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07x12 - Some Roads Lead Nowhere

Posted: 12/21/09 10:15
by bunniefuu
One Tree Hill – Season 7 Episode 12


Rachel : It's gonna be a good show.


Haley : Jamie?

Jamie : Moving to Spain is bullsh...


Julian : Alex? Alex! Alex!


Skills : I got the job.

Lauren : In Los Angeles.


Haley : First of all, we do not use that kind of language ever. And second of all, Spain is not gonna be... Caca del toro. It is gonna be an adventure and a learning experience. Do you understand me, son?

Jamie : Forgiveness is love, you know?

Nathan : What did I do?

Haley : He's quoting your father now. It's unbelievable.

Nathan : Come on. Give it up.

Jamie : Ugh. That's gross. Aah!

Nathan : Yeah. You sorry?

Jamie : I guess. I just wanted you to play for the Bobcats again.

Nathan : I know, Buddy. I'll tell you what. You know what I do when I'm having a bad day?

Jamie : What?

Nathan : Go to the bar. Let's go.

Jamie : Sweet.


Clay : It's open.

Quinn : Hey.

Clay : Hey.

Quinn : I tried calling you. It went straight to voicemail.

Clay : Yeah. I, uh, kind of threw my phone in the pool.

Quinn : I went by your office. I thought maybe your assistant could help you somehow.

Clay : It's okay.

Quinn : No, it's not okay. It sucks... turtle eggs.

Clay : Turtle eggs? Really?

Quinn : I don't know. It sucks something. Anyway, she wanted me to tell you that, I guess, somebody got sick, and it's really serious. Joe Turner's mom.

Clay : What?

Quinn : Okay. I don't understand. Tell me again what's happening.

Clay : Joe Turner's mom is sick.

Quinn : Okay, not so good for Joe Turner's mom, but what does that mean?

Clay : It means you did it. I mean, well, you haven't yet, but there's hope.

Quinn : Awesome. For what?

Clay : Okay, Joe Turner is a center for the Sacramento Kings, and he's from a little town near Raleigh.

Quinn : Got it. I still don't get it.

Clay : Okay, just get in. You will.

Quinn : Great. Where are we going?

Clay : To a little town outside of Raleigh... And to buy me a new blackberry. Hey, by the way, thanks for this.

Quinn : You're welcome. I have no idea what the hell is going on.


Nathan : Grubbs. How you doing, man? I want you to meet my son. I mean, my old college roommate, Jamie.

Grubbs : How old are you, Jamie?

Nathan : 24, right, Jame?

Jamie : Yep. I was 23 but I had a birthday.

Grubbs : Uh-huh. And, uh, when was this birthday?

Jamie : June. Maybe. It changes sometimes.

Grubbs : It's good enough for me. Welcome to Tric.

Nathan : Jamie, Grubbs has this gift where he can guess what everybody likes to drink. What do you say, Grubbs?

Nathan : Whiskey... For your roommate. And for you... Beer. Root beer. Ice cold. Two cherries.

Jamie : Awesome. That's totally what I wanted.

Grubbs : Cheers.


Skills : Yes, sir. I can be there on Monday. Thank you so much. Okay. Bye. They want me to start on Monday.

Lauren : I know. I heard. Well, for what it's worth, I think that you are gonna do great.

Skills : You know I love you.

Lauren : I love you, too. It's just... You never asked me to go with you, and that kind of hurt.

Skills : So you'd have gone with me? 'Cause, baby, if you want to go... Come to Los Angeles with me. Will you?

Lauren : No.

Skills : Wait, but you just said that...

Lauren : No, I know. I can't. But it's nice to be asked.


Alex : Hi.

Julian : Hi.

Alex : I can't believe I made it into heaven.

Julian : I can't believe you put me through hell. I found you at your place. You called me.

Alex : You came.

Julian : Of course I came.

Alex : That's what she said.

Julian : You're lucky, you know that? You could've died, and there's nothing special or romantic about that. You would have just been gone.

Alex : You said... Nobody wanted me.

Julian : Well, I was wrong. That's what I was coming over to tell you, because... we got the financing for the movie. So you need to get better because we're not gonna make it with anyone else. It's okay. Rest. I'll be here.


Jamie : I don't know, Grubbs. It's like one day you're in school, and your world makes sense... friends, classes, recess. The next day... Spain. Bet they don't even have recess in Spain.

Miranda : Siesta. They have siesta. Haley packed for her tour yet?

Nathan : We're still dealing with Spain.

Miranda : What's that?

Grubbs : Champagne.

Miranda : I didn't order...

Grubbs : I know. It's just, uh, kind of a gift I have.

Miranda : I don't drink champagne.

Grubbs : Right. Uh, I meant, uh, White... White wine.

Miranda : Dear God, no. Two fingers of whiskey, neat. Off you go. So, moving to Spain, huh?

Jamie : Oh, yeah. I bet it's gonna suck.

Miranda : Oh, I don't know about that, what with all the child labor... Oh, and the fact that they eat children as a delicacy. That was a joke. It's a wonderful place, Spain. You'll see.

Grubbs : I, um... I didn't know which kind you wanted, so... Could you... I just... I didn't know.

Jamie : So what's so great about it? You said Spain was a wonderful place, so what's so great about it?

Miranda : Hmm. La Tomatina.


Clay : Hi, Joe. Clay Evans. I'm an agent with ISC.

Joe : We got the flowers. Thanks.

Clay : Well, uh, actually I'm not with ISC anymore. They fired me.

Joe : Tough break.

Clay : Yeah. Those seem to be going around. How's your mom?

Joe : She has cancer.

Clay : I'm sorry.

Joe : They say she has less than a year. I don't know what I'm gonna do. That's my moms, man. She's all I got. You ever lose anyone close to you?

Clay : Yeah.

Joe : How do you deal with that, man? What do you do?

Clay : You remember the good things... And the days that you did have. Joe, would it help you if you could play closer to home next season?


Millicent : I stole a dress from Brooke... an expensive one.

Mouth : Of all the people to steal from, Brooke is the one who trusted you and helped you the most.

Millicent : You got to talk to her.

Mouth : The truth. I remember looking in that mirror and telling you how special you are. How can you not see that?

Millicent : Marvin, when I look at that mirror, I just want to cut a line on it and snort it. That's what I see.


Victoria : We have no further comment at this time. How's she doing?

Brooke : She's gonna be okay... as okay as anyone can be after a su1c1de attempt.

Victoria : Uh, exhaustion.

Brooke : What?

Victoria : To the press. They don't know that you fired her, so we say it's exhaustion, they speculate, sell magazines... everybody's happy.

Brooke : Except Alex. I don't know, mom. She's a mess. Millie got arrested. I'm fighting with Julian. At least it can't get any worse.

Victoria : Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Brooke : Where's the red dress?

Victoria : That's a good question. And the answer is... Millicent stole it.

Brooke : Why would she steal from us?

Victoria : You should ask her that.


Julian : I'm mad at you. You know what happens when you die, Alex? You're dead. That's what happens.


Clay : I was talking about pens. The last thing I said to Sara before she died. She went to grab a drink, and I was babbling about the pen I was using. And then she was gone. Sometimes I think that we waste our words and we waste our moments and we don't take the time to say the things that are in our hearts when we have the chance.

Quinn : Sara knew you loved her. You told me you held her and you danced with her before she died, and... I couldn't think of a better way to say goodbye.


Dan : How do you say goodbye? I know what some of you are thinking. That this is wrong. That it's cruel and insensitive and malicious towards the families and memories of James Edwards and Keith Scott. Well, it is. There's a speech I'm supposed to read, but I'm not going to... because this is my final show. And up until this moment, nobody knew that. So, as I stand before you, live, it's time to tell the truth. About me. About you. About life. So you might want to stick around... because, by the look on my wife's face, there's gonna be a few surprises. After this.


Clay : Hey, you guys were really close to signing Derek McDaniel, right? Right, I thought so. Well, what if I told you I could get him for you? You know the Bobcats desperately need a center, and you know Joe's situation. I think I've got a way to make it work.


Clay : I can't get inside. I know he's here. That's his car.

Quinn : You mean the one that says "Bobcats G.M." on the license plate? You're good.

Clay : Yeah. You're funny. And anyway, I'm not that good. He won't even take my calls, and without his okay, I can't get inside to see him. Unless...

Quinn : You so owe me.

Clay : I do. I do owe you.


Nathan : Oh, nice one. Jamie, move around this time. Give us a moving target.

Haley : Whoa! What is going on here?

Jamie : La tomatina. It's a tomato fight in Spain.

Haley : You said you needed tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. What kind of grown men stand around and throw tomatoes at a 7-year-old?

Nathan : You want to throw one, don't you?

Haley : Yes, I do. Oh!

Nathan : It's so on.

Haley : Aah! Take cover, Jamie!


Clay : Hi, gene.

Gene : I thought they fired you.

Clay : They did.

Gene : Well, you're tenacious. I'll give you that. Impress me.

Clay : What if I told you I could get a proven big man that's about to become an all-star to waive his no-trade clause because he wants to come play for the Bobcats?

Gene : I'd say you're too late, Clay.

Clay : Joe Turner's mom is sick.

Gene : Joe Turner.

Clay : She has cancer. They say she has a year. Joe wants to play close to home next season. I think he'd make a great long-term deal in order to do that. You guys wanted him during the draft, gene.

Gene : Joe Turner's a great player. But you know we signed Derek McDaniel.

Clay : And you wanted a center... Which brings me to this. How do you feel about trading Derek


Girl : You're next. Go.

Clay : Sacramento's already agreed to a sign-and-trade. They finally get McDaniel, you guys get Turner, and...

Gene : Hold on. What the hell is that?

Clay : Wow. Yeah! Whoo! Sucks to be next!


Dan : We all fail. Some of us have the fortitude to pick ourselves up, and some of us will never have that. Some of us have Grace in our hearts and the ability to show compassion. And some of us don't. I'm a wealthy man, but let's face it... you shouldn't be able to m*rder someone in cold blood and profit from it. So as of this moment, I'm giving it all back. All of it. To charities and non-profits... and the people who deserve it... because I don't. Now it's time for me to go.


Haley : I'm gonna miss this place. My first big show was right here. I like the bathrooms, too. I'm gonna miss it.

Nathan : I'll miss the stadiums. There's nothing like an NBA arena on a game night. Boston. Madison Square garden. I'll miss that.

Haley : What are you gonna miss, Jame?

Jamie : Grandpa Dan.


Dan : I've talked a lot about forgiveness. As you can imagine, a man like me has to believe in it. But I don't. Forgiveness doesn't exist. There's simply what you do... and how you pay for it. So remember that when you practice whatever evil's in your heart... or when you cheat or steal or lust or hate or gossip or covet or whatever it is that you do or you're planning to do or you have done. There is no forgiveness. There's just what comes next. Take it from someone who's been there, who is there. There's only pain... and guilt... and the misery of knowing who you are and what you did. So don't do it. Just stop... before it's too late. I miss you, big brother. Every second of every day. It's there. And that's all there is.


Nathan : You ready to sign some contracts, Jameson? They'll be here soon.

Jamie : I guess.

Nathan : I know that playing overseas isn't what you hoped for, son.

Jamie : I just liked it when you played for the Bobcats.

Nathan : Yeah, I did, too. But my agents did the best they could.

Jamie : So did Clay, but you fired him.


Quinn : What are you thinking?

Clay : You know how you're afraid of the ocean? And the reason you gave me?

Quinn : Immensity... because it's so immense.

Clay : Well, I was thinking... the ocean's not so immense. Life is immense. But we bravely go into it every day... Just like you did today.

Quinn : You know, I might need an agent if I make the squad.

Clay : You're a terrible dancer.

Quinn : That's not fair.

Clay : It's a turn-on, actually.

Quinn : Oh, yeah.

Clay : It worked for me for some reason.


Brooke : This all seems pretty selfish. You go out and walk these halls, and you will see people fighting for another day of life. Another hour. Another minute. I don't know, Alex. This all feels pretty selfish to me. Is she gonna be okay? She's gonna live. It's debatable with you.

Millicent : I'm sorry. I said terrible things to Alex and I stole the dress from you and I'm just sorry.

Brooke : Why, Millie? What happened to you?

Millicent : I was trying to lose weight... And I was trying to look like the other girls, and it was just there in Alex's closet, and...

Brooke : dr*gs. Cocaïne. Okay. You're not my model anymore. But you're still my friend. Just go get some help.


Mouth : I'm proud of you for getting help, Millie. I wish there was more I could do. Maybe I could stay.

Millicent : You can't. I have to do it alone. But we were pretty good together, huh? We were great together.

Mouth : It's just...

Millicent : Sometimes, people don't make it. I'm gonna miss you.

Mouth : Me too. I will always be there for you, sweet girl.


Julian : That's not a very good sh**ting percentage. Hi.

Brooke : Hi.

Julian : I came here to tell you two things. The first is that I love you and I miss you and I want to be with you. And the second is... I'm gonna make that movie with Alex.

Brooke : When did you meet Peyton?

Julian : In L.A. You know that.

Brooke : No. Specifically, the moment you met her.

Julian : She had just broken up with Lucas, and she was crying in the copy room of a record label.

Brooke : And when did we start being us?

Julian : You needed help with Sam.

Brooke : And now Alex.

Julian : My mom used to be the most amazing woman. She had this magic inside her. And after a while, she felt unloved or unworthy. I don't know. My dad was always working, and I was just a kid. I was always gone, just doing whatever kids do. No one reminded her how special she was. No one tried to stop her when she took that extra drink or those extra pills. And... Eventually, her fire burned out. And she became the not-so-special person she thought she was all along.

Brooke : Julian, you can't fix your mom by fixing Alex.

Julian : I know, but maybe I can help her before her fire burns out. And if not... at least I tried.


Ken : Today is a good day. Nathan, you're about to be $7 million wealthier. And we couldn't be happier.

Jamie : Uncle Clay.

Clay : What's up, Buddy? Oh, man, I missed you. Not as much as your aunt Quinn missed you.

Ken : Something we can do for you, Clay?

Clay : You? No. But there is something I can do for Nathan.

Ken : We don't have time for this.

Nathan : Sure we do.

Clay : Nate, I never said this to you or Haley, but I was aggressive and arrogant negotiating your deal, and along the way, I forgot that I work for you. And the client comes first. Now, it sounds like my former agency got you a pretty good deal to play overseas, but I always thought of you as an NBA player. And that was always the dream. Right, Jamie?

Jamie : Right. 'Cause Spain is caca del toro.

Clay : So this morning, I negotiated you a deal to live that dream... in the NBA... with the Sacramento Kings.

Ken : Nathan, we have a good deal here.

Clay : That's true. You know, $7 million is a good deal to play overseas. Or you could take $15 million from the Kings. Now, the deal does come with a few conditions. Three, actually. One, you have to leave ISC and sign with me. You'll be my second client. Two, your deal comes with a no-trade clause. Gonna need you to waive that... Because if you sign with the Kings...

Quinn : they've agreed to trade you and Joe Turner tonight! I'm sorry. I love that part.

Clay : They've agreed to trade you and Joe Turner... to the Charlotte Bobcats.

Haley : What? Oh, my God! Thank you

Jamie : Oh, my... you're gonna be a Bobcat! Oh, I threw my jersey away.

Nathan : Clay, how did this happen?

Clay : With a lot of help from Quinn... Which brings me to my last condition. I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. All right. I got to go to work.


Skills : I got to go.

Lauren : Yeah.

Skills : This doesn't mean that I don't love you.

Lauren : It's okay.

Skills : 'Cause I do love you, Lauren... And I always will.

Lauren : I love you, too.


Rachel : So you're telling me there's nothing left.

Man : He gave it all away. He did leave you this.

Rachel : Divorce papers. Well, that's gonna cost him.

Man : Cost him what? There's nothing left.


Dan : Nathan.

Nathan : I heard about the show. I'm gonna re-sign with the Bobcats. Well, thank you for helping me get there. Your grandson wants to say goodbye.

Jamie : Are you leaving, grandpa Dan?

Dan : I have to.

Jamie : Why?

Dan : I've done a lot of bad things, Jamie. And I'm sorry.

Jamie : It's okay. I forgive you.


Reporter : Can you guys tell us how this all happened so fast?

Nathan : Well... We have a really, really good agent.


Quinn : Hey! What are you doing?

Clay : Facing the immensity, I guess. I'll come in.

Quinn : No. I'll come out. Did you mean what you said? About falling in love with me?

Clay : Insanely in love. Yeah.


Alex : I'm sorry.

Julian : I know. But I need you to understand something. If you ever try this again... I'll never forgive you. I won't miss you. I won't think of you at all. So promise me you won't.

Alex : I promise.

Julian : Okay. Let's make our movie.


Brooke : I'm sorry. We're closed.

Alexander : I know. I'm Alexander Coyne. I guess Victoria didn't tell you. She hired me for your men's line. I'm your new designer.