the truth is, I'm not sure I've been thatracious about any of it.

Lydia : You're still here, aren't you, Still finding your way? That's about as much grace as anyone can ask.


Miranda : Oh, Haley, I'm so glad you're here.

Haley : You're chipper. I don't think you've ever been happy to see me.

Miranda : I need you to convince Grubbs to record.

Haley : Um, I-I'm sorry. My mom's in town, so I'm gonna be spending the day with her. Since when do you need my help convincing someone to do something they don't want to do? You're great at that.

Miranda : It's true, but this one is different. He called me... his girlfriend.

Haley : That's so sweet.

Miranda : It's not sweet, and don't confuse the issue. He's good. He's really good. And our label could use him.

Haley : You totally have a boyfriend. Go get him, tiger.

Miranda : He's not my boyfriend!


Jamie : Whoa, this is cool. It's exactly like uncle Lucas' house.

Julian : Hey, there's my first A.D.

Jamie : Oh, cool.

Julian : So, I need some background footage of the set and behind-the-scenes stuff. Think you can handle that?

Nathan : So, you working hard or hardly working? "Shrek 2."

Julian : Dude, that's your movie quote? That's, like, a common expression.

Nathan : Yeah?

Julian : Yeah. Wow, "Shrek 2."

Nathan : I like "Shrek 2."

Alex : Hey, bitch.

Millicent : Hey.

Alex : Oh, you're cranky.

Millicent : No, I'm not. I'm fine. Okay, sort of cranky that I have to go to these meetings. It's a bunch of losers with serious problems, Like leave-your-kid-in-the-car or burn-your-house-down-'cause you're-so-wasted problems. Mine -- not so big.

Alex : Right.

Millicent : Whatever. How's being a movie star again?

Alex : Try worst actress ever -- 14 takes this morning. Not awesome. Julian was great, but I'm just -- I'm really frustrated.

Millicent : You'll be okay. You're Alex Dupré

Man : Alex, they're ready for you.

Alex : Okay, thanks. Yeah, well, hopefully Alex Dupré figures it out before she brings down the whole movie set. Later, bitch. Oh, Millie. Those people at the meetings -- their problems started out not so big, too.

Julian : So, I want the camera to circle right while zooming, As if we're being drawn into them. Then I want to slow the movement and end on a tight close-up of Alex -- no cutting. Got it?

Alexander : Nice shot, Hitchcock. It's "Vertigo," right? Hey, beauty. I have the suit sample.

Brooke : Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme. I die. I love it.

Alexander : Yeah?

Brooke : I'd love it with a slimmer leg, an eighth of an inch on either side.

Alexander : Got it. So, I'm thinking we'll be ready to unveil in about a month.

Brooke : You are good, Alexander Coyne.

Alexander : No, you're good, Brooke Davis.

Alex : Brooke, they're doing last looks.

Brooke : Okay.

Alexander : And you look hot. Wow. Do you, uh, need any help with that?

Brooke : No, I'm good, but feel free To go make the adjustments to that suit, now.

Alex : Or you could just stay and do it later.

Brooke : Okay. Really?

Alexander : She is pretty hot.

Brooke : Another guy hypnotized by Alex. She's like a freaking siren.

Alexander : Hey, there's no woman as alluring as you, Brooke Davis. I think I should get back to work.

Brooke : Good idea. Hey. I appreciate you being around. I know you didn't sign up for a lot of this.

Alexander : Yeah, no worries. I'm here for whatever you need.


Julian : So, Alexander's kind of a tool, huh?

Brooke : If by tool, you mean really good designer.

Julian : Yeah, tool.

Brooke : Wow, and I was just gonna tell you that you did a really good job with Alex on that scene today. And then I was maybe gonna tell you that you're a natural.

Julian : I don't know if a natural would need 14 takes to direct one scene.

Brooke : Don't be so hard on yourself.

Julian : Is this too hard on you?

Brooke : I'm okay.

Paul : Julian, can I talk to you?

Julian : Yeah.

Brooke : I was just leaving.

Paul : I see you're driving that truck. What happened to your Mercedes?

Julian : I sold it.

Paul : To help finance the movie?

Julian : Mm-hmm.

Paul : You shouldn't be risking everything on this.

Julian : Look, I got to get back to work, dad.

Paul : Then I'll get to the point. Alex has to be better, or we're gonna be in serious trouble here.

Julian : She will be.

Assistante : Your coffee, sir.

Paul : Thank you.

Brooke : Jamie, you bug, you are exactly what I need to brighten my day. What are you doing?

Jamie : Capturing behind-the-scenes footage.

Brooke : Oh, well, make me look fabulous.Hi.

Nathan : How you doing?

Brooke : Well, you know, working on the ex-boyfriend's movie In the ex-ex boyfriend's house is kind of weird, but I'm managing.

Nathan : What's going on with the ex-boyfriend part?

Brooke : We're trying to be friends.

Nathan : And he's okay with that?

Brooke : He's fine. I'm fine. Everything's gonna be fine.

Nathan : All right, well, let me know If you need me to knock some sense into the guy.

Brooke : Thanks.


Woman : Kind of slow in here.

Girl 1 : Oh, these are cute.

Girl 2 : Ah, there's this.

Millicent : Can I help you find anything?

Girl 1 : Oh, no, we're just looking.

Millicent : Okay.

Girl 1 : Hey, uh, aren't you the model for clothes over bros?

Millicent : Yeah. Well, I was for that campaign.

Girl 1 : Why are you folding clothes?

Millicent : Oh, um...I do a lot of things for the company. Well, let me know if you need anything.

Girl 1 : Okay. Thanks.

Girl 2 : God, she looks so plain.

Girl 1 : I know.

Girl 2 : Mm-hmm.

Girl 1 : I don't know. I think shirt.


Alex : Hi. You got a sec?

Julian : Yeah, of course.

Alex : First of all, I, um -- I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me. It means -- Well, it means a lot.

Julian : Don't worry about it. What's going on?

Alex : You sold your car. How much money did you put up?

Julian : Alex –

Alex : Julian, how much?

Julian : All of it.

Alex : Julian, what if I let you down? Then what?

Julian : You're not gonna let me down.

Alex : But you put everything you had into this movie. Why did you do that?

Man : Two minutes!

Julian : Because you put everything you had into this script. And it's good. And you're good. Okay? You're not gonna let me down.


Lydia : Oh, Haley. It is such a beautiful home. I am so proud of you and Nathan.

Haley : Thanks. I feel really lucky to have him and Jamie. And it's great, you know, 'cause all the stuff doesn't matter so much. It's just – although I'm really grateful to have all the extra space Now that Quinn and Taylor are here.

Lydia : Well, it's an important role being your sisters' keeper. They're lucky to have you.

Haley : Well, I'm glad that you're here Because I don't speak Taylor fluently, and I really need you to translate.

Lydia : Taylor has always been rebellious. That girl follows her heart without thinking twice about it.

Haley : Or once. So...What's going on, mom? What brings you to town?

Lydia : I'm just checking in on my babies. I started with the oldest, finished with the best.

Haley : Mm. Nobody told me you were coming.

Lydia : Well, that's because I wouldn't let them. I'm a big fan of surprises.

Haley : Oh.

Lydia : Now, come on. Fill me in on everything that's been going on. And don't leave out the good parts.

Haley : Okay. Well, Jamie's going to a new school, and...


Miranda : So, let me get this straight. You don't want to make a record because it's too personal?

Grubbs : That's right.

Miranda : Personal sells albums. Personal wins Grammys. People can -- Okay, well, most people can relate to personal. They want to hear the songs with the words that they're too afraid to say. So...When you're ready -- Ahh -- man up... And make a record with me.


Jamie : I can't believe this looks exactly like uncle Lucas' room. Hey, remember that time he had a Mohawk?

Nathan : Yeah.

Jamie : That was cool.

Nathan : You miss him?

Jamie : Yeah. I miss lots of people, I guess --Aunt Peyton and uncle Skills and Quentin. And grandpa Dan -- I miss him a lot.

Nathan : Yeah, it's hard when you miss people. But, you know, if you miss them, it means you were lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.

Jamie : Yeah, I guess. I just don't like the missing part so much.

Nathan : Yeah, me neither.


Haley : Not fair. True. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my god. You remember this?

Quinn : This is horrible. Oh, mom, look at my hair. You gave me the most awful haircut.

Lydia : It wasn't terrible. It was cute, baby. Look at you, with your little face and those great big glasses.

Haley : She was teased for that haircut, like, every day.

Quinn : Yeah, I cried for like a week, and then I wore a mop head around the house To have princess hair.

Taylor : Haley was such a pudge.

Haley : I was a baby. You're supposed to be fat when you're -- give me that.

Quinn : Do you remember When you used to stuff your bra, like, a lot?

Taylor : Mom, you have extras of this?

Lydia : Uh, I think I have pictures of just about all of it. Oh.

Haley : Are you okay, mom?

Lydia : Um...I'm sick. Look at me. I swore I wasn't gonna cry, but, boy, these tears are stubborn.

Haley : Mom, but you're gonna be okay, though, right?

Lydia : No. I'm not.

Haley : What do you mean mom, what’s wrong?

Lydia : I have cancer. It's pancreatic. And that means that even with aggressive treatment, I wouldn't have much time left.

Quinn : But there has to be options, right?

Lydia : There aren't, quinny.

Haley : Well, you have to try.

Lydia : Okay, now, I have made my decision. And what I want to do is I want to live the rest of my life fully, With my family, not in some cold hospital.

Haley : Mom, you need to be doing Everything that you can right now.

Lydia l Haley, I have come to terms with this, And this is how I want to do it.

Taylor : You're giving up.

Lydia : No, I am not giving up. I'm gonna die.

Haley : Mom, don't say that!

Lydia : I can't change that, okay, So I've accepted it.

Quinn : How? How do you just accept it, mom? You have to fight.

Lydia : Because I want to enjoy the time I have left.

Taylor : Like you've been enjoying every day since dad died? You're giving up, and you know it. You're committing su1c1de. I mean, maybe Quinn can take a picture of it, and we can just add it to this stupid box.

Haley : Taylor. Tay.


Alex : Here's my wardrobe.

Brooke : Thanks. I -- I shortened the dress for tomorrow. It'll look pretty.

Alex : All the clothes are really great. Rough day, huh?

Brooke : I've had plenty of those.

Alex : Yeah. Guess they're going around. Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Brooke : Alex. You're doing good.

Alex : You think? Thanks.

Julian : How's my first A.D. doing? Get some good footage?

Jamie : Tons. You want to see?

Julian : Hit me.

Jamie : I got a lot of Aunt Brooke.

Brooke : Jamie, bug, You are exactly what I need to brighten my day. What are you doing?

Julian : She's pretty great. How about you hang on to this, 'cause you'll need it next time you visit set?

Jamie : Really?

Julian : Mm-hmm.

Jamie : Sweet.

Brooke : Okay, well, oh, wow. Make me look good. Hi.


Clay : Hey, you. Baby? What's wrong?

Quinn : My mom. My mom. She came to tell us that she -- She came to tell us that she was dying.

Clay : I'm so sorry.


Lydia : Are you okay?

Haley : Not really, no.

Lydia : Would you like to talk about it?

Haley : You want me to say I'm mad? I’m mad. This is not fair. You say "I have cancer," and my whole world changes. What am I supposed to do with that, mom? When I need advice on how to be a good mother to Jamie, I call you. When I need advice on how to be a good wife, I call you. When I'm sad or mad or happy or whatever, I call you, and I need you to be here.

Lydia : And I am always, always gonna be a part of you, baby. But you are a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife all by yourself.

Haley : I'm...

Lydia : Baby, you are incredibly strong. Think about everything that you have faced. And no matter how difficult, you have always found the graceful way to handle it. Well, you are going to have to find that strength now.

Haley : I don't want to. I don't want to be strong for this, mom.

Lydia : I need you to be. And your sisters -- they need you to be. We... Are going to have to be strong for everybody else who can't be.


Quinn : Mom? Why did you call me here? You should be home resting.

Lydia : I'm sick, Quinn. I'm not a child.

Quinn : Yeah, but you've had a long day.

Lydia : It was a perfect day. This space... Has your name all over it. Your photographs -- It's time for you to open a studio and a gallery. So I've paid the first six months' rent.

Quinn : Okay, but, mom, you know that –

Lydia : No. No, no, no excuses. You can do this, and you need to do this. Your work, baby, is important, and it's good, and you need to believe in that.

Quinn : Okay. Okay. Thank you. Are you scared?

Lydia : I think... That knowing that your dad is there helps.

Quinn : Is he, though? I mean... Does that place even exist?

Lydia : Oh. Of course it does. I'm just gonna miss all of this.

Quinn : I love you.


Haley : You're gonna say goodbye, right? Taylor, you're making a mistake. Tay. Taylor, please.

Taylor : I'm not gonna sit here and watch her give up.

Haley : Does everything always have to be about you? Do you have to be so selfish all the time?

Taylor : She's the one that's being selfish.

Haley : Are you kidding me? She needs us right now.

Taylor : No, what she needs is to fight. And you need to stop acting like you know what's best for everyone, Because you don't.

Haley : If you leave, you're gonna regret this. Maybe. Maybe I will. But I'm not gonna stay here and watch her die.

Quinn : Hey.

Haley : Hey. It's not supposed to be like this, you know. She -- she's supposed to watch us get married and have kids and watch our kids grow up and go to prom and -- and graduate high school. This is not… This is not fair.

Quinn : I know.

Haley : I'm really glad you're here.

Quinn : Me too... 'cause I don't think I could handle it without you.

Lydia : Hey. Knock it off. Mm. All right. Let's have a little wine. Where's Taylor?

Haley : Taylor is not coming. She left. And I tried to get her to stay, but she wouldn't, not even to say goodbye, so I'm sorry.

Lydia : It's okay.

Haley : No, it's not. It's not okay, because you need her right now, and we need her, and it's not right for her to do this.

Lydia : You know what? Everyone... Has to deal with this... In their own way. It'll be okay.


Millicent : Marvin? Marvin? I am not plain. I'm fine the way I am. I'm fine.


Millicent : Hi. Um, my name is Millicent. And I'm new here. And, um... I don't really know what to say. But I keep telling everybody I'm fine, and I'm not fine.


Alexander : Well, you were good today.

Alex : Good -- not great. I'm letting everyone dow

Alexander : Need someone to get drunk with you?

Alex : It's water. And I don't get drunk when I'm sad. I sleep with boys. You want to get out of here? Do you really have to think about it?

Alexander : No, I was just -- I was giving you a chance to change your mind.

Alex : I don't do that, either.

Alexander : Well, okay, then. Let's get out of here.


Nathan : How you doing?

Haley : Taylor's gone. She left. She... My mom says I'm my sisters' keeper. But I couldn't make her stay. I'm not the glue. My mom is. When she's gone, everything's gonna fall apart.

Nathan : Hey. Okay, come here.

Haley : I'm scared.

Nathan : Okay, okay.


Brooke : I'm heading out. You okay?

Julian : Yeah. Tired.

Brooke : Well, for what it's worth, I think you're doing great.

Julian : Thanks. Coming from you, that...means everything. Hey, Brooke. I miss you.

Brooke : Coming from you, that means everything, too.


Brooke : Jamie, bug, You are exactly what I need to brighten my day. What are you doing?

Nathan : All right, buddy, it's time for bed.

Jamie : Okay.

Nathan : Mm.

Jamie : Hey, dad.

Nathan : Yeah?

Jamie : I was thinking I might want to be a director instead of a basketball player when I grow up, or maybe both.

Nathan : As long as you're happy.

Jamie : Is mom coming up?

Nathan : Mom is gonna spend some time with her mom tonight, all right?

Jamie : Okay.

Nathan : Night, buddy.