03x18 - Urine Trouble Now

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x18 - Urine Trouble Now

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on la law...

I was dense yesterday, there's a
very obvious way for me to help.

Let me represent
you in the divorce.

This was a no frills marriage,
it's going to be a minimalist divorce.

If it gets at all sticky,
you come get me.


You do not betray your friends.

Now, your wife wants out. It can
be amicable or it can be bloody.

Trust me on this.

You join forces with
that faithless harridan,

And it's going to be as bloody
as the battle of bull run.

We'd like you to come back.

Excuse me?

We've been interviewing would-be
associates for three months.

Not one more qualified than you.

I'm flattered, leland, but
I left here for a reason.

Is that what... That's
what drives a car.

I go places with edward.

I go places by myself.

Sometimes edward lets me drive.

You can drive?

See? I can do it.

I wanted to drive my mom's car,

But she wouldn't let me.

You could drive this one.

That's a shredder.

Don't ever put your hand in it.

And, uh... This is
the copy machine.

Whenever you got something

And you want more, it makes 'em.

It's so big.

You want to see something funny?

All right, now. Put
your hand right there.

And when I tell you to, push,

But not right
now. Just a second.

I've got to close my eyes.

Ok, now, push.


It copied me.

Whoa, that's silly!

Moving forward, as you all know,
we've tendered an offer to abby perkins

To return as an associate.

Leland and I are meeting
with her tomorrow,

And we hope to have her
answer by the end of the week.

Meyer vs. Meyer.

Roxanne's deposition is today,
I'm deposing big dave tomorrow.

I thought the judge
threw you out on this.

Well, he said I could participate
in the discovery, so I'm ok for now.

- I'm hoping we settle.
- Yes, well I see you've booked

The conference room at 10:30
for tomorrow's deposition,

And mr. Rollins,

Who suddenly decided to
represent diana moses in her divorce

Pro bono, without getting an
authorization from a partner first,

Has also booked the conference
room for tomorrow morning.

It's 9:30 settlement. The
conference will be done

Before arnie's deposition,
douglas. It's real simple.

Yes, you told us
how simple it was.

- So simple, she could
represent herself.
- All right, douglas.

If jonathan wants to give diana
moses and hour or two, that's fine.

It speaks well for the firm.

Very well. Returning
to a new matter,

The sensations
vs. The sensations?

Oh, yeah, that's mine. I'm
representing the sensations.

- You're kidding.
- I used to have all their
albums, I wore out the grooves.

Yeah, well, they're being
sued by the new sensations.

What's the new sensations?

Well, the original group
retired three years ago,

And they passed the baton
on to younger singers.

Basically, they sold them the
trade name and the performing rights.

But, the new guys have revamped
the music beyond recognition.

And the old guys are mad.
They want to go out on the road,

Do the songs the way
they're supposed to be done.

- Oh, no. Dueling do-wops.
- Exactly.

So the new guys are
trying to enjoin the old guys

From performing saying that

If the original group
goes back into business,

- No one's going to want
to see the subs.
- They're right.

Well, I certainly can't wait
to see how it works out.

Moving on, quintana brewery,
inc. Vs. Gatling distributors.

No settlement.
Trial starts today.

I don't know, victor. How
do you prove trade libel?

When all they did
was repeat a rumor.

- They started the rumor.
- Even still.

They never
represented it as fact.

When you say, "we hear
there's urine in the beer,"

People don't need proof
to stop drinking the stuff.

Gatling distributors
deliberately spread that rumor

To put quintana out of business.
That's just about worked.

I tasted your client's beer, victor,
and frankly, I believe the rumor.

All right, douglas.

The stuff is more yellow
than the other brands.

Hey, this isn't some
damn joke, douglas.

Quintana might have to
shut down because of this,

Putting over 1,200
people out of work,

Almost every one of
them mexican or hispanic.

What's race got to do with it?

- It has everything
to do with it!

They didn't say this about
an english or german beer,

Because nobody would believe it,

But with hispanics,
they figure it'll play.

"Well, mexicans would
urinate in beer, wouldn't they?

That's just like a mexican, I
mean, if a guy speaks spanish,

He'd piss anywhere." Right?

Believe me, douglas, race
has something to do with it.

And I'm going
to nail him for it.

Whatever it takes, I'll get him.

Well... On that passionate note,

We're adjourned.

Ann, how much in debt were
you when you married my client?

I owed the irs about $14,000.

- David meyer paid this
off for you?
- Yes.

And after you got married,
he also bailed you out

- Of chapter 13
bankruptcy didn't he?
- Yes, he did.

And now that you're financially
solvent, you want a divorce, right?

I didn't marry him to make
myself financially solvent.

No, you married him
because you loved him, right?

Irrelevant. You can
finish the answer.

David and I had an understanding
when we got married.

Yes, you did and part
of that understanding

Included sex on a
regular basis, didn't it?

We never actually discussed sex.

But, at the time of your
marriage you were having sex

On the average of two or
three times a week, weren't you?

- Yes.
- So it was likely that
when david meyer married you,

He reasonably believed he'd
be having sexual relations

On a regular basis,
isn't that right?

Objection as to what david
meyer may have thought.

A few months
after your marriage,

You stopped having sex with
him all together, didn't you?

- What's the point of all this?
- The point is you
never intended

To sustain a physical
relationship with this man.

You went through
the charade of sex

Long enough to solve
your bank account problems.

- That's crazy.
- Objection.

This marriage should be
annulled on grounds of fraud.

- You tricked him
into becoming your husband.
- That's it, we're done.

I'm not finished
with my deposition.

Yes, you are, sheldon.
I not going to sit here

And let you badger
my client like this.

I haven't even
begun on your client.

And if you walk out of here,
I'll haul your ass into court.

You'll pay costs
again, plus sanctions.

Who do you think you're
threatening, sheldon?

I have the right
to ask questions.

You have the right to
conduct appropriate discovery.

- Anything else,
and we're out the door.
- Fine.

Now, mrs. Meyer,

While we're on the
subject of your honesty,

You were arrested for insider
trading, last year, weren't you?

My clients bought the sole
rights to the name, judge.

Together with a
non-compete clause.

Legally, they are
the sensations.

- That's right.
- You know it.

And the defendants simply
cannot start performing again.

They want to perform
again, your honor,

Because the plaintiffs have
completely bastardized their music.

- Now, that's a lie.
- Sit down, sir.

There is nothing in the contract

That prohibits my clients
from stylizing their songs.

Stylizing? They
don't resemble us.

We don't want to resemble you.

Keep quiet, too. You
got a lawyer here.

Judge, if they go out again,

Billing themselves as
the original sensations,

They will put my
clients out of business.

Now, we paid $125,000

For the exclusive right
to be the sensations.

- And if they insist...
- But they are supposed to do the act

Just like the originals.

Judge, the changes were
made for economic survival.

If they do the act the old
way, they won't get bookings.

- And the act will die.
- Your honor, may I
respectfully submit

That if they don't want
to be the sensations,

- Then at least, let the
sensations be the sensations.
- Right on.

- No.
- No way.

All right, all right.
Look, with all due respect

For the national
significance of this issue,

- Let's settle this.
- We tried, judge.

- They won't budge,
your honor.
- Well, let me try.

I'll see counsel in my
chambers tomorrow at 2:00,

Together with a
member of each group

Who's authorized to
dispose of this thing.

Until then... Goodbye.

All right then, mr. Montoya,

Could you tell us

How you got into
the beer business?

My wife's family ran a
small brewery in chetumal.

Since they had no
american distributor,

- They offered me the chance.
- How did it go, sir?

Stores couldn't
keep it in stock.

Bars were ordering
30 cases at a time.

I took out a loan, bought
a dozen new trucks.

Me, my wife, the children, we
were all working 15 hours a day.

It was unbelievable.

Were you ever approached by
gatling breweries, mr. Montoya?

Yes. Four men flew
out from new york.

I had them to dinner at my home.

They said they wanted
to buy my company.

I thanked them for their offer, but I
told them I was not interested in selling.

- What happened then, sir?
- About a month later,

A store manager
told one of my drivers

That he heard workers at my
brewery were urinating in the beer.

What was your reaction to that?

That sunday I went to
see the store manager.

And I asked him directly
who told him that?

He said it was the
service rep for gatling.

- Objection. Hearsay.
- Sustained.

Did you ever hear
this rumor again, sir?

Yes, I heard it
almost every day.

And in less than two months,
our sales fell off so much

I couldn't make payroll.

And every time we
traced the rumor back

It led to someone who
worked for this man.

Objection, your honor. Hearsay.

Mr. Rivera... Gentlemen.

Both of you, approach the bench.

This is not the u.n. I don't have
benefit of simultaneous translation.

Now, you will conduct
yourselves appropriately,

And you will do it in english.

Step back.

All right, mr. Montoya,

Did you ever hear this from
a gatling employee yourself?

Yes. A friend of mine owns a bar

And I was there when
the gatling rep came.

I can still hear his voice.

He said, "mexicans
piss in quintana."

They ran tests in
washington, 6 1/2% urine.

I grabbed him and if my
friend hadn't stopped me

I would have k*lled him.

Thank you, sir. I
have nothing further.

Mr. Montoya, have you
ever spread a rumor?

- No, sir.
- If someone told you

That the chief of police
was a cocaine addict,

You wouldn't tell
people what you heard?

I wouldn't say it was true
unless I knew it was true.

That's not what
I asked you, sir.

What I asked you is,
would you repeat it?

Well, then, let me
ask you a question.

As a mexican, should I
have been any less insulted

Because he was
just repeating this?

Wait a minute, what he said wasn't
about mexicans, it was about beer.

Only to someone like you.

I ask that the witness'
response be stricken.

You know, I feel sorry for you.

You work for anglos.

And you will do anything
so they will accept you.

Well, the trouble is, mi amigo,

That to your client over there,

You will never be anything
but a spic with a law degree.

Now diana's student loans
are all exclusively hers.

Daryl is asking only
token compensation

- For his interest
in the car.
- How token?

- $400.
- Way high. Go on.


All outstanding credit card
bills will be shared equally.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, there's a $1,200
charge made after the separation

That diana has
nothing to do with.

Well, I don't know the
details about that, but...

Your client knows
perfectly well the details.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about a vacation
in mexico with your girl

Of the moment
charged on a credit card

For the purpose of rubbing
your estranged wife's nose in it.

Let's steer clear
of ascribing motives.

It's always a real
bucket of bait.

I didn't do anything
to hurt anybody.

Who are you, jack?

What do you know
about my marriage?

I know that by
the way you behave

You shouldn't planning on coming
out of this with a neat little profit.

I relocated. I took a cut in pay
so she could go to law school.

Let's not re-write history, you
not only failed her financially,

You left her at the
first opportunity.

I don't want to
hurt diana, buddy,

But I sure wouldn't mind
taking a piece outta you.

Business before
pleasure, mr. Tyler.

Let me dismantle you at the
table before we step outside.

Hold it, I don't want
anybody dismantled.

- If mr. Tyler thinks he's gonna get...
- Stop it!

This is exactly what I
didn't want to happen.

Jonathan, look, even if you negotiated
everything over to my side of the table,

I'm not going to
leave this room happy.

This is about losing.

Both of us losing.

Daryl, what if we let jonathan
get mr. Agnew a cup of coffee

And you and I went for a walk.

Let's see if we can get
together on some of these things.

Yeah. Ok.

This could be a mistake, diana.

Well, it'll be my
mistake, not yours.

Before we talk about salary,

I need your commitment
that I'll be up for

Partnership consideration
within four years.

- You've got it.
- I also want
to be trying cases.

Maybe not all the time,
but I don't want to be

Farmed out to corporate
second chairing michael and ann.

We have every intention of
utilizing your trial skills, abby.

- Ok. Numbers. I want 87.5.
- That's too high.

Douglas, my practice
stands to yield

Between 100,000 and
140,000 this fiscal year.

That's gross, but you're carrying
overhead, malpractice insurance,

Health and life insurance, plus
employee salaries and benefits.

Even so, I'll still be
netting more than 87.5.

- I run a small shop.
- Precisely my point.

A firm this size can't possibly
show your profit margin.

This firm has a high overhead
of 14,000 per lawyer per month.

Douglas, you bill me out at
160 an hour, 2,000 hours a year.

Only 80% of which we'll
actually be able to bill.

What, with
write-offs, bad debts...

Wrong, you don't
write down my time.

I don't do pro bono work,
and that overhead figure

Is padded because
it's completely unfair

To load the partners' perks...

Club memberships,
cars... Onto associates.

Yeah, abby's points
are well taken, douglas.

If you want more money,
raise my billing rate.

You could easily get
180 an hour for my time.

- Well, I think we can live
with 87.5.
- Good.

Then I accept.


I trust we'll see you monday.

A week from monday.
I need some time

To close down my practice
and inform my clients.

Of course, take all
the time you need.

Thank you, leland.

Thanks douglas.

Bennie. Hi. How are you?

Hi, abby. How are you?

I'm fine, guess what? I'm gonna come
back to work at mckenzie brackman.

You are?

We'll see each other every
day, just like we used to.

That's great.

Abby... I have a new friend.

She's a girl.


Her name's alice.

She has a chauffeur,

And last week she let me drive.

You drove a car?


In a big parking lot.

Don't tell anybody.

Here. Here's a picture of her.

- She seems very pretty.
- She is.

I like her.

- Sheldon.
- Arnie.

- Hi, dave.
- Arnie.

If you're ready, we can begin.

Raise your right hand, please.

Do you swear the testimony
you're about to give,

Is the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?

- I do.
- Could you please state
your name and address.

You know my name, arnie.
You know where I live.

State your name and
address for the records, sir.

You've been a guest
at my house for dinner.


My name is david meyer.

I live at 1426 brookside drive

In encino, california.

Do you own the
property or do you rent?

I own it.

I bought it with my own money,

Which, as I understand, the law doesn't
necessarily entitle me to enjoy use of it.

If you could just answer
the questions, dave,

And leave out your
interpretations of the law.

Makes perfect sense, given the fact
that my interpretations in general

Are so out of the mainstream,

- David. Evidenced by my
obvious misinterpretation

Of the word "commitment"

And how it should
accurately apply to marriage.

Further evidenced by my
skewed notion of friendship,

Which would have
precluded the possibility

Of you sitting across from
me in an adversary proceeding.

- Lying in wait to betray me.
- Off the record. Just for a second.

I'm sitting across from you at
this table because you chose

To make this
adversarial proposition.

You're the one that hired this
bloodhound to tear apart roxanne...

Pardon me, sheldon, that
was a professional compliment.

At your instruction, he's
trying to annul the marriage.

At your instruction, he's
trying to squash her like a roach.

Roxanne is a very important
person to me, david.

And if she needs my help,
make no mistake, she gets it.

If that means jeopardizing
my relationship with you,

I'll do it. If it
means getting ugly,

And dredging you through
the polluted sludge, I'll do it.

You and I may be friends, but compared
to my relationship with roxanne,

That friendship
means almost nothing.

That said, if you would
just answer the questions

So we can carry on
with the deposition.

Ok. Fine, arnie.

Ask your damn questions.

The thing is, judge,

The sensations have
always stood for smooth.

You hear us sing,
and you see us dance,

And you're going
to say "smooth."

These guys, they take our songs

And put in this
ka-thunk, ka-thunk,

Hop around all herky-jerky...

Herky-jerky? It's called rhythm.

When I step on bugs,
I got more rhythm.

All right, gentlemen. Mr. Wiltern,
I take it you bought the rights

To the sensations because
you wanted to do their act.

We do, judge, but that's not
enough for today's audience.

You have to give your audience
visual, something to look at.

This is the age of
mtv and high tech.

And a couple of shooby do-wops
just ain't gonna fill the halls.

They've abandoned the very style
they agreed to perpetuate, your honor.

- What do you know?
- Mr. Wiltern.

Look at this guy, judge.
He's white bread and no crust.

What do you listen to, anyway?


What, the osmonds?
The lettermen?

Quiet, mr. Wiltern.

What is wrong with the osmonds?

I bet wayne newton
rings a bell for you.

Mr. Wiltern, I said
that's enough!

Your honor, this is the
same lack of respect

His group has showed
my client's music.

If anything, we
give them respect.

It just so happens people
like our versions better.

You little punk!

Mr. Redding!

You think people want to hear
that drively wahoo all day long?

- It's sugary puke!
- You're dead!

Melvin, sit down.

Both of you be quiet, or
I'll hold you in contempt.

Now, I don't know
which version is what

Or who's compromising who.

But, there's one
way I can find out.

Tomorrow afternoon, I want both
groups ready to sing in my courtroom.

- What?
- Excuse me?

You heard me.

You want them to sing in court?

That's exactly what I want.

You can do walking in
the rain with my baby.

That was always
one of my favorites.

But, that's crazy. We need our band
and we have to bring electricians.

We got a light
show, we use dry ice...

Forget it.

Bring your band. That's it.

No dry ice, no pyrotechnics.

The sensations don't
sing in the daytime.

Mr. Redding, if you ever
want to be a sensation again,

You will sing in my courtroom

At 3:00 tomorrow.

That's all.

How many stores do
you own, mr. Perez?

I have eight in l.a. And
three in san francisco.

And do you carry quintana beer?

Yes, I do.

How's it doing these days?

Ever since the rumor,
I can't give it away.

Why do you think it was
the rumor that did it?

I asked the customers
pointblank, that's how.

The same fraternity boys that were buying
10 cases at a time wouldn't touch it.

They told me they liked their
beer without the mexican mixer.

Now did you ever hear an
employee of gatling breweries

Say that quintana
beer had urine in it?

Yes, I did. The
regional sales rep

Asked me why I was giving it any
shelf space at all to quintana.

He said that brewery
workers hated americans,

That they didn't urinate in the
beer that got sold in mexico,

- Only what was shipped up here.
- Thank you, mr. Perez.

Nothing further.

Mr. Perez,

You've called for a
boycott by hispanics

Of all gatling products.

The gatlings have aligned themselves
against every one of us, mr. Rivera.

They need to know
that has its cost.

Gatling has sponsored a
series of hispanic music festivals

And street fairs that you
yourself helped to organize,

Is that not correct?

Hispanics constitute
a big market for them.

- It was good business.
- Then tell me, sir,

Why would they, go out of
their way to, in your own words,

Align themselves against us?

They counted on
us being complacent.

They counted on each of us
looking out only for ourselves.

That doesn't answer
my question, sir.

But, tell me, other
than free publicity

For your convenience
stores, what do you want for?

Assuming facts not
in evidence, mr. Rivera.

Talk to me, mr. Sifuentes.
I'm the judge.

The objection is overruled.

Mr. Perez?

My friend, whatever
it is I'm out for,

Unlike you,

I'd never sell my
people out to get it.

I just thought before this
thing gets any more exacerbated,

We should just sit down
and see if we're at all close.

I said we'd listen to your
proposal and we will.

Ok, first up, automobiles.

The mercedes goes to roxanne.

All the remaining cars
will stay with david.

In lieu of any and
all spousal support,

She'll receive 50%
of all revenues

Why don't you give her
50% of your take, arnie?

She has no entitlement to my
earnings, david. She's not my wife.

Well, that's an easy fix.

- Just ask her. You'd be glad
to marry him, right, hon?
- David...

Is this not the man that you
would like to be wedded to?

I would appreciate an instruction to
your client to behave constructively

As well as a reminder to him
that my relationship with his wife

Has nothing to do with the
relevance of this proceeding.

- The hell it doesn't.
- All right, david.

You represent the image that
I cannot live up to, my friend.

You are the yardstick by which
we all measure my failures.

Don't tell me you are not
relevant to this proceeding!

You're hurt, dave.
It's understandable.

But let's keep in mind this
is a settlement conference.

Emotion has no place
here. This is about money.

What a coincidence.
So was our marriage.

That's not fair.

- David.
- Fair? Fairness is supposed to
factor into this someplace?

No, dave. If it did, she would
be taking a lot more than she is.

Legally she's entitled to
half of everything you made

During the marriage which
would include over $1 million

Derived from your
direct mail business,

Money which she's
voluntarily foregoing

In the interest of an
amicable settlement.

What a wonderfully
charitable person you are.

Dave, what is going on?

Are you trying to drag this thing out?
Perpetuate whatever you got left here?

Why don't you just
shut your mouth, arnie?

- David...
- You shut up, too!

This is my marriage is
being ripped apart here.


If I want to be difficult,

If I want to fight,

If I want to make some trouble,

Then that is something
I'm entitled to.

I sign these papers,
and it is over.

Maybe I don't want
it to be over so fast.

It is over, david. I'm sorry.

If I could talk myself
into this marriage

Or talk myself into loving
you, I would, believe me.

But I can't do that,

No matter how painful this is,

No matter how much hurt there is

For both of us.

Nothing can change the fact

That this marriage is finished.

When this settlement
conference is over,

I walk out that door

And out of your life forever.

If you never believed
anything I ever told you,

Believe that.

Draw up the papers, and...

I'll sign anything you want.

I owe you an apology for going
after your husband the way that I did.

- No apology necessary.
- No, but there is

I don't usually stink like that.

You didn't stink, jonathan.

And we settled everything,
so a good result came out of it.

Look, here's what's
going on. I just...

I feel very protective of you.

You got this... You affect me.

You affect me, too.

It's too soon.

Too soon?

I've been fighting that
impulse for eight weeks.

It's not that I'm
not interested.

Ok, listen, you set the pace.

I am the original slow dancer.



♪ Walking in the
rain with my baby ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Holding her
soft hand in mine ♪

♪ She's mine ♪

- ♪ The raindrops are
falling for my baby ♪
- ♪ drip, drip ♪

♪ I never knew
love was so fine ♪

♪ So fine ♪

- ♪ Walking in the rain
with my baby ♪
- ♪ baby ♪

♪ I take her in my sweet embrace

♪ Embrace ♪

♪ I look in her
eyes, she's my baby ♪

♪ Peekaboo ♪

♪ I kiss the side
of her face... ♪

I noticed the soothing nature
of the performance, your honor.

The harmony blending
in with the movements.

Objection to that


♪ She's the love of my life ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ She's my whole wide world ♪

♪ Walkin' for
life with my baby ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Never will we be apart... ♪

We've got trilogy here,
your honor. This is important.

Objection. It's redundant.

Exactly the cause of
disinterest in today's audiences.

- Move to strike.
- All right. That's enough.

Stop the music.

Ok, I've seen them.

Very nice.

Mr. Rice, where
are your clients?

Right outside, your honor.
They like to make an entrance.

Never mind. Get them in here.

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Let's dance ♪

♪ Walkin' in the
nude with my lady ♪

♪ With my lady ♪

♪ Her steamy wet
skin next to mine ♪

♪ She's all mine ♪

♪ Lyin' in the rain
makin' babies ♪

♪ Stick stick ♪

♪ Ooh, makin' love's so fine ♪

♪ Let's do it ♪

♪ Ugh, ugh, ugh ♪

♪ See the lady ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ugh, ugh, ugh ♪

♪ She's my girl ♪

♪ Ugh, ugh, ugh ♪

♪ She's so sexy ♪

♪ Yeah, ugh, ugh, ugh ♪

♪ You know she rocks my world ♪

♪ Walkin' in the
nude with my lady... ♪

That's smut! They're doing smut!


Mr. Redding, sit down.

Cheap, smutty trash!

Trash? That's art,
you senile goat.

Objection, your honor.

Everybody, quiet.

We want to start again,
judge. He interrupted us.

I said everybody keep quiet!

Ok. Now I've heard both sides...

We didn't even
get to the bridge!

Enough, mr. Wilturn. I got
the thrust of your version.

I'll take this matter
under advisement

And give you my ruling tomorrow.

We didn't even
get to the bridge.

That ain't cool.

Mr. Gatling, was
this rumor originated

By anyone working for or on
behalf of your organization?

Not to my knowledge it wasn't.

If I found out it was
someone worked for me,

I'd fire them so fast
their head would spin.

Did your company ever deliberately
seek to spread the rumor?

Absolutely not.

Everyone knows me
knows I don't play that way.

This is a memorandum
you circulated?


Will you read it for us, please?

"Some of yo may be aware of
the rumors currently circulating

"That quintana beer contains
significant quantities of urine.

"Please be advised
that at present

This appears wholly

Thank you, sir.

I have no further questions.

What made you circulate
that memo, mr. Gatling?

I think it's pretty

We didn't want our people
spreading false rumors.

Last year, sales
for quintana beer

Increased nearly 230% while
gatling sales dropped 10%.

I'm well aware of that.

At the annual sales
meeting, you said, and I quote,

"We are going to
swarm on quintana.

"We're going to send
them back to old mehico...

With their tails
between their legs."

Just a little inspirational
rhetoric, mr. Sifuentes.

That's what sales
meetings are for.

After that kind of inspiration,

How were your employees
to interpret that memo?

Didn't need interpreting.
It meant just what it said.

Oh, come on, mr. Gatling. You knew your
people would do exactly what they did.

Go after quintana by maligning
the dirty mexicans who make it.

Mr. Sifuentes doesn't like

The witness' answer, so
he makes up one of his own.


You're not gonna hang
that on me, counselor.

We employ thousands
of hispanics.

- All over the country.
- I'm sure you do, sir.

You even got yourself
one for a lawyer.

Tell us, though... Who's this
gentleman sitting on his left?

- Objection.
- Actually, rob,
I'd like to answer that.

His name is geoffrey norman,

And he's assisting mr. Rivera.

Only he's not with
mr. Rivera's firm, is he?

He's with hardwick and
spencer in new york.

And he's not exactly assisting him,
he's actually out here to supervise him.

That's irrelevant to this trial.

Yes, it is irrelevant.

Mr. Sifuentes, get off it.

I just want to say...

We engaged robby rivera

Because he's a hell of
a good lawyer. Period.

- Did you ever engage
robby before now?
- No.

And the fact that he is
representing you in this case

Has nothing at all to
do with his being hispanic?

- That's right.
- Uh-huh.

Thank you, mr. Gatling.

Nothing further.

What's the matter, victor? You
decide that you can't win on the facts?

I think I can win on the facts.

Then why the attitude,
the insults, the disrespect?

Is that trial strategy
or something?

No, man. I wish it was.

You're wearing $800 suits.

You're wearing $300 shoes.

Who's your patron? What
do you do for a living?

When someone sticks a
knife into chicano ribs,

I don't sign on to be
the one who twists it.

Forget that chicano
stuff, man, would you?

This is personal,
between you and me.

Who you are is personal.

The chicano stuff,
that's personal!

Victor, back at
the p.d.'S office,

We used to get
each other through.

You left, I left.

You moved out of east
l.a., I moved out of east l.a.

With the stuff
that happened to me,

You were right there.

How can you turn
on me like this?

You want me to say, roberto?
You want me to say it's all right?

- It's not all right!
- I say it's all right.

I say that I can do what any white,
anglo, wall street lawyer can do.

You gonna tell me I can't?

Yes. In this instance, I'm
gonna tell you you can't.

We're not cholos
anymore, victor.

You get it? Cut that loose!

You're the one who seems
to be ashamed of it, roberto.

You cut it loose.

You cut it loose.

I'm sorry.

I didn't get your
message until just now.

A matter of unprofessional behavior
has caused us some concern, jonathan.

- Whose behavior?
- Yours.

- What?
- As you know,

This firm has a longstanding
policy against fraternization

Between clients and coworkers.


We have reason to believe

Your relationship with ms. Moses

- Has taken an amorous turn.
- And you object to that?

There's good reason
for objection, jonathan.

Yes. Ms. Moses is an
entry-level employee.

You are an associate.

The potential for exploitation

Should be apparent.

Do you think I'm
exploiting diana moses?

Well, I'm sure it's
not your intention,

But any subordinate
is vulnerable.

It's for your own good as well.

Sometimes the underling
takes advantage.

No, no, I understand.

And in terms of the big picture,
you need a policy like this.

Somebody looking at
this firm from the outside,

Not knowing
personalities involved,

Might not understand,
say, a stuart and ann.

As a matter of fact,

We had just such
a cautionary chat

With the two of them
when they got together.

Sure, and there are people
who are always going to object

To arnold becker's
fraternizing with clients

Or, maybe, another partner's liaison
with the granddaughter of a client.

But when I look at the
individuals who make up this firm,

I'm proud to say I see people
whose judgment I trust.

I'd like to think they
trust my judgment.

Look, it's obvious you take your
relationship with miss moses seriously.

I wouldn't assume that. Right now, all
you can assume about my relationship

With ms. Moses is that it will
never be any of your business.

If you'll excuse me.

Mr. Redding and fellow
members of the original group,

As I see it, you sold your
trade name to the plaintiffs

So the sensations could
live on through time.

- That's right.
- But times change, gentlemen.

People, as well
as singing groups,

Who want to keep
up with the times,

Have to be willing
to change, too.

Yet, while you want the
act to go on in perpetuity,

You forbid the plaintiff's
from making changes

To accommodate
contemporary audiences.

That's totally unreasonable.

They have to be able
to make adjustments

To keep the act
fresh and viable.

But, gentlemen, the
adjustments you made...

You may be good, but
you're not the sensations.

That's right.

If your version of walkin'
in the rain with my baby

Is any indication, I can
only shudder to think

Of what you've done to
bopping all night with betty.

Now you have a huge
following, I know.

And I don't want
to k*ll your show,

But I also know that the defendants
had something different in mind

- When they sold you their name.
- That's right.

And since I find
the acts so distinct,

I don't see that
their performing

Would cause you
irreparable harm.

Therefore, I am going to deny

The plaintiffs' motion
for injunctive relief.

Congratulations. That's great.

Your honor, with two
groups using the same name,

People are going
to get confused.

Believe me, mr. Rice, nobody is
going to confuse these two acts.

You can argue your claim
for money damages at trial,

But the injunction is denied,

And this matter is adjourned.

I look forward to
seeing you fellows

In a lounge near me.

And I'll send my
kids to see you.

My client believed in
the american dream.

Until a year ago, he actually
thought he was living it.

He risked everything.

He worked hard.

He made an unknown
beer named quintana

The fastest growing
beer on the market.

Now, a huge
corporation like gatling

Wasn't about to make way
for an oscar montoya, though.

When they couldn't buy
him, they decided to break him.

All they would have
to do is tell a lie.

You see, sometimes if you
tell a lie often enough,

It really doesn't matter
whether or not it's not true.

And gatling went about it

With all the mass-marketing
skill they use to sell their beer.

They knew that
people in this country

Always suspected
mexicans were different.

That we are capable
of all kinds of things.

I mean, what kind of people

Can squat down in a field
all day and pick lettuce?

What kind of people

Would stuff themselves
into the back of a truck

Just to cross a border?

That's got nothing
to do with this case.

Sit down, mr. Rivera.

17 Mexicans dead from the heat

Just so they could
be busboys in america.

What kind of people
would do that?

Now you may ask yourselves,

Why would a giant
corporation like gatling

Deliberately pander to
prejudice and bigotry?

There is one simple answer
for that, ladies and gentlemen,

To sell more beer.

You see, that is all the
reason they ever need.

Mr. Rivera?

You ever show anybody
your tattoo, victor?

I never show anybody mine.

I moved into a nice
neighborhood, man.

Really. It's hard to
believe sometimes.

Everybody always
figured guys like us

Would either wind up in prison
or dead by the time we hit 30.

And look at us
now. What a country.

I have a guy who cuts my grass.

He's the same age as my father.

I call him jose.

He calls me señor rivera.

What a country this is.

One thing you've got to know about
hispanic people, who live here, though

We rip each other up.

Your honor, may I
confer with counsel?

Why don't you just take over?

I was never supposed to
be the lawyer anyway, right?

Right... Amigos?

Mi compadres?

I was supposed to be a busboy.

Those w*tbacks who
died in that truck...

One of them was
my cousin... Jesus.

I went to calexico
to identify the body.

Remember, victor?

When I got back, I
cried in your arms.

Your honor, may I
approach the bench?

Yes, mr. Norman.

He's you lawyer, mr. Gatling.

Like the man said,

I'm just a spic
with a law degree.

Mr. Rivera.

Gentlemen, clearly I can't
now send this case to jury.

If you're unable to settle it,

I will declare a mistrial.

That's fine, your honor.

A second trial will generate
more publicity than the first.

What are you looking
for, mr. Mentoya?

I need two million just
to hold off my creditors.

What else?

An apology and a public
statement from you, sir.

You got it.

Plus, whatever it costs to
stay in business for one year.

- That's a blank check.
- No, it's not.

They're all fixed costs.

Until quintana's
back in the black,

Gatling covers all
operating expenses.

That way, oscar at least has
a chance to turn it around.

With all due respect,
that sounds like welfare.

Really? Is that what it
sounds like to you, mr. Norman?

You're damn right.

No offense, but
under those terms,

Oscar could stay in bed all day,

He could send his company
to hell in a hand cart

Plunder it for
any liquid assets,

And gatling would
have to pick up the tab.

Have I done anything to indicate

This is something I would do?

It's something you could do.

Mr. Gatling, you've
heard the terms

On which I will settle.

There will be no negotiation.

No negotiation's
necessary, mr. Montoya.

Have your attorney
draw up the papers.

We'll hold a formal press
conference tomorrow.

But, right now, I
just want to say

That my friend
mr. Montoya here sells beer.

100% Unadulterated beer
from our neighbor to the south.

And if somebody tells you
any differently, they're a liar.

My company has always
viewed the hispanic community

As a tremendous asset
to our great nation.

We've enjoyed a fruitful
partnership with them in the past.

And I want to see it
continue into the future.

The gatling brewery
stands committed

To all minorities
in this country.

We view this settlement

As a means of reaffirming
that commitment,

As well as our
proud tradition...

David, what are you doing here?

I just wanted to talk
to you for a minute.

I think we covered
everything yesterday, david.

I know. I just wanted
to say I'm sorry.

About yesterday...
About everything.

You don't have to apologize.

Things just didn't work out.

I'll be out of the house
by the end of the week.

Oh, that's ok.

Take as much time as you need.

We're both better off this way.

Oh, you're probably right.

We'll enjoy being
single for a while.


We'll meet people.

Maybe we'll even fall in love.

It's all true, what
you're saying.

In the long run, splitting up

Is probably the healthiest
thing we could do.

It's still sad.

Well, it's just that...

I have all these
snapshots in my head.

And there's one of you

Standing by a window
in the hotel room.

There's one of you...

Laughing at a comedian on tv.

There's one of you
opening a letter

The first time it hit me

That both our mail came
to the same address.

I just have this feeling

I'm stuck with these
snapshots the rest of my life.

I have snapshots, too, david.


Look, chances are that, uh...

We're never going to
be friends, you and me.

Years from now, you might barely
remember being married at all.

Every once in a while, though,

You will remember something

About whatever it is we had.

I would just like
to think it's possible

That you might
remember something good.

I would like the same for you.

Goodbye, roxanne.

Goodbye, david.
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