03x14 - Leave It to Geezer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x14 - Leave It to Geezer

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Say, arn, this
might be a good time

To clear the air, so to speak.

What about?

About this whole kind
of tripartite substratum

That exists among
the three of us.

Roxanne's attraction to you,

Me and rox, you and me.

Maybe another time, dave.

I've got to get to a meeting.

Let the record
show that miss kelsey

Has brought a newborn
infant into this room

To willfully and purposely
disrupt this proceeding.

This is the dumbest
thing I've ever heard.

This probably isn't
even your baby.

You probably
rented it for the day

Just so you could
screw up this deposition.

This is my baby, mister, and
she is not screwing up anything.

Fine, if that's what
you want to do.

I'll subpoena the little bastard
and I'll drag it into court.

You woke her up. I
hope you're happy.

I want the baby's intrusive
crying on the record.

And I also want the
record to reflect

A piercing, shrill-like shriek
emanating from said infant.

All right, will you shut up?!

Bad day, huh?

Bad year.

I feel like the
only reprieve I had

Was when I was suspended
from practicing altogether.

And that was for
going up against a guy

Who had never
been to law school,

Who also ended up beating me.

Well, it would appear as
though you had a gas attack.

What about the cold
sweats and the pacing heart?

Anxiety symptoms.

You thought you were
having a heart attack.


I don't know whether to
be embarrassed or relieved.

My vote is for relieved.

Look, go home, get
a good night's rest,

And have your internist
call me in the morning.

All right. Thank you, doctor.

Thank you.

Mr. Mckenzie,
miss kepler's here.


Come in. Come in.

Have a seat.


You're always so awkward
with me in your office,

Like you think I'm going to take
off all my clothes or something.


Well, there's no
easy way to say this

Except to just say it.

We have to stop
seeing each other.


Because, simply, I'm not happy.

This is all about the anxiety
attack the other night, isn't it?

That triggered it, yes.

I had a frighteningly clear vision
of myself 10, 15 years from now

When my ailments might not
be quite so psychosomatic.

And if the 35 years between
us seems troublesome now,

Believe me, 10 years from
now, you'll hate me for it.

- Leland...
- From the very beginning,

I told you how awkward
this relationship was for me.

You didn't warn
me about anything.

All you did was hide
behind our age difference.

You never really
gave us a chance.

I'm sorry I can't give you the
commitment you want, jennifer.

At my age...

At my age, I've earned
the right to be who I am.

Anything else
would be dishonest.

You are old, leland.

I thought I could prove
to you you weren't.

Instead, you've proven
to me that you are.

Moving on.

Hayes vs. Skylight
entertainment, inc. Arnold?

Yes, melanie hayes...
Be still my heart...

Has retained us to pry
her out of her tv series.

- Why? It made her a star.
- For the last two years
she's asked them

To write her out so she
could pursue a film career.

Her producers promised
they would. They never did.

Now she's up for a costarring
role opposite gene hackman

And they won't
let her out to do it.

- Is she single?
- To my knowledge, yes.

- Can you fix me up?
- Take a number.

All right.

Dolgen vs. The sports
fitness clinic. Leland?

John dolgen was a somewhat
overweight corporate attorney

Who wanted to get in shape.

He went to the
sports fitness clinic

Because they advertised
individually designed programs

By trained fitness experts.

Midway through
his first workout,

He suffered a
cerebral hemorrhage.

And, for all intents
and purposes,

He was vegetablized.

This is potentially a
multimillion dollar case.

That'll buy a lot
of bearnaise sauce.

Indeed. Victor,
you'll be handling it.

- I'll get you the file.
- Excuse me?

Why is victor being
given this case?

It simply makes sense,
given victor's experience

With personal injury cases.

What are you talking about?

I've done twice
as many as he has.

Yes, but he's been winning them.

It was felt that
the firm's interest

Will be better
served at this time

If you backstopped
arnold's case.

That's a settlement negotiation.

It's not even a court
case and you know it.

We'll discuss
this later, michael.

- No, we'll discuss it now!
- I said later!

Move along, douglas.

Jonathan, people
vs. Wanda havens.

Trial starts tomorrow.

Excuse me.

I am this firm's
chief litigator.

Not only am I owed the
decency of being informed,

But it is my function
to make this decision.

I'm sorry, but I had to act in
the best interest of this firm.

This is not a
dictatorship, leland!

You want to act in the
best interest of the firm,

You call a partner's meeting and
you put the damn thing to a vote.

A vote would
embarrass you, michael,

Because everybody
would vote victor.

You're a fine attorney.
We all know that.

But you've hit a bad patch

And I will not have
this firm victimized by it.

Your honor, this time I'd
like to show the tape, if I may.

Very good.

Members of the jury, you're
about to see a videotape

That was recorded by the bank's
security cameras the day of the robbery.

- What? Television?
- Shh!

We're going to watch tv?

- Objection.
- Quiet.

- What did he say? Why are you shushing me?
- Shh!


Motion to strike.

Mr. Henderson, what
are you moving to strike?

That would be
correct, your honor.

Run the tape.

Okay, this is me to
the left of the screen.

The guy harold is holding
his g*n in my stomach.

The other guy
with a g*n... Sam...

Is terrorizing the
rest of the room.

He's got everybody lying
face-down, spread-eagled.

This is walter on the right

With the other guy
pike up at the teller.

They've just got the money.

- It's on.
- And they're about
to make their getaway.

It's a very clear picture.

I think it's a sony.


Run the tape.

I'll sh**t.

I'll sh**t to k*ll!

Come on, let's go!
I've got the money.

- Come on, frank, let's go!
- The g*n is completely loaded.

Oh, for god's sakes! Let's move!

Oh, no. Pike fell down.

- Pike fell down.
- You idiot!

Come on. Just get him up!

- We have to leave him!
- I'm gonna sh**t!

- I'm sh**ting.
- We can't leave him.

He's the driver.

Get him up!

Oh, god! Come on.

You could help us out a little.

He weighs a ton.

His colostomy bag must be full.

Drop it! Drop your weapons!

That's it.

I have nothing
further, your honor.

Move to run the
tape again, judge.

- Oh, yes.
- Yes.



- Got a couple of minutes?
- What for?

I could use some help
with my opening argument.

What's the matter?
Isn't victor available?

I was hoping you could help me.

Look, jonathan, don't
get into the middle of this.

In the middle of what?

I'm in the doghouse around here,

And they're sending
you in to throw me a bone.

- I don't like it.
- Everyone tells me

I should accept a
little more supervision.

And when I finally
come in looking for it,

You bounce me out on my ass.

I'm going into a
courtroom tomorrow

To defend my first m*rder case,

A m*rder, I might add, to
which the client has confessed.

I'm fighting for
this woman's life

And you're pouting
over a bruised ego?

- Jonathan.
- What?

I'm sorry.

Let's see what you got.

I said I'm sorry.

She had been repeatedly
beaten and r*ped

By her husband,
ladies and gentlemen.

He terrorized her children.

This woman could not
even go to sleep at night

Because she was too afraid
he would come charging

Through her front
door with an ax.

Okay, okay, hold it.

Don't go into details about
how she was terrorized by him.

Don't go into it? It's
my whole defense.

Your defense is to get the jury

To feel shocked and
horrified by her story.

If you stand out
there and tell it first,

You're just gonna soften
the impact of her testimony.

I have to set up
my case, don't i?

All you have to
do in your opening

Is to establish your own
credibility with the jury.

Act fair. Sound reasonable.

Also, concede parts of
the prosecution's case,

The parts that don't
really hurt you.

You come off believable,

The jury's gonna be more
inclined to believe your witness.

They see you accepting
wanda's story,

They might be more
apt to accept it, too,

Because they trust
your judgment.

- Ok.
- One other thing.

You have a tendency to
walk around and pace a lot

While you're
questioning witnesses.

- Yeah?
- When she's up there

Stand still.

You want the jury's focus
to be completely on her.

Don't distract them
by moving around a lot.

But to the extent that
you have to move at all,

Go to the witness,

Drawing their eyes
and attention to her.

If her testimony
goes the way it should,

Nobody should even be
aware that you're in the room.


I just keep thinking, here I am
in a first-degree m*rder case.

There's still so
much I don't know

And this woman's trusting
her entire life to me.

You can do this, jonathan.

You're a good lawyer.

You can do this.

Yeah, I can do it.


Skylight is taking a very
hard line with you, melanie,

Which, quite frankly,
is fine with me.

I love your show.

You think this will
end up in court?

Well, with your popularity

And both of our
connections with the press,

I would love to
have this go to trial.

Play it out in public.

What do you think, mike?

You know, there's a question
I am always dying to ask

When I hear about
situations like this.

Why is it that you don't
think contracts apply to you?


No, I mean, if your company
decided to dump you

Four weeks after
picking up your option,

You would be crying
breach, am I right?

Mike, maybe I didn't
properly characterize

Melanie's circumstance...

Maybe it's that you think of it

As a kind of artistic license?

No, mr. Kuzak, I've never
been mistaken for an artist.

But I have worked for
the masters of montecito

For the past six seasons
without missing a call.

I've never been stricken with a
convenient case of laryngitis,

Not even last year when a
different movie offer came up.

They agreed to let me
go, and then reneged.

I have repeatedly
demonstrated my good faith.

They have repeatedly
demonstrated bad faith.

For the record, I don't know why

You've hung in there
as long as you have.

I'm gonna fight
for this, mr. Kuzak.

If that means I
have to sit still

For some harsh opinions
from a good attorney

Who's got more
important things to do,

It's a small price to pay.

What happened then, sir?

I had just served
the guy another beer

When she came in.

It was around 11:30.

By "she," you mean
the defendant?

Yes. She walked up to the
bar right where he was sitting.

Then, all of a sudden,
she's got a g*n in her hand.

- Then what?
- She says, "you're not
gonna hurt my babies.

You're not gonna
hurt us anymore."

Then she raises the g*n.

And before he could
move or say anything,

Before any of us
could do anything,

She pulls the trigger.

His head just, uh...
He fell to the floor.

There was blood everywhere.

What did you do, sir?

I think I stood there
frozen for a minute or so,

Like I was in shock
or something.

The next thing I really
remember was her crying.

She just started to
cry real uncontrollable.

I felt sorry for her.

Then the cops showed
up and then took her away.

Thank you, mr. Gaston.

That's all.

Had you ever heard mr. Havens
make threats toward my client, sir?

Sometimes. After he'd had a few,

He'd make very
serious threats, yes.

Specifically, sir.

Sometimes he'd say he
was going to k*ll her.

In fact, on december 18, 1988,

You reported one of these
threats to the police, didn't you?

The way he stormed
out of the bar,

I thought he was gonna hurt her.

What did the police say
when you reported this?

They called it a
domestic situation.

Did they indicate as to
what they were going to do?

They indicated that they
were going to do nothing.

Thank you, sir.

And were you personally
in fear for your life

- That night in the bar?
- No.

This woman was holding a g*n

Less than 10 feet away from you.

She had just k*lled a man.
And yet you weren't afraid?

I knew the man.

I figured she was just doing

What she thought she had to do.

I didn't think she was any
dangerous criminal or anything.

Thank you for your honesty, sir.

Nothing further.

Mr. Henderson?

Mr. Henderson?

Oh, miss van olin.

- Van owen.
- Huh?

- Van owen!
- Oh.

Any relation to
ezekiel van owen?

No, sir, not to my knowledge.

That's just as well.

He was put to death
by lethal gas in 1937

For murdering his third wife.

I defended him.

Mr. Henderson, may I
speak with you in private?

Oh, absolutely.

I was hoping that
we might be able

To make this case
of ours go away.

Sure. Just withdraw all charges

Against my clients.

I can't do that, mr. Henderson,

But I am prepared to offer you

A very favorable deal.

Such as?

Probation, contingent
on community service,

And no jail time.

No, thank you.

But they're guilty,
mr. Henderson.

There is no question about it.

Nevertheless, my
clients intend to exercise

Their constitutional
rights to a fair trial

By a jury of their peers.

Well, then I'm afraid I'm
going to have to make a motion

To have you removed
as attorney of record

On the grounds of incompetence.

Miss van olin,

I have never been
incontinent in my life.

Incompetent, mr. Henderson.


You misstated the
facts in your opening.

You don't have the full command

Of the rules of evidence.

And on top of that,
you're hard of hearing.


Why don't we go
into court tomorrow

And get ourselves a continuance?

Then your clients can retain
the services of another attorney,

And you can still
stay on as cocounsel.

But then I wouldn't
get to give my closing.

I've already written it.

I think it's pretty good.

Would you like to
hear a little of it?

No, mr. Henderson.

I'm sorry.

This is not a nice thing to do

To a fellow member
of the legal fraternity.

I know.

I shall see you in
court, miss van olin.

About a month after the divorce,

He just started showing up.

He'd try to force
me to have sex.

And when I wouldn't,
he'd r*pe me.

Did you report this to
the police, mrs. Havens?

No, not at first.

He was the father
of my children.

I didn't want to see
him locked up in jail.

So you didn't do anything?

I told my lawyer, the
one that did the divorce,

And we went down
and got a court order

That said he had to stay away.

Only he didn't.

A week later, he was back.

And what happened this time?

He tried to drag me
out of the apartment.

He threw me down
a flight of stairs

And broke my arm.

My oldest, jimmy,

Yelled at his father to stop,

And billy knocked him down

And started to kick him.

He was kicking his own
5-year-old son in the head.

And was it after this you
decided to go to the police?

I had to.

I was afraid he was
gonna end up k*lling us.

And what did the police do?

They arrested him for as*ault.

I had to testify against him,

And they give
him 45 days in jail.

And in court, he told
me when he gets out,

He's coming to k*ll me.

Did you tell this to the police?

They said that there
was nothing they could do

Till he did.

They said, "if you
really want to be safe,

Buy a g*n."

The police told
you to buy a g*n?

And I did, too.

I bought a p*stol

And I kept it right
in my bedroom.

When did you next see
your husband, mrs. Havens?

Two days after
he got out of jail,

He showed up in the day.

And he had this...

Real crazy look.

And he told me that
this was the last day

Me and the kids was
going to be alive.

And he meant it.

What did you do?

I called the police.

And they said I could
swear out a complaint

Or they could bring
him in for questioning,

But they didn't think that
they could lock him up.

So what did you do?

I, um...

I put the kids in my
bedroom for the night

So they'd be safe.

And then about
11:00, the phone rang.

It was him.

He said he was coming to get me.

He was coming to k*ll me.

That's when I
knew I had to do it.

What did you have to do, ma'am?

I had to save myself
and my babies...

So I stopped him.

You shot your husband?

I had to.

The police couldn't do nothing

And the court order
couldn't do nothing.

I couldn't just sit and
wait for him to k*ll me.

I couldn't let him
k*ll my children.

Thank you, mrs. Havens.

Nothing further.

The reason that you claimed
you k*lled your husband

Was self-defense, right?


When you walked up to your
husband at that bar, mrs. Havens,

Did you think he was about to
k*ll you at that very moment?

No, not at the moment,
but... Thank you.

And was your husband
armed with any w*apon

At the time you shot him?

Not that I knew about.

Thank you, ma'am.

Nothing further.

Come in.

Miss van owen,
can we talk to you?

Actually, we shouldn't speak.

You are represented by counsel.

That's why we're here.

He tells us you want to have
him declared incompetent.

That's correct.

We don't want another lawyer.

Lorimar henderson's our man.

Did he tell you the
deal I offered him?

We don't want a deal.

We want a trial.

Look, miss van owen,
we're four old geezers

With nothing to do
and noplace to go.

This trial's the
most fun we've had

Since old pike here
stole a van last year

And drove a bunch of
us to du-par's in reverse.

The truth of it
is at least I did it.

Uh... Gentlemen,
holding up a bank

And using a criminal
trial as a playground

To fight boredom isn't fun.

Neither is walking into a bank

And being told you can't
withdraw any of your own money.

You made that deal
when you joined the home.

We signed over our
social security checks

And we signed over our pensions.

Then when the food
and the care stinks

And we want to supplement

The quality of our life with
a little of our own money,

We can't do it.

We never made that deal.

You broke the law.

And now we want our trial

With our own lawyer!


- What did she say?
- She said ok!

Well, let's get out of here
before she changes her mind.

- Miss van owen.
- Mr. Haber.

I couldn't help
noticing in court.

You have a cute
little tuchus there.

Thank you.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Jimmy, it's very important
that you tell the truth.

Do you understand that?

- Yes.
- Good.

Could you please tell
everybody your name?

Jimmy havens.

- How old are you, jimmy?
- 6.

Can you tell us who that
person is sitting right over there?

That's my mother.

Jimmy, do you know what
this trial is all about?

Ok... I know how
scary this seems,

But there's nothing
to be afraid of.

So I want you to be real brave

And speak up for us, ok?


Can you tell us why
we're in court today?

Because mommy k*lled daddy.

Jimmy, your mother claims
your father used to beat her up

And that sometimes he
used to beat you up, too.

- She also said...
- Objection to form, your honor.

He's 6 years old. I think
it's appropriate to lead.

The objection's overruled.

Did your father used to
hurt you and your mother?


Did he make you afraid?


Can you tell us some
of the things he did

To hurt you or make you afraid?

He told me not to tell.

When you're not
supposed to tell...

Please, jimmy, your mother
needs your help now.

He knocked us down
and he kicked us.

Sometimes he'd
come in with a knife.

One time, he poured hot
water from the stove on us.


It's going to be ok.

Are they going to
put my mother in jail?

Are they going
to put her in jail?

I hope not.

I hope not.

I have nothing further.

I have nothing, your honor.

When the bank told us we
couldn't withdraw our own money,

We resorted to self-help.

That's all we did.

So, mr. Graf, when
you discovered

That the senior citizen's home

Had frozen your accounts...

Well, answer the question, sir.

You didn't ask me the question!

My god, you're as bad as sam.

- Objection!
- Mr. Henderson.

Your honor, may I
approach the witness?


Where do you figure he's headed?

I think he's going
to see walter.

What's the big rush?

Gentlemen, shh!

Stop making wise.

Just tell me how
much money you took.

You didn't ask!

I'm going to ask you right now!

Mr. Graf...

Whose car did you
drive to the bank?

We took $16,000.

That was what our
four accounts totaled

All pooled together.

We only took what
was coming to us.

I have nothing further.

Your witness.

So you decided

That since you couldn't
take out your money

With a withdrawal slip,
you'd do it with g*ns?

That's right, and
I'm not ashamed of it.

Well, if you're
not ashamed of it,

Then why were you
wearing the masks?

Well, we knew it was
illegal, technically,

But we thought
we'd get away with it.

And we would have if
pike hadn't gone down.

I see.

Was the intent to rob the bank

Held mutually between
all four of you?

Objection, your honor.

It seems that one of
my clients has expired.

- What?
- Pike johnson's dead.

- My god, pike!
- Dead, you say?

- Bailiff.
- Pike's dead?

- No, wake up!
- Clerk, call an ambulance

And see if there's
a doctor around.

Move it!


Uh... I need some time, judge.

This affects my strategy.

It's a contract,
pure and simple.

We own her.

I'm not a thing
to be owned, sir.

Every contract has an
implied covenant of good faith.

The studio has not once shown...

The deal is, we
give her dialogue,

She reads it, we pay her.

The hell with good faith.

This is the very type
of blatant contempt

That caused this mess.

Melanie, hold it.

What caused this mess

Is the bloated ego of an actress

Who's suddenly too important

To service the very vehicle
which made her famous.

That's it.

Meeting is over.

- Suit yourself.
- See you in court, counselor.

Hold it. Hold it.

If this thing goes to
trial, you both lose.

The courts don't order
specific performance

On personal service contracts,

So you can never force
her to be in your show.

But they will enjoin you
from working for anyone else...

- Michael.
- Which means there goes
your movie deal

- And your income.
- Michael, please?

So, look, instead
of winding up here

With nothing but a stack
of bills from your lawyers,

Why not offer them
six or seven episodes

In exchange for time
off to do your movie?

It's not that simple.

It's exactly that simple,
only you can't see it

Because you're too intent
on teaching her a lesson

For the sake of some
studio precedent.

And you can't see it because
you're too blinded by anger

Over the way
they've treated you.


Could I speak with you
privately for a moment?

Excuse us.

Michael, will you
cool it, please?

And you can't see it
because you're too excited

About the publicity that this
kind of a trial might generate.

Publicity that is
gonna help her career.


If you could do
this movie, melanie,

Would you be willing to explore
the possibility of a settlement?


If you could have, say,
half a dozen or so episodes

So you could truly map out
the departure of her character,

Would you be willing to
consider a settlement?


So, I got one "possibly"
and one "maybe."

That's very nice.

Why don't you put together
a proposal? So will we.

And we'll see if we can
hammer something out here.

Ok. Good.



We'll hear first
from the defense.

Thank you, your honor.

They robbed that bank

Because they were not allowed

To withdraw their own money.

The senior citizens'
home had it all tied up.

When my clients joined that
home, ladies and gentlemen,

They probably did consent
to be treated like old men.

They did not consent to
be treated like children.

We're old, yes.

But dignity is not
something that atrophies

When our bones grow brittle.

We still have every
right to be proud

And to be independent.

And when walter graf,

Harold cooley, sam haber,

And dead pike johnson

Walked into the bank that day,

They went in as messengers.

This was not just another
stickup, ladies and gentlemen.

It was political activism.

It was freedom of speech.

These men are not criminals.

They are patriots,

Public servants of the
greatest nation on earth,

The united states of america.

Oh, my mistake, my mistake.

Not guilty.


Thank you.

You can do yours now.

Thank you.

They robbed a bank,
ladies and gentlemen.

They went in with
loaded g*ns, stole money,

And could have ended
up hurting people.

They are very sweet men,

But they committed
a very serious crime.

Thank you.

Is that it?

Mr. Henderson.

I didn't hear her closing.

Did you hear her closing?

- What closing?
- What did she say?

Something about a closing.

My client k*lled a man.

I certainly don't expect
you to ignore that.

Nor do I expect you
to ignore her agony

Or the terror which
caused her to act that night.

She was protecting her life

Against a man who had r*ped her,

Against a man who had
threatened to m*rder her.

Go to the police? She did that.

They told her to buy a g*n.

There's a scared little
boy sitting over there,

Praying to god you don't
take his mother away from him.

I know in the big picture, we don't
want people arming themselves

And having sh**t
in bars like the wild west,

But before you go back
into that jury room...

Take a look at
the little picture.

She's no m*rder*r,
ladies and gentlemen.

What happened
that night happened

Because, as the police put it,

The survival of her family
was in her own hands.

Now it's in yours.

What happened that night
was she walked into a bar

And shot an unarmed
man in the head,

A man who, by her own testimony,
was not about to harm her

At the moment she
pulled the trigger.

As a matter of law,
ladies and gentlemen,

That does not fall
within the definition

Of self-defense.

You want to feel
sorry for her, please do.

You want to hate the victim

And feel he's a
horrible human being,

Please do.

That does not change the fact

That she stalked
him and shot him

Without any legal justification.

However much you
empathize with her

Or agonize for her,

She committed
first-degree m*rder.

That's the only conclusion
you could possibly reach.

Thank you.

Will the defendants rise?

Members of the jury, have
you reached your verdict?

- We have, your honor.
- What say you?

In the matter of
people vs. Samuel haber,

Walter graf, harold
cooley, and pike johnson,

We find each and every
one of the defendants

Guilty as charged.

- What did she say?
- She said guilty.

I appeal, your honor.

- Go directly to jail.
- Jail?

I thought you said we
were gonna get sympathy.

- We have to go to jail?
- Gentlemen, please.

Your honor, I would
like to formally charge

The district attorney
with trickery.


Members of the jury, thank you.

Your service is completed.

Mr. Henderson, have your
clients back in this room

Next tuesday, 10:00,
for sentencing.

Mistrial! Appeal! Trickery!

We are adjourned.

- Mr. Henderson.
- Oh, hi.

Look, don't take
this personally.

I'm just saying this
stuff for the record.

Off the record, I like you.

I like you, too,

And I'm willing to recommend
suspended sentences

So your clients won't
have to go to prison.

- Prison?
- Oh, shut up, sam!

- You really would do that?
- I would.

And I'd... I'd also
like you to know

That I thought your closing
argument was brilliant.

- Honestly?
- Honestly.

Mr. Henderson, you
are a fine attorney,

And I wish you the
very best of luck.

Well, thank you very
much, miss van olin.


You did a good thing there.

What else could I do?

I want to be able
to sleep at night.

Speaking of which,

I'd like to join you
one of these nights.

I know. Me, too.

- It has just been so crazy.
- Well, how about this?

We've been invited out to dinner
tonight by this client of mine

Who I negotiated
out of a tv series...

- I can't.
- Grace.

Michael, heiser and monzio
are both out with the flu.

I've got to get continuances
on about a million cases.

Plus, I've got to be ready
early tomorrow morning

On people vs. Alvarez,
which I haven't even started.

Dinner is out. Sleep is out.

And as far as sex is concerned,

I vaguely recall it is
something very nice

That normal people indulge in.

- Which we're not?
- Michael, I'm sorry.

I miss you. I love you.

But I'm gonna have
to make it up to you.

- Uh, counselor.
- Hey.

That was a very nice
closing yesterday.

Thanks. You, too.

Look, I'm prepared
to offer a deal.


Manslaughter. Two years.

He stands there looking stunned.

I'm not stunned. I'm
just thinking about it.

Come on. What's to think about?

Your client walks in premeditated,
blasts an unarmed man.

I'm offering
manslaughter? It's a dream.

A dream served up maybe by
your nightmares of an acquittal?

Very true.

Look, I admit I didn't
give you a chance in hell

When this case began, but you've
even got me feeling sorry for her,

And lord knows
what the jury is doing.

But she did m*rder the guy,

And the best I can
offer is manslaughter.

Ok, I need a little
time to think about it.

Think away. The
clock is ticking.

The jury could be
out five more hours

Or five more minutes.

What am I supposed to do?

If we take the deal, it's
two years and you're out.

The other way
could be pretty fatal.

What about my kids?

Are they gonna
take my kids away?

Yes, but there's a chance we can
get them back after you're released.

A chance. That means there's a
chance I could lose them forever.

If they come back
with first-degree,

You'll definitely
lose them forever.

I can't lose my kids.

- I can't.
- Wanda.

- Jury's coming in,
- What?

I-is it too late?

Did we wait too long?

No, but we got to decide now.

I don't know.

All right, let's take the deal.

I can't let you
risk 30 years in jail.

And I promise I'll be
all over social services

To help you get your kids back.

Wanda, we got to decide.



Malcolm, is the
offer still good?

- Yeah. You want it?
- We want it.

Come on.

Nothing like waiting
till the last minute.

Judge, believe it or not,
we have a plea bargain.

Now? Right before the verdict?

Sorry about the timing, judge,

But we've reached an
agreement which we both believe

Serves the interest of justice.

The defendant will plead guilty

To the lesser charge
of manslaughter

With a recommended
sentence of two years.

Is that acceptable
to you, counselor?

Mr. Rollins?

Excuse me?

Mr. Rollins.

- No, your honor,
it's not acceptable.
- What?

- I'd like a minute
to confer with my client.
- Go ahead.

What the hell are...

- I want to call off
the deal.
- Why?

They were looking at you.

The jury members were
looking right at you.

- What does that mean?
- Maybe nothing.

But if they're about to hammer
you with a guilty verdict,

I don't think that they'd be
still willing to make eye contact.

- Are you sure?
- No. It's just a feeling.

You can still take
the deal if you want,

But my gut says
let's take the chance.

O... Ok, if... If that's
what you think.

No plea bargain, your honor.

- Now, we had a deal.
- Malcolm, I'm sorry.

I can't force the defendant

To accept a plea
bargain, mr. Gold.

Mr. Foreman, has the
jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

The defendant will rise.

In the matter of
people vs. Wanda havens,

Criminal complaint number 89243,

We the jury find the
defendant not guilty.

Nice work, counselor.

Thanks, mike. Thanks
for everything.

This mean you're
coming home, mom?

Yes, baby. I'm coming home.

I hope you won't
mind if I say that, um...

I'm glad your significant other

Couldn't make it tonight.

Well, not if you don't mind the
fact that I've bored you to death

With an endless recitation of all
the cases I've lost the last six months.

On the contrary.
It's been fascinating.

Well, you're very
kind to say so.

No, really. I mean...
What you do...

The stakes are so high.

I know my case was
just over a contract,

But the settlement
you hammered out

Is going to make a
profound difference

In the quality of my life.

Well, I hope so.

You may be on a losing streak as
far as mckenzie brackman is concerned,

But as far as melanie
hayes is concerned,

You're a winner.

This was no big deal.

Just take the compliment, ok?



Would you, um,
like to come inside?

I, um...

I'd better not.


Well, uh... It's... It's
been wonderful.


Thank you for a
lovely, lovely evening.

Thank you.
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